(H) Is for Administrative Purpose As Supervisory Officer Between SPS and SPO/PO for Effective Administration of Preventive Work
- 1 - GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MODEL CUSTOMS COLLECTORATE (PREVENTIVE) CUSTOM HOUSE KARACHI Tel: 99214201-10 October, 2019 The following transfer and postings of the Officers of Model Collectorate of Customs (Preventive) are hereby ordered with effect from October, 1st 2019. Every Officer, wherever required, duly handover the charge, otherwise shall stand relieved from the said date irrespective of place and time of posting. All Officers are directed to report to their new place of posting without fail. The Sectional Heads as well as Deputy/Assistant Collectors of the respective Sections are directed to report at once for the non-compliance of posting orders by any Officer to the Deputy Collector of Customs, Headquarters-I. The instructions contained in various Standing Orders/Office Orders/Public Notices issued by this Collectorate mentioning thereon, specific duties/functions of the concerned Officers/Officials are to be adhered and complied with. It is once again reminded / advised to follow the orders/instructions properly. Copies of all the orders are to be kept readily available for consultation. Any lapse in this regard shall attract instant disciplinary action. AFTER THE ISSUANCE OF ROSTER, NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF COLLECTOR (PREVENTIVE). ANY OFFICER CAN BE TRANSFERRED FROM HIS PLACE OF POSTING IN ANY EXIGENCY AS & WHEN DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE HEADQUARTERS. THIS ROSTER CAN BE ACCESSED FROM THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF PREVENTIVE SERVICE AT URL: https://preventiveservice.org [For Collector of Customs] [Preventive] HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT/ SPS Mr. Syed Raghib Hasnain GENERAL DUTY HEADQUARTERS IPS (H) Mr. S.Azhar Ahmed Aleemi Tel: 99214217 Ext: 2090/2091 SPO Mr.
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