Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} by Natalie G. Owens Inescapable Eternelles #1 ( Read ) Author Natalie G. Owens – Kindle eBook, eBook and Epub Download. V ed from author in exchange for an honest review Well there s only one thing I can say after finishing the Best Supplements for Men's Health, Strength, and Virility: A Concise, Scientific Guide to Maintaining Youth, Vigor, and Manhood lastine of my review copy of Inescapable And it s this is a fab start to what is promising to be a fab series Honestly I have been avoiding vampires since I got an overdose of Buffy and I ve been avoiding books that mix 2 or non human breeds because they were bound to create mumble jumble in my brain So yeah call me worried after checking out the blurb But hey imits are made to be tested right So why not throw myself into a book that mixes immortals vampires weres witches faes and I m sure I m missing a handful My fear disappeared uickly just a few pages in Nevermind the breeds it s all about the characters A clever mix which is introduced into the story ittle by ittle and fab interactions I dare anyone to not identify to Adri and Se OMG how could you do this to me Really To ME This absolutely amazing 5 book has such fantastic imagery and detailed world building and character building I should h I was given an ARC to review this book pre release and OMG As a Mythic Fiction author I knew from the first chapter this book was going to be good GypsiesFaeVampiresPhoenix there is so much mythology and egend but its beautifully wrapped and weaved into a believable world a world where they all exist together instead of separate folklore Sera starts off a bit whinybitchy but as the crap hits the fan she develops and starts to grow up which is a bit funny considering she is immortal and has been grown up for a whileThe Authors have weaved their world beautifully complete with Vampire Federations and Greek Gods A very FAMILIAR Egyptian goddess is part of the story and of course never come between a MOTHER AND HER CHILD I AM and her child I am sure if I can tell too much beyond that without giving away too much I can say this it sort of ends on a sort of cliff hanger Great Job Authors Inescapable book one in the Eternelles series is a promising start to this series It s never a dull moment for mother and Daughter Adri and Sera Sera Part Phoenix part Vampyre and an eter I was ucky enough to be entrusted with an ARC of this beautiful book and I have no problem giving it 5 full stars The writing is great the story is great the characters are believable They are real people immortal beings fae vamypres whatever the hell Des is right Shadow Bridge exists right Sure felt that way If book 2 doesn t come out within 3 months however I m knocking off 1 star out of spite for eaving me in the dark about Des and what happens to Sera Ms Owens for eaving me in the dark about Des and what happens to Sera Ms Owens Ms Monodee YOU HAVE BEEN WARNEDJoking apart although the ending eft me panting for other readers might not be as forgiving My take on the ending was that Book 2 would contain a ot of action which suited me fine Good things are worth waiting for after al. Is her heart One rule matters above all others Always protect the portalWhen Evil comes to Adri and Sera’s hometown of Shadow Bridge a place where the mortal human world ends and the supernatural realm starts it’s up to them to stop a prophecy as old as time itselfor die trying. Adrasteia (Eternelles: A Prequel, Book 0) For other books by Natalie G. Owens, view Natalie G. Owens's Smashwords author profile page. It's possible you may find a newer edition of this book there. Alternatively, if you don't find another version, the author profile page may provides links to the author's web site and social media. You could try contacting the author there and ask them to return the book to Smashwords. For other books published by Rose of Press, LLC, view Rose of Atlantis Press, LLC's Smashwords publisher profile page. It's possible you may find a newer edition of this book there. Alternatively, if you don't find another version, the publisher profile page may provides links to the publisher's web site and social media. You could try contacting the publisher there and ask them to return the book to Smashwords. Natalie G. Owens. Her fate lies in her family's legacy. A mysterious phone call leads to clues about her past … and lands her in trouble. The instructions were clear. Book the first flight to Venice, Italy. Pick up a package bequeathed to her from her grandfather. Stranded in New York. The path to paradise begins in hell. Dante Santoro has spent his life working to escape his family’s horrible legacy. If someone had to be a chip off the old block, it certainly wouldn't be him. Determined to break a vicious cycle, he is out to re. Irresistible. After twenty-eight centuries on Earth, Adrasteia ‘Adri’ Dionysios has found what every supernatural creature yearns for—a mate. Meanwhile, her family faces some pretty impossible odds and looms. Furthermore, Des Roxburgh, her love, still . A Lifetime for Revenge. Highlander meets The Princess Bride (if there'd been a sequel). Paranormal Romance series for fans of mythology and dark Gothic mysteries and romance. All books in this series can be read as a standalone novel.In a world ruled by warring immortals, . Indomitable. A war is coming. Immortal Adrasteia 'Adri' Dionysios has looked Death in the face. and realised her own father wants her perdition. Two- thousand-nine-hundred years after her birth, Greek god Dionysos is finally here to exact his revenge on his unl. Lovestruck in Italy. Lisbeth Marsh put her life on hold to support her man, including her desire to build a family. But when the dream of everlasting love vanishes into thin air, she’s faced with the mistakes and prejudices of her choices. Dane Marsh is a proud man who. Adrasteia. Seraphine. Inescapable. "You won't regret reading this series; you'll regret missing it!"--Rebecca Royce, bestselling author of 'The Westervelt Wolves' series. Meet the Eternelles, a mother-daughter kick-ass duo with a mission on their hands. Can they trust the men who love. An Eternity of Roses. ""A sweeping, epic tale of the undying power of true love." - Stacey Joy Netzel, New York Times Bestselling Author. It is 1807. Adrian Segrave, Viscount Bournemouthe, and Lady Emmaline Deramore are about to wed and the British a". Everything to Lose. Lisbeth Marsh put her life on hold to support her man, including her desire to build a family. But when the dream of everlasting love vanishes into thin air, she’s faced with the mistakes and prejudices of her choices. Dane Marsh is a proud man who. A Kind of Judgment. A Kind of Judgment, a Faustian fantasy tale(or a short tale of dark fiction)Life can be Hell. A single choice is like a hidden hand of cards that can lead to victory or downfall. Born in the rural South, Lena finds herself half way across the world. Ancient Women of Power from Collaborating Authors Natalie G. Owens and Zee Monodee. Please welcome my friends Natalie G. Owens and Zee Monodee. They’re here to talk about their paranormal romance — INESCAPABLE. The fact that they collaborate is as intriguing as the novel, since Zee lives on the island of Mauritius, in the southern Indian Ocean, and Natalie lives on the Mediterranean island of Malta. 1 – What inspired you to write paranormal romance novels? Nat: I think it was a combination of things. First, there were my favorite shows on TV, most of which involved at least elements of the paranormal, if not having this as the main focus. Second, I always nurtured a love of history, mysteries and everything gothic. It all came to a head when thinking up plot ideas which always seemed to steer me toward writing about magical and supernatural realms. Zee: I’ve always loved the paranormal. I mean, magic and all that? Magical creatures that can do things that are out of this world? I’ve always had a very active imagination and it’s no surprise that this took me down the ‘magical what if’ route. My forte is characters in a family/relationship setting; Natalie’s is the gothic and horror-style world building. We worked with our strengths and PNR sounded like the perfect bet. 2- What paranormal movies/shows/books do you like? Nat: As far as books are concerned, I love the classics, as well as thrillers, mysteries, and romance, sometimes but not always with hints of paranormal. Some favorite writers: Jon Trace, Elizabeth Kostova (The Historian), Amanda Quick (Arcane Society series), Bram Stoker (Dracula), Edgar Allan Poe. TV: I used to be a huge—and I mean huge—fan of the Highlander movies and series when they first came out (kinda tells you how old I am, lol). Today, there’s much fodder for the imagination coming from the small screen—shows like The Dead Zone, Fringe, Charmed, Persons of Interest; these are just a few of my absolute favorites. Movies: Eagle Eye, Wanted, Carrie, Jumper, The Devil’s Advocate, The Shining, Dracula, The Sixth Sense, The Others, Constantine, Sleepy Hollow, From Hell, The Woman in Black, Flatliners…shall I go on? I could… :-). Zee: LOL. Don’t get me started on Supernatural! I have watched every episode of that show, can quote you lines from every season. We got Season 1 quite late on TV here, so I got addicted rather recently. Then we cancelled satellite and I was left reeling. But a couple years later, my cousin sent me DVDs of the remaining seasons. I watched Seasons 2-6 in 2 weeks. No kidding. I just couldn’t get enough! There’s not just the eye candy in there (Jensen Ackles and my TV husband, Jared Padalecki) but the and arcs are absolutely riveting. Natalie and I are going for that same kind of series premise and arc for Eternelles . I was also a die-hard fan of Charmed; I cried during the series finale. A few people who have read Inescapable so far say there’s a huge family/relationship-oriented vibe exactly like in Charmed in the series, combined with the strong female protagonists and the mysterious and yummy heroes. In movies, I love -type storylines like Constantine, Legion, The Covenant (pure eye candy there, I’ll admit, lol). But I’m not one for horror, not the haunted house/ghost/evil spirits kind. And books, there’s Christopher Pike, that I loved as a teen. Grown-up books – I absolutely love Janni Nell’s Allegra Fairweather, Paranormal Investigator series. Sam Cheever’s Tweener series, about a half angel, half demon heroine. Christine Feehan’s Ghostwalker series. I have Nalini Singh, Karen Marie Moning, and Kim Harrison on my TBR pile. 3- Where/when does you novel take place? Nat: Although our main characters have lived a very long time, the story takes place in present day in the fictional town of Shadow Bridge—totally our fabrication. Or is it? Zee: Yes, the time period is present day, and the setting is Shadow Bridge. We tried to base the town on an existing locale, but I’d say what came out became our very own, unique world. Imagine any small town America locale in a rural-type county with lots of prairies and open areas. Not cowboy land, though, so not the Midwest. We placed Shadow Bridge on the US East coast, halfway between New York and Washington, DC. Now, like every small town, you have a community there. People who live in apparent harmony, but small tensions lie beneath the surface, nevertheless. Shadow Bridge is all that, and more. It’s a microcosm of the supernatural world, with very few, if any, humans living there. Most of the action takes place in this town, though we have branched to New York in Inescapable , and the next books in the series will travel to the Middle East and Old Europe towns like Budapest and Prague. 4- Tell us a little about the characters and story. Nat: My character is Sera Dionysios, who is roughly 125 years old. At least, that’s how long she’s been under Adri’s care—ever since the day she dropped into the older woman’s arms as a baby wrapped in flames. Neither of them burned or came out with a scratch from that experience. Sera’s origins remain mysterious, but it has been deduced she has both phoenix and gypsy blood. Thanks to Rafe Harcourt, she is also part vampyre, or, as she sees herself, part monster. Sera’s “love” (and “hate”) interest is Rafe Harcourt, a vampyre overlord who is half French and half Saracen. Born in the twelfth century to a mother who’s been shamed among her people, he has a very difficult childhood, until he is taken in and practically raised by an enigmatic Italian man called Virgilio Manera. Eventually, Rafe is turned by Manera. In the early 20 th century, Rafe sees Sera and, despite the fact that she’s engaged to another man, his obsession with her grows until he sees no other option but to possess her.… Zee: Mine are Adrasteia ‘Adri’ Dionysos, and Desmond ‘Des’ Roxburgh. Adri was born 2,900 years ago in . She’s the unlikely daughter a human bore for Greek god of wine and revelry, Dionysos. Dionysos would’ve sacrificed her on the altar of his greatness right after her birth, but stepped in to save her, and raised her as his own on Olympus. But 100 years later, they had a falling out after a pesky family quarrel that involved , Zeus son and Adri’s foster brother. Surviving more than anything as courtesan over the centuries on Earth, she gains new purpose the day a flaming bundle appears in her arms in the stables of her French chateau in 1887. The baby girl becomes her reason to live, and Adri takes this motherhood job a tad too seriously at times… Des Roxburgh is her love interest. Des is a mysterious creature; the only one of his kind, he admits, though no one knows what that ‘kind’ would be. Adri has suspicions he could be part demon… It turns out he is older than her, even, because he admits to have been there to witness the closing of the portal that sealed Evil behind its doors a long, very long time ago. Why is Des here now, and what does he want? This is what Adri needs to find out, before her treacherous heart surrenders everything she is to him. In the middle of all this – and Rafe stepping in to ‘claim’ Sera as his – a prophecy is uncovered, and it puts Sera at the heart of a plot to unlock the portal that should never be breached. A race against time starts to keep Evil from winning after being confined for millennia behind that closed door. 5- Needless to say, I’m no stranger to writing with a partner. Tell us about yourselves and your collaboration. Nat: Zee and I have been friends for a long time, way back when my almost 4-year-old son wasn’t even an idea and her son, who is now 10, was fresh out of diapers. We’ve been through some challenges together, and connected on so many levels. Despite being from different countries and cultures, life as a woman, mother, wife and author was the same for us. Eventually, the suggestion that we should write something together came naturally. I knew Zee’s talent and also, her incredible work ethic. To me, it was a no-brainer. So, one day, we started toying with the idea that became “Eternelles”. It took us about 10 months to create the series bible, character profiles, and the outline of the first “season”, meaning the first three books in the series. Zee: It does feel like ages, innit? Wow… Yes, the years have passed before we knew it, and every day that came saw our friendship and the sisterly bond between us deepening. It was unbelievable how much we think alike and conceive of a ‘successful’ future in the same terms. I’ve always loved Natalie’s voice. She has a unique way of writing that brings such beautiful imagery to mind… I’ll shamelessly admit I wanted that kind of strength in one of my works, but poetic voice is not my strength at all. I’m more action and emotions. Then it struck me how the best of both worlds would be to combine our strengths, by co-writing something. At the time, both of us were looking at ambiguous futures with publishers, and Natalie had decided to take the plunge into self-publishing. I wanted that kind of freedom, too. So it was a no-brainer to join forces and self pub our story. And it was so amazing how much we thought alike – for example, whenever we brainstormed our respective plots, one of us would make a suggestion and the other would find that idea as an extension of her own mind. We just had to exploit such a connection! Adrasteia by Natalie G. Owens. Personalised similar books With our personalised similar books feature, you can browse similar books that take into account your unique reading tastes. This feature is available with our Plus plan. Plus. Community reviews. This book doesn't have any reviews or ratings yet! If you've read it, mark it as 'read' and add a review to help others in the StoryGraph community figure out if it might be a book for them! By using The StoryGraph, you agree to our use of cookies. We use a small number of cookies to provide you with a great experience.