INfALLIBLE VEDIC REMEDIES (Mantras for Common Problems) _ INFALLIBLE VEDIC REMEDIES (Mantras for Common Problems) Swami Shantananda Puri Parvathamma C.P. Subbaraju Setty Charitable Trust # 13/8, Pampa Mahakavi Road Shankarapuram, Bangalore - 560 004 e-mail :
[email protected] Ph : 2670 8186 / 2670 9026 INFALLIBLE VEDIC REMEDIES (MANTRAS FOR COMMON PROBLEMS) Author : Sri Swami Shantananda Puri © Publisher : Parvathamma C.P. Subbaraju Setty Charitable Trust 13/8, PMK Road Bangalore - 560 004. First Edition : September 2005 Enlarged Edition : November 2008 Cover Page design Type Setting & Printing : Omkar Offset Printers 1st Main Road, New Tharagupet Bangalore - 560 002 Ph : 26708186, 26709026. e-mail:
[email protected] website: ii SAMARPAN This book is dedicated with veneration to the Lotus Feet of my revered Guru Swami Purushottamanandaji of Vasishtha Guha, U.P., Himalayas, but for whose infinite Compassion I would not have been able to formulate my thoughts and put them down in this book and to the welfare of Suffering Humanity. – Swami Shantananda Puri iii iv Inside Samarpan iii Introduction 1 Mantras for Common Problems : 1. For ensuring supply of food 32 2. For all physical and mental diseases 34 3. For improving intelligence, self confidence, fearlessness etc. 36 4. For removal of all diseases 38 5. For all heart diseases including hypertension (B.P) 40 6. For all eye diseases involving cataract, glaucoma, retina etc. 42 7. For cure from all types of fevers and animal bites including snake bites and insect bites. 46 8. A healing prayer to deal with diseases 48 v Inside 9. Mantra from Holy Japuji Saheb for healing diseases and invoking the grace of God.