
THI YPSILANTI DAILY PRESS, YPSILANTI, MICH., TUESDAY, SI, IM4 Sports Roundup NOV. PAGE SIX New York AP- Fernando "The Mighty" Menlrhellf. Argentina heavyweight, waa signed today to meet Johnny White, of Jersey City, Arena Friday, Dec. 1. Lime, In a 10 round bout at St. Nicholas Backfield •*• • * lo Decide Title Mexico City—AP—The University of Mexico football team plans to leave here Friday aboard U. S. warplanes for their Sunday game with the South Plains Army Airfield at Lubock, Tex., Coach Bernard Hogan DAILY CROSSWORD U. of M. Has THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY aaid today. ACROSS 2. ••* • • Emblem 15 High |MFFTg»nAjp]||m 1 Particle 3. Weight 18 A beverage VQIj.--YOU

PURCHASES FARM T.arising The State jfpl Conserva tlon Commission has bought the Spring Hill Karm. where world hea vyweight boxing champion Joe Louis sometimes trained for fistic encounters. The state purchased the 427-acre farm near T'tlca as part of Hs southeastern Michigan recreational development. Some- times known as the Joe Louis Ranch. It has been the scene of horse shows and Includes picnic grounds, wooded trails and consid- erable frontage on the Clinton River.


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