Dilliant Nosbirk Crimmbrrlitt 18711- 1943 NOVEMBER 1943 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA ? (Registered U. S. Patent Office) ,e .\ MAGAZINE PUBLISHED CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1879 BY 0 THE FRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA

V, 6.. 00 NOVEMBER, 1943 No. 2


A rip Reunion in the South Pacific 90 - War Story— Continued 91 ; Chamberlin Passes to Stars 115 erst Rounds Out Fifty Years 123 Snug Little Nook by the Fireside 135 Fi•-,res Qui Fuerunt Sed Nunc Ad Astra 140 :du, (4 White Star Dust 146 Here, There and Everywhere 149 FE-•s As Press Sees Them 156 White Star Under Mars 160 Issue as the Editor Sees It 177 In army lingo "ZC" is the cross- roads of the forces. I—Jered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. September 22. under the Act of March 3, 1879. eptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103. Act of In Fillography it's 0(' even more than that. !er 3, 1917, authorized August 21, 1918. This l'!inted by The Torch Press at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and issued seven times a year, New York hotspot is headquarters the for sipping. supping. even numbers in each volume appearing in October, November, December, February. sleeping and .Mach. top-notch comraderie. As an information exchange April, May. Subscription price. $2.00 per year in advance; single copies, 30 cents. we run a Life subscription. $25.00. close second to the Signal Corps (Nazi newshawks, please Advertising rates on application. Matter intended for publication in THE PHI GAMMA DELTA should be in the hands of copy). You'd better count the us in on your travel orders or we'll Editor at least one month preceding month of publication. count you AWOL CECIL J. WILKINSON THE ( Wesleyan '17) PHI GAMMA DELTA CLUB Editor and Manager 10b West 5btli Street Rust Building, 1001 15th St., N.W., Washington. D. C.

N or 11.1 t A Fiji Reunion in the South Pacific NOVEMBER. 1943 No. 2 -3 PHI GAMMA DELTA 4% THE * * * Story-Continued tr,3 Our War annibalian Warriors on Far-Flung Fronts Are Battling - Gallantly To Crown Banner With Victory's Laurel COLLEGE SONGS AND COLLEGE LAYS . . . -WHEN By CECIL J. WILKINSON (Ohio Wesleyan '17) '41), Lieutenant Robert C. Sin,. C. StandIng : Sergeant Gerald R. Thompson (Nebraska Editor of THE PHI GAMMA DELTA Jensen (Wisconsin '33), Lieutenant C Jr. (Virginia '40), Lieutenant( j. p.) Richard A. . J Lieutenant-Commander L. V. Clark 1)- E. Groenewegen (Occidental '28, Stanford '28), Charles C. Heck (Syracuse '26), Lieutenal: guns and two 6-pounders. (Georgia Tech. '34), Lieutenant-Commander PDX the scroll of the Fijis who 3-inch -Commander Theodore H. 1314:er 30, g.) W. Park Catch pole (Syracuse '40), Lieutenant have given their all for liberty is Born in Pelham, N. Y., on June (j. K. Reyher (DePauw '33), Lieutenaw (Massachusetts Tech.'25), Lieutenant-Colonel Franklin inscribed in golden letters the 1921, William Perley Thoman was James E. Galbraith (Washington '33), medical corps. on De- Lieutenant John H. Tildes. rue of one more "knight so bold" who initiated into Omega Chapter Seated: Lieutenant Robert M. Bader (Williams '33), M. Jacob (Northwestern '39), tneds;.:. S cember 12, 1938. He was appointed a (Western Reserve '29),Lieutenant ( j. g.) Rudolph D. killed in action: (Kansas '20), Commander Rea E. at the Coast Guard Academy in corps; Lieutenant-Commander Dwight H. Hardman Lieutenant William Perley Thoman cadet L. LaFrance (Yale '25), Major in Ashley (Colorado '18), medical corps; Lieutenant Paul olumbia '42), Coast September, 1939; was graduated Craig Seasholes (Denison '22). and commissioned an en- are in the navy. 7d Reserve, who was lost at sea in June, 1942, 111 All but Thompson, Reyher and Seasholes to when the cutter Escanaba sank in sign in the reserve, being promoted ';orth following a terrific a lieutenancy in May, 1943. His entire carried an of the torn-toms. Seventeen di. Atlantic ST month this magazine sion. service afloat had been aboard the a great Fiji gathering chapters were represented. LA account of servers in a nearby boat said a Escanaba. by 38 cannibals The two Fijis unable, because * * * in London, attended cloud of smoke and flame billowed Comes now to this duties, to attend the meetini_ for from 21 chapters. cial Upward into the air and Little hope is held a report, duly E. Boak (Dart: Radioman brochure of brotherhood Captain James th, cutter sank, leaving the survival of Relations Offi- naval base. 4 Isaac approved by the Public '12), commander of the or small bits of wreck- Third Class Elmer of A. P. 0. cer at the Headquarters Colonel Brooke E. Allen (Da :ifloat. The ship sank McKesson (Hanover of the 19 Fijis in boi, reported 502, of a rally of 17 '33), commander of an army •lickly it had no time '42), who was on an important United action when active service group. -rid out signals. The as missing in base island "somewhere S. Monssen. a States advance A second meeting, its spirits darn? maba distinguished the U. S. Pacific." Tilt! was sunk last in the South ened by Jupiter Pluvius (of Beta If earlier in the destroyer, the idea of Major Hen- in the Battle The meeting, was held on July 27. New F: for effecting the November ry Craig Seasholes (Denison '22), is of the Solomons. present at that meeting who had !- c of 133 men from a pictured in the historic photograph Elmer was a native of attended the first gathering were Ma' ,loed ship in the shown above. Toledo, 0., where he was M. Sullivan (Minnesot:. Atlantic. She dis- After attending in a body an U. S. 0. Goodrich born in 1916. In June. F. Coulter (Iowa ,1 718 tons and her show in one of the spacious open-air Major Chan 1941, he entered training Cronenwett (Wt speed was 13.5 theaters amid the swaying palm trees, Captain Paul H. at a naval school in In- Captain Ralph 1,1 '• She carried two Li the cannibals proceeded to one of the Reserve '31) and officers' clubs for an informal beating Thompson (Colgate '41). THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 93

apolis. After a course of 16 weeks, arm and leg, bailed out and was cap- reported to Boston and crossed the tured. He was given hospital treatment KILLED IN ACTION antic twice. Early in 1942 he was for several months. ered to the West coast and assigned Last June a Berlin short-wave radio arathJrnarn Ckriatapkrr trharbIsarrigua White the Matisse'''. station carried Tom's voice, saying that (Northwestern '41) (Idaho '42) His mother, Mrs. Martha McKesson he wished his parents to know that he Toledo. has received a letter from was interned in Germany and was be- Cirharit William tartinatt Ankn Erstrr Pratt mer's commanding officer saying that ing treated well. (Rutgers '39) ( Denison '41 did not see her son during or after Toni's mother writes that he would e battle but that he felt morally cer- be delighted to hear from the Fijis. He Charlra Name filajor Eithan) Timitut n that he died at his post "without may be addressed as follows: (Richmond '39) v thought for his own safety but with First Lieut. Thomas S. Marchant, thought uppermost in his mind of Eirilarb Vattif.uti 3Fultatt American P. 0. W. 1056, Postage mg his best, along with his many Stalag Luft 3, Free (Georgia Tech. '39) (\\ isconsin '37) ve shipmates to deal a fatal blow to Germany despicable enemy — an enemy G. 1922 Via New York City William Catlin fox*, Jr. William Nranda who uld destroy his home, * * * (Pennsylvania '42) (British Columbia '43) his family, his dom and his country which he loved Captured at Sidi Boil Sid in the Nrsbrrick WAIT Walsh Iihkursalrr well." North African campaign on February Carl Jura * * * (Knox '37) (Sewanee '38) 17, 1943, Captain Robert P. Milligan Name by name, the roster of the Fijis (Iowa '32) is now a prisoner of war Patti 3otms. r. Robert Nrank VanEnrrn o have fallen into the hands of the in a German camp in Poland. (Washington '42) (Missouri '43) my grows. The capture of four more Bob was commanding officer of an lwart sons of Delta has been now an- Iowa National Guard company in his Startleg Allen Douglas. r. 3alm lli1lipaearl unced. home town of Jefferson, Ia., with the (Washington and Lee '39) (Pennsylvania State '43) In point of length of imprisonment, rank of , when he senior among these is Lieutenant went into federalized service in Jan- Eugene Earle Amirk. 31r. Erir *milts Bitmars omas S. Marchant (Cornell '37). uary, 1941, at Camp Claiborne, La. He (William Jewell '41) (British Columbia '37) fli was a regular was commissioned a vigator and ter- first lieutenant at Fort tifteittart William (6rimmer Preoton Earl Eirkarbann ct.rial navigator on Benning in September, a Backing the Attack 41 (Maine '40) (Berkeley '43) ving Fortress named 1941, and made a cap- ankee LMOST a quarter of a tain in January, 1942, Robert frnru Vitim Williamfrrle boman Doodl e," ose million dollars worth of assumed com- (Washir2) Lee .4 (Columbia '42) crew, including A when he cm, was shown in United States IVar Bonds are mand of Company I. owned by the Fraternity of Phi MISSING IN ACTION e motion picture, 168th Infantry. He Mission Accom- Gamma Delta. took this outfit to Eng- Trustee President Tom K. Rarlow Etitytic 3Johtumit tanit ffreberiLli Nice •hed." The crew land and then led it reports (Brown '37) (Union '37) been raiding Smith (Missouri '04) into the North African that as of October 1 the Fiji emy country fre- invasion. trust funds portfolio contained Carl Dalin) Vriffer Dann.' titian ti.,ribell (litly last fall and * * * government securities which (North Carolina '38) (Iowa State '42) ankee Doodle" was Shot down while on cost $243,323 and whose ma- ot down on Decem- a mission over Europe, John Wria Eirktg Elam- .3Iaaar ArErsann turity value is $261,250. ✓ 20, Lieutenant (Wisconsin '42) (Hanover '42) 1942. Tom, Robert H. verely wounded in * * * Darden (Michigan THE PHI GANINIA DELTA 95 BRITISH DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS ) bailed out of the Flying Fortress EDGAR CARDIFF KENDALL FREDRICK DOUGLAS SMITH which he was a navigator and landed (British Columbia '37) (British Columbia '39) the hands of the enemy Germans. U. S. ARMY DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS Bob enlisted in the air corps in De- JACK WILLARD HALL CHARLES A. WILLOUGHBY nber. 1941, while in his first (William Jewell '38) (Gettysburg '14) year at CLOVIS E. BYERS MAX REID WIECKS :aw school at Michigan. He was (Ohio State '21) ( '36) into the service in March, 1942. ROBERT L. EICHELBERGER BROOKE EMPIE ALLEN ci trained at Kelly Field, Sikestown, (Ohio State '07) (Davidson '32) i. o.: Ellington Field and Monroe, La., FREDERICK AUGUSTUS SCHAEFER here he received his wings. He was (Cornell '43) tr en sent to Salt Lake City, where the U. S. ARMY SILVER STAR ortress crew was assembled. CHARLES A. WILLOUGHBY RICHARD EWING MILLER He flew to England last May and (Gettysburg '14) (Indiana '40) reported missing in a raid over the CECIL EDWARD COMBS PATTISON FULTON dr on the night of June 22-23. In ( '33) (Wisconsin '37) vici-Atigust his mother, Mrs. A. H. HOBART R. GAY GRAHAM WARREN WEST of Raton, N. M., received a (Knox '17) (Oregon '34) It :.rom Bob, saying that he had not CLOVIS E. BYERS THOMAS RICHARD JEMISON en (Ohio State '21) (Washington '39) wounded when he parachuted MEREDITH MILLER HUGGINS ROBERT BERNARD SULLIVAN own and that he had comfortable (Oregon State '38, Minnesota'38) (Los Angeles '38) quarters and enough food, but would ROBERT MORRIS STILLMAN DAVID LAWSHE BAIRD like more clothing. He can write only (Colorado College '33) (Lafayette '33) letters and four postal-cards a GOES DOWN WITH CUTTER U. S. ARMY DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS but may receive as many letters When the Coast Guard cutter Escanaba CECIL EDWARD COMBS AS are JOHN RICHARD MUEHLBER4, sent. was sunk in the North Atlantic in June, 1943, (Chicago '33) (Lehigh '42) Interestingly enough, THE PHI Lieutenant (j. g.) William Perley Thoman RICHARD EWING MILLER ROBERT DON CHATT C ',IA DELTA believes that Bob is in (Columbia '42) lost his life. Lieutenant Tho- (Indiana '40) (Nebraska '39) tl ,ame prison camp with Tom man's entire career afloat had been aboard EDWARD P. MALISZEWSKI ROBERT the same vessel. BERNARD SULLIVAN Alarchant, for the address in each in- (Denison '42) (Los Angeles '38) tante is Stalag Luft 3, Germany. What THOMAS RICHARD JEMISON GRAHAM WARREN WEST r unique grateful republic through the (Washington '39) (Oregon '34) setting for a Fiji reunion! Bob by a Air Force theatre commander, HOWARD JAMES LONERGAN WARREN ARTHUR BLAKELY * * * Eighth tBucknell '42) (Colorado College with this accompanying citation: '42) Time CLYDE VERNON was when Robert Morris Still- KNISLEY, JR. CLARENCE EUGENE SUMMERS, JR 'an For gallantry in action while leading his (Tennessee '41) (Nebraska '38) (Colorado College '33) was medium bombardment group on two combat vorting on U. S. NAVY CROSS the football field at West missions over enemy occupied Europe May ;int and These were the first HARALD JENSEN CHRISTOPHER MAXWELL FRANKLIN having his name printed in 14 and May 17, 1943. LESLIE bombardment missions (Northwestern :Is magazine as a tackle on the all- two daylight medium '41) (Washington '25) Army Air gridiron eleven. And now Lieu- performed by the United States FREDERICK WEBER WALSH HENRY JOHN NICKERSON Forces in this theater of operations. Colonel (Knox '37) (Wittenberg '40) nant-Colonel Robert Morris Stillman Stillman displayed great courage and out- U. S. NAVY SILVER STAR •behind the enclosure of a German standing leadership in directing each of these NIKOLAI S. STEVENSON FREDL:RIC STRONG FINK, JR. ison camp waiting for the day when attacks against highly important military ob- through intense concentrations of (Columbia '40) (Ohio Wesleyan '41) Will also be over. Meantime, his wife, jectives heavy antiaircraft fire and in heavy enemy WILLIAM WALKER HARGRAVE JOHN WISDOM HOLLAND rs. Fanny Graham Stillman of San fighter opposition. The bravery and skill and (Hanover '37) '4(11 (Davidson ntonio, Tex., is proud of the Silver leadership displayed by Colonel Stillman up- U. S. NAVY DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS tar which has been bestowed upon on each of these missions are an inspiration RICHARD BULL (Georgia Tech. '39)


crashed. I must have been thrown • home. We get the German newspapers escaped with a few broken ribs, a • e old Krieges say the tone is entirely my face, a broken finger and a sl -it from what it was a year ago. To- in my shin. They have been pretts, got a shipment of athletic equipment us in the hospital and now the Red -tsical instruments. The Red Cross and looking after us. Y. M. C. A. have done wonderful work on feeding us and getting equipment for us. It Here I am anchored in a definite car. would be a horribly dull life without the feel better each day and as soon as my • books and other aids they have sent. Not that heal up I'll be back to normal. When our life is gay, but one can find worthwl?ile here I found myself listed as dead be. things to do to occupy his mind. of witnesses who saw us crash upside * * * and explode. Soldiers of the 66th ("Panther- Division stood at retreat at Camp Our particular enclosure is comp • buildings, or blocks, housing about Banding. Fla., at 5:30 o'clock on June each, all surrounded by a high doubled : 14. A flourish of the trumpets. For- Also in this area are an athletic field, se ward stepped Lieutenant Frederick A. volleyball courts and exercise bars for ' Schaefer (Cornell '43), sometime var- so inclined. The men have also built a sitv footballer and wrestler "far above theatre with classrooms adjacent to ti- sembly hall. This particular compound Cayuga's waters." Upon the spot- of many in the surrounding area. here-the-Fiji-grows was pinned the . . . Distinguished Service Cross, symbol of My first monthiversary is now past the gallantry described in the citation am fairly well settled to the life of a K which the commander of the division I have enrolled in classes in Germatt read, as follows: REPORTED MISSING SEA celestial navigation and am learning a (I, Radioman Third Class Elmer Isaac Mc- bit. I have also found a book on ches- In action under heavy machine gun fire at Kesson (Hanover '42) is reported by the am reaching the stage where I can wir - range [on Guadalcanal on January 12, United States Navy as missing in action. He and then. I am now claiming the cn. l'431. Lieutenant Schaefer displayed out- ShOT DOWN AND WOUNDED is believed to have lost his life when the championship of the block, so you can - tanding leadership and bravery. Though he (Cornell Japanese scored a direct hit on the destroyer have a fairly complete day. as wounded twice, the lieutenant continued E. Lieutenant Thomas S. Marchant Monssen in the Battle of the Solomons last t•, lead his platoon in the assault on enemy '37), navigator aboard a Flying Fortress November. rksitions. As a result the enemy positions which Wits shot down by the Germans over We had quite a celebration for the r ere overcome and the battalion was aided Europe. is now in prison camp. He was of July here. As soon as the doors • also saw to all members of his command and reflect ereatly in reaching its objective. wounded in the ill-fated battle. Tom locked in the morning all the A:: September and highest credit upon himself and the Armed actiotz in North Africa in stormed through the British blocks led The following thrilling account of Forces of the United States. October of 1Q42. six-piece band dressed as '76ers, their Lieutenant Schaefer's exploits appeared The former West Point lacrosse forms being made of British blouses cap- a Jacksonville (Fla.) newspaper: held territory on the island to tain cross-belts and long-handled underwea: tions into Jap was reported as missing in action information concerning the strength trousers. Paul Revere and his horse wer, It was December. 1942, one year after the obtain on May 17, 1943, but on June 1 in- of the enemy. made up from three prisoners, much b '-cacherous yellow men of the Rising Sun and position formation Schaefer's platoon led the at- was received by the War De- a blanket and a store of imagination. A :ropped their load of bombs on Pearl Har- Lieutenant forces. partment that he was a prisoner of the game in the afternoon had the field oi •r, when Lieutenant Schaefer first set foot tacking . command was almost a mile Germans. playing the second lieutenants, the 1 (luadalcanal. The officer's others when a shot rang out sprouts winning, 12-7. Large quantitt .1t that time the Japs were in control of ahead of the The following are excerpts from let- concealed hill, scarcely 20 yards Kriege brew (raisins, sugar and water r -t of the island and the Yanks were plan- from a well ters which Colonel Stillman has a bullet tore through Schaefer's written fermented) were consumed and a larg, . mg a major offensive to gain the upper ahead, and hurt, the lieutenant home from prison: had by all. ,u)d. chest. Although badly The order for attack came at dawn on signalled his men to cover. I've spent two weeks in the hospital and right anuary 5. By this time Schaefer had had Another shot caught Schaefer in the am now on my way to a permanent camp. With the good noAs we of V -. have had S?ne experience under actual battle condi- shoulder. The bullet ricochetted and ripped I was knocked down by anti-aircraft fire and doesn't look like it will be too long befoT' having led several scouting expedi- away a small portion of his chin. THE PHI GAMMA 98 DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 99 a clump of heavy brush by membe-1 the Silver Star (the first was passing medical unit. '40]) First aid was administered and he :ai S. Stevenson [Columbia flown to a base hospital on the New aptain John Wisdom Holland Islands. Later he was taken by tr. (Davidson '401, a Jackson(Tenn.) boy San Francisco and spent the follov suade good in the wilds of Guadal- months recuperating there in a hos; The Japs are tough fighters, but very marksmen, Schaefer says. "Had they bee- Ilis heroic conduct is thus described to shoot straight I would have been in the medal citation: long ago. The yellow devils cannot be t. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity for one second. Even when they sur, .e serving with the First Marine Division, and walk with their hands in the air t g action against enemy Japanese forces our lines, you've got to be careful one in tile Solomons Islands on November I, hiding a grenade in his palm and g•• 1942. Encountering a hostile force which was ready to toss it," Schaefer declared. attempting to gain a ridge along which his * * * platoon was moving, Second Lieutenant Hol- This magazine has already told land, leading the advance, was severely epic story of how Ensign (now vtinded during the initial exchange of fire. Ref;:sing to be evacuated although suffering tenant) William Walker Har L.1,tely and weak from loss of blood he con- (Hanover '37), whose plane N, ;id to direct his men until the action had down in a remote spot in the Med and then after all injured personnel lands East Indies on February 5, been evacuated, permitted his own re- to the rear. His heroic spirit of self- made his tortuous way back to ciN'' maintained with utter disregard for INFANTRY CAPTAIN CAPTURED tion (THE PHI GAMMA DELTA, (. ;ersonal safety, was in keeping with the EI This photograph of Captain Robert P. ber, 1942). :vest traditions of the United States Naval Milligan (Iowa '32) was taken in the prison Now comes word that the Navy De- en, ice. camp in PRISONER OF GERMANY Poland where he is held by the Ger- partment has gallant MO said Beta Kappas were sis- honored the Phi Scarcely more than a month after he ar- mans and sent to the United States by per- 4111. Fiji (his present station San ,•- Jack's one! Lieutenant Robert H. Dar- mission of his captors. Bob was leading Com- is rived in England, down on the pany I of the 16811; U. S. Infantry at Sidi Fla.) by presenting to him the S'ivr * * * den (Michigan '41) was shot while bombing the Ruhr BM! Sid in the North African campaign when Star, with this significant tribute: night of June 22-23 above the parrots' chattering, be- he was captured. area in a Flying Fortress. This magazine For extremely gallant and intrepid o .rtenant (now Captain) Jack Hol- lieves he is in the same prison camp with following an attack on his plane by S. Marchant (Cornell Schaefer was weak from loss of blood and ' (see above) were to have whistled Lieutenant Thomas Japanese forces during a hazardous I setting for a Fiji reunion! surmised that the Jap sniper would pick off a Fiji, Are You?" as he left '37). What a naissance flight in the vicinity of A. Who his men one by one. Struggling to his knees, Netherlands East Indies, February 5, ...ddalcanal, do you suppose his can- Schaefer levelled his tommy-gun at the enemy After skillfully landing his seriously r:rlialian heard by cessful attack on an enemy position (Guadal- target and sprayed the hill with dal call might have been deadly fire. plane without injury to its occupants, canal, January 23, 1943), capturing large That ended the Jap. He toppled over First Lieutenant (now Captain) David the side tenant (junior grade) Hargrave, exer stores of supplies. He then established a de- of the hill and fell dead into a Lawshe Baird (Lafayette '33), who ditch. the greatest ingenuity and perseveranc. fensive block to prevent an enemy withdrawal Knowing that unless he soon received the survivors and others picked up will: with the infantry which was re- from positions on which a combined attack medical attention his wounds would be fatal, route through 600 miles of enemy in the Devil Dogs? was being made by marines and an infantry the lieutenant gave his men -cc( the order to ad- territory. His courage and regiment. The exceptional bravery and lead- vance. Then Schaefer outstanding Well, at any rate, Dave Baird kept started to crawl back ership throughout the jou; ership displayed by Lieutenant Baird in es- toward his own lines. three-month t:p the Fiji tradition of winning Silver while under constant tablishing this strong block across the only By this time Jap threat from enemy at machine gunners had tack and struggling ravages :.tars on the historic jungle battle- avenue of egress for the enemy pocketed in taken up flanking against the G' positions and Schaefer was illness, enabled ttx ground. area contributed toward effecting the subjected to fire him finally to reach this for more than a half-mile's Australian annihilation of the enemy. On one occasion, distance. Bullets mainland and return his men t' Here is the story of his conduct in whizzed only a few inches their station and Lieutenant Baird, in a foxhole with another above his head. further duty. 'e incisive language of the citation officer from his company, held their fire, Six hours later * * * the officer was found in a writer: when charged by six of the enemy, until the semi-conscious condition and near death in The second Fiji Marine officer Lieutenant Baird led his company in a suc- enemy were within a few yards of their 100 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE Pill GAMMA DELTA 101

Upon his manly breast also r• hidden 'neath some socks in his bag. an Air Medal with two Oak Leaf s that?" she asked. something ters, signifying a total of 30 "oh." said Lonergan, "it's just fighter me for a lot of time in the air." sorties against the enemy. they gave It was the Distinguished Flying Cross. But a great human interest s. • THE PHI GAMMA DELTA ob- aside from medals, pivots around So from the War Department mod- onel West. A German transport tained I,onergan's citation for the Ditin- abandoned on a beach in Tur est Flying Cross. It follows : caught fire and threatened the bre guished the gallant Fiji officer's Spitfire gr For extraordinary achievement while par- flight Ordering most of his men back a ticipating in 200 hours of operational Southwest Pacific area dur- distance, missions in the Colonel West and a few ing which hostile contact was probable and rades approached the burning expected. These operations consisted of long- an attempt to check the spread (-.) • range bombing missions against enemy air- flames. An explosion occurred in • dromes, harbors, shipping and naval forces. flights, outstanding ability faces. Colonel West lost both e' Throughout these and devotion to duty were demonstrated. WINS D. S. C. AT GUADALCANAL legs. Sent to a hospital, he sought Read - Though twice wounded, Lieutenant Fred- mission for transfer to the airdror on 41 To the Bucknellian's D. F. C. has erick A. Schaefer (Cornell '43) continued to that he might direct his group been added an Oak Leaf Cluster for the lead his platoon in the assault upon enemy bed. This was refused because positions in Guadalcanal. His bravery has condition. fllowing official reason: aeon for him the coveted Distinguished Serv- The sequel has been told in America! For extraordinary achievement while par- ice Cross. OLD the south- POINT s"TAR- IMPRisoN,W press association dispatches, but tht ticipating in an aerial flight over east end of the Lae airdrome, New Guinea. 41 Shot dozen over Europe on May 17, Lieu- was probable and expected. These flights most unique report appeared in the 'in January 8, 1943. While engaged on a tenant-Colonel Robert Morris Stillman (Colo- included patrol, escort and dive bombing Egyptian Gazette (Cairo): liiiinhing mission against enemy shipping in rado College '33), air corps, is a prisoner of enemy shipping in the New Guinea area. lition Gulf. this B-24 type aircraft was in- war. Bob was a varsity tackle at the Mili- ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, NORTH Are' Throughout these operations Lieutenant tercepted by twelve enemy fighters as it was tary Academy and captain of lacrosse. Later Lieutenant-Colonel Graham West, Arm Blakely demonstrated outstanding flying completing its bombing run. The enemy at- he was assistant football coach at the Point. Spitfire group commander, whose leg' ability. blown off in an Tunnc tack: were made from the front and both airfield accident in addi- in June, will fly again. wles, and, in the ensuing aerial battle at an The first Oak Leaf, in lieu of an position. ,, By this delay in opening fire and West pleaded with Lieutenant-Genem Ititude of 5,300 feet, six Zeros were shot tional award of the D. F. C., was "for by use of hand :1 in members of this crew. grenades three of the enemy Carl A. Spaatz, commander of the North- flames by the achievement while partici- were killed and devotion to duty meritorious three were taken as prisoners, west African Air Force, for a chance to t3 ability, courage and wounded. ,Lyed opposition are pating in flights against the Japanese." again. General Spaatz sent him to Englarsd. in the face of enemy .iy of commendation. second Oak Leaf was for "par- In peacetime, Dave practiced where he was given artificial limbs. the highest The law at Markan Bay, Philipsburg, Pa. "A man with as much nerve as that mu5: * * * ticipation in a flight over have his 7, 1943." * * * wish," General Spaatz said. Still another Fiji winner of the Dis- Lae, New Guinea, on January One of the Fiji "greats" of World Of such stuff are Fiji warriors m. tmgaished Flying Cross is Lieutenant * * * War II is Lieutenant-Colonel Graham * * * arren Arthur Blakely (Colorado A new medal has been authorized by Warren West (Oregon '34), whose Camp Newspaper Service, whie. College '42), who has also been award- the United States government. It is ( d winning of the Silver Star has been supplies clip sheets weekly to officiz two Oak Leaf Clusters. called the Legion of Merit and its officers previously recorded in these columns. army publications and other servict The citation for the D. F. C. follows: award is made to outstanding forces Announcement is now made that papers, recently sent out the followilt •r extraordinary achievement while par- and enlisted men of the armed "Windy" has been awarded the Distin- release concerning Howard Jame:. ting in aerial flight in the South West who have distinguished themselves by guished Flying Cross "for extraordi- Lonergan ( 7iC from December 2, 1942, to February exceptionally meritorious conduct in Bucknell '42): 43. Lieutenant Blake- nary achievement while participating in During this period the performance of outstanding service. NEW — - ;irticipated in more than 50 operational aerial flights in YORK Lieutenant Howard i. words, according to the regula- NortliAfrica." gan was home on leave when his sister 1 t missions during which hostile contact In other 102 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 103

performance of duties of high res• to 1941 the Fijis in Washington. Captain Matthew Tucker (Tennessee as executive officer of a fighter cc- others, used to call him "Cow- '4.0) is in Billings Hospital, Fort Har- Hawaii. Colonel among Moore was large• That was Representative rison, Ind., recovering from wounds re- sible for the establishment and co boy Joe." of the various elements of the airc Phillip C. Ferguson (Kansas '25) from ceived in Tunisia. In command of Com- ing system and for bringing his figl,tcr the Eighth Oklahoma District. Phil got pany B of the 135th United States In- mand to an extremely high state of tra •. caught in a political reversal back home fantry, Captain Tucker was leading his Another Legion of Merit man in the and failed of reelection three years ago. men against Hill 609. Pressing for- cannibalian bivouac is Lieutenant-Gen. That was a break for the nation, for ward, he received five shrapnel wounds eral Robert L. Eichelberger a fighting marine major is something in his left leg and a machine gun bullet State '07), commander of the I A- - else again when compared with a lowly in his right one. can Army Corps in the Sow' Congressman! Reports have reached THE PHI Pacific. From "Somewhere in the South GAM MA DELTA of the wounding of at General Bob was cited for out,. Pacific" comes an Associated Press dis- least two Fijis in the Sicilian cam- ing service in the organization patch to tell the story of the latest chap- paign: Lieutenant John A. Bourne training of the 77th Division wh( ter in the life of "Cowboy Joe": (British Columbia '34) and Major William J. Hagan, III (Tennessee command of that unit at Fort Jackson ;lahoma's fighting ex-Congressman asked S. C., last year. I action, got it with both barrels and now '39). wants to go back for more. Details are lacking as to the injuries He commanded the 77th Division (1 wounds are healed, Major on His the period of its organization and As soon as his suffered by Lieutenant Bourne U.S.M.C., of Wood- training [the citation said] by his Phillip C. Ferguson, Majesty's Service. and, what he calls ing energy, outstanding leadership and abil- ward. Okla., expects to rejoin the American The the South Pacific." Major Hagan was with ity as an organizer, developed this unit to a fightin'est outfit in He is a raider. paratroopers who made the initial land- degree of training that elicited commenda- marine the House letter from a A HERO or GUADALCANAL tions from military authorities of this aia Major Ferguson, who served in ing on the island. In a from 1935 to 1941, is recovering at an island his C. Captain Allied nations. hospital in Africa, he referred to (then Second Lieutenant) John bnspital from machine-gun bullet wounds in Wisdom wound, caused by a macnine-gun bullet, Holland (Davidson '40) didn't wear The third Fiji to win the Legion o: ; wrist and hip incurred when marine and his golden Phi Beta birthday present from the Kappa key into battle in Merit is Brigadier-General Clifton B units wrested Enogai Inlet from the as "a little the Solotnons Islands, but he came out with japs. Axis." His birthday is July 11. another cum Cates (Tennessee '16), upon whose laude citation: The Navy's Sil- \sling for assignment (it's a volunteer ver Star thie * * * for gallantry. He was with the First emblazoned tunic has been pinned ; to a marine raider outfit is asking for Marine Division. symbol of his effectiveness as comman- ;a trouble—but the major was ready for A notable contribution to military der of the First Marine Regiment a: Niry and tough as a rawhide quirt, vv.eath- medicine has been made by a Fiji phy- tions, "it Guadalcanal, as related r r-;€1.1 and tanned as a piece of saddle-leather, William J. Bleckwenn constitutes a reward for serv- previously forced sician, Colonel ice in a these columns. he marched in the van of a six-day Wisconsin '17), medi- position of responsibility, hon- jungle trek across Dragon Peninsula on New (New York '17, orable and well performed." The * * * r,eorgia Island. cal corps, in peacetime professor of age University of service does not necessarily have to be The Air Medal, symbol of the round. While tough raider youngsters half his neuropsychiatry at the performed under enemy fire. Acre finding the jungle a mean opponent, the Wisconsin. It is a simple formula for ing out of 200 hours of combat flying taking it in Three Fijis have '-gY Oklahoma plainsman was complete elimination of "shell already been made has been awarded to Lieutenant Wil. stride — a long one. It kept him at the the recipients of the Legion of Merit. ham J. Cargill (Missouri '42), who i= .1 of the reconnaissance column until shock." on One of these is Colonel Ernest Moore with the 13th Air Force in the Sour 1,11y 8. Through experience with cases (Missouri '29), air corps, who is to this Pacific. We were approaching Enogai and I was the immediate battlefront, Colonel magazine's t going back to report the disposition of Bleckwenn (he is consultant to 100 knowledge the only brother Associated Press dispatches in July said. to troops when the Japs attacked," he units in Australia, win the Distinguished Flying Cross told of Bill's having attacked 2:: got caught in the spray of a machine gun. army medical Solomons Is- prior to Pearl Harbor. damaged a Zero in a dogfight over - I crawled 50 yards and two corpsmen helped New Guinea and the four In this phrase was Colonel Moore Russell Islands. me back to the command post." lands) has found that three or Corps cited for the Legion of Merit: * * * Major Ferguson joined the Marine days of rest, with hot food, clean cloth- Reserve in 1938 because he believed war was sympathetic conversation are For exceptionally meritorious service in the When he was in Congress from I ' cqrning. ing and 104 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE PHI GAM NI DELT \ T 05 easily able to cure the nervous "The thing right now exhaus- is to get the s;:• station in San Juan, Puerto Rico. . . . Europe air tion which doctors in the last war called over." Abney (Oklahoma '40) has been pro- * * * "shell shock." to a captaincy. He is stationed in The State . Captain Vincent Kramer "Shell shock, as the term itself im- Department has A . nounced that Thomas Pond, (Rutgers '41) is home from the wars in the plies, does not exist," Colonel Bleck- Jr. (V Thomas Fentem (Okla- consin '21) will be ith Pacific. . . . wenn declared in an interview. What included in the ma '44) has been commissioned a second group of is called by that name is actually "an Americans who will be re- lieutenant in the corps. . .. Private William leased by the (Illinois '44) is aboard a battle- emotional break-down, resulting from Japanese to return home D. Schmitt on the Swedish liner Gripsholtn. " hip in the Atlantic. . . .Lieutenant James an accumulation of unpleasantnesses." (Virginia '43) has been given a per- is expected to arrive in B. Ord "The victims are boys who 'can't take the manent commission in corps. He was one States in November it'," he continued. "The trouble in the or Dectuii,t: of ten men so chosen from a class of more Tommy, who candidates Quantico. . . Lieu- last war was that we took such emo- was in business in Sha: than 200 at hai, was technically tenant Frank B. Norton (Kansas '40) is at- tionally-strained men far from the front interned at the break of the war, but tending the reserve officers' class at Quan- lines. A few days of good treatment in- enjoyed mon tico.... John E. Douglass (Minnesota '43), less freedom until side the general war zone would have last February who has been in the detachment of CINCO with all other PAC'S transfer saved these men, just as it will save Americans he was flag allowance, is awaiting many of in a concentration camp. to the parachute training school. . .. First our boys during this war." 1.temenant John J. Kalen (Iowa '43) is on * * * * * * .-t.t* at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif.. Notes concerning the men in wilere Walter W. Weisbecker (Amherst '39) The war over in a jiffy? Not in the service ot His Majesty, King and also stationed. . . .Private Harry Kelly opinion of a Virginia '45) is in the college training pro. distinguished Fiji war cor- peror : respondent. Murlin B. Spencer (Neb- cram at Princeton.... Richard Giesse (Wil- Captain Edward A. MacDonald (Toronto ..n Jewell '43) is at Parris Island, S. C. raska '31, Colorado '31), who has been '28), who was formerly general secretary- •ain Robert E. Patterson (Berkeley '41) DISPLAYED "ExEEPTIDN.U. BRAVERY" with the Associated Press in the South treasurer of the administrative students' orseas with the corps.... Captain Rob- C. Charged by six of the enemy, Lieutenant council and . t I). Pacific. Home on a rest from his ar- director of aid and placement at Wilt (Bucknell '40) has been over- (now Captain) David L. Baird (Lafayette the duous duties, Murlin was quoted by an University of Toronto, has been pre- with the 11th Marines for more than a '33), in a foxhole on Guadalcanal, held his moted to the to and A.P. rank of major and posted has seen heavy action. He reports fire until the fop dastards were within a few dispatch from Denver, as follows: the Pacific Officer command. . . . Flying ,l'aptain George I.. Good (Bucknell '41) yards of his position. Then he opened up. William H. Columbia (Gettysburg Murlin Spencer, Associated Press war L. Whimster (British Lieutenant Paul A. Clutz Exeunt three yellows — (lead; three yellows '33) reached and correspondent, said yesterday that with the England in May, 1942. navy medical corps, are with him. . . . --.— wounded and prisoners. Reword: Silver served there India ;;ini Japanese firmly intrenched, "I can't see any and in Ireland, Egypt and Johnson (DePauw '43) is in the Star. When last heard , avers' short cut to victory, but we'll get them out from he was in North candidate school at Quantico. . . . of the South Pacific in time." Africa. :tenant Robert E. Riecks (Colgate '43) boat in Pacific waters. . . . Lieutenant Wil- * * * instructor in the naval air station at liam B. Bachman (Dartmouth '39) is on a "Munda is going to be a tough job in it- acola, Fla.... Private Harry Anderson cruiser in the Atlantic. . . .Ensign John R. self," Mr. Spencer told an interviewer. "Then Devil Dog department. News of higan '43) and Private John Vaughn Hutton (Wisconsin '41) is aboard a battle- we've got to knock out Rabaul, Salamaua Fijis who have the situation we: higan '43) are at Parris Island, S. C. whose crew receives mail through the and Lae, which are major strongholds, ship al- hand: Postoffice in New York City. . .. though Lae has recently been * * * Fleet subordinated by Commander James I. Coddington (Yale '08) aerial pounding." Lieutenant Theodore M. Garhart (11 intelligence. ington '42) was in charge of the manticf United States Navy is on duty at the headquarters of the Third Mr. Spencer came home for a visit with used in the filming of "Guadalcanal Diary: Tidbits of infortnatior about the can- Naval District. . . . Richard C. Schleihauf his family after a 14-month absence. He was which 20th Century-Fox will bring out F. nibalian sailormen, of no value to the (Pittsburgh '45) is on the staff of the hos- reluctant to speculate on how long the war January. Fijis will find unusual interest 1(.1 pital at Great Lakes. . . . Robert W. Brown would last, but he emphasized enemy, we hope. except to put the fear the Japanese the film because the first two American (Iowa '33), on leave from the staff of the intrenchment and that Der" of God in it is going to take air Dog commands to land on Guadalcanal were his heart: Federal Home Loan Bank Administration in power as a protecting cover to prepare commissioned junior the led by Fiji officers— Colonel LeRoy P. Hunt Commander John H. Chipman (Dartmouth Washington, has been a way for real naval offensive power. Lieutenant (j. g.) (Berkeley '14) and Colonel Clifton B. Cate 19), who introduced President Roosevelt in grade lieutenant. . . . "My guess '38) is in the is like anybody else's regarding t Tennessee '16). Both of these officers art French when the Chief Executive recorded Lawrence E. Crane (Oregon speculation . . . on future moves, but it looks like now brigadier-generals. . . Captain Gordor his famous address to the people of North amphibious force of the Pacific fleet. the big on duty as push against Japan will come through Thomas Letchworth (Missouri '19) is exert( Africa, has gone abroad. . . . Lieutenant Phillips Talbot (Illinois '36) is China. That's Bombay, India. . . Ensign. the closet road to Tokio. tive officer of tbo corps detachment at t`" Alva R. Corlett (Yale '39) is on a patrol liaison officer in THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA 107 1 W. Owen Mays (Michigan 3 '42) is some- on leave from the pastorate of " pie, III (Virginia '43) receives his mail where in the South Pacific.... Ensign David Baptist Church in Arlington, Va., 1- through the Fleet Postoffice, New York.... James Morrison (North Carolina '41) is at- lain at the air station in Norfolk.... %V Writes I.ieutenant-Commander J. Russell tached to a motor torpedo boat squadron — J. Crowe, Jr. (Oklahoma '46) is a Cook (DePauw '18), athletic officer of the and wouldn't Tojo like to know where! . . . man at Annapolis. He was appoint( training station at Great Lakes: "I am flat- Reports Lieutenant (j. g.) Robert P. Van- gressman Almer S. (Mike) .! tered by the reference to me in the October Ness (Bucknell '42): "After 13 months of (Oklahoma '24) after a competitive , issue of THE PHI GAMMA DELTA. You might naval schooling. I am on my way to sea— tion. ... Lieutenant Benjamin F. 1 be interested to know that Fijis have been best known as the '50-cent tour'."... Ensign (Illinois Wesleyan '40) is commit:- prominent around the athletic department John F. Purdy (Colgate '42) is attached to officer of a boat in the Pacific. . .. here at Great Lakes. On our 1942 basketball the amphibious force of the Atlantic fleet. William A. Ramage (Bucknell '43) is team v‘e had Ernest H. Andres (Indiana . . Ensign Bradford W. Baker (Idaho '42) Southwest Pacific with an amphibious r. and John K. Lobsiger (Missouri '40). is with a fighting squadron. . . .George E. . The address of Ensign John Drew F. Here in the office with me are Lieutenant Deyo (North Carolina '41) is stationed at (North Carolina '42) is c/o Fleet Post, Wally G. Cruice (Northwestern '36) and Fort Schuyler, N. Y., as an ensign. . . . New York. . . Ensign. Hoover H. J. Lieutenant John I,. Griffith (Dartmouth '38). Richard Spencer (Missouri '23), former as- (Cornell '35) is at the air gunners' sell,' You can well understand how we enjoy see- sistant commissioner of patents of the United Hollywood, Fla., where he is serving ing the Fijis who come to Great Lakes." . .• States, is now a captain assigned to the Fiji Commander Maxwell F. Leslie (V. From Ensign George Eshelman (Washing- patent section of the procurement division. ington '25), Navy Cross. . . . Lieut' . • and Lee '43): "While visiting a Fiji . . . This magazine some months ago pub- John A. Pfanner, Jr. (Dartmouth '27 on the West Coast I had an opportun- lished the information that Lieutenant-Com- sailing the Pacific.... Ensign Frank D, .„ to get my first glance at THE PHI GAM- mander Jerome H. Sparboe (Minnesota '25) (Virginia '43) has been commission' MA DELTA since I left college for the navy. had been reported as missing while on a flight ensign after training at Columbia Univt It was a real treat and I hadn't fully realized mission on August 16, 1942, in the Alaska . . . Lieutenant-Commander Charles uhat the magazine really meant to me until theatre. The Navy Department now pre- worth Brown (Missouri '19, William then."... William E. Fitch (New York '23) sumes that he is deceased. . . .Ensign John '19, Massachusetts Tech. '20) is stat is instructing in a gunnery school near Jack- Clarke Spooner (Wabash '40, Michigan '41) with the industrial department at the I scuville, Fla. . . . William C. Sturgeon is an instructor in the training school at delphia yard. . . . Ensign Harry T. Mu: (Washington and Jefferson '43) is a mid- Columbia LOSES LEGS, BUT \ .LL FLY University. . . Ensign William Thym (Virginia '42), last year's Presides shipman at Annapolis. . . . Lieutenant Gris- G. Layhe (Michigan '39) is at Great Lakes, of Omicron Chapter, is an engineering officer wold L. Bouteiller (Amherst '30) is stationed Lieutenant-Colonel Graham Warren West Ensign Marcus W. Stoddard (Mich- somewhere in the South Pacific. . in Washington. . . . Lieutenant (i• S.) (Oregon '34), Silver Star, D. F. C. and Air igan '38) is "somewhere off Alaska.". . . Walter E. Crandall (Worcester Tech. Harold E. Kubly (Wisconsin '27), onetime Medal, lost both legs in an explosion in David McCulloch Bon (DePauw '34) now reports that he finally "dug myself out f: • dependable Purple Legionnaire of Mu Chap- Tunisia. He is now being outfitted with arti- wears a stripe and a half. com- He was formerly under the swaying palms" to pay his graduate t-. is on duty in Louisville, Ky., as execu- ficial limbs so that he may return to the in Central America as Spitfire group. representative of the dues for 1943. . . . Two Phi Fijis have bees officer of the V-12 unit at the University mand of his United Fruit Co. . . . Lieutenant William promoted to the rank of lieutenant-comman- .,ouisville.... Gerry E. Veltmann (Texas Horan Fox (Columbia '36) is in the Bureau der: Eugene deKeiffer, '34, and Eugene .?.?), Houston Grad- programs are the following: Louis W. Mar- of Ordnance in Washington, the sparkplug of the D.C.,of all places. Husting, '31. . . . Ensign Norman Young pro- daga (Washington and Jefferson '45), Rich- . The new address Chapter of yesteryear, has been of Lieutenant William (Union '42) is stationed in the Virgin !, ard Bowen (Bucknell '45) and Raymond L. T. Rimes (Denison Icd to a full lieutenancy. He is in the '31) is Air Transport lands. (No wise cracks!) ... After '- Tyler (Bucknell '45) at Bucknell University, Squadron VR-5, operational training school at Treasure Is- Naval Air Station, Seattle, training at Annapolis, Wallace H. Ma, Carl R. Wolf (Western Reserve '45, Ohio Wash....Ensign land, Calif. Gerry's brother, Joe R. Velt- James H. Hofman (West- (Union '43) has been commissioned an eri State '45) at Miami University, Raymond C. ern Reserve '43) mann (Texas '31), is on the CINC PAC may be reached c/o Fleet sign. . . Robert F. Hanson (Chicago 43 Carper (Allegheny '44) at Hobart, Gilbert Postoffice, San Lieutenant (j. g.) John D. Ligon Francisco. . .. Charles W. is studying fire control at the training statior • • . W. Stiles (Yale '43), Frank Smith (Ohio Payne (Wittenberg submarine chaser in '32), former wirephoto in San Diego, Calif. . . . Lieutenant-Corn ,:chmond '34) is on a State '42), William Strong (Occidental '42), editor with the tC g.) Robert Associated Press in Wash- mander Walter Lee Newsom, Jr. (Texw Atlantic. . . Lieutenant (j. Robert Miller (Hanover '39) and Robert ington, D. C., has aboard the been commissioned a '25) is at the operating base in Norfolk, Ya Decker (Colorado '42) is Christenson (Rutgers '42) at Harvard Uni- junior grade lieutenant and is a photographic . . Lieutenant. Milton Rusteen (Northwest S. S. [censored!] in the Pacific. . . . versity, John H. Klamer (Wabash '45) at officer in the office of public relations at the ern '39) took part in the occupation of North ...tutenant Franklyn L. Jones (Maine '40), Oberlin College, Bertrand C. Mills (Wor- capital. . . Gordon R S. Smith (Williams Africa. . . . Ensign William D. Smile .41 Atlantic service, reports: "David Benson ceter Tech. '45) at Worcester Polytechnic '46) is at Annapolis. . .. Aboard a cruiser (Pennsylvania State '43) is in aviation ir illiams '40) and George Miller (Union Institute, Philip W. Marks (Washington in the Pacific, Leslie H. Polytechnic Phillips, Jr. (Rich- Los Angeles.... Lieutenant Charles J. New are with me."... Ensign John W. Bar- and Jefferson '45) at Rennselaer mond '42) has been promoted to a junior comb (Wisconsin '28), medical corps, is at ow, Jr. (Texas '39) is receiving mail Institute, Robert C. Beach (Wittenberg '45) grade lieutenancy. . F. . . Ensign Robert Dish- the hospital at Mare Island, Calif. . . Carl through the Fleet Postoffice, San Francisco at University of Pennsylvania, Joseph man (Missouri '39) is on a tanker off Flori- . col- Martin (Dartmouth '45) at Dartmouth Col- McGinnis (Massachusetts Tech. '42) is a . . Among the Fijis assigned to da. . . Perry L. Mftchell Paul G. Darrough, Jr. (Oklahoma '45) (Richmond '16), torpedo bomber pilot.... Sherman I. W1-'n lege campuses for further training in navy lege, io8 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THE PHI GAMMA DELTA at University of Oklahoma, William J. Fos- U. C. L. A., is stationed at Fort L. mirrors.... Captain Frank Burkart (Wash- ter, III (Amherst '45) and Thomas B Wash William W. Whiteman ington and Lee '33) is at the Judge Advocate Walton (Amherst '45) at (arch rival!) homa '35), sometime Chief of the C. eneral's School in Ann Arbor, Mich. . . . Williams College, Clarence G. Horton (Ore- Texas Fiji section, has been prome,t, Lieutenant Charles M. Moffat (Washington gon '44) at University of California at Los majority. He is stationed in Washiner,-- and Jefferson '39) is stationed in Iran. . . . Angeles, Ernest C. Gray, Jr. (Cornell '24) Richard H. White (Denison '40) ' Hugh Pastoriza (Massachusetts Tech. '43) at Northwestern University, Alvin C. Bush honorably discharged for physical is in the signal corps officers' candidate (North Carolina '45) at University of North . William F. Herzog (Rutgers '43 t school at Camp Crowder, Mo. . . Richard Carolina, William R. Lindsay (Massachu- lieutenant in the air corps. . .. Dr. II Haas (Massachusetts Tech. '43) is an air setts Tech. '44) at Massachusetts Institute J. Rowe (Allegheny '35) has been con corps cadet. . . .War has, at least, one of Technology. Merton E. Sawtell (Ohio sioned a first lieutenant in the air corps bright facet. Writing home from overseas, Wesleyan '45) at Ohio Wesleyan University, is in charge of the X-ray work an Staff Sergeant Richard B. Neff (Indiana Herbert M. Church (Richmond '39) at Wes- diseases in the hospital at Merced. '42) tells of having played golf on the famed leyan University. Private Robert H. Krohne (Missouri • St. Andrews course in Scotland.. .. Samuel * * * in the medical corps at the station ho S. Hoover (Colorado '41) is a second lieu- at Foster Field, Tex. . . Private Ttl tenant in an anti-aircraft battery at Camp Hither-and-yon notes alnut the Fijis I,. Pogue, Jr. (Washington and Jeffr: Stuart. Ga.... Major Edmund F. Ball (Wa- in the as well as '37) is in the signal corps at Miami, Fla... bash '27, Yale '27) is in North Africa. . . . the Army of the United States, with no E. Paul Knight (Wittenberg '38). Richard Webster Evans (Missouri '42) is in learned to an officers' training company at Aberdeen sequence of mention according to rank: navigate a flying Fortre, Mather Field, Calif., is awaiting silk. Paving Grounds, Md. . . .Private Robert After serving with the Royal Air Force in overseas. . . . Captain Stuart F. Maca! Hakiisch (New York '44) is with a battery India, where he had 400 combat hours, Grant (Union '20), medical corps, has been 5ta - - I anti-aircraft guns which uses a New Or- West Erwin, Jr. (Wisconsin '41) has trans- tioned in Bizerte, where the leading sor, .'• cans postoffice. . . . Lieutenant Eric L. ferred to the United States air forces and has girl is Gertie.... Lieutenant Frank W. Peterson (New York '42) is stationed at already put in 50 hours with a heavy bomber land (Union '43) and Lieutenant Wi Ci.:11p Pickett, Va. . . . Donald C. Penny squadron. . . . Captain Kenyon R. Skinner Wrighton (Union '40) are somewhe:, , New York '45) is studying engineering at (Columbia '38) is stationed in the Hawaiian North Africa. . . . Clifford E. Boa, Sracuse.... Lieutenant Robert B. Wooters D. F. C., WITH OAk: (Union '42) has been New York '43) is at Fort Benning, Ga.... Islands.... Benjamin Swartz (Illinois Wes- commissioned a sn. Twice has Lieutenant Howard James lieutenant in the Private Charles Crookham (Oregon State (1. leyan '39) has been promoted to a captaincy in air corps. . . .Four Union Lonergan (Bucknell '42) been cited. He was Fijis are in reports that while on duty at Pasadena the heavy artillery. He is located in Eng- the basic training course at awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for Camp Wheeler, r College he rounded up the following land. . . . John 0. Bradshaw (Purdue '35) Ga. They are John T operational flight missions in the Southwest is a Dempster. '43; Herbert H. Adams, Fijis for a bull session: Ralph Cole lieutenant-colonel in the air corps and is Pacific area and the bronze Oak Leaf Cluster stationed at the Pentagon Bldg. in Washing- Roland Barhyte, '46, and George N. • ;dental '45), Gilbert K. Irvine (Occi- Rus- for shooting down six Jap Zeros. ton. . . H. Louis Boyle (Maine '43) is '44. . . . Colonel Fernando T. Norcross .1 '46), Dale Raitt (Nebraska '46), with a troop carrier squadron overseas. . . (Maine '14), corps of engineers, has gone to Eisenhart (Nebraska '46) and Warren :', The address of Lieutenant Bruce B. Johnson North Africa. "Count" is a veteran of the icCluer (Washington '44). Charles is sta- at the station hospital in Fort Sill, Okla.... (William Jewell '43) is A. P. 0. 709, c/o First World War. . . . Lieutenant Iran tioned at Loyola University, Los Angeles. Lieutenant Marion J. Lasater (Kansas '42) Postmaster, San Francisco. .. . Lieutenant Clark, Jr. (Oregon '39) is teaching chemical . Larry A. Hulbert (Michigan '43) is in is at the air field in Harlingen, Tex. . . - tne Colonel Robert Y. Mills (Pennsylvania '22) warfare at the tank destroyer center in Camp air corps at the University of Nevada. Lieutenant Billie M. Barbee (Colorado Col- is exchange officer at the aviation cadet cen- Hood, Tex. . . .Walter W. Kennedy (Ala' J. Hundley Wiley, Jr. (Richmond '45) lege '41) is at Fort Benning, Ga.... Private ter in San Antonio. .. . Lieutenant George barna '20), a banker turned warrior, has been the air corps at Maxwell Field, Ala.... 0. Kendrick White (Union '45) is in the E. Vickery (DePauw '40) is in the finance promoted to a lieutenant-colonelcy.... Major .1:in D. Fulton (Illinois '44) is in train- 85th Infantry at Camp Hale, Colo.... After school at Duke University, Durham, N. Morell K. Brewster (Syracuse '14) is corn- at Fort Riley, Kans. . . . The address spending three months in England, Lieu- C. ,f ... The address of Captain John H. Winant mander of the air base headquarters at Ge!• Wiley R. Ecton (Oklahoma '40) is tenant Grant B. Stetson (Lehigh '39) went Francisco. (Rutgers '29) is A. P. 0. 81, c/o Postmaster, ger Field, Wash. . . . Writes ' \- P. 0. 25, c/o Postmaster, San on to Africa and engaged in the entire Los Angeles Major Eugene B. Brownell ward W. Henricks (Indiana '27) of • .. Bernard W. Deehan (Lehigh '43) is an Tunisian campaign....Lieutenant J. Bertram school (Washington '29) has been attending the Lewis, Wash., to THE PHI GAMMA DE ifficer candidate in the tank destroyer Kessel (Ohio Wesleyan '40) is in a para- command and staff school at Fort Leaven- "I have received the October issue of :n Camp Hood, Tex Private First Class trooper outfit at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, worth, Kans. . . . Lieutenant William L. beloved magazine and I can't tell you a. Thomas Clark Jackson (Williams '43, Rut- Calif.... Private Edward Tarangioli (New Roberts (Bucknell '37) is at Fort Benning, glad I was to get it. Better still, I was both gers '43) is in a bomber squadron at Wend- York '29) is in the 51st Medical Training Ga.... Private First Class Robert J. Stiege- amazed and thrilled to see that it was ad- aver Field, Utah. . . Bruce M. Miller Battalion at Camp Barkley, Tex Lieu- meyer (Missouri '41) is on detailed service dressed to my own outfit! You must have the (Syracuse '43) is a corporal in a signal tenant George C. Miller (Ohio State '40) is School, Fort at Lowry Field, Colo. . . . Lieutenant- magic touch, with access to the archives 01 training regiment at Fort Monmouth, N. J. at the Adjutant General's Major Harold L. Flint Colonel George E. Deshon (Los Angeles everything. My good man, how do you .110 . Private First Class Myr' T. Adamson Washington, Md.... '14) is in a rescue boat outfit at '37), once the pride ofithe R. 0. 'I'. C. at it?" With mirrors, Corporal Henricks. ()klahoma '45) is in the medical detachment (Columbia 110 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA THEPHI GAMMA DELTA III

the air base in New Orleans, La. . . . Lieu- group and may be reached at A. P. 0. 634, . . . Lieutenant William G. Dildine tenant Philip W. Bissell (Colorado College c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.. • • Fred .,,enison '33) is overseas with an ack-ack '42) is at Camp Davis, N. C Ad- Veach (DePauw '44) is in training in the outfit . . . Major Kenneth R. Lewis (In- dress of James H. Felt (Illinois '42): air corps. .. . Howard A. Hall (Getty', -la '35) is at Fort Sam Houston. Tex A. P. 0. 887. c/o Postmaster, New York. '39) is an aviation cadet at Johnson irenant Douglas G. Tilley (Gettysburg . . . Matt Ransom Long. Jr. (Davidson N. C. . . James A. Felts (DePauw '41) is in an air transport command at Gen- '43, Massachusetts Tech. '45) is a cadet a student in the medical school at N - ' eral William Mitchell Field, Milwaukee, at Virginia Military Academy. . Cyril R. western, is a first-class private in the media. Wisc Major Harold L. Flint (Colum- Holden, Jr. (Idaho '45) is in the 457th Para- corps reserve.... Robert F. Slutz (DePaus bia '14) is with a rescue boat outfit at the chute Field Artillery at Camp Mackall, '43) is in the weather observers' school a: air base in New Orleans. . . Harrison B. N. C.... Private Edward B. Setliff (Okla- Lincoln, Nebr. . . . Richard K. Welsh (De- Kinney, Jr. (Idaho '45) is a cadet at the homa '44) is in the artillery at Fort Sill, Pauw '44) is an air cadet at Chanute Field. Military Academy. . . . Corporal Charles J. Okla.... Edwin G. ShirnIcr (Hanover '41) Ill. . . . Private First Class William Tucke: Ellis (Amherst '42) is in Australia. . . . is protecting the national headquarters of Phi (DePauw '43) is at Fort Lawton, Was!- Corporal Edward H. Reynolds (Alabama Gamma Delta as a corporal in an anti-air- . . . Lieutenant William F. Dawson (Mich- '44) is at Camp Davis, N. C. ... Lieutenant craft artillery unit in Washington. D. C. igan '43) is with the ski troopers at C - Ralph Andrews (Washington and Lee '45) Guess where Lieutenant-Colonel Charles H. Hale, Colo. . . . Private Benjamin D• _ is assistant post armament officer at the air McNeese (Oklahoma '21) is overseas. He (Michigan '43) is an engineer in the spec- field in Childress, Tex. . . Private Robert writes: "One of the brothers — Colonel Le- ized training program at State College. Miss Bracken (Wabash '43) is in the intelligence Roy P. Hunt (Berkeley '14) of the marines ... Edward W. Brownell, Jr. (Alabama '35' division of the replacement depot at Green- — was the first to come here.". . . Private has been promoted to a majority and is wit: ville, Pa. Writes he: "I got my job almost First Class Richard A. Sanford (Brown '43) a coast artillery anti-aircraft brigade at Nor solely through my experience as Psi's alumni is stationed at Exeter, N. H.... I. ieutenant folk, Va. . . . Captain George H. Dalt.: secretary. Of all my various educational ex- Frederick E. Foerster (Wisconsin '14, Penn- (Arizona '36) is with the 29th Cavalry 27 periences —science, mathematics, Phi Beta sylvania '12), medical corps, formerly in- Fort Riley, Kans. . . Colonel A. Lan, Kappa. etc.—that was the only one in which structor in medicine at the University of Cricher (Columbia '22) is overseas in a sup- I could get them interested. i.e., the fact Michigan, is on the staff of General Hospital ply outfit.... Captain William H. Punte.nney that I had invented a combination filing sys- 298. somewhere in England. . . . "Phi Gam- (Arizona '41) may be reached at A. P. 0. tem for my college fraternity.". . Private FINDS "SHELL SHOCK— REMEDY ma Delta spirit is still the same basic all over the 29, c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Richard Niebur (Wabash '44) is in Colonel William J. Bleckwenn (New York world."— Lieutenant Kent M. Johnson (Neb- . . Lieu- C. Lieutenant Philip G. Creese (Amher• training at Fort McClellan, Ala. . '17, Wisconsin '17), medical corps, has devel- raska '41). A. P. 0. 922, c/o is '42) is in Postmaster, overseas with the 175th Regiment rr tenant Edward Ziegner (Wabash oped a simple formula for the elimination of San Francisco, Calif. . . Two Fijis are in detachment. . . Lieutenant James A. North Africa with the coast artillery. . . "shell shock." It includes rest, hot food, clean the same specialized training has battalion at (Dartmouth '37) is in the office of th• Williasn G. Bovis (Northwestern '43) clothing and sympathetic conversation. Dr. North Camp Hood. Tex.: bombardier's Kenneth G. Patton quartermaster at Richmond, Va been promoted to a flight officer Bleckwenn is chief surgeon at an advanced (Arizona '46) Calif. and Charles Wagner (Iowa William H. Crook (Illinois '30) is oversta rank at the air school in Victorville, base in the South Pacific. '46). Private Patton reports that his whole with a signal outfit. . . . Richard B. Ne- • • . Sergeant Thomas C. Fox (Denison company sings as it marches, "She wears a (Iowa '42) is a staff sergeant overseas wit' '42) is in the classification section at Fort purple ribbon for her Fiji who is far, far an air depot.... Captain Robert C. Fordy(- ;Riley, Kans. . . . Local broker makes good! General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth. away" Lieutenant Oscar Giese (Johns (Los Angeles '42) is stationed at the Pre ' Lawrence H. Prugh (Denison '22), onetime Kans Major Frank B. Crandall (Ohio Hopkins '27), in peacetime a patent lawyer, sidio of San Francisco. . . . Lieutenant investment counsel in Dayton, 0., has been Wesleyan Fac.). chaplain corps, who has is in the patent section of the ordnance de- William S. Adams (Occidental '43) is with Promoted to a captaincy. He is at Gulfport been stationed at Fort Devens, has received the partment. . . Lieutenant John M. Wilkins an anti-aircraft group in the Pacific theatre. Field, Miss. . .. Private First Class Samuel an inscription presentation volume from (Ohio on chaplaincy of the Wesleyan '38) is at the air training . . . Robert M. Baer (Wittenberg '33) 15 Emmons, Jr. (Michigan '44) is attached to head of the committee station at Greensboro, N. C.... From China stationed at Lowry Field, Colo.... The ad- a bomb squadron at Camp Rapid, S. D. . . Russian Orthodox Church. in recognition of comes a communiqué from Thomas H. dress of Captain Herbert T. Condon, Jr. Aviation Cadet Lafayette Stuch (Michigan services rendered the Russian Church by O'Con- Downing (Hanover '44). Excerpt: "The (Washington '36) is A. P. 0. 24, c/o Post- '43) and Aviation Cadet Richard J. Brashler Chaplain Crandall.... Francis J. E. March issue of our big little mag. has arrived. master, San Francisco, Calif. . . . Robed (Michigan '45) are in the air corps at San nor (Wisconsin '28) is a top-kick somewhere finest The wrapper was covered with six postal Hutton Allen (Williams '43) is a corporal Antonio, Tex. . . Lieutenant William 0. in New Guinea, which is about the warrior. cancellations, but through it all the good at the army air base in Rapid City, S. D. • • • Schoedinger (Michigan '43) is at Elgin thing we could say about any Fiji news arrived. It was the first copy I have Private Robert Bracken, Jr. (Wabash '43 Field, Fla. . . . Lyons M. Howland (Mich- . . . Lieutenant Murray G. Urie (Columbia at Texar- seen since 'way back when. Our slogan over is in the intelligence division at Greenvili,' igan '43) is in a pre-flight school at San '37), medical corps, is stationed Captain William Augustus here is 'The Golden Gate in '48'.". .. Major Pa.... Lieutenant Francis H. Sherry (W. Antonio, Tex.... Robert J. Norwick (Mich- kana, Ark. . . . (Columbia '35) is on foreign duty as George F. French (Massachusetts Tech. '19) hams '34) is overseas with an air suppl igan '43) is in the quartermaster officer can- Daniel warehouse expert. He had been officer in is a major in the air force in Scotland. . . dropping company. Look out, adolf I . • • didate school at Camp Lee, Va. . . . Lieu- a of the warehousing branch of the Captain Robert T. Leadbetter (Massachu- Henry B. Caldwell, Jr. (Wittenberg '42) is tenant Fred R. Easterday (Nebraska '32) is charge quartermaster section at the San Antonio setts Tech. '31) is overseas with a service with the air corps at Will Rogers Field. attending a staff course at Command and /Iv THE PHI GAMMA DELTA ''3 112 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA

gesture was meant as a preparation for Eustis, Va. ... Lieutenant Harper B. Miller study, gently put aside the well-mean- (Indiana '29) has returned to the States after friend and went to work on the eye.". . . 10 months of foreign service and is stationeil iere is nothing like that good old Fiji at the air base in Pratt, Kans. . . . Colonel pitality," writes Technical Sergeant Har- Richard W. Hocker (Missouri '12, Yale W. McWilliams (Colorado College '42) Fac.) is in India. . . .John E. Soule (Ala. the swamps of Louisiana, where he was '23), onetime a am bama national officer of Scab- maneuvers. He was referring to his visits bard and Blade, has been promoted to a various chapters while in uniform. . . He is stationed lieutenant-colonelcy. in At. HE PHI GAMMA DELTA is the highlight lanta. . . .Lieutenant John C. , Saunder mail call." Thus reports Captain Arthur (Denison '44) is at Selman Field. Monroe, Thompson (Indiana '35) from the Clarke, Jr. La.... Lieutenant Houghton W. uropean theatre. . . . Lieutenant Herbert (Pennsylvania State '40) is in a field artil- . Ransford (Allegheny '38) is a staff officer lery outfit at Camp Atterbury, Kans. ... the 356th Searchlight Training Battalion Captain James R. McKeldin (Virginia '23). t Hondo, Tex. . . . Herrick J. Grossman quondam Field Secretary of Phi Gamma (Wabash '12), who has been in North a group of Delta, in September brought Africa, has been promoted to a majority.... A FIJI ENTERS TL- Nls cadets to the States from French aviation Private Donald A. Finefrock (Denison '44) This taken from a Fox Movie- 41, snap-shot, North Africa for further training. . ,verseas with a medical battalion. . . . tone NM'S reel, shows Lieutenant John E. (Union '421 Clifford E. Bowdish, Jr. Lieutenant Robert C. Dwyer (Chicago '42) '38) entering Tunis in lieu- 1VhcIden (Dartmouth has received his wings and a second ha, been assigned to the A. S. T. P. at the a jeep, all up with gleesome Tuni- cluttered tenant's commission in the air corps. . Nortliv;estern University school of medicine. is in sian youngsters, fetching flowers to the con- Noel Totti, Jr. (Worcester Tech. '41) .. Walter Nitcher (Wisconsin '35) is with querors. John was one of the first enlisted a coast artillery battery at Borinquen Field. a paratrooper battalion. Address: A. P. 0. Caro- HANDS ACROSS THE SEA men to be trained and commissioned as pub- P. R.... Jefferson D. Sewell (North 2, c/o Postmaster, New Orleans. . . . Fort center, and Field lic relations officers. For a while he edited an lina '41) is a captain in the artillery at Thomas Palmer Treadway, Jr. (Williams (I, When Anthony Eden, (Williams Dill, right, visited Fort army newspaper at Casablanca. Sill, Okla. . . John. T. Brainard '37) is an officer candidate at Edgewood Marshall Sir John the an American com- '29) is doing classification work at Arsenal, Md. . . . Sergeant Frederic S. Bragg, N. C., to inspect the Tom they were entertained depot. . . Private. George base in Alexandria, La. . . .Sergeant Bunce (Dartmouth '37) has been flying as mandos in the making, Robinson (Colo- Wolverine Gerry Chapman rado College '45) is in the 86th Infantry at Kuzma (Michigan '44), an old a radioman in a heavy bomber operating in by Major-General Eldridge an illness '18), left. Camp Hale, Colo. . . . Robert W. Durrett football great, is convalescing from Yew Guinea Mark A. Dawson (Purdue (Colorado Mich. . . (Richmond '41) is in the officers' candidate in a hospital in Battle Creek, 05), field artillery inspector general, has Tech. '38' school at Camp Lee, Va. . .. "THE PHI Captain Joe D. Brasfield (Georgia been promoted to the rank of colonel at Fort forces somewhere in Australia. GAMMA DELTA is doing a wonderful job in is taking basic training under the air :Sill. Okla. Colonel Dawson served with the (Nebraska '41) is Star: Lieutenant Richard G. keeping up with the news of the brothers in air crew program at Ontario, Calif.... Rainbow Division in the First World War . . The address of '41) !s is A. P. 0. 530, c/o service." So wrote Lieutenant Donald S. Sergeant John W. Clarke (Michigan and remained in the army. . . First Lieu- Illing (New York '41) base a Francisco. Dick is with a Corey (Los Angeles '39) from an air field a Link Trainer instructor at the air tenant Stephen B. Smith (Ohio State '40) is Postmaster, San Captain Elmer Gedeon at San Columbia, S. C. . . . Amos ). Minkel, Jr with a bombing squadron in England. . . . fighter group. . . . Bernardino, Calif., where he is in T. P from the campus (Colgate '40) is a private in the A. S. Lieutenant Dudley Onderdonk, Jr. (Brown (Michigan '39), who went the finance office. . .. A communiqué from outfield of the Wash- at the school of medicine at the University ?! is at the Avon Park Bombing Range, at Ann Arbor to the Corporal Edgar J. Brush (Knox '34) from in stationed at Ardmore, Buffalo. from which he is to be graduated Avon Park, Fla. . . . George McClaran ington Senators, is Down Under: "I have enjoyed particularly Hamilton F. Morris December. . .. Lieutenant James C. 11"!7 .?' (Ohio '45) is in basic training at Okla. . . . Lieutenant the articles about Lieutenant-General Robert Wesleyan Davis-Isionthan Field, (Hanover '41) is stationed at Great Camp Tex. . . . Private Jacques (Michigan '39) is at L. Eichelberger [Ohio State '07). I have Wolters, Stuch (Mich- Mont. . .. John H. Dodge (Massaciy Duffy is at Fort McClellan, Tucson, Ariz. . . .Lafayette seen him a few times, both in the Buna area (Columbia '44) bombardier at Tech. '31) has been promoted to a lieuten.ii • I.. Oakley, Jr. '43) is learning to be a and here in Australia, but I did not know .Ak-• • • . Lieutenant David igan Cavender colonelcy in the coast artillery. He is sr, from England: Antonio, Tex Marvin he was a Fiji until I received my copies of '(Tennessee '34) reports in San Sioux tioned in the Pacific war zone. . . . Cartaln where one (Nebraska '46) is in the air forces at THE PHI GAMMA DELTA upon my return have found that regardless of Cook Ernest Boukard (Tennessee '38). Tr, Fiji. Wal- D.... Lieutenant Richard E. from New Guinea." Ed's address is A. P. 0. may be he is bound to run into a Falls, S. in corps, was mentioned in a Chicago are intelli- State '42) served as an umpire 32, c/o Pmr., San Francisco, Calif. . . Ed-. lace Warren (Texas '32) and I (Oregon He News dispatch from New Guinea. Th, bombardment Corps maneuvers at Bend, Ore. ward H. White (Missouri '38) is in officers' .'r:igence officers in the same the IV . . . himself the stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. training at Fort Benning, Ga. . . Howard dent: "A native, moaning to 'scitiadron and have adjoining desks in is years V. Curtis (Trinity '19), after 13 Council (Stanford '44) is in officers' training one hand covering his eye, was led t ;same office. We discovered we were both Leslie in service as an assistant state's attorney at Fort Sill, Okla.... Frederic B. Morrison Boukard. Another native followed r, on a trip to London a few weeks ago. of commissioned a Cook County, Ill., has been (Amherst '31) has been honorably dis- and when the injured 'boong' expos, hat gave cause for more than the usual provost captain and will be attached to the charged for medical disability. He had been eye, his friend loudly and sympathe:. celebration."... Lieutenant Kent M. Johnson training in anti-aircraft artillery at Fort spat therein. Bourkard. understanding H4 THE PHI GAMMA DELTA III)))) lUI1lII1IttfI1JHh!tj*''5:." IIII!IllllllIlilll)ll))IIIII)ItJuI;t111 marshal general's department. '5" Les had won (Wisconsin '43) to a splendid reputation as a University of homicide prose- Hugh Alsworth Ross cutor. . . . Chester Burley (Virginia (Wisconsin '46) Heidleberg College, George and Joseph Addison (Virginia '45) are in M. (Williams '43) to Washington basic training in the air corps. . . Lieu- U- (St. Louis), Tim J. H. Brasmer tenant-Colonel Harold G. Lacy (Pennsyl- It '45) to Colorado State College, vania '16) may be reached at A. P. WI 0. 7012, Reimer (Western Reserve c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. '45) to :-- Billy Chamberlin Passes to . .. University, Joe Keller Kindig Stars Major Joseph B. Priestly (Pennsylvania to Regis College (Denver), '22), medical corps, has been transferred Wi:' to Loughborough (Michigan Historian and Former President, Whose a Colorado station.... Robert '43) to Impress Upon W. Sampson State College, Frank (Wisconsin '38), who used Barnett (Wabasn Fraternity to review Fiji to Syracuse University. Was Great, Joins the Chapter Eternal books for this magazine, has been commis- sioned a second lieutenant. His room-mate at Aberdeen By CECIL J. WILKINSON (Ohio Wesleyan '17) Proving Ground, NM., during his training course was George Miller (Ohio Aboard Warship, Sailor State '40). . . .Lieutenant Robert J. Buck C BLE-DRAPED droops the royal educated (Maine Gets in the public schools. Then. '44) is at Fort Lewis, Wash., which Life Loyal Hunch purple banner. A mighty is a long way from oak in the influenced by Baptist traditions, he was Orono, Me.. . .Person- ROM aboard an American : est of Fraternity able James McCoy Davis (Ohio \\ has fallen. William off to Denison University in the fall of State '36), in Pacific Fosdick onetime pastor of the Congregational Church F waters comes a Chamberlin (Denison '93), 1888. at Ravenna, nique from 0., has entered the chaplains' a Fiji navy rating: "T whose facile Historian's pen recorded On page 54 of the March, 1889, issue corps and is stationed at is just Camp Shelby, Miss. one of those letters a guy fina' !.le annals of Phi Gamma Delta and of this magazine Billy made his debut Jim was formerly field secretary for the gets around to write. I was doing di. whose noble hand once held the gavel of into Phi Gamma Delta through Congregational Christian Committee in New Lamb- York with John Hartman i'le Presidency City. . . . Lieutenant Frederick A. (Colorado of our beloved order, da Deuteron's epistle to the brethren: Schaefer (Cornell '43) is with and he showed me his riied on July 28, 1943, at the headquar- Life Loyal F Brookfield, We take pleasure in presenting to the fra- ters of the 66th Division at card. So I Camp Robinson, got the hunch that I'd be. where, as a convalescent from a ternity our latest initiates, Brothers W. F. Ark. . . . Sergeant Warren C. Kolkebeck get mine in. Here's $25 — am cerebral hemorrhage suffered Chamberlin of Dayton, 0., H. B. Gutches (Pennsylvania State '42) I an: in April, of reports from tiate life 1942, Chicago, E. B. Kinney of Norwalk, 0., and Wright Field, 0.: "I have been subscriber for THE PHI GAM- he was visiting his sister. in the service C. B. White of Newark, 0. These brothers for six months and have met MA DELTA." The story of Billy Chamberlin, of his up with several were all initiated before the last General Fijis. One in particular was Service men vocation Russel Shorten by the dozens, fin and of his avocation is a pleas- Convention [Columbus, September, 1888] and (Columbia '37). He and I have become great there isn't any place to spend t ant sequence of events in the life of an have proved themselves loyal and enthusiastic friends and appreciate each other's com- money, are attractive Deltas, well suited to wear the royal purple. panionship.". . . commuting their graduate American boy who grew up Private Orville J. Baldwin were sorry Brother Chamberlin (Illinois Wesleyan dues for life. !ri take his place in the affairs of man We to lose '46) is with the 71st this term by reason of the death of his father. Airdrome Squadron at Clovis, N. M. New Life Loyals: and at the same time to retain the sen- Imagine . . His short connection with us fully demon- the pleasure of Lynn Kelso (Ohio timental attributes such attach Wesleyan 1293. James Lyon (Arizona '32), San as to a strated his admirable qualities and fraternal '43) and Ellis McKay (Allegheny college '43) Diego, Calif. 1294. Samuel Van E. Buchanan fraternity. spirit. We shall have him, however, in our to be assigned to live as room-mates in the Phi (Colorado '29, Kansas '29), Jeffers, In his delightful biography, I Re- freshman class next year. Gamma Delta House upon their Mo. arrival in Madison, 1295. Curvin H. Stein, Jr. il'ember, published Wisc., to study area and burg '40), in 1942, Billy tells Admirable qualities — fraternal spir- language in the A.S.T.P. New York, N. Y. 1296. Wi at the University of R. Durand •tat he was born (of Mayflower an- it. How prophetic! Wisconsin! That's (Washington '26), San I only half the story. Their cisco, :try) in the front parlor door opened a few Calif. 1297. LaFell R. La of the home Billy was a gifted musician (he hours later and in came (Washington his two more mates, Burton '39), Snohomish, Wash. maternal grandfather at Ran- played the pipe organ in a church at C. Wood (Okla- Nicholas homa '45) and William G. Cristofalo, Jr. (New York H11, Cattagarus County, New York, Brookfield a few days before he died). J. Holloway (Okla- Baltimore, homa '45). "This is Md. 1299. William E. —idway the army!" enthusias- (Alabama between Jamestown and Sala- His talent was early manifest. This tically writes Private First '45), Tuscaloosa, Ala. 1300. loll' '. Class Kelso... . M. Hartman rim on the Seneca Indian Reserva- magazine in March, 1890, carried this Other A.S.T.P. (Army Specialized (Colorado '33), Seattle, Wash Train- 1301. Herbert (Washingtor " The date was February 20, 1870. from Lambda Deuteron: ing Program) assignments that T. Condon, Jr. note have come to '36), San our notice: Milton Moore Francisco, Calif. 1302. Arthur F Helm (Illinois Thompson FAMILY MOVES TO OHIO A few weeks ago we gave a reception to '45) to Baylor University, (Indiana '35), New York, N. friends.... this reception, Lamb- John P. Con- 1303. Egbert His parents our lady At nelly, Jr. (Brown '45, Id. Kline (Syracuse '25), CP. moved to Ohio when Deuteron's orchestra, consisting Pennsylvania '45) to per Darby, da of two University of Pa. 1304. Henry N. Titzler (MO was three years old and estab- viol, piano cornet, under Cincinnati', Harold W. Johnson sachusetts violins, bass and the Tech. '42), Dayton, 0. .1ed a home in Dayton, where he was efficient leadership of Brother Chamberlin.