V o l ; 5 3 , N o . 3 2 ] [ August 8, 1 9 4 *

t N ‘ja^6ui3pa«H o/a xoa XiapufQ iCmqn xassg

Founded [ 8 8 8 .... Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN,NJ.

Women Rush Tractor Upset Republicans T o Cover Kills Driver Have Choice SILK STOCKING SALE George R. Brindje, 53 of La­ With little more than a month Special while they last, full fayette avenue, Chatham; was to go to the primaries candi­ line of women’s pure silk hose, instantly killed about 1:30 P. dates for Millburn Township all sizes and colors, full fash­ M yesterday when the bull­ committee are now on their ioned. Half regular sale price. dozer he was using to grade a way. Three Republican aspir­ • Boy would the above be great lot on Gap Vil>w road appar­ ants have filed petitions as news to ladies of our silk stock­ ently struck part of an old Cloan Government designees inged community? foundation, overturned down a r iso Hmry A. Feustel, John D. ten foot bank and pinned him Clark and J. Albert deCamp. The past week has seen these underneath. noimally sane women fighting William Sherman Greene Jr, The lire department rescue at stocking counters of local has enrolled under the Repub­ squad was summoned as was and nearby shops and gloating lican banner only. the Old Mill Garage wrecker over their loot. This then is the set-up for which lifted the several ton the first trial of civic associa­ Color and fit have not de­ machine sufficiently to remove tion candidates directly named terred them in the scramble as the body. Dr. Pasquale Dante vs. the long established custom all shades and sizes have been pronounced the man dead. The of an open contest with asso­ pounced upon, grist to their grader was owned by W. K. J. ALBERT deCAMP, Short ciations endorsing such candi­ mill. HENRY A. FEUSTEL, Bodwell Ogden of Summit. Hills, candidate for Township dates as were considered best Not in a decade has femin­ terrace man seeking Republi­ ★ Committee. qualified to represent their sev­ can nomination for Town Com­ ine Millburn seemed so anxious' eral areas. to cover its legs as now, which mittee. The new procedure is based shows the lengths to which Herrigel Out ★ on the Maplewood plan and hysteria leads. J, A. deCamp Is proponents have expressed the A survey of local shops this Feustel Hat • hope it would make possible week reveals every pair has F or Senate election of association selec­ been snapped up and put in Candidate Millburn will Have a state tions with a minimum of ef­ storage against the embargo In The Ring senate candidate this Fall and Petitions placing J. Albert de­ fort due to the united strength shortage, even hardware em­ Last week Henry A. Feustel maybe two.. Fred Herrigel Jr, Camp of Short Hills in nomin­ to be anticipated. poriums reporting increasd in­ filed his petition for the Town former surrogate has already ation for the Township Com­ Opposition views however quiries on garden hose. Committee nomination enlisting announced his intention to file mittee on the Clean Govern­ point to Maplewood’s present Social gatherings this fall under the Clean Government and rumor has spread that C. ment Republican ticket, were and past tax rates as an answer are expected to reflect the suc­ Republican banner. This puts Milford Orben may be the Clean filed Monday with Mabel Goff to "benefits" adding that that cess or failure of wives and him in a class apart for he is Government designee. Deemer, Town Clerk. town has had its share of man­ daughters as grabbers off in running - as an independent in Senator Zink has moved up agerial trials as well. the great drive and males are This completes the civic as­ a party alignment that includes to an appointive post creating sociation ticket John D. Clark Greatest debate is as to dis­ n: kcd not to be too critical of two civic association designees. a vacancy in Essex County of Wyoming, having filed two continued on Page Twelve) wrinkles and runs. He is not a member of any civic representation. A successor will ★ Just what is in store for com­ weeks agq. It also is -the cul­ group although he is now serv­ be named this November with mination of a series of meet­ ing months is pretty weir re­ ing a second term as president the primary scrap being ings at which it is said some flected by words an Item re­ Democrats of Millburn Kiwanis club. threshed out in September. 16 names were considered. Mr. porter heard a well known Mill- It has' been known for some Efforts to harmonize Repub­ deCamp was first mentioned as burn avenue barber shop quar- time Mr. Feustel was being lican party differences have available in The Item on July t e 11 e rehearsing Wednesday E nlist Two urged to make the race friends been reported with Arthur T. 11. Friends were then advocat­ afternoon: in all sections of the com­ Vanderbilt, former Senator Clee ing his candidacy which now is Rumors in circulation up to “Dear old fashioned girl munity joining in offers of sup­ and others making the head fulfilled. press time as to Democratic In cotton sox, port. These it is said will be­ lines. While progress may have candidates for Township Com­ Some with Roman stripes Mr. deCamp has been a resi­ come members of a campaign been made in other directions, mittee posts are that two names And some with clocks.” dent of the Township for the committee to work with and there is no sign of it in the past eighteen years. He at­ will be filed before the dead­ ★ « for him. naming of Zink’s follower with tended the College of the City line. Tax Payments Mr. Feustel who is married, the result that Mr. Herrigel has of New York and served as En­ Three names — those of lives at 4 Bodwell terrace. A definitely announced his can­ sign in the U. S. Navy during John Aurnhammer of 18 Tay­ native of Essex County, he is didacy under the designation the first World War. lor street, John J. Blauvelt of didacy on an Independent Re­ At High Mark supervisor of the Provident Mu­ He is married and has three 17 Bodwell terrace and Thomas publican ticket. ------E. Mason of 42 Hobart Gap tual Life Insurance Co, at children and owns his home on What is believed to be an all Newark. He is state chairman West road. road — are prominently men­ tioned as possible candidates. It time high in collections received of Kiwanis Citizenship Respon­ Mr. deCamp is a past member fluring any one month by the sibility, a member of Millburn is understood Mr. Mason’s fil­ 100 Percent of the Republican County Com­ ing is practically assured while Township Tax" Collector was re­ Adult Education Board, Mill­ mittee and has been in the a decision as to which of the vealed with the reading of the burn Forum and Opinion Poll, Municipal bond business for other two men will run has yet •July report of E. Bernard Ward, the Newark Athletic Club and the past 15 years. collector,, at Monday evening’s is worshipful master of Frank to be made. Committee moating. The report lin LojJge, F. & A. M„ Irvington. That the Township building Mr. Blauvelt was a Demo­ showed collections including He is also on the executive and record may well be broken in MRS. JUDSON K. STICKLE cratic candidate for the com­ taxes and assessments of $159,- educational committee of 1941 became apparent with the entertained a circle of the mittee post in 1938 while the 902,7.7 as compared with a total Underwriters’ Association of report of the building inspector Woman's Guild of the Wyoming other two men are new to local of approximately $145,000 in a Northern New Jersey. ~ ’ presented by Committeeman Church, last week at her sum­ politics. single month in 19M jr’- Kain at Monday night’s meet­ mer cottage “Toporoc” at Glen ★ Collections received by Mr. MR. AND MRS. HOWARD J. ing. The report showed con­ Wild Lake. A picnic luncheon WANTED TO RENT Ward for the three months, CAMERON and daughter Ma­ struction for the first seven was followed by swimming and Two houses, near high school May, June and July totaled rianna of Whitney road have months of the year to be $1,059,- cards The Stickles who are and station. Four bedrooms. '389,067, also believed to be a returned from a vacation spent 592 or almost a 100 percent in-, spending the summer there will Phone D. Bliss, Sum. 6-0274. high mark for any other three at Quebec, Canada and Sever­ crease over the same period in return to their Whitney road Evenings Short Hills 7-3982. — month period. ance Lodge, Lake Kesar, Maine. 1940. home September 15. Adv. SpgjpggfS The Millburn &> Short Hills ITEM - { August S, 1 94.1 [ Page * 1 >oo^o^-^o^-<^oooooooooooooooooooooooo awarded scholarships are: Mill- D efen se (~^r\r\C>s-Firemen b ' l f ’ P l T l P n burn,. Miss Ruth Ritter, class of OUR DEMOCRACY \ ~ i O p S - i 11 C U '45, and Short Hills, the Misses Muriel Vanderbilt ’45 and Mary WOMENS FASHIONS Bond Quiz Ask More Pay, Whitehead '45. I AND DEMOCRACY Q. In what denominations \\ \\ are Defense Savings . Stamps Millburn voters will prob­ jllNCE THE EARLY COLONIAL ■available? ably be asked to vote on salary Marshall Says TIMES WHEN SUMPTUARY A. "Ten cents, 25 cents, 50 increases for members of the LAWS LIMITING GOOD cents, $1 and $5. An album i>( given free with first stamp police and fire departments in / JIS .W ill Drop CLOTHES TO THE VERY purchase ..’to ' mount stamps ol the general election in Noveni— M 1 WEALTHY WERE LAUGHED* 25 cents «p, • ber as well as for two new com­ Two letters from Millburn’s OUT OF EXISTENCE, " Q. In what denominations mitteemen according to a pe­ new insurance brokers, A. W. THE U.S HAS SCORNED are Defense Savings Bona tition signed by all police and Marshall and Co. of Newark, c l a s s l a b e l s available? firemen and presented to the were read at Monday evening's A. You can buy a Series E Town,ship Committee at its Township Committee meeting Bond for $18.75, $37.50, $75, $375, meeting Monday night. in reply to the protests of Ar­ or $750. The prices of Series r thur J. Wiley, local broker, that The petition requests the Bonds range from $74 to $7.- insurance rates on Township committee to pass an ordinance 400; Series G Bonds from $100 buildings had increased instead placing the question of. salary to $10,000. of decreased with the shift in -increases on the ballot In the NOTE — To buy Defema. November election. It is under­ brokers as of April 1, 1941. Bonds and Stamps, go to Uu stood if the committee does not The Marshall firm denied nearest post, office, bank, of pass such an ordinance the having applied for a new rat­ savings and loan association question may still be placed be­ ing on the municipal garage, or write to the Treaurer rf fore the voters by the filing of one ol' the buildings on which the United .States, ..{Washington, petitions signed by 20 percent the rate was increased, but said D. C., for a mailorder form. of the registered voters, forty- the rerating was done »s a ★ five days before election day. routine matter by the schedule r _____ OTHER THINGS, AND WITHOUT THINKING This would require some 1,500 rating office. The letter went ' ABOUT IT, WE RECOGNIZE THE RIGHT OF EVERY names. on to state the original survey WOMAN AND GIRL TO LOOK HER BEST. Plan For U.S.O. The salary raises asked pro­ predicted a rate reduction on vide for five grades of firemen the municipal building, fire Drive In Fall and patrolmen instead of seven alarm building and the recrea­ (Jn CENTRAL EUROPE In response to numerous in­ as at present, and yearly in­ tion house and shelter house in ONLY THE PRIVILEGED quiries directed to Committee creases would be $200 instead of Taylor Park and all these with FEW DRESS WELL $100. A table of requested in­ the exception of the municipal Chairman John A. Stewart. 3rd creases follows. building did receive reductions. as to why Millburn did art A rate reduction on the gar­ have a U.S.O. drive he an­ Present Requested age and municipal building it nounced that hd had contacted $3,800 Chief $3,500 was said is expected as soon the chairman of the drive ad 2,700 3,000 been informed Millburn was Fire Capt. as recommendations made by l^LL OVER. AMERICA GOOD, STYLISH CLOTHES Police Sgt. 2,700 3,000 the Marshall engineer are carried ' thought to be a part of Summit' 2,800 SMART APPEARANCE AND GOOD GROOMING 1st Grade 2,500 out. These include the placing and consequently was not asked 2,600 a r e s y m b o l s o f o u r d e m o c r a c y 2nd Grade 2,400 of five additional fire extin­ to conduct a separate campaign 2,400 3rd grade 2,300 guishers in the municipal build­ However, Mr. Stewart stated 4th grade 2,200 2,200 he had talked with several ing, the raising of an electric wood and Mrs, Anita Jung of 5th grade 2,100 2,000 Township 1 residents who were motor for the air compressor in Springfield, arid two great the garage to a heighth of four Mrs. Frederica IT inn •r familiar with conducting drive; Probationary police or fire­ grandchildren. feet and the removal from the for funds and all agreed Nlffl- men at present start at $1,500 garage building of a paint spray Funeral services fur Mrs. * burn should have a drive, tut | and are raised at the end of gun which should be used only Frederica Wuner, 72, of 915 so many people were on vaca-l the probationary period to $1,- Cl a vton - 1di 'a /iced outdoors in the future. Ridgewood road, Millburn, were tion at present it would be 800 and a year later to $2,100. conducted Thursday, at 2 P. M. John E. Clayton, 17 Cross ter to wait until after LaborJ The new wage scale requested With these changes the Mar­ at Haeberle & Barth Funeral Gates, Short Hills, general Day. will aliminate these latter two shall firm stated it expected a Parlors, 971 Clinton avenue. agent of the Massachusetts Mu­ Anyone interested in assistr grades and would have any new lower rate on all Township Irvington, by Rev, M. F. Walz tual Life Insurance company in in the conduct of a U.S.O. car.| men start immediately at $2,000 property than existed prior to of Trinity English Lutheran Newark effective August 15th. paign for Millburn is invited regardless of the lact they may the change in brokers. Church. Mrs. Wuner died Tues­ Clayton, who has turned in a opt in touch with Mr. Stew I be on probation. ★ day after an illness of three million dollars worth of busi­ If a majority of voters ap­ days. Burial will be in Fair- ness annually for the past six­ prove the increases in Novem­ Goes H est To mount Cemetery. teen years, was born in New ber an increase of approximate­ ■ A native of Germany, Iiffrs. Bedford, Mass., and started his ly three points would follow in D rive East Wuner, came to the United insurance career as an agent the tax rate for 1942 it is said. States at the age of 13, and for Northwestern Mutual in A spokesman for those seek­ Lawrence J. MacGregor, presi­ moved to Millburn from New­ Newark. He is also a former THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL?- ing the raises stated this week dent of The Summit Trust Com­ ark twelve years ago. She was president of Northern New Jer- the rise in living costs prompted pany, left Tuesday evening to a life member of Eintracht underwriters’ Association. Elfin Chocolates the men to ask approval of the join his family in San Fran­ Chapter, No. 123, O. E. S. WITH NOUGAT SLICED | voters at this time. cisco. After a short stay there Mrs. Wuner leaves three he and Mrs. MacGregor and daughters. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Twice-dipped Minature Ctel their children will start driving Wolff of Springfield; Mrs. colates. Complete assorting1 N. /. c. Scholarships East, stopping along the route Robertt F. Matthews of Mill- of centers; and three row- at the Grand Caflyon, and burn and Mrs. Gertrude St. Home-made Mixture Nous various points in Texas and George of Jersey City; a sister, Slices. To LomI Students Mrs. Elizabeth Schwabe of New Orleans. ao oz. .).M * Springfield; two grand chil­ Miss Eleanor Caddick of Bir­ New Jersey College for Wom­ dren, Mrs. Betty Jung of Maple­ mingham, England, who is >a en will give financial aid to classmate of Lois MacGregor at 242 of its 1,000 undergraduates Place School, is with them "At V'nir Sorrier by means of scholarships dur­ Kent 1 lb. M. C. Fruit & Nut jl and they will also visit her ing the coming year, it has been sortment; 1 lb. AssnrtJ ...imelBs.'.in Arizona .and. Virginia. BAND Cream Pattjes; 1 lb. Assort r nnounced by Dean Margaret Mr. MacGregor expects to be Chewing Kisccs. T: Oorwin,- who named three back at The Trust Company Millburn Township girls among hortlv after the first of Sep­ the scholarship recipients...... -Superfine Creamy tember. Local girls who have been QDORLESS Caramels lb. Cleaning System Summer Package lb. Filled Waffles Hard No Fading or Shrinking Candy . .. 27 oz. jar SOUTH ORANGE Sweet Miniature South Orange 2-4000 Chocolates m- Millburn Cleaners '\ Dependable FREE GIFT! IN CORrOKATF.D ) ..... Storage*, A generous sample of Italian ^ Moving. Shipping, Millburn Ave., Cor. Spring St. given with each purchase. Millburn 6-1167 Telephone Packing, Rug MILLBURN CANDY SHOP] Cleaning, Division of Rlmback Storage Co. Millburn 6-1400 MIFTriV , New Rugs 346 Millburn Avenue DON'T FORGET THE SHALL ADS. — —-'-it' ■■■■■■■ » ------;------—— ' - . ■ Mfras-yr.!- — — r ^ i—<■ _ — * _ _ ------' ’ ' __ - ' ” [August 8, 1941 ] ■. The Millburn Short Hills ITEM [Page3 }

j OOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MRS. CHARLES W. YERKES presides over the checked suits, Locust Ave. and ^children, Bill and Shirley H old “ Mikado ” walrus mustaches, bustles and of 83 Maple street, have left for side curls of the eighteen sev­ a live weeks stay at Sea Bright. enties. And to. see the same ac­ Assessments A t Playhouse tors and actresses in their dif­ * ferent roles — Helen Gleason A resolution approving Frank Carrington and An­ as the almond eyed Yum-Yum property assessments for the State Pays For toinette Scudder believe in the in gold brocade and then as the improvement - of Locust avenue adage J’music hath charms.” becurled and hoop - skirted from Millburn avenue to the For this week the directors of Josephine of Pinafore. Ralph railroad as established by the Hobart Ave. Pave the Paper Mill Playhouse, have Riggs as the stolid foreman of Board of Improvement Assess­ brought back to its stage be­ the Jury, the dapper Admiral ment Commissioners was passed Improvement of Hobart ave- • cause of the popular demand of the Queen’s Navy and the unanimously by the Township nue from Whitney road to of their patrons Helen Gleason, agile Lord High Executioner ■ Committee Monday night fol­ Highland avenue will be started Metropolitan Opera Singer, in next in power to the Mikado lowing a hearing. in the near future according to “Pinafore,” “Trial fyy Jury” and himself. the terms of an ordinance “The Mikado.” Ralph Riggs is Objections were raised by adopted on first reading by featured with Miss Gleason in Segal Properties who through the Township Committee Mon­ the Gilbert and Sullivan pro­ JHu.Su------an attorney declared their day evening, ductions. "The Mikado” is held property fronted on Ridgewood over for the last half of the road and was not benefitted by Specifications call for- the week of August 11th. the improvement to Locust ave­ grading of Hobart avenue for H 1 *”* Charles N. Drake and Joseph nue to which their property a width of forty to fifty feet 1 tSllA Tushinsky, who is musical di­ tacked up. and paving a surface thirty feet wide together with appropriate rector as well as joint producer, The attorney declared the additional width in the vicinity selecting these three operettas “ORCHIDS TO Township through purchase of for their summer repertoire; of Hobart Avenue School, and DON MARSHALL” a strip of land along the right by constructing sidewalks and because of their popularity and of way of the street had made curbs and the necessary drain­ also for the contrast of their SAYS THE . their property extend to the age structures. mise en scene. The same au­ ALDERNEY CALF: street line and thus liable to as­ dience will be glad to see more Total cost of the improve­ A very steady fielder sessment. The strip of land ment has been set at $27,872.41 than once the lamplit garden A terror at the plate mentioned it was said was pur­ for which bond anticipation of Ko Ko, the decks of Her In all the games his chased by the town in order to Majesty’s frigate and the court­ team played notes will be issued. As state •RYTiX-HYUTED straighten out the street and room where the reverend Judge This boy looked really aid has been applied for on this great. is approximately ten feet wide project ninety percent of the VISITING at Millburn avenue decreasing cost will be .repaid by the state two feet at the railroad. CARDS uporf completion. PICTURES FRAMED A L D E R N E Y However, the Committee took IN THE ESTABLISHMENT No part of the cost is to be . 100 for 85? no action on the objection. assessed against property spe­ Artistically finished with WITH PANEL I LI Other matters brought up in­ cially benefited and the period finer type mouldings to har­ from New Jersey’s cluded an objection on the part of usefulness has been set at monize with the subject. Own[Dairy| Co. of residents on Brookside drive ten years. $1,400 for the fin­ Millburn & Short Hills Item ancing of the project has al­ Decorative Painters Supplies to the parking of cars in va­ 248 Main SI.. Mlllliurn, N. i . RHONE: OKange 4-4900 cant lots near the Paper Mill ready been appropriated in the 317 MUlhurii Ave. Millburn 6-1581 Playhouse. They declared the 1941 budget. lights and noise of cars start­ ★ ing late at night was an an­ A FREE MOVIE “Tobacco noyance and that a young boy Land” and a short of Fred had apparently made a business Waring and his Pennsylvanians of parking cars there. Commit­ WE RE NOT MAKING ANY MISTAKE teeman Stewart stated he would will be shown at the paddle see the police department to put tennis courts in Taylor Park at WHEN WE CHOOSE f>n end to the disturbance. 8:45 P. M, tonight.

T H E GAS H E E H H i E l l A T O H

O i R CONCEPTION of efficiency changes with time. Armies used to win victories with horses and sa­ bres. Now they use tanks and ma­ chine guns. ---.------

People once paid bills with cash. Now they use checks.-So efficient and convenient are checks that some 90% of all commercial trans­ actions involve their use. You will find them invalua'BIe to you personally as an aid Postepping up your efficiency. .



Low refrigeration cost, low repair cost, and saving on the food budget by FIRST NATIONAL BANK the use of Electrolux means that the average-family can’t afford not to MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY lAtve one. Besides the monetary saving, Electrolux offers two big {d in of advantages—it has no moving parts to wear out and it is silent. Established 1907 Come down to our showroom and have a look at the new Electrolux. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PVB LIC ® SERVICE

A-8509 [ Page 4] Tfo Millburn Short Hills ITEM [ August $, i

Frltzche and children Jean and and daughters, Carolyn, Kath­ of Miss Nicol’s at Upshla Col­ cM rs. Samuel Judson of 27 Undercliff road, leen and Judy of Reeve Circle lege, accompanied them ,nm M illburn will leave August 17, for Shark have ended a month’s vacation Nicol and Dick Brumbergn oi River Hills.* at Seaside Park. Millburn and Bob Slingerland T e p y s — Mr. and Mrs. T, W. Matthews • .. •' of Short Hills, are on a j<>n of 14 Blaine street, were hosts The Misses Janis and Shirley On Saturday, Mrs. E. Stanley (jays’- motor trip to Canada • • • at a party recently given in Cooper, daughters of Mr. and Turnbull and sons Gordon and *' honor of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Walter N. Cooper of 19 Allan of Sagamore road, de- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Smith Her Diary Schaefer of Miami Beach, Fla., Southern, Slope drive, spent . parted for Ottawa, Canada, to and children Nancy and Lloyd who are spending the__sunimer last .week-end in Washington, visit Mrs. Turnbull’s sister, Mrs. Jr., of 162 Myrtle avenue an in Westfield’ The Schaefers D. C. “ f L 9 4 1 G. W. Bryan. Mr. Turnbull is spending the month of Au­ are former residents ..of... Mill- • Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Norwood spending three weeks in Eliza­ gust and part of September a: .bum. .Mr. Schaefer is a past bethtown, N. Y. Ocean City, New Jersey. AUGUST 4 — This day to and daughters Mary and Ruth vice-commander of the Sum­ , » ...... -...... * mit American Legion Post,'and of Parkview drive, will return this week-end from North Caro­ Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kerr and - Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawrence Al vacationing, my first in three his wife is a former member of lina, where they spent two daughter Barbara of Iff Oakdale banese and son Buddy of 28 the Guy R. Bosworth-Auxiliary avenue have returned from a Edgewood terrace, have con- Unit No. 140. Guests included weeks visiting relatives in Ra­ long but lucrative years. several, days’ stay In Avon with cludfed a two weeks’ stay at Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hahn and leigh and Goldsboro. They will motor home via the Skyline Mrs. Kerr’s parents, Mr. and Beach Haven. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Coffey of Mrs. W. Minder. Summit, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drive. • * HOUSEHOLD Suckey of Livingston, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Schu­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mrs! William Smith -and Carl PAPER PRODUCTS macher and children Harold, Mathes and children Joyce and LOCAL DEALER Gebhardt of Newark, Mr. and Barbara and Paula of 57 Locust Robert of 171 Sagamore road, Mrs. Frederick Ries of Spring- EMILY T. BRADNER avenue, have concluded a week’s are vacationing at their sum­ WOODCRUST AVENUE field, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wil­ vacation at Shore Acres. mer cottage on Lake Hopatcong. P. O. Box 21, Short Hills AUGUST 5 — Wonderful time, liams of Westfield, Mr. and • • Phone Millburn (>-0797 Mrs. Harry Winn of Union and N. N. Heyman of 94 Moun­ Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Nicol and wish you were here! Charles Winter of Irvington. tain View road, who is Com­ daughter Miss Marjorie Nicol of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Yehle of mander of American Legion 89 Linden street, returned last Dundalk, Md., were the Mat­ Post No. 73, spoke over WAAT week-end from a vacation in Everybody read# the Classified adver­ on Monday evening. tisements. Your little ad there, if there 1$ thews’ guests over last week­ Cape May. Miss Ruth Kupferer a m arket for what you want to sell. U * mire to bring results. end. Marjorie Mott, daughter of of West Orange, a classmate Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stein and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mott of 171 Myrtle avenue, is spend­ daughter Phyllis of 347 Millburn’ OFF ROUTE 24 AT avenue, returned Monday, from ing a week in Denville, with her AUGUST 6 - The Boss should a week’s vacation in the Cats­ cousin Betty Ann Mills. MILLBURN. N. J. • kills. Phone SHort Hills 7-3000 know I’m at rest, but he’ll find • * Miss Susie Fiola of 97 Moun­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mack tain View road, has returned Frank Carrington. Director from a two week vacation spent Thru Suturdio out in due course and so to bed. of Cleveland, Ohio, are the THIS WEEK August Dili at Virginia Beach, Va. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. NOTED METROIMII.IT \ \ Whittle of 206 Millbhrn avenue. Helen Cil«‘$i*$on O P E R A STAR IN G I L B E R T & SLLLIVAN'N WITH “THE MIKADO” RALPH RIGGS South Mountain A six weeks’ vacation spent NEXT WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Mets at Sea Girt, ended on Monday MON., TUES., & WED. EVES.. & TUES. MAT. (BY POPULAR DEMAND* “TRIAL BY JURY” & “ H.M.S. PINAFORK" AUGUST 7 — This day de­ and daughters, Ruth and Doro­ for Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Taylor THURS.. FRI. & SAT. EVES. thy Ann of 21 Greenwood drive, and daughters Nancy and Abi­ A THURS. MATINEE “ THE MIKADO have returned from Point Pleas­ gail of 441 Wyoming avenue. voted to stocking hunting and Tickets, 55e lo $1.05 — Mats., Tues. and Thurs., 35r to nr. ant, where they spent a month. * • Mrs. F. A. Hubbard and Theatre Air-Cooled — Luxurious Seats other defense pursuits. Bagged Mrs. Robert H. Freeman and daughter Miss Carol Hubbard IL Tickets on Sale at W h elan ’ s Drug Store sons Robert, Mahlon and of 52 Mountain avenue, de­ one pair and was high gun for Thorp of Southern Slope drive, parted on Tuesday for a three O-O-0 O'* are in Pueblo, Col., until after weeks’ stay in Plymouth, N. H. the day. Labor Day. They are visiting Mr. Hubbard will join his fam­ CAROLINA CREST HOTEL Mrs. Freeman’s mother, Mrs. ily this week-end for the re­ Zana Finlay. mainder of their vacation. Beautiful North Carolina Avenue * • A ten days’ vacation in Or­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Oliver chard Beach, Me., has ended Atlantic City, New Jersey for Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bauer and children Charles and Marie of Undercliff road. *“See The AUG-UST 8 — Why do vaca­ * CONTINENTAL PLAN Mrs. Samuel Marx and chil­ Marks Brothers" Barbara and Daniel, will tions end so soon? Laboured dren ^ EVERY ROOM WITH BATH leave Sunday for Bradley Beach, AH Rates Include Continental Tray Break­ where they will spend two for late last night in composition weeks. Mr. Marx and another fast Served to Room at No Additional Charge daughter Elaine, will spend VICTOR and to this result—“ Dear Boss: week-ends in Bradley Beach MODERATE SUMMER RATES with them. coot’ ocoo-o a-o a-a DooG tt-o oca o DCuC{>o-ChC i-o Dear indeed are the scenes of RECORDS HARRY FAIRBAIRN, Manager Mr. and Mrs. O. Herbert 000L00000 O 0 ' our childhood Please send FREE PARKING MILLBURN check. Signed — Sam’s Wife." ifflILLBURN I Malineu Start* at 1:30: Rreniaga at 7:15: Saturday and .Sunday* AUGUST SPECIALS at I P. M. Contlnuoa» Last Two Days Fri. Sat. Aug. 8, 9 Tropical Sun Tan O it& Sprayer 4 ^ ^ AiUHL-i T() ‘CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT’ “NURSES SECRET’ Noxema i H i:in*pI53 . . 1. 15) Sun. Mon. Tues. Aug. 10,11,12 rOFTPblNTP/ “LOVE CRAZY” ■' " From the * Glass Liberty Bell Banks W* 100 Mile Daily Cruise oil ' ----- Myrna l w — Wttllftm PowoU NEWEST “ HOT” TUNES Long Island Sound Co-Feature To Connecticut’s Prettiest “TIGHT SHOES” to the Liquid Bubble Batb *55) Picnic Park •l„hn III,nurd — Broderick Crawford j GREATEST SYMPHONIES CLEAN SALT WATER , Wed. Thru. Sat. General Electric Radio ...... fM L* BATHING Aug. 13, 14, 15, 16 Htemn.r Arrives Lnrknwannn Trrm- Imtl, Ilnhnken 0:1(1 A. M. anil leaves “UNDERGROUND” at 9:30 A. M. Leaves Battery (So. Jeffrey Lynn WE SERVE DOLLY MADISON ICE CREAM Ferry) N. V. City 10:15 A! M. “— Also — (n.S.T.) Due Hobjiken on Return Trip 8:30 P. M. KISSES FOR BREAKFAST” Dennis Morgan — Shirley Roes DnniiiiB and Cafeteria on Board FARES: Hon. * Frl. (Buraain Days) Every Monday Matinee Spe­ Iradio sales coup $1.00'; Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sat. $1.25: Sun. $1.50 cial Kiddie Vacation Fun 357 Millburn Avenue SALES AGENCY Club. This Monday, August BOwling Green 9-8277 343 Millburn Ave. Millburn 6-0419 Telephone# — 11 — One Full Hour of Millburn 6-0015 KlOboken 3-5653 Cartoons ■— Comics. ‘ S. R. Fruchtm an,-Ph.G . —.~_ is a s s g s .

>•*>❖<«> <»oooooooooooooooooooooooo<>c>oooooc>oooo

★ ORANGE EMBASSY, 349 Main Street. "C A U G H T IN T H E D R A F T ," Dorothy Lamour, Bob Hope, Eddie Bracken, Lynne Overman; "N U R S E ’S S E C R E T ," . Regis Toomey, August 8-9. "LOVE CRAZY,” W illiam Powell, Myrna Loy; "T IG H T SHOES,” John How­ ard. Binnio Barnes, August 10-12. “ UN DERGROUND,” Jef­ * MAPLEWOOD frey Lynn. Kaaren Verne. Philip Dorn; “KISSES FOR BREAKFAST,” Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt. August 18-16. ■THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER.” by Moss Hart AMERICAN LEGION — Meets Fourth Thursday of each and George S. Kaufm an featuring Clifton Webb, with month. 8 P. M., Recreation Building, Taylor Park (’latidia Morgan, John Hoysrodt and Davkl Burns, August ★ EAST ORANGE AMERICAN.LEGION AUXILIARY - Meets second Tues­ 1-9. >'oxt week. August 11-1C. "JO H N N Y B E L IN D A ," by day of each month. 8 P. M „ Recreation Building, Taylor Par.k Elmer Harris, featuring Louise and Jean Platt, alternating HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrison. CATH OLIC DAUGHTERS — Meets second and fourth In the leading role. “ BILLY TH E K I D ,” Robert Taylor, Brian Don levy, Monday of each month, 8:30 P. M., St. Rose of Lim a School Mary Howard, Ian Hunter. August 8-13. "THAT UNCER­ Hall. T A IN F E E LIN G ,” Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas, Bergess ★ PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE CASA COLOMBO CIVIC ASSOCIATION meets first Friday Meredith, August 14-17. of each month at 7:00 o’clock P. M. Gilbert nnil Sullivan'* operetta* "THE MIKADO." star­ FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. Continental Lodge - ling Helen Gleason, with Ralph RIbks, Katherine Harvey. ★ NEW ARK Meets second and fourth* Tuesday of each month, 8 P. M Mary .Margaret Merrill, Paul Reed and others, August 4-9 First National Bank Building. ■■PINAFORE,” and "TRAIL BY JURY,” August II through LOEWS, Broad and New Streets. ITALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION — Meets the first August 14 In* the afternoon, . starting August 14 in the Tuesday of each month at 200 Main Street, Millburn. N. J evening, through. August lti "T H E M IK A D O ," will be "BARNACLE BILL," Wallace Berry, Marjorie Main. JOCKEY HOLLOW FIELD TRIAL CLUB — Meets third held over. Donald Meek, Leo Carillo; "THE BIG STORE," Marx Bros.. Wednesday of each month. 8 P, M „ Recreation Building. Tony Martin, August 7-13. Taylor Park. 4 «.. JUNIOR CASA COLOMBO meets eifary second Friday of S1ANLEY, 33 South Orange Avenue. -ach month at 7:30 P. M.. ut 105 Main Street. K IW A N IS CLUB — Meets at Chantloler every Wad- "UNDERGROUND," Jeffrey Lynn. Kaaren * Verne, Iitsday noon for luncheon anil program. Henry A. Keuitel k M O Y I E S Phillip Dorn; "KISSES FOR BREAKFAST,” Dennis Mor­ president. --— gan. Jane Wyatt, August 8-11. "B I L L Y TH E KID,*” Robert KNIGHTS OK-COLUMBUS — Meets first and third Thurs­ These prog nuns are Taylor, Brian Donlevy, Mary Howard, Ian Hunter; day of each month, 8:30 P. M „ 328 Millburn Avenue accurate at press CH EERS FOR M ISS BISHOP,” M artha Scott. William LADIES AUXILIARY OK CASA COLOMBO — Meets third time — but Theatres Uargen, Mary Anderson, August 15-21. l-'rlday of each month, 8:30 P. M. at Club House, 189 Main sometimes change Street, Millburn. their minds. LADIES AUXILIARY OF ST. ROSE OF LIMA’S BRANFORD, 11 Branford Place. CHURCH meets first Monday of each month at appointed "BRIDE CAME C.O.D j” James Cagney, BeRe Davis, place to be named at previous meeting. ★ M I L L B U R N "B U L L E T S FOR O ’ H A R A ,” Joan Perry. Roger Pryor, A u ­ M A SON IC CLUB •• — Meet s the first Tu*esda y o f each gust 8-12, "SWEETHEART OF THE CAMPUS," Ruby month in the Masonic Club rooms, Bank Building, Millburn CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT," Dorothy Lamour, Bob Keeler, Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Hilliard; "HIGHWAY WEST." MEN S CLUB — St. Stephen’ s Church — Meets third 1 loi>e, Eddie Brucken. Lynne Overman. "NURSE’S SECRET,” August 13-19. Thursday or each month — 8:15— Parish House, 136 Main Lee Patrick. Rugix Toomey, August 8-9. "L O V E C R A Z Y ," Street. . Myrna Loy; "TIGHT SHOES," Juhn How­ MILLBURN COMMUNITY COUNCIL-Meets second Wed­ ard, Biniih' Barnes. August 10-12. "U N D E R G R O U N D ,” RKO PROCTORS, 116 Market Street. nesday of June, October. December, February and April at Jeffrey Lynn; Kaaren Verne, Philip Dorn; "KISSES FOR "T H E KB LttCT A N T D R A G O N ." Robert Bonchley, the Barberry Corpor Tea Room. BREAKFAST.” Dennis Morgan, Jane Wyatt, August 13-16. l-'rances Clifford; "A C C E N T ON L O V E ," George Mont- M ILLB URN REPUBLICAN CLUB — Meets the fourth gomery, Osa Masson, August 7-13. Thursday of each month, 8:00 P. M. M ILLB URN ROTARY C LU B — Meets at the Chantloler ★ UNION each Tuesday noon fop luncheon and program. Joshua Go- ★ ELIZABETH light ly, President. "M A N H U N T.” W aller PFdgeon, Joan Bennett. George MILLBURN YOUNG MEN’S CLUB — Meets first Tues- Sanders. "MILLION DOLLAR BABY," Priscilla Lane, Jef- REGENT, 39 Broad Street. day of the month at Recreation House, Taylor Park t:oy Lynn, Ronald Reagan, August. 8-9. "SUNNY," Anna ORDER O F EASTERN STAR. Continental Chapter - Xeajile, John Carroll, Ray Holger. The Hartsm ans; "O U T "M OON OVER M IA M I," Carol I^andis, Robert Cum­ mings, Hetty Gruble, Don Ameche; "N A V A L A C A D E M Y ," Meets first and third Wednesday of each month, 8 P M Dh T H E FO G ." Thomas Mitchell. Ida Lupino, John Gar- First National Bank Building. Freddie Bartholomew, Billy Cook, August 7-13. "T H A T Held, August 10-12. "C A U G H T IN TH E D R A F T ." Doro­ ORDER O F THE A M A R A N TH — Meets second and fourth UN CER TAIN F E E L IN G ," Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas, thy Lap-four, Bob Hope, Eddie Bracken, Lynne Overman; Thursday of ^aeh month 8 P. M., First National Bank Burgess Meredith; "P E O P L E VS. K I L D A R E ,” Lew Ayres, "NURSE'S SECRET," Lee Patrick, Regis Toomey, August Building. Lionel Barrymore, Laralne Day, August 14-20. 1.3-16. JlDyTH MOUNTAIN CIVIC ASSOCIATION meeting third Friday of each month at the Recreation Building. Taylor R1TZ, 1148 East Jersey Street. Park. 8:30 P. M. ★ SUM M IT WASHINGTON ROCK ROD AND GUN CLUB — Meet! "BILLY THE KID," R6bert Taylor, Brian Donlovy, first and third Thursday of each month. 3 P. M ., Recreation STRAND Mary Howard, Jan Hunter; " A V E R Y YOUNG L A D Y ," Building, Taylor Park. Jane Withers. , August 7-13. "MAN POWER," W OODMEN OF TH E W O n L D — Meets third Thursday of UNDERGROUND, Jeffrey Lynn, Kftaran Verne, Philip Edward G. Robinson, Ueofge Raft, Marlene Dietrich; each month. 8 P. M., First National Bank Building. Horn; KISSES FOR BREAKFAST." Dennis Morgan, Jane "S A N ANTONIO R O S E ." Jane Frazee, Robert Paige, Au- W YOM ING Association — Council meets second Tuesday Wyatt, August S-9. "S H E K N E W A L L TH E A N S W E R S ,” gu»t 14-20. of each month except July and August, at 8:36 P. M. In Frnnchot Tone, Joan Bennett; "N A V A L A C A D E M Y ." Fred­ Wyoming Flub House. Linden Street, Artnur Saviry«r Secre- die Bartholomew, Billy Cook, August 10-12. "MAN POW­ lary. ER,". Edward G. Robinson. Geotye Raft, Marlene Dietrich; "SAN ANTONIO HOSE," Jane Frazee, Robert Paige, Au­ gust 13-16. LYRIC E vents "BILLY THE KID," Robert Taylor. Brian Donlovy, M ILLBURN T E N N I8 COURTS at Taylor Park now open. T o r D i n n e r Ian Hunter. August 8-13. "MOON OVER MIAMI." Don Permits may be obtained at the R ecreation House. Mneche, Betty GraMe, Robert. Cummings, Jack Haley. A u ­ A COUNTRY FAIR, at Christ Church Parish House, gust 14-20, Short Hills, Tuesday, September 30, 3 to 9 P. M. and BARBERRY CORNER — 33 Taylor Street. Millburn (Mill- Wednesday, October 1. 10 A. M. to 10 P. .M. given by burn 0-1739) Delicious food served and charming surround- the Short Hills Garden Club for the benefit of W ar *1*00 LUnChCOn &0c‘ Dinner sr,c an<1 11.00. Sunday dinner ★ MORRISTOWN Relief. Admission 50c. Tea^ 25c. COMMUNITY, South Street. a t t h e m a p ^ e w o o d '* t h e a t r e , August 4-9, " t h e BEECH WOO D HOTEL— Beech wood Road, Summit. (Sum ­ MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER.” Next week, August 11-16 mit 6-1054). A comfortable, homelike hotel serving delicious "TOM, I)ICK A- HARRY," Ginger Rogers, George "JOHNNY BELINDA.” meals. Lunch 30c - 75c. Dinner $1.25. Sunday dinner $1.60. Murphy, Burgess Meredith, August 7-13. FRIDAY, JULY 8 at Taylor Park, 8:45 P. M. A free BLU E H IL L S PLAN TATIO N — Dunollen, just o ff Route PARK movie. "TOBACCO L A N D ," all Invited. 29. (DUnellen 2-6582). A restaurant and supper club of many T H E F A IR W A YS — Open all the year. W est Shore Lake seasons. Dancing nightly except Mondays, 7:30 to 2. Luncheon 75c. Dinner $1.50 and buffet Sunday evening. Minimum "MAN POWER," Edward G‘. Robinson, George Raft, Hopatcong. Telephone Hopatcong 597. Cocktail hour, 3-6; Marlene Dietrich; "S W E E T H E A R T OF TH E C A M P U S.” six bowling alleys, four shuffle boards. weekdays’ $1.50 and $2.00 Saturdays; No cduvert. -Ruby Keeler, Ozzie Nelson, Harriet Hilliard, August 8-9. THE BROOK . — Route 24. Summit (SUmmlt 6-4343). DANCE HALL,” Carole Landis. Cesar Romero; "A VERY M ID G E T AUTO RAC IN G — Every Sunday evening at 8:30 o’clock sharp at Tri-City Stadium, located at Union Music by Gub Steck and his orchestra. Luncheon 76c. Din­ 'OIJNG LADY',” Jane Withers, Nancy Kelly, August 10-12. Avenue and Mill Road In the Township of Union. This ner $1.50. N o cover charge. Weekdays minimum $1.50, Sat­ •SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS.*’ Harry Carey, Betty Field. urday $2.50. track Is under the supervision of Promoter Albert Santo, I "bn Wayne; "WEST POINT WIDOW,” Anne Shirley, who Is injecting many new features Into auto racing this BROWN’S CORNER TEA ROOM — Parsonage Hill Road, Richard Carlson, August 13-16, year In the East. All racing at this track is strictly under and Passaic Avenue. Livingston. (Livingston 6-1178) Lunch­ A .A .A . regulations. eon and afternoon tea served dally In old home built In ★ IRVINGTON 1796 by the son of Captain Enos Baldwin. CANNON H A LL INN — 120 Morris Avenue, Springfield CASTLE, 1115 Clinton Avenue."* ' (Millburn- 6-144*4); Historic landmark. Home cooking. Lunch­ eon 60c. Dinner 85# and $1.00. Sunday d in n e r "in n ;------— • ' “ P E N N Y S E R E N A D E ,” Irene Dunn, fl^a^y Grant; PENTHOUSE MYSTERY," Ralph Bellamy. Margaret “ “- “-MJIitTUm -A w m ie. Millburn (Millburn 8. Lrridsay, August 8-9. "M A N H U N T ." Walter Pldgeon, Joan 2377). Supper Club with a deserved following. Macs Bettmdt. George Sanders. M ILLION DOLLAR B A B Y ,*1- S o c i a l Irish and his orchestra. Dinner $1.56‘ up from 6 to 10 and TT-.scITla Lane, Jeffrey Lynn. Ronald Reagan, "August 10* ——— Sundays noon to 10. Luncheons 86c. 12 to 3 In the Serpentine * - " S U N ^ Y ," Anna Neagfce, John Curroil, Ray Boiger, ..Room— Bigelow and Lee entertain. Minimum weekdays Si 6Q Tli« Hartamang; ’’OUT OF THE POO," Thomas Mltohcll, W V O M i m C M W - Club Sinner, second Saturdsy of each Saturdays, $2.50. N o couvert. * ' ' "• " " ' Id" Lupino, John 'at O'Brien. August 13-1 r.. Cocktails by log fire, or terrace bar and dancing to swing orchestra Saturdays. No minimum. N o couvert. ★ SOUTH ORANGE -Z—L THE CROCKF.RS ■— 5 OM Short Hills Road (Mlllburii 6- 0928). Luncheon 50c. Dinner 85q and $1.00. Served in quaint CAMEO Colonial home 150 yoara old. MIMiBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY DAY'S COLONIAL RESTAURANT — .40 Park Place, Mor­ . ‘‘CAUGHT IN THE DRAFT," Dorothy Lamour. Bob Open dally 2 fto 6 P. M. also mornings Tuesday and ristown (MO. 4-0750). Restaurateurs and caterers, on location •tope, Eddie Bracken, Lynne Overmann; "SUNNY," Anna Thursday 10 to 11 A. M. Evenings 7:30 to 9:30 P, M. Mon­ in Morristown since 1802. Luncheon 40c— 76c. Supper 76c Neagle, John Carroll. Ray Boiger, The Hartsmans. days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Saturday 9 A . M. to 1 P. M. Dinner $-1.00. Sunday dinner $1.25. August 8-11. "T IG H T S H O E S ." John Howard, Blhnle and 2 to 6 P. M. Closed Sundays and January 1, Februury .. H0USE ~ 1043 'Broad Street. Newark (Mitchell Barnes; "OUT OF THE FOG." Thomas Mitchell. Ida Lu~ 22. May 30. July* 4. Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Decem­ Pino, John Garfield, August 12-14 2-4400). Terrace dinner $1.25 up. Minimum weeks $1.60 and ber 25. $2.00 Saturdays. No couvert. [ Page 6 ] ooooo<><>oooooooooo Brewster, Cape Cod, for the Mr. and Mrs. E, F. Britten Short Hills season, Jr., of Lake road, and their * • Potter-hCurtiss daughter, Miss Elizabeth, are Mrs. Edward Beecher of Glen V spending the summer in Man- Falls, N. Y., has ended a ten W edding toloking. Mr. and Mrs. Britten day’s stay with Mr. and Mrs. 3d, are occupying the Britten Clifford Willis of Old Short Before an improvised altar of residence. Hills road. ferns and palms, in the dining A month’s vacation at their room of her parents’ home, Miss farm in New London, N. H., or THE WEEK Martha Curtiss became the ended last Sunday, for Mr. and Miss Britten bride of George Thomas Potter Mrs. A. F. Jaques of Elmwood on Saturday at 5 P. M. The place. ______By Edith Clifford bride Is the daughter of Mr. Mid-August, finds one group in Manchester,. Vt., before go- Is Engaged and Mrs. Lloyd Curtiss of Sum­ Miss Jane Durand of Jeffer­ of vacationers returned and the ing to Wentworth-by-the-Sea ( mit, formerly of Short Hills. son avenue, has concluded an larger group away on theirs. at Portsmouth, N. H. Before re­ Announcement was made on Mr. Potter is the son of Mr. eight weeks vacation. During For the stay-at-homes, it is not turning home they will be the Saturday, by Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ and Mrs. Frederick Potter of the tiftie she visited her broth­ all sizzling and solitude. Bath­ guests of the Carl Egners of win F. Britten Jr., of Lake road, Newark. Rev. Dr. Henry L. er-in-law and sister, Mr. and ers are talcing advantage of Northern drive, at their sum­ of the engagement of their Lambdin of East Orange, for­ Mrs. C. M. Echeveria in Well- the Short Hills Club Pond, Eock mer home in Wianno, Cape daughter, Miss Elizabeth Brit­ mer pastor of the Summit Me­ fleet( Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Spring Lake, Maplewood and Cod. ten, to Midshipman H. James,, thodist Church, officiated. A Moncure Carpender of South Canoe Brook pools and private Stockes Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. reception followed. terrace, at their Summer home A three weeks vacation at pools spotted throughout the Stokes of Red Bank. in Putney, Vt. Laurel Lake, N. H., began on Appearing on the arm of fieri Community. This week, met .a Miss Britten was graduated Friday for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert father who gave her in mar­ Mrs. Joseph Cardone and son large number of Short Hills from Wells College, is a mem­ R. Coursen and sons Herbert riage, the bride was gowned in Alfred of Meadowbrook road folks at Littleton Lake, nestled ber of the Wells College Club Jr., Franklin and Dean of Haw­ white tulle over satin with a and Mrs. HTalph Fry and son in sloping hills with huge shade of New Jersey and a member thorne road. The next two bodice and peplum of duchesse Ralph of Haddonfield road have trees circling the spot. Boys of the Short Hills Junior Serv­ weeks the Coursens will visit lace. A wreath of orange blos­ returned- from Seaside Park, and girls together, enjoyed the ice League. Mr. Stokes was grad­ Mrs. Coursen’s parents, Mr. soms caught her fingertip veil where they spent two weeks. float, diving boards and slides. uated from Phillips Exeter and she carried a shower bou­ and Mrs. S. W. Huntoon of Mr. Fry has concluded a two Who’ said it is a dull life for Academy and Pfinceton Uni­ Orange, at their farm in Da- quet of gardenias and bouvar- weeks’ stay in Canada. the stay-at-homers? versity, where he is a member mariscotta, Me. dia. flf Colonial Club. He is serving p3r. and'Mrs. J oseph Farnham Mrs. J. Philip Wessel of Whit­ Her only attendant was her - Recent guests of Mr .and Mrs. with the U. S. Naval' Reserve. of Hillside avenue, are visitjng ney road, is vacationing in cousin. Miss Jane Cray, who Frederick Barry Ryan of Hart­ No date has been set for the Mrs. Farnham’s parents, Mr. Southampton, L. I., where she wore a dress of ice blue satin shorn drive, at their summer wedding. and Mrs. Philip Wrenn in Mar­ is the guest of Miss Grace Mac- and carried pink roses and home at Easthampton, L. I., ion, Mass. Their son Joe, who Grann for a week. baby's breath. The bridegroom’s were Mrs. Milbur B. Ruthrauff Departing yesterday on a mo­ twin brother, John Richard has .ended a several weeks’ stay It’s Ship Ahoy, this month and her daughter, Miss Flor­ tor trip to Sioux City, Iowa, Potter, was the best man. in , is with them. for the Kimball Princess of ence Ruthrauff. were Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield The bride is a graduate of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Pyle have Highland avenue. They are Pope Day and son Fairfield 2d. A two weeks’ stay at Lake Summit High School and Cen­ concluded a month’s stay at Bay criiising off the Maine coast on They will visit Mrs. Day’s par­ Winnepesaukee, N. H., began tenary Junior College in Hack- Head and have returned to the 52 foot yawl, “Yram,” the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey on Friday for Mr. and Mrs. Sid­ ettstown. She attended Syra­ their Hillside avenue home. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Living­ Statter, returning in three ney Dale Kirkpatrick and chil­ cuse University and is a mem­ Their son Bob is attending ston Hall of Boston. Their two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Day spent dren Mary Jane and Dale of ber of. Short Hills Chapter, D. catnp on Lake Champlain. daughters, Elizabeth and Ann, last week-end with the Bernard Woodcrest avenue. A. R. Mr. Potter was graduated are summering with their Days at their Oyster Bay home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Gar- from Central High School and Councilman and Mrs. Harold grandmother, Mrs. Henry Prince rlgal of Glenwood drive, have Newark College of Engineering. • M. Kane and children Cynthia of Knollwood road, at her sum­ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H, ended a week’s vacation in He is with Sherwin Williams and Billy formerly of Cypress mer home in Essex, N. Y. Wickenden of Twin Oak road, Avon. Co., in Newark. Following a street, have moved to their new spent the week-end in Berwick, home on Whitney road. Mr. and Mrs. Smith F. Fer­ wedding trip, the couple will Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Darrpw Pa., where they were the guests * guson "of Forest drive, are at live in East Orange. and son Thomas of Cross Gates, of the American Car and Foun-' Miss Elaine Masson returned their summer home in Camden, have departed for Groton, Long dry Company at the christen­ by plane yesterday, to her Maine. Miss Emma S. Florance home in Washington, D. C., Point, Conn., to be- gone for six ing of the 1,000 tank, completed Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Whea­ of East lane, Mrs. Ferguson’s having visited her uncle and weeks. for the U. S. Army. The affair ton and son Warren, of Fair- sister, is their house guest. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. was broadcast over N.B.C on field drive, have ended a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnott LaMond of Haddonfiejd road, A week in Maine, before go­ Saturday. month’s stay in Easthampton, and the latter’s sister, Miss • for several weeks. ing to Nantucket for a month, Mary Whalley, are spending Mr. and Mrs/Hamilton C. Al- L. I. began last Friday, for Mr. and this month at Wentworth-by- baugh of Knollwood road, left Mrs. Ralph De Witt Kellogg Mrs. Andrew P. Monroe and son yesterday for Nantucket where the-Sea, at Portsmouth, N. H. and daughter Aururita De Witt, Perry of Taylor road. they will remain for three • A month’s vacation at Laval- of Pine terrace, East, departed Edwin F. Dodge Jr., is on the weeks. lette, ended last week for Mr. on Wednesday for Wolcott, N. committee of the annual, “Bay and Mrs. G. Ballon Landa and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Free­ Y„ where they are visiting Mr. Head Bubbles,” which will be daughters Aileen and Peggy of man and children Jerry and Kellogg’s mother, Mrs. Edward presented tonight and tomor­ Old Short Hills road. Dick of Twin Oak road, have H. Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg will row. He is the son of Commo­ concluded a month’s stay at join his family for his vacation. dore and Mrs. Dodge of Gros- On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sodus Point, N. Y. venor road. P. Robinsons and children Marie A month’s vacation at Big * Louise and Gerald of Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall Martha, Frederica and Elean­ Moose Lakej N. Y„ began Fri­ road, left for a two weeks’ stay _ and sons Herbert J. Perry and or Abbott, daughters of Mr. day, for Mrs. Frederick Arthur at Cape Cod. Brooks of Forest drive, have and Mrs. F. E. Abbott of Fair-' Renard and daughter, Miss ended a month’s stay at Shel­ Charlotte Renard of South ter­ field drive, are in Wolfeboro, N. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Braed- IT'S NOT ALWAYS A ter Island, N. Y. H., for two weeks, visiting their er and son Bob of Hawthorne race. HAPPY LANDING grandmother, Mrs. Frederick road, have concluded a week’s A month’s vacation at East­ Abbott, at her summer cot­ vacation spent at Moosehead ern Point, Groton, Conn., has when you’re thrown for tage. Lake, Me. ended for Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ an accident ACCIDENT shall Posey and son Marshall INSURANCE won’t pre­ In Egypt Mills, Pa., for the Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Davis Jr., of Beechcroft road. past week-end, were Mr. and of Old Short Hills road are va­ vent broken bones, but it Mrs. Harold Anderson of Fair- cationing this month in Laur- will pay for mending field drive. entine Park, Quebec. them and provide mpney while recovering. Issued A six weeks’ vacation began Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Dn Friday for Mr. and Mrs. Skelton of Woodcrest avenue, by the ./Etna Life Insur­ Meredith C. Laffey of Mont- are spending three weeks at. ance Company of Hart­ vlew avenue. The first iten days Harwich, Cape Cod. Their ford, Conn, Is Ming spent at the Essex and daughter Joan is at Camp Sussex in Spring Lake, where their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan James of Guaranteed AT REASONABLE PRICES Krautter Agency Plainfield ahd their son Edwin Exterminating 1007 Springfield Ave., Irvington Laffey, will join them this Chrysler — '"Plymouth Essex 2-1251 week-end. The next stay will be ANTS — ROACHES Sales and Service Res. 53 Greenwood Dr. TERMITES — BED BUGS Millburn 6-0992 E. M. THORPE MOTHS — FLEAS, ETC. L u b r i c a t i o n By Competent Mechanics Main St.. MUIburn. N. -t .- PHOLSTERING Exterminating DRAPERIES Morris Ave. SLIP COVERS Service of N. J. (13 Edition Place, Newark, N. J. 20 Year* Experience Motor Car Co. Everybody rendu the Classified adver­ LOCAL PHONE 155 Morris A ve., Springfield, N. J. tisements. Your little ad there, If there is Market 2.-2324 Millburn 6-1461 MUIburn 6-OS29 a market for what you want to sell, Is -4 Millburn 6-0382 Miirt* to brine results. [ August 8, 1941 ] T he MillburnV> Short H ills I T E M o<><>o<>o<>oooooooc>o<>ooooooooooo<>oooc><><><><><><><><><><>o<>o<><><>oo<>o<><><> <><> <>ooo<><><><><><><><><><> <><><>o<><><> <><><><>< —-— Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Wheaton Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Stone and Kirby-Ressler of the Wyoming Village Apart- son Charles of 24 Bodwell ter- metrts, are spending a month race, leave Saturday to spend y . , • in Easthampton, L. I., with the Mr. Charles Douglas of Vaux three weeks at the Thousand former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Engagement Hall, former resident of Mill- Islands, where they are visiting burn for forty-three years, will A. W. Wheaton. Mrs. Stone’s father J. R. Daltz. Announcement has been made celebrate hi? 83th birthday on of- the engagement of Miss August 16. Mr. Douglas tends Elizabeth Stockton Kirkby, his garden daily, and is a 'The Feather Curl Is the Curl For daughter of Mrs. Frederick regular attendant of the Bap­ Snare Jr., of Englewood and tist Church of Millburn. Wouldn’t miss a frequent the late Oswald Kirkby, to , .... — Youf Young! visit to Forbes Display Gardens, David-Blair Ressler, son of Mr. Miss Ruth Lore of Millburn Route 10, at Hanover; Such a and Mrs. Harold B. Ressler of avenue, will spend the week­ Easy to Manage gorgeous flower display only 15 Highland avenue. end in Spring Lake. On Mon­ minutes from Short Hills. Pe­ day, she will go to Asbury Park Miss Kirkby attended the Cf. Baby ringlets around your face tunias are blooming profusely. for a week. About the 18th Her Select a choice variety for next Dwight School in Englewood; look smart with daytime cas- mother Mrs. P. Lore also of Warrenton Country School in 1 uals and dramatic evening year’s planting. Millburn avenue, will join her fashions! Have this newest hair * Virginia and Briarcliff Junior Smart people catch on to new and they will motor to New styling done here, and wear College and is a provisional places quickly! The Sewing England for a week. your fall fashions with new member of the Englewood Center, 63 Main street, is al­ • effectiveness. Junior League. Mr. Ressler at­ Sergeant and Mrs. Francis ready a rendezvous for gals tended the Pingry School" in Tighe of 428 Millburn avenue, Expert Male and Female * adept with the needle. The Elizabeth, and was graduated departed on Monday for Lake Operators to Serve You. Sewing Center extends a wel­ in June, from Yale, where he George, N. Y., where they will come to the novice as well as was manager of the Yale crew. spend a week. the experienced. He is an Ensign in the Naval * Reserve. The wedding will take P a l e r m o \Hair Stylist Mrs. R. B. Martin has high place, September 12. ELECTRICAL praise for the Aalten Kennels INSTALLATIONS — REPAIRS in Springfield. Whenever the 59a Main Street Martflis take a trip, they leave L. PARSIL, JR. their dog Sandy, at Aaltens. » perry Place, Springfield Millburn, N. j. Millburn 6-2128 Large airy accommodations MILLBURN « - III!!:! with veterinary supervision, as­ MEN! sures their "pet’s comfort. # Look smart', Something new in the Gloria Glad line! Girls from fourteen keep c<^l in to forty, can have a Gloria Glad A h 9 deal coiffure by asking for it, at • \ Charlotte’s Beauty Salon. Now SUMMER don't disappoint me girls, ask G o+nJU natio+i for a G. G. coif. Here is a hair- dress that is comfortable and SUITS easy to keep. I’ll vouch for that. Altho' Charlotte’s was busy TWO CAREFREE, when I was in on Wednesday, Iwo of tlie operators are sop­ MODERN ping up the sun on their Sum­ ELECTRIC mer holiday. APPLIANCES * Did you know the Plymouth WHICH MEAN car is constantly increasing in YEARS OF popularity? A sound engine with HAPPINESS AND all the required power, it is CONVENIENCE topped with modern design and TO ANY classic colors. Suburban Auto FAMILY. Inc., can tell you other features. * laundered or Barbery Corner Tea Room will be closed every Monday dry cleaned Enjoy the freedom of Electric Cookery with the new until further notice. It gives them a breathing spell from by Morey LaRue Westinghouse Range. It is fast, clean, safe and economi the rush of serving platters of plenty and delectable dainties. cal, giving you more leisure for living. Then combine Make your dates for Barberry Look cool and feel comfort­ anytime Tuesday through Sun­ able this summer in suits of with this the luxury of the Westinghouse Electric Water linen. Palm Beach and similar day. weaves. Let Morey LaRue keep * your suits looking smart and Heater, giving you all the hot water you want, when you When your eyes need atten­ neat with regular laundering want it, at low cost! There you have the Ideal Combina­ tion, see your eye physician. or dry cleaning. Take ■ your prescription to An- Spots, stains, soil and per­ tion for better living, the electric way. spacb Brothers in Summit. This spiration odors are removed. is a safe way.to insure the best Suits are. form-pressed to fit better and to hold a crease in sight. Don't neglect your eyes. longer. See the Westinghouse FIND OUT HOW Two tickets for John Fairchild at Warner Bros. Millburn The­ Champion Range and EASY THEY atre, week of August 11. only 65 C each get the bargain thrill * ARE TO BUY Students at Pingry will find of your life. Both* a face-lifting job finished when ITT' suits are only mussed, not I Jr soiled, Morey LaRue’s range and \water classes begin. Corridors have Press-Only Service will restore heater also priced been freshened with paint and their neat appearance for only knotty pine adorns several 30c on Bag and Ticket Plan. specially low in our rooms. Already the school is in combination offer! readiness with everything ship­ FREE PHONE SERVICE shape. can “wx-noo” — - They’re a twin bar­ * It is an old American custom gain specially priced, to pay your bills! No better or when they are sold .safer way than to. pay them by together. ';eheck. Open an account with the First National Bank of Mill- ' SMALL DOWN burn. Your returned voucher Is your receipt. Keep credit good- PAYMENT pay bills monthly by check. Member F.D.I.C. EASY MONTHLY « Haven’t seen finer acreage TEEMS anywhere than the herd of LAUNDERING Canoe Brook Farms has for grazing. Drive out some sum* DRY CLEANING mer day and see their set-up. Dully service In Millburn, Short JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO. For the finest in flavor, best for Hills and all points In Khb« k Cou n ty .,— health, drink Canoe Brook but­ Millburn 6-0314 E 6441 termilk. ■ I*,.,. Adv. im s£ -.•fo.iihn 1 Editor, The Item: T-rjrr: Upon my return from Maine, I have seen several references oooooooooooo< Gasless evenings, what a break in your last few editions to the M1LLBURN &> When I my gal ariding take. "The time has come," th© Walrus said rapid increase in our Township “ To talk of many 'things; No more in country lanes we Of shoes — and ships — and Malta* wax; SHORT HILLS TEM population and the estimate hide Of cab bays* — and kinds." * that our population density has With Mr Ickes at our side. doubled within the last twenty LOVER' Founded in 1888 years. We all know that..this .. # community is one of those Editor, The Item: . T H E M ILLB U R N and SHORT HILLS ITEM la published every Friday by growing most rapidly in New Township service clubs are Millburn may be in for heat­ The hem Publishing and Printing Company, a corporation, at 249 Malu proving their worth when they Street, Millburn, NT “J. Editor. H. Q. More. Advertising: Manager. WUIard Jersey. , — less days and gasless nights but H. -UHHianer, NaUonal AdvarilaUm Hepreaentatlves, New Jersey Newspapers do such good deeds as have for the present it seems we are Inc., New York. Chicago, Philadelphia. Official newspaper of the Township 'mere can--be little doubt'that of Alillhum. Subscription rates, by mall, postpaid; One year two dollars; the Rotary Club and the Ki- not to forego elections. six months, one dollar; payable In advance. Single copies five cents each. tne most importaht matter be- * Entered In the Post Office In MlUburn, N. J., as Second-Class Mail Matter. wanis Club. Giving deserving ' • lore the Township today is the boys and girls wholesome Sum­ September will see business Telephone: MlUburn 9-1200 immediate necessity for a Plan­ mer outings brings them back at the old stand as usual with ning Board to prepare for and to their homes with new a full stock of candidates de­ guide this growth in order to thoughts and energy. spite efforts to curtail produc­ The New Emergency protect our present citizens and These two groups of which tion. ____ r. . * ■• ihe community. Hobart L. Benedict and Henry • • Rationing food in England is By their raiment ye shall know them come winter and all you A. Feustel are the directing Although tne existing Zoning one thing but asking men will have to do is take a look at the ankles. heads, have since their incep­ Ordinance, and the powers of aspiring to public office to get Brave women, vain women and greedy, all will be known by tion rendered many public serv­ the Township Committee, 'a s in line for cards is something their leg covering as they disport themselves at home and abroad. weil as those oi the Building ices beneficial to the whole Sugar may have been hoarded during World War I, but it else again. Department, have so far suc­ community. 0 ~ was never exhibited in public. Feminine America turned to cotton ceeded in maintaining a high Here is evidence of what a Salvation is free and so, is then too as all of the nation’s silk went into loud shirts for ship standard, it is obvious that the few working to a common end the right of any adult to a fair builders and other war profiteering craftsmen. problem of adequate planning can accomplish not for them­ field in primaries and elections. A male of our acquaintance who wears wool sox the year calls for the full time and ex­ selves but for those who are to • around because “ they’re cooler” laughed and laughed when his These are about the only k- perience of a seperate board come after them. wife said lisle, cotton and rayon were all to warm. freedoms left and we better which m jy be made available OBSERVER Stockings may hang in folds and bag at the ankles but ff « nang onto them as long as we at little expense. Of course the they’re silk women will feel well dressed in coming months. Runs ★ can. Township Committee has many will be no disgrace and Lord, how they'd like to get back those Editor, The Item: * other pressing problems to deal wrecks sent in bundles to Britain. ~ ~ ~ Last week I was in Washing­ Maybe now. the flower season. with, and each member must Oh well anything can happen in a Great National Emergency ton and there was poinftd’ bUt is about, over Ed Lonergan will consider his own Department such as the song now sweeping the country:’ “Where, oh where can to me a car about 40 feet long take time to name a ticket to first. .pur.President be.” with a hood that must cover at carry the Democratic standard. , r * The widening of Hobart ave­ least 16 cylinders. Admitted, it is but a gesture nue, the recurring suggestions The one who did the pointing here, but it is the spirit that that a new fire house must be also volunteered the statement counts and who knows, light­ set up, not to mention a junior The Same Old Shaker “That's what our Federal Gas ning might strike some day. high school and another pri­ Saver commutes to his Mary­ * The stage seems set for Millburn’s Town Committee primary mary school, and the ever pres­ land estate in." It is a healthy sign to see election with four Republican candidates and two Democratic as­ ent parking problem are only I am familiar with those gas these minorities carrying on pirants. pressing advance instances of hogs and if that job turns up from year to year, a sign de­ The ingredients are all here now for a refreshing draught to the need for planning. more than three miles to the mocracies work and live. carry residents through the balance of the heated term and up gallon then some garage man • When the ordinance for a I should know for since 1932 tq primary day, Tuesday, September 16. has worked magic. Planning Board was last pro­ I have been one of them and The way this has finally come about is reminiscent of the posed in 1940, I urged its adop­ I may be going back again bartender who opined Martini cocktails never did get the accept­ carrying on more than most. tion, not only because of the and if so will look to see if the * ance they deserved. Taking the basic formula and adding a dash rapid building program then owner is practicing what he It is not the first time Lord of this and that, he evolved the dry Martini less sweet than the already in full swing now in­ preaches or if the saving is all knows, but never before have original, palatable potent and now a general favorite. tensified. but also because up to John Citizen. Learning I I seen so many things that Mixers here this year had thought to turn out a sweet drink, throughout the State, our com­ will report if you are still in­ griped me. easy to concoct and calling^for only mild stirring. They now find munity had long been known terested. ♦ the old shaker must be resorted to as in the past. I carried on about this and as one owing the beauty of its J. F. J. — There is something to that shaker business beside the burn­ avenues and homes to expert that and at least reduced my ished metal. The splash of ice is music to the ear and then as the ★ blood pressure so that I may planning, citing this as an ex­ Editor. The Item: frost gathers on the outside comes certainty of something good in be alive when men and govern­ store. 4 ample of what care and fore­ Last week there was a defin­ thought had done and could ments once more are that. Voters may well anticipate this year’s committee cocktail which ite call for aluminum and Mill- * as in the past will have olives and everything. do for us. burn by its direct system of at­ This same Lonergan must As a candidate, I pledge my­ tack collected as much as one have recognized mine as a self to continue to work for the city of 100,000 according to minority voice when he sold me E creation of a Planning Board. newspaper accounts. a petunia collection. H elp Red Cross W ork Seeking assorted colors, Ed ~ May I also say that the full Now the government is out to discussions sought by the Town­ save oil and gasoline and why said, “Here you are just what Millburri Township Red Cross is carrying on its work as us­ ship Committee last year on not go about it in the same the doctor ordered.” ual despite vacations and summer heat. It needs workers as ap­ this subject, followed in the positive manner u If we must, we Well that petunia bed looks peals through Item columns show. open public meeting by state­ will. like the mourner’s bench in the The Red Cross is charged with two tasks making millions of ments of the Committeemen, This guy • Ickes has never meeting house, all are blue, so surgical dressings for the fast growing American army and cloth­ discussing the ordinance and pulled punches in debate or dark they’re black except, in ing for refugees abroad. For these latter warm dresses are being explaining their vote, deserves charges ih the past frequently the strongest light. made along with other necessities. much commendation, and is a manufacturing from whole cloth I also bought a pink dog wood Township women back from vacations and others who find method of dealing with Town­ it seemed to me. Why now if^hf and if that turns out something long days hanging heavy on their hands can turn themselves to ship questions which I for one so suddenly vague and hesitant? else I may turn Democrat and good account by joining friends and neighbors at the sewing rooms r most heartily endorse. There This closing stations and see if that gets me anywhere. in Christ Church Parjgh House. are many Instances of Commit­ putting men out of work is one ★ A nursery play yard has been provided for children of work­ tee matters (other than those way to keep P.W.A. in the pic­ be left and collected for those ers and any with odd hours available can. take materials to their of departmental detail) which ture, but it saves no fuel. Ra­ who wished to conserve our own homes. can well be discussed in open tioning is the* only way and gasoline? Millburn has never failed to meet a Red Cross quota but Township Committee meetings then it’s not just the unfortun­ The mail at Cross Roads for present demands call for willing hands and many of them. Lend by members and the public, ates who are hit if they run instance, is all taken to the -yours today. with resulting benefit to the out of a Sunday night, regl estate office there within community. Such practice is AMOS JOHNSON walking distance for the resi­ "Beach plums promising as means of supplementing income" the American way. ’ _____ ★ dents. < ... And _ with * reference to our jsays a bulletin of the Rutgers College of Agriculture. That sounds Editor, th & lten i£ = ,;:*":- ' . Elizabeth Jackson Greene fttie. New Jersey has relied too long on its beach peaches. We’re “way” of doing things, I ven­ glad to see the homely sisters get a hreaX. ture the further thought that a We are asked to conserve The bulletin adds “While more tart, some of the wild beach Township primary should call gasoline for defense. Those of THE NOVENA for the Feast plums seem worthy of cultivation” even more interesting but for an open election regardless us who have to motor to the of the Assumption this year, what , funny things college professors delve into during summer of sectional location or associa­ Post Office in Short Hills for Will be held at Rosary Shrine, vacations. tion affiliation, affording every­ our mail are obliged to use a Summit, beginning on Thurs­ one an opportunity to choose certain amount of gasoline for day, August 7, and closing dur­ solely on the basis of merit, that purpose. ing the services on the Day of Metropolitan Essex, nerve center o f lersey’s throbbing indus­ qualifications and service to the A Short Hills house delivery Our Lady’s Assumption, August trial and commercial life, and the location of thousands of homes, Township. service would save this during 15, 3:30 P. M. TTie afternoon continues to maintain a thriving farm industry in a predominant­ this time but if this is impos­ devotions on Sunday, August ly urban area. Last year Essex farmers ranked among the first Thanking you for the use of sible, couldn’t certain places in 10, will be dedicated to the five counties in the United States in raising horse-radish. Short your column, I am, different sections of Short Hills Queen of Peace, and so form a Hills ranked first in community output. Wm. Sherman Green Jr. be established where mail could , more solemn part of the novena. < mm* [August 8, 1941 J The Wilburn & Short Hills ITEM Page )


sugar Is dissolved. Cook about Fresh Green 15 minutes, stirring occasional­ ly. Pack into clean, hot, steril­ Roast B e e f Tomato Pickles ized jars. Fill each jar to witjjjn Vj inch of top with boiling' - 7 lbs preparea green tomatoes If you are particular about syrup. Seal. l'/z lbs. prepared onions the way ,you want roasts cooked % cup salt you will be wise to buy a roast 1 cup water meat thermometer. When you Berksh ire PuM, 4 cups cider vinegar "g use a gauge such as this you 1% lbs. light brown sugar, firm­ Three squares unsweetened can tell exactly the degree of ly packed chocolate cut in pieces, three doneness, of a roast before you l ',2 teaspoons ground alspice cups cold milk, . three-fourth take it out of the oven. There 1V2 teaspoons ground cloves cup sugar, six tablespoons flout, will be no pink meat or juices l ‘/ 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon one-fourth teaspoon salt, one if you like your meat well . l'/a teaspoons ground ginger teaspoon vanilla? Add choco­ done, and there is bound to 2 Vo teaspoons dry mustard late to the milk, place in a be some pink color and plenty '2 teaspoon black pepper double .boiler and heat. When of juice if you like roast me­ 1 '3 cup mustard seeds chocolate is melted beat with a dium rare. * ■ —- Wash about 8 pounds firm, rotary egg beater until well For an average sized family, green tomatoes of uniform size. blended. Combine sugar, flour select a standing rib roast of Remove stem ends and cut in and salt. Add a small amount A O M e s m t * h o m * two or three ribs. A four-pound l4-inch slices. Wash and peel to the chocolate mixture, stir­ •roast will serve six people. Wipe about 20 small onions. Cut into ring hard. Return to the double the roast with a damp cloth VV7F all know "Home Sweet li-inch slices. Arrange toma­ boiler and cook until thick­ and place it on a rack in a Home.' but now many ot us toes and onions in layers in ened, stirring constantly. Then know it was written by John How roaster, fat side up. Make a large bowl or crock, sprinkling cook 20 to 25 minutes, stirring ard Payne who was born at East small cut' with a paring knife , with salt. occasionally. Add vanilla. Chill through the frd and into the Hampton. He wrote the famous song m Paris 115 years ago. in­ Cover and let stand overnight. and serve with cream. Serves large muscle ana insert a meat spired by his own birthplace Drain, rinse, and place In large six. thermometer, so that the bulb The charming old nouse. built in preserving kettle. Add water and reaches the center of the roast. the 17th century, is open to the •vinegar. Bring to boil and cook, HP ...... public and contains a notable col­ Do not add any water and do t h e OLD covered, about 15 minutes. Mix lection ol antiques and the finest "1100 INFORMAL’ not cover the pan. Roast the sugar, spices and mustard seeds. collection ql lusterware in this ; Art Museum at East Hampton. The 1 \lQ0 ENVELOPE.' meat in a 325 degree oven until country Queens Midtown Tunnel to Route Add to vegetables. Bring slowly it is the desired degree of done­ If you plan to visit East Hampton 27 will solve truffle problems And to a boil, stirring only until \ SS ness. you might go by way of Hempstead as you drive along the shores of 1 Allow 18 minutes to the Lake State Park, and enjoy a Bit of Great South Bay you’ll recall it’s [\ 1 pound for cooking a rare roast, Boating 01 sailing It youi mood is the home of the famous Blue Point !£ = = more serious, there's the Parish oyster. j * " 7 22 minutes per pound for a k ★ medium roast and 27 minutes w M . / I ^ v-' Remove from the saucepan to the pound for a well-done m m - u carefully, place on a hot plat­ 1 — ’ >1 roast. ter, remove skin and decorate Rt. with parsley. Serve with the Moving . . . following sauce: Salmon With Strain 1 1/3 cupfuls of the Storing .... court-bouillon into a saucepan, add finely-chopped parsley and Rug Cleaning . Daylight saving time Cream Sauce chives, and the lemon peel, and starts when you buy RY- let cook over a low fire for 15 TEX Informals. For it only takes a minute for a 1 3/4 lbs. salmon minutes. Beat egg yolks with MODERNIZE YOUR Floor Coverings. brief note, an invitation 1/2 cup cream mustard and cream, and add or an announcement with BATHROOM to the boiling sauce. Let cook these smart little note Soup bunch At Our Low— Estimate Prices sheets. Smooth plate stock Yolks 3 eggs , in the top of a double boiler, with your Name RYTEX- stirring constantly until the HYLTTED on the Inform­ 2 quarts cold water sauce is fairly thick. Season Thos. R. Douglas Co. Rimbsck Storage Co. als. Envelopes plain. 3/4 teaspoon prepared-mustard witji tabasco, and salt if neces­ Established 1803 Cor. Millburn Avenue ' REG. U. S, PAT.’ OFF. 1 teaspoon chopped chives sary. Add chopped hard-cooked PLUMBING - HEATING 1 hard cooked egg SHEET METAL WORK & Spring Street Millburn & Short Hills' item egg, and capers and serve at Millburn 6-2000 1 teaspoon chopped parsley once. 30.1 Mlllburn Ave. Millburn 6-0344 2111 Main Nt. • Ml fl-1200 2 teaspoons capers 6 peppercorns PREVENT FIZZING OVER 1 curl lemon peel To open a bottle of soft drink Salt and tabasco without having it overflow, tip Put soup bunch (onion, car­ the bottle at a slight angle and rot, parsley and celery)' in a remove the cap slowly. DAVE’S MARKET saucepan with cold water, 1 teaspoonful of salt, and pepper­ corns, and let boil slowly for MATERIALSl Free Delivery 3 4 7 Millburn Ave. 20 minutes. Lay in the slice of salmon bring,' to the boil­ ART SUPPLIES ing point, and then lower heat Decorative Painters Suppliesl Legs of Lamb OCTAGON so that the water simmers 317 MiHImrn Ave. Millburn 6-15811 Prime Rib Roast of Beef gently until the fish is done. SOAP lb . 2 9 c E L E CTRIG A L MAPLEWOOD Rumps of Veal 7 fo r 2 . 7 1 \NT.\ I.I.ATIONH — REPAIRS Dog & Cat Hospital - DR. J. GOI.DBROWN, Vdt.rtB.rtan MEDICINE, SURGERY, DENTISTRY, Smoked Tongues L. PARSIL, JR. HOARDING, PLUCKING, ' CLIPPING V e l PKRRY P M W , 81*RINUriKl.D 22511 Mlllburn Ave., Maplewood, N, J, •- _ ^ 8 . 0 . 2-9333 Philadelphia Capons MILLBURN 6 - 1033 .urge i<>\ mmr‘ ib.35< — — - - Fancy Turkeys CLEAN FUEL Fresh-Killed L. I. Ducks ib. 19c miHBURn ~i tl). OIL ** 20 COfTOIL .1 lb- 5 9 c Company HOI'PEI) STEAK lb. 31c KLEK 9 MM I W ST. TCLIPHONI5 PALMOLIVE SOAP ...... 3 medium cakes 17c Large Box l a DEPENDABLE MILLBURN 6 0 0 0 0 LOCAL SUPER SUDS — BLUE B O X ...... 2 for 30c DELIVERY NIGHT PHONES STORAGE TANKS SUMMIT 6-4309-J Phone Millburn 6-1730 for Prompt Delivery Cold Beers and Beverages • mr r—- [ Pag.e i o T h e Millburn 6r> Shor f August 8, 1941 j >05>00<>0000000( SH ORTS * SPORTS * * Here & T h ere

cetta DePalma and Florence Don Marshall, crack Millburn W est W ins Sutera. High School football, basket­ This team will play a Summit ball and baseball player makes ten at Taylor Park at 2 P. M. this week’s-Alderney Dairy ad­ Over East 3-2 Wednesday afternoon. vertisement in this issue. Don W ill probably have little trouble Overcoirting a two run deficit disposing of the ice cream In the last of the seventh in­ Millburn Wins whictncomes with the ad. ning with a three run splurge, Speaking of Don as a foot­ tRe West defeated the East 3-2 ball. player reminds us that last Saturday at Taylor Park in Track M eet favorite American, sport is due the first of a three game all- in just about a month — that staT series between picked play­ In commemoration of “Joseph is practice will start just after ers from the Lackawanna Lee Day’ ’a series of athletic Labor Day. Don incidentally is League. events between teams from expected to play a part In the The West used three hurlers, Taylor Park and Springfield formation of a varsity this fall, Moroney and Spencer of Sum­ playgrounds was scheduled for being the only regular return­ last Thursday. While the base­ mit and DePalma of Millburn ing in the backfield. to halt the Eastern squad which ball game between an all star contented itself with the pitch­ Recreation Junior League team Lackawanna League officials ing of Frank Araneo of East from Millburn and the Spring- were slightly disappointed in Orange. Araneo was exceeding­ field Dodgers was postponed the size of the crowd at Tay­ ly effective ' allowing ■ only six due to wet grounds the Millburn lor Park Saturday afternoon to ' hits the same total his Eastern track squad defeated the witness the first of a three mates made off the combined Springfield squad. game all star series. Perhaps offerings of the West's three “Joseph Lee Day” commemo­ the hot sun was to blame for hurlers. rated the founding of the Na­ the small crowd but those who Araneo had the West shut tional Recreation movement did attend were repaid with a out until the last of the seventh and arrangements for the local fine ball game. Lets go fans when McDonald, center fielder schedule were carried out by and come out in full force Au­ from Madison touched him for Vincent Brown of Millburn and gust 16 when the teams are a single to right to, score Bellko Bill Brown of Springfield. scheduled' to play the final of and Bruno who were on base Track meet results follow: the series, or better still go to at the time. Carella, Millburn 50-yard dash (Juniors)—won Chancellor Field, Irvington to­ catcher, brought in Don Mar- by Emil Bontempo, Millburn; AL SCHACHT, "Clown Prince of Baseball” who will entertain morrow as well for the second ' shall with the winning run with Frank Bock, Springfield; Andy the fans during the intermission between the double-header Tues­ game. a hard hit grounder on which Pupa, Millburn. day night at Ruppert Stadium. Due to a mix-up in arrange­ there was no play at the plate. 50-yard dash (seniors)—won ments for regular Lackawanna The East’s two runs came in by George Roessner, Spring- Orange Yankees and will at­ Intermediate Baseball League umpire's to handle last the third and seventh innings, field; Len Pacifico, Millburn; tempt to avenge an earlier de­ Saturday’s all-star contest Boots the first coming- when a fly ball Joe DePalma, Millburn. feat. On Thursday, August 14 a Marcantonio and Mr. Summer- to deep left center field was- / 75-yard dash (Juniors)—won team from the Recreation League by Frank Bock, Springfield; League will play host to a hill were drafted from the dropped for three bases, and STANDINGS Emil Bontempo, Millburn; Dan group from the Buxton Country stands to handle the game the second when Mastro of East W. L. Morano, Millburn. Day School. Both turned in a swell perform­ Orange got a hold of one of Cardinals ...... 10 1 75-yard dash (seniors)—won ance eliciting only negligible DePalma’s fast balls to score Indians ..... 5 4 by George Roessner, Springfield; kicks on close plays. Boots as Piccirillo. Tigers ...... 3 7 Joe DePalma, Millburn; Bill Nonnenkamp bafTahd-strike ump looked like DePalma was in trouble in Dodgers ..... „ 2 8 Palumbo, Springfield. a real professional arbiter and the last inning when the bases As the league goes into its High Jump (juniors) — three all he needed was a mask and were loaded with only one out Balances Bears last week, the Cardinals still way tie, Emil Bontempo, Andy chest protector to earn a regu­ but pitched himself out of this The Newark Bears In addi­ retain undisputed command of Pupa, Allan Brown, all of Mill­ lar job. difficulty by striking out Mastro tion to developing young play­ first place winning 10 and los­ burn. and getting Araneo on a roller ing 1. ★ High jump (seniors) — won - ers at a rapid enough pace to to the box. keep the Yankees on top the The lone loss was suffered at The second game of the series by Bill Talumbo, Millburn;; tie, Business Men's League Norman Gentile and Robert American League also do a very the hands of the last place will be played tomorrow after­ good job of taking major Dodgers who upset the favor­ STANDINGS noon at Chancellor Field, Irv­ Pierson, both of Millburn. Running broad jump (Jun­ league castoffs and revamping ites to win 8-7. Detrick and W. L ington. 3 iors) — won by Frank Bock, them into stars. All the great Tomn were the winning com­ Sobth Mountain ...... 7 Newark clubs of Yankee own­ MIULIilKN SI MM IT MADISON Springfield; Andy Pupa, Mill­ bination for the Dodgers, De­ Firemen ...... 0 Went AB. R. . H. ership have been balanced by Palma and Carlton were the Homely Men ...... 4 7 Ahern. 21). IS) ...... 2 0 0 burn; Emil Bontempo, Millburn. Tmfcuco. 2b. (Mi) • ...... 2 0 1 Running broad jump (sen­ at least one veteran perform­ battery for the losers. Beechcroft ...... 4 Sut Ion. 1 b. (Ma) ...... 3 0 1 er who was waived out of the Mountain Bellko, »b.-8H. (S) ...... 4 1 1 iors) — won by Bill Palumbo, Other games this week were: Art Wynn’s South Plceulto, sf*. (Ml) ..... 2 0 Millburn; George Roessner, big show and apparently Tigers vs. Dodgers, Tigers be­ softball team took firmer Bruno. 31*. (8) . . 0 1 0 D. Marshall, If (Mil 3 1 Springfield; Norman Gentile, through to all except George hind the one hit hurling of grip on first place in the busi­ McDonald, cl. (Mai 0 1 Weiss, Baseball’s No. 1 Shopper ness Men’s League Monday R Marshall, rf. (K i) .... 2 0 0 Millburn. Collentone, combined with Sehvumpf, rf. (Ma) ...... 1 0 0 Soft ball throw (juniors) — on the bargain counters. Pete sparkling infield play, defeated night when they defeated the 0 0 iJmWHon, «■. (Mu) ...... 1 Appleton, John Niggelling, Steve Firemen, currently in second Carella. c. (Mi) ...... 2 <*4 0 won by Bill Detrick, Spring- the Dodgers 13-4. Moroney, p. (S) ...... 1 0 0 field; Lowell Gindey, Millburn; Sundra, John McCarthy, Jim In the second of a two game place by a score of 15 to 6. With Spencer. i>. (S) ...... 1 0 0 DePalma. p. (Ml) ...... 0 0 0 tie Frank. Bock, Springfield, and Gleeson and Bob Seeds are series between the Dodgers and only two weeks of play remain­ only a few who earned many ing, it begins to look as if So 27 • 3 G Allen Brown, Millburn. Tigers, the Tigers again Soft ball throw (seniors) — more years of major league emerged victorious 11-2. Fea­ Mountain will be on top when LIVINGSTON IRVINGTON — salaries after Newark rejuvena­ 13 A ST ORANGE won by Joe DePalma, Jim Carl­ ture of this game was a triple the season ends. However, there ------— AB. R. H ton, Len Pacifico, all of Mill­ tions. . play by the Tigers, Detrick to are a few postponed games that Hornish, of. (I) ...... 4 0 0 Hon nek. 2b. X1) ...... 4 1 burn. The prize veteran of this Penoyer to Socco. The Tigers must be played, and along with Khehalt. 11*. (I) ...... 4 0 1 year’s league leading Newark those games that still remain Collins, rf. (M ...... 3 ft 0 also defeated the Indians 5-2 in Konelle, rf. (130) 0 0 0 club is Leo Nonnenkamp, cast­ a close contest. on the schedule, the fans can Uim'lrlllo. If. (1) ...... -3 1 1 Kilikowxki. 3b. (I) ...... 4 ft 1 off first by and then Cardinals vs. Dodgers. Nick expect a great battle for the 0 R.tWtuuiQM Leaguerue Greco, c. (BO) ...... ft “T by the Red Sox who kept him Gentile, slugging first baseman - pennant. Dowd, c. (L) ...... x...... 2 ft l W ake, as. ( U ...... 1 0 0 three years although they gave for the Cardinals pounded out On Tuesday night., the last 0 l 3 him a chance to play only in one of the longest-drives of the place Beechcroft te a m nosed Araneo. n. IEQ) ... 3 0 0 ...... •:... r- . .— . — w. L. T. ,1938 when he batted a fair .283 yearrThe ball was hit over, the OHt the Homely Men 11-10 In a 2 6 32 Millers Market 5 i 0 for 87 games. A lefthanded hit- center fielders ’ head, took a close hard fought battle. Gen­ House—Mwgan 3 • 2 "T ter, Nonnenkamp came up from big bounce and rolled into the... tile pitched for the losers, Mar­ Jay Hawkers .... 2 1 Little Rock and was never given lake. Anyone who knows the cantonio for the victors. Girls Beat Springfield Lucky Petes 1 4 0 the opportunity his .332 and local diamond will appreciate Next week, So. Mountain will Miller’s Market made its four .326 averages in the Southern Nick’s effort. Detrick was the tangle with the Homely Men As a part of “Joseph Lee Day” in a row by defeating the Association entitled him to. losing pitcher for the Dodgers, on Monday night, Tuesday the celebration a soft ball team of House o f Morgan and Lucky The Bears will return from Allison was the receiver. For Firemen will play Beechcroft Petes. The Jay Hawkers split the winning Cardinals, the bat­ Millburn girls defeated a picked their long road trip next Tues­ * team from Springfield at their two scheduled games win­ day night when a doubleheader tery was Pearson and Carlton. THE IRVINGTON Sports Club Springfield last Thursday by a ning from Lucky Petes 13-6 and will be played with BaltimSfe. Score 23-12, a free hitting af­ captured an abbreviated fh p score of 30-11. losing to House of Morgan 11-2. Wednesday night will be ladies fair. inning baseball game from tie Members of the Millburn team The second place House of Mor­ night. Millburn Blues Wednesday ev included Nettie and Millie Tolve, gan ‘ also split their two A1 Schacht, veteran baseball ing intermission between the ning by a 4-3 score. Van Bi Mary Samrhartino, Theresa games. comedian, has been secured by halves of the Newark-Baltimore kirk and Smith shared ‘the D’Anrima, Lucy Thomas, Estelle On Thursday of this week the management of the Bears doubleheader next Tuesday pitching assignment for the Declassis, Doris Dilonno, Con- Miller’s will play the East to entertain the spectators dur- night. . [ August 8, T941 j The Millbum Gr* ShortHills ITEM

** f MESCAL IK E b, s. lhuntlf.y There’* No Place Like a Second Home

ninety per centum (90%> of the estl- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT m a e d cost of the Improvement In ac­ IS.VU^unt^ ~ cordance with the provisions of Chapter ESTATE OF .IT LI A (1. L Y L E , deceased 15 of Title 27 of the revised statutes No* Ice Is hereby Riven that the Ac- of New Jersey: and zAt The Races i'niihts oT thft Subscriber, Executor of W H E R E A S , no provision has here­ with the last W ill and Testament of JULIA tofore been made for the Township’s (1. LYL E , deceased, will be audited and share of said Improvement; 'CHUCK” WERNLI Minted by the Surrogate and reported for NOW. THEREFORE. HE IT OR­ settlement to the Orphans’ Court of the D A IN E D by the Township Committee of i*< u>ry «»f F «‘iex on Tuesday, the 23rd the Township of Mitlburn 'in the County •lay of September next. ol Essex as follows: 'lislk about surprises, well Uate.t June 30. 1941 Section 1 .^H obart Avenue, an un­ c ROBERT LANGENBACHER improved Township Road in the Town* Johnny Pierson, the 21-year-old p of Mltlhurn. In the County of E s­ K/"ha d J Fltzmaurlee. Proctor youngster from Wilmington, 308 Main Street. sex. from it point at or near the In- »n ance, N. ,1 l arsed ion of the said Hobart Avenue Del., showed the track favorites with Highland Avenue to a point at or July 11, 18. 25. Aug. t. 8 as well as the fans some fancy near the Intersection of th« sa'd . Ho­ NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT bart Avenue and Whitney Hoad, shall car handling, When he won the he improved by grading said street for 100-lap Eastern States midget ESTATE OF NATHANIEL 1>RAKK. de­ s width of forty (40) feet to fifty (50) ceased. feet, and by constructing thereon a bi­ auto race championship last Notice Is hereby given that the Ac­ tuminous macadam pavement with a type counts of the Subscribers, Trustees un­ “ A " or type " T ” surface course for a Sunday evening at Tri-City der the last W ill and Testament of NA­ w'dth of thirty (30) feet. Together with Stadium. Before a record break­ THANIEL DRAKE, deceased, will be appropriate addit.onai width In the vicin­ audited and stated by the Surrogate ity of the Hobart Avenue School, and by ing crowd of 14,521, young Pier­ and reported for settlement to the constructing therein curbs and sidewalks son covered the 100-laps in Orphans' Court of the County of Essex of concrete, stone or^ bituminous ebb* on Tuesday, the 9th day of September crele und necessary drainage structures, 24:43.08 minutes. pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 27 of the1 Kn Revisbd1 uiniMin..Statutes ,.r of vNew .... jersey t.,-...,..* and Dated July 9. 1941 Pierson started in second in accordance with the application for E. ARTHUR DRAKE State aid heretofore made by said Town- position, but shot out in the ALBERT B. DRAKE so p to the State Highway Commission John A Kelly, Proctor # lead on the first turn and was of . the State of New Jersey and duly 1007 Springfield Avenue approved pursuant to said Statute. never headed thereafter, win­ Irvington. N. J. Section 2. The sum of $27,872.41 or July 18. ' . 5 . August 1. 8, 15 so much thereof as may be requiFcd Is ning by- almost a half a lap hereby approp. fated to pay the coat of ' over Johnny Ritter from De­ ORDER TO LIMIT suid improvement and the monies needed to meet said appropriations shall be July 19. 1941 troit. ‘ Bullet Joe” Garson of raised as hereinafter provided* ESTATE OF CIIARLEH L. OBERLE. JR.. Great Neck, L. I., came in di­ Hi’ctlon 3. It is hereby stated pur­ deceased. suant to the !,ocal Bond Law that (u) Pursuant to the order of EUG E N E F. the estimated max'.mum amount of rectly behind Ritter for third H OFFM ANN. Surrogate of the County money necessary to be raised from all of Cm "*x, th e day made, on the appli- position, with Johnny Peterson sources for said purpose is $27,872.41, iti'lon of the undersigned. Administra­ <••) the maximum amount which is to of Great Neck, L. I., fourth; trix of Mii'il deceased, notice Is hereby he charged as a part of the cost of e *1 ll* von to the creditors of said deceased, Eddie McAndrews of Allentown, said pur■jM»se vhich Is necessary to to exhibit to the subscriber under oath finance InterInterest on obligations Issued to Pa., fifth, and Charlie Breslin or aft'rm atlon. their claims and de- fina nee suchueh purpose or to finance en- nmmlM sgS'pst the estate of said de- g nee ring or inspection costa and legal of Philadelphia, sixth. «'“Hsod. w thin six months from this 7* ex|»enses. or o finances* the cost of the date, or they will lie forever barred from A duel for second position in issuance of l id obligations, as provided i>-...... ut'ng or recovering the same In Section 40:1-66 of said Law is avii'list the Milhserllier. the main event between Garson I250U,l)U. and '•' EMILY Y. I>01)8WORTH, beginning on the first day of January. ter managed to pass Garson. deceased. 1941. Notice lx hereby given that the , Ac- Section 5. To .finance sa il purpose. “Bullet Joe” pushed close on reunts of the Subscribers. Executors of bond HDtjrilpa#t Ion notes of said Township hi-t W II and Testament of EMILY of an aggregate principal amount not exceeding the tail of Ritter who in the V. |m»DSW(*RTH. deceased, will be nu­ $26,472 are hereby author- 80th lap was within 30-yards ll i-d and sta ed by the Surrogate and I Zed to lie issued in anticipation of the reunited for settlement to the Orphans’ issuance ,• f bonds. pursuant to said of the leader, when he hit the Court i.f the County of Essex on Tues­ Local Mom1 Law. Said notes shall bear, interest at a ra l protective tires on the track day. the 23rd day of September next. e which shall not ex- Dated July 24. 1 94 1 coed six per centum (6 % ) per annum. * and Garson passed. Ritter GERTRU DE D. DAY and may be renewed from time to time JESSE ALBERT DECAMP pursuant to and within the limitations straightened oiit his car and II ni > H Twombly. Proctor p escribed by said Loent Bond Law. All started after Garson again, •'?. M. by this ordinance ‘ by $26.472.41. apd The .following is il Jls(. according to fiia,Flight* Saving Time) or a s soon Hist the notes out hurl zed hy this ortHlt- - wheels too hard trying to avoid held last Sunday. The' fans I he record* in the office of the Collector Hereafter bn suid matter can be a nee will ls» within all debt 11 m i t a - of Taxes of the Township of Millbum in ' rmrherl. at wh eh time and place all a crash and rolled over twice prescribed by said Local Bond Law. claim he Is really going to click I he (’minty rtf-- Ms of AiffUSt <1. person" who thay lie Interested thorein. Section 9. This ordinnnen shit 11 tyjvr wTp be given «n opportunity to bo heard ending" up at the guard rail, from now on. m i. effect twenty days after lire firsL'pufei-- Jeep Colket lost control of his V m me Amount concerning the name. lTcalThii ffrefeof after Tinal passage.' Maln-ock. David $ 7.03 August 8. 15 machine and crashed head-on first turn and never did regain Markowitz. Hymio 3.51 MABEL GOFF DEEMER. l.ie .Paoio, Jon. 3.51 Township Clerk —& into the mix-up. An examina­ his position. The consolation Donovan, L. 10.53 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT tion of all drivers proved no was won by Joe Barzda of Cam­ Elman. Murray 3.51 \ N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Harold 3.51 tM BltOV EM ENT OF A PORTION OF ESTATE OF KDHEKT , A. ( ROWLEY, * -deceased: ___ _.___ ;..-ope was . injured and the only - den, with Walt Gregory Sf Al- Gerovv. living 15.49 THE UNIMPROVED TOWNSHIP car damaged was Christopher’s. Mills, Albert 7.02 ROM) KNOWN AS HOBART AVE­ Notice is hereby given that 4^0 -Ac­ lentwon, Pa., second. Munro. James 16.10 NUE. PURSUANT- TO TILE PROVIS­ counts of (ire suns< rinors, Executors of The race was resumed in “In­ N'aiiss, Vincent 3151 IONS OF CHAPTER H OF TITLE 27 the taM Will and Testament of ROBERT Paul. Samuel 10.53 OC THE REVISED STATUTES OF A. C R O W LEY, dncaased, will Is* au -— ig dian file” fashion with Johnny Rodman. .Norman 7.0 7“ 1 NEW JERSEY* AND PROVIDING dlted and stated by the Hurrogwte ant Tierson the winner in 4:38.13 LIST OF PERSONAL Reeve. Harold 7.02 .FOB. *'*HE J 'T ^ T n CINU.OF THE COST reported for settlement to the Orphan^* TAX DELINQUENTS Shwles. Hnlriah L 23.96 THEREOF. Court of the.County of Essex on Tifea*v minutes. Squafey. Edw:—M. 3.61 day. the 23rd day of September next. Pursuant to the provisions of R. 8. Stftnziale, Peter 15,42 W H E R E A S . It Is proposed to improve Dated July 30. 1941 : r; Eddie McAndrews turned in 54:4-95 of the State of New Jersey the Storm. Daisy H, 10.53 a portion of Hobart Avenue as herein­ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK the best time in the second Collector of Taxes 'of each municipality Mu tern. John 3.51 after provided, and the estimated total OF MILLBURN within the state must publish it list of Wilson, George 7.12 e

(A u g u st 8, 1941

even find committee candi ■ ‘ Johnny Belinda ” wllb is a drudge on a backwoods south on Ridgewood road when fer_;... dates. The deCamp petitiop will farm on Prince Edward Island. his car was in a collision with Republicans have to be revised as to party The play is a fundamentally one driven east on Cypress Maplewood's N ext ~ in any event it is said with the compassionate study of an un­ street by Julfus Creter of Irv­ (Continued from Page One) possibility unless other changes fortunate girl whose physical ington. couragement of meritorious “Johnny Belinda” the melo­ are arrived at voluntarily* that misfortune makes her an out­ candidates who might other­ dramatic-smash hit of the sea­ 'Straight Clean Government vot­ son, by Elmer Harris, featuring cast with even her own father. wise seek office with charges FORTY friends and relatives ers would put their O.K. on Into her tragic life comes a “hand picking” of designees the Hollywood and Broadway gave a surprise party for Mr Feustel and Clark. stars, Louise Piatt and Jean young, handsome doctor who denies voters the right of se­ and Mrs. William Jordon of Reports .this week were to the Platt alternating in the lead­ becomes interested in her and lection in a free and open con­ Greenwood drive, Tuesday night effect heavy pressure had been .they lace a highly dramatic test as the direct ‘p im a fy con­ ing role of Belinda, is the at­ in honor of their 40th wedding brought on Mr. Feustel to with­ climax successfully together. templates. . traction Cheryl Crawford in anniversary. Among the many draw, narrowing the field and association with John Wildberg Short Hills ran into difficul­ gifts that Mr. and Mrs. Jordon r*~~ improving association prospects. will present at the Maplewood MRS. ALBERTA BILLINGTQN ties in the selection of its can­ received was a bouquet of forty Having put his hand to the Theatre, for one week beginning of Newark, a passenger" in a 1 didate both Robertson D. Ward American Beauty roses. plow at suggestion of friends, car driven by Nickolas Yedsko- arid Alfred H. Hauser first Monday evening, August 11th. he has not done. this. witz’ also of Newark, suffered ...... in - ...... choice of association nomina­ Holding the record o f 321 per­ -Mr. Greene back from Maine a back injury in an automo­ Dr. Garrison Youngelson tors, declining for both business formances at the Longacre The­ this week, finds the local soil bile accident at the intersec­ and personal reasons it is said. atre, New York, this past sea­ SURGEON CHIROPODIST far less rocky than in New tion of Cypress street and (Foot Ailments) Friends of Mr. deCamp had son, “Johnny Belinda,” pro­ England. He is already plowing Ridgewood road about 7 P. M. Hours Eve. 7-9 or by Appointment early advocated his candidacy duced by Harry Wagstaff Grib- and expresses confidence inten­ ble, concerns the vicissitudes of Sunday. According to police Tel. MI 0-1449 or Ml 6-0449 and he was first mentioned as 14 IVhlttlugham Ter. Mlllburn, N. J. sive farming here will pay, war records Yedskowitz was driving a possibility in The Item some a beautiful deaf and dumb girl, boom or no. weeks ago. A ballot mix-up seems im­ * minent as this is written as Pick Miss Kortright three candidates have filed as Clean Government Republican Dean of the Woman’s Col­ for two vacancies whereas a lege of the University of North /SPECIAL OFFER! newly enacted state law it is Carolina at Greensboro, has se­ said provides this can not be. lected Miss Gertrude Kortright, Clark and Feustel first filed to represent, the college as a under this designation and if member of a committee of four LIMITED TIME ONLY they are placed in the Clean outstanding students at the In­ Government column those who ternational House Conference have studied the law state Mr. in New York, September 8-10. '' * N . - g£~ deCamp will have to take an­ Miss Kortright who will be a other location removed from junior at the college in the fall, his association running mate. is the daughter of Mr. and Q u a lity If this proves to be the case Mrs. Robert Kortright of Wel­ it is thought Mr. Clark will join lington avenue. him in all probability so as to * maintain the association soli­ Editor, The Item: darity. Do I have to go over all this THERMOGRAPHED State and county Clean Gov-1 again. What I have been talk­ eminent candidates will have ing about are figures. The New­ a row on the ballot all to them­ ark insurance man hasn’t re­ selves and to what extent local ferred to any. I am talking candidates will share this is a about before and after the time question. Mr.- Greene filed as a BUSINESS CARDS the local agents lost their busi­ Republican only and so is not ness in the present confusion. Before the' Newark concern Residents may have to go applied for a re-rating of the over the ballpt with a fine municipal building, the flat rate tooth comb this September to was .24, after the firm applied the flat rate is .32. The New­ ark Broker has had ample Classified time since June 27th to make any correction in the increased Section rate to reduce it. The Newark broker promised the fire rates LOST would be materially decreased.

GOLD BR A C E LE T. hand tut flowers. They have, on the contrary in­ Init It, Is A. M. Valued keormake Re­ creased. The Township was ward. Call Chatham 4-2599. 1-8-4334 sold the services of its out-of- EMPLOYMENT w a n t e d 500 *3. town Broker on an Insurance GROVE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Survey which proves to be a 1979 Springfield Avenue. Maplewood Other quantities equally low. "Prompt and Courteous Service" lot of remote possibilities and W e Specialize in First Class empty promises: and, after a Domeat ic Help TRY US careful study by the Newark PH ONE SO. ORANGE 3-0141 Broker — see what happened. ; . SERVICES OFFERED A. J. WILEY DANIEL MASSIMO. Gardener. Special­ ★ ising In atone and cement work, 18 Church Street. Mlllburn. N. J. Tele­ HONORABLE Charles Stew­ phone Millhuro 6-1929-J. 14-tf-4144 art of Ottawa, Canadian Chair­ YOt.TR PIANO tuned $3. Reginald Bel­ man of the International Joint cher. Chatham. Eat. t$10. Tel . Cha­ tham 4-2344. Piano Accordion lessons Commission, was the guest last given in your home. 4-8-4327 week-end of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. This is a rare opportunity to obtain very high quality thermographed (raised FOR SALE Pesola of 42 Myrtle avenue. printing) business cards at a substantial savings. Fine quality Vellum or

$13,500 — NORTH SIDE. Owner has Featherweight bristof is used and the cards come to you boxed. A handy card purchased larger home. Offering at­ case is included with each lot. There are 28 styles of'layout and type from tractive white colonial, split rail CHARI 1 khl) 1007 fence. Center hall. 3 bedrooms. 2 tile which you may choose. Add prestige to your business cards now at these hatha and maid’ s ropm and bath. Oil heat, 2 car att^chtd *ara*e. Excel­ HOMES FOR SALE low prices. " : — lent neighborhood. Photograph on re­ quest. Phone Paul S. Tichenor. S. H. Maplewood—99 Linden street 7-2931. 18-4-4309 of Sagamore Road — 8 rooms and bath — hot air heat — 2 ear garage vantl&iiMil 'Pink and built-in — plot 106x150 — 87.500. cabinet in pood condition. Call Short Hills 7-2992. 3-8-4330 , Short TOIls — 58 Old Short Hills ;vr* Road — 6 rooms and hath a«d * HOMES, new" and old.— in-- and around moms itnd hath apartment — steam Chatham, in to>vn and country, price heat, oil burner — 1 ear garage — range from $4,200,. Id , . $15,09,0, Bn*' plot 87x170 — $8,000. vironment good, taxes low. Full dp- M J L L B U R N & ^ooo^oooooooo . scriptions and information in our of­ Short Hills — Morris Avenue and fice. J. Oscar W illiam s. T42‘ l,T£fTOy-~ Wayside — 7 rooms and‘ 2 haths — ette Avm tie, Chatham, N. J Tel sleeping porch steam heat — 2 ear Chatham 4-3709, 1-8-432C garage — plot 203x100 •. R lilN . SHORT HILLS ooooooooooooo PART#* FO R A L L Sewing Machines and Short Hills— South Terrace — 9 *=“*w;"M0tors. Machines rented. Doyle Sew­ rooms and 3 baths — sleeping ing Machine Store. Summit 6-2934. porch — sun porch — 1 ear garage — 8-8-4335 plot 185x175 — 812.500. FOR RENT Also others. Ask for list. 249 Main Street TWO FURNISHED rooms, and private hath. Private entrance. 187 Main Street. Mlllburn. 3-8-4329 \ III.IHRN nUIDINC f-S S t PIANO L O A N ASSOC I,VI 1 ON Telephone: Millhurn 6 -1 2 0 0 PIANO TO BE Riven away. Call South Oranxe 2-2955 1-8-4328