UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Wishin' and Hopin'
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Wishin’ and Hopin’: Feminini !" Whi eness" and Voice in 1%&'s B)i ish pop A disse) a ion s*+mi ed in pa) ial sa is,a# ion of the re-*iremen s for the degree Doc or of Philosoph! in Musicology +! Ale1andra Marie Apolloni 2'$3 ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION Wishin’ and Hopin’: Femininity, Whiteness, and Voice in 1"#$s B%itish Pop 'y Ale)andra Marie Apolloni Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology .niversity of Cali+ornia, Los Angeles, 2$!2 &rofessor Tama%a Levit3, Chai% This dissertation e)p(ores pe%+ormances 'y British gi%( singers +rom the !"#$s to the present4 I a%-,e that /oca( pe%+ormances 'y singers s, h as Cilla Black, Sandie Sha6, D,sty Sprin-+ield, 0,(,, and Marianne Faith+,(( helped const%, t emergin- models of 6hite +emininity in the !"#$s that contin,e to resonate in pop voca( pe%+ormances today4 I show that, through voca( pe%+ormance, these singers en/oice limina( spaces at the 'oundaries of socia( categories s, h as race, gender, and class4 My +irst t6o chapte%s e)plore aspi%ationa( pe%+ormances of +emininity 'y Sha6, Black, and Sprin-+ield, +rom !"#27!"#"4 I show how Sha6 and Bla 5 positioned themselves as solo singe%s, and a%-,e that thei% voca( styles re+lected an emergin- li'era( mode( of +eminine independence that 6as at t,rns +reein- and regressive4 The +ollo6in- chapte% a%-,es that Sprin-+ield dre6 on colla'orations 6ith A+rican7American 6omen, s,ch as Martha Reeves, to vocali3e a di++e%ent kind of +eminine identity +or herse(+, one grounded in a sense of alterity, and to create a space
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