In Landmark Ruling, El Al Ordered to End Policy of Asking Women to Move Seats | the Times of Israel 6/22/17, 1 53 PM
In landmark ruling, El Al ordered to end policy of asking women to move seats | The Times of Israel 6/22/17, 153 PM THE TIMES OF ISRAEL | In landmark ruling, El Al ordered to end policy of asking women to move seats Holocaust survivor Renee Rabinowitz wins suit against Israel’s national carrier over flight attendants’ request she change places after ultra- Orthodox man refused to sit beside her BY RAOUL WOOTLIFF June 22, 2017, 6:08 am srael’s national carrier, El Al, can no longer accede to the requests of ultra-Orthodox passengers not to sit next to women, a Jerusalem court said Wednesday in a landmark I ruling. “Under absolutely no circumstances can a crew member ask a passenger to move from their designated seat because the adjacent passenger doesn’t wasn’t to sit next to them due to their gender,” Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Judge Dana Cohen-Lekah said in her ruling. “The policy is a direct transgression of the law preventing discrimination.” El Al has been known to regularly ask passengers to move seats at the request and sometimes demand of ultra-Orthodox men who refuse to sit next to women. Wednesday’s ruling ends years of uproar over the policy led by rights groups who say it is discriminatory. Cohen-Lekah agreed with the Israel Religious Action Center, which brought the suit, in ruling the practice was illegal. The chief plaintiff in the case was 81-year old Holocaust survivor Renee Rabinowitz, who sued the airline for discrimination after a flight attendant asked her to move seats on a flight in December 2015.