O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love! Salutations and prostrations unto Thee. Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute). Thou art the Indweller of all beings.

Grant us an understanding heart, Equal vision, balanced mind, Faith, devotion and wisdom. Grant us inner spiritual strength To resist temptations and to control the mind. Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy. Fill our hearts with divine virtues.

Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms. Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms. Let us ever remember Thee. Let us ever sing Thy glories. Let Thy Name be ever on our lips. Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever. — Sivananda NOW OR NEVER! Stick to the spiritual path at all cost. Apply yourself diligently. Waste not even a single precious minute as life is short and time is eeting. That tomorrow will never come. Now or never. Stand up with the rm resolve: I will become a in this very birth, this very moment. Gird up your loins. Do rigid constant . Walk along the path of Yoga in the footsteps of Jnanadeva, , Sadasiva and Tailanga Swami. THE DIVINE LIFE

Vol. LXXIX OCTOBER 2020 No. 03

PRASNOPANISHAD CHATURTHA PRASNA (QUESTION IV) SAURYAYANI AND PIPPALADA g ¶Xm VoOgm@{^^yVmo ^d˶̡f Xod… ñdßZmÞ ní¶Ë¶W VX¡Vpñ‘ÄN>ara EVËgwI§ ^d{V && 6Ÿ&& 6. When he is overpowered by light, then that god (mind) sees no dreams and that time the bliss arises in this body.

3 4 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020 ‘hmJwédU©‘mV¥H$mñVmoÌ‘² MAHAGURU--MATRIKASTOTRAM (Jnana Bhaskara Mahamahopadhyaya Sri S. Gopala Sastri) KÊQ>maå¶ad§ KZm^‘wabrYm¶}§{K«nÙml¶‘² Kmoam‘f©‘Xm{XdmaUh[a¨ H$m¡{Q>ë¶hrZme¶‘² & MÝÐm^mñ¶JbÔapñ‘VgwYmg§V¥ßËm^º$md{b‘² N>ÙmnoVJwUÀN>Q>m[#mVJwéÀN>Ìm{Yn§ ^md¶o &&13&& 13. I devoutly meditate on Sri Gurudev, the king of preceptors, who is adorned with pure qualities, whose voice is pleasant like the sound of a gong, who has taken refuge at the lotus-feet of Muralidhar Meghashyam, who is a lion to the elephants of terrible anger, vanity and other such vices, whose mind is pure devoid of any sort of crookedness, and who delights the hearts of the devotees by the nectarine smile owing from his moonlike face. Om˶m{gÕ‘ZmokMmQw>dMgm OoÌm g‘ñVopÝж- d«mVñ¶m‘bMoVgm Âm{Q>{V gX²~w{ÕàXmÌm Z¥Um‘² & Âm§Âmm‘méVd{ÞaJ©b{Jam {dkmZnmWmo{YZm àkmeod{YZm@{^dÝÚJwéUm Yݶm d¶§ dr{jVm: &&14&& 14. We are immensely fortunate being blessed by our Worshipful Gurudev who has been gifted with witty and charming language by birth, who is conqueror of all sense-organs, who is pure-hearted, who bestows nobility of mind on people instantaneously, whose wisdom-words ow incessantly and powerfully like a gale, who is an ocean of wisdom and a treasure- trove of knowledge. (To be continued) OCTOBER 2020 WORSHIP 5

Durga Message DEVI WORSHIP1 (Sri Swami Sivananda) gd©‘“b‘m“ë¶o {edo gdm©W©gm{YHo$& eaʶo Ͷå~Ho$ Jm¡[a Zmam¶{U Z‘mo@ñVw Vo&& O Narayani, Devi, the Three-eyed, the Refuge, the Auspicious, the Bestower of all wishes, the Blessedness that is in all that is blessed! Prostrations be to Thee! Devi is synonymous with like. In other words, is Shakti or the Divine Power that the very possibility of the m a n i f e s t s , s u s t a i n s a n d Absolute's appearing as many, transforms the universe as the of God's causing this universe. one unifying Force of Existence. God creates this world through In fact, worship of Devi is not Srishti-Shakti (creative power), sectarian; it does not belong to preserves through -Shakti any cult, as it is commonly (preservative power), and mistaken to be. Devi is not what destroys through Samhara- is set in opposition to or Shakti (destructive power). Siva, as the common populace Shakti and Shakta are one, the understands. By Devi or Shakti, p o w e r a n d t h e o n e w h o we mean the presupposition of possesses the power cannot be all forms of existential power, separated. God and Shakti are the power of knowledge, of like re and heat of re. omniscience, omnipotence. Devi worship or Shakti These powers are the glorious worship is, therefore, worship of attributes of God—you may call God's glory, of God's greatness Him Vishnu or Siva or as you and supremacy. It is adoration 1 Taken from D.L. 1949 6 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020 o f t h e A l m i g h t y . I t i s Shakti (Supreme Power) of this unfortunate that Devi is God is heard of in varieties of understood as a mere blood- ways, this power is the nature of thirsty 'Hindu-goddess'. No, God, manifesting as knowledge, Devi is not the property of the strength and activity”. Truly Hindu alone, Devi does not speaking, all beings of the belong to any religion, not only u n i v e r s e a r e S h a k t i s o m u c h , D e v i i s n o t worshippers, for there is none differentiated from the by who does not love and long for sexual factors, Devi is the power in some form or other. Conscious Power of the Deva. Physicists and scientists have Let this not be forgotten. The proved now that everything is words Devi, Shakti etc, and the pure imperishable energy. This ideas of the different forms energy is only a form of Divine connected with these names are Shakti which exists in every concessions given to the form of existence. l i m i t a t i o n s o f h u m a n Since Shakti cannot be k n o w l e d g e ; t h e y a r e n o t worshipped in its essential ultimate denitions of Shakti. nature, it is worshipped as The original Shakti is beyond c o n c e i v e d o f i n i t s h u m a n c o m p r e h e n s i o n ; manifestation viz. creation, Bhagavan says (in the preservation and destruction. Gita), “This is only my lower Shakti in relation to these Nature (Shakti), beyond this is three functions is , my higher Nature (the Original and . These, as is Shakti), the life-principle which evident, are not three distinct sustains this universe”. The , but the One formless Upanishad says, “The Para- Devi worshipped in three OCTOBER 2020 DEVI WORSHIP 7 f o r m s . T h e D e v a s Samrajya-Lakshmi”. Hence corresponding to these are worship of Lakshmi means the , Vishnu and Siva, worship of the central purpose who, in the same way, are not of existence itself. Mahakali is three Devas, but the forms of the transformative power of the One Supreme Deva who is D i v i n i t y , t h e p o w e r t h a t formless. is the dissolves multiplicity in unity. festive occasion of the 'nine- T h e w o r s h i p o f D e v i i s , nights' worship of Maha-Kali, therefore, the explanation of the Maha-Lakshmi and Maha- entire process of spiritual Saraswati, the Divinity of the Sadhana in all its aspects. universe adored in three ways. During Navaratri, observe S a r a s w a t i i s c o s m i c strict Anushthana and purify i n t e l l i g e n c e , c o s m i c your inner nature. This is the consciousness, and cosmic most auspicious time in the k n o w l e d g e . W o r s h i p o f year for Mother-worship. Read Saraswati is necessary for Saptashati or Devi Mahatmya, Buddhi-, - Lalitasahasranama. Do of Udaya, Vichara-Shakti, for the of Devi. Perform Jnana or Self-illumination. formal worship with purity, Lakshmi does not mean mere sincerity and devotion. Cry for material wealth like gold, cattle, Darshana of Devi. The Divine etc. All kinds of prosperity, Mother will bless you with the g l o r y , m a g n i  c e n c e , j o y , Knowledge, the peace and the exaltation or greatness come joy that know no end! May the u n d e r L a k s h m i . A p p a y a Divine Devi, the Mother, bless Dikshita calls even nal you all! Shanti ! Shanti !! L i b e r a t i o n a s “ M o k s h a - Shanti !!! 8 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

ESSENCE OF DEVI MAHATMYA1 (Sri Swami Chidananda) In Hinduism, there are the Being as Skanda. Thus, there worshippers of the Supreme are the six principal sects of the Being in its aspect as Siva; we who worship the same call them the Saivites. Then Supreme Being as conceived of there are the worshippers of the in six different ways. self-same Supreme Being in its The Navaratri worship of aspect as Vishnu, them we call the Devi is eminently a Shakta- the Vaishnavas. There is still a worship, and it has come down third section of people—and to us through the Shakta- quite a number of them —who tradition. Their supreme worship the one God, the scripture, glorifying the Divine Supreme Being, as manifest in Mother, is known as the the form of the Great Goddess, Saptashati or Devi Mahatmya. the Devi Shakti. They are It is known by the name referred to as the Shaktas. Saptashati because it is a book There again are three less- of 700 verses. k n o w n s e c t s c a l l e d t h e I t i s f u l l o f d e e p who worship the philosophic truths in regard to Supreme Being as Ganapati; the aspect of Deity, Her nature, the Souryas or the worshippers how She is and what She is. of the Supreme Being manifest There are sublime, elevating as the splendorous light as hymns glorifying the Mother; embodied in the visible orb of and the ways of propitiating Her the sun, the giver of light, the are given in it. The very reading sustainer of the life-process in of the scripture from start to t h i s w o r l d o f o u r s ; t h e nish is itself a very great and K o u m a r a s o r t h o s e w h o effective Sadhana in the Shakta worship the self-same Supreme mode of worship and spiritual 1 Taken from DL 1969 OCTOBER 2020 ESSENCE OF DEVI MAHATMYA 9 practice. We shall now see the hermitage, he comes across a essence of this great scripture. fellow-sufferer, a brother-in- A k i n g o f t h e S u r y a d i s t r e s s , a m a n n a m e d dynasty to which Lord , belonging to the also belonged, named Suratha, merchant community, who has is overcome and overwhelmed also similarly run away from his by his foes, who compel him to home because of misfortune. He ee his kingdom. He takes has lost all his wealth to his own shelter in a forest. He is deeply relatives; and his own family aficted and dejected, deprived has turned him out of the of all his wealth and retinue; house. He is thus forced to and he is wandering forlorn, wander into the forest. He also destitute of everything, in a very takes shelter at the feet of the wretched condition. His mind sage. again and again goes back to They nd that they are the bitter fate which he has more or less in the same suffered, thinks of his kingdom, predicament, deprived of their his wealth, his ministers and wealth and ousted from their the way in which the kingdom is homes, with their own people likely to be governed under the turned against them; and in new ruler. While he is in this spite of all this unkindness of state of mind, he happens to their own people, both of them come to the vicinity of the are intrigued and deeply hermitage of a great God- puzzled to nd that with all the realised sage, called Rishi hostility and enmity of their Medha. He sees the hermitage people, their minds yet go again with all its beauty and the and again to those very people, d i s c i p l e s o f t h e to the very things which have Rishi—everything pervaded by been the cause of their sorrow, serenity, calmness and purity; of their grief, of their deep and he stays there. disappointment and dejection. W h i l e h e i s i n t h i s They try to discuss this 10 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020 between themselves—what is greatness of the Devi. He says, “O this mysterious nature of the my children! A mysterious mind which goes back again delusion dwells in the mind of and again, and clings to those man, by which his pure reason is self-same things and people blinded, by which delusion he is from whom they have had again and again made to cling nothing but pain and sorrow? and go back to those very objects Unable to solve this riddle, they and persons from which he is go and humbly entreat Rishi subject to so much pain and Medha to throw some light upon suffering. This delusion, this this problem. They ask the veiling power, is really the Rishi, “O Wise One, we are mysterious power of the Divine greatly puzzled to nd that this Mother. It is She who is the mind still clings to those very cosmic illusion. It is She who is at objects and is attached to those the back of the projection of this very persons, from whom it has very universe itself. It is with Her received the greatest pain and mysterious veiling power that sorrow; it knows there is no the One seems to have become pleasure in those things, yet it the many, the formless seems to will not give up its attachment have taken numerous forms and to them—what is the reason for the unmanifest seems to have this; how do you explain this become manifest, and this peculiar delusion of the mind; m y s t e r i o u s p o w e r i s t h e please enlighten us”. indescribable power of the In answer to this query Supreme Being itself. It is which, though put by Raja Brahma Shakti; it is the Suratha and Samadhi, Mahamaya or the great Cosmic is a universal question which Illusory Power which emanates agitates the minds of all thinking from the Lord Himself; and it is men and women all over the through this power that the Lord world, Rishi Medha gives his sets going this universal drama wondrous exposition of the of projection of creation, OCTOBER 2020 ESSENCE OF DEVI MAHATMYA 11 preservation and once again the us remind ourselves again and ultimate dissolution of all names again that real worship of the and forms back into its pristine Mother is inner allegiance with transcendental state of Pure the benign destructive force of Being”. the divine Shakti in its work of The king Suratha and b r e a k i n g o u r i m p u r e Vaishya Samadhi want to know personality and giving us a more about the mysterious brilliant divine personality. Let power which Rishi Medha has us remember again and again referred to and to know more that real Mother-worship is our about this cosmic power which inner co-operation and our i s a t t h e b a c k o f a l l inner loyalty to the Durga manifestation. In response to Shakti which is doing its work of this request of theirs, Rishi breaking our egoism, breaking Medha goes into the detailed our human weaknesses, defects exposition of the nature of the and limitations, so that upon a D i v i n e M o t h e r ; a n d t h e eld that is thus cleared, we scripture of Devi Mahatmya may build a path of divine life, of contains this exposition. In the spiritual consciousness, to lead end, having expounded the u s t o i m m o r t a l i t y a n d mystery and secret of the perfection. Let us all pray to the supreme nature of the Divine Divine Mother that She may Mother, Rishi Medha advises Suratha and Samadhi to go and give us the necessary strength, practise Yoga, worship the inspiration and inner power to Divine Mother, pray to Her, surrender ourselves whole- m e d i t a t e u p o n H e r a n d heartedly to Her and join in the propitiate Her, which they did work of the Divine Shakti in and attained Her grace. regenerating us, in annihilating Upon the occasion of the our Pashutva (animal nature) external worship of the Divine and bestowing upon us Divya Mother during the Navaratri, let Jyoti (Divine Light). 12 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

NAVARATRI: THE WORSHIP OF MAHADEVI (Sri Swami Krishnananda) The worship of Mahadevi— S h a k t i . G o d i s d a n c i n g ; Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati— sometimes we say Shakti is which is prevalent in , is a dancing. We do not know who is religious festival, an occasion for dancing on whom. In some great enthusiasm socially, and pictures or portraits, we see Kali people revel in the freedom of dancing on Siva's chest. Why is expression of their feelings for Kali dancing on Siva? How is it? the divine superintending power It is the power of the cosmos which is regarded as the source dancing on its rootedness in the of this universe. Absolute. Indescribable is this No one can understand phenomenon. who this Shakti is. In the great Shakti worship—Devi prayer the gods offered, as we worship, —is not a h a v e i t i n t h e D e v i female deity's worship, as some Mahatmaya—Namo Devi, Maha people wrongly imagine. Durga, Devi…—everything is told about Lakshmi and Saraswati are not her. I do not know whether to females like women that we see use the word 'her'. It is a defect of in the world. This very Shakti is language. It is not a woman. How portrayed to us in the Devi can you regard God's alienation M a h a t m y a a s N a r a s i m h i , of Himself for the purpose of this Rudrani, Kumari, and all sorts apparent creation as an other of names. She appeared as than what He is, as a woman? As Skanda with spear in hand, as you will appreciate, there is no Narasimha with a roaring lion's such thing as a woman or a man m o u t h , a s V i s h n u w i t h in this world. They are certain Sudarshana in hand, as functional features manifested with Pasupata in hand. Can we by the requirement of this call that Great Being a woman? interaction of cosmic forces, one There has always been this r e l a t e d t o t h e o t h e r . difculty that men and women Impersonality rules the cosmos, counterpose something opposite and this is the meaning of the so- to themselves. This idea has to called differentiation of Siva and be shed before we become true OCTOBER 2020 NAVARATRI: THE WORSHIP OF MAHADEVI 13 worshippers of this great sonorous music to the ears, Divinity. Otherwise, it becomes fragrance to the nose, sweetness a kind of Tantric cult and a ritual to the tongue, softness to the which may take us anywhere, t o u c h , a n d i n t e l l e c t u a l like a recracker that bursts exaltation for a literary genius; during . It may burst in all this is Shakti operating. the sky, or may burst in our face; Therefore, during this Navaratri anything can happen. occasion it is imperative on the , which is at the part of an ardent seeker and back of Navaratri Puja, is not a worshipper of the Divinity to be cult by itself. It is the basic beneted by this worship, and explanation behind every not merely to pass through it as activity that takes place in this a kind of routine for nine days. universe. Even the littlest “It has been done for so many activity of ours is explicable only years and now, this year, we will i n t e r m s o f w h a t T a n t r a also do it, and make a noise, and describes as the meaning of life; then the whole thing ends.” That but we are not supposed to is not so. Religious observances understand this meaning merely have their spiritual import, as b y s n a p p i n g o u r  n g e r s . we know very well. They are Dynamite is a powerful force. It deeply signicant as divine can burst open rocks and occasions provided for us to rise mountains, and it can also burst to that occasion now and then open our own heads if we do not for the purpose of accelerating handle it properly. It will turn the progress of our soul towards upon us. its destination. Therefore, this is a very, Thus, in our worship, what very meaningful and highly do we worship? We worship God signicant spiritual occasion as He is, and God as He appears; provided to us, and not merely God as the cause, God as the religious in the ordinary sense of effect; God as the male principle, the term. Here we rise to the God as the female principle; God occasion of contemplating God as the positive and the negative. as all His power in any form W o r s h i p i s m a n y a t i m e whatsoever in which it reveals considered as an act of the soul, itself—as beauty to the eyes, with no connection with the 14 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020 body. It is Shakti worship, reject Shakti and catch hold of Tantra Sadhana, that tells us only Siva. That is not possible. It that we should not commit this is like abandoning creation for mistake. There are levels of the sake of the Creator. Not so is reality, degrees of expression of the case, says the Purusha God Himself, and we have to rise Sukta. Tasmadviradajayata: from the lower level to the higher From Him only everything level. We cannot cut off our comes. connection with the lower level, Spiritual aspiration is an imagining that we are on the top, integrated march of the whole because everyone is conscious of that we are, the body-mind- one's being in the body. This spirit complex, towards that bodily consciousness has to be total whole which is Siva-Shakti, transmuted, not severed. A r d h a n a r i s h v a r a , Otherwise, the soul will writhe in Mahapurusha, Purushottama, agony that it has lost a part of Parabrahman, which is the All, itself, and the result would be the source of power and power not yogic attainment but itself, that great glory. We can miserable rebirth. The body is call it only glory. Unable to say not to be discarded; it has to be what it is, the poet of the transmuted into a subtler says, “What can energy. Molecule becomes atom, I call Thee? Thou art great glory.” atom becomes electron, electron God, or whatever we call this becomes electric force, and it great mystery, is great glory. b e c o m e s t h e s p a c e - t i m e Shakti, or whatever we call this continuum or whatever we call great mystery, is great glory. The it. We do not reject the molecules universe, or whatever we may for the sake of their ner regard it as, is great glory. The essences, because they are the whole of life is a great miracle transmuted forms of the very and a wondrous glory. Its things which we saw with our worship it is that we are engaged physical eyes—solid objects. in during this holy occasion of In spiritual practice, in blessed Navaratri of Adyashakti: Tantra Sadhana, there is no Mahadurga, Mahalakshmi, a b a n d o n in g a n y th in g, n o Mahasaraswati. May their grace rejecting anything. We cannot be upon us all! OCTOBER 2020 DIPAVALI: THE WORSHIP OF MAHALAKSHMI 15

DIPAVALI: THE WORSHIP OF MAHALAKSHMI (Sri Swami Krishnananda) T h e w o r s h i p o f sequence in time, but as a Mahalakshmi, which is the manifestation of the process theme of all these celebrations on beginning with birth itself. this blessed occasion known as Hence, nothing in the world can Dipavali, is actually the form be regarded as comparable to the religion gives to the adoration of majesty of God's beauty. the glory of God. The face of God But religion has applied is beautiful. Inasmuch as no one every means to portray at least a has beheld the face of God, modicum of this masterly religious prescriptions give us majesty of God, which can be representations of the various deciphered even in this world, types of glory manifest in the b e c a u s e b e h i n d t h e world. The glory of God as such wretchedness of apparently cannot be conceived, of course, visible physical existence, there as everyone knows, but that is a grandeur at the core, which which gives satisfaction, that has to be brought up to the which looks attractive, that surface of cognition and aesthetic which is prosperity in its very appreciation. This is the function n a t u r e , t h a t w h i c h i s of religious worship and any kind magnicence and exuberance, of adoration that goes by the name that which is robust and grand in of religious performance. every manner—these features M a h a la k s h m i, wh o is can be attributed only to the adored on this auspicious majesty of God. occasion, is represented as the Mortal, ephemeral things power and the glory of Bhagavan cannot have that beauty in them. Sriman Narayana, the Supreme Perishable objects have within Being. As beaming, scintillating them the sting of the perishable rays jet forth from the great glory nature to which they are subject. of the orb of the sun, so the power Even when perishable objects of God, known as Shakti in are born, their death is inscribed religious parlance, manifests itself in large bold letters on their face. in this universe of creation that Death follows birth—not as a God appears to have made. 16 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

Though there is a distortion in all prosperity which is ultimate things in this world, which passes Liberation itself. The prosperity understanding at every stage of of Liberation is also often our trying to grasp its meaning, associated with Mahalakshmi, there is, nevertheless, as we have who is not to be confused with to accept, the presence of God the power of wealth—gold and Himself in what He has created. silver—as many people think. God has also to be immanent in Mahalakshmi is the inner order that the creation can be connotation of anything that we sustained. The world cannot be can regard as excellent. sustained even for a moment if We have a verse in the God's presence is not there. Bhagavadgita where the Lord That immanence of God's proclaims His presence in glory is the beauty of things in anything which has excellence in the world, and to carry this it: yad yad vibhutimat sattvam perception of beauty to the srimad urjitam eva va, tat tad highest point of religious e v a v a g a c c h a t v a m m a m a exaltation would be to divinise tejom'sasambhavam (B.G. 10.41). this form of God and regard it as Wherever you see prosperity of Brahma-shakti, Vishnu-shakti, any kind in its exalted form, there Siva-shakti, and other such you may see God's hand operating names—that is, the glory abundantly. a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e v e r y T h e w o r s h i p o f performance of God, generally Mahalakshmi is not merely an known as creation, sustenance external ritual act. It is not just and transformation. The life- garlanding and waving a holy giving, sustaining power of God light. Though it can be that also, is said to be manifest in the there is much more about it. Our religious worship, adoration and heart has to adore the glory of conception of Mahalakshmi— God. Where the heart is not who is veritably, in Her essential present, the worship is also not nature, God manifest in the there. The adoration of God in world in its purest form. His aspect of beauty and Prosperity is Mahalakshmi. m a g n i  c e n c e i s n o t a She is oftentimes also called performance with our hands and -Samrajya-Lakshmi: the feet, but is a deep recognition of OCTOBER 2020 DIPAVALI: THE WORSHIP OF MAHALAKSHMI 17 our profundity of feeling, where such as the Mahalakshmi we surrender the limitation of Ashtaka, etc., which people recite our own personality to the every day to bring their minds to a p e r f e c t i o n w h i c h i s G o d focus of attention on all success in Almighty. life. Success is not merely the So, in a way, we worship God material accumulation of physical Himself when we worship comforts. It is, truly speaking, the Bhagavati Durga, Lakshmi, adventure of the spirit within to Saraswati—principally Lakshmi expand its dimension towards its on an occasion of this kind when we ultimate glory, which is direct light up the atmosphere with a perception of God in His supreme series of illuminating lamps. We g l o r y w h e r e L a k s h m i i s call this beautiful occasion inseparable from Narayana, Dipavali—a line, a series of where God is one with His creation illuminations which represents the and His power. It is this deep emergence of the goodness, signicance that is behind this brilliance and excellence we religious performance—which perceive in people, which is also people generally, in an ignorant present everywhere in spite of the and innocent manner, observe ugliness characteristic of human with recrackers, noises, gifts, nature, generally speaking, in cards and many other things, order to bring forth the beauty in making it merely a kind of outer human nature above the surface of show, a gesture. Rarely do they its ugliness and distortion, and see manifest this beauty that is within beauty, glory, health, vigor, themselves, and rarely are they perfection, completeness and prepared to see the beauty inexpressible satisfaction. Such an present in the hearts of other occasion of the rise of human people also. n a t u r e f r o m i t s d e e p e s t Thus, to briey say, this is bottom—the soul rising in its the worship of the beauty present majesty, we may say—is actually in all things and the prosperity the act of worship of Mahalakshmi, that is at the core of all things, who Herself is the exteriorised which gradually rises to the conceptualisation of the soul of perfection of God-realisation. God operating in things. God bless you! There are beautiful verses, 18 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

A WIDOW CONSOLED1 (Swami Gurusaranananda) 16th NOVEMBER, 1956 R a m a y a n a a n d a t t e n d e d Among the visitors who Satsang, you are not shocked. had Darshan of Swamiji this Otherwise, it would have been evening in his Kutir was a lady very difcult to endure the loss.” who lost her husband a year A f t e r a p a u s e , S w a m i j i ago, and who was not having continued, "Study the second peace of mind. Swamiji asked chapter of Gita, which deals her, "Do Japa. Are you doing with the immortality of the soul. Japa?" "Yes", she replied. "Then You will have peace. Study other you have caught the right religious books also. Really, thing", remarked Swamiji, and there is no death. Death is like added, "Come and stay here for changing one's cloth or entering a a month. Satsang is held. n e w h o u s e . D e a t h h e l p s Classes are conducted. You will evolution. Death is only a process get peace of mind. Is the death of in evolution. When the body is your husband a shock to you?" unt for further evolution, Lord "No, because I know one day Siva gives another body. The best everyone has to pass away", way in which you can help your replied the lady. "So you are a husband is by prayer. Weeping Vedantin, I think", remarked and beating the breast will only Swamiji. "I want to know what is retard his onward march. Next beyond this earthly life", time, you can come with your confessed the lady. Swamiji children and practise Japa and s a i d , " S o m e p e o p l e g e t Anushthan on the holy banks of shock—those people who are the . The atmosphere very much attached. Because here is charged with spiritual you have studied Bhagavata, vibrations." 1 From Sivananda Day-to-day OCTOBER 2020 A WIDOW CONSOLED 19

THE ROLE OF MUSIC salutary effect on their tired To the question raised by a nerves. People who come to the certain person, "Why should with mental worries or S w a m i j i h a v e m u s i c a l disorders, are immensely entertainment in the Ashram", beneted by hearing music and Swamiji gave the following reply. . They go back better in Swamiji said, "Music is not mind and spirit. People cannot entertainment, as worldly hear lectures for a long time at a people may think. Music is s t r e t c h . T h e y l o s e t h e i r Yoga. It is -Yoga or concentration after sometime, Sankirtan-Yoga. Saints like and thereafter lectures become T y a g a r a j a a t t a i n e d G o d - boring and useless. To mitigate realisation through music. In this, or music in between the Satsang, the songs of the lectures will be useful. It will , , Mira and refresh the minds of the people other saints are sung. Kirtan and make them t to hear and Name of the Lord are sung. further discourses. Music is a Name is a great purier. tonic to the mind and nerves, Sankirtan-Yoga is the best Yoga and food to the spirit as well." for the vast majority of people. It WHY THE STUDIO? develops Bhakti, , and Another question put to concentration. Music affords Swamiji was, “Why should there relaxation for the mind after be a Photo Studio in the hearing abstruse philosophy Ashram?” Swamiji replied, “The and Brahma . Sankirtan Studio has done much for the inspires and elevates people and dissemination of knowledge. brings God face-to-face. Many With the aid of movie and talkie people, after their day's hard lms, the Studio can, as it were, labour come to attend the bring Sivanandashram to Satsang, and music has a people living far away and who 20 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020 are unable to visit the Ashram, have their Darshan in this and give them, to a great extent, picture. Documentary lms are the benet of an actual visit to also taken, and they are this Ashram. Yoga, including v a l u a b l e r e c o r d s f o r t h e Yoga , Kriyas, Bandhas, Society. Through the help of M u d r a s , P r a n a y a m a , t h e the Studio, we are able to print method of concentration and books containing pictures. A meditation, etc., can be taught book with pictures is more on a wide scale to people not attractive than the one without only in India, but also abroad, them, and people are tempted through the medium of the to read a book containing movie and talkie lms. Such p i c t u r e s . T h u s p i c t u r e s lms are screened in the directly and indirectly help Ashram too for the benet of dissemination of spiritual the visitors, and the busy knowledge”. visitors who cannot stay in the To the question 'Why Ashram for more than a couple S w a m i j i t a k e s s o m a n y of hours or a couple of minutes, photographs', Swamiji replied, learn a good deal by merely “When disciples, devotees and seeing a Yoga lm. The Photo admirers come to the Ashram, Studio seeks to perpetuate the they want to be photographed important activities going on in with me. For the purpose of this Ashram for posterity, so meditation, many require my that they may have rst-hand photographs. Each one likes a knowledge of the activities and different pose and a different ideals of this Ashram and may Bhava. So I have to take as benet thereby. Many saints, many photographs as there are Swamins, Sannyasins and devotees, in order to meet their sages visit the Ashram, and the taste. A million devotees mean a Studio enables thousands to million photographs.” OCTOBER 2020 AN IDEAL -JNANA-YOGI 21

AN IDEAL KARMA-JNANA-YOGI (Sri Swami Sivananda) A went to the court of rope. He became very thin and Raja Janaka and observed all his pale. manifold activities. He then Raja Janaka sent a servant thought within himself:'How can to call the Sadhu on the seventh we call Raja Janaka a Jnani? How day for execution. The Sadhu was can we take him for a spiritual unable to stand before the king. man? He is only a worldly man. He He trembled and fell on the ground is entrapped in so many worldly senseless. He came back to matters. He talks on worldly consciousness after ten minutes topics.' Raja Janaka, through his when Janaka offered him some Divya Drishti or eye of intuition, fruits and a cup of with salt. understood the mentality of the The Sadhu drank it. But his mind Sadhu. was on the gallows. Calling the Sadhu to his The sage-king then said: side, Janaka said: “You seem to be “Look here, O Sadhu! How do you a culprit. You are unt to wear the like the taste of the milk now? Was garb of a saint. You are not it good? Did the milk contain thinking of God. The nature of sufcient sugar? How did you fault-nding is deeply ingrained in relish the food these seven days?” you. I have decided to give you The Sadhu replied: “O Rajan, I did capital punishment. You will be not feel any taste in the food or in hanged within a week.” the milk that you offered me just T h e k i n g o r d e r e d h i s now. My mind is only on the servants to give the Sadhu gallows all the time. I see only v e g e t a b l e s w i t h o u t s a l t , gallows everywhere. I have become sweetmeats with chillies, and a prey to the thought of the delicious Kheer and almonds and gallows. I did not know whether raisins with tamarind daily. The the vegetables or soup contained Sadhu was terribly alarmed. He salt or sugar.” Raja Janaka said: spent sleepless nights. He became “O Sadhu, just as your mind is very nervous. He always thought always on the gallows, so also my of the gallows. He dreamt daily mind is always xed on Brahman that his neck was being tied with a through my intense practice of 22 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

Nididhyasan, although I engage whole of Mithila is burnt, yet myself in various sorts of worldly nothing is lost to me.” activities. Though I am in this The name of Raja Janaka is world, I am out of the world always associated with Karma always. Do you understand my Yoga and Karma Nishtha. In the mental state? In future, do not look Gita also Lord Krishna speaks to to the faults of others. Mind your own Arjuna:'Janaka and others indeed business always. Look to the good attained perfection by action; points of others. Glorify others. Do then, having an eye to the welfare intense meditation. Realise. Work for of the world also, thou shouldst the world unattached like myself. perform action. Whatever a great Now you can go.” man doeth, that other men also The Sadhu was very much do; the standard he seteth up, by pleased with the king. He now that the people go. Therefore, realised his folly and the true without attachment, constantly g l o r y o f K i n g J a n a k a . H e perform action which is duty, for understood fully that Janaka by performing action without w a s a w o n d e r f u l B r a h m a - attachment, man verily reacheth Nishtha and had perfect balance the Supreme.' Ch. III-19, 20, 21. of mind amidst multifarious It is very difcult to nd out activities. He prostrated before the state of a Jnani by his external him again and again and took actions. Jnana is purely a mental leave. Then he did intense state. It is an internal condition. A Sadhana, realised the Self and Jnani only can understand followed the example of Raja another Jnani. Atma Jnana is Janaka in doing service to the imperishable and inexhaustible world. wealth. The wealth of the three Raja Janaka was a full- worlds is nothing, I say nothing, blown Jnani though he worked in when compared to the priceless the world. His Jnana was tested. treasures of the Atman. That is the He was in the Durbar hall when a reason why Janaka was not at all messenger brought the news that affected by the destruction of the there was re in the city. Janaka c i t y o f M i t h i l a . H e s t o o d said: “My wealth is unlimited, and adamantine on the rock of Atma yet I have nothing. Even if the Jnana. OCTOBER 2020 THE ESSENCE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE 23

THE ESSENCE OF SPIRITUAL LIFE (Swami Atmaswarupananda) M a n y y e a r s a g o , d u r i n g Therefore, we must develop a God- Navaratri, Pujya Swami Chidanandaji lled ego, a Sattvic ego. God is beyond would be invited up to Narendra Nagar all the Gunas, Sattva as well as Rajas to give a talk in the late afternoon as and , but Sattva is what part of their Navaratri celebrations. prepares us for the shift beyond. Frequently, he would take up another The other remark that Pujya senior Swami from the Ashram who Swamiji made is aligned with the rst would also address the audience. One one: “Every day, wear away the ego a year it was Swami Premanandaji. little bit.” We can know so much about When they were coming back the spiritual life, we can have many down the road from Narendra Nagar, experiences, but we forget that our night was falling and they were having a f u n d a m e n t a l e r r o r i s w r o n g spiritual discussion in the back seat of identication. It is our wrong identity the car. During the conversation, Pujya with one body and mind. We forget Swamiji made two remarks that are that our only real task in the spiritual memorable to this day, perhaps life is to wear away that wrong because in their own way they identication day by day. We often summarize the essential spiritual life. hope that some ash of enlightenment What makes them important is that will save us. But as Pujya Swamiji they are of such common sense that we said, there is no way to God except are apt to overlook them. One remark through a sattvic ego, and there is no was, “There is no way to God except way to a sattvic ego except through through a Sattvic ego.” rubbing away the tamasic and rajasic Each one of us tries to develop ego a little bit every day. our own idea of how to attain God. There is a third factor that However, Gurudev's best known could be added that Pujya Swamiji aphorism is simply, Be good, Do good. didn't mention on that occasion, Most of us have a Tamasic or at best a but is implicit in all his teachings, Rajasic ego. We are meant to convert it and that is that the ego does not into a Sattvic ego, an ego full of know how to rub away the ego. But goodness and God. t h e I n d w e l l e r d o e s . G o d , t h e That doesn't mean that a Indweller know how. Therefore, to profound enlightenment experience develop a Sattvic ego, to wear away cannot strike us at any stage of our our ego a little bit every day, we spiritual life, but if there is too much must take refuge in the Lord, we Tamas or Rajas in our nature, it will must depend entirely upon Him for not stay, and we will continue to our guidance. For, He alone knows function from the level we are at. the way. 'S

STUDENTS' SUCCESS IN LIFE HUMILITY Beloved Immortal children! Humility is a virtue that subdues the hearts of others. A powerful, sweet voice, knowledge of music, art and science, add to the personality of man. You must know the ways to approach people. You must know how to talk with them and how to behave towards them. Behaviour is most important. An arrogant, stubborn and self-willed man can never b e c o m e a m a n o f s t r o n g personality. He is disliked by all. Develop joyful nature. Always keep a smiling and cheerful face. Your superiors will be very much pleased. Have an amiable nature, a modest and unassuming temperament. You will succeed in your interviews with great men. Remember the points well and talk slowly and gently. Then the man will patiently hear. Be not agitated in your speech. Do not become nervous. Do not stand erect like the proverbial man who holds the g a s l i g h t i n a m a r r i a g e procession. Gently bow your head and pay respect. A strong personality is a very valuable

24 asset for you. You can develop it if you will. Win laurels of name and fame and attain success in life through a dynamic personality. —Swami Sivananda


CHARITY Charity is alms-giving. It is the disposition to think favourably of others and do them good. True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought of recompense or reward. Charity is love in action. Every good act is charity. Charity given with an unwilling heart is not charity. Do charity silently. Do not advertise; what your right hand does, the left hand should not know. There must not be exaltation in your heart, when people praise you for your charitable nature. You should be thirsty to do charitable acts daily. You should create opportunities. Give to the poor, the sick, the helpless and the forlorn. Thank the man who gives you an opportunity to serve him by doing charity. Give with the right mental attitude, and realise God through charitable acts. —Swami Sivananda ERADICATION OF VICES

AVARICE Avarice is an eager desire for wealth. It is extreme covetousness or greed. Avarice is insatiable. It produces extreme discontentment and restlessness. It is an enemy of peace, wisdom and devotion. Avarice increases with the increasing pile of gold or bank balance. Of all the vices, avarice is most apt to taint and corrupt the heart. An avaricious man is immoderately desirous of accumulating wealth. He is eager to accumulate and hoard. He is greedy of gain. He is ever grasping. Bountiful, generous, liberal, municent are the opposites of avaricious nature. —Swami Sivananda

25 SARVANGASANA (All members' posture or Shoulder stand) Technique: Spread a thick blanket on the oor. Lie at on your back with legs stretched out, heels and knees together and the hands close to the sides of the body, palms facing the oor. Slowly inhale and simultaneously raise the legs without bending the knees. Slowly lift the trunk and support it at the back (in the middle of the spine) with your hands, bent at the elbows. Keep the spine vertical i.e., perpendicular to the oor. The back of the shoulders, neck and the back of the crown of the head should touch the oor, and the chin kept pressed tightly against the chest. When you get the spine vertical and establish balance in the posture, slowly stretch the legs with the toes pointing up. Keep the legs, the back and the spine in a straight line, vertical, in a relaxed position, with normal breathing. Concentrate on the throat where fresh blood is owing abundantly which promotes the secretion of the thyroid and para-thyroid glands. This is most important. Exhale slowly, lower the legs without jerks and release the position of the hands. One should not lift the head from the ground while lowering the legs to its original position. Slowly slide down and lie at and relax in Savasana for a few minutes. The duration for this posture may vary from one minute to three minutes for daily practice. Note: Beginners should not stand on this pose too long. Avoid straining the body. When you feel any discomfort, return to the normal position and relax. During the practice, mentally visualise

26 the body, keeping the knees and toes straight but relaxed. Adjust your hands in such a way that the entire weight of the body should rest only on the head, but not on the hands. In the beginning, the sudden heavy ow of fresh blood into the head may cause some unusual feelings which you would gradually overcome and you would then feel comfortable. As you gain mastery, you would feel the body very light and at ease. Benets: During the practice of this , every part of the body is given exercise. Circulation of blood is directed to the thyroid and para-thyroid glands of the endocrine system. It stretches and renders pliable the muscles of the shoulders and the ligaments of the cervical region. It helps the victims of varicose veins. It strengthens the muscles of the back and neck. It tones up arm muscles, and the body on the whole. It also checks elimination of toxin forming waste matter and regulates the entire blood circulation of the body. Caution: High and low blood pressure patients and those suffering from heart troubles, pus in the ears, displaced retina and other chronic eye diseases, should not do this Asana. Children below 15 years of age also must refrain from practising this Asana. —Swami Chidananda

SUKHAPURVAKA PRANAYAMA Technique: Sit in a comfortable posture according to your convenience. Keep the spine, neck and head erect. Keep the middle and index ngers bent and the other three stretched. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Very, very slowly inhale through the left nostril without producing any sound. Then close the left nostril with the little and ring ngers of the right hand. Then exhale very, very slowly through the right nostril, by releasing the right thumb. Now half the process is over. Slowly and harmoniously draw in air through the right nostril and exhale 27 slowly through the left nostril. This completes one round. The ratio for inhalation and exhalation should be 1:2. During the rst fteen days, inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 10 seconds. In the second fortnight, increase the duration of time to ten seconds for inhalation and twenty seconds for exhalation. During inhalation and exhalation, expand and contract (respectively) the lungs, as much as possible. After three months' regular and continuous practice, you can introduce retention of breath. The ratio in the time for inhalation, retention and exhalation should be 1:2:2, i.e., if you inhale for 5 seconds, the retention and exhalation should be for 10 seconds each. As you advance in the practice, you may adopt the ratio 1:4:2. During retention, you may do Jalandhara Bandha. Its technique is as follows. After inhalation, slowly bend the neck and rest the chin on the collar bone while retaining the breath. This Bandha prevents the pressure of air moving upwards, towards the head. Before exhalation, slowly lift the head, keep it erect, and then exhale. This is release of Jalandhara Bandha. Warning: If you feel headache, heaviness of the head, giddiness, uneasiness, etc., it means, you are exerting and giving much pressure on the lungs. You should therefore reduce the duration of time of retention. The rst symptom of correct practice of Pranayama is, the feeling of freshness, energy and lightness of the body and mind. If you feel any negative result, avoid the practice of retention of breath immediately and consult an expert. Benets: This Pranayama removes all diseases, puries the Nadis, steadies the mind in concentration, increases the digestive re and appetite, helps to maintain Brahmacharya. —Swami Chidananda 28 OCTOBER 2020 NEWS & REPORTS 29

Celebration of 133133rrdd BirthBirth AnniversaryAnniversary of the Most Worshipful Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj

H$éUmdéUmJma§ VéUméUVoOg‘² & eaUmJV‘ÝXma§ {edmZÝX§ Jwé§ ^Oo && I adore Gurudev Sivananda who is the ocean of mercy, who has the splendour of the rising sun and who is the boon-bestowing tree to all who seek refuge at His holy feet. 30 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

The 133rd Birthday Anniversary of Most Worshipful Sadgurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was celebrated with great sanctity and devoutness at the Headquarters Ashram on 8th September 2020. To mark this blessed day, a special Satsanga was organised in the forenoon at the beautifully decorated Samadhi Shrine. Firstly, ceremonial worship was offered to the sacred Sivalinga installed upon Sadgurudev's Samadhi. Then, the holy Padukas of Sri Gurudev were devoutly worshipped by Sannyasis, Brahmacharis and Sadhakas of the Ashram. After the Paduka- Puja, - glorifying the Divine Master were sung. It was followed by the messages of H.H. Sri Swami Yogaswarupanandaji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Nirliptanandaji OCTOBER 2020 NEWS & REPORTS 31

Maharaj and H. H. Sri Swami Padmanabhanandaji Maharaj. The revered Swamijis in their brief messages inspired one and all to engage in sincere Sadhana to attain the goal of life i.e. God- realisation as it would be the most betting way of celebrating the Birthday of Beloved Gurudev. On this auspicious day, four books of Sri Gurudev and special Birthday Issues of 'The Divine Life' and 'Divya Jeevan', were released. The year 2022 marks the sacred occasion of Birth Centenary of Param Pujya Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj. The Headquarters Ashram intends to publish as many booklets as possible for free distribution under the Birth Centenary Series of Pujya Swamiji Maharaj. To commemorate the auspicious day, one book '-disciple Relationship' and two booklets 'The Inscrutable Gurudev Sri Swami Sivananda' and 'The Eternal Gospel of the Bhagavadgita' of Worshipful Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj were also released. The Satsanga concluded with Arati and distribution of Prasad. Everyone felt immensely happy and blessed to be a part of this sacred celebration. 32 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

May the abundant of the Lord Almighty and our most adorable Sadgurudev be upon all. OCTOBER 2020 NEWS & REPORTS 33

CELEBRATION OF 104th BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF MOST WORSHIPFUL SRI SWAMI CHIDANANDAJI MAHARAJ The blessed day of 104th Birth Anniversary of Most Worshipful Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj was celebrated with great sacredness at the Headquarters Ashram on 24th September 2020. The celebration commenced at 9.00 a.m. with Paduka-Puja at the holy Samadhi Shrine. Soon after the worship, a brief Satsanga was o r g a n i s e d w h e r e i n t h e S a n n y a s i s a n d Brahmacharis of the Ashram presented soulful 34 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

Bhajans and Kirtans planned to organise a s t h e i r d e v o u t various programmes offering at the lotus to celebrate the Birth feet of Worshipful Swamiji Centenary of Pujya Swamiji Maharaj. Thereafter, H.H. Sri Maharaj on 7th May 2020, but it Swami Yogaswarupanandaji could not materialize due to Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami l o c k d o w n i m p o s e d b y t h e Nirliptanandaji Maharaj, H. H. government. However, the two Sri Swami Padmanabhanandaji books of Pujya Sri Swami Maharaj and H. H. Sri Swami P r e m a n a n d a j i M a h a r a j Advaitanandaji Maharaj in their 'Spotlights on the ' brief messages glorifying the and Meditation and its Utility divine personality of Param with Practical Hints' were Pujya Swami Chidanandaji released on 24th September as Maharaj inspired all to emulate loving tribute to Pujya Swamiji S w a m i j i M a h a r a j ' s i d e a l Maharaj on the blessed occasion example. of his Birth Centenary. The T o m a r k t h e s a c r e d Satsanga concluded with Arati occasion, one book and two and distribution of Prasad. booklets of Worshipful Swamiji May the abundant blessings Maharaj were also released. This of the Lord Almighty, Sadgurudev y e a r i . e . 2 0 2 0 m a r k s t h e Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, auspicious occasion of Birth Most Worshipful Sri Swami Centenary of Param Pujya Sri Chidanandaji Maharaj and Param Swami Premanandaji Maharaj. Pujya Sri Swami Premanandaji The Headquarters Ashram had Maharaj be upon all. OCTOBER 2020 NEWS & REPORTS 35


'Sivananda Home is a Center for the loving care of the destitute and the dying people who are found by the roadside, with no one to care for: the people who are home-less, temporary or permanent, fell sick, got lost or were abandoned'. (Swami Chidananda) The last ten years of his life, he stayed as a patient and resident in Sivananda Home, at the Holy Feet of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Passed ninety years, a silent and humble Sadhu, who loved to be at Chidananda Bhavan, with its beautiful view of Mother Ganga and Himalaya. Never did he speak about his past or whereabouts, he just was in the present moment. His clothing sober, his food intake minimum. Only when he injured his leg after a fall in the bathroom, he had to be shifted back to the main building, since he had become bedridden and needed support and assistance in his day-to-day activities. He felt that his time had come, nding it very difcult to be dependent on others, not able to get up, like his life had already been taken away from him. One day, he himself had his food, nished his meal completely, and passed away quietly, after a few deep and irregular breaths. He is remembered by all the inmates and especially his roommates, and his tranquil presence missed in the ward and in the Home. May his soul rest in eternal peace. One of the female patients passed away too this month, on the auspicious day of itself, after 36 THE DIVINE LIFE OCTOBER 2020

she had slipped into a coma about a week earlier. She had been admitted in Sivananda Home for a couple of years, and the rst words she uttered when she was brought inside: to remember that her age was far above the hundred years! She spoke the local language and seemed to be sent off from her home, after passing away of her husband, being abandoned by her two children. From the scars on her body, one could make out that she did not have an easy life, old injuries everywhere from head till foot, and as it looked being operated on the hip for a fracture. Though she could walk, it was with great difculty, but she used to insist on trying whatever she could do by herself, refusing the support of others. When the time came, that she could no longer manage her physical needs, she became bedridden, and at the same time she completely let go of all her adversities and resistance. She gave up and allowed others to serve her, lift her, feed her, bathe her, dress her and assist her. For more than a year she was completely bedridden. She breathed her last, almost comfortably and easily. As per the common practice in Sivananda Home, the cremation and last puja was arranged for, and ashes were offered to Mother Ganga. May her soul rest in eternal peace and bliss. Om Shanti. Shanti. Shantih. “Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms. Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms. Let us ever remember Thee. Let us ever sing Thy glories. Let Thy Name be ever on our lips. Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.” —Swami Sivananda

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MEMBERSHIP FEE AND BRANCH AFFILIATION FEE OF THE DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY HEADQUARTERS SHIVANANDANAGAR—249 192, Uttarakhand 1. New Membership Fee* ` 150/- Admission Fee ...... ` 50/- Membership Fee . . . .. ` 100/- 2. Membership Renewal Fee (Yearly) ` 100/- 3. New Branch Opening Fee** ` 1,000/- Admission Fee . . . . . ` 500/- Afliation Fee ...... ` 500/- 4. Branch Afliation Renewal Fee (Yearly) ` 500/- * Application for Membership should be sent with Photo Identity and Residential proof of the Applicant. ** Prior written permission has to be obtained from the Headquarters for opening a New Branch. ð Kindly send Membership Fee and Branch Afliation Fee by Cheque or by DD payable at any Bank in Rishikesh.



INLAND BRANCHES Chandapur (Odisha): Bargarh (Odisha): The Daily Puja, weekly Satsang on Branch had daily Puja, Saturdays, Guru Paduka Puja Rudrabhishek on Mondays on Thursdays, and mobile and Guru Paduka Puja on Satsang on 8th and 24th of Thursdays. Sri Krishna every month were the regular Janmashtami on 11th August programmes of the Branch. and on Guru Purnima on 5th July and 22nd were celebrated by the 57th Punyatithi Aradhana Day Branch. of worshipful Gurudev Sri Chatrapur (Odisha): Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj The Branch continued daily on 14th were celebrated with Puja, and monthly Jayanti Bhajan, Paduka Puja and ceremonies were held on 8th discourse. Sundarakanda and 24th with Paduka Puja. Parayan was done on 16th for Guru Purnima was celebrated w o r l d p e a c e . T h e 1 2 t h on 5th July and Punyatithi Punyatithi Aradhana Day of Aradhana Day of worshipful W o r s h i p f u l S r i S w a m i S a d g u r u d e v S r i S w a m i Chidanandaji Maharaj was Sivanandaji Maharaj on 14th, observed on 16th August. Sri w i t h P a d u k a P u j a a n d Krishna Jayanti celebration Prayers. Tulasi Das Jayanti was held on 18th with chanting was observed on 27th. of “Om Namo Bhagavate OCTOBER 2020 NEWS & REPORTS 39

Vasudevaya”. Srimad Bhagavata Matri Satsang on Saturdays Mahapuran Parayan and w i t h r e c i t a t i o n o f Pravachan were conducted from S u n d a r a k a n d a a n d 27th to 31st August. Chalisa. There was Dhenkanal (Odisha): Mahamantra Kirtan on 3rd of The Branch celebrated Guru every month. Ganesh Puja Purnima on 5th July and was conducted from 22nd to Punyatithi Aradhana Day of 31st August with Archana, Worshipful Sadgurudev Sri Stotram and Havan. Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj S t e e l T o w n s h i p ― on 14th with Paduka Puja, Rourkela (Odisha): The Branch Bhajans and talk on Guru continued free Yoga and Music Bhakti etc. classes on Mondays, Guru Lucknow (U.P.): During Paduka Puja on Thursdays and Covid-19 Lockdown, the Swadhyaya on Saturdays. Branch conducted Audio- Besides this, special activities V i s u a l S a t s a n g o n 2 n d like: Guru Purnima on 5th July, August. Besides, chanting of Punyatithi Aradhana Day of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra Worshipful Gurudev Sri Swami was continued daily. Sivanandaji Maharaj on 14th, N a n d i n i n a g a r Sri Krishna Janmastami on (Chattisgarh): The Branch 11th August and Punyatithi had daily morning prayers Aradhana Day of Worshipful Sri and evening Satsang, weekly Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj Satsang on Thursdays, and on 16th were celebrated. AV AILABLE BOOKS ON YOGA, PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION By H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj Inspiring Stories ...... 170/- In the Hours of Communion ...... 65/- Adhyatma Yoga ...... ` 125/- Isavasya Upanishad ...... 30/- Ananda Gita ...... 60/- Inspiring Songs & Kritans ...... 130/- Ananda Lahari ...... 35/- Japa Yoga ...... 120/- Analects of Swami Sivananda ...... 55/- Gita ...... 75/- Autobiography of Swami Sivananda ...... 110/- ...... 120/- All About Hinduism ...... 255/- and Diseases ...... 20/- Bazaar Drugs ...... 60/- Kathopanishad ...... 75/- Beauties of Ramayana ...... 120/- Kenopanishad ...... 40/- (One Act Play) ...... 35/- Kingly Science and Kingly Secret ...... 165/- Bhagavadgita Explained ...... 55/- Know Thyself ...... 65/- Bhagavadgita (Text & Commentary) ...... 110/- *Kalau Keshavkirtanat ...... 300/- Bhagavadgita (Text, Word-to-Word Meaning, Life and Teachings of Lord Jesus ...... 80/- Translation and Commentary) (H.B.) ...... 500/- Light, Power and Wisdom ...... 55/- ” ” (P.B.) ...... 490/- Lives of Saints...... 375/- Bhagavad Gita (Translation only) ...... 65/- Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings ...... 170/- Bhakti and Sankirtan ...... 150/- Lord Siva and His Worship ...... 155/- Bliss Divine ...... 480/- Maha Yoga ...... 20/- Blood Pressure—Its Cause and Cure ...... 65/- May I Answer That ...... 125/ Brahmacharya Drama ...... 40/- Mind—Its Mysteries and Control ...... 255/- Brahma Sutras ...... 375/- Meditation Know How ...... 180/- Brahma Vilas ...... 75/- Meditation on Om ...... 60/- ...... 325/- Moral and Spiritual Regeneration...... 75/- Come Along, Let's Play ...... 80/- Mother Ganga ...... 70/- Concentration and Meditation ...... 225/- Moksha Gita ...... 55/- Conquest of Mind ...... 330/- ...... 35/- Daily Meditations ...... 95/- Music as Yoga ...... 80/- Daily Readings ...... 95/- Nectar Drops ...... 40/- Dhyana Yoga ...... 125/- Narada Bhakti Sutras ...... 100/- Dialogues from the ...... 100/- Parables of Sivananda ...... 75/- Divine life for Children ...... 90/- Passion and Anger ...... 20/- Divine Life (A Drama)...... 25/- Pearls of Wisdom ...... 55/- Divine Nectar ...... 230/- Philosophy and Signicance of Idol Worship ...... 25/- Easy Path to God-Realisation ...... 75/- Philosophical Stories ...... 65/- Easy Steps to Yoga...... 95/- Philosophy and Yoga in Poems ...... 25/- Elixir Divine ...... 35/- Philosophy of Life ...... 35/- Essays in Philosophy ...... 75/- Philosophy of Dreams ...... 50/- Essence of ...... 110/- Pocket Prayer Book ...... 35/- Essence of Gita in Poems ...... 35/- Pocket Spiritual Gems ...... 35/- Essence of Principal Upanishads...... 105/- Practical lessons in Yoga ...... 120/- Essence of Ramayana ...... 110/- Practice of ...... 180/- Essence of ...... 165/- Practice of Bhakti Yoga ...... 305/- Ethics of Bhagavad Gita...... 125/- Practice of Brahmacharya ...... 125/- Ethical Teachings ...... 105/- Practice of ...... 150/- Every Man’s Yoga ...... 160/- Practice of Nature Cure ...... 210/- First Lessons in Vedanta ...... 100/- Practice of Vedanta ...... 145/- Fourteen Lessons on ...... 55/- Practice of Yoga ...... 215/- Gems of Prayers ...... 70/- Precepts for Practice ...... 125/- Glorious Vision (A Pictorial Guide) ...... 650/- Pushpanjali ...... 35/- God Exists ...... 60/- ’s Prem ...... U.P./- God-Realisation ...... 60/- Raja Yoga ...... 140/- Gurudev Sivananda (Pictorial)...... 250/- Revelation ...... 130/- Guru Bhakti Yoga ...... 100/- Religious Education ...... 65/- Guru Tattwa ...... 50/- Sadhana ...... 630/- ...... 120/- Sadhana Chatushtaya ...... 35/- Health and Diet ...... 110/- Saint Alavandar or The King's Quest of God ...... 40/- Health and Happiness...... 130/- Sarvagita Sara ...... 100/- Heart of Sivananda ...... 115/- Satsanga and Swadhyaya ...... 45/- Health and Hygiene ...... 190/- Samadhi Yoga ...... 310/- Himalaya Jyoti ...... 35/- Self-Knowledge ...... 155/- Hindu Gods and Goddesses ...... 100/- Science of Reality ...... 60/- Hindu Fasts and Festivals ...... 85/- Self-Realisation ...... 85/- Home Nursing ...... 75/- Sermonettes of Sw. Sivananda ...... 130- Home Remedies ...... 125/- Sivananda-Gita (Last printed in 1946) ...... 65/- How to Become Rich ...... 30/- Sixty-three Nayanar Saints ...... 85/- How to Cultivate Virtues and Eradicate Vices .... 180/- Spiritual Experiences ...... 135/- How to Get Sound Sleep ...... 70/- Spiritual Lessons ...... 115/- How to Live Hundred Years ...... 70/- Stories from Yoga ...... 110/- Illumination ...... 60/- Student's Success in Life ...... 55/- Illuminating Teachings of Swami Sivananda ...... 75/- Stories from ...... 180/- 40 Sureways for Success in Life ...... 260/- Swami Sivananda—Saint, Sage and Godman ...... 205/- Svara Yoga ...... 75/- The Quintessence of the Upanishads ...... 45/- *Sw. Sivananda - His Life in Pictures...... 75/- The Role of Celibacy in the Spiritual Life ...... 25/- Spiritual Treasure ...... 55/- The Divine Destination ...... 120/- Spiritual Aspiration & Practice ...... 115/- The Truth That Liberates ...... 35/- Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga and Kriya Yoga ...... 120/- *The All-Embracing Heart ...... 100/- Ten Upanishads ...... 165/- Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions ...... 80/- The Devi Mahatmya ...... 120/- Verses Addressed to the Mind ...... 155/- The Divine Treasure of Swami Sivananda ...... 25/- Walk in This Light ...... 140/- The Glorious Immortal Atman ...... 50/- *Worshipful Homage ...... 500/- The Science of Pranayama ...... 70/- By Swami Krishnananda Thought Power ...... 75/- A Brief Outline of Sadhana ...... 60/- Thus Illumines Swami Sivananda...... 20/- Ascent of the Spirit ...... U.P. Triple Yoga ...... 95/- Chhandogya Upanishad...... 100/- Total Thinking ...... 110/- Commentary on the Bhagavadgita ...... 485/- Unity of Religions ...... 80/- Commentary on the Kathopanishad ...... 145/- Universal Moral Lessons ...... 45/- Commentary on the ...... 95/- Upanishad Drama ...... 90/- Commentary on the (Vol - II) ...... 210/- Upanishads for Busy People ...... 40/- Epic of Consciousness ...... 20/- Vairagya Mala ...... 20/- Essays in Life and Eternity ...... 50/- Vedanta for Beginners ...... 55/- Interior Pilgrimage ...... 75/- Voice of the Himalayas ...... 185/- Mundaka Upanishad ...... 40/- Waves of Bliss ...... 75/- Philosophy of Bhagavadgita...... 130/- Waves of Ganga ...... 70/- Philosophy of Religion ...... 50/- Wisdom in Humour ...... 70/- Realisation of the Absolute ...... 125/- Wisdom Sparks...... 70/- Religion and Social Values ...... 50/- World Peace ...... 95/- Resurgent Culture ...... 20/- What Becomes of the Soul after Death ...... 150/- Self-Realisation, Its Meaning and Method ...... 45/- Yoga and Realisation ...... 120/- Sri Swami Sivananda and His Mission ...... 45/- Yoga Asanas ...... 85/- Studies in Comparative Philosophy...... U.P. Sessions with Ashram Residents ...... 300/- Yoga for West ...... 35/- The Attainment of the Innite ...... 50/- Yoga in Daily Life ...... 75/- The Development of Religious Consciousness ...... 85/- Yoga Vedanta Dictionary ...... 70/- The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad ...... 250/- Yoga Question & Answers ...... 95/- The Heart and Soul of Spiritual Practice ...... 150/- Yoga Vedanta Sutras ...... 90/- The Mighty God-Man of our Age ...... 75/- The Tree of Life ...... 60/- By Swami Chidananda The Vision of Life ...... 85/- The Yoga of Meditation ...... 70/- A Guide to Noble Living...... 55/- The Universality of Being ...... 100/- An Instrument of Thy Peace...... 265/- Ture Spiritual Living II...... 135/- Awake, Realise Your Divinity ...... 195/- The Glory of God ...... 90/- *Autobiography (Swami Chidananda) ...... 150/- The Spiritual Import of the Mahabharata and Bilss is Within ...... 95/- The Bhagavad Gita 190/- *Chidanandam (The Joy of Knowing Him) ...... 300/- The Struggle for Perfection ...... 35/- *Cosmic Benefactor ...... 300/- Yoga as a Universal Science ...... 65/- Ego ...... 20/- Yoga, Meditation and Japa Sadhana ...... 30/- Essentials of the Higher Values of Life ...... 65/- Your Questions Answered...... U.P. Eternal Messages ...... 45/- Others Forest Academy Lectures on Yoga ...... 325/- Bhajan Kirtan in Gurudev's Kutir ...... 60/- Gita Vision ...... 20/- Ekadasa Upanishadah ...... 140/- God As Mother ...... 85/- From Man to God-Man (N. Ananthanarayanan) .... 170/- Guidelines to Illumination ...... 120/- Greatness Amidst Us ...... 40/- Lectures on Raja Yoga ...... 80/- Guru Gita (Swami Narayanananda) ...... 95/- Life ...... 25/- I Live to Serve ...... 25/- Light-Fountain ...... 80/- *Memories of Swami Chidananda ...... 250/- Liberation Is Possible! ...... 30/- Miracles of Sivananda ...... 80/- Light on the Yoga Way of Life ...... 30/- Sivananda Day-To-Day ...... 85/- Sivananda: Poet, Philosopher and Saint Manache Shlok ...... 30/- (Dr. Savitri Asopa) ...... 70/- Message of Swami Chidananda to Mankind ...... 45/- Sivananda: Raja Yoga (Vol-4) ...... 355/- New Beginning ...... 45/- Sivananda: Bhakti Yoga (Vol-5) ...... 175/- Path Beyond Sorrow ...... 155/- Sivananda Vedanta (Jnana Yoga)...... 230/- Path to Blessedness ...... 105/- Sivananda: The Darling of Children Ponder These Truths ...... 245/- Sw. Sivananda-Hridayananda...... 30/- Practical Guide to Yoga ...... 50/- Sw. Sivananda Chitrakatha ...... 45/- Renunciation—A Life of Surrender and Trust...... 25/- Sivananda Integral Yoga ...... 65/- Seek the Beyond ...... 300/- The Holy Stream ...... 185/- *Souvenir ...... 200/- This Monk from India ...... 125/- Swami Chidananda Talks in South Africa ...... 135/- Yoga Divine...... 60/- Swami Sivananda our Loving Awakener ...... 80/- Yoga Sutras of ...... 60/-

For Direct Orders: The Divine Life Society, Shivanandanagar—249 192, Uttarakhand, India. For online orders and Catalogue visit:

*No Discount on the Star-marked Books 41 NEW RELEASE!

The Guru-Disciple Relationship

Pages: 64 Price: ` 40/-

With great joy, we are bringing out the booklet ‘The Guru- Disciple Relationship’ by Worshipful Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj which consists of an informal discourse given by Pujya Swamiji Maharaj in 1974.

Mind its Mysteries and Control Swami Sivananda Price: ` 325/- Concentration and Meditation Swami Sivananda Price: ` 285/- World Peace Swami Sivananda Price: ` 120/- Health and Diet Swami Sivananda Price: ` 120/- The Quintessence of The Upanishad Swami Chidananda Price: ` 50/- Dr. (Mrs.) K. Nambiar Price: ` 70/-

42 TWENTY IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL INSTRUCTIONS By H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj 1. BRAHMA-MUHURTA: Get up at 4 a.m. daily. motion or manifestation—. Veerya is This is Brahmamuhurta which is extremely all power. Veerya is all money. Veerya is the favourable for meditation on God. essence of life, thought and intelligence. 2. ASANA: Sit on Padma, Siddha or Sukha 9. PRAYER SLOKAS: Get by heart some prayer Asana for Japa and meditation for half an Slokas, Stotras and repeat them as soon as hour, facing the east or the north. Increase you sit in the Asana before starting Japa or the period gradually to three hours. Do meditation. This will elevate the mind Sirshasana and Sarvangasana for keeping quickly. up Brahmacharya and health. Take light 10. SATSANGA: Have Satsanga. Give up bad physical exercises as walking, etc., regularly. company, smoking, meat and alcoholic Do twenty Pranayamas. liquors entirely. Do not develop any evil 3. JAPA: Repeat any Mantra as pure Om or Om habits. Namo Narayanaya, Om Namah Sivaya, Om 11. FAST ON EKADASI: Fast on Ekadasi or live N a m o B h a g a v a t e V a s u d e v a y a , O m on milk and fruits only. Saravanabhavaya Namah, Sita Ram, Sri 12. JAPA MALA: Have a Japa Mala (rosary) Ram, Om, or Gayatri, according to your round your neck or in your pocket or taste or inclination, from 108 to 21,600 underneath your pillow at night. times daily. 13. MOUNA: Observe Mouna (vow of silence) for 4. DIETETIC DISCIPLINE: Take Sattvic food, a couple of hours daily. Suddha Ahara. Give up chillies, tamarind, 14. SPEAK THE TRUTH: Speak the truth at all garlic, onion, sour articles, oil, mustard, cost. Speak a little. Speak sweetly. asafoetida. Observe moderation in diet 15. PLAIN LIVING: Reduce your wants. If you (Mitahara). Do not overload the stomach. Give up those things which the mind likes have four shirts, reduce the number to three best for a fortnight in a year. Eat simple food. or two. Lead a happy, contented life. Avoid Milk and fruits help concentration. Take food unnecessary worry. Have plain living and as medicine to keep the life going. Eating for high thinking. enjoyment is sin. Give up salt and sugar for a 16. NEVER HURT ANYBODY: Never hurt month. You must be able to live on rice, Dhal anybody ( Paramo Dharmah). and bread without any Chutni. Do not ask Control anger by love, Kshama () for extra salt for Dhal and sugar for tea, and Daya (). coffee or milk. 17. DO NOT DEPEND UPON SERVANTS: Do not 5. MEDITATION-ROOM: Have a separate depend upon servants. Self-reliance is the meditation-room under lock and key. highest of all virtues. 6. CHARITY: Do charity regularly, every 18. SELF-ANALYSIS: Think of the mistakes you month, or even daily according to your have committed during the course of the day, means, say six Paisa per rupee. just before retiring to bed (self-analysis). 7. SVADHYAYA: Study systematically the Gita, Keep daily diary and self-correction register. the Ramayana, the Bhagavata, Sri Vishnu- Do not brood over past mistakes. Sahasranama, Lalita-Sahasranama, Aditya 19. FULFIL DUTIES: Remember that death is Hridaya, the Upanishads or the Yoga awaiting you at every moment. Never fail to Vasishtha, the Bible, the Zend Avesta, the full your duties. Have pure conduct Koran, the Tripitakas, the Granth Sahib, (Sadachara). etc., from half an hour to one hour daily and 20. SURRENDER TO GOD: Think of God as have Suddha Vichara. soon as you wake up and just before you go 8. BRAHMACHARYA: Preserve the vital force to sleep. Surrender yourself completely to (Veerya) very, very carefully. Veerya is God in God (Sharanagati).

Om Santih Santih Santih! This is the essence of all spiritual . This will lead you to Moksha. All these or spiritual canons must be rigidly observed. You must not give leniency to the mind. Registrar of Newspapers for India Postal-Registration No. TRI/006/2018-20 No. 2395/1957 LICENSED TO POST WITHOUT PREPAYMENT OCTOBER (Inland) Licence No. WPP No. 03/18-20 Valid upto: 31-12-2020 2020 (Foreign) Licence No. UA/FGN/01/18-20 Valid upto: 31-12-2020 Posted at Shivanandanagar P.O., Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand DATE OF POSTING : 15TH OF EVERY MONTH: P.O. SHIVANANDANAGAR—249192 THE TWO TYPES OF FOOLS In this world, there are two types of fools: (i) those who imagine that their body is the pure Atman and that there is nothing beyond the senses, and (ii) those who think that they are Brahma-Jnanis after studying Brahma-Sutras, Upanishads or Panchadasi. If you want to be wise, remember God; sing His Name; feel His Presence. Speak truth. Learn to discriminate. Learn how to lead a divine life while remaining in the world. Serve society with Atma-bhava, with the feeling that all persons are manifestations of God. You will soon regain your Godhead.


Printed and Published by Swami Advaitananda on behalf of “The Divine Life Trust Society” at the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy Press, P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192, Dt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, and Published from The Divine Life Society Headquarters, P.O. Shivanandanagar—249 192, Dt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand Phone: 0135-2430040, 2431190; E-mail: [email protected] Website:;; Editor: Swami Nirliptananda