Thursday, 9Th August, 2018
August 9, 2018 SENATE DEBATES 1 PARLIAMENT OF KENYA THE SENATE THE HANSARD Thursday, 9th August, 2018 The House met at the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings, at 2.30 p.m. [The Speaker (Hon. Lusaka) in the Chair] PRAYER COMMUNICATION FROM THE CHAIR VISITING DELEGATION FROM MACHAKOS COUNTY ASSEMBLY The Speaker (Hon. Lusaka): Hon. Senators, I would like to acknowledge the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery this afternoon of visiting members and staff from Machakos County Assembly Committee on Broadcasting and Library. I request each Member of the delegation to stand when called out, so that they may be acknowledged in the Senate tradition. 1. Hon. Conslas Kieti - Chairperson 2. Hon. Erice Musembi - Member 3. Hon. Paul Nyanzi - Member 4. Hon. Loisa Mamau - Member 5. Ms. Nora Muteti - Clerk Assistant 6. Ms. Emma Nthenya - Broadcasting Officer 7. Ms. Kathoki Mwendwa - Broadcasting Officer In our usual tradition of receiving and welcoming visitors to Parliament, I extend a warm welcome to them. On behalf of the Senate and my own behalf, I wish them a fruitful visit. I thank you. PAPERS LAID STATUS REPORT OF KWTA The Senate Majority Leader (Sen. Murkomen): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Thursday, 9th August, 2018: The third status report of the Kenya Water Towers Agency (KWTA) Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. August 9, 2018 SENATE DEBATES 2 (Sen. Murkomen laid the document on the Table) REPORT ON PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE LOCAL CONTENT BILL, 2018 Sen.
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