MEMBERSHIP 2012-2013 DIRECTORY Kansas Aggregate Producers’ Association & Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association 800 SW Jackson St., Ste.1408 Topeka, KS 66612 Phone: 785-235-1188 Fax: 785-235-2544
[email protected] 1 2 Table of Contents Page Introduction 4 2012 KAPA Board of Directors 6 2012 KRMCA Board of Directors 7 2012 M&T Board of Directors 8 KAPA-KRMCA Staff 9 KAPA Past Presidents 10 KRMCA Past Presidents 11 KAPA Producer Members 15 KRMCA Producer Members 39 Geographical Listings 59 M&T Division 81 Governmental Listings 109 Regulatory Listings 129 Related Associations 137 Advertisement Index 141 Kansas Aggregate Producers’ Association Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association 800 S.W. Jackson Street, Suite 1408 Topeka, Kansas 66612 785-235-1188 ♦ fax: 785-235-2544 ♦
[email protected] Edward R. “Woody” Moses, Managing Director Wendy M. Harms, Associate Director Published May 2012 3 Introduction The Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association (KRMCA) and the Kansas Aggregate Producers' Association (KAPA) are proud to present this Directory. The use of this Directo- ry and association member services will contribute to the strength of the two Associations. The officers and directors of the associations constantly work toward the betterment of the construction industry. If there is anything the two Associations can do to help, please do not hesitate to contact the Associations' office. The Manufacturers and Technical Division, who are principally responsible for this Directory’s publication, deserve consideration when purchasing goods or services. We hope this Directory will be useful to your everyday business. Purposes of the Associations ♦ The exchange of ideas and information relative to the production, sale and use of aggregate products and ready mixed concrete in Kansas.