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11.17.06 (Entertainment).Indd ENTERTAINMENTpage 17 Technique • Friday, November 17, 2006 • 17 DRAMATECH TURNS 60 A HISTORY OF HATE DramaTech is celebrating its 60th anni- Learn the history of the rivalry with ENTERTAINMENT versary at Tech by introducing a revival Georgia, also affectionately known as Technique • Friday, November 17, 2006 of past performances. Page 11 “Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate” Page 26 Babel portrays communication across cultures By Daniel Griffin a Moroccan family living in the same Contributing Writer location, a Mexican nanny attempt- ing to attend a wedding across the Films that weave parallel narra- Mexican border and a deaf Japanese tives are becoming increasingly com- girl trying to fit in with her peers. mon each year, with 2005 bringing The plot and connections between us Syriana and Crash, among others. the narratives are tied up neatly Babel joins that group this year, as throughout the course of the film, it uses a similar technique to a new with no loose ends or ambiguity at and fascinating degree. its conclusion. Babel follows the same parallel Yet Babel sets itself apart from narrative style that The Fountain other films that might appear to follows and it seems to indicate the fit the same mold. The clarity with popularity of this evolving technique which Inarritu fits his plot lines in modern film. together is a mere decoy for the real But make no mistake, neither film essence of this film. The plot is easily resembles the other. Furthermore, comprehendible because it acts as Babel director Alejandro Gonzalez a backdrop to the actual direction Inarritu has employed this cinematic of Babel. device in two of his previous films, Those familiar with the biblical Amores Perros and 21 Grams. tale of the Tower of Babel will im- Babel’s story is developed around mediately recognize what the film Photo Courtesy of Paramount Pictures four narratives: an American couple Babel relates communication and interaction in the modern world, as director Alejandro González Iñár- on vacation in the Moroccan desert, See Babel, page 21 ritu uses a unique narrative style to portray his message. The film stars Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. Go all night at New Final Fantasy embodies series’ legacy Louvre Atlanta By Vivas Kaul takes place in the world of Ivalice, who takes pleasure in stealing from imagined. Contributing Writer Starting at 10 a.m., Nov. 24 a land teetering on the brink of the Imperial troops. The story is told through the and running until 6 a.m. on Nov. war between its He hatches use of voice-overs, in-game events, 25, the High Museum will be The latest iteration of theFinal two great states, a bold plan to standard text boxes and beautifully Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XII, open for its second all-nighter. the western state break into the rendered, full-motion video scenes. There will be a variety of activities, is the last title from Square-Enix’s of Rozarria and I had concerns that Imperial palace The game also brings back the use of long running series that will be on including ballroom dancing lessons, the eastern state Final Fantasy XII and steal several various kinds of melee and ranged a meditation spa room, spoken word Sony’s Playstation 2 (PS2) game of Archadia. treasures which weapons as well as magic and sum- console. was over-hyped but readings, midnight yoga, a night- Caught in the rightfully belong moned creatures in order to fight long French movie marathon and Some say that this marks the end middle is the this iteration of to the Dalmas- enemies in the game. In addition, of the PS2’s “era,” especially with the a drawing for free airline tickets. kingdom of Dal- cans. there is a decent sound track, though Admission is $15 but a discounted Playstation 3 being released today. I masca, which is Final Fantasy truly U n f o r t u - it is not quite as memorable as those had concerns that Final Fantasy XII price of $10 will go in effect trying in vain embodies the spirit nately a group of other Final Fantasy titles. after 10 p.m. Free parking is also was over-hyped, but this iteration of to repel the Ar- of rebel Dalmas- Of course, it is the new features the Final Fantasy truly embodies the of the series available from midnight until 6 chadian Empire’s cans and a “sky that Final Fantasy XII brings to the a.m. Also, anyone wearing pajamas spirit of the series. advance. pirate” named series that will have diehard fans The world of Final Fantasy XII will be eligible for a 10 percent After Dalmasca falls to Archadian Balthier have business at the palace wondering if this installment is discount in the Museum Shop. will be familiar to fans and players occupation, enters the story’s main as well, thrusting Vaan into an of Final Fantasy Tactics. The story character Vaan, an Aladdin-like hero adventure that he would never have See Fantasy, page 19 Nonagenarian How to Boil Water teaches culinary skills serenades Atlanta By Lindsay Deal result is a book full of delicious Kitty Carlisle Hart, 96-year-old Entertainment Editor recipes, both traditional and more singer, completed the first of three eclectic, that do not feel the least bit Atlanta performances last night. As a busy, broke college student, intimidating. She performs again tonight at the I know first-hand the difficulties of Despite being the fifth book from Woodruff Arts Center’s 14th Street coming by a nutritious meal. Last the Food Network, How to Boil Water Playhouse at 8 p.m. and again on night, as I was sitting at my desk is the first in the collection that is Sunday at 5 p.m. Ticket prices munching on pizza for the seventh specifically aimed at the beginning range from $35 to $100. More day in a row, I realized that it was chef according to Katherine Alford, information is available at www. time to actually cook something. Test Kitchen Director for the Food kittycarlisle.com. Thankfully, I recently received a Network. “We always have to a range copy of the Food Network’s newest from easy to more aspirations. This is cookbook, How to Boil Water: Life really how to boil water, how to hold Imogen Heap Beyond Takeout. your knife. When we talked about The book is chock-full of informa- working on the book it was intended visits Tabernacle tion for even the most amateur cook. for the starting cook-- somebody There are tons of tasty recipes rang- who wanted to get in the kitchen. After releasing “Headlock,” ing from the simplest of sandwiches Mostly that is younger people” said the third single from her album to impressive entrees like “Sesame Alford. Speak For Yourself, the former Tofu Stirfry” and “Maple-Roasted With helpful tips added to the member of Frou Frou makes her Butternut Squash” The recipes are bottoms of pages, and colorful charts third stop on her U.S. Winter great because they don’t assume that and diagrams explaining everything Tour. Imogen Jennifer JaneHeap, the reader has ever stepped within from how a corkscrew works to how English singer/songwriter hailing a 10 foot radius of a kitchen. Basic to cook vegetables, the book is able from Essex, England, will appear at Photo Courtesy of Meredith Corporation cooking techniques are clearly ex- to cover all of the basics necessary theTabernacle this Sunday at 8 p.m. How to Boil Water: Life Beyond Takeout, provides many recipes for plained, and colorful photographs Tickets are $22.50 and are available the average chef, which includes meals from burgers to toast. and diagrams add to the mix. The See Cook, page 18 through Ticketmaster. 18 • Friday, November 17, 2006 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT things like salsa, breakfast foods, from page 17 and soup are all really easy for college N O T E W O R T H Y Cook students,” said Alford. for success in the kitchen. The If you’re like me, and the idea of knowledge of 16 chefs, including cooking for someone else sounds Piano marks return of 80s musician Bob Hoebee and Sarah Copeland too much like a lawsuit waiting to were used to create this book. “This happen, then you should definitely Rockabilly’s Romweber releases new album book really came from the chefs check out this book. And with the getting together and talking about holidays quickly approaching, I By Mallory Velten ing in his professional background just a tad weird. Some of the tracks what a friend or a younger brother feel that this is a must-have for any Contributing Writer provides any hints to why Romweber start off strong, full of passion and or viewers of the Food Network have student wishing to entertain. has switched to pianism. promise, only to wind down into requested when they’re starting to For more information, check out It would be cliché to say that The music nothing much. really work in the kitchen for the the book’s Myspace page at www. Dexter Romweber’s album Piano on Piano is not It is almost as first time,” said Alford. myspace.com/how2boilwater. The is not your ordinary classical music really classical, if Romweber The book also is mindful of the site provides a glimpse at the book’s CD. Still, it is not typical for an although Rom- had a dream fact that many students do not have quirky, laid-back feeling. acclaimed musician of the rock-and weber claims about the song, easy access to a full kitchen.
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