The Interpretation of Sustainability Criteria using Game Theory Models (Sustainable Project Development with Rubik’s Cube Solution) The Interpretation of Sustainability Criteria using Game Theory Models (Sustainable Project Development with Rubik’s Cube Solution) DR. CSABA FOGARASSY Budapest, 2014 Reviewers: Prof. István Szűcs DSc., Prof. Sándor Molnár PhD. L’Harmattan France 7 rue de l’Ecole Polytechnique 75005 Paris T.: L’Harmattan Italia SRL Via Bava, 37 10124 Torino–Italia T./F.: 011.817.13.88 © Fogarassy Csaba, 2014 © L’Harmattan Kiadó, 2014 ISBN 978-963-236-789-7 Responsible publiser: Ádám Gyenes L’Harmattan Liberary Párbeszéd könyvesbolt 1053 Budapest, Kossuth L. u. 14–16. 1085 Budapest, Horánszky u. 20. Phone: +36-1-267-5979
[email protected] Cover: RICHÁRD NAGY – CO&CO Ltd. Printing: Robinco Ltd. Executive director: Péter Kecskeméthy I dedicate this book to the memory of my cousin, IT specialist and physicist Tamás Fogarassy (1968-2013) Table of contents ABSTRACT. 11 1. INTERPRETATION OF SUSTAINABILITY WITH BASIC GAME THEORY MODELS AND RUBIK’S CUBE SYMBOLISM. 14 1.1. SUSTAINABILITY DILEMMAS, AND QUESTIONS OF TOLERANCE. 14 . 14 1.1.2. Ecologic economy versus enviro-economy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 1.1.1. Definition of strong and weak sustainability 1.1.3. Relations between total economic value and sustainable economic value . 17 1.2. THEORY OF NON-COOPERATIVE GAMES . 19 1.2.1. Search for points of equilibrium in non-cooperative games ����������������������������������������������������������20 . 23 ����26 1.2.2. Theoretical correspondences of finite games Games with a single point of equilibrium .