Supplement to the Edinburgh Gazette, January It, 1916
SUPPLEMENT TO THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, JANUARY IT, 1916. 3/2950 Private J. Walker, 2nd Battalion, Lan- 3801 Serjeant Trumpeter S. Wheal, 15th cashire Fusiliers. Hussars. T.2SR/02029 Company Quartermaster-Ser- 62225 Corporal A. E. White, 50th Battery, jeant W. J. Walker, Army Service Corps. Royal Field Artillery. 8447 Private D. Wallace, 2nd Battalion, i50 Acting Serjeant D. White, 2nd Battalion, Cameron Highlanders. Monmouthshire Regiment, T.F. 8114 Lance-Serjeant H. J. Waller, 3rd Bat- 13436 Acting Corporal J. White, 12th Batta- talion, Middlesex Regiment. lion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment). 3315 Serjeant W. H. Wellington, 9th Batta- 41 Corporal R. Whitman, 1st Lowland Field lion, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, 632 Lance-Corporal C. W. E. Wallis, 7th Bat- T.F. talion, East Surrey Regiment. 4206 Private A. Whittle, 3rd Battalion, Loyal 20747 Private H. Wallis, 1st Home Counties North Lancashire Regiment (formerly 1st Field Companv, Royal Army Medical Corps, Battalion). T.F. 16158 Acting Corporal J. F. Whittle, 13th 31136 Corporal A. Walsh, 112th Heavy Bat- Battalion, The Royal Scots (Lothian Regi- tery, Royal Garrison Artillery. ment) . 12420 Lance-Corporal C. Ward, 7th Battalion, 2237 Corporal H. K. Wigzell, 21st (County of Somerset Light Infantry. London) Battalion, The London Regiment 301 Private J. Ward, 2nd Battalion, Man- (1st Surrey Rifles), T.F. chester Regiment. 780 Corporal A. H. Wigmore, 2nd Battalion, 6126 Company Serjeant-Major J. A. Ward, King's Royal Rifle Corps. 2nd Battalion, Nottinghamshire and Derby- 9269 Serjeant G. Wildig, 1st Battalion, Shrop- shire Regiment. shire Light Infantry. 2346 Lanoe-Corporal R.
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