PROGRAM GUIDE FOR GRADES VI, VII, & VIII 2019–2020 WELCOME Welcome to Athletics at Shady Hill School. We are excited for what will be a fun year of healthy competition! Below you will find a number of topics that will help guide you through the logistics of the Athletics Program. We very much look forward to working with you in creating a positive environment for school athletics! As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Go Stingers! WHO’S WHO IN THE DEPARTMENT? Name Position Email Phone # Interim Director of Athletics and
[email protected] 617-520-5243 Melissa Carver Physical Education B-V Physical Education Stephanie Travers Curriculum Coordinator
[email protected] 617-520-5242 Teacher and Coach Physical Education
[email protected] 617-520-5242 Rico Marino Teacher and Coach Physical Education
[email protected] 617-520-5242 Heidi McCune Teacher and Coach Brendan Murphy Physical Education
[email protected] 617-520-5242 Teacher and Coach MISSION STATEMENT Movement, Physical Education, and Athletics comprise a sequential program that is a vital component of our students’ physical, cognitive, and affective development. We believe in the primacy of exploration, the mastery of skills, and the development of character. Through innovative approaches, we cultivate joyful, active participants who value physical activity and healthy competition. 1 SUSTAINING THE MISSION THE MOVEMENT, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND ATHLETICS PROGRAM: • Teaches skills necessary to participate and compete in lifelong athletic activities. • Empowers children to make wise choices, demonstrate responsible behavior, and exhibit good sportsmanship.