journal of language contact 12 (2019) 305-343 Language Contact in Social Context: Kinship Terms and Kinship Relations of the Mrkovići in Southern Montenegro Maria S. Morozova Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
[email protected] Abstract The purpose of this article is to study the linguistic evidence of Slavic-Albanian lan- guage contact in the kinship terminology of the Mrkovići, a Muslim Slavic-speaking group in southern Montenegro, and to demonstrate how it refers to the social con- text and the kind of contact situation. The material for this study was collected during fieldwork conducted from 2012 to 2015 in the villages of the Mrkovići area. Kinship terminology of the Mrkovići dialect is compared with that of bcms, Albanian, and the other Balkan languages and dialects. Particular attention is given to the items borrowed from Albanian and Ottoman Turkish, and to the structural borrowing from Albanian. Information presented in the article will be of interest to linguists and anthropologists who investigate kinship terminologies in the world’s languages or do their research in the field of Balkan studies with particular attention to Slavic-Albanian contact and bilingualism. Keywords Mrkovići dialect – kinship terminology – language contact – bilingualism – borrowing – imposition – BCMS – Albanian – Ottoman Turkish © maria s. morozova, 2019 | doi:10.1163/19552629-01202003 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing cc-by-nc License at the time of publication. Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 02:14:13AM via free access <UN> 306 Morozova 1 Introduction Interaction between Slavs and Albanians in the Balkans has resulted in numer- ous linguistic changes, particularly for those dialects that were in immediate contact with one another.