In exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 52A of the Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Act, and for the purposes of implementing Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1237 of 12 September 2018 amending Decision 2014/145/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of , the Minister has made the following Regulations-


1. These Regulations may be cited as the Ukraine (Travel Restrictions) (Amendment) (No.20) Regulations 2018.


2. These Regulations shall commence on the day of publication.

Amendment to the Ukraine (Travel Restrictions) Regulations 2014.

3. The Schedule to the Ukraine (Travel Restrictions) Regulations 2014 is amended in accordance with the provisions of regulations 4 and 5.

Amendment to Article 6.

4. In Article 6, the second paragraph is replaced with the following-

“This Decision shall apply until 15 March 2019.”.

Amendment to the Annex. GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

5. The Annex (which reproduces Council Decision 2014/145 CFSP) is amended by substituting the entries corresponding to the following persons and entities with-

Persons “ Denis Valentinovich DOB: 15.7.1974 Brezovskiy was appointed 17.3.2014 BEREZOVSKIY POB: , commander of the Ukrainian Ukrainian SSR Navy on 1 March 2014 but (ДǷǿǺȃ thereafter swore an oath to the ВDzǽǷǿȄǺǿȀǴǺȉ Crimean armed forces, thereby БЕРЕЗОВСКИЙ) breaking his oath to the Ukrainian Navy. Denys Valentynovych BEREZOVSKYY He was Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the (ДǷǿǺȃ Russian Federation until ВDzǽǷǿȄǺǿȀǴǺȉ October 2015. БЕРЕЗОВСЬКИЙ) Since 2015 he studies at the military academy of the General Staff of Andrei Aleksandrovich DOB: 9.11.1972 Chairman of the Committee 17.3.2014 KLISHAS POB: Sverdlovsk on Constitutional Law and State Building of the (АǿǶȂǷǻ Federation Council of the АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂȀǴǺȉ Russian Federation. КǽǺȊDzȃ) On 1 March 2014 Klishas publicly supported, in the Federation Council, the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. In public statements Klishas sought to justify a Russian military intervention in Ukraine by claiming that ‘the Ukrainian President supports the appeal of the Crimean authorities to the President of the Russian Federation on landing an all- encompassing assistance in defence of the citizens of Crimea. Aleksandr Borisovich DOB: 3.4.1957 Former Member of the 17.3.2014 TOTOONOV Committee of International POB: Affairs of the Federation (АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂ Ordzhonikidze, Council of the Russian БȀȂǺȃȀǴǺȉ North Ossetia Federation. His duties as a ТȀȄȀȀǿȀǴ) Member of the Council of the Russian Federation ended in September 2017. 1652 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

Since September 2017 he is the First Deputy Chair of the Parliament of North Ossetia.

On 1 March 2014 Totoonov publicly supported, in the Federation Council, the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine. Sergei Vladimirovich DOB: 30.7.1970 Former Deputy Speaker of the 17.3.2014 ZHELEZNYAK POB: St. Petersburg State Duma of the Russian (former Leningrad) Federation. (СǷȂǵǷǻ ВǽDzǶǺǾǺȂȀǴǺȉ Actively supported the use of ЖЕЛЕЗНDZК) Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. He led personally the demonstration in support of the use of Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.

Former Deputy Chairperson and currently a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Dmitry Olegovich DOB: 21.12.1963 Former Deputy Prime Minister 21.3.2014 ROGOZIN POB: Moscow of the Russian Federation. Publicly called for the (ДǾǺȄȂǺǻ annexation of Crimea. ОǽǷǵȀǴǺȉ РȀǵȀǹǺǿ) Valery Vladimirovich DOB: 1.9.1956 Former Deputy-Commander 21.3.2014 KULIKOV of the Black Sea Fleet, Rear POB: Zaporozhye Admiral. (ВDzǽǷȂǺǻ (Ukrainian SSR) ВǽDzǶǺǾǺȂȀǴǺȉ Responsible for commanding КȅǽǺǼȀǴ) Russian forces that have occupied Ukrainian sovereign territory.

On 26 September 2017, with a Decree of the President of Russian Federation, he was dismissed from this post and from military service.

Since September 2017, he is a member of the Federation Council of Russian Federation, representing the annexed City of Sevastopol. Mikhail Grigorievich DOB: 10.10.1955 Chair of the Crimea Electoral 21.3.2014 MALYSHEV POB: Simferopol, Commission. Responsible for Crimea administering the Crimean (МǺȇDzǺǽ ‘referendum’. Responsible ГȂǺǵȀȂȎǷǴǺȉ under the Russian system for 1653 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

МАЛЫШЕВ) signing referendum results.

Mykhaylo Hryhorovych In the capacity of Chair of the MALYSHEV Crimea Electoral Commission he participated in the (МǺȇDzǻǽȀ organization of the Russian ГȂǺǵȀȂȀǴǺȉ presidential elections of 18 МАЛИШЕВ) March 2018 in the illegally annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, and thereby actively supported and implemented policies that undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Lt. Gen. Igor DOB: 5.12.1959 Former de facto Commander 21.3.2014 Nikolaevich POB: Osh, Kyrgyz of Russian troops deployed on (Mykolayovich) SSR the ground in the illegally TURCHENYUK annexed Crimea (whom continues to refer to (ИǵȀȂȎ officially as ‘local self-defence НǺǼȀǽDzǷǴǺȉ militias’). Former Deputy ТȅȂȉǷǿȐǼ) Commander of the Southern Military District. Currently he is the Head of Department of Public Administration and National Security at the Military Academy of the Russian General Staff. Sergey Gennadevich DOB: 1.5.1983 One of the leaders of the 29.4.2014 TSYPLAKOV POB: Khartsyzsk, ideologically radical (СǷȂǵǷǻ region organisation ‘People's Militia ГǷǿǿDzǶȎǷǴǺȉ of Donbas’. He took active ЦЫПЛАКОВ) part in the seizure of a number of State buildings in the Serhiy Hennadiyovych Donetsk region. TSYPLAKOV (СǷȂǵiǻ ГǷǿǿDzǶiǻȀǴǺȉ Member of the ‘People's ЦИПЛАКОВ) Council of the Donetsk People's Republic’, former Chair and current member of the ‘People's Council Committee on Information Policy and Information Technology. Igor Evgenevich DOB: 25.7.1980 One of the former leaders of 12.5.2014 KAKIDZYANOV POB: armed forces of the self- () proclaimed ‘Donetsk People's (ИǵȀȂȎ Republic’. The aim of the ЕǴǵǷǿȎǷǴǺȉ forces is to ‘protect the people КАКИДЗDZНОВ), of the Donetsk People's Republic and territorial Igor Evegenevich integrity of the republic’ KHAKIMZYANOV according to Pushylin, one of the leaders of the ‘Donetsk (ИǵȀȂȎ People's Republic’. ЕǴǵǷǿȎǷǴǺȉ 1654 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

ХАКИМЗDZНОВ) Remains active in supporting separatist actions or policies. Ihor Yevhenovych KHAKIMZIANOV (KAKIDZIANOV)

(IǵȀȂ ЄǴǵǷǿȀǴǺȉ ХАКIМЗDZНОВ (КАКIДЗDZНОВ)) Natalia Vladimirovna DOB: 18.3.1980 Member of the State Duma, 12.5.2014 POKLONSKAYA POB: Mikhailovka, elected from the illegally Voroshilovgrad annexed Autonomous (НDzȄDzǽȎȑ region, Ukrainian Republic of Crimea. ВǽDzǶǺǾǺȂȀǴǿDz SSR or Yevpatoria, ПОКЛОНСКАDZ) Ukrainian SSR Former Prosecutor of the so- called ‘Republic of Crimea’. Actively implemented Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Currently Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for Security and countering corruption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Nikolay Ivanovich DOB: 20.6.1956 or Commander of Cossack 12.7.2014 KOZITSYN 6.10.1956 forces. POB: Djerzjinsk, (НǺǼȀǽDzǻ Donetsk region Responsible for commanding ИǴDzǿȀǴǺȉ separatists in Eastern Ukraine КȀǹǺȈȍǿ) fighting against the Ukrainian government forces. Remains active in supporting separatist actions or policies. Sergei Orestovich DOB: 17.5.1954 Commander of the Fifth 25.7.2014 BESEDA Service of the FSB, Federal Security Service of the (СǷȂǵǷǻ ОȂǷȃȄȀǴǺȉ Russian Federation. БǷȃǷǶDz) As a senior FSB officer (Colonel-General), he heads a service responsible for overseeing intelligence operations and international activity. Mikhail Vladimirovich DOB 10.7.1981 Member of the State Duma. 25.7.2014 DEGTYARYOV/ POB: Kuibyshev DEGTYAREV (Samara) As a member of the Duma he announced the inauguration of (МǺȇDzǺǽ the ‘de facto embassy’ of the ВǽDzǶǺǾǺȂȀǴǺȉ unrecognised, so-called ДЕГТDZРËВ) ‘Donetsk People's Republic’ in Moscow, he contributes to undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. Currently Chairman of the Russian State 1655 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

Duma Committee on Physical Education, Sport and Youth Affairs. Alexander DOB: 23.12.1960 Former Governor of the 25.7.2014 Nikolayevich POB: Vyselki, Krasnodar Krai. TKACHYOV Krasnodar region He was awarded the medal (АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂ ‘for the liberation of Crimea’ НǺǼȀǽDzǷǴǺȉ by the Acting head of the ТǼDzȉëǴ) Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the support he provided to the unlawful annexation of Crimea. On that occasion, the Acting Head of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea said that Tkachyov was one of the first to express his support to the new ‘leadership’ of Crimea.

Former Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Oksana TCHIGRINA, DOB: possibly Former spokesperson of the 30.7.2014 23.7.1981 so-called ‘government’ of the Oksana Aleksandrovna so-called ‘Lugansk People's CHIGRINA Republic’ who made (CHYHRYNA) declarations justifying, inter alia, the shooting down of a (ОǼȃDzǿDz Ukrainian military airplane, АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂȀǴǿDz the taking of hostages, fighting ЧИГРИНА) activities by the illegal armed groups, which have as a consequence undermined the territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of Ukraine.

Former spokesperson of the Press Service of LNR. Andrei Nikolaevich DOB: 23.9.1976 Former Moscow 12.9.2014 RODKIN POB: Moscow Representative of the so-called ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. (АǿǶȂǷǻ In his statements he has, inter НǺǼȀǽDzǷǴǺȉ alia, talked about the militias' РȀǶǼǺǿ) readiness to conduct a guerrilla war and their seizure of weapon systems from the Ukrainian armed forces. He has therefore supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

One of the former leaders of the ‘Union of Donbas 1656 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

Volunteers’. Aleksey Vasilevich DOB: 11.2.1968 Major-general of the Russian 12.9.2014 NAUMETS Army. Former commander of the 76th airborne division (АǽǷǼȃǷǻ which has been involved in the ВDzȃǺǽȎǷǴǺȉ Russian military presence on HaȅǾǷȈ) the territory of Ukraine, notably during the illegal annexation of Crimea. Since 2018 Deputy Chief of Staff of the Airborne Forces. Sergey Yurievich DOB: 29.9.1982 or In his former capacity as so- 29.11.2014 KOZYAKOV 23.9.1982 called ‘Head of the Central Election Commission’ (СǷȂǵǷǻ ǰȂȎǷǴǺȉ he was responsible for КОЗЬDZКОВ) organising the so-called ‘elections’ of 2 November Serhiy Yuriyovych 2014 in the ‘Luhansk People's KOZYAKOV Republic’. These ‘elections’ were in breach of Ukrainian (СǷȂǵiǻ ǰȂiǻȀǴǺȉ law and therefore illegal. КОЗЬDZКОВ) Between October 2015 and December 2017 so-called ‘Minister of Justice’ of the ‘Luhansk People's Republic’.

In taking on and acting in these capacities, and in organising the illegal ‘elections’, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and further destabilised Ukraine. Alexandr Vasilievich DOB: 20.5.1972 or Former so-called ‘Minister of 16.2.2015 SHUBIN 30.5.1972 Justice’, of the illegal so- called ‘Luhansk People's (АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂ POB: Luhansk Republic’. Chairman of the ВDzȃǺǽȎǷǴǺȉ ‘Central Election ШУБИН) Commission’ of the so-called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’ since October 2015.

In taking on and acting in this capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and further destabilised Ukraine. Ekaterina Vladimirovna DOB: 20.1.1988 Former so-called ‘Minister of 16.2.2015 FILIPPOVA POB: Justice’ of the socalled (ЕǼDzȄǷȂǺǿDz Krasnoarmëisk ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. ВǽDzǶǺǾǺȂȀǴǿDz 1657 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

ФИЛИППОВА) In taking on and acting in this capacity, she has therefore Kateryna actively supported actions and Volodymyrivna policies which undermine the FILIPPOVA territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence (КDzȄǷȂǺǿDz of Ukraine, and further ВȀǽȀǶǺǾǺȂiǴǿDz destabilised Ukraine. ФIЛIППОВА Zaur Raufovich DOB: 25.7.1978 (or Former so-called ‘General 16.2.2015 ISMAILOV 23.3.1975) Prosecutor’ of the so-called ‘Lugansk People's Republic’ (ЗDzȅȂ РDzȅȆȀǴǺȉ POB: Krasny Luch, (until October 2017). ИСМАИЛОВ) Voroshilovgrad, Currently acting so-called Lugansk region ‘Minister of Justice’ of the so- Zaur Raufovych called ‘Lugansk People's ISMAYILOV Republic’.

(ЗDzȅȂ РDzȅȆȀǴǺȉ In taking on and acting in this IСМАЇЛОВ) capacity, he has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and further destabilised Ukraine. Aleksandr Yurevich DOB: 17.7.1970 Former Chair of the 14.5.2018 PETUKHOV/ Sevastopol Electoral Commission. In this capacity Aleksandr Yurievich he participated in the PETUKHOV organisation of the Russian presidential elections of 18 (АǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂ March 2018 in the illegally ǰȂȎǷǴǺȉ ПЕТУХОВ) annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, and thereby Oleksandr Yuriyovych actively supported and PIETUKHOV implemented policies that undermine the territorial (ОǽǷǼȃDzǿǶȂ integrity, sovereignty and ǰȂіǻȀǴǺȉ ПЄТУХОВ) independence of Ukraine.

”; and

1658 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

Entities “ So-called ‘Lugansk People's Official information: The so-called ‘Lugansk 25.7.2014 Republic’ People's Republic’ was established on 27 April ‘ЛȅǵDzǿȃǼDzȑ 2014. Responsible for ǿDzȂȀǶǿDzȑ organising the illegal ȂǷȃȁȅdzǽǺǼDz’ referendum on 11 May 2014. Declaration of ‘Luganskaya narodnaya independence on 12 May respublika’ 2014. On 22 May 2014, the so-called ‘People's Republics’ of Donetsk and Lugansk created the so-called ‘Federal State of ’. This is in breach of Ukrainian constitutional law, and, as a consequence, of international law, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. It is also involved in the recruitment to the separatist ‘Army of Southeast’ and other illegal armed separatist groups, thus undermining the stability or security of Ukraine. So called ‘Donetsk People's Official information: The so called ‘Donetsk 25.7.2014 Republic’ People's Republic’ was http://av- declared on 7 April ‘ДȀǿǷȈǼDzȑ 2014. ǿDzȂȀǶǿDzȑ ȂǷȃȁȅdzǽǺǼDz’ Responsible for organizing the illegal ‘Donétskaya naródnaya referendum on May 11 respúblika’ 2014. Declaration of independence on May 12 2014.

On 24 May 2014, the so called ‘People's Republics’ of Donetsk and Lugansk signed an 1659 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

agreement on the creation of the so called ‘Federal State of Novorossiya’.

This is in breach of Ukrainian constitutional law, and, as a consequence, of international law, thus undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. It is also involved in the recruitment to illegal armed separatist groups, thus threatening the stability or security of Ukraine.

International Union of Official information: The ‘Great Don army’ 25.7.2014 Public Associations ‘Great http://xn– established the ‘Cossack Don Army’ 80aaaajfjszd7a3b0e. National Guard’, xn–p1ai/ responsible for fighting МǷǸǶȅǿDzȂȀǶǿȍǻ against the Ukrainian СȀȐǹ ОdzȋǷȃȄǴǷǿǿȍȇ Phone number: +7-8- government forces in ОdzȌǷǶǺǿǷǿǺǻ 908-178-65-57 Eastern Ukraine, thus ‘ВȃǷǴǷǽǺǼȀǷ ВȀǻȃǼȀ undermining the ДȀǿȃǼȀǷ Social media: Cossack territorial integrity, National Guard sovereignty and independence of nac_guard Ukraine as well as threatening the stability Address: 346465 or security of Ukraine. Russia, Rostov Region, October District, St Associated with Mr Zaplavskaya, Str Nikolay Kozitsyn, who Shosseynaya 1 is Commander of Cossack forces and Second address: responsible for Voroshilovskiy commanding separatists Prospekt 12/85-87/13, in Eastern Ukraine Rostovon-Don fighting against the Ukrainian government forces. ‘Sobol’ ‘СȀdzȀǽȎ’ Official information: Radical paramilitary 25.7.2014 organisation, responsible for openly supporting using force Social media: to end Ukraine's control over Crimea, thus ss undermining the territorial integrity, Phone number: (0652) sovereignty and 60-23-93 independence of 1660 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

Ukraine. Email: [email protected] Responsible for training m separatists to fight against the Ukrainian Address: Crimea, government forces in Simferopol, str. Kiev, 4 Eastern Ukraine, thus (area bus station threatening the stability ‘Central’). or security of Ukraine. So called ‘Lugansk Guard’ Social media and other Self-defence militia of 25.7.2014 information: Lugansk, responsible ‘ЛȅǵDzǿȃǼDzȑ for training separatists ǵǴDzȂǶǺȑ’ to fight against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern 2201 Ukraine, thus threatening the stability or security of Ukraine. ews Associated with Mr German PROPOKIV, active leader who is responsible for taking part in the seizure of the building of the Lugansk regional office of the Ukrainian Security Service and recorded a video address to President Putin and Russia from the occupied building. So called ‘Army of the http//lugansk-online. Illegal armed separatist 25.7.2014 Southeast’ Info/statements group which is Social media: considered to be one of ‘АȂǾǺǺ ǰǵȀ-ВȀȃȄȀǼDz’ the most important in u Eastern Ukraine.

Responsible for occupying the building of the Security Service in the Lugansk region.

Associated with Mr Valeriy BOLOTOV, who was listed as one of the leaders of the group.

Associated with Mr Vasyl NIKITIN, responsible for the separatist ‘governmental’ activities of the so called ‘government of the People's Republic of 1661 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018


So-called ‘Donbas People's Social media: Illegal armed separatist 25.7.2014 Militia’ group responsible for assa + 38-099-445-63- fighting against the ‘НDzȂoǶǿȀǷ oȁoǽȉéǿǺǷ 78; Ukrainian government ДoǿdzáȃȃDz + 38-063-688-60-01; forces in Eastern + 38-067-145-14-99; Ukraine, thus + 38-094-912-96-60; threatening the stability + 38-062-213-26-60 or security of Ukraine. Email: inter alia, the militant [email protected] group seized control of mobilisation@novoross several government buildings in Eastern [email protected] Ukraine in early April 2014, thus undermining Telephone volunteers in the territorial integrity, Russia: sovereignty and independence of + 7 (926) 428-99-51 Ukraine. It is associated + 7 (967) 171-27-09 or with Mr , email who is responsible for [email protected] the taking over of the regional government Address: Donetsk. building in Donetsk Prospect with pro-Russian forces Zasyadko,13 and proclaiming himself the ‘people's governor’. ‘Vostok battalion’ Social media: Illegal armed separatist 25.7.2014 group which is ‘БDzȄDzǽȎȀǿ ВȀȃȄȀǼ forces_ of_donbas considered to be one of http://patriot- the most important in Eastern Ukraine. info.patriot.donbassa@ Responsible for fighting against the Ukrainian government forces in Eastern Ukraine, thus threatening the stability or security of Ukraine. Actively participated in the military operations resulting in the seizure of Donetsk Airport. Part of the so-called ‘1st Army Corps’ of the Armed Forces of ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. Federal State Budgetary Resort ‘Nizhnyaya The ownership of the 25.7.2014 Enterprise ‘Sanatorium Oreanda’, 298658,, entity was transferred Nizhnyaya Oreanda’ of the Yalta, Oreanda contrary to the Administration of the (298658, Ukrainian law. On 21 President of the Russian March 2014 the Federation (formerly known ǵ.DZǽȄDz, ȁǵȄ. ‘Presidium of the as Resort ‘Nizhnyaya ОȂǷDzǿǶDz, Parliament of Crimea’ Oreanda’ СDzǿDzȄȀȂǺǻ СDzǿDzȄȀȂǺǻ adopted a decision ‘On 1662 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

‘НǺǸǿȑȑ ОȂǷDzǿǶDz’) ‘НǺǸǿȑȑ the questions of creation ОȂǷDzǿǶDz’) of the Association of sanatoria and resorts’ No 1767-6/14 declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the resort ‘Nizhnyaya Oreanda’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’. Re-registered on 9 October 2014 as Federal State Budgetary Enterprise ‘Sanatorium Nizhnyaya Oreanda’ of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННО Е БǰДЖЕТНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ‘САНАТОРИЙ “НИЖНDZDZ ОРЕАНДА” УПРАВЛЕНИDZ ДЕЛАМИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ’). Founder: The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (УПРАВЛЕНИDZ ДЕЛАМИ ПРЕЗИДЕНТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ). Crimean Republican 40 Zeleznodorozhnaya The ownership of the 25.7.2014 Enterprise ‘Azov distillery str., 296178 entity was transferred plant’ Azovskoye, Jankoysky contrary to Ukrainian district law. On 9 April 2014, КȂȍǾȃǼȀǷ the ‘Presidium of the ȂǷȃȁȅdzǽǺǼDzǿȃǼȀǷ (ДǸDzǿǼȀǻȃǼǺǻ Parliament of Crimea’ ȁȂǷǶȁȂǺȑȄǺǷ ȂDzǻȀǿ, 296178 ȁǵȄ. adopted a decision No ‘АǹȀǴȃǼǺǻ ǽǺǼȒȂȀ- АǹȀǴȃǼȀǷ, ȅǽ. 1991-6/14 ‘On the ǴȀǶȀȉǿǿǻ ǹDzǴȀǶ’ ЖǷǽǷǹǿȀǶȀȂȀǸǿ amendments to the Dzȑ, 40) Resolution of the State Azovsky likerovodochny Council of the zavod code: 01271681 “Republic of Crimea”’ of 26 March 2014 No 1836-6/14 ‘On nationalization of the

1663 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

property of enterprises, institutions and organizations of agro- industrial complex, located in the territory of the “Republic of Crimea”’ declaring the appropriation of assets belonging to the ‘Azovsky likerovodochny zavod’ on behalf of the ‘Republic of Crimea’. The enterprise is thus effectively confiscated by the Crimean ‘authorities’.

Ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY 41 ul.Vereiskaya street, Almaz-Antey is a 30.7.2014 ALMAZ-ANTEY AIR AND Moscow 121471, Russian State-owned SPACE DEFENCE Russian Federation; company. It CORPORATION manufactures anti- Website: almaz- aircraft weaponry АǼȈǺȀǿǷȂǿȀǷ; Email including surface-to-air ȀdzȋǷȃȄǴȀ ‘КȀǿȈǷȂǿ missiles which it ǴȀǹǶȅȊǿȀǼȀȃǾǺȉǷȃǼȀǻ Address supplies to the Russian ȀdzȀȂȀǿȍ “АǽǾDzǹ — antey@almazantey army. The Russian АǿȄǷǻ” authorities have been providing heavy (a.k.a. CONCERN weaponry to separatists ALMAZ-ANTEY; in Eastern Ukraine, ALMAZANTEY CORP; contributing to the a.k.a. ALMAZ-ANTEY destabilisation of DEFENSE Ukraine. These weapons CORPORATION; a.k.a. are used by the ALMAZ-ANTEY JSC; separatists, including for КȀǿȈǷȂǿ ВКО ‘АǽǾDzǹ shooting down — АǿȄǷǻ’;) airplanes. As a State- owned company, Almaz-Antey therefore contributes to the destabilisation of Ukraine. Donetsk Republic Official information: Public ‘organisation’ 29.11.2014 that presented (Public organisation) candidates in the so called ‘elections’ of the ДȀǿǷȈǼDzȑ so called ‘Donetsk ȂǷȃȁȅdzǽǺǼDz People's Republic’ on 2 November 2014. These ‘elections’ are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal.

In participating formally 1664 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

in the illegal ‘elections’ it has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. Headed by and founded by Andriy PURGIN. Peace to Luhansk Region Public ‘organisation’ 29.11.2014 (Mir Luganschine) МǺȂ that presented ЛȅǵDzǿȋǺǿǷ candidates in the so- called ‘elections’ of the so-called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’ 2 November 2014. These ‘elections’ are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal.

In participating formally in the illegal ‘elections’ it has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. Luhansk Economic Union Official information: ‘Social organisation’ 29.11.2014 (Luganskiy Ekonomicheskiy https://nslnr. that presented Soyuz) su/about/obshchestvenn candidates in the illegal yeorganizatsii/337/ so called ‘elections’ of ЛȅǵDzǿȃǼǺǻ the so called ‘Luhansk ȏǼȀǿȀǾǺȉǷȃǼǺǻ ȃȀȐǹ People's Republic’2 November 2014. Nominated a candidate, Oleg AKIMOV, to be ‘Head’ of the so called ‘Luhansk People's Republic’. These ‘elections’ are in breach of Ukrainian law and therefore illegal.

In participating formally in the illegal ‘elections’ it has therefore actively supported actions and policies which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty 1665 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018

and independence of Ukraine, and to further destabilise Ukraine. Armed separatist group 16.2.2015 which has actively БDzȄDzǽȎȀǿ supported actions which ‘СȁDzȂȄDz’ undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.

Part of the so-called ‘1st Army Corps’ of the ‘Donetsk People's Republic’. Referred to as the military unit 08806. In November 2017, the unit was named in honour of the assassinated separatist military commander Arsen Pavlov (aka Motorola). Pizrak brigade [email protected] Armed separatist group 16.2.2015 БȂǺǵDzǶDz Tel:8985 130 9920 which has actively ‘ПȂǺǹȂDzǼ’ supported actions which undermine the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine and further destabilise Ukraine.

Part of the so-called ‘2nd Army Corps’ of the ‘Lugansk People's Republic’. Also referred to as the 14th Motorized Rifle Battalion

”. Dated 21st September 2018.

F R PICARDO, Minister with responsibility for personal status.

1666 GIBRALTAR GAZETTE, No 4505, Friday 21 September, 2018


These Regulations amend the Ukraine (Travel Restrictions) Regulations 2014 for the purposes of implementing Council Decision (CFSP) 2018/1230 of 12 September 2018 amending Decision 2014/145/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.