PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1968 lKmtrlii90t9r Evening H^ralii A v a n g w DiiEy N e t Pmmm Ron F or' TIm Week Eodod The Weather The Connecticut Federation of Kay U. 18M About Town Business and Professional .Wo­ ■A CANYAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ir Rain tonight, low In 80o. men’s Clubs Is having its an­ A receptior for ICrs. Betty Partial olooring tomorrow after­ nual convention today through 15,070 Willard Doyle, rettrliv fourth Combination Windows and Doors noon. high In 60a. Sunday at the Hotel America, trade teacher at Highland Park .Uenehesier— -,4 City o f VtUmgm Charm Hartford. The keynote speaker, Schoiol, will be held Sunday Door Cknopies, BoU-tq> Awnings, Canvas B e p a M , Mrs. Louise Buahnell of the Na­ Re-covwed. Rehanglng Servloe and Storage. B o^ ^ a n ^ Re- VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 196 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECnON) from 2-4 p.m. at the achool. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1968 OB F a co U ) tional ^ Association of Manu­ palrod or Made New To Your Pattern. AD Work Oostom PRICE TEN CENTS All ooUeaguee, friends and Btode. Orommeta — Erelets — F a s t e n ^ Btomi for fokmer pupils of Mrs. Doyle ore facturer’s, krill speak on Wo­ mens’ R ole In Industry.” M onsle UnHa. Waterproofing Compound For Tenta, Bcntoovers invited. and OMivas. We Do Reecreenlng o f Ahmilnnni Soreesw. Heavy Mrs. Katherine Hynes of 299 Duty ZIppeta. Venetian BUnds. The executive committee *of Main St. and Mrs. Eric Emt Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of of Hebron, last night were elect­ Lebanon, will meet Monday at MANCHESTER AWNING CO. ed vice president and cor­ Thieu Appoints 7:10 p.m. at Masonic Temple. EST. 1949 — 19B W. CENTER STREET — 649-9091 Sides Exchange Demands responding secretary, respec­ tively, of Mountain Laurel Chap­ The Manchester Rod and Oun ter of Sweet Adelines, Inc., at a C9ub w ill have its semi-annual meeting at the Russian Ameri­ clean up day Sunday starting at can Hall, Hartford. Mrs. Jean. 8 a.m. at the club. Dinner will New Viet Premier Satryb of Rockville Is chairman be served at noon. of a makeup committee of the ANTIQUE SHOW Peace Talks Recess chapter. SAIGON (AP) — Preoldent *11101:0 woo no hint In Thlou’o Iholu oont an oboorvor dolo- OrfCrd Pariah Chapter, DAR, Nguyon Van Thlou announeod brlof addroM of tho backotogo gatlon to Paris dooptto oopoat- will have a card party Tuesday The American Legion Auxil­ appolntmont today of ex-oduiol- In-fighting of tho post wook be- tlon from Ky and other poUtl- at 1 ;80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ond SALE iary will meet Monday at 7:80 toaoher ‘Tran Van Huong, 64, ao tween South Vletnam’a poUtl- clana and army leaden who aee PARIS (AP)—North Vietnam demanded today that HIdward Kuehn, 1020 Ellington p.m. at the post home. Mrs. South 3^otnam’a now premier, clana and generala. Nor did he only q mllltaiy the United States atop being: “elusive” and agree “i7Q>id- Rd., South R^daor. Reserva­ Ethel Curtis, of Durham, De­ Thlou made the announce- menUon Ky. Thieu, who was born a Bud- ly” to end all bcunbing and other attacks on its territory. tions may be made with Mrs. partment president, will make Methodist Churah — Qrove Sboet mont In a prepared natlmiwlde Ho caUed on the population to dhlst and became a Roman The United ^ te s , striking beck at North Vietnamese Edward Darling, 9 Rld^ Rd., her official visit. Members are radio and televlalon address remain vigilant and not to listen Catholic, • has much support pressure on this issue, demanded in turn to know whether W^^plng. Hostesses are Mrs. reminded to bring articles for a RoekviHa, Conn. nine houn after he accepted the to rumora that might be apgead among the South Vietnamese Darling, Mrs. Basil Nodden, the government o f President Ho Chi Minh is "prepmed gift table. resignation of Premier Nguyen by the oommunlats. people, both Buddhist and Cath- to acknowledge the presence o f North Vietnamese army Mrs. Sherwood Bowers, and Van Loc at an emergency cabl- Some d^lomatio eouroes said olic, who display war weariness, Mrs. Joseph Stubenrauch. personnel in South Vietnam." Mallory Fitzpatrick of the THIfflS. and FRI, MAY 23, 24, 1968 net meeting. Thieu and Huong may sUH run K^, who comes from a Bud- Ambassador W. Averell H a r------------------------------------------------ - Hartford Seminary Foundation Tho announcement put a into ditticultles when they try to dhlst family In Noi:th Vietnam, Reservations close June B for quick end to the threat of a long put together the new cabinet. has strong backing from nearly “r ® hig HArrlman toat toe purpose will speak at a meeting of the 12:00 NOON to 9:00 P.M. ^ e d toe tHX^ Issue on Am- ^ s t a « the Army-Navy Auxiliary outing government crisis wMch could The sourcee said they are a mHUon refugees from North official board of North Metho­ Prom left are Seaman Donald Sauer, Seaman Fred Sauer, Sfirt. Arnold Sauer and Petty Qfffcer William Sauer. ^a<tor Xuan Thuy to a 2 400- ,rom Hanoi’s point of to June 9 at Vickie’s Catering Serv­ dist Church Monday at 8 p.m. Snack Bor have undermined the poelUoh of seeking to replace Loc’s govern- Vietnam—mainly Roman Cath- ice, Tolland St., and may be at the church. tee American delegation in the ment of technicians with a cabl- oUc»—whose only hope of re- Z arrange to end toe bombing and made with Mrs. Harry Mahoney Four Brothers from Bolton All Serving in Vietnam Paris peace talks. But It did, not net covering a broad spectrum tuning to their homes Is a cd- ®‘ h®*’ attacks on toe North, of UB Bluefleld Dr., Mrs. Rose Admission $1.00 WWi Cord 75c necessarily heal the widening of South Vietnam’s political par- lapse of the Communist regime "m onler toat toe«> oHIctel The attic antique committee Four of the six sons of Mr. most of their Uves. Fred and July 1964 and served aboard the married. His wife, the former Crane of 90 Essex St., or Mrs. for the Bentley School Fair is sfUt between Thieu and his ties, which woidd et(Joy a maxi- In Hanoi, ^ conversations conclude with re- John Vince, 227 McKee St. and Mrs. William N. Sauer of attended Manchester High, USa Ranger for one year before Nancy Robinson, is from Man­ picking up contributions of cel- strong-willed vice president. Air mum of popular stq:port “ “IS he said, "toe American French Rd. gathered for a fam- worked for the same em- reporting to NMCB-B3. Don Chester, Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky. Tlileu said Loc resigned be- (See Page Five) ^ four iwurs. Hitman and must rapidly give a posl- ler, garden or attic Items. Those before , entering the Joined the service In January wishing to donate articles may Uy reunion early this spring at Kathy sold to tell you that nothing Is pro-psudiaged here; Loc is a close associate of Ky, cause "the situation required w J t a S r response subjoctflt 1967. Both are in the battalion’s you may buy 1 or 101 of any Item! who U Btrongly opposed to the it.” He confirmed he had asked must not be elusive much long­ contact Mrs. Clinton Coffin of 93 Csunp Adenlr, Danang East, Along with their oldest broth­ supply department. The session was toelr third e r ." Hawthorne St. or Mrs. Ronald NATTVE: Spinach, Beet Oieens, Rodlsbeo, SooIUono, Donde- American effort to ond the war Loc to remain in office as caro- this week. They Initially met First Class Vietnam. er, William, the two younger The implied throat, toat he Craig, 81 Delmont St. The fair Petty Officer William enter­ RUBBER STAMPS Ucfw, Aaporagna, Boaton Lettuce, RhidMurb, Feoa and by negotiaUon and compromise, taker Premier until the new last Monday. Shoe Repairfeig All ore In the war zone, and Sauers went through the same ed the N avy In April 1966 and Thieu’s attitude has been more cabinet takes over. would do something If he did not will be held Satiuday, May 28, M anchester ORISP-AniE Moo and DeUdoua APPLES. The toree-day delay before Of The Better Kind! three are seabees stationed at pre-deployment training at was assigned to the Naval get an early American answer, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Blueprint and Supply, Inc. ALSO: Belgium Endive, Sholloto, Green and Yellow Squash, **?*'^*.' **** few Allies Set toe next session was Harri- the camp with the U. S. Mobile the IfMCB-S3’s homeport of School of Construction for six In his resignation statement, days, as soon as possiUe, the was not (|>elled out. QUAinY WORK school. Brooool, Eggplant ArttoholGM, Romaine Lettuce, Leeks, man’s proposal, a North Viet­ 8 Construction Battalion 63 Davlsville, R. I. and at the months before reporting 690 H artford ^ d . North Vietnam has denied any at to Beets, Native Hothouse Tomatoes, Hot Flying PeppMs, LoO Declared that South Viet- now government win be pre- namese spokesman said. This (NMCB-63). They are William, Marine Base at Camp Lejeune, NMCB-S3 In January 1967. He Is M anchester, Conn.—649-8698 B iu s s ^ StHouts, Green Beona, Ponnlps, Aoom and Butter­ nam faces "grave danger” from aented to the people.’’ TWeu of its troepe are operating to toe Manchester Square Dance set off speculation that Harri- REASONABLE 27; Fred, 21, and Donald, 20.
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