Course changes approved By Tom Russell year. With the computer information system will have a diploma from business As a result of Ralph Chrisfensen's, program being one year, studenU will adminislration with a focus on Lcc academic council approved director of technology, proposd, have to uke a > one-year business computers, said Stetson. proposak on March 26 to incorporau drafdng studenu will be required to take administration course before going into In other business, the LCC suppon the dvil engineering technology the one-year civil engineering program the computer program as Darrel Maisey's, staff asked for represnUtion on the program into the drafting program, and before taking the drafting program, sdd director of business administration academic council but the matter was to reduce the two-year computer Dean Stetson, director of student proposd stated. referred to a latter date. information systems program to one Studenu graduating from this program The LLmBKIIX,! COMMUNlf\(()lll(,l Vol. XXII-No. 22 Thursday, April 2,1987 LCC presents 2nd honorary diploma. By Carole Woolfrey LCC will be presenting iu second honorary diploma at the May 1 convocation exercises. E.J. "Ernie" Psikla of Edmonton wall receive an honorary environmentd sdence diploma for his voluntary service to the development of the conservation option of the LCC environmentd science program. Psikla, the executive director of operations for the Fish and Wildlife division of the Depanment of Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, was nominated for the honorary diploma by Buck Libraiy overload Cunningham, chairman of LCC's With the end of the year fast approaching, upgrading students library to cram for upcoming flnal examinations. Studenls are environinentd science program. Dean Poetz, Peggy Eggebitchi aind Leonard Stahl use the expecting to be busy with studies until the end of April. "Psikla has been involved in the program for 15 years serving on the advisory committee for AlberU and Manitoba for most of that time," says Tollestrup returns to coaching Cunningham. traMiikm," uys Tollestrup. guys. Limber uys that because Psikla played a great role in the By Vema Lee Hoff When Tollestrup retired, he had Tollestrup wu on a nationd team for a devekipmem of the "Manitoba planned to go back to coaching in the few years and played the position of The position of coach for the Connectwn". Shidents from Manitoba future but didn't think it would be so forward, the 6-fooi-8 coach will know Lethbridge Community College Kodiaks who enrol in LCC are then hired by the soon. how the "big guys" like to play u far u men's buketball leam will be Tilled by Manitoba Renewable Resource With about seven Kodiak players post moves go. LCC athletic oo-ordinator, Tim Management Agendes upon graduation. returning next season, Tollestrup said the 'ToUestrup will do the best job he Tollestnip. "He is responsible for many team will have ulented atheletes. can do," says Limber. After looking for a ooach to replace environmentd science graduaiei Anding Juon Vdgardson, a reluming player, Tollesuup says that he is looking Dave Adams and Tmding none available, Jobs in Alberu and Manitoba." says will miss Adams but says that Tollestrup forward to being ooach and is excited Tollestrup uys that he decided to retum Cunningham. hu coached for a long tinw and knows about gening closer lo the itudent to the poiition of which he hu been More recently Psikla wu actively what he is talking about. atheletes. retired from for four years and held involved in having LCC selected as the Keith Limber will dio be reluming to The key is can we work together, puU previously for 13. location for the proposed Fish and the Kodiak uam next season snd uys together, and enjoy a year of bukeibdl Wikilife Forensic Irutituu. "I kiok forward to making the that Tollaainip will ba good for the big together?" The honorary diploma, aublished in 1986, recognited by the members of the oommunlty for oontributioiu to tha coUcge's academic endeavors. Last year's recipient wu Lao Bourusa of Pen MacLeod. Bouruaa voluntacred • Ted Byficld page 2 • Toymaker page 11 his larvioas lo tha recreation niuugamcnl program d LCC for si a • Cuidklight Vigil page 3 • Goimnet cooklwok page 10 yaan. INSIDE • Editorials page 4 • Classifled page 16 Confction The March 26 Endeavor miiprintad tha • LCC approciates an page 7 • Oscars page 13 amuuu ipml by tha ttwkni'i aaaociatkm for iu rtmd. It ihould hava 2 THE ENDEAVOR Thunday, AprU 2,1987 Golf tourney in September By Roxzana Kapadia The LCC foundation board is planning to have a celebrity golf toumament next September, to help raise money for Ihe college, sdd dw LCC president "We have done this over the lut three or four years and it has been a great success. We are hoping to make a $10,000 profit," sdd Les Tdbot, dter last Monday's foundation board meeting. He sdd Ihat dthough dw board donates money for many foundations at LCC, they are presently trying to raise money for a rww gym. "Right now we are mainly working on what we cdl the capild campdgn ... rdsing $1 million for a new phya. ed facUity." The board also reviewed profiu made at lut month's foundation dinner and dance, and The Flying Fathers benefit hockey game. "We made approximately $10,000 from the foundation diimer and dance," says Tdbot. "According to lul years profit from the supper, that ia about the amoimt we expected, but we were also quite pleased with dw art auction." The art auction wu also part of dw PtMto by MtetMHe mHe Feb. 13, dmner and dance, aiys Tdbot Locd artisU donated piecea of work for The joke's on youl a minimum diarge. Bob Byrne, president of the LethtKidge txanch of the Canadian Diabetes Association, along with Mark Campbell, "It wu like a nlent aucdon. All the decided to play a prank. They said Bobby Clarke, of the Philadelphia Flyers, woukl be coming to Campbell's paintings were displayed during supper. 'PoolskJe' show at the Lodge Wednesday. The Bobby Clark that did show up is a worker at Ihe new restaurant. People codd go and write down on a piece of papa their bkL At the end the Brian's. piece of art went to the highest bidder." Tdbot says thd dthough dw board did not know how mudi money to expect, they recdved abou $3300. "We got hdf of whd dw painting Law enforcement students not pleased sokl for and dw artist got dw other hdf. Because we did make some money on it By Charyl Otek received. they had done the law enforcement we will probably be doing it again." "It took way too long. When I got jaciceu. Aldiough diere a repeat of die Flving Bodi customer and retailer seem mine the sizing wu wrong. I sent it Fadiers benefit hockey game, Fd>. 14, dissatisfied with the results of their back, il took twice u long and it still "We didn't do it u dick u it should is not expected for a while, Talbot uys business relationship in the case of the wasn't right have goiw but Ihe studenls didn't help out dw board wu very pleased widi dw jackeu sup|died to the law enforcement "I kept it anyway because I wu fed up eiiher. $1S,S60 they made. studenu. widi wdiing." "We redize that some smdenu didn't "Planning funve activities get their student loans until lh<s month wu not a main part of dw Harold Ing, sdesman for Universd Wes Houston, a second-year law and we thought it would dl be cleared up agenda, Tdbot sdd but Silkscreening, sdd there seemed to be a enforcement student, sud the time it but it isn't. Now we're just figuring out advertising for dw position of executive problem with the length of time before took to receive the jackeu and the poor how to ded with iU" director will stan April 4. the jackeu arrived but he added "they sizing were the biggest issues. "Keidi Robui will be leaving us soon love the jackeu and the workmanship "The origind order time wu doubled. Howard Kehler, second-year law and we wsnt to get hia position filled u now, it's just that they dl haven't pdd They guaranteed us eight weeks and it enforcement student, lud he doesn't see soon u possible. This wu iwt for Ihem yet." look 16. things dw same u the odwr students. offwidly his last meedng snd it U quite Ing said that at one point the studenu "The sizing wu bad and we were "Every year they (the studenu)... likely he will attend dw next meedng. threatened to withdraw if the jackeu disqipointed with the difference in complain and it doesn't matter if you go May 1." weren't in by a certain date. quality between years from the same to a different company." Robin, who hu been an administrator company." Kehler said it's difflcult to get a good at LCC for 20 years, will be leaving diis Second-year law enforcement studenu Contrary to Houston, Trevor company in the area. sununer to punue a new challenge u dw Mike Muiine, sdd he wu very Lancuter, part-owner of Universd "They try to get the business but they next chancellor of dw Univetsity of diuppointed with the service he Silkscreening, said diis is the Firtt year won't give you a tigned contract" Ledibridge. Ted Byfield guest speaker <- at college's convocation By Denlae Weet Doug Alston, diractor of naturd snd socid sdences, layi "I'm looking forward to hearing him (Byfiekl).
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