SA Water Drinking Water Quality January 2000 – July 2012 Amended Version: October 21 2012 Image: Myponga Reservoir Compiled by Anthony Amis Thanks to Warren Godson for the idea and support. Without tax deductible donations this project would never have happened. If you would like more information or would like to make a donation contact
[email protected] for more details. 1 Table of Contents 1 Glossary p3 1 Background p4 2 Summary p5 3 Adelaide Summary p12 4 SA Water Breaches Summary p15 5. Substances p18 5.1 Antimony p18 5.2 Arsenic p19 5.3 p20 Bromodichloromethane/Dichlorobromoform 5.4 Bromoform p32 5.5 Cadmium p35 5.6 Chloral Hydrate/Trichloroacetalehyde p36 5.7 Chlorate p39 5.8 Chlorine p40 5.9 Chlorine Total p42 5.10 Chloroform p44 5.11 p46 Dibromochloromethane/Dibromochloroform 5.12 Dichloroacetic Acid p50 5.13 E.coli p52 5.14 Fluoride p53 5.15 Lead p54 5.16 Manganese p55 5.17 Mercury p56 5.18 Monochloramines p57 5.19 NDMA p60 5.20 Nickel p63 5.21 Selenium p64 5.22 Trichloroacetic Acid p65 5.23 Trihalomethanes p67 6. Kingscote p75 7. References p79 8. Appendices p80 2 Glossary ADWG: Australian DrinkingWater Guidelines DBCM: Dibromochloroform BDCM: Bromodichloromethane DBP: Disinfection By-Product DCBM: Dichlorobromoform FoE: Friends of the Earth FoI: Freedom of Information IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer NDMA: N-nitrosodimethylamine THM: Trihalomethanes WHO: World Health Organisation Concentrations in Water mg/L: parts per million (one cup of water in a swimming pool) ug/L: parts per billion (one drop of water in a swimming pool) ng/L: parts per trillion (one thousandth of one drop of water in a swimming pool) Information About Amended Version of this Report.