PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1968 lKmtrlii90t9r Evening H^ralii A v a n g w DiiEy N e t Pmmm Ron F or' TIm Week Eodod The Weather The Connecticut Federation of Kay U. 18M About Town Business and Professional .Wo­ ■A CANYAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ir Rain tonight, low In 80o. men’s Clubs Is having its an­ A receptior for ICrs. Betty Partial olooring tomorrow after­ nual convention today through 15,070 Willard Doyle, rettrliv fourth Combination Windows and Doors noon. high In 60a. Sunday at the Hotel America, trade teacher at Highland Park .Uenehesier— -,4 City o f VtUmgm Charm Hartford. The keynote speaker, Schoiol, will be held Sunday Door Cknopies, BoU-tq> Awnings, Canvas B e p a M , Mrs. Louise Buahnell of the Na­ Re-covwed. Rehanglng Servloe and Storage. B o^ ^ a n ^ Re- VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 196 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECnON) from 2-4 p.m. at the achool. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 OB F a co U ) tional ^ Association of Manu­ palrod or Made New To Your Pattern. AD Work Oostom PRICE TEN CENTS All ooUeaguee, friends and Btode. Orommeta — Erelets — F a s t e n ^ Btomi for fokmer pupils of Mrs. Doyle ore facturer’s, krill speak on Wo­ mens’ R ole In Industry.” M onsle UnHa. Waterproofing Compound For Tenta, Bcntoovers invited. and OMivas. We Do Reecreenlng o f Ahmilnnni Soreesw. Heavy Mrs. Katherine Hynes of 299 Duty ZIppeta. Venetian BUnds. The executive committee *of Main St. and Mrs. Eric Emt Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of of Hebron, last night were elect­ Lebanon, will meet Monday at MANCHESTER AWNING CO. ed vice president and cor­ Thieu Appoints 7:10 p.m. at Masonic Temple. EST. 1949 — 19B W. CENTER STREET — 649-9091 Sides Exchange Demands responding secretary, respec­ tively, of Mountain Laurel Chap­ The Manchester Rod and Oun ter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., at a C9ub w ill have its semi-annual meeting at the Russian Ameri­ clean up day Sunday starting at can Hall, Hartford. Mrs. Jean. 8 a.m. at the club. Dinner will New Viet Premier Satryb of Rockville Is chairman be served at noon. of a makeup committee of the ANTIQUE SHOW Peace Talks Recess chapter. SAIGON (AP) — Preoldent *11101:0 woo no hint In Thlou’o Iholu oont an oboorvor dolo- OrfCrd Pariah Chapter, DAR, Nguyon Van Thlou announeod brlof addroM of tho backotogo gatlon to Paris dooptto oopoat- will have a card party Tuesday The American Legion Auxil­ appolntmont today of ex-oduiol- In-fighting of tho post wook be- tlon from Ky and other poUtl- at 1 ;80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ond SALE iary will meet Monday at 7:80 toaoher ‘Tran Van Huong, 64, ao tween South Vletnam’a poUtl- clana and army leaden who aee PARIS (AP)—North Vietnam demanded today that HIdward Kuehn, 1020 Ellington p.m. at the post home. Mrs. South 3^otnam’a now premier, clana and generala. Nor did he only q mllltaiy the United States atop being: “elusive” and agree “i7Q>id- Rd., South R^daor. Reserva­ Ethel Curtis, of Durham, De­ Thlou made the announce- menUon Ky. Thieu, who was born a Bud- ly” to end all bcunbing and other attacks on its territory. tions may be made with Mrs. partment president, will make Methodist Churah — Qrove Sboet mont In a prepared natlmiwlde Ho caUed on the population to dhlst and became a Roman The United ^ te s , striking beck at North Vietnamese Edward Darling, 9 Rld^ Rd., her official visit. Members are radio and televlalon address remain vigilant and not to listen Catholic, • has much support pressure on this issue, demanded in turn to know whether W^^plng. Hostesses are Mrs. reminded to bring articles for a RoekviHa, Conn. nine houn after he accepted the to rumora that might be apgead among the South Vietnamese Darling, Mrs. Basil Nodden, the government o f President Ho Chi Minh is "prepmed gift table. resignation of Premier Nguyen by the oommunlats. people, both Buddhist and Cath- to acknowledge the presence o f North Vietnamese army Mrs. Sherwood Bowers, and Van Loc at an emergency cabl- Some d^lomatio eouroes said olic, who display war weariness, Mrs. Joseph Stubenrauch. personnel in South Vietnam." Mallory Fitzpatrick of the THIfflS. and FRI, MAY 23, 24, 1968 net meeting. Thieu and Huong may sUH run K^, who comes from a Bud- Ambassador W. Averell H a r------Hartford Seminary Foundation Tho announcement put a into ditticultles when they try to dhlst family In Noi:th Vietnam, Reservations close June B for quick end to the threat of a long put together the new cabinet. has strong backing from nearly “r ® hig HArrlman toat toe purpose will speak at a meeting of the 12:00 NOON to 9:00 P.M. ^ e d toe tHX^ Issue on Am- ^ s t a « the Army-Navy Auxiliary outing government crisis wMch could The sourcee said they are a mHUon refugees from North official board of North Metho­ Prom left are Seaman Donald Sauer, Seaman Fred Sauer, Sfirt. Arnold Sauer and Petty Qfffcer William Sauer. ^a oHIctel The attic antique committee Four of the six sons of Mr. most of their Uves. Fred and July 1964 and served aboard the married. His wife, the former Crane of 90 Essex St., or Mrs. for the Bentley School Fair is sfUt between Thieu and his ties, which woidd et(Joy a maxi- In Hanoi, ^ conversations conclude with re- John Vince, 227 McKee St. and Mrs. William N. Sauer of attended Manchester High, USa Ranger for one year before Nancy Robinson, is from Man­ picking up contributions of cel- strong-willed vice president. Air mum of popular stq:port “ “IS he said, "toe American French Rd. gathered for a fam- worked for the same em- reporting to NMCB-B3. Don Chester, Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky. Tlileu said Loc resigned be- ( Page Five) ^ four iwurs. Hitman and must rapidly give a posl- ler, garden or attic Items. Those before , entering the Joined the service In January wishing to donate articles may Uy reunion early this spring at Kathy sold to tell you that nothing Is pro-psudiaged here; Loc is a close associate of Ky, cause "the situation required w J t a S r response subjoctflt 1967. Both are in the battalion’s you may buy 1 or 101 of any Item! who U Btrongly opposed to the it.” He confirmed he had asked must not be elusive much long­ contact Mrs. Clinton Coffin of 93 Csunp Adenlr, Danang East, Along with their oldest broth­ supply department. The session was toelr third e r ." Hawthorne St. or Mrs. Ronald NATTVE: Spinach, Beet Oieens, Rodlsbeo, SooIUono, Donde- American effort to ond the war Loc to remain in office as caro- this week. They Initially met First Class Vietnam. er, William, the two younger The implied throat, toat he Craig, 81 Delmont St. The fair Petty Officer William enter­ RUBBER STAMPS Ucfw, Aaporagna, Boaton Lettuce, RhidMurb, Feoa and by negotiaUon and compromise, taker Premier until the new last Monday. Shoe Repairfeig All ore In the war zone, and Sauers went through the same ed the N avy In April 1966 and Thieu’s attitude has been more cabinet takes over. would do something If he did not will be held Satiuday, May 28, M anchester ORISP-AniE Moo and DeUdoua APPLES. The toree-day delay before Of The Better Kind! three are seabees stationed at pre-deployment training at was assigned to the Naval get an early American answer, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Blueprint and Supply, Inc. ALSO: Belgium Endive, Sholloto, Green and Yellow Squash, **?*'^*.' **** few Allies Set toe next session was Harri- the camp with the U. S. Mobile the IfMCB-S3’s homeport of School of Construction for six In his resignation statement, days, as soon as possiUe, the was not (|>elled out. QUAinY WORK school. Brooool, Eggplant ArttoholGM, Romaine Lettuce, Leeks, man’s proposal, a North Viet­ 8 Construction Battalion 63 Davlsville, R. I. and at the months before reporting 690 H artford ^ d . North Vietnam has denied any at to Beets, Native Hothouse Tomatoes, Hot Flying PeppMs, LoO Declared that South Viet- now government win be pre- namese spokesman said. This (NMCB-63). They are William, Marine Base at Camp Lejeune, NMCB-S3 In January 1967. He Is M anchester, Conn.—649-8698 B iu s s ^ StHouts, Green Beona, Ponnlps, Aoom and Butter­ nam faces "grave danger” from aented to the people.’’ TWeu of its troepe are operating to toe Manchester Square Dance set off speculation that Harri- REASONABLE 27; Fred, 21, and Donald, 20. N. C. RockvUIe Exchange Ent. 1488 nut Sqnoui, Red, White Onions, New Flotlda and OoU- thePaite talks. ga«. afternoon, I in- Club will have an open dance to­ the only one of the four that Is For Push, man woiud use toe 1 Thuy made auob a state- The fourth, 1^. Arnold R. Sau­ They arrived In Vietnam In foinla Potatoea For the past three da^. Ky-s formed the lower house and the “ J®rvai— njeut earlier this week. Harrl- PRICES! morrow from 8 to 11 p.m . at longest yet of the sessions—to er, 24, Is an electrical and pow­ January of this year. Sgt. Ar­ FRUIT: Stmwberrles, Cherries, Feoebes, Bed, W hits, Blue friends have passed the word senate of my declalon." u . ... '®*°***~" man, In effect, demanded a re- Waddell School. Earl Johnson SHOE REPAIRS er production specialist at Blen nold Sauer has been In Vietnam O nves, Oontalonpes, Spanish Melons, Honeydews, Papayas, that Huong, ^a former premier, oWeu said there bad been traction and admission of their will be the caller, and Mr. and WHILE-V-WAIT! Hoa Air Base with the Air since October 1967. Mangoes, Navel, Temple Oranges, Limes, WatermehMu, ta UMCceptable to the vice pres- widespread rumoro that Huong Kill 107 U.S. souroes said toe specula- presence. Mrs. Russell Rlilte will cue the Force’s 828rd CHvll Engineer­ Fred entered the Navy In Pineapples; PLUS Figs, Dates and Fresh Cider! Uon was not correct. They of- ..r. •, „ » i.. t'lJund. Com m ittees fo r the event ..M to remove the com- SAM YUYLES ing Squadron. SAIGON (AP) — U.S. tnx^ Thuy. "ot establtehtag some ba- U OAK STREET are Mr. and Mrs. John Dyment, WEEKEND SPECIALS for A SPeCfAL KATHY! South Vietnam’s four lay, however. Two sons are still at home. ^ong a wiUlngness to end niffltary regions reported today killing 107 ene­ =i.i_ . . _. ■** trom wMch we can properly door duty; Mr. and Mrs. Willard The two A few steps'from Main Richard, 18, graduated from TOMATOES, Vine Ripened ...... lb. 3 9 « the war by compromise. Ky was '-nus is my troops in continued sharp Ides met Ij^ consider your demand for cessa­ wrong," he_ _ aald.__ _ Wednesday and recessed until ASabllalied m i! Dickenson, refreshment chair­ Bolton High School last year CHERRIES, First of Season!...... ib. T B t the only government member tion of our bombtag of North men, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. FOR RENT without elaborating. Three of lighting In South Vletnam’a today at North 'Vietnam’s re- and is now employed by Case OFF BEET GREENS, Native!...... Ib. 3S^ absent from the cabinet meet. the commanders are known to u®*thern sector as tho allies , Vietnam, and at an appropriate Francis Dleterle and Mr. and 9 and 16 mm. Movie Pro- B ros. Harold, 17, Is a senior. LETTUCE, Fancy H eeds!...... head He was icjMrted at the South T„ I rm. . *®ter time such questions as toe Mrs. George Gorman. Jectoro aonnd or oilent, olao vTetaame8e*~air “ bMe“ at “ Nha ^ “ «*tated virtth Ky. traced for expected Mdeopread Of the six Sauer daughters, 88 mm. allde projeoton. 20 ROYAL or SEALTEST ICE CREAM Vt gal. dliSomatIc sources fear attacka on Ho CW lOnh’s three are at home. % mllro northeaot of ,o„g.*^oMering conflict b^ “ rthday Sunday. COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS! aOO Togetherness has been - the WELDON raUO CO. on toe bombing Issue, remtod- (Bee Page Fourtoen) 767 MAki S t—TM. 648-U91 We Now Oony The Manchester Evening HeroM motto of the Sauer brothers for ON COLOR AND ^ l i g . a Buddhist from VInh ^hleu and Ky. which ^ s Also Complete Line ot SEALTEST Dairy Products s lAingL o T t m o metoe « iroiig delta,aoim. has ? « « « » « * the peace negotiations near Khe Baito^ a:^ A msouth o r « « of " « SPECIALTY builders! twice Served as m ayors could erupt Into toe open D F D A - "™ ^ after toe’s Loc’s removal. dead and 186 wounded, U.’fl. CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS BLACK and WHITE During last fall’s campaign Addressing toe Cabinet before - P E K O p o o l e r - when he ran tor toe presldenoy, su l^ ^ his resignation, Loc “ II SIDWG OF A L L TYPES CHARLOTTE R. GRAY 276 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER • 648-6884 Huong repeatedly hinted that he “ td there was a serious posl- *'***** “ Strikes Mushroo FILM PROCESSING might be wBlIng to negotiate WUty the Paris talks could be « POOLS A COTTAGES Presents with toe Viet Cong’s National «panded Into fufl peace nego- “ Uberation Front If thta could tiations without toe portidpa- I? assure "genuine peace and free- tlon of the South Vietnamese In French Crisis STUDENT RECITAL dom” for South government. ^ Wearing an open-necked He said tols raised the threat **’2 ^ PARIS (AP) — The mush- Agitation seemed at a peak In rooming student-labor ravolt southwestern France and Voice — Piano eports shirt, TWeu said Huong of an agreement to Parte that WESTOWN tiiggeired a breakdown in trans- around Parte. The nortoeni and has accepted his nomination as ho unfavorable to South L^other- * • PHARMACY ■ ^ (AP Pbotofax) poitatlon and many state aerv- eastern sections were less af-^ M premler and hopes to submit the Vietnam and has "aroused sweeninB'' to« hariisflnid SOUTH METHOfUST CHUROH HALL U.S. Ddegatioa Chief Averell Harrinuux arrives at the International Conference ices today, and toe strikes fected. 459 HARTFORD RD. TEL. 649-9946 membei:s of hte :)cw cabinet as toe South found only 28 enemv bod- SUNDAY, MAY 19 — 8:80 PJ«. 'Wetnamese people have found on ly 28 enem y bod' threatened to tie up most of toe Information Minister Georges (PVRLIO INVITED) soon as possible.’' ies from Friday’s clash. Center for this morning’s Peaoe Talks session Arc de Triomphe background. nation’s commercial activity by Gorse, in a surprise television MUItaiy spokesm en said 189 M(»iday. broadcast, declared in referring North Vietnamese and 48 U.S. President Charles de Gaulle to toe strikes toat "steps will be Marines have been killed in the will cut short a state visit to Ro- taken so that the citlzeiui will Fails to Orbit last 48 hours of fighting to toe Arrests Total 121 mania and fly to Paris toitight suffer toe least possible from SIDING SPEOAUSTS area. Another U8 Marines were to be In close touch with the sit- this attempt at pressure on toe wounded. uation, French sources In Ro- government.” Nearby, U miles west of Tam mania said. He said toe student agitation A ALUMINUM - WOOD - VINYL - STONE A.. Ky, a company of toe U.S. Police End Columbia Sit-in Red flags flew from more was levelling off in view of toe ■sff LABEL Satellite Destroyed Amerlcal Division’s llQi Light than 40 factories occupied by decisioiu of toe government to A L L WORK FULLY GUARANTEED IN WRITING Infantry Brigade reported kiU- NEW YORK (AP) —Several ported by about 1,000 Columbia pass ln\| unoccupied striking workers, and hardly an make "profound, necessary and UP TO FIVE YEARS TO PAY Ing 28 North 'Ifletnamese. No hundred police summoned in toe students. apartments. an extensi<»i of hour went by without word of a urgent” university reforms, Just After Liftoff American casutdties were re- predawn darkness by Columbia The conununity group issued toe trespass committed on toe occupied by "Henceforth," he said, "toe Buy D irect - No Middleman ported University today ended a sit-in ^ statement demanding "an ab- _ , ., . , striking workers. attention of toe government is VANDENBERG AIR FORCE Vandenberg and 98 miles east of In toe iwrtowest comer of ^ university-owned apart- solute end to all institutional ex Columbia camp^ ^ Premier Georges Pompidou fixed on tola large strike move- - WE SERVICE WHAT WE .SF.T T -. BASE, Calif. (AP) —Nimbus 3, Los Angeles. SouthrVletnam, U.S. Matinee re- ment house by militant protest- pension within our community, ^ ®““ ®^ “ “fS^ent meeting w ^ ment which Is developing and a weather-watch satellite The capsules contatotog toe ported killtog 81 North Viet- demonstrating against Co- we demand complete communi- same student group. ministers of toe Interior, |e- which has an effect on toe eco- FREE ESTIMATES 742-8822 paoked with two nuclear-pow- nuclear powered generators, the namese In two fights near Khe lumbia's expansion In the com- ty control of toe community de- Truman charged, “tonight’s fense and transportation, along nomic lUe^of the country and on Y Get rid of every ered generators, was iHirposely spokesman said, "were de- Sanh village, toe command post munlty. velopment and comunlty af- lUegal act started on toe cam- with top police officials. the employment situation.” R.R. #3 Box 113 Coventry, 06238 destroyed over the FacUlc signed and tested to withstand of an enemy regiment. Six Ma- The confrontation, which fairs.” pus iteelf, with toe same student The post office checking sys- Gorse, who appeared short of leaders whipping up the stu- tern stopped paying out money Ocean two minutes after liftoff ocean impact and sea water rtoes were kiHed and 24 wound- marked the second time in 18 They occupied a shabby, red sleep, did not give any details dents and outsiders.' ’ in Marseille because of a short­ today, a U.S. Space Agency corrosion to case of such an ed. days toat Columbia had called brick six-story tenement on on what toe government plana single dandelion age of funds and residents were >qwk»«mBn said. abort North Vietnamese ground fire In police to rout trespassers, 114th street. They charged toe One of toe students taken into to do to stem toe uni%st. reported withdrawing money The 1,260-pound observatory, “Extensive tests have shown brought down a Marine A4 Sky- was over In less than a half university with using harrasslng a police van in toe raid was Personnel of the state-run ra­ (or your money back) Mark Rudd, chairman of toe from toe state savings bank. dio and television networks third and heaviest In toe $200- toat under ocean conditions toe hawk supporting American hour as the demonstrators sur- tactics to - that "tote act of criminal tree- (gee Page Fborteen) Poor People’s Campaign says Pear on lumber compqnlee." New 1968 styles in 2-piece, 1-piece and Hi/ that even though It’s almost He said several lumber corn- bikini styles. First quality with original No-Quibble Guarantee w broke, it plam to more than panles had ag;reed to provide 1M2 CHEVY II CONVERTIBLE vui ^ double toe population of toe na- construction materials. He did 6 cylinder, nationally famous labels you’ll recognize. If for any reason you are not tion’s capital with a million- uot elaborate, automatic, radio. " pleased with the results of t u r f ,, member demonstration on Me- Hut he did say: “We’re going M95 to build toe city regardless of Price-ticketed by manufacturer from ’* BUILDER PLUS 2, Simply send your ^ mortal Day. Only French Ever Thought Paris Ideal for Talks the c o s t." 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $20.00 to $80.00 each! Now $12.90. sales slip to Scotts, Marysville, ^ Organizers of toe camp-in agree that after only one week Lafayette’s assistant, deputy 2-Door Sedan. ReiAF* VW Ohio 43040, and a refund check ^ The London Obeerver The Americans this time are French diplomat, who has competence. They have set up a Horrimon, the chief American coordinator Anttaony Henry, Blac^, radio. in Washington, they are faced \J/ 'w ill be in the mail to you promptly. ^ PARIS—Only toe French have again at toe Hotel Citilon, recently visited Hanoi, said press room In toe Crillon Hotel, negotiator, even If they are wito a crisis of less money and said toe can^ialgn was only toat the North Vietnamese $200,OCX) short. w ever thought Parte toe Ideal 'w h ere they stayed In 1919. And which Is toe size of a transat­ puzzled toat toe Americans more peoiSe to core for than prime minister almost has tears lantic liner, and supplied It with should have chosen, for what A lb eit OoUln, a cam p con­ 'iu \\i/ \w mu 1 1 \\i/ w \wi \\i/ w Ml/ WII WII wu wii \wi w ptace for peace talks. As long JouRialtot Walter lippraiann, they had anticipated. 19M RAMBLER STATION WAGON In his eyes when he recalls the neat rows of typewriters and is certain to be an exhausting struction official, listed the top ago as 1814, Lord casU ereagh, who was toero then Is on hand Beyond that, however. It’s im­ FOB MEN ONLY: view of Notre Dame from toe stacks of maps of Paris, A and maybe a protracted nego­ cost of the settlement at the British foreign secretary, again now. possible to find two otMcials of 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. •595 Flirst Quality windows of toe Tour d’Argent, sleek offleial wearing a white tiation, an old fellow of 76 who $600,000, and Lafayette later sold that "Paris is a bad place Had he been here, Sir Harold one of toe best restaiuranto In polo-neck sweater hands out Chilean Leader- j,g assumed, perhaps 8 Name-Brand authorized dealer does not hear too well. How­ for bueinees.’’ The late Sir. Har­ Nlcolaon would surely have Paris. In the latin quarter there press badges with a pleased-to- ship Conference who agree on wrongly, that when an aide told 1963 PLYMOUTH VALIANT old Nicholson, surveying toe ever, the old fellow has arriv­ Just how big a hole toe cam- been confirmed In his view. Stu­ are two streets with Vietnamese have-you-wito-ua smile. ed here looking 10 years young­ him $8 million was needed to shattered fragments ot toe paign seems to be In, VlOO, 4-Door Sedan. 6 cytindei''. O il A C SWIM dents rioting; travelers In toe , restaurants every few years. At The Vietnamese seem less er than his age: lightly tanned, “pull Us out of toe hole . . the QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL Treaty of VerseiUes, wrote that whetoer toe financial pinch has thg g„„ hogging standard transmission. metro weeping from police tea^ one of them toe menu Includes pleased. Callers at No- 2 Rue fit-looking, with that rangy, con­ TRUNKS ‘fFoits, In any oircumstaiKes, gas seeping down through the pho soupe hanoi, (onions, put it in any danger of founder- is too self-«onsoious, to insist­ Leverrier, a quiet house in a cave appearance of the good shafts; and 2,000 International noodles and beef) and hu tien comparative backwater, get a 1962 OLDS. STATION WAflON ent, to constitute a favorable guy in a western movie; easy . SCLC sent its comptroller, CommunicationB men swamp­ soupe eaigonnatee, (noodles, cross Asian face behind a and confident, with the pink _ ^ e c^ p al^ coontoator james Harrison, up from Atlan- Dyiuunic 88. 9 passenger, V-8, automatic, O C A C *375 site tor any congress of peace." ing toe bars in the hotels where onions and pork). They are wrought-lron grille. This is their lozenge of his hearing aid safe­ T ^ Rev. Bernard Lafayette, In- to check on toe figures. Har- power braked, power steering, radio. 3 # 0 Beg. RetaU The ghosts of toe unfortunate the plenlpotentiarlee are stay­ very alike. Paris legation. The door Is not ly in position behind his left slfted af a news ^ e ^ c e F^^^ riaon gaid he would have no from 18. to $8. peacem akers o f 1919 are stir­ ing—none of this exactly as­ Thousands of Vietnamese, opened ; and no one knows any­ ear. 1 If needed gtatement until he had exam- ring here too. The talks aie tak­ sists in toe creation of toe 1964 CORVAIR MONZA SPYDER from north as well as south, live thing about the Hanoi dele­ The reason everyone feels Just to finish buHdlng toe ply- hied toe records, ing place in toe vast, drab and cafan and privacy toat serious gation’s plans. The delegation It­ wood huts of "Resurrection Caty _ ... . , t. ^ 2-Door Coupe. OX AC here; several hundred of them confidence In Harrlman is toat ornate foraner Hotel MaJeeUc, peace negotiations demand. One greeted toe North Vietnamese self is desperately badly sited U. S. A." that now houses about °"® *^’® campalp’a basic dnspeed transmission, radio. #9 which was where the British day last week the taxis were he has, for over 20 years, main­ 600 demonstrator* near toe Lin- Prableros-mort people tlum It delegation on its arrival. The in toe Lutetia Hotel on the left tained a consistent, rational, delegation was housed in 1919. on strike; another day toe bank, toe riot area. TTie police coin Memorial counted on—was evident. principal Bouthast Aslan official yet unUlusloned attitude toward Another 1,000 people from toe The French have given toe dead postal services; and the tele­ are determined to stop any riots RETAIL SALESROOM at toe French Foreign Office, tbe Communist world, ever But whUe he named toe h^i- MUhveet were d ^ today, add- and overheated conference phone lines to toe French [^reading across toe Seine to Etienne ManaoTi a Breton, is since he was talking in. Moscow est inoney «p r ^ He also i^ t - ^g to toe 900 who a rri^ ^ rooms a Ugfatnlng facelift, put Foreign Office have been out Jokingly said to speak with a toe right bank, with toe result down yards of vermUk» car­ of order. Then there was a gen­ to Stalin. He is both patient and \ New England Friday and toe TED TRUDON. Inc. Vietnamese accent. Tbe small, that at times tMs week they wUl got everything necessary to ,40 ftom Chicago Thilroday. eral strike Monday. persistent, with unrivaled ex­ VOLKSWAGEN — PORSCHE pet, installed vonloada of shiny delicate, smiling Vietnamese have barred toe route from toe carry this cam^lj^ through, I houii^ in' green rubber plaMts and spiky perience; and hte age has this It Is toe Americans who may seem strange to toe Ameri­ Lutetia to toe talks center. ^ e given rto too^ t to f^ure g^ea churches wWle workmen palms, and hung up a batch of advantage: that he can conduct Route 88 — TidlBnd Turnpike — TalcottviUe ROOSEVELT MILLS seem the strangers hei«. After cans and to tbe British, but they Tho man here who gives ev­ this negotiation entirely free bewuse we d ^ t Intend to taU." huUd more tent-shaped plywood 336 NORTH MAIN ST., MANCHESTER ponderous, iTth-oentiny tapes­ Phone 649-2838 215 E. MAIN ST. ROCKVILLE EXIT 98 Off RT. 15-84 all, the French and toe Viet­ are very familiar to the French, eryone on the International from any possibility of political Tbe Rev. Ralph David Aber^ huts tries in an altemplt to dignUy namese know each other very nathy, SCLC president, told a TEL 649-5258 The American team gives off conference circuit a warm and (On the Misnehester-Vernon Line) Opwn Mon. thru Sat. till 5:30 — W td., Thurs. & Fri. NighH till 9 P.M. (hem . well. A aeiUor and respected an air of easy opulence and optimistic feeling Is Averell (Bee Page Seven) newB conference In Albuqc- (See Page IMrteea) • . T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 #? ' ■ Sheinwold un Bridge water damage. Woritmen oon- •romise Possible "New Rochelle tlnued construction of another BIRD-UKS PEJIP LOHB8 addition even as more than CONTR A C T NORTH 100 firemen with II pieces of In Garbage Contract By ALFRED SHEXNWMJD 4 10942 Business Bodies School Fire equipment were fighting toe The blue bower bird of Z> 8 5 3 blase. Town Manacflr Robert Weiss said yesterday that no Australia is careful to steal onljs 0 A53 TWO PROMOTED decision has been reached on the ftmnula for a garbage from Ids friends. Bbice birds 4^ 10 5 2 BURR BUYS FARM Said Work Hke that would feel right at WEST EAST Two Manchester area men Buit Nurseries of Manchester m d refuse pickup contract for Manchester for tte next has purchased toe Aberle farm flBcal year—^wh^her by bid or by negotiation, home with us, I am raising 4 KJ8 4 765 have received promotions In the Town Doctors ^ Q6 J 1097 2 of 110 acres on Billings Rd. in O f Arsonists more more more ------funds to give them bridge les­ caoualty-property departmenlt sons. Send donations to this 0 109 8 74 O 6 at 1110 Travelers, Hairtford. Somers for increased produc­ In A cadem y He Mid many problama .onnel they must mipply. K 6 4 A Q987 tion and a building of 26,000 NEW ROCHELLE. N.Y. (AP) remaindbmAin to be worked Aaedout andA m* ^ * “ * column, earmarking them for Robert R. Sklenar of f06 The directors, on the basis square feet for stoittge. —New Rochelle's high school Four Manchester doctors have mat a declaion ia atm in tte our Australian friends. SOUTH Diane Dr., W ap^ng 'was named that they favor open bidding Hie acquisition of the facili­ was severely damkged by an been re-elected to active mem­ talktng atage. Opening lead — ten of dia­ 4 AQ3 awiartant eystems director In and yet have insufficient time monds. Z> AK4 the ayMema dlvMon. ty will enable Burr, a 70-yeor- Incendiary fire that raged out bership in toe American Aca­ The Board ol Directora met to do so this year, may decide old. wholesale nursery, to ex­ West opened the ten of dia­ 0 KQJ2 of control for hours Friday. Au­ demy of General Practice, toe Tueaday night in executive aea- . of Mtocheater expires June under a renegotiated cost fig­ ’This was a strange line of play much 08 $8 million In damages. TEEN DIRECTOR The school board, meeting in Re-election signifies that toe M. The proposed bid waiver ure, and to Invite bids next for a man who had never been then sure of four diamonds, ^ o Miss Andrea Takls of Eqst emergency session, postponed physician has successfully com­ would p e i^ t the town to ne­ year, for tlie fiscal year begin­ either a bird or an Australian. ning July 1, 1869. spcules, two hearts and one Longmeadow, Meiss., has been pleted 160 hours of accredited gotiate a new contract with West won with the king of daases for the 3,000 high sriiool club. appointed Teen. Fashion Direc­ students until Tuesday, when postgraduate medical study in Anthony BotUcello, owner of The one-year extension may spades and led another dia­ South might have made his tor for all toe Davidson and they hope to have completed ar- the last three years. The Aca­ Sanitary Refuae. be under the existing terms or mond. South won and hopefully contract If he had led a low Leventhal stofes in OonnecUout. rangenents for temporary class­ demy, founded In 1947 and head­ Since no bid waiver was ap­ under amended terms. led the ace of spades. The jack club Instead of hastily cashing rooms. quartered in Kansas City, Mo., proved Tuesday night, it appears At present, garbage and refuse didn’t drop, and South eventual­ the ace of q;>ades, but the line Is toe country’s second lEUgest that the directors lead toward are picked up twice a week — ly took his eight tricks and gave There have been a series of of i^ay Is very complicated. national medical association. open bidding rather than nego­ garbage in the back yards, up the ghost. racial incidents at the school, tiation, for a new contract. with the containers left there; Ground Broken for P&WA Employe Club Sure, simple plays are best. but authorities said they did not South had stolen only from his Dally Question However, because July 1, the and refuse at the curb, with the partner by the way he played beleve racial tension was res­ This is a model of the 23,000 square-foot Pratt and . spring. The facility, which will be of brick construc­ Partner opens with 2-N T(22 beginning of the 19M-69 fiscal containers brought out and re­ the hand. There was no need ponsible for toe fire. It was toe Labor Force Larger Whitney employe recreation club for which ground tion and fully air conditioned, will house the club’s to 24 points), and the next play­ year, la only six weeks away, turned by the homeowners. to hope for good luck in spade third fire in toe school within a UNITED NATTONB, N.Y.—A administrative offices, rooms for a variety of in­ er passes. Tou hold: Spades, K- the time appears too short for Suggestions have been made was broken this week in East Hartford. Financed since the contract was safe week Eind police aaid toe first United Nations study estimates J-8; Hearts, Q-6; Diamonds, 10- seeking bids. I^clficatlons for retaining the twice-weekly door recreational activities, showers and locker against any defense. tAVo were deliberately set also. that 1.3 billion people, or about largely by club funds, the facility is to be located 9-8-7-4: dnbs, K-g.4. must be drawn, the bids must backyard garbage pickup; but rooms and a large general purpose meeting rxxHn The flames broke out In the 43 per cent of toe world’s pcq>- on dement Rd., in a section bounded roughly by Set Up Trick What do you ssiyT be advertised, mid bidders must for reducing the curb, refuse equipped with a stage and motion picture projection South should set up a t^ d e older central section of ulatlon, are “ economically ac­ be given sufficient time to de­ pickup to once a week, or even Silver I ^ e and the Wilbur Cross Parkway. Adja­ booth. The room aflso can be used for a variety of Answer; Bid 4-NT. This asks the school In an exclusive resi­ tive" — that Is, they work. Be­ trick In dummy, keeping the partner to bid a slam with 24 termine vdiat vehicles and per- once every two weeks. cent t» it on the 19^re, fenced tract of land will be sports and exercising. For the convenience of club ace of diamonds as an eventual Robert B. SUeaar Mrs. Elizabeth J. Everett, owner of Peek A Boutique Jewelry bed of sea weed with treated driftwood handles, necklaces dential section before classes tween 1960 and 1960, toe world’s points but to pass with only 22. Store, 747 Main St., drapes mannequin with jewelry. Mrs. a parking area, tennis courts, softball diamonds, members, the facility will contain a drive-in window entry to Uiat trick. Declarer from France, and wood statues from Ecuador, llie store is began. The new science wing labor force increased by nearly With 28 points he may use his Anthony R. cyNeiU of 33 Hill­ horseshoe pits and areas for handball and ba^in- wins the first diamond In his Everett who opened her store May 2 has on display a variety open Monday through Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from was saved, although it suffered 160 million. where tickets to shows, theaters and other special judgment. top Ave., Vernon was appointed of items including gifts in velvet, such os card cases and Coventry ton. Construction is expected to be completed next hand, cashes the ace of spades 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. attractions can be obtained. Gopyriglit 1968 aujierinitendent in rthe commer­ Eind telephone address books, also bsir accessories boxed on a and then leads the queen of (Herald photo by Buceivlctus) General Featnres Oorp. cial lines marketing divlslDn. sjiades to West’s king. South Windsor West le^ds another diamond and' Sons. This award is based Parma restaurant, Hartford. at toe Middletown-Central of­ tern built for toe world’s larg­ Town Voters to Act THEATER TIME (as good a defense as any), and on toe high quality of milk pro­ Smith, a Meter Reader and fice and was named loan Inter- est commercial jetliner has PAVING SCHEDULE South must again win in his duced in accordance with rigid Inspector with toe Commission, 'vlewer there last year. been delivered by Hamilton MAINAGE^XCAVATION own hand. South gives up a standards and low bacteria joins toe 115 member group who Standard to The Boeing Co. counts. have completed a quarter den- EQUIPMENT RENTAL On Budget Monday CRPA Drops Alternate Rt. 5 Burnside — Graduate 7:06, spade to the Jack, and can win for installation on the 747 tury of service with toe MDC, • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 9:10. the next diamond In dummy to Andrea Takls transport. The system will be Hie p r o b l^, s involved------In menits In modifying the regular Thousands of people using the umema Mon. Ihni FH. 7:00-8:68 STATE CHAIRMAN toe public water supply and The article in toe presenta­ capable of air-conditioning 8,- • RESIDENTIAL The adjourned annual town Wednesdays and 10 a.m. Satur­ Cinema 1 — The Fox 7 :16, cash the ten of spades. He is Sat.-8«aa 8:60-8:46- federal yid state highway tranapoirbatlOTi plan for edop- route dally ■will be Inconvenlenc- 9 :30. Miss Takls will promote a (Tharles M.' Blllmyer of 8 sewerage agency for Greater tion of a 25-year pin to Anthony 000 cubic feet of air a minute PRICE QUALITY and SERVICE ASSURED days at the local Plains Athletic 6d8-7dW-0:10 meeting will be held at 7 :80 p.m. grants ha' closer relationship between Thayer Rd. has been elected Hartford. O'Bright of toe Manchester Post and oomplertely change the air by Oallkig Field. lye forced the Capitol *>y- the 1-91 expansion. It’s State — Dr. Zhivago Bod I Monday at Coventry High School Region Planning’ lannlng Agency to “ •PPivprtate locationlocaMon forlor onlyoiuy logicallogicai tolo build nuiia ahan alternate 8 :30. FIRST BUN High School students and the chairman of toe Connecticut Office last Sat. failed to explain inside toe cabin every three and Meeting on Nursery Section of The Institue of FEATURED IN AD a half minutes. to adopt a budget for the town’s I. , 4 eiopceaswpy woidd be In the route flret” , Kwelder malntaln- U.A. Theater—No Way To D&L stores, and she will co­ that the award was a NationeJ An parents of nursery school abandon Its plans tor the con^ meadow, according to the South ed. Electrical and Electronic Engi­ Theodore R. Cummings, pre­ THOMAS COLLA Treat A Lady 6:36, 7:20, 9:10. INTENSE Susptni* . I NO ordinate all teen activities, such Safety Cfouncil award for 25 fiscal year from July 1 to June age children interested in hav­ ol o Ptychelle SironnUrl neers. He is a partner and Chief sident of Ted Cummings In­ Connecticut Construction Corp. G43*986S struction of an alternate ex- Windsor findings. This Is at ’The 'Transportation Commit- Bast Hartford Drive-Iri—Mad- as fashion shows, special years of expert driving and for Life still thrives on Bikini, a so', 1969. ing their children attend nur­ WAY TO Electrical Engineer on toe con­ surance Inc. was featured In pressway paralleling Rt. 6. tributed___ to a lack ^ o f , Interfer------. tee’s decision to change Its mind Igan 10:00; Matter of Innocence events, fashion promotions and exceptional safe driving per­ Pacific atoll that has wlQustood Also scheduled for action are sery classes are urged to attend TREAT sulting engineering firm of Van toe May 13 issue of Sports Il­ The proposed alternate ex- present and nntlci- occurred after consultaUons 8:16. an all new teen fashion board formance. mote than 20 nuclear explo> these transfers within the 1967- a meeting at 8 p.m. Monday A LADY Zelm, Heywood & Shadford lustrated magazine. Mr. Cum­ “'alons.' pressT#ay would have served as parted lapd use of the proposed vvith State Highway officials. East Windsor Drive-In— No which will' be in full swing for 68 budget; That $8,000 be trans­ of the South Coventry Coopera­ , toe back-to-school season this which he joined in 1961. mings, who lives at 87 Lawton a detour while 1-91 was being “A completely new Rt. 6 Ex- Way To TreatxMcai a A l Lady* 10:46; ferred from the trenching ac­ tive Nursery and Kindergarten Rd., was (Hted on an Aetna In­ Kaman Aircraft announced improved, asoo well won asao Hervuigserving Uleadow docatton would pressway probably could not be Hurry Sundown 8:16. fall. The Connecticut Section has count to the social security ac­ at the Nathan Hale Community 2900 members and includes surance Co. advertisement for that a modified UH-2C Sea- the town of South Windsor an3 prevent the Isolation of the built before 1974 at the earliest, Manchester Drive-In—Hour of sprite helicopter, carrying an count; that $000 from trenching Center. A decision wlU be made NEW SECRETARY various Technical Groups in­ his skill in helping people build and $600 from the cemetery up­ at the meeting whether the I’its - neighbors. old Main St., and keep this too late to alleviate the already The Gun 8:20; Yours, Mine And EXCLUSIVE SHOWING external load 3,600 pounds John L. Pickens of 206 Fer­ volved on all aspects of Elec­ sound financial security and for keep funds, totaling $1,200 be school is to continue as a nur­ Federal funds would be lost, large resHenittal section from pressing and dangerous traffic Ours 10:20. above toe design gross weight guson Rd. has been elected a trical Engineering from Power his outstanding service to transferred to the dog license sery school in September. Those however. If the conritnction of being cut off from the rest of problems on 1-91, the commit of a standard twin-engine UH- m ilS T and the 4-w.._ town, it--the report L finds4,-^ reported Thursday night. ANNEHlBWOObs^ secretary of the Hartford Fire Generation to Micro-wave clients. ftind and tbat $1,400 be trans­ unable to attend may call Mrs. 1-91 as proposed by the State SUNDAY 2C made a successful flight this ’Ilie Sourth Windsor report, Insurance Co. and Hartford Ac­ Theory, ferred from trenching to the Stillman Shaw. Highway Department was post­ “The possible loss of federal Burnside — Graduate 7:06, week. The flight represented a also approved by .the ’IVxwn SET BACK Coventry Police account. poned In favor of drawing up aid funds already authorized 9 : 10. Anthony R. (FNeUI cident and Indemnity (3o. BoUi record high in gross weight in Friendly Circle Ride Council, asks corsiderartlon be The Board of Finance is rec­ plans for an alternate Rt. 6, for 1-91 If the widening of the Cinema 1—The Pox 7 ;16, 9 :30. f4 S r WINDSOR companies are members of the a Kaman built Helicopter. The BWendly Circle of the given Id all methods of good de­ Shown Dedly at 7 ;16 & 9 :30 SIdenar, a nartive of Omelm, ommending consideration slid the CRPA Transportation Corn- route is not completed prior to State—Dr. Zhivago 1:80, 6:00, DRIVr IN A r RT 6 Hartford Insurance Oroi^. Card Party First Ckmgregational Church sign including the inveetigurtion 8:30. Sat. 1:30-3:20-6:10-7:80-10:00 Neb., and a 1956 graduate of action on these special funds: will leave at 7:80 p.m. Tuesday mlttee has been told, by the June 30, 1972 could mean a tha University o f Omaha, join­ The American Standard Prod­ U.A. Theater — No Way To Sun. 1:30-3:20-6:10-7:16-9:30 Sponsored By French That the fund entitled “ Capital from the church to go on a State Highway Department. mudhW^e^cosrrthe^^e' First Area Showing! ed tile company in 1958 as an ucts Inc. of Hartford won the Treat A Lady 2:00, 3:45, 6:36, Improvement Fund,” totaling, CRPA reprewntaUves coiiae ® ^ ‘I*® com iW ee noted as a p r iL Advance Tickets aaatstant field underwriter art award for “ Small Business Sub­ mystery ride. ence with access to ,the remain- reason for Its declaion. 7:20, 9:10. Club o f Manelwster $l,lll.29, plus interest accrued quenUy voted Thursday night to meadowland and the Con- Iks ISTaas Tickets may be purchased Omaha end dn 1962 moved to contractor of toe Year’’ In toe East Hartford, Drive-In—Mad- since June 30, 1967 be trans­ BlanohMter Evening Herald support the present schedule of nootlcut Rlvor Itself The majority of comments re­ for Saturday evening Denver, Ooilo. The following Northeastern Area at special igan 8:16; Matter of Innocence shows after 1:00 P.M. on ferred from the General Fund Coventry correspondent, F. the State Highway Department, South Windsor aJsr«aowi«f» Committee, however, agree with _ . ^ home office as an administra­ Building on Washington’s Cap- for Capital and Non-Recurring from Hartford to Windsor and as much as noqnihiA *^® need for a' new ex- Windsor Drive-In — No tive assistant and In 1967 was ltd Hill Wednesday. Most of Expenditures.” the conatrucUon of 1-291 from of toe m T a C ^ ^ thA pressway to pamUel Rt. 5 east Way -To ^ e a t A Lady 8:16; No one under 18 admitted American Standard’s products Y -----1 r 7r TY-.J jucttuuws ana me wet- Adult IdenWicatlon Required promoted to staff administra­ Also that'the total amount of 1-91 east to the BtoseJlBlsaell BridgeBrtdcre ,andsi._ a_ contained__. .. in toe meadows. the Oannectlcut River as an Hurry Sundown 10:16. tive assistaht. are supplied to major aircraft lORAMaE HALL addition to the expansion o f Manchester Drive-In— Hour 6th RECORD the fund entitled “ School F>md- Cubs to Hold O’Neill, a 1963 graduate of and missile manufacturers hold-' MANCHESTER Dlstrict No. 10“ of $1,940.80, plus **^^*^^ Multi-town Support I-Oa. Of The Gun 10:30; Yours, Mine BBEAKINO WEEK ing prime government contracts. PubMo Is Invited! The agency also agreed to south Windsor’s moposal re­ And Ours 8:20. the University of Maryland, interest accrued since June 80, recommend toe establishment celved support from toe ma i A S r HAH f f OHO ' , came to The Travelers In 1963 1967, be made a trust for educa­ Olympic Day The first air-conditioning sys- by toe State fflgh w ^ Depart- jority of towns represented UrvuvIDus l^s^lNEM A 1 ' and was named engineer in the tional purposes for the benefit ment of a high priority for a Thursday night _oovtimoil »T. IKtT TO miw »T. BE SURE . . . BUSS has been serving the Home A track and field day for Cub commercial lines marketing dl- of the school or schools nearest 'vdslon. In 1965 he was appoint­ Owner for 86 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ Scouts in the Blackledge Dis­ completely new expressway cRPA Secretary Stanlev Phone 628-2210 to the limits of formerly exist­ ed assistant supervising en­ trict, designated as Cub Scout facility paralleling U. S. 6 east Leven of West HarSard describ^ EASTHARTFORD SPECTION of your home by a Termite Control ing District No. 10. gineer and two years later was Olympic Day, will be held to­ ®** the Main St. area of South ORIVF IN ★ Rib Expert, supervised by the finest technical staff, The budgets recommended by promoted to supervising en­ morrow starting at 1:30 p.m. at CRPA further recommended Windsor as “ one of toe most at- phone our nearest local offloe: the Board of Finance total ap­ toe expressway connector from tractive areas in toe state I gineer. He was named assis- GERANIUMS Mt. Nebo Field. Registration tfceoJsw R . Cammlngs propriations of $1,612,008 with toe m ^ a s t e r to ^ g St m wouldn’t want to see it cut off temt superintendent last year. T Chairman C. Peter VanDine es­ will be at 1 p;m. Charles M. BOlitiyer Bast Hartford be designed as town” A graduate of toe Unlverrity ANNUAt^ - PETUNIAS - ASTERS timating a 66.1 to a 06.7 tax mill Members of more than 16 an integral part or the new Rt. William,Kweder of Enfield be- 4«i MONTH! PtEASE llH f RpBIWSlWB DECANTER OFFERED Blllmyer graduated from toe of Comiecticut, Cummings is rate. packs in the district are expect­ 649-9240 6 expressway with temporary moaned the “ unfortunate chairman of toe Manchester De­ OOP Women’s Arts Sbow ed to compete in the track and Watkins Bros, is featuring toe University ol Rhode Island in access-egress points as neces- economic dictates of federal Franklin Delano Roosevelt de­ Jobn L. Pickens 1950 with a B. S. In engineer­ mocratic Town Committee, a MARIGOLDS - ALYSSUM - ETC. The Republtoan Woman’s C3ub field day. After an opening cere­ sary. grants. Our backs are up against canter, at Its Main St. store, the ing and earned his Masters de- former member of Manchester of Coventry will have Its annual mony by Cub Pack 144 of South Windsor Amendment THE Pickens, who was elected as­ GOOD SELECTION OF: toe wall’’ he stated. 'The 1-91 second in a series of limited ed­ g;ree in electrical engineering Board of Directors, and Man­ BUSS TEKHITE CONTROL CORP. arts and crafts show from 10 Keeney Street School under the ’Hie repreeentatlvee also pass­ sistant secretary lit August Department ■ ition presidential commemora­ in 1952 at toe same school. chester Board of Education. aan. to 4 psn. June 1 at Coven­ direction of ’Theunls Werkhoven, ed a xiroposed amendment from 1967, is now director of engi­ DIV. OP HISS IXnilM INATOR CO., INC. • K T . 1882 \ GRADUATE tive decanters. He moved to Manchester in try High School. Anycme inter­ the scouts will participate in South Windsor, suggested by neering after ha'ving returned SHflUBS - VARIOUS POTTED PLANTS \ t h e f u n n i e s t The first in tMs series was a 1963 and was Sales Engineer FINANCE OFFICER The Oldest and Larg«|it in Conn. ested In making homemade arti­ the races which include- a 3- Sourth Windsor Planning Cbm- „ \ MOST TOUOHINa to the home office after six MANCHESTER CENTER decanter commemorating the for Westinghouse and The Elec­ David A. Doremus ol 47 N. cles for the boutique booth is legged race, stick race, old mission chairman and ORPA \ FILM OF THE years as engineering superin­ CEMETERY BASKETS AND - 6 4 3 - 7 8 3 2 late President John F. Kennedy trical Supplies Co. jn Hartford Elm St. has been named instal­ asked to call eitther Mrs. Jack clothes race, sack race, peanut representartlve Joseph Carino. y e a r : tendent In the Pacific depart­ Hofanea of FVirge Rd. or Mrs. race and relay race. A special ’The amendment calls for FRII PARKING REAR Of THIATCt was offered last November by ment. until 1961. He also taught eve­ ment finance officer at toe Hart­ j>onBrd Benjamin of Noith- event will be held for all Den CRPA to transmit to the Srtarte Sat. and Sun. Box Office Open at 12:30 “Doctor Zhivago’’ al^l:8()-5:00-8:80-Mon. and Tuea. 8 DRIW , TJfAII toe store. ning classes in electronic funde- ford National Bank and Trust CONTAINERS | | eld Rd. Mothers and committee mem­ Highway Department the rec- The F.D.R. decanter has been WIN HOOD AWARDS mentals at toe University of Co. The announcement was Mrs. Howard Hanson an­ bers. ommendaiUons of Sourth Wind­ produced in a green artisan Certfflcate winners for toe Hartford from 1959 to 1960. made Wednesday by Hartford Blllmyer served as Treasurer National chairman David C. nounces enhantB to date Include In the event of Inclement sor’s Ptanning and Zoning Com­ glass with an iridescent finish'. 1967 Hood Producer Quality Rec­ JOIN THE FUN for the Institute In 1966. Hewitt. Mrs. Ronald Aronson, a bou­ weather, the Olympic Day mission concerning the location Zhivago’s love forLara...told against BURNSIDE On toe face of toe decanter Is ognition Program of H.P. Hood 580 flURNSIDl AVE EASI HADUnk'! Doremus attended toe Univer­ tique exhibit; Bernard Schnei­ event will be rescheduled for of the ew Rit. 5 In the Connecti­ PANAVISION'COUR toe profile of Roosevelt and and Sons include Paul Kralovich McConville’s der, crayon and pencil sketches; cut River Meadows. FREE PARKING 578 etched on toe reverse side is the of Andover, Abraham Plotrkow- 26-YEAB MAN sity of Connecticut before join­ May 26 at 1:30 p.m. at Mt. the fiiry and terror of revolunon! Roger A. Smith of 149 ing Hartford National’s time AT THE D&L Annie Delano, paintings; Caih- Nete Field. It also instructs CRPA*s phrase from his first Inaugural ski and Joseph Szegda of Colum­ Address: “ We have nothing to Florence St. was inducted into paymenrt loan department In 19- leen McLain, Stained glass Jew­ 'Hieunis W^fkhoven, chair­ TranspoirtaiUon Committee to bia, Wellsway Farm of Hebron, GREENHOUSES AND FLORIST fear but fear Itself.” and Pella Bros, of Manchester. the Metropolitan District Com­ 62. Completing his studies at elry, wall plaques and window man of Pack 144 of Keeney consider South Windsor’s com- Hood Quality Certificates are mission employes’ 26-Year Club Boston University between 1964 COMMUNITY ROOM ornaments; June Luques, pot­ Street School, is chairman of The Roosevelt decanter Is on 302 WOODBRIDGE ST.—649-5947 awarded annually to producers at the organlzatlon’sS annual and 1966, he returned to toe tery making; Mrs. Raymond the Olympic Day. He Is being sale at Your Gift-Gallery, Wat­ Make The Scene shipping their milk to H.P. Hood banquet Tuesday night at toe bank as a field representative OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAY Clark, oil painting, and Mary- assisted by Reginald Christen­ FUN kins. TUESDAY, M AY 21 beth Wedbeig, jewelry In cer- sen of Pack 144, Red Madsen Police Arrests IS iYOGA—1 P.M. Frank Zonafis of New Haven, instructs classesl amios and silver. of Pack 64, Mike Davis, Mark ★ TONIGHT! .★ iof Yoglc exercise and breathing. Learn complete reLaxartlon.1 Baseball Schedules Begin and Raymmd Hovey of Leonard P. Monroe, 22, of iMr. Zai afle has been a Yogi tor four years and studied underf Little League baseball games Pack 143 and John Grimes of ISwatnl 'Vislhnu Devenanda ot Canada. scheduled for the week at the Pack 148 from Glastonbury. Bolton was charged with oper­ FULLY IHalns Athletic FVeld, at 2 p.m. The event is open to the ating a motor vehicle so as to SiBxJays and 6 p.m. weekdays: public. •* cause excessive noise today at INSURED WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 American League, Sunday, Rol- 1 ;20 a.m. after being stopped by TRA'VEL FILM—7:30 P.M. Films from the Daniels Ttavel to’s, vs Lakeside; Monday, Al­ a patrolman at toe Center. He FOB —featuring— Agency take you on a tour of sports oh over the worid. len’s vs Bidweirs; Thursday, Student Gets 'Will appear in Manchester Cir­ Far from the guns of w ar... two lovers alonel Zhivago lives only for his wife Tonya.. until He sees Lara| UNDER FUR STORAGE CAC vs Lakeside, and May 24, cuit Court 12 May 27. 21 Direct from Mlsquamlcut RoUo’s vs Allen’s. ’ MAHRC Grant Ross D. Vdbberts, 21, of 46 • THURSDAY, MAY 23 Also, National League, Sun­ Delmont St., was charged 'with Dancing "THE GROUPE" and IBRIDGE LESSONS— 1 P.M. Mrs. Carol Graham o f New Lon- day, Nathan Hale vs. Nick’s Miss Nancy Welbust, daugh­ operating a motor vehicle so as SPECIAL Each idon, instruertor, life master in the Amenlotui Contract Bridge Esso; Monday, Tomm’s 6A10 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth to cause excessive noise today LIMITED Night 'THE DEEP BLEUGH" ■League Standings. vs. ZoUo’s; Thursday, Mor- Welbust of 76 Bowers St., re­ art 1 :16 a.m. after being stopped 8-12 p.m. Make The “ George” scene every weekend! ■CAKE DEOQRATING — 7:30 P.M. Tranafoim an ordinBry neau’s vs. Nick’s Esso and June cently received a $100 scholar­ by a patrolman on Center St. ENGAGEMENT! Payer cake into a masterpiece with decorarting tricks taugbt 24, Nathan Hale vs. Tomm’s ship from the Manchester As­ He will appear in court May 27. of the 66 TOLLAND TPHE. A ^O H E STE R iby Mrs. Ruth Connolly. Students learn by aOVial parUc^iaAloii. 5ftxl0. sociation for toe Help of Retard- Elmer J. Whdtford, 19, of 29 Academy Beginners play at 6 p.m. od Children (MAHRC). She is Durant St. was charged with Award­ a sophomore at Leelle College, winning FRIDAY, MAY 24 passing in a no passing zone af­ spectacle... 8 Boston, and majoring in special ter a cruiser patrolman alleged­ §INVESTME!NT SERIES— 7:30 PJd. Informative lecture about featuring ilnveatmcnts and securirties is given tcmdght by Mr. Harry Zim- education. ly observed him cross a double the haunting 2302 APR'68 M.P. 43 X « m Copy Sarriee She served as publicity chair­ yellow line and pass two cars music of TONIGHT — A LL COLOR |mennan, a registered represenrtartlvo with Putnam, Coffin A MANCHESTER |Burr of Hartford, members o f the New York Stock Exchange. man for toe freshman class at. wWle operating his motorcycle 'Lara's D n I V h - [ N S i n t B u d — Pina Top Aotton H it ■d Supply, feM. Leslie and is a member of toe on West Center St. at 6:60 a.m. Thefne” We’ll pamper your furs Lord Newark Society at the today. He will appear In court •MHuitfMTdBd., 1 June 3. The lovely Lara submits to the man SATURDAY, MAY 25 school; Only the best will do for your precious She served as a councilor at she despisesi rmMBALLHEWffFDWDA ISTORYLAND BX3R CHILJjRBN—2 P.M. Boys and giris ages Camp Kennedy for two years. furs. Air-conditioned storage here pro­ |rwr through seven may attend this story and arts and (urafta I now planned just for them. They will hear their favorite (tales tects against heat, humidity, moths. seared rto.the story, |Mrs. Valerie KeUeher of Wapplng,' is the teacher. MEIRO-GOOWYN-MAYER A CARD FONH PROOUCnON l^>ur.s,M lne DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS an d O U R S " Published Dally Elxcept Sundays PHONE 649-3342 and Holldaya at 13 Btssell Street. Mahohester, Conn. (08040) _ DOCTOR ZHilAGO ..YAN JOHNSON. ^ Teleiilione 043-3711 GER4DINE CHAPLIN JULIE CHRISflE TOMCOURTENAY ALECGUINNESS ■ SIOBHAN McKENNA ■ RALPH Rl SeooDd Class Postage Paid at ■ The MWtSCH CORPORATION i & Manchester, Conn. O ^ S H A R IF iA S fH N A G o iR O D M R Rn'ATUSHINGHAM m B E R T B O LT'D A VID LEAN ~ o m r JMBIilMB'JISIINIIIIIIIKIIIIimiim ktwkTWW JOHN srakan PRODUCTION K •fOUR STORES OF FASHtOH* chester Post Office. Mrs. Patten, his wife, and Postmaster Al- W H I W I B B 1 M Everett A. Patten, center, owner of the E.A. Patten Machine WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDSI m i m M W m Shop, 303 Wetoerell St., Is being presented a Public Service den Bailey, center, of toe Manchester' office, look on. Patten FISHER FUR STORAGE “In The Heat of the_Night”_& t. and Sun. 2:00-4:20-6:35-8:55 Award by Edward F. Flynn, chief, organization and standards structurally remade toe P.O. Boxes in the post office as a branch of toe Boston Regional Office of the Post Office De­ service for toe postal department. 325 BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER MANCHRSTER PARKAOE “Texas Longhorn” 3:50-6:10-8:25” partment, in appreciation for a service he rendered toe Man­


T?m worid’z OrM pazftve com- gin of yean as to elinihiate all posslMe ■ Wonders of the Universe^ -j Springfield Jury Indicts munlcaUons satellite—Echo I— VACATION NEIDS haggling over the element of time. Happenings Thieu Appoints has idrolsd the earth more than Sim Tkn Lotten Cvpttttt^ l|praUi And the identity of the potenUal new Connecticut Yankee F o r T e e n s 18,000 times shute it woe buried Son CHasees, Swhn Ckae discDveren is such ss to case, rather W alking on the M oon | Atherton on 15 Charges aloft In August I960. The bat­ PleeleBonpUee FUBU8BBD BY THE than Increase, the Matoric rivalries over By A.H.O. tered plastic globe le expected Outside basketball oourts at all Leland T. Atherton J|[. of ABTHIIB DRUa HBIUU> nUMTlNO CO.. INC the dlsoovery honor. The ancient Fboeid- four charges In the lower Spring- to tumble out of orbit sometime U Blwall StTMi Given toe lively poaslbtUty RepuUlcan ikeam and tUs schools and Charter Oak Park New Viet Premier Mansfield, one of the men Mmch—tw. Coon. oiana have their descendants everywhere By DR. I. M. LAVITT tendency to “ overcontroi” when field Court May 7. He Is cur­ In 1968. tfasit a RqNiUloan candidate for RsfiubUcan intention. The idea open every day until dark. DIBEOTOR ftiifting weight from one leg to (diarged in connection with the rently being held' lit the Ham­ THOMAS r. raKOUSON in general but nowhere in particular; WALTER R. lEROUSOK of whfoh R^mbBcan prestden- Tennis O oil^ at MOmorial the other. (Ooatiniied from Page One) was arrested during the new Jan. 20 robbery of the Parkade den County Jail In lieu of $26,- PubUalMn President may carry Oonnectf- The Fell Planetarlmn there to no Phoentoian flog or nattonal- ttal candidate will rteot Repub­ Field (6) and West Side Rec (2) year offensive. Sears Store, has been Indicted 000 bond and ia being represent­ rounded October 1, 1881 out this fail, there looms the of the Franklin Institute We must remember that when Huong, 67, a former aidiooi- Ky today; there is no Fboenlctaa ethnic lican legialatorB in OonaeoHcitt open every day until dark. we walk on earth, we not only Itoc, 46, who took office last on 16 separate charges by the ed by Atty. Samuel Basite of PuHiehed BreiT Byenlas Bxce^ Sundeyi secondary posstbiUty took the In about two years the United master, was premier for three grouping in the populations of the Amer­ win be important wMh the Oon- Sunday, May 19 lean forward, but also rock from Oct. 81 after the election of a ci- Hamden Ctounty Grand Jury in Springfeild. end Htdidejre. Entered et tbe Poet Office ei legtriative re^iporttonment de­ States hopes to put an astro­ :m(mths until he was removed *by X n Menoheeter. Conn., ae Second aeae Man icas; there is no Phoenlcfan Moo of necticut delegatian at the Re- Manchester ISgh Pool, 1 p.m., side to side as we swing one leg Springfield, Mass. Authorities said his trial may Matter. signed in 1966 may remit in M- naut on tbe moon. Once he steps a mlHtary coup. in January ____ 19«. votes in Amerioan poStlcs. There are no pubUeon National Convention, lOH Open House —open to all. after the other and shift our widely criticized for a lack of Atherton, who has been wait­ come up as early as Monday, puUioan control of one or both out of the Lunar Module onto "He ran fourth In the prealden- SUBSCRIPTION RATES Phoenicians around to demand that IMb and there wlU be a concentrat­ No charge. weight from one foot to the oth­ energy in meeting the two Viet ing a consolidated court trial but not later than two weeks Payable in Adranca houses of toe next General (he surface, he will begin a pre­ ^tlal election last Septeiriber and unson^s Qm Tear ...... 880.00 hemisphere be re-named Phoenicia, or ed effort, this fsSl, to elect Re- Teen-age Mlardh on Lsuloemla er. The combination of these on at least 26 separate charges from theng when the present Assembly. pubiloan state representatives cisely planned program to ob­ ^is held in M gT r^M by many connected wlith burglaries In 81a Mootba ...... 18.50 to lobby for tbe designatfon of some from 1-6 p.m. movements, properly timed In a Grand Jury session ends. Tliree Montiia ...... 7.80 Awareness of tMs pomibillty tain maximum results of the high officials In the U.S. EmbaT- seven Connecticut counties One Montb ...... 1.60 and senators. And maybe it will Monday, May M co-ordinated sequence, takes gy jfiora that Ky has demanded a It remains to be seen whether American holiday wMrii might have to is obvtoualy very much port of 18-hour stay. What problems while free on $7,600 bond from work, and the resulting dyna- Bonnet Jr. High—start of Stu­ time to learn —which is why a Atherton will be tried on the MEMBER o r be called Hiram Day, atoce he was the the thinking of the RepubUcan will he encounter In executing Bridgeport Superior COurt, en­ Candy Kitchen THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mimn and piling up of issue and dent Council Election Campaign. baby Is able to stand for aome Connecticut matters, before the king of Phoenioia mentioned in tbe ta- state leadenMp. And toe com- his mlsslmi? Surprisingly, one tered a plea of “ not guilty” to Where Quality Candy Is Made Freeh Dally Tbe Aaaoolated Preaa la ezclualTely entitled promise vdll culminate in the Xbeaday, May 21 time before he can walk. Massachusetts case is complete­ lo tbe uae of repubitcatlan of all newt die- acriptlon supposedly left in Brasfl by mrii expectation that Nelaon of the difficult problems, which by Huong t o ^ S ! j r ^ . ‘’C y S ' ^ T S d S ? ^ “ P each of the Massachusetts Choose From Over 200 Varieties patebea credited to It or not otberwlte credit­ victory the petty is so deeper- East Cathollo High — E3ectlon Hampered by the pressur­ ly dispensed with. One local toe discovery voyage. Rockefeller wOtdd be toe Re­ would defeat a evurent astro­ charges yesterday afternoon. ed In tbla paper and alto the local newt pub- ately hungry for in 1970. of Class Offlcera. ized suit Joints, the astronauts unconfirmed roports In Sal- law enforcement officer com­ llataed here. publican candidate who would naut, Is simple maneuverability. The Grand Jury Indictments Part of toe btttemeaa of past contro­ Neverthelees, our sense of po% Wedneaday, May 22 were unable to maintain the one of Ry’s closest Huong has refused John Lynn Mrs. Kenneth AseKfnn mented that "It depends upon AH riabta of repubUoatlon of tpeclal dit- run more strongly in Connecti­ A man setting down onto tfle brought against Atherton In­ patebea nerein are Mto reeerred. versy over toe discovery of America has Htical realism bids us declare *!Mancheater High Foot, 6:^0- fine positional control and X l ^ attenH l , tbe premiership, but the seriousness of the charges in Yearning for sotnething crunchy? Try oar cut than Richard Nixon bean lunar surface will encounter clude unlawful transportation of The Herald Prlnttnx C om ^y Inc., at- been that it has ahvaya required toe that, all signals being what 9:80 p.m., Family Swim. cular (x>-ordInation necessary to t S ^ S ^ n l w r Huong could not be rekehed VFW Post and Auxiliary Heads both instances. In some cases tumea no financial reaponalbUlty for typo Italians to yield the honor to toe Norse­ one special notation as it is’ they are, it wotSd probably be Thursday, May 28 conditions unlike any he has ^^et luuuedlately. Sources said he gun powder, unlawful posses­ the states will cooperate in let­ grapblcal errora appearinc In advertiaementa ^ k , particularly iqigrade. sion of burglary implements, BUTTER CRUNCH tranalated into the tMiritoig o f a great stroke of good fortune Bonnet Jr. IBgh —d o s s elec­ ever experienced before. Per­ lunitf venr Under “ hard pressure’’ John Lynn of 800 Benedict Dr., service at Kindley AFB, Ber­ ting . the more serious charges and otber raadinx matter in The Mancbeater men, or toe Norsemen to yield it to tbe TOey also experienced dtfOculty receiving stolen property, un­ Brenlnc Heimld. toe Republican state oeganisa- for the Republicans If they tions. haps the strangest condition muda. come up first, but the state Irish, so that everyone’s potential loss In getting up after a fall in the South Windsor, and Mrs. Ken­ lawful keeping of gun powder, A cri^ batter cnmrti center smothered with tion. shouM somehow miss their Friday, May 24 will be reduced weight. Because . expected to refuse the office. maintaining custody has the Snbaciiber to Lot Ancelea Timea-Waablnf- of the honor has been compounded by neth Aseltine of 784 E. Middle He Is an expediter at Pratt carrying a blackjack while un­ creamy milk chocolate and chopped nuts. too Poet Newt Service. To get back some share of toe bright chance of controlling Baipiet Jr. High Quadiengle the moon’s diameter Is

- ' 1 . X tS A tt (BX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN^ SATURDAY. MAY 18, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 PAGE SEVEN My Window on the World Area Churches ToH'and C h u r c h e s Vernon By R er. Clifford O. SimpMon Rt. FnuMis • ( Am M UaUed MbthadM Ohm Flrat Oongregattoaal Otareli FIrrt Morak o t CktM . tra EOiMtMi ma., B t 44A, Boltoa United Cknreh a( (M at TOKYO—From Cheny Bbia- by a huge anowdrlft farther up BonOi W lirfM r B ev. Hugh A. OflUa Andover Ste. aoma to anow! Aa cur train that we decided the aign muat Sociologist: Parents in Dark Bible School Hearj Aadenoa, 447 N. I b ta M. Bmr. O o r if B. Bev. Baymood H. Bradley dfenbed through (he mountatna have aald "Thia raad In Im- Paator "Parents are dealing In the ■ ~ ^ c e northern Monctau. a stccm paaaablal” Noting «lhe had n'o ’’indtant mentally act out various solu- Bev. daka B. BIkteraltia, • :90 a.m. Church School and dark with their teen-agers,” Is Enrolling ■ev. Brie J. CMliberf, church aerv- ewirled ahout ua gtvbig im our Aa we atarted back without mlx solutiona”. Miss Dick rec- tions to a problem, and has l:M a.m., caiurch School AarietM t PMtor Aaalataat Paator licMming Worriii^. e:4S a.m.. Church School. sociologist Miss Susan Dick told wtnter-«nd in the lake, a amaU oar _____ U a.m ., Morning Worahlp. the adults attending last night’s ommended activities which been cited of prime Importance' Pre-enrollments 'wlU be taken el> w (Or all age gtouni. ------Immortala (a tte A{w(1I We watched (lannera In driven by two youtha aoooted ___ «* ■ >.45 11 a.m ., Ifom ing Worahlp; would appeal to the' four levele to mental health by many so- 10:45 a.m., Wonlilp Service. ‘® Mvlne Wbiahlp and 7:46, *> Sermon: 'The HanAmrlting On Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Brad­ adult discussion meeting of by telephone fV>r the Trinity SSlen Tei“^ " ^ L S r ««««*• ri* P«t ua. They pl^^ into the ,ioSTd U:M a^S' of a persons spiritual, pyscho- ciologlsts and psychiatrists, she Lutheran Church Vacation Bi­ Meaaage by the paator. Nnraeiy C*«»eh School. Sermon by The Wan.*’ ley. Project Challenge, the wqek logical, emotional euid physical said. pttnrMed. Paator Ctothbeig. "TV> Be or Not 1? 2 - "b J ™ hKheacrmowftomthepiMUc where they atuck ______7 p.m ., Methodiat Youth Fal- long ecumenical seminar on ble School to be held this sum­ Sacred Heart Church St John’s Episoopnl Ctaroh —be substituted for the dances. “Today’s young people are mer. 5 p.m., Toung Adult, Teen and lowahlp. life and love at St. Matthew’s This can be accomplished, she losing the knack for having fun JuBlw meetinga. l^vlne Worahlp. that ye ^prove S X t Bt. M, VeiMB Main and HUlindo Ave.» Yemen Church. 'The Church again this year olbigtag to the bianchee the effect of of age by June 24 end anyone The Chrlatlan Science Read­ 8 a.m., Holy Communion. lives In two different worlds, discussion of problems of these television on the young. In a land much Uke New Eng- *•*•**■ worda Bov. John A. Lofloy, 10 a.m., Holy Oommunlon, home and school. ’The things not yet in high school is eligible ing Room la open to the public Mtaristor times such as the race situa­ The television set has altered The Preabyterian Church at 740 Main St., excepting boll- land with hUla, rivera, oedara ®* caution probably would have * Masses at 7, 8, 9:10, 10:80 and sermon, classes, babysitting. discussed by the teens In their to attend the school, scheduled IV. d. Maalay Shaw, D. D., and pine, we saw herds of cat- 5?^ unheed^, wen if they had n ;45 a.m . Bev. Betogr F . Reed, tion, war, life or love, and. our culture substantially, she from June 24 through July 3. 4> Spniee St. daya, Monday through Satur­ been understood. world of school are not dis­ finally culminating In singing maintained. Chlldredn watch Bov. Oeorge W. Smith, day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; tie, orchards of apple trees, MQbUstor of Ohrtslian EdueUon Second Congregattonal Chnroh cussed by them at home,” she Parents wishing to take ad­ vegetable gardens and rice. Ter­ Now we are back In Tokyo or a dance or with sports programs acted out for them on vantage of the pre-enrollment Bev. Biehard W. Di«ee, Bdalator Sunday afternoon, from 2 to SL Benmrd’ai United Church Of Christ told approximately 60 parents. activity. races run up and down the val­ at the Ginsa Hotel where we St Bernard’s Ter., Beriraille 0:IB and 10:60 a.m.. Church TV, instead of acting out the by telephone may call the super­ 4;S0. stayed six weeks ago. Tomor­ R t 44A, Coventry She told the parents about a situations themselves. Bev. Gaiy S. Oanell, 9:16 a.m., Sunday School leys and high up on the hlll- Bev. George F. X. BefOy School with child care available BeV. Robert K. BechtoU, group of seventh and eighth One father maintained at this intendent, Mrs. Norman Aaaoeiate Paator sldea. The early rice la protect­ row I preach my final sermon Faster for both services. point the adults were listening One father suggested the Schmidt or the Rev. Bruce Ru­ Claaeea for aU agea. Oommnalty Baptist Church at Intematimial Cihrlstian Uni­ Minister grade boys who approached her problem lies in the adults teach­ ------10:80 a.m ., Worahlp Service. An American Baptist Church ed by plastic coven adiiCh are Rev. James H. Boyle 9:80 and 11 a.m., MCmlng at the conclusion of yesterday’s too much to the young today. dolf. Parents should be reedy further covered by straw on cold versity where there will be a Bev. Anttmiy Koidal Worship. ;Hie Rev. Mr. Lacey “If they are mentally able to ing themselves to slow down, to give the name, address, ® 10:46 ajn., WoraUp The Rev. Mr. Smith preaching. 686 B. Center St. simultaneous translation over a 9:80 a.m., Church School. seminar for boys, asking her to before they can teach their chil­ Service. The Rev. Mir. OonieU Sermon: “The Big Squeeie." Bev. Walter B. Leemia, nights. Men and women work w&l lead libe wonMp, and guest 11 a.m., Sermon: “Hymns of explain the rhythm method of tackle such complex problems phone number, age end school together In the fields from early cloeed network to transistor ra­ as the Vietnam War, and of dren to relax. “I get this from grade next year ot ith? child. preacUng. Sermon: “Aldeia- 7 p.m ., Bhrenlng Service. Mlniator Masses at 7, 8, 9:10, 10:80, preariier will he the Rev. Dr. church." Special Service o< birth control. my wife all the time”, he morning until after dark. All dios used by the Japanese in the 11:46 ajn. Frederick W. Whittaker, presl- worriHo and music. race riots, perhaps they are old ’Transportation by bus end gate - *68. ctmgregation vdio do not know ’"rhey wanted to know how stated. 10:46 a.m.. Senior High Chnridi ot deaua Ohrlat ot 9 a.m.. Church School for all kinds of devices are designed ------dart of Bangor (Maine) Theo- 4:80 p.m. Deacon and and mature enough to handle car win be arranged by the to keep away marauding birds. English. Some weeks ago we many days (and when the days their own sex problems", he Yesterday’s program was church, whenever possible, for Fonim. iMttor-day Salnto (Mormon) agea, the expanded aeaslon for 8t Matthew’s Chnroli, Tollsnd logical Seminary. Dr. Whittak- Deaconesses meeting. attended by local seventh and Some are grotesque figures, listened to a sermon In this Bev. J. CUftord Ourtin, Pastor eris sermon title is "AO ThliHs were) that H was dangerous to maintained. children whose parents cannot 6:80 p.m., Methodiat Youth HUIatown Bd. and Woodalde Bt. Nursery through Grade 4 con­ chapel vdiich waa In Japanese, have intercourse. Some main­ eighth grade boys as well as Fellowahip for Oradea 8 and 9 tinuing during the worship serv­ others are dead crows hung as a Meeting Sondaye in New dmroh New.” Talcottville Gongregatfonal Miss Dick agreed that “we supply transportation. Paul E. Nnttall. Blahop grim warning to living relatives. and were glad to have the tained It was 24 hours, others put youth on a pedestal” and some from Manchester and ’Though there is no direct Fun m ght at the Oampua. ice. Junior Pilgrim Fel- Church South Windsor. We read that scarecrows are English translation on the little Masses at 7:80,------8:86,tn. and 10:80 hnrahip.® P-“ ’ three da}days,” she related. that this theory is backed by dharge or tuition, the parents 7 p.m., Adult Study Claas. g a.m., Prieathood. 10 a.m ., Worritlp Hour. Topic: radios provide for us. (United Church of Christ) "T"I ^to^d to ld them it was seven Parents Surprised "The Grasshopper Mind.” A associated with paddyfleld gods, several sociologists. She also wllll be asked to helip cover the “Report d aie Nationat Ad- 10:80 a.m. .Sunday Our excursion to the north Rev. Tninuui O. Irelsnd, id jiot to dare try It,” nntoH - * Several boys stated on written nursery la prtndded in the Chil­ and this may have been true In Pastor noted that these youngsters are x cost of materiel and books viaory Oommlaalon on d v fl Claaaea for aU agea. the past but now they serve the ended another chapter of our Bt Peter's Episcopal OharOh . “Many of the kids to- exposedexDospd totn discussions about J®™® dopc, mat^juana and through voluntary contribu­ Olaordera.’’ Robert Kblght, 6:80 p.m., Sacrament dren’s Building. trip, and soon the whole Journey Unitorian Meeting Snaid m i Bd., Wapping ^ ^ R R y flnd find nothing wrong with LSD were the major problems (Herald photo by Pfaito) same practical purpoee as those 06 BlooinBeld Ave., Hartford tions. leader. iiur. 7 p.m.. Junior (High Youth will be completed. Uttie re­ Bev. Jdm es A. BlrdsaO, 9:46 a.m., Church School — Intercourse before marriage,” facing" Teenrage'rrTnd their Since the cnioUment must be Fellowship will meet. in our Cminectlcut countryside. Rev. NaOiaaiel D. Laoriat problems„ . , in , the classroom. It school. It Is ” not possible to The Japanese farmer uses in­ mains before we fly via Pan Ylonr Nursery through Adult discus­ Miss Dick warned the parents. Digging for a Rt. 6 Dip limited, the Vacation Bible Second Calvary Church genuity in his creations, which Am to Itonolulu. I am grateful sion groiq>. ”I have tremendous hope for wunt 7 a, determine from the forms, what School riiust operate on a first (Assemblies of God) Church ot the Aasmnption to The’Manchester Herald for 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service, Holy Oommunlon. 11 a.m., Morning Worship, want to discuss theni outside these boys were from but Some day you’ll be zipping along the new Rt. 6 and dip un­ being eaten away. Traffic has been rerouted on a new piece United Church ot Christ may be made of straw, wood Nursery and Worship Church today’s youth,” she said. "My the classroom she said. the answer set all the parents der Bolton Center Rd. right here, with hardly a remembrance come, first serve basis. 647 B . BOddle Ipke. Adams St. and Thompson Bd. the privilege of sharing some 10 a.m.. Holy Oommunlon Sacrament of Holy Oommunlon. greatest fear is for the good of temporary road, similar to the by-passes sprlng^lng up al­ 888 N. Main St. Rev. Franola J. MIkalek shavings, old fertiliser bags, School. Other questions fielded by attending last night’s discussion of what things used to look like. But now Patrolman Roy most overnight on Highland St. All of this makes leaving Bol­ Talk On Drags Bev. Felix M. Davis, Rev. K. L. Gustafson, used umbrellas, five gallon of our adventures with you. and Sermon. Oburch School 7 p.m., PUgrim Fellowriilp. kids being led by a crowd, which A speaker on the use of nar­ Pastor There has been so much to and nunery. Miss Dick Included one asking back on their heels, Burtt Is stationed to keep the heavy equipment from running ton for Manchester and beyond n new adventure each day- Minister Pastor cans, or streaming festoons of actually represents the minori­ her views on sending children Audible gasps filled the parish cotic drugs by young people will Bev. Ernest J. Ooppa see, so much to say during Vernon Assembly of God Church Mbnday through Friday, Rockville Methodiat Onirch ty.” down the cars as the dig goes deeper. ’The house at right is no more setting the car on automatic pilot. Bev. O. Ronald WOaon, aluminum foil. It might be o a 1 Kjrl .or all boy schools and center in reaction. “Not seventh slightly above the elevation of Bolton Center Rd., which i.s- be presented on Sunday even­ 9:45 axn., Sunday School. these months that It has been Noriheast Soboel 7:40 p.m.. Evening Prayer. 142 Grove St ing at 7 at Union (Jhurch. Associate Mlaistor Masses at 7, 8, 8:16, 10:80 called the art of "rustic mo­ Intoraectten of Bis. 86 and 81 The seventh and eighth grade about the lost art ot daydream- and eighth graders in Tolland," Bible classes for all ages. difficult to know vdiat to In­ Rev. Willard E . Oonklln, Dr. Edgar J. Weiss of the In­ and 11:40 a.m. biles,” but its main purpose is clude in these accounts. My Vernon Paator girls who attended the seminar some parents said. 10 a.m .. Morning Worahlp. 11 a.m., WorAlp. to keep away bothersome spar­ UnHarlaa FeUowship Thursday, were appreciative of Art of Daydreaming Rumors have periodically Hospital Notes stitute of Living In Hartford will 7 p.m., Goepri Service for the wife and 1 have collaborated Bev. MlGhellDO_____ Ricci Aond^ Junior HIrik School Order of OonflrmatiiHi. Sermon St. Bartholomew’a Chnrdi rows, kites and crows. on each airticle and both ap­ the program, and are willing to Miss Dick opposes the con- been circulated that drugs are New Library, Hearing Set answer such questiems as why by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, “Con­ family. 9:80 a.m.. Church Sritool, wait awhile before dating, she AH evening visiting hours end young people graduate trom us­ Bev. Philip Hussey, Pastor In spite of their hostility preciate -the comments that 9:40 a.m., Sunday School. Oto^nhury Nursery through Adults. cept of all boy or all g;lrl available to young people in the firming, Not Oontormlng.” told the parents. at 8 p.m., and start, in the ing alcoholic beverages to the Bev. Edward M. InBoae toward crop destroyers, the Jap­ meuiy ot you have sent to us. 11 a.m.. Worship Sciri^ io:80 a.m., Mbnilng Meeting, 10:40 a.m ., Morning Worahlp. schools. She told of experiences area through Stafford and' in Lend by Mail On Budget Church School, Nursery through Church of Christ Aaaistaat Pastor Girls the Agressors as a youth counselor on trips some iinstances Rockville. ’They various units, at: Pediatrics, 3 use of narcotics, and the nature Lydall and Vernon Sts. anese love nature. Our visits In We were eager to be off l u t 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service, ^ Sermon: "Looser and lighter.” Grade 8. Japanese homes have revealed July. Now we aue eager to be "Only two of the girls had no' in Califorinla, “where the are completely unconfirmed but p.m.; self service unit, 10 a.m.; and availability of such drugs. Bngene Brewer, Mlidater Speaker: Raymond Oady, di­ Nursery through Grade 4. use for me or the program,’’ Crowell House, 6 p.m. week­ All concerned adults in the Masses at 8:40, 7:40, 9, 10:16 the way they bring nature Into home a^faUn. Avery St public school girls acted like possibly more valid than has With No Fees For District Concordia Lutheran Church and 11:80 a.m. rector of redevelopment for she said. ’"The critiques written ladies around the boys. The been thoug^ht. days, 3 p.m., weekends and holi­ community are invited. 0 a.m., BiUe classes. their dally lives. In me well-to- Christian Beformed Chnrrii Glastonbury. Union Congregntional Ohuroh 46 Pitkin I t . do home hidden behind a high after the completion of the private and parochial school The critiques and questions BROOKVILLE, Kan. (AP) days; private rooms, 10 a.m.; Eighth Utilities District tax­ 10 a.m ., Worahlp. Sermon: 661 Avery St. BockvUle seminar by these two girls Bev. Joseph B. Bonnet, St. Bridget Church wall, we were entertained at Bev. Pnul J. Bowman, Mtoletor girls were like puppies just off written out by the young par- Wlnnlfred Martin Memorial semi-private rooms, 3 p.m ., payers will have the opportuni­ “This Precious Heritage.” About Town Souih Windsor made it obvious they had gone the leash". ticipients in the seminar may Lti^rary Is a library for people visiting In 310, 314, and 328 is Pastor Bev. John J. Delaney, Pastor tea. Sliding screens disclosed Bev. Janies A. Bonneina, Jehovah’s WMaeaaea Bev. Lyman D. Beed, ty Monday night to review and State Proclaims 0 p.m.. Youth meeting. Kiagdom Hall all the way. One claimed-sex Today’s youth suffer from the prove equally educational to the folderol of appll- any timp^ for ^Imn^dlatc fimiUy Bev. Loois B. Bauer Jr., 6 p.m ., Worriiip. Sermon: “A Bev. Bobert J. Keen a lovely Inner garden around The commission of misslonB of Minister Aselstnat Minister comment on the District’s pro­ Asststant Paator Bev. Kenneth J. Friable which the rooms were clustered. B aritm d T)pke. was wonderful, and disavowed “lost Mt of daydreaming” , she parents as Project Challenge cation blanks, replacement only, with a five-minute limita' Soil Conservation Christian Is... ” South Methodist Church will Miss Valerie L. Faradia, my theories.” guarantees and all adminlstra- tion. Afternoon visiting hours in posed 1968-69 budget, scheduled A pool, flowering plum, care­ 9:40 a.m Sunday School for Boekvine Minister of Christian Education said. This affects their ability has to the young people. meet Tuesday at 7:80 p.m. at to think out situations before ------tlve protocol.” obstetrics are 3 to 4 p.m. then for adoption July 15. 9 and 10:80 a.m .. Holy Oom- Masses at 7, 8, 9:10, 10:80 in fully trimmed spruce, and a the church. all ages. "These few teens are the ones Week May 19-26 Trinity Oonvenant Church 9 a.m.. Public taifc^ “Getting who talk big. They often make acting. Manchester Evening Herald For 10 years 70-year-old Lynn begin again at 7 p.m. Visitors A public hearing on the pro­ munlon, Churdi School and Hackmatack St. near Keeney St. the church. 9:10, 10:80 and 12:00 stone lantern made a center of ----- 11 a.m ., Worship Ser 9 a.m., Oiurch School, in the auditorium. Along W*h Others In Christian the others who are really in the Daydreaming provides a Tolland correspondent Bette *1®® been piecing togeth- are asked not to smoke In pa- posed budget will be at 7:30 “A Time for initiative” is Nursery. New Members win be quiet beauty for the family. A film “The Paul Carlson Nursery. Grades 5 through 10. er a refehqnce library on Wes- tient’s rooms. No more than two received at the second service, Rev. Norman E. Swensen, In quite a different neighbor­ Love,” by R. L. Darling, Watch- majority, feel they are differ­ person with the opportunities to Quatrale, tel. 876-2846. p.m., Monday, in the District the feeling behind Governor Pastor Story” will bo shown tomorrow 7 p.m., Evening Service, 10:30 a.m.. Church School, ____ tern history and lore. He started visitors at one time per patient. John Dempsey’s proclamation reception fonowlng. St James’ Church hood, we visited a family weav­ at 7 p.m. at Trinity Covenant tower Society representative. Infanta through Grade 4. ent”, Miss Dick replied to a Firehouse, Main and Hilliard 10 a.m.. Study o t April 10 parent’s question. * the library which he states Is "a Patients Today: 320 Sts. It will precede the District week as Soil Steward- 6:80 p.m., Luther League. Msgr. Edward J. Bearden, ing shop. We passed throiish Church. Tljfe event is open to the First Evangelical Lutheran 10:46 a.m ., MOrning Wor­ tribute to my sister, a Kansas 9:80 a.m., Sunday Schoa tiny plot of beau­ 10:30 am... The Service. Rt- 44A, Bolton go to Andover for the i>rogram gressor. (Continued from Page One) tain whether or not to join in. Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Barbara In addition to the adoption of the Connecticut. The eight districts Bev. Jam es W. Bottoms Purpose.” ficers Monday at 7:40 p.m. in try. Doll, 108 Meadow Lark Rd., Ver­ Miss Patricia M. Witinok of In Connecticut are part of a to- and 11:80 a.m. ty. In addltim to the garden, the Band Room at Manchester Rev. Dnuglaa E. Theuner, portion of the annual meeting “Going steady ia. a female in­ Tt 1 . About the most out of things budget that night, District offl M r. Stephen NL Price 3 (d 0 p.m.. Parsonage Open Pulling at a carelessly non; m Jis. Anna Dumas, 62 Ellington is one of 60 science ^^^s will be elected and pertl- 2,900 in the nation. Ex- every home has its si>ectal nook High School. Our Savior Lutheran Church Vicar of the Tolland Association. vention, It provides a girl with h British: When a new Bev. Ronald B. House. social security,” she said. trimmed white beard that cov­ Mather St.; Howard Fisher, 87 students selected from over a nent business will be discussed panded programs now include 7 p.m., Evening Service. St John’s PoUah Nattoaal where an attractive flower ar­ 2M Graham Boad, Wopplag 7 p.m., Dr. Edgar J. Weiss PrpfiZt arrival at the British Embassy ers most of his face, Martin rangement and wall hanging Revl Walter L. Abel, Pastor 8 a.m., Holy Eucharist, “The majority of the teens at­ President himself. ^ang up the French Foreign Of- said: Avondale Rd.; Mrs. Helen Fitz­ thousand applicants to attend technical services to urban aa 7:80 a.m.. Holy Communion. FUm, “The Paul Oaifson Story.” Oatholio Cboroh The Manchester-Bolton Com­ from the Institute of living, a secondary science training well as to rural areas. are a focal point. munity Association of the Con- 10:10 a.m., Hedy Eucharist Hartford, wlH ^ a k to concern­ tending the seminar have been Because of Harriman’s age, flee this week and said it was “There are no charees of anv gerald, 121 Overlook Rd., Wap­ 9 a.m.. Morning Prayer. Crib Bev. Walter A. Hyssko ping. program at the University of The Tolland County Soil and Pastor We had a fine opportunity to necticut Valley Girl Scout Coun- 9 a.m .. Early Wc Sun- and Church School. ed parents and adults aibout the good kids,” she said. “About fif­ tollmuch .... of the weight O f is . bound TT to ^ranaeGrande oreaagneBretaene tnethe DrencnFreneh kind;w no fees, no (marges dues, no oi fines. any eSasa, Nursery and Kindergar­ Center Congregational Ofanroh ty per cent belonged to 4-H or Also, Mrs. Janet Flaherty, Iowa this summer. She is the Area Actors Watar Conservation District United Chnndi of Ohriat ------see both rural and artistic Ja- cil will meet Monday at 7:80- day School. 7 p.m„ Young People’s Pel^ use of narcotic drugs and their tell on his no. 2, Cyrus Vance, thought he said North Vietnam if a man wante to keep a book ten in Old Ohundi. OhOdren’s 10:80 a.m., Late ihip. lowshlp. girl scouting; only a handful Vance Is a straight, reliable, al- in English, when in fact he waa for a year he can Thompsonville; James Goodwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ has distributed 2,(MX> leaflets to Worship Service for lOnder- U Center Bt Masses at 8:80 and 10:80 a.m. pan when wo wore guests of p.m. at NelU HaU of St. Mary's avallabUity to young people at liam Witinok of Newell Hill On Image B ill Robert Harrison in Mlsawa. He Episcopal Church. The event is Sunday School. the public school and college were going steady.” ways tetelligeot tough but not trying to say Great Britain In “Reterences are not required East Hartford: Mrs. Helen Hag- area churches in order to focus garten through Grade 8l Bev. GUfford O. Htmpeen, Several parents expressed con­ Ru. attention on the need for con­ G o^ el HaO grew up In Manchester, was ac- open to all registered Glri Scout United Metiiodlst Church levels. nasty lawyer who is by nature French. He was slightly shaken; and money Is never begged. The ®now, 66 Maple St.; Greg Hol- Hermenc Hershey of Manches­ 9:00 a.m.. Church School. Mlaistor tlve In Scouts and youth work adults, committee members and Wesleyan Methodist Church Bt. 84, Vernosi cern over the seventh and eighth a pacifier. He was second in did the incident simply reflect library pays the postage one btook, Tolland Rd., Bolton; Mrs. To qualify a student must be ter and Pat Manley of Coventry servation. Grades 1 through 12. Bev. Keaneth W. Steere, 410 Center St. grade dances held periodically in the upper 10 per cent of the They see a new climate of at Center Church, and Is now leaders. Delegates and an asso­ Crystal Lake Bd., EDiagtoa Rev. Morton A. Magfifi Wapping Community Church command to McNamara in The the ghastliness of his French or way and a library materials la- Gloria Howard, Thompsonville; '^‘'1 are featured in a one-act play, 11 a.m ., Mminlng Prayer. Associate Minister at the high school, asking what Pentagon, so he^ knows the mill- something sinister about the bel enclosed with every book Edwafd Krach, 393 Oakland St.; sophomore or junior class, must ^ . conservation developing since 10 a.m.. Breaking bread. acting head of a school for 1300 ciation chairman will be elected. Bev. Harvey W. Taber, Paator Congregational obtain a passing grade on the Unspoken ” Sennon the Rev. Mr. Bot­ Mias Antoinette A. Bleroe, at our American Air Base in 9:80 a.m.. Worship service they could do about them. tary. He has a close affinity relative regularity of contact permits Its return for approxl- Mrs. Patricia Kwash, 99 Rus- people are discovering that toms. Director of Chriatlaa Education 11:40 a.m., Sunday School. Rev. Harold W. Richardson, with President Johnson: both qualifying examlLtion, and clean water and air along with 7 p.m., Goepel meeting. northern Japan. He took us In 9:46 a.m ., and child care. Sermon by Minister ‘Junior High Dances Hit beitween the three countries? mately five cents." ®®H Mrs. Mary Lamprecht, 7 p.m., Dally, Evening Pray­ his car along the northern Methodist Church will sponsor Classes for all ages. Miss Shlriey Sly. Church One mother noted the difficult men work, from deep instinct, The Russians here are almost The library doesn’t have a ca- ^25 Avery St., South Windsor; must receive a recommendation . .. , trees and the soil are not only er. at the Image Playhouse, 84 Bar- 9:10 and 11:00 a.m.. Morning shore for many miles to Aomori, a plastics party Tuesday at 8 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Nur- school. situation created when parents with an eye on consensus; and invisible. So are the Chinese, talog, only an “in” and “out” Richard Lundell, Glastonbury. from the high school. ker St., Hartford. limited but vulnerable to foul­ Worahlp. The Rev. Mr. Steere Untied Penteeoetal Chnroh gaiten. 9 and 10:30 a.m ., Worship his calm and sympathetic tem­ though two of them were seen, file. ' Also, Robert Lyle, 157 Tumble Miss Witinok is a sohpomore ing; waste and ruin. a city of half a million. p.m. at the church. Refresh- sery. Service. Sermon by the Rev. who don’t believe this age group They portray two aging worn- North Methodist Church preaching. Topic: “To Each 72 Center SL 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. 10:30 a.m.. Church school all should be at dances, refuse to perament may be very useful in their black Mao-type tunics “If somebody wants a Ixxdi, I brook Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Edna at Elling;ton High School and They refer to clear sig;ns of (Orange Hall) to the course of the trip, we ntenbs will be served. The event Mr. Richardson, “Jump The will be participating in the earth ®'^’ unsuccessfully, to 886 Parker S t To Give.” Family Sunday for is open to all women of 6:30 p.m.. Fast and Prayer other classei. let their children attend. to the atmosphere here. Last walking smiling down the go find It ’’ McCabe,, 66 Lynwood St., Bolton; oncoming resource require­ Grades 8 and 4. Bobert Baker, Pastor saw heavy industry side by side Walls.” Church School. week he steered Harrlman pro- Champs Elysees in a hail- Martin' finances the library Patricia Malerba, 186 Wells St.; science phase of the workshop^, communicate with each other, ments. Widespread hunger Bev. Earle B. Ouster, with small home craft shops, church and their friends. 7 p.m., Evening Prayer. 7 p.m., Jualor Youth Fellow- Miss Dick vetoed the idea of in the Tennessee Williams play. Pastor ehlp. dances for the junior high stu­ tentlvely through the avid storm. for the most part from an Inher- William McCune, Duncaster * threatens large areas of the Zion Envangelloal , Sunday School. shacks festooned with strings of St Maurice Church, BoK«m The program includes another world. The demand______for jobs Terry B. Oaadee, drying fish, and bljh reinforc­ 8 p.m., Adult class. dents, claiming this pushes the journalists In the Crlllon bar The British are not the only itance, but does accept bool^Lane, Vernon; Joseph Murphy, Lutheran Church , Worship Service. Rev. Bobert W. Cronin, Paster like a nephewe with a respect- ones with ironic memories of contributions or money to pur- 24 Lexington Dr.; Kathy Over- Johnathan Vittner, East play, Escurial,” by Mi- be met partly through re- Paator-ia-naiaing Evangelistic Service. ed concrete buildings topped kids info a dating situation “too chel de Ghelderode, featuring source development. Competl- (Mlaeonrt Synod) Church Leader, 65, Jogs Bolton Congiegational Chnrcb early” . ed uncle. the past In this city. Fifty years a commemorative vol- lock, Ellington: Mrs. Madeline Hartford; Deann Caldwell, El- Cooper and BOgh Sto. with flashing ne<»i signs ad­ Masses at 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:80 Raccagni, 74 Woodbridge St.; lington; Shawn Burnore, Willi- Dave Currem of Willimantic, tion for the use of resources Is 9 and 10:80 a.m.. Worship vertising products In the Madi­ Bev. J. Stonton Conover, A four-year 9:30 axn., PUblie Bible dis­ 8ky.“^ e ' ' h ^ " ^ the cherry J®**)** S SUNDAY, MAY 19 __ _ _ tariat with his own eight points Cross Highway and struck sev- Ave^, Vernon; Mrs. Litn Malnel- how l^ program. Wo«nm- fptiino- In nint meet cniclal Issues of the day. ballot ot Thursday’s opentog sdhoa], go to college, or get a ferent: He has the air of a BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son course: “How to Overcome Dif­ hloesoms falling in pink show­ 4 1:60 P.M. to 6:66 P.M. steady job”, she explained. Otinese-American gambler who lor the emancipation of his ®ral highway posts. There were to Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, li and daughter, 63 Timber ficulties in Marriage.” ers from the trees in the south, “If we refuse to take a etand, business session, we have also taken a stand,” The churchmen and laymen “Today’s youth are getting is malting a killing out of a country. no injuries. , „ 9 Pleasant St., Rockville; a Trail, South Windsor. 10:30 a.m.. Group dtscusskm but here they were atlU in bud. In case of Inclement string of clip Joints in Las As Jean Lacouture points out The motorist, Israel R()dri- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Carl ------said Dr. Smith In an interview will be asked to take up sqch is- Tar ◄ weather, sale will belield pushed 'through the normal THE of the Watchtower magaslne At Hirosakl Castle, there was a Thursday after he was elected sues as the Vietnam war, civil Vegas. He is not a t all a suit- in the best life of Ho, these de- 24, was charged with fail- Johnson, 108-110 Ridge St.; a OPEN article “What God’s High Priest bustle of activity as prepara­ next clear weekend. cylces of maturity aibout three moderator of the United Pres- rights and the role of the af- or four years ahead of sched- able-looklng hero of the voci- mands seem amazingly mod- J**"® to drive in an established daughter to ^r. and Mrs. James Miss Bemotas BIBLE Will Do for the People.” tions were being made for the f a ir 'vva): You may park In ferous, wild-eyed Dutschkes and erate In retrospect. All he asked '®"®' ^® schedule to appear Nordine, East Hartford; a hyterian Church In the U.S.A. fluent church In what was de­ bus yard. she told the parents. annual festival the following fined as spiritually and econom­ Tariq Alls, the partisans of th'e for was representation In the Manchester Circuit (kjurt 12 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Given Showers WESTOWN The Salvation Army week. “The issue Is not whether the “Boys are participating in ALL DAY SPEAKS church should take a stand on ically troubled society. competitive sports at ag'e edght North Vietnamese In the west. French Pari:..r..cnt, and basic °® '^®"® ®rt Sedar, Windsor; a son to Mr. PHARMACY 681 Main St. Bob wanted us to see a ■wv RED BARN civil liberties—freedom of the and Mrs. Kermitt Bailey, Haz­ Miss Patricia Bernotes of fcy ctmtroverslal matters, but what ’Die church body’s stated before they, are ready to cope He is beautifully groomed: He MaJ. Kenaetfa Laaoe scenic lake far up in the It should say.” clerk, William P. Thompson re­ with 'the competitive gang sit­ wears a much lighter and much press, equality before .the law. Thief Takes Key, ard ville. South Windsor was feted recenX- Eugene Offioer in Charge moimtalns. Driving up the nu- ANTIQUES He tried hard to plead his case DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: ly at two miscellaneous bridal The white-haired Dr. Bmitti, ported a drop of 26,621 members T coiBiimiiiow e«rds j uation. Tlhls should-be reserved better suit than his subor­ SUNDAY Brewer row, rough ro we looked gg^o has served most recently in the church within this coun- 1166 SULLIVAN AVE. until 'they are in the seven'th or dinates: Gray tie, gleaming before President Wilson him­ Then the Auto Mrs. ■ Alice Pagani, 83 sliowers. Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer Break­ down on a breath-taking view as general secretary of his try and a 4,801 members trans­ WAPPING e 644-1862 eighth grades, when their bod­ white shirt with flashing cuffs self. But Wilson would not see St.; Mrs. Vita Prinzivalli, Staf- Her associates at the (Jonstl- fast. puLL 8a«:k -The lip anp ford Springs: Patricia Majowicz tubion National Bank, Hartford, jSpoat nomliiiBl ChriattanB re- ■fouOH rn£ WITH of the valley below and the church’s Commission on Ecu- ferred to the Presbyterian Re­ ies have matured, and they are and large rectangular gold cuff- him. Having since fought and A brazen thief last night crept All Medicinal Services Available (mId'u Saitb in the BfUe os writ- 9:80 a.m., Sunday School THB MOI^TENEP CORNER. surrounding mountains. It could meidcal Mission and Relations, form Oiurch in Cuba, which seeking the guidance of a strong ...... He greets people easily won a war against the BYench. ^ Manchester residence, 637 Graham Rd., Wapping; Mrs. where she is secretary to the tm hy God-infl()(red men, 2 Tim- (Classes for all ages). OF A have been mistaken for a land­ In New York, has met sensitive was formed iMt year. ’That left m w ,tp teach them manliness”. with smile and waves to crowds Ho now, half a century later, taking a set of car keys from a Nancy Russell, 65 Seaman Cir- pre^dent, gave her a shower at othy 8:16, 17. mured os thev ; 10:40 a.m., .Holiness Meeting CLEAN HANPXERCHIEF, scape in northern New England. issues head-on during decades the denomination, largest Pres­ No Instant Solutions and television cameras as if he has not only another American purse on the kitchen table, put- ®>®: Edward Herschler 7C An- West Hartford, are to the (Uejohiitod ebalte <« (nunery provided). nailth C«ptul«i gives helpful informetion. We came to a large sign by of service to his church. byterian body In the nation, Miss IDlck al^ stressed the loved every minute of it, using President but most of the world ting them to use in making off dover Gardens, Wales Rd., An- Mrs. A. R. Manchuok of 109 Ctariatendotn, (hey find tt dtf- 0:16 p.m.. Open Air Meeting. It is not intended to be of e diegnostic hetiiro. the road, in Japanese, of course, EYEUGREENS a curious flutter of his fingers, watching his men In Paris and «Hth famllv car parked In the dover; Mrs. Catherine Sacchi. Pine St. and Miss Susan Scad- H o^ to conoeive o t (he attua- He spent three days In Hat- wWh 8,208,78L need for strong male teachers 0:80 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. alilch we Ignored. It wasn’t tiesbur^Miss., in behaU of the However, Thompson said tiiat Yew—8pNBdii« (DaA Groen) 18”-22" Dkh . .3 .S S on the jundor high level for the Somehow his appearance and listening. driveway. East Hartford; Julius Pskowski. den of Manchester, were host- tta li ever having been any dif- 7 p.m.. Salvation Meeting Mrs. LeRoy Courtright, :6 313 Hackmatack St.; Robert esses at a shower at Mrs. Man- flerenb Ih fact, any attack upon until we found the way blocked Negro voter registration drive contributions rose 18 per cent to boys, and the comi>anionship of manner are reassuring. He cer­ (Distributed By The Los An­ NEED TIRES? the denomiautlooBl dlvlstooe is From 1929 until the outbreak of a total of $868.8 mlUlrni. Yew-^ieading 22”-2«r' D ia ...... their (fathers et this point. tainly does not look like a fana­ geles Tlmes/Washington Post Mill k . told police the thief Burrill, 82 Felt Rd., Wappteg. chuck’s hcane. IBtely to be interpreted as a war In 1941 he served as a mis­ Yew—Spreading 18”-20^Dia...... tic. The French Press, detailing News Service). entered the home through an J®®®P'^ Paquet, 24 Hayes MiS(S Bernotes, the daughter (Imiut at their personal poel- sionary to Japan, then was con­ Collegians Vp 8% Yew—Upright 28”-32” U gh ...... his revolutionary career, say,- unlocked door while the family ^.d-, Wapping; Mrs. J ^ rg a re t of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ber 40% DISCOUNT with their tendency to roman­ slept and took the keys without Minor, East Hartford; Mrs. Mar- notes of 20 Robert Dr., and ttona fined in an internment camp WASHINOTON—The all-time Yew—Upright 22”-24” I& h ...... Lake When it becomes evident (hat there to- rslx mvioua TRINITY FAIRWAY club at 136 Eldridge St. Play Mrs. Thornton has been a Cummings, 128 Valley View Dr., Chicago, at the Palmer House. U tA tbto reaction is something / Sponsored By ► i Is open to the public. • member of the State Leglsla- Wapping; Mrs. Sarah Stacy, El- Last year’s conference, also at­ Plus Hax tom than honeat? COVENANT CmiRGH IF SO, PLEASE CONTACT ^ Women’s Society of Cl first A “Knock-Out Team of Four” ture for three terms and has lington; Mrs. Barbara Carr, tended hy Agostlnelli, was In championship will begin Fri- served on the education, labor Wright’s Hill Rd., Coventry; Honolulu. ► day. May 24. Participants must and elections committees. She Mrs. Madeline Messier, 14 Clear- DISCOUNT ChMreli ot Christ 302 Hackmatack St. Bev. John B. Page Bev. B. W. Bandera UNITED METHODIST QIURCH i Agostlnelli, a delegate to the H iMK COUNT 1486 Farmington Ave. Faith BM tiat Olniroh for every type of be registered before that date. Is a member of the advisory view Ter. June 14-16 GOP State Conven­ COLE'S STATION LytUa and Vernon Stosels Luncheon A novice session will be play- committee of the Youth Gov- Also, Ellen Shalnln, 38 Lake- 7:00 P.M.—May 19,1968 Farmington, Conn. Hasardvibe, Conn. ► tion, will pass up that meeting. Phone: 648>2517 •78-6471 7460819 Regular Admission $tipo PINE PHARMACY ^^fother's day card ^i ed Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. for ernment of the YMCA and a wood Circle; Arthur Shorts, 179 His place will be taken by his 451 WEST CENTER STREET . Bible OtoMCSi 6t66 m jtf all those unfamiliar with dupll- member of the YWCA Greater E. Center St., Apt. 3A; Mrs. alternate. Town Director Wayne 643-5332 No Admisskm Chaige With This Advertisemen\ 75c •N OMtor at Mi-fna cate bridge. W tetU ft lSt66 aju.{ § m p .n . Hartford planning commissloin. Martha' Freeman, Middle ManU. 9A om S i g h t RIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. .SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 P A O B MIMS Eagles Outlast Northwest r . Pieces Fall in Place USINESS SERVICES iP^IRECTORY In Three-Hour HCC Battle I For Surging Red Sox Terry Richter’s squeeze going in his third starting mound Jerry Adair singled to right. A bunt single drove in the appearance, pestered by East Americm. U ugoe w L Pet OB thing IS falling into place fielder's choice and Andrews' winning run yesterday sd- fielding errors and some sharp _ , 20 11 .646 — for the Boston Red Sox in third hit, a line double off the eyed Northwest hitting. He was „ left field wall, provided anoth­ ■temoon as East Catholic 18 IS .681 2 their torrid surge upward CAMPING H IG H GRADE High’s baseball team came tagged for 12 hits, walked three er run. CAR LEASING and struckout five. Cleveland .648 8 in the American League from behind to nip North­ Boston .U1 8% race. Carl Yastrzemski, who sin­ EQUIPMENT west Oothohe High, 10-9, dn an .Northwest went through four gled in the fourth to extend his PRINTING pltdiera during tee course of Minnesota .631 SH The defending champions, wotna inning thriller nt the East hitting streak to nine games, On 1 or 2 Tents, Cots, Sleeping Bags, Job and CommerciBl tee aftorooon. Scully was tabbed Oakland _ .469 SH forced to rally in the late in- Air Mattresses, Stoves, base In tee bottom of tee eighth A four-hit, four-nm rally in tee troit 7, Washliigton 3 'The Red Sox appeared set to celll, who went to short when Information, call J. FARR — 048-7111 Telephone 648-5727 on a fielder’s choice and Bob La- third put teem on top, 6-2, and Chlbago 1, Oakland 0 disappoint tee largest Boston Adair was removed for a plnch- CalifoitH^ at Minnesota, post- turnout of tee season, twice nmner in tee seventh, singled Pad Dedg* Pontiac Montagne and Gary Wehren fill­ by tee top of tee sixth, North­ ed tee sacks after being walked west commanded a 9-4 bulge. poned, rain falling behind by two’ runs. home Harrelson. Today’s INC. CUSTOM MAN »y Northwest reliefer Bill Scul- Kinel smashed a two RBI dou­ *nes However, they refused to quit Southpaw reliever Sparky California (Wright'2: ^®**" straight ed only three batters, but got to ground into a doubleplay, teen Washington (Bertaina 2-3) at a walk, B sacrifice and Mike record to 4-3. good looking hair cut and won- lonS ago, so you can see how ^ ^ ^ ® * ^ ®®’’ °®‘ “ *® nonteeless. The lefty retired tee side with a strike- Detroit (Lollcy 3-1) Over SO Years’ Ibcperlence Best in Monuments MEOHANIO ON DUTY Andrews' dh^rp ground single Scott, wielding a hot bat since The Red Sox will send right- dered Just what barber shop did P0PUl« the place is. The staff *” .V'® ®“ "® ®" *^® *‘'® ®‘Khth out. It was his third hurling ed r IcS ^ ^ew York (Talbot 0-4) at Bos- .. , , t . *s fully experienced and Mr. to right. discovering what he was doing hainder Ray Culp, 0-2, against AT ALL HOURS , Kinel had a better day at tee ton^(Culp 0-2 or Waslewskl 2-3) WATKINS-WEST Con 649-5807 When it comes to thinking of the courtesies extended them work. The chances are that ouamarccla has had 33 years In RelleiDr Bob LaMontagne fac- ed a single, forced the next man The> Yankees iticked starter wrong at the plate last Monday, the Yankees' Fred Talbot, 0-4, selecting monuments, there Is and many have taken the time it was the Parkade Barber Shop, the business. Ail of the staff take l^tarten, deneraton, Kinel encountered some rough pj^te than he did on tee mound, Gary Bell for two mdre^ runs in led off tee seventh with a line tonight. The two teams wind up Sunday’s Games A . AIMETTI, Prop. no doubt that the name of Man- to wrHe their personal thanks, where you will always get a hair- a great deal of pride in the work Oarbnreton.. collecting three hits, one a the seventh, but tee Red,. Sox double to left and scored as their series Sunday afternoon. FUNERAL SEE US FOB: California at Minnesota Chester Memorial Co. Is first Nowhere does quaUty couvJ cut that will be cut to your sped- that is done here, and this you Domeotio - Foreign C an double. MacArdle hit a single Harrison St., Manchester a Alnmlnnm Roll Up New York at Boston SERVICE in the minds of most everyone. fOr more than in choosing a flcatlons and that wUI enhance can see for yourself. The shop •48-7008 Awnlnga and a two-bagger and Richter Oakland at Chicago (2) Naturally there must be many monument. If you choose a your appearance. ig open Tuesday through Friday a pair of safeties. ORBIAND J. WEST e Door Oanoplea Seven-Run Fourth Inning Washington at Detroit, (2) Rockville Skein Ends good reasons for this: Most of cheaper stone, In a few years Almost 12% years ago Daniel from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on o Storm Doon Em : CatlioUc (10) Baltimore at Cleveland (2) DiTMtor PARKADE us would prefer to see the me- you will be unhappy with It, J. Ouamaccla, owner of the Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MANCHESTER o Combination Wlndowa ab r h e rbi O’NeU, 2b. •z 0 1 1 1 National League mortal we are purchasing for the elements will have talo- business Joined his brother In x,ie first trip to a barber shop Mancheater Awning Ca. MS E. OENTIEB ST. Meiouy, ci. 4 1 0 0 0 W L Pet. GB DARDER SHOP before nuiking a final decision, en thdr toll of this softer stone, the barber shop, and later be- can be a delight or a most har- 105 WEST CENTER ST. By Conard Sinks Indians Kxnei. p. 3b, 4 2 3 0 2 St. Louis 20 12 .626 — In Southington, 6-2 Manchester’s Oldest Here at Manchester Memorial When making your original In- came the sde owner. rowing experience to any child MiUjAruie, rf, 5 0 2 2 0 Telephone 049-S091 ' By BARRY COWLES rlghtfleld and John Karakul Conaid <8) Aiuoiciu, 3b, 3 u 0 0 1 San Fran 19 14 .576 ihi With Finest Faculties Manchester’s Most Modem Co. you will find the largest vestment, the difference be- The Parkade Barber Shop is and you can be sure It will be Ssiafood, Vvearen, c, 3 1 0 0 0 2^ It was a big game for Rockville High yesterday, but EatablUhed lOM Atlanta 18 15 ■ It w as double trouble in single to tally the insurance run lovoUc cf ^ i o n ®n** JuKnis, If, 2 1 G 0 0 Barber Shop with Ehccellent stock of finished monuments in tween the finest stone versus a located on the lower level, rear, the former If your choice Is the isocaia, es, 0 1 0 0 1 Chicago 17 18 4% Southington High were bigger and downed the Rams, 6-Chalr Service! ConnecUcut. Of course, cheaper one Is very small, but of the Parkade, opposite the Parkade Barber Shop. They spe- CHOICE VARIETY the fourth innins: yester- “ i® seventh inning. ss', 0 0 1 2 0 1 i^uutn, ID, 2 1 a 2 0 4V4 6-2, to take over the (JVC lead in Southington. It Was ■ ■■ “ llie Indians were retired in ^etoian,’ 1 4 0 3 0 2 vviuKe, ID. 2 1 1 0 0 Onolnnatl 16 17 OPEN 8 AJM. to 6 P J«. are good ^ 4 show detaU, over the years your finer grade new theatre. It Is right next to clallze in ebUdren’s hair c ^ . j_iy for Manchoeter High in „ ,, ^ r,---r— - 1 0 8 1 0 0 L«auuJoiMaisne, p, 0 1 0 0 0 Phlla . 16 16 4% the second win for the Knights over Rockville, the pre- ILJ UpholstMT W«rf MnH-P/\rvl order five times while Grzyb KbpIm . p. 0 0 1 1 0 0 ^ “ P beauUfuUy — so the foot of the stairs leading to The price for children’s halrcuta Qualify mtciuer, c. 2 1 2 0 1 Pittsburgh 16 16 .484 4V viouB score 6-0. The winners are ------^------Sat. 8 to 8 (Cloaed Mondays) and IN Shop accomplished the feat once. gS^bton, 2b, 1 0 2 4 0 0 M AN CH E8TEB pare with the finished take this under careful consld- the lower level, and customers ig $2 for those under sixteen, ex- P I ^ h scored seven of its starting off in the sixth inning, Karakub^'rf. 2 1 10 0 0 0 Totals 29 10 9 5 6 Los Angeles 16 18 .471 6 9-1 and Rockvillo 8-2 in the con- cOVENTBY-^eff Oour belt- ' ELUNOTON RIDOE When It's timo to w ^ n you look at a fin l^ ^ eratlon when you make a final find it most convenient to drive cept on Saturdays when all hair- RE-UPHOIRTERDfO 1 2 0 0 0 1 Noxthweft SHOPPING PABKAllE Seafood feight runs in that frame Cougwin walked the first two ‘i- 1 0 10 0 0 ab e rbl New York 14 18 .438 6 ference. ed in two runs with two hits as Following are tee starting product you can look at It from choice. right up In front of the shop cute are t h T ^ e pric“ *LM. • Modarn Furnltura Fairbrothe, cf, 0 0 Houston 13 19 .406 7 EUlngton High came up with freshmen hurler Oari times, ' jpajrings for Sunday’s Lower Level, (rear) 43 OAK STREET to hand tho locals an 8-1 de- batters and appeared to be in Totals 30 8 7 24 11 0 ~i Sculiy, II, p, Lakes every side every w gle, walk Granite is unrjvaled for a me- and park and no driving around As a man how do you like Friday's Results a third straight win. 6-4, hand- pushed six innings of Husbaind-With Scotch Ball Golf PHONE 649-68M TEL. 649-0087 and Anflquot toot. Mandiester is now fl-4 trouble. Steve Lovett-got caught jenkins m T X'lixingtxin, 3b. relief, While Canard is 7-4 only half on a pickoff play as Coughlin Coughlin, cf,p, (IrBim, ib, San Francisco 2, Chicago 0 Ing South Windsor High its sec­ fannig 10 batters. Tournament: MOVE # store Stoola aad Booths Wisniewaky, rf. Los Angeles 6, Houston 0 m a v ^ r te ^ T t lS w ^ a t you I"®** Populsr granites is those who do find it difficult to use of clippers, some the entire ond straight loss yesterday in 11:30—iMcCuaker, Pslozel; 11:38 • Custom Furniture gome behind CCIL loader, Brls tossed to Cobb and the runner ’ "" Lyons, c, Coventry 001 102 x—4 9 1 —Keamey, Keotlnz: "M ;4S—Geda, E zp trt 3 d n referch m S fd te tee Wisconsin walk any distance, you may hand trim method, but It does SUpcovera and Draperies t d Eastern High. was forced to go, as Cobb threw Smith, rf. Vvclr, 2b, Cincinnati 3, Pittsburgh 2 Ellington. The Knights (6-2) Carlson: 11:54—W. Peck, Robbins; Keenan, ss, Philadelphia 1, S t Louis 0, 10 are now tied with South Wind- Bacon 020 000 0—2 6 6 o BloviiiK GALL memorial of rou?*cholce It P"** ^ "" t matter which one you pre- Made to Order to May whb made the tag for ostrout'^'if Breen, p. 12:00—Kellner. Hartmann; ' J2;I0— MANCHESTER iT r easy to w int out what BaUour Hair styling for men Is be- fer; Just tell one of tee barbers Reuben Plen’s Complete Seleetlon of Lennox, p. innings sor tor first place in tee NOCC. S. Harkowskl, Wincxe; 13;18->8l tee first out. Wore, 2. ' Willis, p, ROCKY HILL^^ark Batter- ner, Wilson; 12:26—Wolff. CallC RUG CLEANING you wisTchanged and once this a k^ely soft color; Dako- coming i»rticulariy popular to- at tee Parkade Barber »iop how Materlala CCIL STANDINGS For tee first time this season, \ BVeeman, ph, Atlanta 3, New York 1, 16 in Coventry High scored its sec­ son singled with two outs and 12:34—Startens Time: 10:43—Le • Stimiffe 6434)563 nings. Farber; 12:60—Marlow, Allen: 12:1 COMPANY te d ^ f you vriU have tee ^ ^ Quarnaccla has you want It done and yo.i will Texaco Sfafion FREE ESTIMATES W-L W-L Kent Smith went to tee plate Hemenway. cf, Disenza, of, ond victory over Baexm Acaul- tee bases loaded In tee last of —Harmon, HesUn. Rastern memori J tearyou 3 t . ^ Oklahoma, a granite of finished a course In hair styling find that they will do It exactly Lower Level of tfar, Parkade 7-3 7-3 .700 four times without a hit. Smite Totals 3S 9 12 4 5 Today’s Games emy yesterday, 4-2, in Coventry. tee ninth frame, sending in tee 1:06—Ka«z, Harman: 1:14: Kuhn- MANCHESTER 15 HANNAWhY ST. 381 Main Stroat Conard 30 1 6 27 B s X Inntmm at There are many people who a dusty shade and also in hair coloring. If you as you specify, 640-6824 7-4 7-4 .636936 has been hitting every g;ame innings 12346678 Totals Atlanta (K. Johnson 2-2) It was tee Rams second win in wining run. Hie Bulldogs out- &nlne!°™:^'— ASeiwml^^InSh; Manchester 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Totals 11020321 Phone 643-0012 would not go to anyone other ‘’®^®®" ^®®P are dissatisfied ^ t h your pres- There really is nothing more 6-4 6-4 .600 SB: Grzyb, SUcb; Sb; Lovett, f j ^ ’hwesi 20400300 New York (Selma 2-0) 12 starts as Bacon fell to a 1-11 hit tee wlnneis but failed to Phona 643-9149 Huleatt, Gluca, Nau«liton, M ay MOVING AND than Arrigo AlmettUtee owner wonderful granite from ent talr style, why not make an Irritating than to have loose Windham 6-4 6-4 .600 2b; Kinel. PUkington, Keenan Cincinnati (Pappas 2-3) at mark. come up with tee right combi- 2:03—Bugnackl. Walch; 2:10—Kup- of Manchester Mefnorlal Co. . . , ap^ntm ent and have It styled hairs lodged around your collar. Hydramatlc Transmission Maloney 4-4 4-4 .500 Pittsburgh (Bunning 3-3) The ninth Inning' was all nation. Mike Ixmiberdo notched 3-DAY Central 8-6 Chicago (Holtzman 2-2) at They know teat he is an artist J*’® In equipment Is us- to bring out your best features? but the Hair-Vac System used Repairing GLASS 6-6 .466 Rocky Hill High needed to down the win ovsr Craig Pepin, both 2:34—keUy, Keith. TRUCKING GO. Platt SERVICE of note who creates beauty In ®^ Manchester Memorial Co. It is amazing what tee proper at tee Parkade Barber Shop • For Auto Windshields 4-5 4-5 .444 San Francisco (McCormick 3-3) Bolton High, 1-0, in the extra in­ going tee distance. All Work Onaranteed Amann stone as other artiste do in oil. memorials by Mr. Almettl styling of a man’s hair can do gently removes stray hairs that e For Store Fronts and HaU 3-6 3-6 .333 club. 'o ' 9 runs in 7 Innings; Breen 0 for 1 Houston (Guisi 3-3) at Los ning thriller yeateitlay in Rocky Texaco Lubrication Service Wethersfield 3-8 man 2, Ware 2. Ougn 1. ^uns in 1; LaMonta^e 1 for 0 runs Ano’oiao. ^r><-,raHaia o.o\ Personality Prevails — A lso — His skill is unquestioned and "®^v® ^ delicacy of beauty that to approve his appearance. might work under their sterile aU sizes of windows 3-8 .273 ------in 1; Lennox 6 for 6 runs in 6: „“ ®® ' Hill. The winners are 9-4 while W e Give Green Stamps • For Table T i^s St. Louis (Briles 6-2) at Phila­ FURNITURE CLEIANINO his designs are distinctive as them.1,— outstanding, Today it is taken for granted towels, leaving you comfort- Willis 1 for 2 runs in IJ; Wp: Len­ tee Bulldogs fell to 8-5 in.con- MILWAUKEE, Wls. (AP) — The loss put Manchester in a nox (2). well as beautiful. All of us want that many men turn premature- ably relaxed, Fryman Scores Only Run delphia (L. Jackson 3-5), night ference play. Marquette sUU has its crack OPEN 8 AJd. to 5 P.M. tie for telnl place with Wind­ Sunday’s Games Bowling a memorial teat will last ly gray, and with the emphasise The appointments are most at- ELLINGTON—A big fave-run, basketbaU team intact today, SATURDAY 8 AJK.-NOON ham High of WillimanUc. St. Louis at Philadelphia through tee years as a lasting on youth why look older than A c t iv e at the Parkade Barber fourth inning put tee winners apparently solely because of the Bob Kaplan notched his fifth Season Opener Cincinnati at Pittsburgh STEVENSON’S monument to those we have lov­ you reaUy are? Have your orig- Shop. The paneling is done In TOURAINE ahead, after coming from be­ EARLY BIRDS—Edna Chris­ force of Coach Al McGuire’s People in straight mound -win for Oonard, Batter Up! Atlanta at New York, (2) ed and lost, and when Mr. Inal hair color restored by Mr. walnut, with tee waiting area J. A. WHITE hind. Al Semphrebon and Phil ten 133, Flo Niles 132, Joan personality. Almettl creates a monument lor Guarnaccla; he does a really separated from tee barberlng striking out seven and allowing Brilliant Pitching This sound will be beard Chicago at Los Angeles, (2) Ohardls knocked in two runs Sunday afternoon when the Wilson 131, Bea DeDominieds Six Negro players, including ESSO you, this is just what you will superb Job and this will be a area by a most attractive plant- PAINTS GLASS CO. only one walk and five hits. Beii ------each tor ElUngton. Dennis Gris- Grzyb started for tee Indians the Manchester Little League Eleven active college head ■ wold hit a two-run homer tor 131, Iris Vacantl 130, Jan Cush­ four who are likely starters next 405 MAIN ST. have. The News secret between your barber and er, and tee floor Is carpeted. 81 BlsseU S t— TUL 640-7882 seaison and two who are possible FOR BEST RESULTS and gave up seven runs in tee lauhehes play with three dou- football coaches have been phly- tee losers in tee third Inning, ing 130-130— 347, Mims Ferris TEL. 649-5533 You sense a .. real Interest In Viaitina ,, lamttg Japan'slaoan’s capitalCanitnl youth- Many ladies favor this shop. fourth inning before Tim bleheaders. ers or assistant coaches at EUlngton 000 601 x—6 0 0 candidates for national honors, ...... jopon S l^apitai m appearance wUl not be a ee- “You will----- find a wealth of ton- By Singer, Sadecki 346, Joe Kerin 128. withdrew from the Roman Cath­ you personaUy when you walk KYOTO, Japan (AP) — Coughlin came in to mop-up. Pairings are as toUows: Michigan State. South Windsor 202 000 0—4 0 0 * Tune-Ups into tee Manchester Memorial Prime Miiuster Thanom Klttika- «nyon®- Ics, shampoos, shaving lotions, Grzyb fanned only one and National League — Buckley olic institution Thursday in a ra- There are six chairs to serve after shave lotions and other NEW YORK (AP)__ ^F\>r right-hander retired all tee As- Co. Their interest is in serving chorn of Thailand and his wife PAULS TURNPIKE Field: Manchester Auto * Engine Cleaning walked five, giving up two hits. Bill Singer and Ray Sa- tros’ hitters until Bob Aspro- you. in assisting you in any way arrived today at this scenic, an- g,, you ca if ® ? ’ STrotmlng items such as PAINT SUPPLY Coughlin struck out five, walk- , , . . u- monte singled In tee ninth. Sing­ Parts vs. Green Manor, Nas- Nothing but Aggravation for Nash Caused by McCraw * Minor Repairs tey can to choose tee menu- dent capital of Japan for a two- brushes. No anointment lor a 645 MAIN STREET TEXACO ed teree, allowed five hits ahd decki brilliant pitehing was er drove in two runs and Willie slff Arms vs. Moriarty ment that you have In mind, day sightseeing tour The couple waiting period. There regular haircut is necessary. one run. enough to Win. But Woody Brothers. * Stamps 1M. 649-0300 Davis knocked in two more. Mr. Almettl realizes teat such arrived on the world’s fastest Open 24 Hours A Day Manchester’s only run came Fryman had to score his * * * American League — Wad­ a choice is made but once In train, which brought him from es. Milk, bread and butter Firestone Tires in tee third frame when Grzyb own run aS well, OlANTS-CUBS— dell Field: Police & Fire vs. a lifetime, and he will make Tokyo, 310 miles away, in 2% Vernon served with all meals. Dillon Sales, Army & Navy Tiant Blew Date with Reeord Book tripled and scored on Coughlin’s Bote Singer of Los Angeles Sadecki got a run to work on every effort to see that you get hours. Maple Street School: Monday, Quality Line Products RBI single. Conard’s rally came gnd Sadecki of San Francisco Club vs. Sears Roebuck- T H E _ _ in tee first when WUlle Mc- Just what you wish. pork and gravy, buttered rice, Tool Equipmont Gm. Repairers License as 12 men went to bat in tee were staked to early leads Fri- Covey drove in Willie Mays with International League—^Ver- School Menus carrots, pickled beets; Tuesday, planck Field: Oilers vs. Pa- Of course, some people have A.ctTess Has First Child Comer Brood and fourth. Two runs were walked j^ y night and all they had left a double. The Giants added a Osfrinsky an idea in mind as to whalt MUNICH, Germany (AP) — hamburg and gravy, mashed po­ Rontal in, one . scored when John jq jq ,^,as pitch a two-hitter and run 4n tee seventh on Hal Lan- gani’s Caterers, Ansaidl’s And Howard Record-Breaker Spoiled Middle T|dce. W est Contractors vs. Lawyers. hn^\X7 / A T even T/%Hne/\n awamImm y-e__a. ^ they would like, and If you do HUdegarde Neff, 42-year-old ac- Next W eek tatoes, corn, celery and carrot Jtmann "was hit by a pitch. Jim three-lhitter respectively as the ler’s elngie. McCovey left the NEWYORK (A P)— Luis Joh^on opening tee sixth. Curt in 1921, Jim Bottomley in 1929 hitter for'Ws third straight vlc- DEALER IN WASTE not find it In tee display, tell tress, gave birth prematurely to sticks; Wednesday, chicken veg­ "W e Rent Moat Everjrthlng” Phone 643-2176 Giuca got on base by error as Dodgers beat Houston 6-0 and game with a spike wound suf­ Brief ceremonies will start Tiant blew his date with the Blefary walked. Frank Robin- and Vic Wertz in 1950. tory. ® Ltmeheons and Dinners at each site at 1 p.m. with MATERIALS Mr. Almettl and sketches will ber first child, her husband said Vernon Center Middle School • etable soup, sandwiches of egg two runs scored when Ed Kowal yjg Giants topped the Chicago fered in a rundown and will be recor^^ book and Frank grrovmded to Larry Brown, The Tigers bounced right . . . be made of your ideas and pre- t'’*'iday. David Cameron told salad, cheese, peanut butter and AP overthrew Chuck May, covering cubs 2-0. play starting at approximate­ Open Every Day Monday, hot dog on soft roll, out about 10 days. Howard had his record- Salmon dropped back, tying tee score on pinch sented for your approval. newsmen tee 4% pound girl was marshmallow; Thursday, roast first. The remaining pair scoy Fryman of Philadelphia * * » ly 1:15. ■ BED SOX-YANKS— RAGS, IRON Entertainm ent Nifl’htly breaker spoiled, but if it’s second M d hitter Jim Price’s single and Y ^ are* 3 o m e ‘" t r i^ p In at born here Thursday and teat Potato salad, diced carrots, turkey and gravy, buttered EQUIPMENT ed on a wild pitch. before hlmseU in tee lOte inning PHILS-CARDS— Play Ball! The Red Sox won their sixth any time and look around; ask mother and baby were peanut butter sandwiches, noodles, peas, cranberry sauce; DON WILLIS asTfirravation you’re after SSi adv^ed teem to tec'^^ «® “l® SCRAP METAL in the Gibson Lounge 985 CENTE» STREET CJoughlin. came in to quell ® of a scoreless game against St. The Phillies’ victory over tee fourth granfw tri- ®®*’® '^‘""®''- Horlen pitched a four- 3T s day ■“ Ta a mile Thnrs. • Frl. 19 A.M.—8 PJM. 1:66 Red Sox vs. Yankees all meals. MANCHESTE 6 2-3 timings before McCraw tri­ Monday Closed InwiUd N eeu cole slaw; Tuesday, meatballs Atlantic Service 6:00 (30) It’s Racing Tlmo ord in tee high hurdles, finish­ 4:46 M )^tor Skinner Road School: Mon­ Doug Rader singled in tee fifth out in tee inning, stole second pled, ending tee no-hit bid. Then BUT ONUY THE 6:66 Bncore in sauce, buttered rice, green 6:80 ( 8) Carl Yastrzemski inning. After teat the Dodger and scored on Johnson’s single. ing third at 16-8. Other Eagles 6:00 Monitor day, sausage grinders, potato AUTO PARTS Prop: “Rudy” DuPont McCjraw tripled again opening beans, pickled beets; Wednes­ Show finishers were: Norm Pelletier OAS YOU NEED 7:25 New York at Boston chips, celery stfeks, cheese tee Chicago lOte and Duane Jo- Six Leading Softball Teams 10:l0 Monitor News day, ham and cabbage, mash­ 9 7 0 HKOAl) Si 128 East Center Street SUNDAY first in mile at 4:30.6 and BUI 11:00 News sticks; Tuesday, baked sephson’s two-out pinch single Dube Tool Co. GUNLIFFE ed potato, carrots; Thursday, 1480 ( 8) The Outdoorsmon Vendetta second. John Mahon 11:16 Sports Pinal luncheon meat, mashed po­ Phone: 649-6977 brought him home with tee only DrUl Jig BasUnga U;30 Other Side of Day hamburg In roll, chips, vege­ 2:00 (8-80) Red Sox vs. 10 Three-Year-Olds was third in tee 440; Danny Form League^ Monday WPOP—i4ie tatoes, corn, peanut butter Featuring a complete line of run of tee game as tee White StMl aad OarblcM MOTOR SALES table sticks, pickles; Friday, OPEN Yankees Arnimto was fourth in tee long REC SOFTBALL 1:00 BUI BOaad sandwiches; Wednesday, meat Atlantlo Products plus Sox nipped Oakland 1-0. Night softball is returning to Games will start at 8 and ad SpMlal Beameia 2:00 Dick Heatherton baked beans, macaroni and 8:00 (18) Soccer: Chicago jump; Rich R lod won tee two Pet Center game from behind. EXPERT AUTO BODY and 6:00 Terry Mcftey balls, rice and gravy, green SAT. TO 5 P.M. General Automotive Bi other American League MMchester on a full-time scale, dittonal bleachers will be set up. maklne ud four runs to hand KIDDIE Derimal Slaea From Repairing Toronto mile in 10:38.2 and Jim Pera- FENDER REPAIRS ^ ______wiNP—use tuna salad, lettuce aailad. Home­ beans; Thursday, oven fried In Preakness Run games,- Boston rallied tor tee team’s from tee town slow Sponsors will absorb all expens- Teleohone^a 6-4 defeat PhU .080 thrn JlOO In Steps of .001 1:00 News made desserts or fruit served 4:45 ( 8) Colonial Invita­ Meyer Steel Plug Gagee 1:10 Jack Drees on Bporls chicken, sweet potatoes, peas, BAL'TIMORE (AP) — Dancers Image, disqualified f f ’^ w a ^ M rd^Jto^ f^ r th s l i g h t ^ g ^ e end pitchJeagues have forined the es for all tee uniformed teams. BuigesT doubl^ im ^ KORRAL ENAMEL and LACQUER with all meals, in addition to tional Golf fourth; Dyer posted a new In Stepa of .001 . 1:16 Speak Up cranberry sauce .butter sand­ ed New York 6-4 and (Califor­ Silk City League, scheduled to Schedule next week: Monday .i,- oeventh inninp after f im iji REFINISH1N08 1:30 SUelchinu a Budt milk, bread and butter. 6:30 ( 3) Shad Fishing after finishing first in the Kentucky Derby, went after school record in the 220 at 22.7; Carr Lane Jig and Flxtnre Parts 1:36 S p ^ Hartfion) wiches; Friday, tomato soup, nia’s gome at Milnnesota was start play Monday night under -Cantone’s vs. Billiards; Tues- ^.® In ' DAY OABE OENTEB REASONABLE PRICES the second jewel of racing Triple Crown today— the Paul Coope was third in tiffe ■ouity e Daily o Weekfy , Ball Look Pine 6:10 World Thte Wodt Northeast School: Monday, tuna sandwiches, peanut butter postponed by rain aiter 3 ^ In­ tee lights at Mt. Nebo. In hopes day —Wyman’s vs. Sportsman, mn ix-e Reynolds Bertte Boring Bars—Carbide RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. 6:30 Weekend DImeraUion Preakness at Pimlico. pole vault; East CaiteoUc won nings of hitless pititeing by the Besponsiblo Care for 2, 8, 7:00 News spaghetti, tossed salad, apple sandwiches.'Dessert and milk Painting— Decorating E ye T itle „ , T , p.m...... and on radio from 6:20- of building up public interest in Wednesday —Savings vs. Lenox. **'® , ^ ® f 4 .8-yr. olds from 7 a.m. 8o Also R4pw a n ting Other Just Above the Trafllo 7:10 ^mrts Time crisp; Tuesday, hamburgs in Once agin. Dancer’s linages p.m., bote by CBS. the relay (Welch, Kautz, Mc­ Twins’ Jdm Perry and the An­ softball, tee teams will play a it is hoped with this league “ two-run home run for 7:16 Siieak Up Hartford are served with each meal. Ctrole COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL STORRS (AP) — Conference- maillin a television was set Xrom 6-5 ;46 to devils red. auto servicing business," Wal- SILVER LANE EXTENSION Read Herald Ads lerich said, passing out cigars.


OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE BUGGS BUNNY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHBEIfER. CONN., SATURDAY, BfAY 18, 1968 CAN'T TAKE l ' M ’ 6 H 0 R T BUT HOW ABOUT HEARD'EM f how) THIG NEIGHBOR­ Antwtr le Prtriout PunIt VER OKOeRVEX O' HELPl ILL ANOTHER TABLE COULD 1 MIEE / IT ^ HOOD n ev er H1A5 HoBflm Slitnt 14 I M p W i nwpiJ-l— WuMllI I9WIIEII ll G E T T O VA PLUSH, BUT AT / wfmvQMfMaw 99 noip JR PORKY... r/A C L O T H S O W S HAVE MOU HEArtD THE REMINDS/HE OP th e) A Dog's Life l l e y e l n B u e v i A9 SOON AS C A N S T A R T A JIME t h e gorilla LEAST IT WAS ^ THE BEST In roofing — and ELBOnUOIAN — Joumoyman CAN' BURBLE KIDG ? THEVRE CLASSIFIED V n e w GAW iE? OUT BACK WITH GUITAR6 &OT HI4 HEAD OUlET/NOWirS HONDA Dream >— Black 1966 rM|^ wpalr. Call Coughlin. COUNTER ^ M A N for eve- WOMAN wanted evening^ and holpor, fuU-tlma, staady HARDER TO NAP a O b o s s 66 Scottish 306CC, with windahleld, aide ning shift, T p.m. to midnight, employment. Insurance bene­ AND AMPG AT FULL THROT-j CAUGHT IN THE sheepfold or part-time. Apply In parson. EXPERIENCED TLE / THEIR MUSIC /HAKEG lO W ATER BUCKET HERB THAN i 1 Youns dog baaketa, pleated seat and other 3 to 4 evenings per week. IM-CIty Plaza, Vernon. fits, paid hoUdays and vaoa- 4 Medium- EVEN THE LAWN /HOWER / I AT THE 700 / COMIN' DOWN Ay DOWN acceaaorlea. Showroom condi­ R o o G iiq Mid Please apply manager, Mr. tlon. CaU between 8 a.m.-6. il2«d short- ADVERTISING Evening shift. BRIDGEPORT GOUND C > f ^ I GKI 3UMP/> tion. Call 643-8816 between 6>7 Donut Shop, 286 West Middle WAITRESS p.m. Robert's Eleotric Co., haired dog 1 Dogs are p.m. ChtmiwyB 14 fA Supervlae other help. ExceUent South Windsor, 644-2421. 9 Small long­ these to CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Tpke. starting salary. Pleasant woilc- OPERATORS haired dog children 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.' 1968 SUZUKI motorcycle, 160 cc, ROOFING — Specializing re­ (coll.) 2 Soviet river PART-TIME concession cash­ ing conditlona. Uniforms can MAN wanted to be train' electric atari. Approximately pairing roofs of all kinds, new iers at East Hartford Drlve-In ed In sewing machine repair 12 Epoch 3 Top of the roofs, gutter work, chimneys be auM>Ued. Apply In person, 600 mUea, $360. CaU 1-324-0618. Theatre. Uniforms furnished. and stock control. Should have Top wages, overtime. Bx- 13 Rugged utensil COPY '^ E FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. cleaned and repaired, SO years’ Dlno's, 860 East Middle l^ke. mountain 4 ^ w lightly 23 I^rge dog of Call Mr. Martinez at 528-7448 mechanical apUtude. This la a ceUent wortdng condlthms. 43 Dog’s quarry 4i8e PJI. DAY BEFORE PUBUOATION experience. Free estimates. ciett 3 Boundary Scotland after 7:80 p.m. DENTAL assistant, typing abil­ permanent p^U on with good Apply B A B Gage Co., 43 Malignant DeedUne for Saturday and Monday la 4ilt p.m. FHday. CaU Howley e48-5861, 644- 14 Native metal (comb, form) 24 Church ity. Experience preferred. CaU starting salary and aU employe MltcheU Drive, Manchester. 6 Dry (comb.) festival spirit O f iM v d 8888. WAITRESSES — part-time, wlU 13 Make lace 47 Small islands 622-9137 before 6 p.m. benetlta. For Interview apply BY V. T. HAMLIN 16 Forefathers form) 25 Chums PLEASE READ YOUR AD YOU ARE A-1, truck la A-1. train. Call 640-2978, Ellington to Singer Sewing Center, 866 A LLY OOP 7 Summer (Fr.)26 Short-eared 48 ExclamaUon DENTAL Assistant —Experienc­ 17 Guido’s high' Cellara, attics, yatrda, drive­ Ridge Country Club. Ask for Main St. note 49 Ardent HMtlngMidPtwiibiiig 17 ed preferred but will train. BLtT I TELL YOU.GUi IN TH' BG SVKAMPP s r a r MtouiPM 8 Put in a , u affection **•******^,■25 "Want Ada” are taken over the phone ac a ways sealed and small truck­ Lee. MEN part-time fbr Janitor and THIS SUY, JOE KEBW, OOP.VOU KNOW A ir AST H I 18 Frozen rain new setting 27 Ancient Irish c o n v e i^ c e . The advertiaer abonld read hla ^ Knowledge of typing and of­ 20 Pismire 9 Versifier’s- - capital 50 Not closed ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- ** Plimbing A WANTED — RNs and LPNs for floor waxing work, 0 daya, 6 • ^ T S •OMB HUM 52 At all times ^ ***** REPOBT ERRORS In tllne for the fice procedure. Write Box EE, IMPOSSIBLE/ 22 Diy, as wine product 29 Uproar mano Trucking Service toll Service calls our specialty. No all shifts. CaU between 9 :30 p.m. to 11 p.m. CaU MMM4. 31 Feminine 53 Ireland JUSrt 2 ?” *? *• '**P «“ *Me for only ONE laooi^ Manchester Herald. 24 Greek letter 10 Shield free, 742-9487. Job is too small. Free a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 649-8061. 23 Light touches bearing appellation 54 Demolish esthdates gladly given. CaU 57 Anger JIG BORE 28 British 11 Flesh food 32 Male BULLDOZER, backhoe work, 649-2871. PART-TIME openings for wom­ money of 19 Worm children 58 Unit of land clearing, aeptlc tanka in- Hoip Wonfd- Molo 34 ACCOUNTANT 33 Woody plant weight en. It you need money but , account 21 Shakespear stalled, drainage fields. Paul have only a few hours a day, PART-TIME clerks wanted to OPERATORS 30 Finest 41 Cooking 59 Too Schendel, 649KM66. MimiMry. there is a splendid income op­ work in retail store. Must be SENIOR 34 Winglike 3 " 4 r " T" 7 S W 11 over 21. Ideal for anyone who part T“ r 4 . 643-2711 DON’T WATT, caU now. Get free OrMSiMwlng portunity with Avon. Full 875-3136 training. CaU 289-4922. wishes to add to his Income, Night shift premium 33 Fairy fort 15” tl 14 estimates on lawne DRESSMAKING — AlteraUons, OUT OUR WAT WILLIANS 36 Drone bee (BookvUle, Ton Free) Apply in person, 9 a.m. to 6 A skUled professional la niowed, trimmed, any size. 628- zippers replaced, etc. Excel­ SECRETARY FOR local law of- Minimum 60-hour week 37 Gibbon |4 i7 p.m., Cumberland Farms needed to augment our n r 0670. lent workmanship, 649-4811. 38 Land [larcel fice. Write Box "G O ", Man­ Store, 151 West Middle Tpke., staff. CoUege or accountiiig YEAH, I USED 'EM WHEN I I ’VE S E E N "lOU THROW a w a y 1 26 il ExceUent benefits CLEANED OUT THE GARASE BICYCLE TIRES IN BETTER \ 39 Mariner's i n TREE removal-Trlmmlng. Rea­ chester Evening Herald. Manchester. school required alrnig with DRAIN.' WHATS THE FLAP! SHAPE THAN THESE.' WHO SAID ^ direction TrauUe Reaching Our Advertiser? sonable rates. Covered for Air-conditioned experience In the general 1 G O T A FEW HOLES IN 'EM MOU COULD USE THEM, ANYWAY? , 40 FiUip 25 Moving— Tracking^ TIRED of going to Hartford to REFRIGERATION service BU T THEY'R E PATCHED UR property damage. Got a tree accounting field. In addition BREAK OUT YSMJR BILLFOLD AND 42 Follower 32 33 work? Secretary wanted by man, experienced In refrigera- AIN’T THEYT I FILLED 'EM KICK IN FOR A MEW PAIR, MISTER, B" u !T 26 2i 24-Hpur Answering Service Storogo 10 43 Box problem? Call Dana’s Tree local Insurance agency. Ex- tlon and alr-condlUonlng. Top to a chaUenglng assign­ D A V Y JONES BY LBFF and McW i l l i a m s WITH WATER AN' THERE OR YOU'LL BE MEEDINS A FEW ment, this opportunity wlU PATCHES YOURSELF.' ------44 Fruit drink 3T 24 Service, 622-8429. MANCHESTER Delivery—light perience preferred. Good pay, good beneflte. CaU 643- THE PURDY OORP _ THINK I'LL RENAME LAJEK\ I SHOULD GO TO V 46 Narrow inlet Free to Heraid Readen trucking'and package delivery. working conditions, air-condi- 7257. provide above average sal­ WE'RE GOING WINDOW­ LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also WHERE AR E SHOPPING, BEN JI... THIS JET THE'USP'... THE NEAREST PSY­ 48 Solitary 5 T Refrigerators, washers a n d Honed office, pay com------ary benefits and exceUent MR. TINTZ CHIATRIST... AND Want Information on one of our classified adverttsements? moving large appliances. Burn­ we HEAPING, UIKE,MAVBE, SEVERAL 'CAUSE THAT'S THE 51 Guide 43 stove moving, specialty. Fold­ mensurate with ability. Full or EXPERIENCED TRACTOR 586 HilUard St. working conditions. Write B Q 55 7 t h o u s a n d w in d o w s . KIND OF TR IP I'M ON. KEEPS A CAR m a y b e I'LL HAVE 55 Trim, as tree BT No answer at the telephone Ustedr Simply caU the ing barrels delivered, $4- 644- AT BVERV MAIN TO, BEFORE THIS ing chairs for rent. 649-0752. part-time. Write Box G, Man­ trailer driver. Apply In person. stating experience, educa­ branches 1776. Manchester, Conn. AIRPORT, WHERE CAPER'S OVER, 44 |4« chester Herald. Carlson’s Express, Inc., 95 H11- tion and salary require­ , TO NOW, BOSS.' 36 Animate ments. P.O. Box 1488, Hart­ 60 By way of 0i 53 M EDWARDS TREE EXPERT — Trees cut, Uard St., Manchester. U 50 SHARP reliable girl lor general ford, Conn. 61 HaU! building lots cleared, trees top- Pointing Popwriwg 21 U 57 SI 59 46 office work. Some typing. 62 Oily ketone ST ANSWERING SERVICE ped. Got a tree problem? Well l . PELLETIER — Painting — PRESS OPERATORS 63 Bitter vetch Pleasant working conditions. FORK LIFT OPERATORS !T a 42 worth phone caU, 742-8262. interior and exterior, papering 64 Oriental coin Good pay and steady work. BREAD PACKERS 65Granta use <194500 S75-25I0 and paper removal, fuUy in­ Call 643-0795 for Interview, MEN WANTED part-time morn­ s r it 44 SALES 'AND Service on Ariens sured. 643-9043, and 649-6326. ings for Janitorial dutlea In temporarily _1£ Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn mornings, 9 to 12. First Shut, 46 Hour Week and leave your message. You’U hear from our advertiser in Manchester area. OaU 034-0630. Jig time without spending aU evening at the telephcm. mowers. Also Homelite chain WRAPPER EASTERN BOILER A saws and International Club WANTED — Experienced wom­ an to care for 26 year old ELECTRONICS, INC. YOUNG MARRIED man with Cadet Tractors, Rental equip­ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER female polio, 4 days weekly. 90 Loomis St. driver’s license for general AMomobiioG For Solo 4 ment and sharpening service PAINTING 649-6271. Opportunity for a. Job in the work in Ice cream plant CaU HERALD 1968 VALIANT converUble, on all makes. L A M Equip' Bakery Dept. Involves bread SUPPLY CLERK — Experienc- at Royal Ice Cream Co., 37 WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE automaUc transmission, radio, ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon, INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DENTAL assistant, full wrapping and various other ed In insurance supply. Oppor­ Warren Street, between 4 and 6 heater and extras. ExceUent 875-7609 Manchester Exchange for Rockville office. Write duties. Must be available tunity for ambiUous man. Ap-, p.m. BOX LETTERS condiUon. (^11 643-7084. — Enterprise 1946. Box "N ” , Manchester Herald, for Sunday work and any ply Personnel Department, '**** quaUfloatlons. shift. weekdays 8:16 to 4:16. Security SHEET METAL worker, expert- 1966 CORVAIR Corsa con­ FORMICA coimters, cabinet T. 1. FLANAGAN C .iA • >«*• 5r MIA. hs. For Your Insurance 0>mpany of Hart­ enced In duct layout or duct WHY M OTHERS S E T SRAY •3 •• TM sil «m. work, interior remodeling, vertible, 4-speed. CaU after BOOKKEEPER for Accounts ford, 1000 Asylum Avenue, erection. Good pay, fringe ben­ Infomiatkiti kitchen specialists. Good work­ 4:30, 742-8261. & SONS Receivable Department, 36-40 Hartford. efits also oil burner. CaU BSS- manship at reasonable prices. FIRST NATIONAL ■P^OHIAIRV hours per week, all benefits, 7707. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL THE HERAID wlU not 1961 CHEVROLET, 2-door hard- Free estimates. CaU Lou Das- Fully Insured must be steady worker. Apply STORES, INC. BARTENDER desired fuU-tlme, disclose the Identity of top, very good condition. 649- canloi, 649-6986. Nichols Manchester Tire, Inc. good pay. Good working c<»idl- ONE THEE climber and one any advertiser using box I'M WITH V O U -S H A K E ,' 3616. 290 Broad St., Manchester. 643- Uons. Experience desired but ground man wanted, ajqwrl- I DONt EVEN letters. Readers answer­ STEPS, sidewalks, stone waUs, (Liability, property, workman’s 1161. Park A Oakland Aves., not necessary. Apply In persOn, enced only need apjSy, top REMEMBER WMAT Wff WECE ing blind box ads who fireplaces, flagstone terraces. comp.) East Hsirtford Willie’s Steak House, 444 Cen­ wages to right man. CaU 60> MAP ABOUr LET'S MAKE, UR desire to protect their 1968 PLYMOUTH station wagon. AU concrete repairs. Reason­ HAIRDRESSERS—full or part- ter Street 649-0271. 8104. Identity can foUow this 360. CaU 648-2386. ably priced. 643-0861. time, salary and commissions procedture: CaU anytime for free estimates. m In a modem busy shop. Pleas­ TWO 1968 Chrysler Newports, 4- SHARPENING Service FIRST, SECOND and third sitift. - Saws, ant working conditions. Apply Enclose yolir reply to the door sedans. Both in excellent knives, axes, shears, Earn whUe you learn material skates, Magic Mirror Beauty Shop, 767 box in an envelope — condition. Do not bum oU. 648- rotary blades. Quick service. 643-1949 and tool hardening in a new address to the Classi­ 5848 after 4 p.m. Main St., Manchester. factory with modem equip­ HELP WANTED fied Mianager, Manchester Capitol Equipment Co., 38 BY ROY CBANE Main St., Manchester. Hours ment. Many benefltv ExceUent INTERESTINO OPENINOB BUZZ SAWYER Elvening Herald, together 1961 CHEVROLET Impala, V—8 GIRL, part-time two to three daUy 7:30-8, Thursday, 7:30-9, INTERIOR and exterior palnt- insurance program7/wlth op­ Come In and let na talk them over .wltk yon. with a memo listlnjg the engine, automatic transmis­ evenings weekly In small home BUT HAS THE WHY NOT? ALL NATIONS HAVE THE RIGHT TD Saturday 7:30-4. 643-7968. ing and papering. CaU portunity for advancement. Ap­ EH? THERE'S NOT TD m KN0WLED6E. THE ^ BUT GIVE US TIME. THE companies you do NOT sion. ExceUent condition. CaU office, telephone work, typing, A Blue Oraaa A CMS REASON 15 THAT MAN HASN'T OCEAN FLOOR 15 RAPIDLY I NAVY THE RIGHT . PROTECT THE LIVES AND PROPERTY OF THEIR want to see your letter. Denoncourt, 742-6173. ply In person from 8 a.m. to NEVER BEEN A 643-1606. etc. Call 643-1442. A Paid Vacations A 7 Paid HoUdays ICRlfAEONTHE (HAP THE te c h n ic a l KNOW­ BECOMING ACCESSIBLE. TO P R O T E a I CITIZENS ON THE HIGH SEAS. SO WHY NOTON Your letter wUl be de­ WANTED — Typing, bo ______7:30 p.m. Klock Company, 1272 MR. SPUDPER?. THE OCEAN FLOOR.^ SINCE THERE IS NO , keeping, office work, maUing PAINTING — interior and ex- MACHINE OPERATOR for fuU A Slckneoa A Accident Coverogo OCEAN BOTTOMT, HOW TO REACH THE BOTTOM i, AND THE HOTTEST LEGAL stroyed if the- advertiser 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, 2-door se- ToUand Tpke., Manchester. A Profit Shnring PUn L PROBLEM \N THE WORLD PRECEDENT, WE'LL MAKE O N E .' > is one you've mentioned. services, payroll. Perform at terior, very reasonable, free time work days. $1.70 per hour UNTIL VERY R E C C N TIV . I JUST PEMEM3EREP dan. Runs very weU. Needs A Good BtorUng Bate TODAY IS; WHO OWNS If not it wiU be handled home. Reply Box 669, Manches­ estimates. CaU Richard to start. WlU train. Own traiTB- WHAT WE WERE MAP ABOUT. minor body work. CaU 628-8087 THE OCEAN BOTTOM? the usual manner. ter. Martin, 649-9285, 649-4411. portation. N. P. Hallenbeck 91 iiiHaPi evenings. LEARN TO DRIVE Apply CHENEY BROTHERS, INC. Co., Bunker HIH Rd., Andover. D-L TRUCKING. Llg^it truck- JOSEPH P. LEWIS — custom CHEVROLET convertible, 1964 742-8061. TRACTOR TRAILER 81 COOPER HILL ST. MANOBESTBB. OOlfK. ing done. Attics and Cellars painting, interior and exterior, Lost and Found 1 Impala, automatic, V-8, pow­ cleaned. Trash hauled to the paperhangipg„ wallpaper re- BOOKKEEPER fidl or part- TELEPHONE S4I-4141 er steering, radio, heater, new LOST — Woman’s gold watch dump. Reasonable. Phone 643- moved. Wallpaper books on re­ time for one girl office. Expe­ NO EXPERIENCE whitewalls, white with black with steel back, between Park- 6846, 643-9973. quest. Fully Insured. Free es­ rienced. Must be able to work top. 34,000 mUes. Top condi­ ade and Stop A Shop. CaU 649- timates. CaU 649-9608. alone, for Manchester contrac­ NECESSARY tion, 31.200, Owner, 628-1867. WANTED C ^ N U *W . T M la« U.L M . Off. 1191. tor’s office. Salary commensu­ care of lawns and yards. Free INSIDE-outside painting. 427 FORD 1964, two 4-barrel rate with experience. Write 'Train locaUy on modem ‘I try to be a good neighbor to everyone, but the trouble LOST: Passbook No. 25-011788 1, estimates, 649-1185. cial rates for people over 66. carburetors, rebuilt engine, 4 Box “ MM", Manchester Her­ equipment. FuU or part- is, one lawn mower will only go to fa r !" Savings Department of The CaU my competitors, then call mag wheels, after 5, 648-7664 WIMdAMS Tree Service, spec­ ald. time, day or evening. Sure ASHFORD LAKE Connecticut Bank and Trust me. Estimates given. 640-7863, training program wiU quaU- ializing in tree and shrub care. MICKY FINN BY LANK LEONARD Company. Application made for CHEVROLET, 1963 convertible, 876-8401. fy y o u for higher income, 26 MILES EAST OF MANCHESTER 643-8104. AND THIS GENTLEMAN payment. good condition. Many extras. EXTERIOR — Interior paint­ In the trucking industry. OFF ROUTE 44—SHORE FRONT LOTS WITH ME IS TOM THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBERU One owner, $960. Cal 876- RUBBISH — trash removed to ing, paper hanging, 20 years KAMERELLI, THE LOST — Passbook No. E 9181 STATISTICAL Approved for training vet­ E A SY TERMS Savings Bank of Manchester. 4106. the dump, lawns maintained. experience. CaU 249-7771 Mr. ATHLETIC DIRECTOR , CaU 649-1808 after 6 p.m. erans. OF UPSTATE UNIVERSITY/J V O U KNOW Application made for payment BARRACUDA ’’S” , dark Gaul in. I DON'T 5EW ! CLERK ARTHUR A. KNOFU blue, one owner, mint condi­ LAWN MOWERS diarpened and OUTSIDE and inside painting, CALL HARTFORD^ tion throughout, V—8 , 4-speq^. repaired. Engine tuneups, reel, ExceUent workmanship, rea­ 643-5440 — 649-5938 Announconionts 2 After 6 p.m., 643-7418. rotary, band. CaU 640-7968. sonable rates. Call 649-5760. Position open for person 247-1353 ANYTIME ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ 1964 CHEVROLET station wag­ with statistical background ers, sales and service, bonded Housoheld SorvicM and above average figure on, Bel Air, 6 passenger, 6 cyl­ H oot Finishing 24 representative. Alfred Amell, inder, automatic, radio, heaihr, OffMod 13-A aptitude. Calculator exper­ PART-TIME door man and M7-1719 or 613-4913. ^ very good condition. WlU dem­ FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- ience helpful. ExceUent concession grill man at East NOW IS THE TIME to protect Ing (specializing in older wages, pleasant working Hartford Drive-In Theatre. LIMOUSINE Service — 1968 onstrate In Manchester area. Must sell. 1-228-3176, 1-228-3689. and restore original appear­ floors). Inside painting. Paper­ conditions in air-conditioned Uniform furnished. CaU Mr. OfPOftTUNITY 15 KNOCKING! CadlUac yours for your wed­ ance of your amesite driveway Martlnex at 628-7448 after 7:80 hanging. No Job too small. office. Complete company WILL YOU OPEN THE DOOR? ding day with chauffer, 1960 BTORD wagon, needs trans­ with a good coat of protective John Verfallle, 649-6780. paid benefit program. Send p.m. air-conditioned, 7-passenger. mission, otherwise good condi­ sealer. Free estimates. 7'42- resume to P.O. Box 1483, Ulric Limousine Service, Ed­ tion, 360. 643-1301. 9487. BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Hartford, Conn., stating edu- PHILLIPS PETROLEUM has MR. ABERNATHY mund U. Parent Jr., 649-3660. Bonds— Stocks /cation and experience as VENETIAN blinds — repaired, • Modem S-Bay Servloe Stetton for IcMe at 4M weU as salary require­ JOHN MERZ Is now working retaped and recorded. 648-0273, Moitgagos 27 CLERK Center St., Manchester. EXCELLENT OPFOBTCNTTY, Trucks— Tractors ments. plus paid training program. AWl.ABERNATH>; IJ U 9 T PUT UPA at Russell’s Barber Shop, 649-2971. SEfXlND MORTGAGE — Un­ corner of Oak and Spruce. SCARECROW IN THE FLOWER GARDEN. MORTY MEBKLS BY DICK CAVALU 1968 FORD pick-up truck, limited funds available for sec­ BAKERY NOTE: We wUl be available this coming Tuesday, .May cyllnproxlmately 60 per cent net NEW 7 room Colonial w4tti fiwt Take your right on Ken­ home, IH baths, 2-car garage, 0469. Campaign spokesmen, howev­ 289-7044 after 6 p.m . town Manchester, State ley — S-bedrooms, baths, VERNON — custom built 5H at the campsite but construction 8 AJL t* 4tM PJL return on Investment. Ask tor floor family room. Built-in oven nedy Rd. Drive past excellent condition, near cen­ er, denied reports that )arg« Apply In person gains. Furniture, clothing, Theatre Bldg, inquire Manag­ remodeled lovely kitchen, room Ranch. Aluminum sid­ haa fallen off from the 80 zhel- toys and household Items Earl E verett, 649-8688, 648- and range, fireplace. 1% baths. Bishop Drive and stop at the ter. Only $21,600. Hayes Agen­ numbers were ready to quit 14’ GLASS SPAR boat and er, State Theatre, 648-7882. , large dining room, sunporch, ing, rec room, buUt-ins, ,41sh- ters put together on the first including small appliances 6129. J. D . R eal Estate Co. OaU Rick Merritt at the Bel- very alttractlve green Co­ cy 646-0181. WonlNd Roal Estotg 77 even before Resurrection (Jity COPY GLOBINO TDH POR CLABSIFIID ADVT. trailer, 60 h. p. Mercury elec­ now roof and gutters. WeU washer, exceUent location, tip­ day. DAIRY QUEEN and books. BUSINESS sone 2, 960 square fiore A gency, 647-1418. lonial with our "Open gets all its A-frame huts put to­ tric start -motor, motor used landscaped neighborhood, not •IF YOUR HOME Isn’t selUng It- By tile time caravans from 4iM p ji. DAT mmr t m m n m i o A n o M foot masonary building. Double COLONIAL — 6 bedrooms, House” sign out front. Let $22,600, 8 ROOM Ranch, 4-bed- top oondlfion. Hayes Agency, gether. 242 Broad St, Manchester very IHUe, $800. 648-2464. a through street. 116 Washing­ 6460181. sclf — don’t blame the house! the Far West and the Southwest It iiw itr ii iitt f ■ n iiij overhead doors. Centrally lo­ formal dining room, dream PORTER S’TREET Side of one of our representatives rooms, buUt-ins, recreation “It’s been a very small num­ ton. Shown by app(Uhtment. Rocklehge. 8 room ranch in room, garage, large lot. Near Get expert assistance — we arrive M ay 24, Lafayette said, 1906 BVINRUDK outboard m o­ cated. $90 monthly. Paul W. kitchen, large paneled famUy Owner 648-0216. show you the neighborhood GLASTONBURY — Luxury cus­ ber,” said information officer 19 Lexinsrton Drive “Plcturebook” dotting amid bus and shoiqilng. Hutchins have clients waiting. Keith the cam paign w ill have 6,000 tor, 18 h. p. Ehccellent condi­ Dugan, R ealtor, 649-4686. room, 2H baths, one off master the treed lots and the fine tom crafted seven room Ranrii, John Diamante. “Only a few Tov« ooonaunoM m u. tall, stately trees and lovely . A gency R ealtors, 649-6824. Real Estate, 6461922. people to house Instead o f Ita PART-TIME evenings — Man tion. Includes accessories plus (Off Scott Dr.) bedroom. 2-car garage. Excel­ IMMACULATE well kept and hom es—truly the “ CJharm” over-looking Eleventh hole, people who had illness in the DIALM3-2711 677 MAIN ST. Ground floor o f­ lent neighborhood. $87,900. landscaping. Thermopane win­ o r i ^ a l target o f 8,000. and arlfe to do Janitorial duties, portable carrier. Call after 6 ready for occupancy vdien you in the aty of JUST REDUCED — $28,900. Six Minnechaug Oolf course. Two SELLING YOUR HOlilE? FOr fam ily.” 624-0620. 647-1076 fice suite, 4 rooms, air con­ PhUbrick A gency R ealtors, 649 dow, thermorite glassed fire­ Demonstrators arriving for p .m ., 649-2291. say. Six room Cape situated on Charm. These fine homes room Ranch, buUt-ins, rec full baths, 2 car garage. Beauti­ prompt courteous service tiutt Bertrand Ransome, the Mue- PtMui PMeMRaa P m b b ditioned. Ideal for professional, place. Pour bedrooms, two fire­ the huge M ay 80 demonstration ^#vllOOOIOOW ■wRmWl ■ Owww^nOTV ■ 6847. % acre treed lot. ’Three or four are priced in the thirties. ful large lot. Bel Air Real Es­ gets results, call Louis Dlmock denhned, harassed “city man­ 16’ BOAT, 76 h. p. motor, insurance or real estate. Call places. Finished family room. room, 2 fireplaces, garage, must pay thetr own way, Lafayk bedrooms, lovely fireplace We can huUd to your plans tate 648-9882. Realty, 6469828. ager,” said firmly, "Nobody’s Gator trailer. Very good con- SINGER’S spectacular clear­ 649-0097. SEVEN ROOM older home, ex­ Wall to wall in four rooms, many extras, acre lot. Mitten ette said. No details were avail­ with raised heartti, full walk or ours. Complete engineer­ leaving. That’s Just a rum or. Wontwd—M dt U IMp WoB fd Mite U S i t i M t i m diUon. Call 648-4716. ance sale of used mactrines cellent condition, on bus line. plus all drapes will stay. Bel­ A gency, R ealtors, 048-6980. AIXi CASH tor your property able. MANCHESTER — 10,000 sq. feet out basement. Owner wants ing IhcUities avaUable. Do ANDOVER LAKE —Lake front It’s false,” 3 8 traded In during inir recent Property includes 2 extra buUd- fiore A gency, 647-1418. within 24 hours. Avoid red Another public statement re­ MAN WANTED part-time. Ap­ of industrial space. Prime loca­ fast sale. $19,200^ Wolverton stop out Sunday afternoon. ’TWO FAM ILY o ff East Center summer home with five rooms, One camper said some neigh­ ------"Sale—of—Sales.” AH recondi- ing loU. Marlon E. Robertson, tape. Instant service. Hayee solving the confused financial ply In person, Capitol Equip­ tion, Inside loading dock. C!all Agency Realtors,(^9-2818. Joe Lombardo, (Jarl Zinsser Street. Flats, 4 and 6 rooms. has electric heat, large fire­ bors—^who were away at the Biiikllng M alpriab 47 tloned and priced to sell. Many R ealtor, 648-6968. BRAND NEW and B ig! 68’ long Agency, 646-0181. picture may not be available un­ ment Co., 88 Main Street. TYPING done hi my home. Call for details. Hayes Agency, 646- or Frank FlUoramo will be 2-car garage. $20,000 au um - place, lot 60x200. EkusUy con­ moment—had talked about leav­ reduced up to 60 per . cen t! ranch with built-in oven and verted to year ’round home. til next week, after Abernathy 647-1848. OVER 6,000’ used pine boards Portables, and consoles. Come 0181. MANCHESTER — 6 room more than happy to show able mortgage. ExceUent con­ OUT OF STATE buyei’ needs ing the first few days, but got ASSEMBLY SCREW MACHINE operator. $17,900 — e room Ranch. Beautl- range, fireplace, garage. Six Only $12,900. T. J. (Jrockett, holds a Sunday meeting with his 8 to 6’ lengths, 4 to 10” width. early for choice selection. bungalow with screened-in you aroiAd. Remember dition, $26,600. PhUbrick Agen­ three bedroom Ranch, (Jape or used to the makeshift conditions Set up and operate. All bene­ fuUy paneled family room. room s plus fuU cellar. You Realtor. 643-1677. staff. LEGAL. SECRETARY, ten Must sell all for $400. Call 649- Demonstrators, floor samples, porch. 8-bedrooms, VA baths. also, city water and cRy cy R ealtors, 649-6347. (Jolonlal with garage In m ce and decided to stay. fits. Apply Dean Machine Prod­ H o o s m For Root 48 Large lot with trees and view. can’t beat this at $25,900. Ask sewers. Earlier Friday, Abernathy MEN years experience desires posi­ 0647. discontinued models —reduced Aluminum siding, storm win­ residential area. Can pay Up and down the sunbaked ucts, 102 Colonial Rd. tion in Manchester. Experienc­ Hutchins A gency, R ealtors, 649- dows. A new addition of 2 large tor Rick Merritt. Belfiore MANCHESTER — 7-room (Jape, called upon the General Assem- up to $70, Including som e HOUSES for rent, furnished or up to $28,000. (JaU Paul W. rows, campaigners sold they CAPABLE OP WORKING ed on IBM ExecuUve. Write 6824. rooms which are presenUy A gency, 647-1418. garage, treed lot, nice area, Wy of the United Presbyterian PART-TIME fuel oil driver, "T o ild i h Sew” models —all unfim lshed starting at $176. Dougan, R ealtor, 649-4685. were staying. Box E, Herald. rented. An Income to help pay BELFIORE AGENCY walking distance to schools. SPOTLESSLY CLEAN Church in the U. S.A. to set up a PROM BLiraiPRINTS nights, 6 to mtdni^t. Apply carry the same guarantee as per month. PhUbrick Agency, MANCHES’TER — spacious 7 JOE IDMBARDO offers this How long? expenses. A pleasant walk to Owner 049-3160. PRIVATE party wishes to pur­ $10 million fund to help econom­ --Scotty, Morlarty Bros., 801 Dairy Produelt 50 new s i n g e r products. sW er R ealtors, 649-6847. room hom e. EhcceUent location, seven room brand new Colon­ Realtors 647-1418 "Til the Lord wills.” MOTHER with licensed home shopping, schools, etc. Price Honestly, if you are look­ chase two, three or four fam­ ically distressed areas. Center St. Sewing Center 866 Main St., double' garage, aluminum sid­ ial on prestige Kennedy Road. "Til It’s over.” INSPECTOR and fine accomodations win FOR SALE — Fresh asparagus $16,000. Gastdn R ealty, 649- ing for a suburban home Uy house. 648-8448. "If we were aUe to use Just 60 babysit for chUd week days. 647-1426 M anchester. ing, large rooms, bus line, m 2% baths, 2 car garage, first Lois For Sol* 73 “Ttl the weather gets worse. SIDING man wanted by well also fo r freeslng. 689 Dart Hill Out off Town 6781. with a piece of ground per cent of the Invested funds of Like, T mean maybe next win­ FOR AIRCRAFT PARTS 648-2661. baths. Hayes A gency, 646-0181. floor famdly room . (Quality buUt where the kiddles can play established conatrucUon firm, R d., 876-7919. AM and FM Stereo radio, re­ SIX R(X>M single home (or sale. LAND WITH road frontage, on your board of penslone,” he told ter.” For RoHff 44 and ready tor occupancy. Bel­ with no worries from traf­ 1,600 delegates and visitors, "w e top wages, year ’round work. cord player, Grundig, exceUent $17,200 the p rice la right. Six MANCHESTER — 128 Florence fiore Agency, 647-1418. South Main St., $7,600. 648-0420. Buckland Road, Manchester, “Three, four years. Mlaybe Paid holidays. Paid vaca­ fic, here’s a lovely 3 bed­ could make a major dent In the Call after 6 p.m. K. C. Con­ condition, $128. 646-1678. VERNON — Two apartments. room (Jape, center of town, Street. 6 room bungalow with PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, About Town three, four months. Long as I tions. Overtime and liberal $28,000—7 R(X>M, 1962 Garrison room rancher out Talcott- houaing needs of such cities as struction Co., 648-0916. Boy Birds Fat» 41 H o m m Iio M G o o d s 8 1 Moehinory and Tools 52 One 3-rooms, stove, refrigera­ walking distance to shopping 2 bedroom s. Garage. Gtood con­ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY on 649-8847. have to.” company benefits. Apply at dition. Shown by appointment (Moalal, 4 bedrooms, flreplaoe, ville way that wlU capture Atlanta, Cleveland and Minne­ tor, Ceramic file shower. One and schools along with being on this 7 room raised ranch with Three students from Manches­ "Til the President and Con­ only. Call owner, 649-4^17. IM bglhs, ahnninum atOUag, 100’ LOT WITH 180’ depth. A your heart on first look. apolis” OROOUINO ALL bneds. Har­ REFRIGERATOR, 3 piece Uv- USED MISCELLANEOui~ ma- 6-rooms, stove, refrigerator, 2 the bus line, very neat and 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, fire­ ter who attend Union College, gress do something. trees, privacy, suburban. zone, water omy. T.J. Crockett Owner wants to seU com­ WASHINGTON (AP) — If mony n u . H.O. Chase, Hehroa ing room set, TV console Ad­ chine shop toed land. Many SpMt ^ vel, 7 rooms, fireplace, “But If I go, I’ll leave my BAKERY To work mornings, ready to paper trained and Main St. (Jail 643-2171. shade trees, fruit trees, garden- Terms. Call Suzanne Shorts, ment hera before its sponsor— healthy. Also PeUngese and ed lamps, art glass, primitives, Lombardo for details at the first floor. Offering 3 or 4 bed­ m baths, 8-oar garage. Oi^ family here," he added. “And 8 a.m . to 1 p.m . For Rant 67 plot, nice, patio. Residence Is 6463288, or Tim Moynihan, 666 Michael A. Adams of 406 the Southern Christian Leader­ any quantity. 644-8962. Belflpre A gency, 647-1418. rooms, copper plumbing, com­ PRICE REDUCED $24,900. Hutchins A gency, R eal­ that metms I’m coming back.” W elm araners. 1-628-6678. newly redecorated. Kitchen has 0678. J. Watson Beach & Co., Spring St., a freshman at St. ship Conference—gives the $1.90 per hour to start. W(X)DEN storm sashes and COVENTRY LAKE —lakeside bination aluminum storms and tors, 6465834. "Have you been to Memphis, MAINTENANCE CLOCKS bougdit, sold, traded, new blrCh cabinets, built-in Realtors, 2766960. Michael’s (Jollege, Winooski, Vt. word, ETVE LTITTiE tiger kittens screens. 647-1946. cottage, modem, aU conven­ SEVEN R(X)M (Jolonlal featur­ screens, plus breezeway and Sparkling clean 6 room Oo- honey?” asked a Negro woman, expert repairing. Colonial oven and range plus dishwash­ (JOVENTRY — Ranch 4 large has been cited by the college’s A Negro woman who declined looking fo r good hom es. 649- iences, some select dates stiU ing 4 bedrooms, 1^ baths, 2- garage. 7% years yduiig. $21,- Icxiiol, 8 large bedrooms, with amused patience. "Have Clock Shop, 882 Main St., rear. er. Large living room with bay BOL’TON LAKE — Lots 600’ rooms. Year round home. Air Force R.O.T.C. Detachment to identify herself etalked out of MECHANIC 6480 after 6:30, anytim e w :ek - PINE DINING room set, 60x00” avaUable. 648-6980. car garage, wall to wall, beau­ 66o, Wolverton Agency, Real­ dining room, huge Uvlrg from water, treed and in very you been to Marks?” MOTTS ends. with 2 leaves. 6 ladderback Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m.- tiful sunporch, fireplace, large window. VA baths. B ig b&rn room, fireplace, garage, Porch, garage, full basement, for excellence in aerospace stud­ the big dining tent and startled She swept her arm in an arc 9 p.m. Sundays open tlU 5 tors, 649-2818. nice area. P riced to seU. trees, private beach. ExceUent ies. He was awarded the Veter­ a scattering of campaigners by EtxceUent opportunity for SHOP-RITE chairs. $316 or best offer. Call MISQUAMKJUT, Rhode Island, •walk-up attic, new roof, re­ has stalls for horses. City wa­ nice yard. Owner very anx­ taking In the trees and grass of MIXED BREED — Puppies for p.m., closed Tuesday and Hayes Agency, 648-0181. value tor only $13,900. Phil- ans of Foreign Wars Plaque and 643-1771. VA room cottage, hot water cently painted. Value like this MANCHESTER — New Ustlng, ter. House is newly painted. ious. Immediate occupancy. leaving this West Potomac Park, the Re- man experienced in ma- q t TPFD M A D in i^ r sale, mother medium sise, Wednesday. brick Agency. Realtors, 646 M edal. chine repftir and mahite- SUiiJjxC JuiilvJlUij 1 and heated, private party. (JaU in an area equally as fine. 2-famUy, 4-4 flats, convenlenUy Ask Carl Zinsser to show you CaU early! % A(JRE HOUSE lots tor sale fleeting Pool, the gleaming good with chUdren, $6. each. this one-of-a kind property. Bel­ 6347. She wouldn't say why, nance. Experience with 597 E ast M iddle Tpke. 643-0491. Gorgeous yard, $25,600. Wol­ located. $19,600. Leonard Agen­ off Keeney Street near Fox white Lincoln Memorial and, be­ 872-8407. verton Agency, Realtors, 648- fiore Agency, 647-1418. Buckley School PTA will A young man from Marks. bakery equipment desirable , . _ WHITE ZIG-ZAG Wearing Appcuol— BASS river and Dennisport, cy , R ealtors, 646-0469, ask for Grove G olf Course. (JaU 643- VERNON —7 room Ranch, ex­ yond the growing line of huts, but wUl consider other me- Manchester, 2813. 647-9993 3688. sponsor a Mother-Daughter Miss., tilting back on a chair ALASKAN MalamiUe Huskies Cape Cod. 2 and 8 bedroom Judy Libby. cellent neighboriux>d. Newly re­ the W a^ngton Monument. chanlcal background. Per­ CABINET MODEL Furs 57 JUST Listed on prestige Night Monday. Dessert will be a g a l^ the shady end of Ws ply- puppies. Call Nurmi Auto Body cottages, all conveniences, au­ decorated. Paneled den, living "This is paradise compared to manent year ’round employ­ FOUR R(X)M expandable Cape. MANCHBBTEIR — new custom Boulder Rd. Beauty is it’s own AI M artin served at 6 p.m. in the school wood-amd-plastlc hut, said he LABORER — Experienced in 649-8884, RL 80, Vernon. tomatic heat, off season rates. excuse tor being — and this room with raised hearth fire­ some of those places,” she said. ment, above average wages Used but Uke new, m akes Built-in-range, formica count­ buUt 8 room Colonial located Bea MlUette R io ft Preporffy cafeteria. A fashion show will concrete work, $8. per hour. GOWNS for Senior Prom, size (Jail R ockville 1-876-0682, week­ park-Uke setting is truly beauti­ place, wall to wall carpeting, and working conditions, plus AKC REGISTERED poodle pup­ buttonholes, monograms, ers, ceramic tile bath. Ex­ in new prestige neighborhood, Helen (Jole be presented at 7 In the school (JaU 6484)801 after 5:80. 6 and 7. Reasonable. 649-4624. days after 0:30. ful. Enough trees to provide For S A 74 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, attic a complete free benefit pro­ pies, champion show back­ sewrs on buttons, blind hems cellent condition. Comer lot. TVi baths, double garage, Herm Frechette auditorium. Models from Buck- ample shade — but spaced fan, 8’ cedar closet, 26’ kitch­ ley School are Michelle Plaiie, gram . Apfiy, ground. One black and one sil­ and does fancy designs, aU CAPE (JOD West Yarm outh, 8 Pleasant location in Center Hayes A gency, 648-0181. BOL’TON LAKE, Bolton — 5 CARPENTERS and carpenter’s strategically to let sunlight filt­ en with abundant cabinets, dou­ Cheryl Dow, Mary Ann Nasslff, ver. hfiniature, reasonable, 643- without attachments. Our W onfd To Buy 5B bedrooms, full bath, heated, Spring Park area. 6H per cent room summer home secluded Strikes Mushroon helpers needed. (JaU after 6 BRAND NEW Five bedroom er through. Located at the end H. M. FRECHETTE ble stainless steel sink, built- Maribeith Potter, Melissa 6608. 6 year parts and service fireplace, hi—chair and crib. assumable mortgage. (Jontact hideaway, near water, 3 bed­ in range, double oven, knotty p .m ., 87S-1016. HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques Colonial In prestige area of of a cul-de-sac on one of Man­ REALTY Schardt, Karen Fahey and FIRST gfuarantee. (Jomplete price, 644-1316. owner, 649-8976. room s, only $9,800. Hayes pine recreation room with lai^e AKC Chihuahua puppies, male bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, town on large lot. 2^4 baths, chester’s truly tree-lined Mina Miller. Professional HELPER for furniture and ap- $68 or term s o f $6.80 per Agency, 646-0181. fireplace, playroom, workshop, and fem ale, reasonable. 742- glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ two car garage, city water and streets, we think the combina­ models will also appear in the pUance deUvery truck. (JaU Mr. month. Call MISQUAMKJUT, Rhode Island (JOLONLAL — large kitchen, for­ 2-zoned heat, - 2-car garage, In French Crisis NATIONAL 6369. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 mal dining room, 8 or 4 bed­ 'sewer. Slarly occupancy. Mr. tion of street and site alone la SOUTH MAIN St area — 5 and COVENTRY Lake — 4 room show. PettenglU, e464)m. — Summer Resort. Stanton patio. 6%' per cent assumable (Oontinned from Fage On«) Lake St., Bolton. 6496247. Realty, Realtors. We have two, rooms, den, family room, Lombardo, Belfiore Agency, worth w ell over $20,000. Add 6 flat, With 2-dar garage, sell­ summer cottage. Excellent to have spoken to 10,000 per­ BEAGLE pups —AKC register­ ing fo r $19,900. T. J. (Jrockett m ortgage, $29,900. (Jail owner, sons. STORES, INC TRU(JK DRIVER for furniture CAPITOL SEWING three and four bedroom cot­ screened porch, 2-car garage, 647-1413. to this a fine Colonial home area, close to water, beautiful­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will that would cut off De Gaulle’s ed, desirable background, 2 BUYING all silver dollars, half Realtor, 6461677. ly treed lot. Only $6,900. Hayes 1-8766296. • Park k Oakland Avenuei^ and appUance deUvery. CaU MACHINES tages rentable for one, two or large wooded lot in prime with two-car garage and fin­ sponsor a rummage sale Tues­ main communications link with The student bastions holding fem ales, one m ale. 6494)668. dollars, and dimes. Private NEW USTmG—Nine —yes nine ished family room and you Agency, 646-0181. day starting at 9 a.m. at 977 EaM Hartford, Conn. 4F Mr. PettengUl, 646-OUl. more weeks for yom summer neighbortiood, $88,000. PhUbrick STONE HOME BOL'TON LAKE — 6% room the French people. But they dW the Sorhonne and the Odeon till 9 p.m. 246-2140 collector paying top prices for vacation. Wlnnapaug Road, agency R ealtors 6494)847. room raised ranch Just over might expect a price In the fift­ Mloln S t., next t o OUfSord’s Theater, meanwhile, were being M LAKE CHAFFEE, Ashford, Ranch, large tree shaded lot, not decide when or how to collections or singles. Write the Manchester-Bolton line dn ies — surprise — it's barely Spacious 7-room stone home (Jlothlng Store. M isquamlcut, R . I. T el. 1-401- lakefront 6bedroom, winter­ one car garag;e, aluminum launch the strike. flooded late Friday night by AKC registered poodle puppy, ______Box F, Manchester Herald. a beautifully wooded lot. Dead­ Into the forties. We might de­ in one of Manchester’s most gray fem ale. CaU 648-4074. 696-2886. ized brick Ranch, fireplace, oil combinations, lake privileges, They announced a seven-point what one reporter celled “ the AUTOMOTIVE mechanic want­ LABORATORY end street. 2A baths. Four bed­ scribe aU ithe features to yoii, desirable areas. Large, at­ Army Pvt. Bruce C. Blakes- WE BUY and sell anUques, and heat, furnished, $17,900. 288- selling tor $18,600. CaU owner, com plaint Ust. They objected to usual night crowd of the Latin ed. Top wages. Sunset Service COLUMBIA Lake — Small wa­ MANCHESTER rooms. Quality buUt by Everett but frankly, we’d rather show FREE—cute kittens, housebro- SINGER CABINET used furniture, china, glass sil­ tractively landscaped lot 643-7666. lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles everything from “government (Juarter,” including “broken- StaUott, 006 E ast sa d d le Tpke., TECHNICIAN terfront cottages, June, July, Van Dyne. CaU Mr. Lombardo you. Let Frank FlUoramo take with a 12x20 sum m er house. 4146. ken,-118 M aple Street. 649-7449. MODEL ver, picture frames, old coins, R. Blakeslee of 66 Helalne Rd., Interference In the objectivity of down painters, gooty poets, 6496821. August. 648-2598 or "(Jolum bia tor details. Belfiore Agency, you through and around this P riced to sell at $89,900. guns, pewter, scrap gold, Immaculate 3 bedroom LAKE BUNGEE — Woodstock, VERNON — new large 7 room recently completed a fixed sta­ news reports” to the attachment bourgeolse dressed up like poor Challenging opportunity for 647-1413. esthte in not-so miniature. Al­ Sewing machine, slightly watches, old Jewelry, hob­ 4,” Rt. 87, Columbia. Cape. FuU shed dormer, Connecticut. Large wooded lot, raised Ranch. 2V4 baths, 2-car tion receiver repairman course of the facility to the ministry of people, and foreign tourists.” MAN tor tire service or recap a high school graduate, pre­ low ample time—buy or WARREN E. HOWLAND used, monograms, makes by collections, paintings, attic sunporch, garage, double with well, approximately 16D’ garage, fireplace in rec room, at the Army Signal Scrool, Ft. information. •All of them listened, even If shop. Ctood pay. 46-00 hours per ferably with post-graduate (JOLUMBIA Lake --Two—bed­ NEW LISTING —Two bedroom browse or both, you won’t want buttonholes, sews buttems contents or whole estates. Fur­ lot, $24,600. R ide by 47 Realtor 643-1108 from Lake. Reasonable. Call Minutes to Vernon (Jlrcle. Dlx, N. J. momentarily, to the never-end­ week. AU benefits. Must be study available in an ex­ Uva Stock 42 rooms, all faculties. Ideal for ranch, recently redecorated. In The stelte-run airline Air on, blind hems dresses, all Walker Street. Paul Fiano, to hurry this inspection. Got 6468826, 643-4949, M rs. Ander- $26,700. M eyer A gency, Real- ing stream of speeches on the A steady woricer. Experience niture R epair Service, 648-7449. chUdren. 646-0388. central location. Recent gar­ MANCHESTEIR—7 room Cape, Blnance oanceiled all flights. panding laboratory. without attachments. Our 6 6460191. about one hour Saturday or son. 643-0609. Army Spec. 4 William W. whys and wherefores of the stu­ helpful but not essential. Apply WESTERN RIDING lessons $6. age, amesited driveway. Deep full shed domer. Formal din­ And all except one of the main year parts and service Sunday? (Jail Frank at the Bel­ Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. dent revolution. Nichols Manchester ’lire, Inc. This is tndy a ground floor an hour. Also horses for sale. wooded lot. Mr. Zinsser, Bel­ ing room, finished rec room, ■■ MORE THAN comfortable year Paris railway stations were de­ guarantee. oi m o fiore Agency, 647-1418. William L. Palmer of 288 Fem Most speakers denounced 296 B road St., M anchester. opportunity with a growing Tolland Riding Stables 876- Rooms Wlriieut Board 59 W U I T Rmff 6B fiore A gency, 647-1413. extra lot of record. Handy lo­ ’round living' in this 4 room serted. Both suburban and St., is serving with the 74th Sup­ what they called an out-dated company being a leader in 7242. THE THOMPSON House — (JOt- THREE FAMILY — aluminum cation. $28,900. PhUbrick Out Off Town Ranch situated bn waterfront long-distance trains were left MAN—fuU-time. Apply in per­ WANTED 6 or more rooms or NEW USTING — Three bed­ ply Co. In Vietnam. the specialty papermaking Complete Price $67.20 tage St. centrally located, large siding, 2-car garage, con­ Agency, R ealtors, 640-6347. property overlooking Coventry idle In the yards. Army trucks educational system. son. Barrett Plumbing Supply, house for famUy of five. Would room ranch, convenient loca­ For Sola 75 In educational rirdee, this industry. Position is within pleasantly furnished rooms, venient locaUon. Good income Lake. 8 years young with buUt- were hauling commutors into 881 B road St., Mantdwster. Or paym ents o f $6.60 per like it by Jime 1st. Call 1- tion. Flreplaced living room. PRE-VUE Sgt. 1. C. Joseph A. Master- Paris. corporate Research and De­ parking. Call 649-2368 (or over­ property. Gerard Agency, 649- RICHARD ROAD — 7 room cus­ SOUTH WINDSOR —B irch HUl, In oven and range, modern charge rings true, and casts the Artielos For Sedo 45 month. CaU Capitol Sewing 346-5407 coUect. Aluminum storms and screens. tom built Cape with 4 bed­ 7 room Raised Ranch, 6car santl, husband of Mrs. Joan Subway and bus traffic In shadow of guilt not so much on LUBRICATION man for greas- velopment Technical Lab­ night and permanent guest 0638 or 643-0366. Drop over to Redwood bath, most attractive fireplace M gr., TUI 9 P.M . CaU col­ PubUc and parochial schools. room s 2 baths, fuU basement, garage, 2 baths, large family Masters anti of 60 Nike (Jlrcle, Paris seemed to be diminishing. the educator^ as on the adminis­ trucks and trailers with oratory. The primary work lect if toll. rates. WANTED —Cottage at Colum­ Farms on HiUstown Road Edong with utmost com fortable MANCHBSTBIR — 8 - bedroom Shows well —should sell. Mr. attached garage. Fine residen­ recently was promoted to his The unrest was spreading In trators. Y mobUe units. Experience activity wUl be in the area PR(XJESSED gravel for drive­ bia Lake for month of August. room, carpeting, many extras. enclosed porch, plus fUU base­ Ranch new aluminum siding. Merritt, Belfiore Agency, 647- this Sunday afternoon. Rick tial area. T. J. (Jrockett, Real­ present rank while serving with Ironically France pioneered in necessary. Good starting hour- of physicstl testing and ways and parking areas. Also COMFORTABLE room for gen­ Prefer waterfront cottage, hav­ Owner-Broker 648-5129. ment and garage. $17,900, Wol­ the postal and telecommunica­ bank run gravel and fUl at 246-2140 tleman, private entrance, free Convenient West side location. 1418. Merritt will be on the pre­ tors, 6461677. the Army as a platoon sergeant tions services. Workers In Paris research about how education ' ly rate. Hospitallzatimi in­ product quaUty evaluation. ing three bedroom s. O ^ 649- mises to show you these verton Agency R ealtors, 649- our screening plant or deUv- parking, 14H Hackmatack St. All city utUitles, $16,200. Bel- TOLLAND Near parkway. with the 164th Transportation mail-sorting centers walked out should be changed to meet mod- • surance. Uniforms and tools 1720. NEW USTING —East Hartford fine homes and plans by L. 2818. Send resume and salary re­ ered. George H. Griffing, Inc. between 6-9 p.m . Air Real BsUte. 648-9883. MANCHESTER — three famUy, Smaller 5-room Colonial, ga­ CJo. In Vietnam. Friday night. Today reports em needs. fumlahed. Second riilft. Apfdy SINGER automatic zig-zag, with side of Manchester. Immacu­ and M. Homes. Where else exceUent Income, needs repair, quirements to, or call: 742-7886. rage, workshop, acre wooded BOLTON — Older home, barn, came from Le Havre and Rouen The students complained that 67 Tunxis Street, Poqum iock, cabinet, used excellent condi­ CAPE —6 rooms, 8 or 4 bed­ late 6 room cape with formal in Manchester can you get FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen H.M. Frechette R ealty, 647- lot, excellent oondlUon. Only out buUdlngs. 2 building lots Airman l. C. Alexander A. that all postal workers were on recommendations to turn a bug­ Connecticut, between 10 a.m. tion, buttonholes, hems, over­ Apartmont BuHdlngs dining room, flreplaced living a fine new home priced in Arthur Toumas DARK rich stone-tree loam, privileges. Private entrance. rooms, wall to 'waU carpeting, $14,900. H ayes A gency, 646- plus land. $20,000. PhUbrick Paone, son of Mr. and Mrs. strike, and the same news was gy-whip educational system into «and 8 p.m . CaU 622-8079. casts, sews on buttons, etc. For Sola 69 good condition,, central locaUon room, large bright kitchen, the low to upper twmties? Technical Director $15. Pool and patio sand, $16. weekly. Gentleman prefer­ 0181. Agency, Realtors, 6465347. Domenlc A. Paone of 44 Prince­ expected later from other cen­ a useful instituUmi of the rocket «■. ------stone, fUl, gravel, sand and Originally over $300, now only red. (Jail 647-1981. tor schools transportation, three bedrooms. Wall to wall We have already sold a siu*- RANCH — 7 room s, 2 fuU MEAT CUTTER wanted, good BOLKJn — 8 unit apartment ton St, is home on leave after ters. age have somehow been lost $49.60, or assume payments of shopping. $19,900. PhUbrick in several rooms. Oversize ga­ prislng number of these baths, modern kitchen •>^wlth VERNON working oonditlMui, good sala­ manure. 643-9504. house situated on approximate­ serving with the 97th (Jivil Workers were also taking in­ along Jlje wayside. Colonial Board Company $7. monthly. D ealer, 622-0476. CLEAN comfortable rooms for A gency R ealtors, 649-5847. rage. Large screened in porch. homes, and are stlU weeks buUt-ins, formal dining room, ry, ft^-tlme. Apply in person. ly 4 acres. Lots of potential. Engineering Squadron at Bly- direct action. The independent refined genUeman, also 2 room Truly a fine value. Call early. away from our formal open­ famUy room , 3 bedroom s, 2- ACRES OF PARADISE «^ULY OCCUPANCY! ! Store Manager, Vernon Cllrclo AU rented. T . J. C rockett, thevllle AFB, Ark. At the com­ newspaper Le Figaro an­ 616 Parker Street (JLEIAN FILL free fo r hauling. 1968 SINGER zig zag sewing efficiency. Free parking. In­ Mr. Merritt, Belfiore Agency, ing. Come, pick your plan car garage. ExceUent neigh­ M arket o r call 649-8629. R ealtor. 648-1577. Present owner transferred pletion of his leave, he has been nounced that only part of its cir­ Manchester, Connecticut Call 647-1121 anytim e. machine, slighUy used, button quire Scranton Motel and Ca­ MANCHESTER 647-1413. and your lot now tor early borhood, $81,900. PhUbrick and will move when school assigned for two monthe Red culation was nui off the presses Legal Notices Telephone: 649-4667 holes, hems, monograms, etc. bins, 160 Tolland Tpke., 649- occupancy. These are truly A gency, R ealtors, 649-6847. Here Is a beautiful country FOUR OIL barrels, $2 each. One NEW USTING —Seven room Is out. Majestic 8 room (Jo­ Horse training at Elgin APB, 6 years guarantee. Total price 0826 before 6 p.m. 6 AND 8 TWO FAMILY fine values. hom e In Andover that Is because pressmen objected to a JANITORS part-tUne, evenings. double bedspring, good condl- BihIiims ranch In M anchester. Two fUll MANCHESTER — older 6room lonlal on a lovely treed lot. Fla., before leaving for Tuy Hoa headline. Figaro said this was OBOBB OF NOnOE $64. E asy term s. (Jail 622-0931, modem In every detail with AT A CX>I)RT OF FBOBATB, OaU 648-4458, 8-6 p.m . only. Uon, $1, 26 bags o f cem ent, 96 dealer. PRIVATE home, large pleasant For Sola '7 0 baths. Ask tor Joe Lombardo (Jolonlal, aluminum siding, 4 bedrooms, 2M baths, 2 car AB, Vietnam. He is a 1966 grad­ an Infringement on freedom of held at* Manchester, 'witblo end for Just Usted in town fo r $25,- many built In features, sur­ PART-TIMB GAB station at­ lbs. each, 60 cents a bag or sunny room \rith kitchen pri­ tor details. Belfiore Agency, large room s, $18,600. A M . F re­ garage, etc. Mid 30’s. Mr. uate of Manchester High School. the press and lodged a com­ the District o€ Manchester, on the SaltMiwii WM duplex apart­ Han^ to Illing Junior High helmeted gendarmes had sur­ or before May 10, 1988, by cep- saUing Blue Lustre tor cleaning ADAMS ST. — vacant machine In addiUon.. .a tidy 4 room dence. A lso notice the big tWo — New custom built 6room or beef. Completely fenced, ad- tIHed mail, a copy of this order rugs and upholstery. Rent te e . ' ment. Central locaUon. Work­ shop with 10,000 square feet and High School. $26,000. Phil- ELUNGTON — 6V& room rounded the palace. apartment or in-law suite. Wol­ car garage. Observe the love­ Colonial, 2>A baths, double on property, good for horses to Bertha D. Doran, o/o Rdbeit B. ROLO MACHINE 00., ing couple. No chUdren. Call on one floor, 2 acres of land. brick Agency Realtors, 646 Ranch. Convenient location. Legal Notice . Sizing up the police opposi­ Ifonui, USO Boat St, lioxlngtan. electric sham pooer $1. Olcott verton Agency Realtors, 649- ly treed front yard. Take our gar^e, family room, city utUi- Jacent to state forrest. Inunedi- Maas., and return make to ttSs 8 6847. tion, the students decided to INC. Variety Store. Complete Price $88.60 after 2 p.m ., 649-4819. 2-famUy house included, sensi­ word lor it that the rear yard ate occupancy. T. J. Crockett (Jlose to eveiything. BuUt-ins. Court. CAB DRIVER t le s i Hayes A gency, 646-0181. MOnOE OF 8FEOIAL TOWN merely parade in front of the JOHN J. WAILETT, JUdge. 65 ELM STREET bly priced. Must sell, T. J. is equaUy lovely. Is equally R ealtor. 648-1677. Nice treed lot, only $18,000. IF (JARPETS look dull and Or payments of $8.86 per UANCSmsnDR — 4 n o n apart­ MBBTISO buUding. The gendarmes at the oc: Lawrence C. lOocsack, Atty. MANCHESTER, (JONN. Crockett, R ealtor, 648-1077. treed, and, in addition is beauti­ MANCHESTER —New listing, Hayes Agency, 646-0181. TOWN OF BOLTON Man or woman driver for drear remove the spots as they month. CaU C apitol M gr. ment. (Jonvenient loeattoo. ^ , M A Y .tT , 1968 Luxembourg Palace were the fully terraced. The inside? How 2-famUy flat, conveniently lo­ FOR YOUR 647-1481 anyUme. aftemo(His or weekends. De­ appear with Blue Lustre. Rent collect if toU. Stove, refrigerator aad heat Loft For Site 73 EAST HARTFORD — Ranch 6V4 The electors, lecal voters aad etti- only ones to oppose student does both an eat-ln kitchen and cated near center, ideal for in­ aens qualifled to vote in Town pendable person with good electric shampooer $1. The furnished, $150 per month. CONVENIENCE ANDOVER — 8 room Raised rooms large modem kitchen, 3 Meetinza of the Town of Bolton, movements during the day. The InvMtnMiir Froporty - a formal dining room strike law situation. Bel Air Real Ooonerilcut, are hereby notified a S driving record for Manches­ Sherwln-WUUams Oo. 246-2140 Hayes A gency, 646-0111. Ranch, 2 baths, 8 to 4 bed­ bedrooms, exceUent condition, m arch o f about 1,000 students to PERMAMENT For Sola 70-A you. Also, a unique fireplace Estate, 643-9882. The Mitten Realty Oo., warned to meet In the Special Otown ter area. $28,600. PhUbrick Agency R eal­ Meeting to held a tt iw the suburban Boulogne-BUlan- of Tennessee Pink stone—tru­ rooms, famUy room, treed lot, MANAGER TRAINEE WE HAVE customers waiting R ealtors, tors, 640-6347. munMy Hall, in said town, on Mon- court plant of the Renault auto TWO STORES, 2 qpartments, MALE ly a tasteful feature! Would SIX ROOM Ranch in exceUent low 20’s. Hayes Agency, 648- toy a?, 1968 at 8 P.M. FULL-TIME MAN GARDEN tractor with mower. tor the rental of your apart­ THIHI 60S E. Middle Tpke. (E.D.S.T.) for the foUawtag pup- works was completely unop­ good Incom e, $82,900 PhUbrick condition. Large Uving room 0181. Permanent Job opportunity. 107 Burnside Ave. Call after 4:80 p.m . 742-8261. MOVING — Wish to sell Ken- ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ you go tor a delightfully Jalousl- posee: posed. Interesting Challenge A gency, R ealtors, 649-5847. ed porch? A kitchen with buUt- with fireplace, 3 bedrooms. ' 1. To adopt a b u ^ t of Inoome Must have m echanical abU- more portable dishwasher. tate, 643-6129. WUl be open weekdays from ELUNGTON aad expenaes for the period However, the workers told the EXTENSION ladder, 82’ wood­ 1ns? For even more features, BeautifuUy landscaped comer Legal Notice ity. Call for appointment, East Hartford Good condition. Call 640-6818. MANCHESTER, business block HELP 60, all day Saturday and egunen^ Jriy 1. 196Sand students they couldn’t come Into In Mr. Auto Wash, Manches­ en. E xcellent condition, $20. MAN(JHE8TER — Five rooms, throw in wall to wall carpet­ lot. Owner. 646-8628, evenings. e w t o June 30, .1969. and to with 6 apartments and 4 stores. Stmday afternoons. Over 86 REWARD YOURSELF m toe appropriations for said the plant, (riiere the workers Call 648-0689. FIVE piece formica and chrome central location, no pets. AvaU­ ing in the living and dining UQUOIZ PBBHIT ter. 648-6122. This property is in exceUent Ustinga from $7,600 up. period. are staging a sit-in. The stu­ Retail Sports Store kitchen set. $30. Twin bed- able June 16. $120. m

r f

• • •• "I- M l l O U m i N Aattr|[»sfor Ensnitig Ifgrslii SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1868 Funenda News in Police Rout Militants Threaten Nation Carlyle B. Johnson ^ ------^ByCLAYR.PCLLAN ' Bobistt B . OiOveit Funeral services for Carlyle The W orld MAR. 22 your Dally AcHvIty Guide SEPT. 23 jrt Protesters FBI Chief Tells Congress B. Johnson of 118 Branford St. 20 |tob«it B. CUvert, 76, of 84 » According to tho Start. » OcH'.23^1 Httelne Rd., burtwid of Mn. will be held Monday at 1 :80 p.m. 1-23-47-41 To develop message for ^ndoy, WASHINOTON (AP — FBI anti-American prattle.” at the WatMns-West Funeral Havana Teen* Admit 6-1327-3^ Director J. Edgar Hoover He said the mood of these or- Loom Ttaylor CUvort, died thta /'49-70S0S4 read words corresponding tofumbets l4372-a6-9ioU At Columbia saya moinlnc at lianolMater Homo- Home, 143 E, Center Ctt. Ihe To Terrorism Charges TAURUS of your Zodioc birth siga revolutionary stemda taken by ganizatlona—as typified by SDS, Rev. Kenneth W. Steere of Cen­ HAVANA AP) — Authorities i-'X APR. 21 (OoBttnied from Page One) mUltcmt black nationalist “ Is a mood of dlsllluslomnent, rtal HotqjUal. | 1 Don't 31 Good 61 Opposite Bom In Newport, R. I., the ter Congregational Church will stood four Cubw teen-agers up [ MA'T 21 2 Elderly 32 Go 62 A groups and students of the new pessimism and aUanatlon. At In his statement today, Tru­ eon of Turner and Anna Rey­ officiate. Burial will be in East before a rally of about 700 per- 12-17-24-36 3Seek 33 Con 63 It left pose a threat to the nation’s the center of the movement in Cemetery. sons BTiday night and accused 4 Kind 34 Start 64 To 4- 7- 84^ man said, "Wo will give flrst nolds balvert, he had been a 2dES 5T he 35 Idle 65 And 1535371^^ security. an almost passionate desire to Friends may call at the fu­ priority to the question of whkt resident of ICanoheater tor the them of forming an antigovem- 6 Don't 36 Problems 66 Your SAOITTARIUS He t

'30-59-73 64-67-74 Sundvon, bertdes hie wife, new s « ^ lo n ^ ^ n s at 9:45 a.m. „on Italians are expected to 26 M o lten 56 Ruffle 86 Seek there was some chEintlng Emd danger is great.” preaching hatred of the white include two sons, Robert B. Cal­ VKOO 27 To 57 Present 87 Trading piscn Hoover appeared before a race, demcmdlng Immunity Sunday and Monday tor a 28 Mature 58 Your 88 Guard FEB. 20 shouting. Police were ■ in uni­ vert Jr. of WBUingford and John' Over 300 clergy and men n^w Parliament and Senate tor 29 Permit 59 Personal 89 Favored form and wore helmets but car­ House Appropriations subcom­ from laws cmd advocating vio­ N. Calvert of BlUngton, 30 The 60 By 90 Coogeratlon MAR. 21 mittee Feb. 28 and his teaUmo- lence constitute a serious threat and M d women lay delegates wlU the first time since 1968. 15-3348-52 -75/19. ried no nightsticks. Police vEms tour grandchildren, ) 11-1316-55/C ny was released today. He seeks be present to conduct the regu- The ChrisUan Democrat and 6Q-77-81-8S ^Adverse ^|^Neutnl 62-7376 VS drove onto the block Eit 4:16 to our country’s Interned secturl- r Funeral sendoes wiU be Tues­ lar business of the convention, socialist parties, partners in a a.m. approval of a 9207.6 million ty.” day at 1:80 p.m. at WatUne The morning session will be center-left coiditlon, have an­ One policeman announced on budget tor the fiscal year start­ West Funeral Home, 142 E. ing July 1. highlighted by the annual ad­ nounced their Intention to pre­ a bullhorn that the university Center St. Burial win be in Ce­ dress of the Rt. Rev. Walter H. serve the alliance. " had requested all persons “ ex­ He expressed concern over re­ dar H tU ^m etery, Hartford. Police Say Gray, Bishop of Connecticut. An­ Thousands of ItallEuis took to Irate Customer Slaps Clerk, cept tenants and their invited ports that black natloncdlst Frienfo may call at the fu­ nual reports will also, be sub­ the streets Friday night to at­ guests” to leave. The stodents groups ore stockpiling weapons neral home Monday from 7 to 9 mitted by the Suffragan Bishops, tend die final election ndlies. laughed and began singing, “ We “ for use against the white mcm Camera Tells p.m. Hits Her with Car’ s Door John H. Esqulml and J. Warren In Rome, supporters of the shall not be moved.” Hutchens, and by the regular Fascist psLrty which polled flve The poIlcemEm then sidd the He said these reports could A fnistralted and very irate fered when struck by the car Who Is Thief Fred Kleinert committees and commlssicms. per cent of the vote in the last students were imder surest Euid well be true because guns are womem customer struck a door. Fred Kleinert, 72, of 18 Court- The Very Rev. Robert Wyl- elections, clashed with police as they rose tuid walked to the po­ easUy obtained and “ in light of aedeewoman at the Arden Gar­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — land St. died yesterday at Man- mer Woods, Dean of St. they burned______Socisdlst______btumers______A witness told police that the lice vans. One girl went limp the infleunmatory urglngs of den and Produce Center, 312 Themks to a security camera, Chester Memorial Hospital. George's Chapel, Windsor, Eng- and tried to tear up cobble- customer had come to buy some and was carried by three police­ such agitators as Stokely Cem- Oakland St. yeeterday after­ police say they know who robbed Mr. Kleinert was bom in land, and chaplain to Her Ma- stones. geraniums that were advertised men. michael, H. Rap Brown and noon, aitd then kocked her down a brcmch of the Connecticut Odrau, Austria, and lived in Jesty the Queen, will deliver the in Milan, about 1,000 students as being on sale and when told Earlier the students had been James Forman of the Student when rile drove away with an that they had net yet arrived, urged by Rudd and leaders of National Bcmk of 99,280 Friday. ^ ® address at the Convention Din- shouted anUgovemment slogans Nonviolent (toordinatlng (tom- “ The Identity of the bandit madiintot at tte Hartford Spec- ner. Dean Woods is a graduate and brandished posters deplct- open oar door. said, “ Tou’re lying!” and slap­ the community group not to of­ mittee.” is known,” Police Lt. Anthony w Macmne (to. for 20 years be- of Trinity College Euid Wesoott ing Red China’s Mao ’Tse-tung. The vlotlm, Mrs. Jessie Tu- ped Mrs. Tumll across the face. fer resistance to the police. Hoover also testifled; Fabrisl said today, “ and we tore retiring flve years ago. He House, Cambridge, and served Minor clashes were reported to ruU, 812 OEddrand St., was taken The iraite customer then Later, (tolumbia president Dr. —Memhership In racist are now seeking him.” w a member of tte Zion Evan- in several parishes in England Genoa, Naples and other dtlea. to the emergency room of Man­ Jumped into her car, and leav­ Grayson Kirk, who said he had gulcal Lutheran Church Eind the before becoming a Chaplain chester Memorial Hoi^bal yes­ ing the car door open, drove been away from the .campus at groups like the Klu Klux Klan Ig The holdup was staged at the terday where she was treated ahead. The door struck Mrs. the time of the occupation of the dwindling In the hecul of the Blcmk Rock branch at about ... with the Armed Forces during Brazilian ArcheologUts 4:30 p.m. by a mcm carrying Survivors Include his wife. World War H. Prior to aseum- d a • • 'r i for a broken arm and given a Tundl, knocking her to the building, added in a statement: South—Mississippi, Alabcuna, a pistol cmd a shopping bag. Mrii. d a ra MUeUer Kleinert: a ing his present post, he ^ tetanus shot tor a laceration suf­ ground. “ Above all, I am thanlcful that Louisiana—with about 14,(XM An accomplice watted outside son Walter F. Kleinert of Am- Archdeacon of Singapore and JANEIRO AP) — there were no reported injuries Mansmen still In buslnes. But, in a car, which was later identl- ston; a daughter, M n. Rujh Vicar of St. Andrew’s Cathedral ITP BraalUan archeolo- to anyone Involved. I Intend to he added, “ there cure thousands fied through its license plates. Bveimon of Manchester; a broth- Singapore ’ laughed off today the as express my personal apprecia­ of sympafiilzers.” The bandit approached a tel­ er, Jrim Kleinert of Nevrark, sertion by a Brandeis Universi­ Sides Exchange Demands tion to Police (tommissloner —The FBI investigated 29,228 N.^.; a sister, Mrs. Mary ty professor that a I^oenlclan reported violations of the Selec­ ler, handed him the bag, and Howard R. Leary for the exem­ said: “ Fill ‘er up.” Kleinert of Sprlngfleld, Mass., inscription on a stone in Brazil plary restraint with which his tive Service Act Icujt year while As Peace Talks Recess Two tellers dumped ceuBh into and eight grandchildren. Open Forum gave evidence that Phoenician men handled the situation.” many young people "noisily and traders beat Columbus to the btozenly advocated the burning the bag, cmd the bcmdlt took Private funeral services will ‘ ‘Outstanding Job* (Ooatinned from Page One) seemed beyond question. be held Monday at 11 a.m. at the To the Editor, Americas by 2,000 yesun. and tuniing In of draft cards” to It and headed for the back door South Vietneunese Ambassa­ through which he nad entered Rose ran Funeral Home, S80 The Boy Scouts and Ctob Prof. CJyrus H. Gordon of forces other than those at South demonstrate opposition to the dor Bui Diem, here from Wash­ the bank. On the way out, he Elm St., Rocky Hill. The Rev. Scouts that pEumcipated in the Brandeis said an inscription Vietnam from the territory of all along. Ifletnam wcu-, "many Just went ington as an observer of the encountered a bcmk vice presi­ CSiarles Kubl, peutor of Zion Chamber of Commerce 6th An- found . . , on a stone in ParsAa South Vietnam.” through the motions with phony Harrlmcm-Thuy discussions, The statement caused a flurry dent, Joseph Koletar, cmd told Oiurcfa, will officiate. Harriman concluded his state­ ocuds.” nual Clean Up Day Program on ^ ^ **®®“ >^e-wal- said the Cabinet resignation in the American delegation him: “ Don’t move, or I’ll shoot Burial will be In Rose HUl May 11 did an outstanding job '*®*®'* ment by saying: “And so we “ came as no surprise” and its here, however. But cdter first —The Mexican Communist cdl of you.’ ’ Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. and on behalf of the (Chamber mate. come back to the task which basic purpose was to “ strength­ declining direct comment, a peurty has made plana to store Only a few customers were There afe no c a l l ^ hours. of Commerce, I wont to express “ No professional researcher concerns us here, which Is to en tihe government.” He denied U.S. official scUd there had teen weapons and anununltloh In in the bonk at the time of the Tile family suggests that those our thEuiks and appreciation. in Brazil takes the theory seri­ move toward peace. reports of rivalry between no aggreement on this matter in prepeuation for a revolution In holdup and they apparently wldilng to do so make memorial The Scouts that participated ously,” said Prof. Luis (tostro “ You have said a great deal Thleu and Ky as being "out of Paris. Mexico and already has desig­ were not even aware It was contributions to the Americiui were: Pack 2, ’Troop 26; Pack Faria, a former head of the ar- about bombing cessation. ’The date.” The ground rules, set up dur­ nated staging areas for the re­ going on. Cancer Society, 292 B. Maratmii 47, Troop 27; Pack S3,' Troop cbeology department at the Na- President of the United States ing two preliminary meetings volt—one unspecified area 160 St., Hartford. 47; Pack 65, ’Troop 91; Paric 91, Museunv. “It must be the Diem did say, however, that has said that the present limited he thought the (tommunists between both sides May 10 smd miles from Lcuredo, Tex. Uidon StaUcHi in Wcuddngtoii, Troop 112; Pack 112, ’Troop 120; idea of some unemployed ama­ bombing could come to an early would attempt to take advem- May 11, were that only U.S. and —Hie domestic Communist once the gateway to the Capital PjMsk 120, Troop 128; Pack 148, teur.” end If our restraint is matched North Vletncunese citizens tage of the development. He party has tried to link civil for mllUons of redlway travel-, Troop 126; Pack 261, Troop 188; Archeologist Maria (toncelcao by restreUnt on the other side. would take peut In "(dfleied con­ Beltrao, who now heads the de­ said they would try to use it in rights protests with its opposi­ ers, will he converted Into the About Town Pack 864, Troop 159; Troop 861; “ And so, I would like to ask versations” on the war. tion to the 'tfletncun war as j^ r Explorer Post 112. partment, scUd in a telephone in­ their propaganda as evidence National Visitors (tontor by ear­ Kesneth Wedbust of 76 Bow­ you agedn a question which you At' the IsLSt session Hanrimcui of a program "to create one The Chamber also wishes to terview ^ m Brazilia: “It was’ that the Saigon reg;lme was ly 1970. ers St. officiated at the banquet have not yet answered: What crumbling. outlined five areas of apparent massive movement which they and annusd'meeting of the Mam- thank the following without Phoenician aU right. But it was egreement between Hanoi cmd restraint will you take to con­ Aside from a possible propa; hope will ultimately change our ohester Association for the Help whose help and assistance the written by a local intellectual' tribute to peace in Vletncun?” WcuBhington rcmglng from com­ Clean Up Day would not have ^ Phoenician travell- ganda move by Hanoi, Dleni government’s polldes, botti for­ BANK CREDIT of Retiurded. C^ldren Thursday Indications of a strain be­ said, he did not believe tte Cab­ mon stated support of an inde­ eign cmd domestic.” night at the inUage Liuitem been the success it wcw; tween Washington and Saigon inet reahuffle in Saigtm would pendent, democratic South Viet­ Hoover said that cunong CARDS ACCEPTED Barn. Welbiist served » presi­ Emmanuel Hlrth of (tontred eedd the stone found in ccune from a Sedgon interview have any direct influence on the nam to strict application of the young people, new-left organiza­ dent of associatiott since Sep­ Connecticut Cooperative Feum- Paroiba had been identified as a military provisions of the 1964 by Foreign bOnister Tran Van Paris talks. tions “ cem be expected to find tember for the unexplred term ers Association; Ronald Walsh ^^ e in Brazilian studies. She Geneva agreement. ARTHUR DRU6 Do who scUd his government He said the peace tedks, cou­ wider fields of endeavor and to of Albert Pariseau. He also of the Manchester Jaycees; An- added thalt its author was an Xuan Thuy refused to discuss had agreed only reluctantly to pled with the partial U.S. bomb­ try to do all that it can to Infect served three y ea n cub president thony Bottlcello of the Sanitary educated practical Joker trying them Wednesday. And to ^ y cm go along with a U.S. proposal ing halt, have given the enemy the rising generation with its (d the association. Refuse Compemy, and WllUcun to confuse researchers. official Hemol radio brbadccuBt D .-O ’Neill, Director of Public made here to freeze the level of "three big advantages” : (tommunlst forces in the South —The freeing or 90 per cent of described Harrlman’s “five The PoUrii American Ctub Works of the Town of Mcuiches- ^Houseproud* Ex-Wife areas of greecnent” as “ five ter. LONDON AP) — John CUB part of a progrcun for ending North Vietnamese territory wUl meet tomorrow at 1 :80 p.m. Americcm attacks on the North. from the bombing.' basic dlfferences” 'i%9hlch "con­ at 106 dlnton St. Refreshments (tonUally, Hatch, a veterinary was gremt- trast with each other like water The resignation of Premier will be served.. Max Grossman, Chairman ed a divoroe from Ms wife Jeem, —The "opportunity to contin­ cmd fire, light cmd darkness, Nguyen Van Loc, meanwhile, Clecm Up Day Project described by a Judge as “ exces­ ue, relatively unmolested, their kindness cmd cruelty, justice sively houseproud.” caused a flurry of concern massive infiltration of men cmd PIZZA RAYS Xjutc / Junior Musuem wlU and injustice.” which was eased by the speed Iwve its annual meeting and Hatch complained: ^ supplies to the South.” 180 SPRUCE STREET Labor Universities —^When he watched television with which President Nguyen The Americans were braced eleotion at offloenB Monday at —A forum for propaganda cut- Vcm Thleu named ’Tran Van tor more propagemda at the 6 psn. at the Manchester (toun- MADRID — Ten labor unlver- he sat on the floor as she didn’t tacks on the United States cmd Huong as successor. Any hint of talks. "But one day,” Harrimcm try d u b . stUes are now providing Spanish »ier chair cushions crum- its allies in Vietnam. N O W OPEN pled. political instability in Saigon is *1716 ambeuwador repeated said during the two-day recess, workers with technlccd skills. “ they will get tired cmd get Major and Mrs. Bernard Dit- ’The recent opening of new uni­ —i^ien he undressed at night a source.of concern to U.S. poli­ previous statements that cmy he used the bathroom as the cy makers cmd a threat of weak­ agreement between the United down to constructive discus­ mer of Hartford win conduct versities at CJt^ceres, Huesca sions,” 4 P.M. fo 11 P.M. sperted. services tomorrow at Zaragoza tripled attendance in bedroom curtains were nearly ness for the United States in the States and North Vietnam on a THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - SUN. always kept open to preserve negotiations here. complete halt of bombing at­ The two sides have been far 10:46 ELin.. ai3d 7 p m . at the little more than a year. Enroll­ apart. Hanoi insisted that U.S. ment now is 18,000. the folds. Thuy had the opportunity to tacks on the North will have to Salvatkxi Army Clbadel. Mem­ bombing was blocking the nego­ bers at the Manchester and -• H e was not allowed to take speak first today, under the ro­ be acceptable to Saigon. off his Jacket in the living tation system which has devel­ One of the objectives of the tiating progress cmd it was un­ CUastonbnry Gtianges will pai> London Bridge was built from willing to pay "remsom” to get ttcipate In the evening service. 1825-81. room. . .“ because it would oped here, and was expected to North Vietnamese in Paris, - he cause dust.” strike out again at continued said, is to influence the U.S. the bombing halted. ’The United —She insisted on washing, his U.S. Bombing of the southern presidential campaign by de­ States said it wanted "recipro­ hedr—in case he splashed soap panhandle of North Vletncun. He picting WcuBhlngton as unreason­ cal restraint” on Hanoi’s peut to Kosygin FKes to Prague on the bathroom floor cmd walls. is pressing for total cessation of able and unwillng to seek what bring a halt to American cUr CALL —He normally handed her his all U.S. attacks on the North. the (tommunists consider to be redds, now limited to North Viet­ pay envelope unopened and she A spokesmem for Thuy said "an hmiorable peace.” nam’s narrow southern pemhan- For Unannounced Visit cdlowt\him 912 a week. If he Friday there could be ” no com­ Diem depicted the enemy of- dle. wemteu Tnore money he had to tonalve in South Vietniam'"'a The French capital continued PRAGUE (AP) — In a cU- lustration of the gfrowlng differ­ promise” on this North Viet­ York Strangfeld ask her for it a::d give an ac- namese demand. Harrimcm has pert of a new "flghit while talk­ wracked by militant student cmd mate of Soviet worry over the ence between Moscow and counting of his spending. been urging the North Viet­ ing” campaign against the al­ labor sit-ins and demonstra- continuing liberalization in Praghe. —^Hatch, 89, eventually had a namese to take steps to de-esca­ lies. Uona, and there were signs that (toechoslovakla, Soviet Premer Members of Czechoslovakia’s nervous breakdown, Saigon, he said, had obtained this unrest could have cm unfa­ Alexei N. Kosygin flew into late the war in order to Justify at now-unahackled press cKwded Mrs. Hatch, 37, denied the an end to U.S. attacks on the evidence more than a year ago vorable Impact on the prelimi­ Prague for cm unannouncedd vis­ Grechko cmd his party at the allegations, that • the Communists were nary peace talks. it Friday. North. airport, besieging them with ^ “hurting badly” as* a result oI Members of the U.S. delqjra- He called for lowering infiltra­ Tlie official reasons given for questions. In most Communist Pravda Writer Accuses the American bombing attacks. tion have teen cusklng questions tion from the north cmd re-es­ 643-1068 hto Mtprtse visit were for medi­ countries newsmen, controlled US. of Blackmail This forced them, he said, to about the student-labor revolt tablishing a buffer zone between cal tnatment and tcUks with the by the government, would stand MOSCOW AP) — A Soirlet "try emother approach.” and showing Intense Interest in leadefs of Prague’s new liberal North and South. back respectfully and wait for a correspondent accused the Unit- Thuy’s stubbornness on the It. And the North Vietnamese government. The entire complex of Issues proffered statement. States today of using “ blacks bombing issue will probably be delegation Is moving out of the centering around the bombing for In Mofoow, however, Czeebo- Dana Havllckova, a pretty mall” to try to force Chile to met by continued efforts by U.S. Hotel Lutetla on the Left Bank, slovak sources suggested that appeared to be wholly dead­ blonde reporter tor the Czeoho- support U.S. policies. Ambassador W. Averell Harri­ which is close to the noisy riot­ locked until one aide or the oth­ Kosygin might have gone to Slovak state television network. Former U.S. support of man to inject Into the talks ing. Hie delegation Will take up Prague to reduce the current er was i%ady to make a major kept pressing Gen. A.A. Yeplrii- chile’s Christian Democratic what U.S. delegation spokes­ quarters In a private house in tension In Czech-Soviet relations breakaway move. Without such COLD STORAGE o .1 . ®''* ^® PoUtical boss of the So- party “has undergone a man Wilhatn J. Jordon calla the Parisian suburb of Cholst- a move the talks could founder. “some element of oonunon le-Rol. The house is owned by membra ^ t comment on a re- ^ange,” wrote V. Borovsky in For the moment both sides port in Le Monde of Paris that Pravto, the newspaper of the ground that could get ue mov­ the French (tommunlst peurty. t O R ^ lln e in dealing with the he had recommended Soviet S T o o m m u n ^ r t y . seemed to be fighting a battle ing closer to ending the war.” for public opinion. — J 1 .. .. nillltary intervention against Writing under a Santiago So far the ' Americans. have for your Against this background news been adcunant about not stop­ MARINE CORPS HEROINE came from Saigon of Loc’s re­ DIES Dafensd ' kOnlster Andrei A No, it’s a complete lie,” Yep- UJ3. ambassador in Chile as ping all the bombing without signation and reports spoke of some matchlrig cutback in Ha­ CAMP PENDLETON,. (toUf. Grechko, who got a p ^ w L tl- “ We don’t care vdUch this development as reflecting (AP) — Sgt. Reckless, the Ma­ valuable furs ______* ^ ______Yeplahev and Czechoriova- party Is in power in C3iUe. We noi’s military aid to (tommunlst differences between President forces fighting in South Viet­ rine (torps’ famous war horse of kia’s new defense minister, (tol. needed .only one thing—Chlle^ Nguyen Van Thleu and Vice the Korean conflict, is dead of % full cRippoirt of Americcm poli­ nam. Gen. MapUn Dzur, were expect­ President Nguyen Cao Ky, in­ battle injuries and old age. Just phone, and our bonded PerMMial Notiees ed to take up the defection of cies.” The tiewg^t element in the ap­ cluding their disagreement ov«r The MongoUem mare, pur­ Czechoslovak MaJ. Gen. Jem Borovsky,-4iald It is ’‘difficult parent stalemate was a state­ peace negotiations. chased at a Koreem race track messenger wilt call at your Sejna to the United States. SeJ- to evaluate this otherwise than ment by "Vice Preddent Hubert Card Of Thanks Harriman told newsmen as he for 9260, earned her place as a as blackmail of the Christian H. Humphrey at the University w . -t-h. implicated in a — ------went into the conference that he Marine Corps Heroine while home. grass-seed fraud and was a sup- Democratic party.” of Maine Friday night. “ It has had no information, evidently now been agreed at Parlf,.” carrying ammunition to the p a ^ , 0(»«l and spiritual bouquets Porter of old-line Stalinist Anto- meemlng official Intormation, on hard-pressed troops of a reool- Novotay, whose ouster from Humphrey declared, “ that the the Saigon development. North Vietnamese can have less rifle platoon of the 1st Divi­ Mrs,. Tbomas NeUlgan and the poCts O f party chief and Milk Output Drops family The Americcm position here whomever they want on their sion. president brought . or whisk flies from food. related to that apparent purpose United States position had been heavy. in

r - I ilfti^ liMlSl isgiiaaiii •, re lo tear n be tor a lat It d by ra”— ppoiN nong ional- ittaurlywtier ‘ some IKanrl^i^atrr raupe lEtt^nlttg ll^raUi M A Y 18 thru M A Y 24 tviiite TV Shows unity vlo- lireat >curl- ‘ScandaF in Spotlight X- \ I A NEW YORK—"Starvatlwi In Carr, is a headline word, a jour­ India may be a miserable fact nalistic conceit when applied to of life, but hunger in America America. "But while there is llt- Us is nothing less than a national Ue real starvation,” he says, “there is severe and widespread scandal,” says CBS News pro­ mabiutritlon, and it affects mil- ef ducer Mautln Carr, whose Ilona. Although it is inadequate, "Hunger In America" will be there is usually some kind of *) - Tuesday 10 to 11 p.m. food. The Biduns have their nera, The broadcaat focuses on the •bbed liried broad; the >Mexican-Ameir- approximately 10 million Amer­ ians exist a& tortillas and beans. stlout icans who get neither the right The,Negro sharecroppers have Iday. food nor enough of I t “The peo­ grits and potatoes, tuid some­ andlt ple we study,” says Carr, “lit­ times turnip greens. The vdUte bony erally do not know where their tenant farmers of Virginia havto I we next meal is coming from— potatoe sand beans. The import­ and sometimes It doesn't come ant fact is that tlds kind of diet t the from anywhere. Hunger Is much simply does not sustain an ac­ ibout worse than poverty; food ls_the tive, productive life.” rylng most basic of all human needs, Fat, Carr points out, is no sign bag. Man can manage to live with­ itside of health; indeed, excessive fat out shelter, wdthout clothing, is often a sign of malnutritlan. lentl- even Without love. Poverty, un­ “Hunger in America” des­ iatea. pleasant as tt is, Is bearable.” cribes the hungry Americans not i tel* To portray “Hunger In Amer­ only through the eyes of some of and ica,” Carr had his cameras fo- the hungry, but as they are seen cjis on four diverse groups: The by the people who devote their 1 Into tenant farmers of Loudoun hves to helping them—the medi­ took County, Va., the Mexlcan- cal officer of Loudoun County, a door Americans of San Antonio, Tex­ Roman Catholic priest in San X tered as, the Navajo Indians of Tuba Antonio, a doctor who has spent , he City, Arlz., and Negro share­ 14 years working with the Na­ >real- croppers in rural Alabama. vajo Indians and a doctor in told Starvation, as explained by Selma, Ala. shoot An underfed balby in crib at San Antonio Hospital. were r the J. ently was Awards Show Sunday Closes an Ungolden Season Iton, By CYNTHIA LOWRY son’s excitement was sUmidat- ful, original drama, and had as Perry Mason by developing a any fairly regular viewer can ipltal AP Televlalon-Badlo Writer ed, first, by “The Smothers some success with two efforts, completely different and equally make up his own. NEW YORK (AP) — Televi­ avel-, Brothers Comedy Hour,” and, “Do Not Go Gentle into that convincing character named There were all those fine I the sion’s awards show, in which later, by “Rowan and MarQn’s Good Night” and “Dear Ironside—so convincing a lot of hours of sports which television ear* the Emmys will be passed out, Laugh-in.” Both shows have Friends.” fans believe Burr is really para­ handles so expertly. Tliere were comes along next Sunday night, several nominations and cer­ ^ABC’s adaptations of some old lyzed and in a wheel chair. pretty much winding up the the news shows, the discussion tainly deserve recognition If movies with new stars didn’t “PBL” on the educational net­ group, the interviews and the awards season. only for bripglng some spice, come off very well, but “A Case work tried hard If not always analyzing, many of them oil- This has not been one of tele­ daring and often a point of view of Libel,” with Van Heflin re­ successfully, in the current af­ lightening, most of them well \ vision’s golden years. By and into an entertainment area that creating Ms stage role, provided fairs area. ABC’s “The Rise and done. large, the regular fare, the ser­ had been slipping Into a bland a fine evening of television. Fall of die Third Reich” was a But rarely does a single pro­ ies, have been predictable, and perfunctory rut. Among the variety specials, painstaking and well-researriied gram stand out in memory like grade B stuff. There has been a Occasionally there may have one recalls with affection, three-part series, and its “Afri­ Eric Sevaroid's conversation feast of old movies and a fanv been lapses in taste and the 'Herb Alpert and the Tijuana ca,” a marathon program that with Erich Hoffer, or carry the ine of meaty, quality drama. .viewer on occasion could dlsa- Brass,” on CBS, a most Imagl- taxed the viewer’s stamina, was wallop of the educational net­ Thls viewer, confronted wlttf' gree violently wlh thtelr expres- native show, and Frank Slna- certainly an ambitions piece of work’s documentary on migrant almoet 2S0 nominees would find sions of opinion, but the two tra’s NBC special with Ella public service. farm workers, “What Harvest it difficult to pick a favorite pro-. shows combined to make a Fitzgerald. . That does not add up to much for the Reaper?” gram -or performer in most of more stimulating season, Raymond Burr probably de­ of a list when one considers the It may not have been a nota­ the 47 categotiesV “CBS Pla^ouse” made a serves some award for manag­ thousands of hours of program­ ble TV year, but the viewers ap­ Certainly much of the sea- stab at bringing back meaning- ing, within a few months, to ming that went on the air. That parently were enchanted by it. blur his well-established Image is just one viewer’s list—and The most recent Nielsen sur­ veys found that the average set was in use 6^^ hours dally last January—peak viewing mon^ —and had dropped off only one '-■r-O Missionaries Now hour in April. NEW YORK (AP) — Tliere To make "In the Name of are a number of go^, service­ God,” the missionary special GENTLEMAN’S GENTLEMAN able series titles in television scheduled for Monday night, di­ Sdhoatian Cabot, who plays which are carefully designed to rector John Hughes and a photo­ the gentleman’s gentleman on cover a wide range of material graphy team headed by one of CBS’ “Family Affair,” says he and subjects—“American Pro­ the best men in the business, has never engaged a butler or file,” “Omnibus,” “White Pa­ William Hartigan, spent months a valet. “I just wouldn’t feel per,” “Houseparty.” in out-of-the-way tropical is­ ^ J comfortable,” he explains, Perhaps the best umbrella ti­ lands and poverty-stricken cor­ “having a gentleman’s gentle­ tle of all is appended to ABC's ners of India shooting thousands man of my own.” long-playing skein of actuaJiity of feet showing modern mission­ riiows “The Saga of Western aries at work. Man.” Hughes, who started out wijh As it has worked out over the some preconceived notions on past few seasons, this title is a the subject, was surprised at catch-all for just about any sub­ what he found. ject that piques the interest of “The last thing in the world ■■its executive producer, jfohn Se- they seem to want to do these condari, a quadruple-threat op­ days 1s convert people,” Hughes erator who has turned out a reported. “Mostly modern mis­ ELECTRONICS best-selling novel, done service sionaries are interested in help­ as a news man, writes end nar- ing the natives. They are con­ laboratories aJtes his own shows. cerned with constructing— In the past three season, Se- houses and roads—and digging 277 BROAD condari’s . attention has rested wells, educating the children qp such diverse subjects as and improving health and I^onardo da Vinci’s contribu­ diets.” STEREO tions to civilization, Cblumbus’ In the course of two months in •journeys to the New World, a and around the Caroline Is­ ■“ play-iby-play reconstruction of lands, Hughes saw more exam­ TAPES Custer's last stand and the slow ples of missionaries helping peo­ 4 crunYbling of Venice into the ple than converting them to w ^ets from whlclh it a rose. Christianity. His one regret FOR Now, in a real change of ‘pace, about the resulting program is “Saga” will come up with a doc­ that time does not permit show­ GARS Ingrid Bergman and Joseph Ckitten as husband umentary about contemporary ing film of teams of young na­ and wife in scene fTom the movie, “Under O apti- ndssionaries in India and the is­ tives of Ponape, a remote is­ com.” It will be televised Friday night from 9 to lands of Micronesia in the Pacif­ land, playing baseball with the TV-Badlo, Sale* and Servioa 11 on OBfl. ic. 4/ enthusiasm of American boys.

i PAGE TWO MANGHBSTBB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 18, 1968 M AN O m STER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 P A G E T H R E E SATURDAY JO PROGRAM M orning MONDAY JO PROGRAM Educational TUESDAY JO PROGRAM lt;M (IMS-M> Top Gat (0> (U ) Christophers team’s "Fearsome Foui^ (3) Best SeBer bududlng N Y Magror J. Lind­ 1:6 (8> Tbo BoatiM (C> 8:N (3) Weather, ^ r t o , News IG) some” . T V ^ Part 1 "The Four Poster" '68 *'** (C)’" say, Cleveland M ayor (tori (8) Best SeUer (St) MeBal^s Navy who believes that only way to (M> Caadltvla BowUac (U ) Csaatry Haslo 18:88 (3) Miss G8A Beaaty Pageaat Broadway comedy about mar- ~ Stokes, Son Ftancuco Mayor TV Part n "The Four Porter" f;l6 (46) Mavertek power Is to use Jews and Ne­ U :M (i) Jokaay Qaeot 8:38 (8) Mews (C) "Live for Ule" around their rourjposter bed. 1> Boweiy Bojri (8) Garl YastrsemskI Show 6:5 <) Memente ft Gomfort aad ®la»or Movie 10:0* ( » ’ DIvsiee Ganrt (8|946) Let’s Maks a Deal (8848) Roalley-BrtBkiey Be­ "Hunger in America" Study (48) The Beatlea (48) Sagarfoot m invisible way and Gloria Ix>ring. (8) FJ>.q. (G) 11:88 (S4848) Mews, Weather aad 6:16 0 laftalto HarisMis (4*> Obi talk (1*4340) I Spy (C) B I State of the Arte pert (G) of approximately 10 million 1:88 Bte 8 Theater 7:88 (3) Lacy Show *’^irts (C) 6:Se (I) Sign Oa aad Fiayer 1:3* (8) As toe World Taras (O) , I*** sister wonts to (46) Toe Asked tor It ; (86) Leeal News Americans who are suffering "The Bic Ousher" '61 Two oU away". James (84*> la the H b im at God (G) Experimental Films 8:6* (8) Love b a Maajr Spleadored (U Mystery Theater (C) . J) FBm •:86 (8) Taarn Grier (8*4843) Let’s Make a Deal Documentary special about I Geoa Issue I (8) After Dtaaer Mevie from severe malnutrition. Al- workers start their own drill­ "The ’Terror’’ Boris Karloff 11:38 (3) News, Weather, Sports (C) 6:80 (1) Saarise Semester (G) (G) J?>«phlne Hull. O cil Tktog (C) "Remains to Be Seen" ’63 Bo examined are US Govern­ ing enterprise with sixty days and Jack Nicholson. modem missionary and bis Repeat of Utiy 14, 8:30 p.m. (8*946) Days at Oar Uveo (8848) Satarday Night Tonight (M ) Gsoa Glassfaem (8) FJB.q. (G) "earUilT’ ’ approach to prob­ I Beak Beat Mystery-comedy about three ment-sponsored. programs de­ to strike oil or lose every­ (U ) Allred Hiteheoek Presents Shsrw (O) 8:48 (8) Vteit with Ike Hsutgaer (48) Yaa Asked tor It (8-46) Newtowed Game (C) PMple Who become invoiv^ signed to help hungry — the thing. Preston Foster, Wayne "Contest of a Gold” and 7:00 (8) News and Weatker (O) Coaieaueaees (G) lems at his parishkmers around Norman Podhorets. 8:16 (8) Bsote F w ly (C> Starring Johimy Carson 8:M (8) Leva Is a Many Oplaadered arortd. Program focuses on Repeat of May 17, 8;30 p.m. in a murder. June Allyson, Food Stamps Act and Surplus Uorris, Dorothy Patrick. "Doubtful Doctor” (8) Big Movie (8*4840) T o W Skew (G) *S2te* I^alker aad (8*484*) Tke B ^ r o (G) Van Johnson, Louis (tolhern. Commodities Act —and their "Backlash" ’66 Two i>eopIe niiag (G) (totboUc and Protestant mls- I AaUgaes VI (8-4*) Baby Game (G) 5HI S « 0 * « Neport (C) "Seven Little Boys" Bob Hope (8) Friends e fw r. Oeober (G) (3 *948) Days at Oar Lives 7:80 (ft) Barke Beport sioaortes and their work in Antique (Hocks (86) HaBtl^-Briakley Bepert contributions and shortcom­ set out to solve mystery bup- (88) News, Sports, Weather and Ullly Vitale (C) ’66 (40) News, Weatker, Sports 8:55 (8-4*) ChHdrea'o Doetor (C) (8) nroth Or Ceaseqaenees ings. rounding an Apache massacre (38) America (C) (84*> Newlywed Game (G> poverty^idden outpoets In > FVeanh Chef 8:H (I) To Ten the Troth (G) (38) Outer Limits 7:10 (I) Universlly e( Mickigaa (G) 3:13 (t) Haase Party (0) Nwikeoo (C) B 8 ^ Itociric and India. Queen of Sheba Cake. (S84*ft) News, Weatlwr, aad (M t) The Invaders (C) R of five people Richard Wld- "The First and the Small” Doimld Plesaunce as a man 8:00 (8) Gaptala Kaagarm (G) Natioa tadlvliible Spo- (8*484*) Aasther WoiM • (C) ia:s6 (U ) SBbtertpttos TV mark, Donna Reed. (C) (Host Jack Dotmlaa takes (40) Three IMeeges (S*-8»4*) The D ^ r s (G) AIAI 10:30 (IS) Sabserlplisa TV Repeat of May 13, 8:00 p.m. (8-48) Geaeral Roapital (C) 7:8* whose brain contains an ex­ < 8 ^ Baby Gama (G) "Uve for l^e" I N.E.T. Jearaal (ft) Burke Bepert "Stay Away, Joe” (8-18) Happealac '68 (G) viewers on brestM a& ig touia plosive power. 8:80 (8) Tkaaderblrds (G) Racial crisis in American U :t# (84484*4*) News, Weather, 8:88 (8) Nears with DoaglooEd- 7:8* <8*-8»46) 1 Dream at Jeuale 11:66 (S4484*-46) News, Weather, 8:H (88-88-38) Major Lea|^gae Base- of America’s favorite vaca- (40) Jack Ijlstaae Skew (84n Ghidrea’s Dtetor (G) clUes la discussed in following Still a Brother: Inside Negro wards (G) 11:86 (3) Batardisy Speetacaiar (8) Ts Tea the Truth (G) a^rts (G) Middle Class. (G) B B^rto (C) (3*4840) Aaalber WatM (G) 1st --Sampling of opinions by Repeat of May 13, 9:00 p.m. (8*4846) Yea Doa’t Soy (C) man psychiatrist is given thir­ (*-40) General Hsapital (G) U:86 (U Msiriay S h u ^ t 8:8* N.E.T. ]l^lM ase B 11:86 <8) Taesday Slariight (M) Bailer Derby (884848) The Salat (C) B ty six hours to get vital in- (80) Film pmple from all walks of life. (8) Mr. Goober (C) (18) Les Craae Skew "The Desert Rats" ’63 Hard- X — 8:16 (88-8848) Baseball (G) Temmlar becomes involved in (83) Merv Ortffla Shew (G) 1:16 (1) News (G) ^ I t e and Negro. “Hie Deep Blue Sm " ’66 So­ The (toangrting. (46) Dark Bkadowo (C) g;66 fomution from captured US 3:1* (1) Diek Tan Itoke Skew (G) ciety woman getn tavoOved Repeat of May 17, 9:00 p.m. (8*48-86) Jerry Lewte Skew driving captain forces his men Cincinnati Reds vs. Pittsburgh -an Israeli search for former intelligence officer. James (40) Dream Haase (U ) Les Crane Show w4tfa men twioar her clasa 4:6* (8) Boager Siattoa (C) (C) B to hold key outpost against Pirates Nasi officer . Gamer, Rod Taylor, Eva 0:16 (8) Wally Gator (G) (3*4840) Yon Osa’t SUy (G) Our Lethal Bating HablU” ( 8 * 9 9 ) Motek Game (G ) Guests: Dick Sha'wn and (ton- North African biitakrieg, dur­ 8:88 (8) Heptagoaal Track (48) Dating Game 0:30 (3) Make IBaem for Daddy (3) Mr. Ooeber (0) (40) Cowboy in Africa TM on helA KaaoBtb More (18) Woody Woedbory Show Marie M int (40) Dark Bkadaws U :l* (3*4*> TwiSht Shmr (B) nle Stevens. ing WW n. Richard mirton. 3:88 (48) It Hupeaed la May 8:88 (18) Sabscrlption TV "Force of XivH" ’48—Jon Gar­ (3) Pat JBeeae Shew ( C ) ^ 8:00 (SO-SS40) Bowaa aad Nartla’s Starring Johnny (toraon Meaday, May 89 (4*) Boos the Glowa g;S6 (8) Bed Skeltea Hoar (C) B James Haaon. Robert Newton. 3:38 (8) Capt ^ s tt —Bate to the "Stay Away, Joe" field, ’Thomas Gomes, Marie (30) Film '■ 4:3* <1) Baagsr Blattea (G) JamgMa (C) B (»- 4 »} f a a r B ^ p Shaw (C) 4:85 <86-8846> News (G) Guests: C]rril Rttchard and Robert Douglas. Pale (48) Mewfarwed Game Windsor. (40) Weddhu Party (3*4840) MeOeh Game (G) I Opfailoa: WoshlagtoB 4:86 (8) Hoael (G) . Jane Powell. 11:86 (8*36) Tonight Show (C) (48) Matinee Movie Guests: Larry Storch. Connie (81) YIelaam Feaee TaDu to 8:38 (3) My TfaM Seas (C) 18:88 (48) Mews, Weather 10:M (3) GaalurCamera (IS) Wsady Waadbary Shew Temptations and Farts I inm l’B New (8*) Theatre 86 (846) It Takes a Tklef (C) B ' Starring Johnny Carson "The Great Deception" ( 8 8 ( ^ ) Get Smart (C) 18:38 (38) Mews and Sign Oft (40) B ase^ aawa Repeat of 5:30 p.m. (8*-46) matoteaeo (C) Mundy steals a Da Vinci paint­ (846) Joey Bishop Show 4WNewB (G) (8) Baael <0) IToim (81) Big Flelore (G) bugging device in home of an Paris "(3ood Times" uterrlewers will be brought 1:33 (8) News —Hameats af Gem- ( » ! ^ ) Satarday Night at 1:16 (8) FNears —^Memeats of Com­ 10:3* (3) Hasaemakar's Movie (G) together in group discussion. tart aad Oaidepasto Notes on Fourth String (86) Gembat exiled South American dicta­ 11:46 (88) Tonight Show (C) 4:38 (8) Bace of the Week the Movies fort —Gaidopoots (8*4140) Gaaeeatrattea (G) (80) This Man Dawaaa I Cities at the Werid (46) MoRale’o Navy tor. Fernando Lamas, guest Starring Johnny (torson 5:88 (3) The Preakaess (G) (18) Subscription TV (it) News aad 8||m OK Peking Remembered ^ u f f y " Tony Randall and 3:38 (3) Moment of Meditatioa aad (»4*> DIek Gavett Slww (G) (S*d0) Fltatstaaes (C) "Th® President's Analyst" (4*> Naurs HeadSies —U8AF 6:86 (18) AflerBeea Bepert star. 1:66 (8) Nears, Memento of Com­ (8-48) Wide World of Sports Shirley Jones. To avoid police Sign on U:00 (1*4»4*) PeraeaaUly (G) 5:N (8) Ferry Miisia I Franeli Chet (86) Sertto (18) SahoettotloB TV fort aad Galdepooto (G) who are acting on exaggerat­ Ballglaas FDm aad Siga Off Pish Fillets (46) News 11:80 (W4840) Hallywoad Sgnares (80) FHm Shew (C) B 1 :8* (8) News aad — * Weather— (G)— — "The Prertdent’a Analyst" (86) News and Siga Off Rebel "400” Stock Car Race. ed repprts, a university pro­ (SO) Gembat I ABC’s el BeaUag 6:66 (8) Weather, Sperta, News (C) 9:66 ^ B M ^ T W esd ay Night a* the (46) News Beadllnes —USAF Darlington. South Carolina. ®aany Thomas Hour It af MedUatiaa aad Stga fessor checks into hotel with 18:00 (1) Love ol Ute (C) (4*) MeHaleto Navy (C) B OH- Tides and (torrents (9) News, SMrts, Weather (G) Bellgloas FOm —Sixa Mail aad the Ghalleage ler and Bobby Darin. Prison Moment of Meditation —Sign ple (C) Fluffy. ’66 (C) R (00) BewltSed (40) News JEBBY LE8TEB BOLE I World Premiere: Jee Hill (88) HlghUghts (C) psychiatrist treats psychopath Oft (38) Sapermaa ^ Wghjjchooi athletic hero is of­ 8:38 (3) Petticoat JanotloB (C) "Hogan’s Heroes,’’ earned a 18:86 (1) News (G) (8) Weatoer, toarts, News (G) fered dumce to erase his 14,- Oomedian Jerry Lester w in be .1:38 (88) Focas ^ (8-48) HoD^ood Palace (C) B 18:30 (8) Seimh for Tomenaw (C) (8-40) N a s r s . lC % Weather (88) Celebrity Billiards (C) Rockefeller Foundati(m grant in 000 debt to loan syndicate by a guest irtar in a f aU episode of Toesday, May 81 Milton Berle, n e s t host with (8*484* >Bye Oaess (G) (U ) H err Grtttta Show steong-arming another of syn­ Hirm Fats vs. Buddy Hackett entire K ii« T ^ ily , Nanette drama after winning an under­ (4*) Treaenie Isle (8*) Man to Space dicate s victims. (3enUe Ben,” filming in Florida (38) Celebrity BIDhrds (C) Fabrny. Buddy Greco, Bums graduate degree in political sci- 18:46 (8) OnMiag Light (G) (H ) mghBgbto (G) I Sarvivol in the Sea Minn Fats vs. Zsa Zsa Oabor 18:55 (8*-8M*) News (C) (*) One Nation Indlvlalble for broadcast next season on The Ocean Rivera and Schrieber, comedy team. (8*) MeBale’s Navy Oopiments by government of­ 5:46 (3) Yesterday’s Nearsreel Also the liA Rsuns Football eoee and history. ^ 0:36 CSS. I muit’s New (40) Maverick ficials and community leaders. Repeat of 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY PROGIUM I Ceatralllag Labor Toraover JO aad Abeeateeiim Repeat of 8:66 a.m. and 4:00 :66 Eniet Norton Bevlewo Rex Harrison. Guests: Rita Gardner, singer Starring Johiuiy Carson I Conn Iioae (86) Film and Alan Drake, comedian. (6-M) Joey Bishop Show how one man helps bring peace 1:16 (3) News nnd Weather (C) — (48) ThU Is the Ufe (18) Tke Bine Door er Repeat of 6:30 p.m. (26-2846) Days of Oar Lives between Indians and settlers Moment of Meditation nnd Sign 8:30 (8) ThU b the Life (22) Amaslng Dnantnger (C) "Buying and (Coring of House­ CD17E — Ibclay’s &Mst 7:M Row To Improve Indlvidnal (C) in 1870's. James Stewart, Jeff Off (S3) Boso the Glows (G) 5:38 (28-22-38) Frank McGee Be­ hold Pets" Manager Performance (8-ft) Newlywed Game (C) 8:45 (48) Dawn Bttile InsUtate port (C) 8:16 (8) News —Memente of Com­ Repeat of 8:66 a.m. and 4:00 (18) SabsenpUon TV 0:00 (3) Forest Bangers (G) 6:88 (3) 21st Centary (C) B fort and Gnideposis value in b ig 180 sq. in. p.m. "P.J." ( (20-22-38) G-E CoUege Bowl (C) 9:66 Specti (3-46) Baby Game (G) 0:16 (40) Sacred Heart (8) Greatest Shew on Earth 2:66 (8-46) ChUdrea’s Doctor (C) JOHNNY’S VIEWERS Heredity: Life’s Biggest Gam­ Bradford's Had It 9:30 (3) University of Michigan (18) Conn liepart Striking Enim eled ble 3:66 (3) To TeU the Trath (C) (8) Christophers (G) (48) Charlie Chan Theatre 9:3*I IIdentity: Conversation Be­ (2*4846) Another Werid (C) (30) Uacle Waldo (C) "Charlie Chan in Reno" ‘Tt^e Tonlglkt Show StanHig tween Generations (8-46) (Jeneral Hospital (C) HOLLYW OOD (NE5A) — (40) bsight 6:30 (3) Shad Fishing on the Conn Ebony Cabinet. Preset 8:26 (S) News (C) 10:00(3) Lamp Unto My Feet (C) Joluiny Oaraon’’ reat^ed its 3:36 (3) Dick Von Dyke Shw (C) Another new telSVUton per­ (8) Dlalorne . (2040) Flipper (C) B Mgfaeat firat quarter audtence fine tuning, lighted dial Thursday, May 83 I (28-2246) Yoa Dew’d Say (O) sonality is Richard Bradford, (88) ChoJlce of'Salvation (C) ' (18) Alfred Hitchcock Presents PM (8) Mr. Goober Ladies Day piece of Fort Knox to call lils (88) Social Secnrity in Action star and the Fifth Dimension, . / ■ Noad (4*> News (C) recording group. Lloyd Thaxton as host, 'wUl Repeat. of May 20, 7:00 p.m. 8:** (8) Weather —Sports and own, he’s had it. 11:30 (3) University of Conn (C) (8-40) The F.B.I. (C) R originate from nine (dties ass 6:36 New Weather (C) He comes from Texas, via the (8) Discovery (C) B The (^ase: The defector’s (^m- W ILTO N 'S Repeat of 6:30 p.m. ^ r t a . Weather (C) (88) Big Picture (C) the country, beginning in San 7:06 ABC’a of Boa&g (18) Merv drlffla Show Actor’s Studio in New York. (40) Ducoveiy munlst wife is kidnapped in STANEK ELECTRONICS N Y by a sleeper, a Red agent Francisco on June 11. G M Shop Tides and Currents. ctoty * * ” ^**® *" “ruJay’s 8o- Originally, he wanted to be a 11:45 (W) Sacred Heart Program used only on special assign­ Repeat of M ^ 20, 8:C.. p.m. "Causes of Loneliness’’^ ments. tor 277 BROAD STREET—PHONE 649-1124 „ 7:36 World Press Bevlew (22) lOlgUighte Hammer Scene with Brad NBC’s “Star Trek” (20) Bible Answers drama about a group of miintems Show,’’ broke into show busl- G D T S H O P Davis (C) “The Chase" — and now they (30) Motion Magic (C) Guests: The American Breed, Friday 8:30-9:30 p.m. Vi-in ,7— big city —-'?Pl» MlCwaciMichael nesB at 15 in the Broadway pro­ \9M Bfala Street i A A INSTANT want him for more. That’s fine (40) Bugs Bunny Ckillan, Dean Jones,Jr“ Telly " Sa- ’ Sly and the Family Stone, Jim 17:50 (30) National Aeronantlcs and valas, others. R duction of "The Sound o f M u­ M a ed ieeler and Jean and the Young Gen­ 'With Richard (call him Dick at Space Beport B (22) Catholic Hoar Van Dyke. MC, at Americana negie H all," the first recital of Servloe Changea. CtHuplete iiawcaieTss'a *i.*atT riaaaetat taeTiTsviaB (846) Undersea World of scripts were p(x>r. It was aw- Ing money In "The American Experience" Hotel in NYC. wiring Inatallattoiia Ib Old Jaoqnes-Yves Consteaa (C) B Presents opinions of priests, television by the piano virtuoso, 1007 M A IN ST., B IA N O H E STE B e R O U T E 81. C O V E N T R Y fuL" (18) Subscription TV and New Homea and Bnal- “ Sharks" Scientlflc-adveniuire nuiu and laymen on increased "Navajo Joe" 'Will be broadcast Sept. 22 on program probes wara of kill­ But the series is already a IN WEEKDAY SERIES freedom in the church. 11 i®®" News, Weather, Sports ers of deep, filmed in Red (8) Commenb and People CBS. The recital was taped in . Sea. Indian Ocean and Gulf smaUi In London and may well Jill Andre, who has played (20) Frontiers of Faith (C) 11:30 (3) Movie Masterpieces Feibruary before an invited au­ Bleetrle Heat Inatallatloiia. of Aden. turn out that way here, ’’^too. such Broadway roles as Anna (18) Les Grane Show (30) New Horhons (C) "The Goddess” ’68 Woman dience at New York City’s Car­ If it (foes, there’s a dilemma. Roosevelt in "SunriBe''at Cam- (40) Issues and Answers dreaming of Hollywood star­ 8:30 (3) Beverly BaibOlles (C) B negie Hall. Richard Bradford may be the 2:00 (3) Big 3 Theatre (G) dom, struggles and schemes |< (843) Dream Bonse (C) pobello" has taken over the "Six Black Horses" ’62 Wom­ her way to top. Kim Stanley. (18) SabseriptieB T V first television start to quit a featured part on Sandra (Sandy) an hires two drifters to escort Lloyd Bridges . MANCHESTER "Stay Anvay, Joe" her across Indian territory (8-8840) News, Weather and 9:66 <3) Ororti Aores (G) B hit before the series is aired Hughes on "A s the World to meet her husband. Audir Sports (C) <26-3843) Kraft Masle Hail hex«. Turns’’ weekdays on (JBS. Muiphy, Don Duryea. (40) Movie of the Week /apon’ s YachtM Race OLDSMOBILE (C) (8-28-30) NY and Boston Base­ Fighting Musketeers" "County Fair” Eddy Arnold, ball (C) 18:00 (8) Fehlhral of Hite "Your .Okbiiioblls Doolsr" host. Ctuests: Charley Weaver, (20) TBA "George Raft Story" Ray TOKY10 —Japan has about Lee HAsIewood, John Byiter (40) MUloa the Monster Danton, Jayne Mansfield. Blo- 500 ocean racing yacUbs, 99 per and Phyllis McGuire. 2:30 (18) bsighto (846) Movie Night Special (C) STaphlcal drama of one of cent of which ware buUt in (40) Linas the Uoakearted H o lly w ^ ’a most explosive S12 WEST CENTER ST. - 6N-1511 "Of Mice and Men” George ATLANTIC FURNACE OIL 3:00 (U ) NASL Fro Soccer stars; his rise from exhibition Japan. They are governed by Segal, Ntcol WUliamson and Chicam at Toivmto WILSON Joey Heatherton. Drama fo­ dancer to Hollywood's No. 1 the Nippon Ocean Radiig Chib, (43) Amerteaa Baadataad portr^er of gangsters. ’61 cuses on i>eraonal relation­ 24 HOUR CUSTOBOBR SERVlCE^-649’^701 4:18 (M> Golf Toaraameat (88) Peter Onaa whfkh has adopted the raitiiig ELECTRICAL CO. ship of two men, one teeble- minded~ giant and olber Us . Colonial National Invitational <»®>^^ Yaaifkt nilcH o f the R(^ml Ocean Rac­ ■irgUmtlBl rnmm laS 4:38 (2848-38) Aalinal Secrete (G) MS-4U1 -r 6«S-USt NEW or USED protector both caught in "The Critical ’Time” showing Starring Johnny Caiaon ing Club of Great Britain. stream of migratory farm life 1 during depression. LT.WOODCO.^^^ ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 PAGE FOUR

THURSDAY JU PROGRAM Fr ap 1:M (t) Bmt Seller HighUshts <0) 8:88(18-8148) D n t " * (M> McKaTe’s Navy (848) Peyton P 1«M _,(W _ Part IV "The Four Poeter 18:88 (884848) Dean Martin a o w sti Rex Harrison. 6:M (48) Maverick _ ^ 8:15 (8) Weaderfal World ot Sports .Guests: GeoiYe Burns, Eddie wi (Ml Film Albert, Florence Hunderson (It) At Heme with Kitty (0) and Janie Gee, (M> Dlverce Coart (O) 8:88 (8) News with Walter Cron- ((W) Qtri Talk kite (0) ( 0 ) B o f (8) Nirars with Beb Y on ^C C ) (8) Wackiest Ship InJUmy (G) 1;M (S) As the World Taras (80) Canadian Travel (48) AUrod HttchcMK mi (M-I1.M) Let’s Make a Deal (8848) HnnUey-Brlnkley Be- "DividingX J l V ItAAal^ WaU" VY CAsa ws (C) port (C) 11:88 (8-848-8848) News, Weather, (8) P.D.O. rd, pla Mice and Men.” The drama will Hayworth, Ricardo Montalban, VItgintan,” for next season. He Steinback’s “Of 8:88 (8) Weather, Sports, News (G) Fri Wednesday evening 9-11 b y AiBC. (8) News, fivorts. Weather (C) Joseph Cotten, Elke Sommer, w ill portray David Sutfam, a be re-broadcasrt; (18) Merv (iritfin Shew R (diaracter new to the seriee. 7 (8-48) That Oirl (C) (80) PhD SDvors Show Mil my only defense against insani­ mo ty would be to ignore the name. we Sinatra Jr. I would have been in a, stinlt- pre ]acket long ago if I let It (bother FRIDAY J(/ PROGRAM C At Peac^ me. ert (8) News, Sports, Weather (C) (15) Les Craae Shew ms "Of couise, it’s human nature 1:80 (8) Best M ler (46) Off to See the Wisard for people, when they meet me, Part V "The Four Poster” (18) Merv Ortffta Shew 3,0 By DICK KU ilN lS Rex Harrison. (88) Sports Shew 8:56 (8) Oomer Fyle —VSMC (G) to have some preconceptitms (88) FUm (88) Hlchllchta (C) cat HOLLYWOOD (NEA) — I (88) MeHals’s Navy (88X846) Star Trek (C) B about how I look, how I sing, (88) At Home with Kitty (18) SabsertpUea TV J never realized how much Frank (88) Divorce Ooart (G) 6:85 (88) Steverick how I behave. I can understand 6:15 (86) Bold Venture "Slay Away, Joe’ ’ wo Sinatra Jr, lotted like Frank (48) O H Talk (46) Man bi a Saltease that. And I’ve realized you can’t 1:30 (8) As the Worid Turns (G) 6:85 (8) Wonderful Worid of Sport pla Sinatra Sr. imtil I had lunch (888848) Let’s Make a Deal (C) 9 :N (8) Friday Ntaht Movie do anything about human 8:86 (8) News with Walter Grea­ "Under Capricorn""'apneor Drama imi with him. You’ll s m tte_ re­ (G) concerns Lady Henrietta Flu8 natuire except to ignore it.’ ’ (8) P.D.Q. (G) semblance, too, when';^u’ see ts) News vrilh Bob Yonuf retty widow without reallzinK seph (Jotten, Michael WUdlng. inf singers.” It’s been long and (848) Balw Game W Margaret Leighton. (C) R beginning June 20. (86) Haatley-Brlakley Beport 9:86 (888846) HoDywoed Sqaalaares Sti tough, but now he thinks he has 8:55 (848) GhOdrea’s Doctor (G) (C) The resemblance — in face 3:80 (8) To ToD the Truth (G) < C > Ba his big break on Dean’s summer (888848) Another Worid (G) (8) Trnth Or Coaseqaeaces (C) (846) Obbs of WDl Soaaott (C) as well as imme — has haunted (88-8846) News, Weather ahd ** B op show. (848) Oeaeral Hospital (G) 16:66 (888846) Tomorrow’s Worid FS Jr. But now, at 24, he has 5:85 (5) Nows (G) Sports mi "There’s only one Sinatra,’ 5:88 (8) Dlek Van Dyke Show (G) 7:86 (It) Barks Beport (C) made his peace with the Frank Jr. says. “But don't (88-8848) Yea Don’t Say 7:86 (8) WUd, WIM Weet (C) B New Era In Medicine. Report (888846) Big Uttte World of on present and probable fu­ problem . forget that there’s only one (8) Mr. Goober (G) ture developments In areas of (88) Dark Shadows itam«ii Vishniac (0) “I decided,’’ he says, "that Sinatra Jr„ too.” 4:00 (8) Baaxer Station (G) Documentary on life and meilUdne other than surgery. _ (888848) Match Oame (G) woric of 70-year-oId Russian- (846) Jadd far the Defease (18) Woody Woodbury Show born biologist, zoologist and (G) B hotographer of microscopic 16:86 (16) Sabseripttea TV (40) Boso the Clown Rfe. Dr. Vlslmlac explains and "P.J.” helper Protests 4:85 (888848) News (C) demonstrates his revolution- 11:66 (8-888-3846) Nears, Weather, TO O L and 4:88 (8) Basel (C) (888) Mtae Donzias Show (C) ary photographic technique Sports (C) (Ward E xclusion (88) Men of Aanapolls wblch he cstia "colorlxation (86) Blohard Diamond EQUIPMENT (8848) FllnUtaaes (C) and offers his views on cam - 11:85 (5) Friday ^ e ta e a la r NEW YORK (AP) —Wolper plex Ufe of microorganisms. "Bluebeard” '63 Macabre tale 6:08 (5) Perry Mason of Bluebeard, husband who Productions, which, have had a (88) Faith for Today (8) Front Bow Friday Night RENTALS (88) Combat "K ing and Ctountr^”______Hard Im- did away with many wives. hand in this seas(>n’s National (tt) MeHale’s Navy personal young captain is de­ Michele Morgan, Danielle Dar- Geogfraphic special on CBS and 6:39 (18) AfteraooB Beport tailed to defend private under rleux, HUdegarde Neff, Chas Sanding Machine# arrest awaiting Court Martial Dernier. (C) ABC’s “Undersea World of (89) Theatre 89 "The Explosive Generation" Power Tools (49) News for desertion. Dirk Bogar^ Jacques Cousteau” have 8:99 (8) Weather, Sports, News (C) and Tom DoCurtenay. '66 '61 William Bhatner, Patty Mc­ Plumber’s Tools Cormick, Lee Klnsolvlng, Bil­ formally protested the nomina­ ly Gray. Painter’s Equipment ting procedures of the National 11:36 (8940) Tonight Show (C) al! Starring Johnny Carson Cement Tools Academy of Television Arts and (846) Joey Bukop Show (C) sc Moving Equipment Sciences which, somehow, Week’s Highlights (88) Vietnam Peace Talks la Parts m Malntenan(» Equipment overlooked the two series. 11:45 (88) Tonight Show (G) Gi Wal^aperlng Equipment The Cousteau series, in parti­ TODAY: "Mlfls UaA Beauty view, 7:30 p.m. on Ohaimel 24 Starring Johnny Ckirson cular, was an extraordinary pageant", 10-11 p.m. on CBS. . . , "OTMice and Men," based 1:00 (8) Nean —Moments ot Com­ fort and Gnldeposts in 649-2052 oveirsight by ABC since the list SUNDAY: "Lamp Unto My on the syimtooUc Jdhn Steinbedk (86) News —Slga Off of some 250 Em m y nominations Feet,” Part I on what churches atory, 0-11 p.m. on ABC. (46) News Headtlaes —UBAF Beitgioas FUm —Sign Off at A-P EQUIPMENT included any number of docu­ are doing in response to Riot THURSDAY: "The Money 8:15 (8) News and Weather (C) — mentary shows infinitely in­ Commission Report, 10-10:30 Trap” (1065), ■wife’s exitrava- Moment of Meditation and bi RENTAL Sign Oft ferior to them. p.m. on CBS. .. ."Film-Mak­ gaace leads to crime, with th 985 Center St. Manchester ing,” what college students in Olenn Fond and Elke Sommer, Si atate are doing, 3 p.m. on Chan­ 6-11 pjn. on CBS. W i nel 24. . .Em m y Awards broad­ FRIDAY: "The Big, Li^e PSHOP and all cast, 10-11:30 p.m. on NBC. World of Roman Vddbniac," the SAVE all MONDAY: "In the Name of biologist and ■photographer of WHERE God” on “Saga of Western mdcroscoplc Ufe at work, 7:30- nc Man” series, modem mlasionar- 8:30 on NBC. . . “ Spion- YOU SEE 6t les at w ork In rem ote spots, 10- ono,” a musical drama by South THIS fl( ^ t a m k 11 p.m. on ABC. African author Alan Paton SIGN T1 TUESDAY: "Pressure about a reformatory inmate, 9 Point,” a Negro iisychiatrist p.m. on . Channel 24; ot ELECTRONICS n( treats an anti-Negro prisoner, PLEN’S TEXACO LABORATORIES with Sidney Polder and Bobby 381 MAIN ST. SUMMER SERIES N Darin, 9-11 p.m . on NBC. . . Dustin Hoffman, Pame Judith al 277 BROAD "Hunger in Americ^ a s^Oy Anderson and others will appear GORMAN RROS. in of the problem said to affect ^jgg, ..p,e„,,ere,” a aeries 770 MAIN ST. a 10 million, 10-11 p.m. on CBS. hour-long dramaUc prog^rams. WEDNESDAY: "Summer starting on July 1. Eight dramas F.M. AND A.M. WYMAN on . CO.. Ino. Scene with Brad Davis," pre­ will be presented during the 12- 24 MAIN ST. miere of area variety nhow fbr wqek run of the series. CAR teen-agers, 7-7:30 pjm. on Chan­ nel 3. . .“Sharks” on “The Un­ dersea World of Jacques Oous- Don WILUS Garage STEREO teau," a rebioadoaat o f eSiow James Mason as Kub- fUmed In Red Sea and Indian SPECIALISTS IN WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND la Khan on CBS’ “The Ocean, 7:30-8:30 pan. ton AiBC V*. M I I I RADIOS BRAKE SERVICE A L M* N *-* L N T Smothers Brothers . . . "Conversation with Hans GENERAL AUTO REPAIR K ueng," noted OalUwllic theolo­ TV-Radlo Sales and Serrloe Comedy Hour” Sunday 64IUS1—18 BLUN ST.. MANCHESTER 9-10 p.m. gian ^ves an unconven'Uonal I


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