ForCooking ftDrinking ALWAYS FRESH S Bermuda JLRecorder 1 PURVIS LTD. Published Bi-Weekly PRICE: 6d. Wednesdays; 9d. Saturdays CANADA'S BEST

VOLUME XXXI HAMILTON. BERMUDA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1955 No. 84 RolandHayestoGive HulanE.Jack-TheMan Who ' - _f _■_. W \f__F.__L ..^—.1 IIll— ll______^9 md Literally holds the Heart of ThreeConcertsHere ______** New York in his Hands ■ r*ym Roland Hayes, the worl : famous tenor who has brought joy Jack, Manhattan, Borough President who is and to Bullion, the world over, will be coming to While Hnlan 1.. vacationing family would be the in a fortnight's time to give three recitals at the Ber- currently in Bermuda with his Betttmim — is— mildiaiia Theatre under the auspices of Rev. T. W. Foster and mmmmmmmmW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ba la>t to want to pass merely on a racial line as black as he tag to his eonjrrce.-itioii at Vernon Temple A.M.E. ('liureh Soutlianip- __^^ __r W it is not tatty to avoid putting a race on him in order get ton a good perspective on his accomplishments as a man. President Jack made history in January of last year when «d~ ' -^ j-^ffj -*p -^^sSwSji^ .' S5^mm&._____ H0^H Hf^^^-- *.f^P^^^j .£ .JR* - ■ highest said of Roland ,m#-' ■"»*.■>«. Critics have mmT^m^mR iSF^-A^z, *i im " ■*■>. '■■^■"■"■■■^^^aF^mm was inducted the mamr^^AwfW^.Js^AA^^^W *. **'^CT ■■■"■■■■-*_. J__S^!SImsmmmmmmmm he in Hayes, as of few other srroat elective office ever won by a artists, that the passing years THESE TALENTED AND CHARMING DEBUTANTES and their escorts who were pre- Xegro. How did it happen? have served only to increase sented at the Birthday Ball at the Ber kdey on Tuesday night are right: Queen's from left to Well, short and enrich his art. For more Maurine Somarsall of Pembroke, Beau, Webb, Dowling. (Jretn a conversation Giraud Jr.. Letitia Lionel Swan. the man or anyone who than forty years, success ba-4 Myron Bean. Marva Stovell, Eugene Pearman Frances Simmons, Leon Richardson. Marie with knows him would soon con- '"* followed success for this "Teat Richardson, Stanley Thomas, Frances Pearman. Lowdru Robinson, Shirley Somarsall, Raotil __£'' 'maSmmmm and distinguished tenor. He Tyrell. Janet Grant, Lightboume. vince one that it was not— be- Quinton Stovell and Olive An escort not seen is Hubert > ' — cause he was a Xegro as a %'■ v>! __'-_&" _■__■______, '-'.' A Wr^_ %- has heen heard from Maine to Minors who was on Miss Maurine right. Photo by Supreme III,m, A£J* Bh,.. W SomarsalPs Studio. sort of political palliative, but jpmag gig ;St California in the U.S.A.. from iSMttffi.' '-*3_S_ __P northern Canada to Mexico, rather because of his principles dynamics and in the noblest concert as a man. his as a halls of Europe. — leader and his astuteness as a H^^ ____ Acting Says businessman, which SnngBefore Heads of States Governor Thought Should be G. I. Goes For Joy Ride all of ______qualities appealed 't^Aja®At^^ ' to a demo- __ _i ■*y TTe has sung before presi- m 25 Philosophy cratically minded electorate. §?- :/„ *Ww __B___a dents and kinsrs. in command Given toHulan Jack's Returns Minns Trousers ____! ___y^ *- _j v ______v___ ' BP^ ___^_____B performances, and bis progress And Money Poor West Indian Immigrant in tlir* field of vocal art has .Mr. Iliilan T. Jack. President of Borough, won bin many distinctions in- Manhattan gave Picture Hnlan Jack, a poor a distinguished Bermudian audience a sample of the oratoryand cludiiii. the award of the hon- A serviceman from Kindle-. immigrant from the West j______eJ__I *aIR^ _n philosophy which have aided his meteoric climb to the United orary degrees from TTavard fame in the Air Force Bmc had what ouvrht Indies arriving in Wesleyan States, spoke at a {riven at age finding will be on Mon- and Ohio Universi- United when he reception in honour of to be an unforgettable experi- States the of lfi. The recitals himself a job by day get- MR. HULAN JACK day. Wednesday June ties and from Monrhouse Col- himself ai '1 his wife by the Leopards Club Thursday eycning^J ence on Tuesday night when and June 27. lege. ting education by night, Friday July 1. All TlisB he was left wi'h no an is divided II and The London Times of May alterna- and before he's out of his seats be reserved, and fiov-H West Indies, the but to wall: into Hamilton into five boroughs. The total will president de- tive twenties being on the on at the Ber- 24. 10..4 said after one of his T.B Police Station well tickets are sale performances clared he did not think he "in Adams road to and power. assessed valuation of the five office, Harnett & many in Lon- tii" -jtio.oddH report success togehter mudiana Box don: would have achieved what he thatttf and the theft (Mr. was 34 years all is some 16 billion Street, and '"His solution of the main lias, of his money." Jack old dollars; Richardson. Front liVetiedB had be remained there. trousers ami when he elected State that of Manhattan Religious Store, problem of singing, putting the startled was a alone (the are the Book to deal! He believes the U.S. to be the The Airman told Assemblyman), and then be- million rest (Continued Page 3) thon_htful-H greatest experiment officer alone is S billion dollars. There Church Street. on on the duty that earlier that fore, he's out of his forties, he whiehH face of the earth of people of night he went for a ride with is — are 8 million residents in tht made top man The Presi- city. President nlall races and creeds working "a lady", whom he met in Reid dent of the wealthiest and most Jack has di- ELLIS RESIGNS AS HOUSE which together to make democracy Street. They travelled leisurely rect jurisdiction over two GETS ahoutjBle^r-l influential borough in the work through the eity and ended up world's greatest city. (Continued on Page 3) PLAN TO SOLVE PRISON MUDDLE Other guests of the Leopards on the outskirts "near Central included the Chief Justice Sir Merit Should Be Basis Sehoo Trounsell Cilbert and Lady seeing experiment When set -out Tlie resignation of Bermuda's controversial Warden of J. Tn that he for 'the Cilbert. the Mayor of St. work to a point of government lonely journey"' back, he dis- Wing 1 only Prisons. Commanded Erie Ellis after nine turbulent Ceorge's. tbe Wor. n. Roberts and leadrship. Mr. Jack stated covered his trousers were miss- NEWLY WEDS months in office, was announced yesterday by the Covernment. and Mrs. Roberts; Members of that all he could say was God ing and so were the .*__() he had ■ -_—■—— | .——^ urn >—^»-ffpqH right on the heels of reports of two more "outbursts". "di>turb- Parliament and their wives bless it and may the United iu t h e in. He apparently religious or tlieprisouB and civic and leaders. States along with GreatBritan sej -relied around for his prop- M.C.P leader- erty of '^gtt * ' Mr.Russell L.Pearman. . continue to hold world until the "small hours" W a______i ___!_____. c_ ,______l_____r ARl^ ______upon the! a together morning President of the club .and ship and work elimin- th- when he decided ■' MvS^^^^llR Wtm _B(P^^^_H_& o»' the sw ashhuik wiis exploded outside his home bJI cousin of Mrs. Jack) greeted ating all artificial barriers so t . beat a trail to the Police ling niiisfochioed chief. wa> iu Devonshire. The explosion Sfj^-i^J6'- ■ j£ m ______the guests upon arrival, while that man will be accepted on Station -*JRm mmr^' mmW the report of tlie occurred shortly before dawn Commission Mr. E. T. Richards. M.C.P.. the basis of merit and not T.Ut how he get to the of Enquiry into tlie May !)th a few feet away from the win- mm extended a general welcome to where he comes from. station without trousers or Hamilton Prison. iind dow of the room in which Com- ' "riot in RamA.Z-timm 1____L » llEl all. The master of ceremonies for thi- Recorder ' 'v^" Afrm^^ were :£v§£ ■ _M : a recommendation* forwarded BUndcfr Ellis and his wife ';,:; .. -; .___. __a v *£ aRL What Man Seeks the reception was Mr.Maurice reporter. _■'>.' m to th- lions., of Assembly yes- a.fa»p m^m^^L mmm. ____■ ? ______Xearon. vice-president of the r__M .'" terday by the Acting Governor regard to Tuesday', Mr. Pearman in introducing With elub. A vote of thanks was "Obviously not." was the the Hoii. A. <;. T. ChaplinI incident, it was reported that Prcsidnet Jack, commented on — laugh accorded Mr. Jack by Mr. reply, ".:s he did not have any ___» ______Hv v ______» lhat the city gad be aban- a prisoner named Horace Hil- hwo people used to at Leroy Burgess, while Miss when I ■ panted in here!"' The doned, and tlie ISth Century gtwte Talbot acted as though him whan he worked as a immigrant Shirley Xearon presented a Airman had no worries about (' s,-mates Barraehs at Ireland lie were berserk when an at- voimg West Tndian > hand, bouquet to Mrs. Jack. Enter- getting from the station to the Uf -___tf_Mb.-______Island he c mttttt i n' a tempt was made to return him in a factory with one tainment "was provided by Base. as the Air Police were orison a' an estimated east tt to his cell followinghis return and held a book in the other furthering education. He Miss Xorma Tstwood. sprano; most accommodating when £65.000. from ;i work party with other bis Phillips, baritone, — " prima politics Mr. Thomas they came to his rescue if Imports of th two men. Talbot was reported to became interested in Steel Band from '" wen- in- tbe Xew and the Esso irhi e dl it that. I ft » iM^' outbursts this week have drunk some liquor while and was elected to together with the by the Recorder on State Assembly in 1040 Trinidad estigated out. aad to have restated the York Mighty Skipper. Accompanist morning. w h e n ;i was re-elected 7 successive Thursday elVorts of kali dozen warders and was Mrs. Doris Corbin. Colon.-1 C. .Vewing. Head of before resigning to as- Xearson, Mrs. ta n ii him in solitary confine- terms Among the guests were His Mrs. Maurice C.I.I)., was approached aume the office of Borough Mand- the nieilt Wor. L. M. Minty. Miss Lois II. H. Brown. Mrs. Ross concerning rumours that a However, i- a un rntaa 1. President. Mrs. E. T. Richards. ers; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Clarke. gas Mr. gathering Brown. tear bomb had been he .vas finally subdued by his Jack told the Mr. C. V. M.C.P.; Mrs. Charles Fox and Mrs. MR.ANDMRS.RANDOLPHDICKINSON who weremarried thought peace of the Burch. Dorothy Minors, president pitched into the C.I.D. offices ( w convicts who carried he the M.C.P., and at St. Mary's Church Thursday. The bride is the former Miss prison upon Capt. Ross Winter. whi.h overlook the him to the main eell block. world was dependent the Winter; secretaryof the Orchid Charity Thelma Simons daughter of Mrs. Ernestine Simons of Khyber recog- and Mrs. Mr. A. E. yard. rapidity which leaders Xicholl. M.C.P.. and Mrs. Club. Pass. Warwick, and the late Mr. Willi;im Simons. The groom, Colonel Xewing disclaimed airnai the equalityof all people, a teacher at Central School is the son of Mrs. Ruth Dickinson of of sought was Xicholl. Dr.J. D.Smith. A.M.E. yknowledge on any incident ______and that all man Presiding Elder; Msgr. DaMer, Ewing Street, and the late Mr.Dickinson.— Photo by Ed Kelly. that sort. However, be made .______> security for his family and the Notice to Members of the following statement: right to determine bis own Fordham Chorus "TheVe have been occasions wav of life. when a few windows have Man wants to lie treated Members of the Pordham mat .-toM ft______k dignity %~ _k____HB_i _^i k_ h.-. n broken in the Police with the of man. he Music Chorus are asked to x______L ___t___V-^--____ i_E Station during time., prisoners s-iid. adding "because T am a take note that as from Mon- have been playing games in Xegro is no reason why a non- day night next. June 20. week- the yard. A- far as niy know- Xegro should assume that T do ly rehearsals will take place at fl \ _i ledge of any incident inside not have hopes and aspira- Alaska Hall. Court Street, in- prison this week is con- tions." stead of at the former place in the " e Tlie I. tl. * has head nothing Mr. Jack said that wj»en he th esame street. ______passed the Statute of Liberty ___E__Fj_____. abnormal about it." m*SI __ t During the riot last L upon entering the States, "God prison ■L"m^A IZ f* "^? Bb___R' month. Commander Ellis was \ ¥B A u ■ alone knew my destiny .. .. __P ■ rep vted to have indiscrimin- 4 but Ilooked to the future and Mr. Hulan Jack to ately hurled tear gas bombs aspired to a government posi- 1 _Hr______tion." He worked hard, over- Address B.U.T. Meeting -_-^______B into the cells to subdue the V __r * mgr T prisoners and it i* not incon- comic -r many difficulties and ;ialitie-;. that a dud may have here isMISS TEAL artif However, that ceivable Pictured ; ..-.';. amongst them. American enter- showed, that no matter who IJVlti w^"''^HBfc WBWHW*.


-Hfe BERMUDA RECOKDL* Kepresented Colony at Just KeceivcH Verno. lemph THANKS AU V H.K IBHUn1. ra,v jsunu ruojuiuu Opening of Student Centr A.M.ii Church ruDiisnea oy ine union rnniery, _our_ oireei, aamiito. In London i. tne unuersigiieu, wm -i/V-MJlUlt/VI. I I ■ ' v> e nave a new snipment fi I oiiini iiiiiv inuieii through — cennuaa, every weanesaay ana oa.iuru.-j this medium to tha \jriiia nana tooled iror Air. urginaiu r_. luing, so 1 relative, oouiaampion n.n: the many kind a finest Bermuda Cedar, in of a Mrs. Ming o i__-mr-.> ii_\ ir. a.m a Mr. id C. ft friends, tttk their aaaieroii varieties. JOHN' DAVT; Deyoiishire, ii". i \\ |-1in | ri__a_!<" Jubilee Road. wh . hi!. telegrams gilts a. d. managing i_uiioi nr..-i i ir i i_ i»nr."s.>r. e.irds. and i CEDAR SHOP, . __c__i __ _ is studying at Swansea l"n i :. i .. .. Somerset. Pasto out anu Kiiui 11 cencu on in ■H248) versity College in Swansea ior wcuiiiugs aim an occasion ounuay. June Graduation Day. I was bm England, was chosen to 1UD reprc thrilled to think that so mai n.Yir_i MCi.\ o sr.niij bbibh — sent his eountTV as well as hi ■ttinttta ____- of you remembered me in Bel Vianijciii iu dux liermuu - college openini at the recent f_A_ivr_ii and West Stamps _o/- iean i.D, xian icany iv.M- rsrui-ir. llllll Indies o id/- v^uaricn. :>.")" _ * a.i nuiiuay rscnoi . of the West Indian Student* /AAA .1 ..:'.._ ma all periods, nigh prices paid hi '.>_/ i_.\ ur. iii Adi n.wi a.m. Morning \\ Special rates for Contract Centre in London. orsinj i —The Stamp Shop, Nichol ___» rr»i _. .__ __. . "_ il. Speaker: - Ilie centre was otnciaii. _ Mr. Clarenc Building, Front Street. aii .ommunicaiions uiieiiucu io" puuncaiion snouia oe auurcsse. MAKIA Trott. opened by Princess Margare ', ">_» ___— I . c. .>..>w p.m. special neroe. io: ine manager, ine itecoraer. luiin .-street, tn to whom the .10 students frot l_l_\v- _3 Speaker: Mr. John _ ISI III I III the West Indies attending th Viil__l__l BfiKVlUJ Sinith. ceremony were presented. rnone xxo Student af WI nAH.ll_il._1. ttr.rtH_l_.--_. DA1UM.AI, JUnJEi 10. 15KJ herfatee l'niversit. 'White Pills" 2 to <»hio. r.s.A. inches. Suitable bot _E_L_- for i_ . mm r or prompt ana emcien _-»pea_-< inoma sexes up to the age I Miistii SO. Results guarantee service have your garment _ __ _ 1 - Dry Cleaned and a A.EL Missionary tocier Mayberry Bowei <.">" p.m. w ir fee refunded in ful Pressed r.venin."><> ror Biiildin«r. St a.m. Ik bat sionary Society of the A.M.E Chapel, Kindley Field. nuiuiay" rs.- m 11 T II- will be compelled to place same in Court foi OO . Voorhees 11.mi a i jiorning \\oi-s|ii ITniiiilton. Tucket Church on Thursday moTnim ***** IiAKUIi O.VUOi niven in marriage oy ne lo.r's TVi.. Q_.^.-irt.. Photographer. June 9th. at St. Paul's A.M.E coneciior ruiners umy .service father, the bride wore Frenc! i-oiiijiiiiMitr ninerooms an Church. Hamilton. _ Mt p.i,). Youth F.-llo.vsl.i bathroom ,..!._ «*__!_-_. l*__li Lace over with on a lo \ t. i.lmlf satin rhine JUM^I Kj. BASSJi'l _ situated A niaie enoir iroi Hour. A Discussion o voice «>r> i.:.. _. stones with a fingertip veil .. i .i abortt one third of an acr Vernon Temple gave an ur » oiirismp** a n .ual I.HiA'I'I Attending as matron o -*- I... !>.,_.*__ at Sound View her c--„ Road. usual aspect to the morning ria_re ov I asior. „,..._.* honour was the bride's .-somersi sitting rendering sistei 7.4.. p.m. EvanL'elistie Sei — by with chai Mrs. Winifred Crant. wh v-__a._e.ks migrove Osca ______Ar.,.. acteristic effectiveness the ol Hm. Theme: '-Th iins nnusc can easily r> on *m tn-.-. ... .i wore an aqua net over tafTet. Church Beyond Division un on .mj1v au, i:».).). at th and familiar hymns. ** converted into two aparl aire _. !_*_.. * .*-_ years. T- HP W- with matching lace jacket af .".1 Lcavimr on Kev. 1. w. rosier ueiivere shoes hat. i.— jH-ciai music i. ments at very little cosl hrother. one sister, nephews "Lp matching and Sh M-- Kri. the '-.Spirit The price is the sermon. His theme carried a bouquet hUK 5AU: .. Tliur.. most reason nieces, numerous relatives of pink am ual Retreat" able. an Love Be." strc-sed men's nee yellow carnations. The twi continue . | friends to mourn tin ir loss. _____ i ot love and its power to chaiig Billkia each nisrht S.O r» bridesmaids were Miss Joai ocimucia iiis end was world conditions. p.m. Theme: "This W Tourist Uurei reae __. .1.. i _._.: DeSilva and Eva Jones cousii nouse, sai lielieve This Crawford ll was, me speaner of bride, Wc PN the tlieir dresses won claim". the straangest force existeut yellow pink Building Church Street, and net ove: Three Storey I_\ Mfc.MUKlA3 stranger than the atomic bomb nev. ami .Mrs. .-. ..iAih.N. taffeta with matching laci leiepnone lzi ( wo and the hand that dropped thi jackets, matching shoes an. with all modern conveniences, l apartments Minister bomb, the speaker aaaartei hats. in loving memory oi m could be stayed under its in sftuated on the corner oi rrincess aim riwm step father ine fluenee. groom was attended b; rsirceis, iiaiuiuoi _._ _J» ¥___.!_- 1 _1 wiuiam Aaoipnus William 11 ine Hearts oi men snoui Airman Howard Osborne a 1_..T 9U X 1U1 Lhurch ot Got become impregnated with thi best man. the ushers were ah wno men .\prii .mi. 11.46. man Albert tor aa!< (Mrs.) Lillian Simmon power then would the worl Randolph, am oouno. view Koaa. oomerse know peace and the church o airman Lovell Gate-wood. _\ppiy i jlia: waienroni rroperx; _.iso Christ unity. JUllA KJ. l-AO»l_il iAin..a my nrotn- ,.,,.. ine couple residing Tliu ..-..I.., "_,!.]»-..__ I... \IV_ are a ine welcome address oy _ur: .ourt -Mrei ounaay. June lyin. i'jo near waiioni isruig Pembroke East until Airmai james Hilda Butterfield was r. unaries uicKinso: Maybcrry completes his ton who died June sponded to by Miss Eunic sajRR a.i . mi._ may_ _ _ ine nouse nas eign 7tb. 1952. of duty at Kindley A. F.B. ..." "»C I IIT Hayward from St. Phillip' Ml) Ill . .Morning uorsru rooms and two bathroom ____■ t _li»r"«_ !_____. Slurv... missed Church. r iiiner s i.ay .service and ean easily be con i-aaiy n relative _.: _ .l_ : j j ine organization anu ac UM p.m. Youth Fellow*,hi verted into two apart and friends. *.i>lll» ** \ ,lr-,iii'i justment of the Conventio: ":'iir .v drain ments. Tt is situated oi i ._ T. ! .: for the sessions was the wor! ANNUAL HARVEST FE5TIVA1 D.UU ..auireisiic ."s--r\ic its own waterfront witl of the Conference Brane rersonal and ■i-ial Music. a newly built wharf am in lovmj memory ot m Socia .] ______! auspices .._. of n.,ni uear nusnan President, Mrs. Ida Smith wh J under the ji.iii. ilies, jiioie I.lass there is enoutrh land t< presided. 8.00 p.m. Thursday Pray. build another cottage. ti ft__-...... __.:_...... ' STEWAKDkSS KUAK1 rso. Meeting. Aiinur uraiinwan me anernoon session wa on'-rraiuiaiions ate ej T_ is. -"-—./-. ine price is ...... most reason wno tense and filled with excitin tended toMr. aim .. _u _._____. departed this lite on and Mrs. Samur win DC ooserven a nev. .urs. able a .Inn interest. It was and mortgage cat loth, the tim Liirhtbourne who celebrate, Minister be arranged. 1931. scheduled for the election o their 40th wedding annivei M. fAlL & A. IU. _&. lUUKUt delegates to attend the Quad sary on Thursday. The eoupl cermuaa Tourist Burea' _uaj ne rest in peace an rcnnial Convention to be heb were married at St. Paul' perpetual light shin., upon birr at Washington in Jul}'. A.M.E. Church by the Rev irawioni iiousi Tlio r....ilr_. ,,f tli,. <"__»_<"< -__tl ine results oi ine vol in Dr. &UIMDAI, JUJXJ-. Church or Ock oauiy ny Walker, and five childTei cnurcn street missed wit showed the following ladie have been born of the union At 4.15 P.M. naj oi. u-eorges lown Telephone 124 elected:Miss Evelyn Rowlin They are Messrs. Samne jiargare. ..raitliwa.t from Mount Vernon. South Edward and Stanley Light _ni iiiMiaiionis cxienueu io uie iuuiii rAin_K. ua: ampton, Mrs. Ismay Pier bourne who residing are ii ounaay. June lfin, 1K0 from St. Phillip's, Mrs. Ber Xew York, and Mrs. Barbar; » -ll ■> in \ cgeiauies. rrun anu r lowers are sonciie nice Cann from St. Paul's Bean of Happy Valley, Pem lo.ini a.i . .-suimay .-school (Ml me Hamilton and Miss Minervi broke. Mrs. Elsie Leono.-. 11. a.i Junior (hurt- Best Man to SellHouses Swan from Somerset. r.-iiner i srrrM T__t _- ___-__. of Xorth 1 m .1. Whitter Shore, Pem __. *- i .. ... i ■ Is the i-eiegaies eiccieu irom in broke, ' ' Man and Mrs. Dorothy Lotti- ■"■»■ 1'-in. 1"ill || 1 IIIt!U >M | Whohas Built Then Young People's Departmen i; more of Khyber Pass. War A play t-iit lad: "Tl _onsuit u-icli- were Misses Cora Dean. Crae \\ IC Father l-_\-'iiiul..Ioii'-b^^^^^h Musson and Xaomi Darrell. AM p.m. aerwat ti.„ ..!_....:_ * UlK_-_. _ .._ Len -MJAMKLKUUS tVK . i ine election was eoiKinete Daw* "^ mine reini Arriving in the U by the Presiding Elder Dr. . colony o i re.iousiy ion... construction Superintendent and Appraiser Sunday from Xew l-T _ Dauiel Smith. York f. Mrs. Catherine ■ of Mr. ami Mr> maae Dy ine large. . iei. OUY outstanding Evangelist fror Ivan Johnson of Cemeter Ministei Road, Xew York. Presentation o Devonshire. snoemaKers in in visitors was by Mrs. Rosali Smith, supervisor of Bermud. worn -ir. ami Mrs. ' Branch. Bernard Cai Conference Wade of Pembroke PaVk. Pen WWW y^A broke, announce the birth of W I SA son on Friday morning at th UhUrrKLY BUYLi I Kini.' Edward VII Menioria Hospital. UMUKUH B1K£E1 CAB. LOW--' lOBcert at St. Paul' .The baby, namei */^rm w /^M Bernard Carl, weighed eigh — I pounds, -wnve io me uoor no rarising Kesincwnn ITEM "" Nets £59 11 ounces. Mrs. Wad a I fV 3s-^ _r _^1 ___ is the former Miss Elain Douglas. me semi-classical concei * * * sponsored bv the Truste Boafrd Mr. lien .Ionian of Lon of St. Paul's A.M.I Bay. Somerset, left Ml the Church last Sunday afternoo: colon on Tuesday for a six week tri resulted in £59 being raisei WWaiT-llli FAKTX. ASH TKAX. $*g§2 to Mexico and the Unit* NU for the purpose of renovation States. , — to the church roof and organ rocKei >u: i_>arpei,_ __nanit Chairman of the programm :^,,,,^^^H nana nag Unthinkable? .______.______If _wjiT^^^ was Dr. T. C. Ai ____! Stowe. I■ ___LalA — ______r mmltM WWW^A m' '^^ comet, msm BAD SKIN1 S. the(iAKDEJN SHOt I 1 % Mw^A:^W IA " i " _-... uanisnpainlul skin blemishes fas .\n.i nuy just tne tmng that_ he or sh with Dr. ■__■ Chase's Ointment. . 1-- Th...... _.,.-_._. ______-. ■ . or you ijLi____Xv_^i si. ______9] na- sootning, meilicated ingri win neec I /sv € 1 ii ''''""i 4-^ I 1 \\ 1sS/ /' I _/^ Wm I<:■":■:- : -*^>Nrlii?lfTO_R__{^:" "liliSJi:-.-:* rM_U dients in Dr. Chase's Ointmen * ' 'sj ■■: AiMJ —a_L __Jv -V I /dfck V air. anu _urs. rumen provide antiseptic protectio; K1__M____M__5____K, I V A^K / uine. against .nferti,,n, allaypain am would iikc io ttiaiiK inei suffering. It relieves such condi THE SHOP among the FLOWER* turns as eczema, boils, pimples blackheads, relatives ami iriemis ior in cold sores.___ is oi)en on THURSDAY AFTERNOON. m »_ Trv l__" iry __r. v-nast- s Ointment — .. ai ine oi lovciy gins reecivea on in get the large-size tin tix time roo. tne L.ane, rage asmuch! p, occasion oi meir weaaint I, « SATURDAY. JUNE 18, 1955 THE BERMUDA RECORDER Page Three

HulanE.Jack-TheMan WhoLiterallyHolds Roland Hayes ->/Kf V TheHeart of N. Y.inhis Hands To Give Three Wholesom for wholesome fun Concertsin Colony A (Continued from Page 1} hours, Borough people of other races and just .i few comfortable aboard— a big TCA under the other four (Continued from Page 1) Skvlincr, to or with c|iiiek, presidents!. creeds.'' Always a Democrat. Mr. convenient connections to all Canada andmajor lie is the man who has to words intelligibly on an un- Jack is an executive member interrupted of pure U.S. cities. give the word hefore construc- stream in af the New York County tone, is masterly." tt your TravelAgent, or tion of any kind can start He has an office Democratic Committee. In Born seventy years a_ro in a TCA Office. Manhattan! ami V.'Z,i) any 63 Front— St., in which there are 1.300 em- ISM he seconded the world where few. if Battled under authority of the Coca-Cola Company by Hamilton, Bermuda Telephone: 1118 I'.S. ployees including 149 en- nomination af Senator coloured persons have gone higher JOHN BARRITT & SON gineers and about 23 archi- Herbert II. Lehman. In 1032 than tbe minstrel show. TRANS-CANADA he chosen by the Xew of .({,_it~5> " tects. was and in a section Ameri- International Trans Atlantic y/r^7es State Com- (Chattanogga. Tennessee') transcontinental York Democratic ca Asked if lie has experienced mittee to make the speech of where obstacles after obstacles any embarassing situations be- welcome for President Harry laid in his path. Hayes Filling Negro, since were The List is Up! cause he is a S. Truman. was once said tn "demon- assuming the office of presi- time again Betler Book Now For The '._ PPtNAl W— Nr ip■_.■_, For strated and time dent. Mr. Jack without hesita- Worked "All The People" that human nature is unpre- replied negative, MID-SUMMER tion in the and that it cannot be unequivoeably liecaiise of his outstanding dictable lie added : "I legislator catalogued." enjoy the loyalty arid devotion record as a in the SKY-PARTY of publie Hayes credits his success to of every employee." fields welfare and public interest affecting "all his slave-born mother, whom THE UNIQUE HOLIDAY TOUR TO THE U.S. he said helped to cure him of >iew Example of How Integration of the people", he received the Visitincr York. "Washington, Philadelphia endorsement of numerous non- "just merely singing", when and Atlantic City Works partisan groups. she so emphatically advised Bermudian Entertainers perform in flight and on tour Asked his philosophy of life, him that listeners want to courtesy of Olive Trott enterprises Tt was faeinatinsr. he said hear what one is singing; that to see inte_rration works Mr. .Tack said it was based on TOUR LEAVES VIA PAA, "how- they want to AUGUST, 14th see get belief that no man was fre,. un- understand the and to how people on message. Reservations at Hilton Hill's Bermuda Vacation Service erpial respect less all men are free, and in words and their ... when there is for singer each other. This has been de- servinir the people he served once the has absorbed \5Wr*f_r'____J?-<-_l l-a-r^^_----».-^^ all the people all the time, the message and spirit of tbe f^^^_?_ monstrated to him not onlv on song, level, without regard to race, creed then with no thoneht an employer-employee display to or colour. "I knew that to about the of his own but in eases where he had individuality he must sine deal with problems nffectin? have my rights respected I so the son? each will the business, political and had to re-pect and protect the that listener Holiday* Special community rights <>f others. T asked no catch its import. The h»arers social life of the must made feel the sing- when delegations come speeial favours but only for be to have to er's own contribution to him equal opportunity, knowing music see and to life. Tt was Mr. Jack's opinion that Iwould qualify for that opportunity." he said. It is customary for Roland that racial discrimination, Hayes as he begins a pro- »r r While in the State Assembly £99 T IS wherever it is practiced in cramme. to stand quietly for Encland. America and South* he introduced bills against only against a moment by the piano as the Africa is on the way out. be- discrimination not Xi-LToes. bill all people. He vast audience waits in stony tatamt, "just as colonialism has silence. TTe closes his eyes and been denounced so has the -aid he had never been dis- "Lord, illusioned because he felt that pravs. savin?. as T sing ouestion of discrimination not please blot our Roland Hayes 1 as long a> one kept punching Printing only been denounced but there Let the people see only Thee." Job _rrowin_ opportunity would present it- is a tendency to Not only is the tenor an onieken the approach to de- self. However there was one disturbing feature about the authority on the music of his mocracy,for all irrespective of race, but is we can satisfy you achieved so far, and be a musician of race, creed or colour. success the deepest sensibility that was his fear, that while and being most fastidious taste. Tt was His Philosophy of Life laws were written to largely his or WANT abolish discrimination, t he reintrodnetion of ANYWHERE... the Xe_rrn Spiritual to concert TTe felt that the future peace coloured people were not in depended audiences that has helped EVERYWHERE*. .11ft fro71»>«"«: Hot !lets Pamphlets of tlie xvorld on the some instances keeping pace honest practice of the principle create the vast interest mani- your wil ti the chanires. fested on of the brotherhood of man. and re- in both America and Calendars!I.e...s Letterheads Each change Hinga new Europe in the spiritual. recognition of the fact that, sponsibilities, and "we should irrespeetive The Spirituals, revealing the B.S.A. Wedding Invitations Envelopes of what race a be prepared to shoulder tho>e fears, man may belong, every man frustrations and faith of T responsibilities." N'esrro, Ticket* Posters _edger. Etc. has hopes and the when sung by asirations. seeks Hayes, have security and to be accorded tbe "How About Yonr W.I the power to dienity of man. Background" transfix an audience. BANTAM MAJOR PLACE -v uKhEK NOW WITH During his July 1 concert Mr. Jack remarked that Asked if he had encountered here. Mr. Hayes has promised such a picture was becoming any reaction because of his his sponsors that the last half 155 CC WITH SPECIAL BERMUDA more clearly demonstrated as being* born iu the West Indies, of his programme will eonsiV one saw the move of the people Mr. Jack said he had never of the "Life of Christ" as told SILENCER Printery of Asia and Africa for full and paid any attention to where in Afro-American religionsfolk The Union equal recognition. recog- Tt was his he came from except to son

mit. As soon as tke grading ______p__a__L. _« -^^^^^^^^^^______a 1- JACKIE ROBINSONS FEEL ______k__u_rV_^l__^.tbl.' ' asprescr** of tlieir two and a half acre property is compld-d Hr. AT HOME IN STAMFORD Robinson will lay out a regular baseball diamond for the ehil- ' ,- dren ______W y ~9kv_r^^^_^i" the finest drugs By Don Ross "Some neople have supposed _B__^^., . 4DK that we came np in a white lta_TJfc_l9-».'___. Sj ...fresh, pure, professional products, STAMFORD, Conn., .tune 12 'We feel this is really our heV— — l.eind.lw.or'lood b' ailse We such supplied A feat and a half ago Stam- home now", said Mrs. Robfn- as are regularly by E.R. didn't Irani to live wi'h &Sons,are in ford an racked ky controver- Min. "Everyone lias made us Squibb used your-doctor'fc that, deeply. Everyone \<"_T"e-." Mrs. Robinson, who prescriptions. sy when it became known feel tiiis has They are compounded, Jaekie Robinson, tke Dodgef accepted us as just aaotke. is a irraluate of the l'niversity measured andprepared with player, M_d h's family, in- faiiiiJy." of California, said. "That isn't 1 tended to move into an all- she spoke of true. JarMe and wanted a Jadrie ir in the some the best equipment white residential i (immunity eigfct, and the house suburbs with wonderful pro- acreage for the sake of our modern pharmacy. !eta "'i Caaende BmmW. gress he has made knownto Itis acom- in flovt me where jrsn So bitter did this become School, where lie is children. Tell forting thought whei. uiere is illness in in the can in a Negro nei'.'h- that the ekfcgj of Stamford third grade. He is a find that family toknow that amnker boiirhood. One Reason our the felt it necessary to exhor; their of Cub Scout Den i. Pad 2!i. house is so big" -the Robin- flocks to r ive the Robinsons Wllicdl is composed of boys sons have twelve rooms— "is absolute accuracy in a spirit of brotherliness and Iiviu_ on IfBallii Ave., in in prescription work is our watchword. Christian charily. Stamford, where the that we wanted space so the Robinsons friends up from St. Albans." Undeterred by the rebuff, lived for several months while children could have their Ofvitalconcern, too. are the vitamin thev received from many per- their liou-e was being built. productswe recommend. Asa dietary — up Albins.'" sons including real estate Tin- Robinsons stayed in the friends from St. supplement to prevent common vita- For five years the Robinsi ns min deficiencies, we suggest Vigsan, dealers who refused to show home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Squibb Multiple Capsules.. lived in a mixed neighbour- Vitamin . them property— Mr. and Mrs. Simon. Mr. Simon is a part- the name Squibb is your guarantee hood in St. Albans. product for the purpose Robinson kept looking until ner iu the publishing firm of Queens. of the beat Proud of Race Intended. a i___\ ■ they found property that Simon & Schuster. _"_____t_ moved into "Jackie and T have no in- a_r___^_____n united them. They Road house three Scouts Invite Jackie terest in racial inteniiarriace." Yourprescriptionsare our specialty tkeir Cascade feci. montha ago 'The boys around Cascade said Mrs. Robinson. ''We example children How have things turned out | Bmmt have asked Jackie to be- for that our Calm and long to their Cub Scout group," will have most of their social Serene Xegro children. PHARMACY^ A visitor to Cascade Road, Mrs. Kobinson f in TIuiaMt-fciiaitamammmamtm .10 P.M 7 00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 12:00-1:00 P.M. the vicinity. Cascade Road is Church, wlii: '■ within easy turmoil was that, as calm and serene as ever. walking Mmmmt Sharon is (Continued on Page 7) 18, Page Foui THE BERMUDA RECORDED SATURDAY, JUNE 195. Public s Income THE United Nations Hamilton laxi tfmJSAA* AtNew Peak Rate AFRICA IN Notes BOND Service ... the letter* dart. Than fr** all over the trm world MW f-tl BROOKE BRUNSWICK STKEEI tornmenu aa -heae from tttMm — LIMELIGHT NOW "t THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCl v..\s__im._ been more articulate sections, the have In some such a< tnre. The\- point out also that due to risinjr employment tr about Africa here of late. AH Rhodesia, they havesanctioned Sight-Testing Consultations Optical Repain along TI. E. Henry Ford Cooper manufacturing, with the big of these thiiiL's taken a kind of bargainins arrange W. COLTMAN. Registered Optometrist F.S.M.C, research — is well qualified. lie was his crest trains reported in stee with current African ment a plan by which thev country's representative the F.N.A.O., MPS, mills, resi- at and manufacturing ol and the fact that many work in the same harness with Leasrne of Nations and the non-electrical machinery am dential and business sections Europeans. Tn othter sections Certified Contact Lens Practitioner United I'nited Nations and at present in metals fabrication look like section of the like Kenya, the center of Man is Liberian Ambassador to the States, Africa definitely in put Man trouble. attempts fr They limelight. Court of St. James. also the reach more eipiitable ways ol mention TI. E. Dr. Mahmond life met with stiffer resist- The Atriean storp is even are Fawzi. Minister of Forei?n more exciting when we con- ance. Tn the Union of South Affairs of Egypt. only years Africa, natives, which the help sider that a few Liberia,— back, this immense hunk of of a few sympathetic Euro- peans met with small 11. K. Momoln Dnkuly. act MOCASSINS! earth was labeled "Dark Con- success course, then as in holding onto their homes. inir Secretary of State ot tinent." Of Liberia, now. it had vast riches, in- who will head hi< Childrengrow up So the eyes or the world arc country's delegation to thf cluding one fourth of the on Africa, not so much because gold, of T'N's Tenth Anniversary meet- _» world's three-fourths of its fabulous resources, but i and one-half of ins, in San Francisco, paid I its diamonds more because the seeds of de to Secretary known uranium, with largo courtesy call the its moeraey that have been sowi Dag TRAPEZE Ceneral ITanimarskjold strong and heal.h. amounts of chroniito. copper over the world are finally tin and vanadium to boot. Bui Later, in a press eonferenee flBk^ ready for harvesting; whicl valuable resources, foi he said that Liberia misrht wel 1hese means the painful replaccinen: the most part, were not de become a "pattern for demoe economic, racy in Africa." veloped as much as they ar. of old politieal am He made if on — plain, however .that his gov _wn today, and in them, many social patterns with new ones BrI _*"■*' eminent feels that it shoul. see to the development of its ava country and people be From I From (.!/[ —— Jews of 19 Lands From WhereISit fore venturing into the broad 56/-^^ _. mA -m. er field of international poli Viro Meet in London ties. TTowever. Mr. Dukuly By Vincent 8. Bakei — said that the government and W. J BOYLE & SON NEW YORK, (Global) people of Liberia cannot bf Ten years a^^__^<______fc_^3 ___B loner quest for peace wa< — launched. Some who remem- given right of all people tn children need. It is a highly __.. LONDON. June Om bered the collapse of th. work out their own destiny in concentratedhealth food t_kai n r e representatives ol h u d d Lea YVASHI.V;TON. June 14.— lems; second, T'nitcd In* sponsors of the con and the The T"nited States signer seen States joined the T'N. _ _ T _ __ agreements ferenee. is a post-war drifl _> a ■__ .-%*_" 1 with five nation' N fared" lt< away from Judaism. Tbe dele Mow has the t today to supply informatiot launched just ".rates will discuss plans for relief program, on design, construction anr halting this and for injecting after the war. saved million' operation of atomic rcsearcT n.w life into the Jewish com- from starvation. Tts pro<_ran reactors. Similar agreement' munities of Western Europe on food and a g r ie ultun will be signed tomorrow witl and North Africa. is inereasing the prodnctivit\ Canada. PelTa played a prominent part foi tions could never bring itsell to NEW YORK more than fifty years in com to take. The Korean "nolie. "but CJ^^-^-^ haiJag anti-Semitism and pro action" mav have prevente.l ______A Rt- T__-.i_.l-iK KalloJ?il__ aroting civil and reliftioai World War TTT. m h natomay Iotiaaj rights of Jew, throii'.'hout tin has it- and FORGOT The T nited Nations Rr_f_!__yBaoffarara fran world. shortcomings. Tt has not beer H [Hay ftw. I Ihe toiirtei-n members ol tht entirely successful as an al Another Pan American exclutivel The popularnon American delegation, header ternative to peace. ______deai and parmlta * stop, 5-hour Clipper* service New Iaacapa to Yorkis nowalsc ma by Mr. Engel. include Dr from tha horrd available to Boston. This is not a special season. Isador Lnbin,New York Stati IIilaapJata. raatlaaa nlghti11 feature,but a week-in, week-out operation. raUajtaa tha woratMg Industrial Commissioner H |WIaei whatever day ot the week you choose to fly to Nan ROBERTS' James Marshall, former presi Graham Extends Ttjilaodb^J York, you willfind a giant pressurizedClipper readj Vl th,. dent of New York City to take off from Obviously a false stai. for both Kindley Field (as many as thret — BaaM al Education, and Prof German Tom ■■> m flight! a day on week-ends) andon Saturday starter and unneces- aaa__afaua_a ... after runners and so fflflBPtm. I Herman A. Gray, of New Yor_ aa. noons direct flights to Boston get you there inplenrj ?: ry. All that is needed here is ______«_... . _. . ■SYPWa I l'niversity. (.ermany.Jnn< of time for supper. bottle of ROBERT'S SYRUP. If MANNHEIM.— t~ I T4. evangelist Billy Kainbow Clipper tourist fare (includes cough or a American refreshments] vou are threatened with a M^ffl-M-;-' Graham's schedule in Germany toBostonis $99 round trip...the same asNew York running start cold, get a on it and ■ f|g KJ has been extended so thai f,.ht back with Canada's leading ■ I* t III Healing, "--'-■thinj American troops will havf rewenv ROBERT'S SYRUP |mm and antiseptic, Dr |_____k !}" Chase's Ointment three opportunities to hear thf bring, quirk relief Call your Travel Agent or mLW/R ' RIIDKJC mtSL North Carolina preacher, thf /A _r-____T _£_HH ■ mrmtma A Klfe home treat Phcne: 1055,6 B ' ment for aver Army said today. nr______ill__lfln B 111C C C 5< Tick*. OHt.l. Fion' .trcet. Hamilton -M_h_. _LiA/AH_lk_ _lB-__. r . BDRUIJLJ years. 69c. Econ .Mr. liraham was to have ap - omy size, 6 times as much. $2.23 -* *#t_w« ■Ml ___rl9l peared before American servict \^wmr^^RR!aaRmR^^^SmmFm DR. CHASE'S a men in Wiesbaden and Kaiser BWHMERTGm — "**^-__%^m WmmmmmZT~y^^a ..lantern on his coming tour ol ma Antiseptic OINTMEN1 WORLD 5 MOST EXPERIENCED AIRLINI Germany. ■■_» ■■__._■». aar*m. mm -ATUKDAY. JUNE 18, 1955 TUB BJGKMUDA EECORDEB rage inree ■"t -ii Y REDS GAIN B. r ench to Recall ueancrs- N-Dyers KenyasMulti-Racial ___pi | would you ¥, WAHHINGTON Ameriean IIIu'.nmnf 4___at Killed _i» nenrlv7 KO akinInhaa Government Veteransto Youriour Minutesn.nn.... Delivery Duty win nai ten, and Aviation magazine says e nearly to million tiny weignt tb ""ama and pores where germs hid* pounds BariH Union has Mdcium Urrll le Itching, Cracking. or moret At last released Pc««m», P**ll,ig. Burning. Ac_«. many captive — Ringworm. ihe way has been found. wt.sli.KW PARISHES German natural _first i .\iii s. i MP r ienen t_ov- Paorlaela, Blackhead*. scientists, Ihe lear \ icwed by Ibrahim Nathoo, A. IJ. PlmpUa. foot Itch and other blem- Write for free informa- including the ma- ernmnet has decided to recall t*h«« Ordinary tr«atmenta g!v« only Mortars and Thursdays 1 r-r- relief they tion (enclosing jority of t'atel and L. K. L.R K_ germ because do not British some 200 V-2 rocket M. Welwood about 9.000 veterans in ..l?eri,. «lll th« cau»«. The n*w diacov. experts. "ry. Nixoderm, kill* th* gen:.a In 7 Postal Order 2 Shillings) serviee to join in thf minut** and la guaranteedto glv* you building __.-l.KA__ FAKISH "aofi. cl«ar. attractive, on new flesh on Ine aviation iigm '.-"1'iisf amooih akin industry pub- terrorism. mon* week,or money back onleturn the starved body. Tuesdays \\ lien over a ■ve._ government "r empty pacVage. Get guaranteed ar.J lication holds the just year ago .im. in spokesman FrfcLn that only as more monor released Nixoderm fromyour chemist toda/and -... : __j Ac_iviues, J_.mgsway, Lyttelton. . ... reporters | _J_i_ RlllOV,' comlusion to be drawn from .vlr. IHirer the then ior construction oi importance told after Cahinet mm. -J- '!. meeting .*] niXOneym realcaus* £_«-.. .J.KIM the releases is that Com- lJriris.Ii al State, June that the gov- (T— 153) Delhi-9, India. FAKISHES the Secretary to our daily life, the 6,000,000 Fee munists have become self- lu-oiio-hl. fat the tirst time, the Afri ana, Asians, ernment had derided to Mkta Tretble* troubi*. r Wednesdays & Saturdays sufficient Arabs aad in the aviation different races of Kenya to- Europeans sptead a cross authorize the recall nf a group sciences and have no further gether in the government of Kenya's 220.1m n» iqaatia miles of former conscripts equivalent work for top German experts. the country, high hopes but nioiuitiiig to the armed forces' intake in -or the to call ______," will have cause for man \ f .L «... A turther indication of this, also doiihts were expressed. satisfaction in the purpose Algeria over a 2'^-year period.__ and ti,:. - , .'hone outweigh mm . SUMMER HATS AND CAPS it said, is the U.S.S.I..' Today hopes doabta. practicability of Colony's Ihis would amount to be- that ..i the i \...-....-. ... «i. . ■______" FOR MEN has lent some of its own t'pimiism anout tne itirtner tirst multi-racial Covernment." tween S.000 and T0.000 men. "-T._ ¥ I» "*r 11-1 1 -mr- W- ■ specialists prospects of multi-racial gov- including aviation to lecture Mt. is. l{. m. Weiw I. .Min- hoth Frenchmen liv- Priced from 6/6 to 42/6 on jet desipn to students in ernment, whieh has weatlured ister for Forest Development, ing in Algeria and native- signal Eastern Germany. its first year with such Came and Fisheries, expresses horn Arahs. Algerian Gov.- Dress Pants in 5 shades at 45/- success, many i~e matrazizne i foreign is voiced on a European point of view: Gen. .Taeones Sonstelle will be SNEAKER BOOTS _.. sides, l.elow are some viewi I'll r k^y. k- authorized to editor. Anthony Vandyk. if is iar too soon to express summon the re- In white, black and white and blue and white "pioted a hi<_h expressedby threeof the lead- a servists back to the colors. "source of final opinion on the Lyttel- mi m ing BLUE YACHTING SHOES reliability"' as say up Ministers of the Kenya Ihe covernment announced i the ton Plan. It has worked in RUBBER Soviet aircraft industry is Government. its first year without major two weeks aco that reservists SOLED BUN6EES Algeria In Brown and Blue fast approaching the .Mr. lhrahini .\atnoo, jiini>- crises or were bein_r recalled in quality a__aa_eta, and the STRAW WORK standards of its I'nited States ter af Iferfca, mya: creation of more to join 5.000 infantry and 2.000 PEA-NUT HATS Unofficial police counterpart. 1 he nr.t year oi multi- Ministers has certainly broaghl on their way from AND COWBOY STRAWS FOR BOYS mm— mm . . ■ ■ (iipvernment Franee to quell .Mr. \andyk also reported racial in Kenya a less rarefied atmosphere in- the latest out- MEN'S COLOURED TEE SHIRTS proved, by breaks of lawlessness has its far to I—, ______there. that Moscow's n.w MIG-17 success tlie deliberations of Gov- ■ lighten are conipped with exceedinjr expectations, that Ihese measures were rje- H. P. MOTYER ernment.. signd to the radar set which can gaide or the idea is genuinely in the it is my neiiei that tor tlie im-rease trarrison East Front St. Tel. 2231 r,f detect aircraft to distances up minds of the people. next five y.ars it work, fiO.OOO French and colonial _.!._ cau tfi . j-_: . to 1(H) miles. Reportedly this when an Atncan. three and will be made to work bet- troops stationed in Algeria last radar is "blind" only under Europeans, another Indian ter. November fo about 100.000 altitudes 1()0 feet and I, all unofficial members inevitaoiy, a dariag the next few weeks. of about and constitution r_ Tl. . T BUILD UP HtALIti ."{() Iho .Innc .5 measures -were at h ranire of p. rhaps miles of the Legislative (,'ouncil, eoiicer ed and implemented AND STRENTH WITH annonnced after % a ■_.___ a __. a m m. a at a _*■" he added. crossed the floor in April. ISM, rather hurriedly has in Interior Min- aa shown ister VITAMIN-RICH to implement the Lyttelton its first year of working eeF- Maurice T.onr?es-Mann- arapaaala in fatarias Kenya's tain Saws aad difficulties in onry had reported to the Cabi- first multi-racial Council of operation. The net on his recent tour of best constitu- Algeria, Ministers, ae had little inhling tions have crown up sbuvly which is administered 11 .V1LL BE A DELIGHT as an integral of of how Government work was have adapted meet nnrt France. 1 I_■»___»"" TO LOOK aad to RIGHT TF conducted. That we hav.- i at pvactieal difficulties when they YOU HAVE YOUB CLOTHES encountered ■ ■ " i co half the troubles appeared." o p c ra t 1 oi m ... n.. .i i. ._ SPONGED AND PRESSED e e anticipated is due. Iam essentially, the tiovcrnment man evei ■before " _*LSO sure,______to two main factors._ Of Kenya ondcr pro- i i,,r. . ■ these I : .. "-» first, an enormous amount pn«ais is a coalition iats is nnlT ■ hcginnma aad ti. — YUUK HAT __._.»-< _D AliJ iJl_OUtU5JJ ,:■"■■ l. : of credit goea to the longer- ihe iiimciuties ol siicli a rne pi siTvinir ntwainatfd Minister. ---■^-^ WHILF ifovernmeni will iieconic more in the natnre ol YOU WATT ami ■" Civil 8-rtaata whoae aa- greater as ine overruling im- ■oiiiii..n ro,-r.i.ciiin'_r direnw .■r.nC vi, * AT ■tiating rapport, gnidance ami portaace of i.-tin.' -vs and on of <.<>\- politieal thought amy "" thai take praii "Bi affected the people pla in the world in the east Butter Crust Products thi nndve..' I hare aeen moeh tew anxious and difficult years, evidence of the but we gamy be sure that unless (fire ARE MADE FKOM THE FINEST str-'.-t"s aaxiety to n his Ti'i noiiie potential of Everything looks staum-b support. Be waata Kenya can be vastly increased INGKEDIEIN 15 elected Ifinixtpn "!' all kaeea ii- thai tine the standard af to sway acre. He bow hai living ot a popni.i'ioii. ./row his own representative to deal mg ai an alarming raie, eau- trith, as clean a man will eoaeh arho tha not ii.' maintained — itotee answers to hi* problems in I ins is the real proiiiem -- -i i oriiinary iaiii_na_-e and we »olvc it no - 1 .1 T unless Visitors to the i inter these conditions, political \\stem can brinjr us tln-re is a noticeable, im -' « noi i though iira'T since changed ii.. \i we » .. i a Bakery are welcome at any lime grauuai, cementing oi ivenya s And finally. .Mr. A. I». ratel, mixeil communities. We hare Minister without Portfolio the not pot over oilr iceuuug second- Asian Minister says: ..a « _" l.* " a troubles yet. bal the wisdom. r tirst mniti-raeiai rvenya - tooth of lihi-ral opinion is Viw.iinunii; it. in iii^iii— r— : r _._. : ...:.i .1... 1 . i: to growing— _wnii tin tlls- its second year's work witli al! Ihe Bermuda Kakery Ltd. coniiort oi an\ communities, and emphatieal'i _\s - — SURF me cmertreiicy smouiii. un !■»..- Tlie Asians «. ;t- I'ltl Bay Koaii I'hone en towards heritable end, mood lll — m* \&T vm%. >, __-ua C_____v _"_"."_. ■zwv^kW^mmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

" : ■ V-; *' *:■■.*■!* :"■x iv.< : l?x^f ?:*-■ c?^^>^B ____T^ __Mfc_l SOUTH WEST AFRICAN REPORT I: _; ;__a__F^___\__kf dfc * .* Pifc^K^_^______'^__i ___wB^ '^"—V _____ SAYS RACE BIAS PERSISTS m^Mmm. _* *'*,_ __a___ir^ , Assemhly a conclusion t<> this innantTanTs were sum not par- jR Wm \ \ m i^| effect, with the eoauaeat that Bring in tne political rte- ._-' -Nt. x____^ m^Jm _^H 1 \ I Sk _^B - »..g.:.:.: >iV v*^^ 1 ______\ \\ m &______the main efforts of the admin- relopment of tb territory and ?& *j_ __/ r~v CLARENDON BUILDING Street lation is small, that will wish that "as soon as practicable'' West SUNDAY. 19th JUNE, 1955 to pur*u,> thi-; course. means never at all — Fourth, 9:00 a.m. Memory Lane the Governor's Com. 10:00 a.m.— Organ Music mission should draft a law per- 10:30 a.m.— in mitting ihe assignment of in- Music three pupils quarter dividual to particular time schools. Be "TUNED IN" ! 11:00 a.m.——The Cathedral 12:15 p.m. String Serenade Fifth, the Commission should 12:30 p.m.-NEWS eaaaidr. legislation that would 12:45 p.m.—— Songs For You achieve the maximum possible Get Your PLAY^IVTE CAR RADIO 1:00 p.m. Music by Koste- decentralization of authority lantez an school operations... We From 1:30 p.m.— What's New too. are prepared to (fight) 2:00 p.m.— Paris Star Time county b\- county. But it may MASTERS CLARENDON BUILDING 2:30 p.m.— Family Hour be possible to place school ad- 3:30 p.m.— BBC Bandstand ministration not iin+ely at a Another Shipment of Quality 4:00 p.m.- Premier Perform- level of county governments. These Radios ance s but at a level of magisterial just 5:30 p.m.— received. Also available Music by Victor districts or even at a level of Ilerbcrt school districts within magis- KNOWN THE WORLD OVER 5:45 p.m.—— Tunes for Two terial distriefs. 6:00 p.m. Sunday Pop ESS0 service stations BREWED fBOM THE F'NEST malt andnQP3 Concert Sixth, the Commission may MiT__i__0A QTFPG1 7:00 p.m.— NEWS be able to formulate legisla- JCiflO RADIO and RECORD DEPT. 7:15 p.m.—— Waltz Time tion that would give fresh FRITHS LIQUORS LTD. 7:30 p.m. Background to stimulus to the formation and Sports and Ican operation of private schools.. AGENTS IN BERMUDA Hear it Now. Seventh. the Commission 8:00 p.m.— Torch Tones may wish to r ininiend legis- St.. George's Hamilton Somerset 8:30 p.m.—— Tbe Shell Hour altion that would establish ''9:00 p.m. London Playhous* within thp Attorney General's "'.<> p.m.— Man of Propertv office a special division, gen- Comics! Comics! 10:00 p.m.— Take A Number erously financed and libera1!}' 10:30 p.m.-NEWS staffed, to assist local authori- 10 40 p.m.— Musie for the End ties in the long and expensive EVERY SATURDAY of the Dav litigation that can be fore- 11:00 p.m.— SIGN OFF. seen ... ______11 _- -__-*»" a . . Is all of this to advocate that SENSATIONAL NEW RECORDER COMIC Virginia attempt, by lawful - means, to get around the lawT SECTION ZBM-2 Radio That is exactly what we ad- vocate. Cont. ininc Bermuda For let this be said once more, in unmistakable lang- vt*\ our in- FOUNTAIN uage: In May of 1954, the 8 Pages with 14 Different Features aimed at MONDAY, 20th JUNE, 1955 ept fraternity of politicians and professors known as the TUESDAY, 21st JUNE, 1955 United States Supreme Court pleasing both Young and Old alike away the es- WED., 22nd JUNE, 1955 chose to throw tablished law. These nine men \\ lor mystery of VIC FLINT Constitution, atch the 10.00 a.m.— ZBM-2 Concert repudiated the Uall spit upon the tenth amend- Meet once more your old friends:— ce Cream 12.00Noon— Music at Mid-day ment, and rewrote the funda- — to suit 12:15 p.m. Lunch-time Melo- mental law of this laud ALLEY OOP THE LITTLE PEOPLE dies tlieir own gauzy concepts of MILK SHAKES, SODAS 12:45 p.m.— XEWS sociology. If it be said now CAPTAIN EASY THE NUT BROS. 1:00 p.m.— Melodies Mellow that the South is flouting the 2:00 p.m.-NEWS law. let it ha s"»d to the high BRENDA BREEZE BEAR HUGS, POPSICLES 2:05 p.m.— 1340 Clubi court :you taught us how. BOOTS — in addition to BOOTS Cut-outs 3:00 p.m. XEWS From the moment that 3:05 p.m.-1340 Clubi decision a s XEWS abominable » 4 00"" p.m.— handed down, two 4 - 1340 all these and more in the Comic p.m. Clubi only were available to Read HOME A PARTY BRICK pm.— XEWS courses TAKE th,- South. One was to defy b.oo p.m.— 1340 Clubi s really worth your money 6:00 ~m.— NEWS the court openly and notorious- that' 6 20 ._n. -Date i.)______flolly- ly; the other was to accept the wood court's decision and t<> combat Price of Saturdays Edition with Comic Section 6:35— SIGN OFF it by legalmeans. To defy th,. p.m. Tuesday :1:15—2:00 court openly would be to enter fPHCENIX Rotary Club the logical end Wednesday : 1:20— 2:20p.m. 111 anarchy; Qd. Hl^ DRUGSTORE Lions Club would be a second attempt at Thursday : 6:30— 7:00p.m. secession from the Union. And ■Leopards Club though the idea is uot without SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1955 THE BEEMUDA BECOBDES Page Seven

they bought that the Bobui JACKIE ROBINSONS FEEL sons had moved in. ""At the time it made ao dif- m AT HOME IN STAMFORD ference to us." she said. "But before the deal was closed people began questioning our (Continued on Bage fi"! wisdom ir buying near X'eg- the Robinsons themselves were Mrs. Cypres did say. how- roes. Iroafcaa Ibegan to get IS- excellent people, the fact that ever, that the presence of a cold feet and so did my "hus- SPORTS they were X'egroes would in- X't _ry family had perhaps band, but. we talked it over >*. myself. evitably depreciate property narrowed the market and and Iwas ashamed of Y.M.C.A. Meet St. neighborhood. to go through with Up values in the made it somewhat harder to We decided Fourth Open Tennis and Downihe Fairwaj Georges Tomorrow Has very* glad we did." this happened1 sell the house. it. I'm rr.*l mm -mm- 11 _-_ am _____._.« . ■ York Herald Tribune * One fnniilv sold their home '"In other words, you may —Xew At 0«" v w W 0* The St. Georges C. C. win " -' Promises to Cascade Boad and moved have to work a little harder to Tournament play the Y. M. C. A. at the .way after it became known sell but you don't have to take Sports Anna tomorrow. The that the Robinsons would move a cut in price." she said. EVERYBODY'S Be Biggest Yet Up and down the Fair Way match will commence at 12.HO. Ato the vicinity The house Mrs. Donald E. MeCormick Ihi Sunday last Maurice Pitt The following playen will re- was thereupon sold to another Fuller, MARKET and Hubert Smith were de- present the Y.M. C. A. white family who knew that and Mrs. W. Brewster title for the ladies here, has both of Cascade Boad. said The fourth annual Inter- feated 2 and 1 by the Pro. S. Hodge (Capt); R. Dur- the Bobinsons would live EAST BROADWAY again bi-n invited. She was they did not believe that prop- national Open Tournament of Herman Baseombe and Hubert ham. W. Place T. Wilson. F. across the street. Owing to a the Somers Isle Lawn Tennis unable to be present to defend Davis in a game which was Smith. M. Mallory. B. Brim- death in the family the house erty values had diminished. the title iu l;i-t year's tourna- The Fullers, who have been For Fresh and Frozen Association, sanctioned by li.-i- very close all the way. Bitt mer. D. Dane. J. Benjamin, C. was again put on the market. Association, renting on Cascade Boad for American Tennis ment. had a little putter trouble. Tozo. C. Lightboume. Tt has recently Fruit and Vegetables. the big week are been sold to fourteen years .have acquired which takes place at the Ber- Clans for Taking up the game of Reserves II. Stovell TTarrv Kramer, an announcer the hands of a an option to buy property muda Government Tennis in capable Golf in the last few weeks is Durham for the Columbia Broadcnsting and IMPORTED July 3 to 10, C » ■mit tee across the street. LOCAL Stadium from ToatraaaMBl Cain Darrell of Southampton System, who will occupy it MEATS promises to be a most out- beaded by Allan Simmons and doing quite well was s.-en on Ihe fairways "Tf we build a house that s who is at it. off with Ais family. standing Kit-ton Thomas. They have i one-time where it's going event. He hits a tremendous long (Bunny Butterfield Wto Decline in Value to be.*' said Joell, president elected Cromwell Manders to of Bean Mrs. Fuller Groceries Mr. W. E.R. ball. Back after a long lay- winner Edward The value of the house did of the association informed be referee, a job he has done trophy. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eland years over the period of the Recorder last night that si w.ll for the past few ■age- 'Rugs) Outerbridge no^declinetransactions, recently bought 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. thew neeording have a home Open from George Stewart, the Xo .1 for the association. Assisting bury. V. Burgess. S. Hall. C. one of Ocean View's mn-t la Mrs. Jane Cypres, a real on nearby Pembroke Drive. Alexander of For your convenience, we're player in the United States iiim will In- Miss Norford, C. Dolphin, L. Den- pupil ■ playen has gone estate broker who handled the Mrs. Eland said that she and accordingto the A.T.A.listings, Xew York. brooke. J. Shaughnessy, K. abroad^^me^insonie^our! negotiations had known before Open Thursday 8 a.m. to 1p.m. her husband has accepted an invitation to A number of social eveiit> Paul. D. Steede. V. Trott. naments. such as ■!<>," Loan participate. are being planned for the en- Reserves C. Ford. S. Bean, Open and Tlie Sugar Ra> Several other outstanding tertainment of the many visit- S. Hunt. which takea place every year. players in America and the ing and local players and West Indies have also been fr'n .ids throughout the week. invited, and some have indi- cated their intention to be Somerset Meets SIL present. _ _ Sunday See the Parade of Stars at i_ "_■- a i Pick Norman Appel, the lawyer SUBSET LODGE from Dayton. Ohio, who swept Tin Somerset C. C. will be at Sunday to_ _ a pick— away all the honours in last home C* _, PBESENTS year's Bermuda open, will be team representing the Somers back this year to defend his Isle Cricket League. The match a.m. Aqua Vaughn at 11 Revue title, as will Mrs. Nina will commence TEAL Sensational of New Jersey. Somerset: HELEN ■-Well-lvnoMii ; Chinese of W. Simmons (Capt.) C. Eagle's Nest Pool Mss Dorothy Alexander Edwards, York, official Swan. A. Hughes,W. JOY American Dancer New the A.T.A. Simmons, ra\IE^^ la each A S. Bean. McD. Singer who has come Bermuda Ray- year since the inauguarl game. C. Bam, W. Proctor, S. Nightly to June 25 will again be present, and has nor. J. Stovell. L. Edwards. 9 P.M. arranged for a large patty of B.serves: J. Durrant. K Umpire: A. Bristol. playing as well as non-playing Simons. * S. Proctor, Harlan friends to accompany her. Scorer: _ _ Bruce The ■»■_- From the West Igflwa, Km Pick. r * Outstanding Bermuda Bands (Capt..; K. May- Beulah Gundling Ivy Ramsey, who won the A Roberts * Floor Shows The* Nissens AND Del* Close SHOWING NEXT WEEK The Aquabats FLOOR SHOW * LOCAL AT THE Joe Cronin * Aquabelles From: SUNDAY, JUNE 19th The # To: SUNDAY, JUNE 26th HOUSE from NEW OPERA Reservations Evening 2.45 & 7.45 Place: SUNSETLODGEMOONLIT TERRACE Matinee & Harnett and Richardson's Front Street (telephone 4128) » From: 9.30 p.m. Nightly Monday 20/-, 15/-, 10/, 7 ■ Double Feature PragffMMM Unreserved, 3/- 2.45 & 7.45 Hit Onrinal -rreaetst of them all MG-M Tarzan Johnnv Weissmuller—& C. Aubrey Smith in ' "TARZAN THE APE MAN" Also— 4.35 & 9.35 The Island Theatre tries Starrett & Smiley Burnette King s Stadium Ch — PLACE OF BERMUDA in SHOW St. John's Road I.B. A.Promotion "STRANGER FROM PONCA CITY" AIR CONDITIONED Tuesday — TODAY TONIGHT The Grand Stage Show at 8 p.m. lots of FUN at the Continuous Fron: 2.30 First Bout 9.00P.M. " Com andhave ALHARRISTALENTHOUR" Valuable Prizes to be WON Monday 3 Shows at 2.:) 7.15 9.20 Also— On Tbe SCREEN— DANA ANDREWS 2.45 & 9.15 4.35 Johnny Weissmuller— in Charles Starrett— in JEANNE CRANE FROM AL STEVENS TARZAN THE APE "STRANGERS DAVID FARR R MAN" PONCA CITY" LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF BERMUDA. UNDEFEATED IN HIS RING CAREER Wednesday-Double feature "DUEL IN THE JUNGLE" 2.45 & 7.45 4.35 & 9.35 vs. ' |-STRANGERS FROM - - TARZAN THE APE Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MAN" ■PONCA CITY" EROME FREDASTAIIE Thursday-Friday-Saturday GINGER ROGr .S 2.45 & 7.45 [* Tlousands are thrift-* to see this Bi? Screen Event "TOP HA' RICHARDSON : A Xew Era inEntertainment BUCCERONI, WILLIE TROY, JULIAN HAS FOUGHT DAN .M-(i-M's Big CINI-.MASl OPE Picture J WILLIE Commencing T dav KEEN AL WINN, YVONNE DURELLE, DOCKERY. "KNIGHTS KO'D LINO ARMENTEROS IN 2. JOHN PAYNT of the MARY MURP- Y ROUND TABLE" Ringside Seats, £2, £1. 5. 0. Unreserved, £1, 15/-, 10/-. starrme at Sportsman's Shop, Burnaby Street, HELL'S ISL/ *D" Reserved. seats only ROBERT TAYLOR and AVA GARDNER Adults Only Telephone 4024. Admission— Mat. 3 6, 4 -, 4/6 Eve. 4 -, 4/6, 5/- IHE JBC-KmU-JA KliUUK-J.--- SATURDAY, JU«_i

Make mends DSTA TOUR Arrange Your With Your iu Summer Vaiatton Travel Agency INLW YUKK m^^^______NOW

___■___■__. ______-*»-'■ ___. ______. Leaving Bermuda __. ia » JBHHR Bk- Thursday September lst, 1955

lliKUL L-l-

■ Ivi '^m *_El__r -- '^r £46 - 10 0 vruu race; von Lh flKM fUK Donald Smith COMPLETE ASSISTANCE

'".iii;ii:on> iravel_ 9MAiAM99MB documents, place* of 'Iit ,' in. i B j Iravel Agency 1>ii> "' Konna mp Airnne lUKeis .e ween lie muaa ananew YorK plus Boston Washington or Philadelnhia -_____-______^___i Hamilton, make HnagM-tnta through an experience .j. itermuda ttoom ioi ii I..- {iv niga_s; r.i m\ uattan rowers notei dial ziyy downtown New York City Parliament Street

»e uepresent rasses to kucuo anu .television onows ana a:imi..5ion iicKei .o a nigni in seimuaa at tne savoy m m sen iicKets Ballroom on September lst.

tor .KA_\-.H_ A:\AIJA AIKLl_\t!_S DONALD 5M11H 1KAVLL AUfcNCY it is our pride that we are COLONIAL AIRLINES rariiameni oireei l'A_\ AMLKILAA A1K» Al?. more tnan an AiiLfNCY namiiion ueimuua I.KIT.Mi U\--KM__A_5 A1K..A1.. uiai ziyy we are a SfcKVHJL." Ana uu otner Airlines throughout the world WE SPKC1ALIM- l!\ UKOUF .'RAVEL

Green s 1955 Tour 1955 Bermuda Students7 Tour TU £62 Full Price Ine United Mates ot America -Leaving r>-_r--UUL»/_ uy ouluiual _.iivi_ii-_jo _ii /-u__»__ uui. um for the French Speaking City of Montre<.1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ ■»» — — T_-._ «... -v.**** ______! AVTTT. ___l_..l _K__T___B— ___■ OT ll.1111 i___ nujjiui 1U.1I ixji l.liiyiii.i r ana ojm Leaving Bermuda: July Jlst, 1955 Toronto returning to Montreal by Train on August 18th. 1955. Leave MONTREAL by Greyhound Bus for NEW YORK CITY on Augusl Returning to Bermuda: September 4th, J_iKi. 1955. 1955 _*2__X______b_ta_____Uta______— — — TCSTC"" HUM 1Ull__ gn 1 tot -Uiiiuii try x iciue on nugu.i uu.u i.._ Mi_.r_,i_.s \ .\( .aiii>.\ returning to New York City September lst, 1955. Group returning to BERMUDA from NEW YORK CITY on Septembei 11th. 1955 by COLONIAL AIRLINES. lil_,->i-_K\l_ l^l-UKJWATlU-N During stay in CANADA and the UNITED STATES Each Person on th« GREENE'S 1955 TOUR paying 162 -0-0 will receive the following:— — ine morning aner nie >tn.ients arrive in .New _ ork thev will be Koiiiul Trip Air Ti'-I.eK from Px-rininla to New York " (valid for om City carried M8 miles by Special Bus to CRAKJMEADE STI'DENTS' CAMP situated _ Roxbury. New York. 9MB feet abov,. sea-level ai the foothills of the Adiron- One Way Air 1 n-Ket irom .New lorn to jiomreai. dack Mountains. liermnda Students will join with i.i. Ti.-kets Montreal to Toronto and NiagaraKails. American Students and ::nl Trip Train from have the opportunity to participate in Amerii-at Student Camp Life. At Or_e Way Bus Ticket Montreal to New York City. the from Camp there will be a Counselor for every fn 10 > Students. Trip Tickets New York and Boston. Facilities will K-iind Plane between le available for dramatics, nature climbing, Airport. study, mountain swimming. Airporter Service in Montreal from Dorval basket-ball, baseball, badmington. table tennis, dancing, — ttrnga At horseback riding, A complete City and Mountain Tour at Montreal iailadi-C movies, camp craft, camp tires, etc One of highlights of Church and St. Joseph's the the four (4) iln______ffai Miis.iiiii. Midget s lalaee N'otre-Dame weeks in the Camp will be the celebration of __"! . "Christmas in the Country'' nonil* during August. During \ ' the remaining A I one (1) week the Permuda Students lour io .\o-wncrc .\ .\ignt Mystery -* will be i New York City they ■__-__- _._ .1, i."..i;.... __> ,. n where will be taken ■ t on various Sightseeing A trip to tlie luilian Kcservauon Camp .. $ K).(K) A Visit in Montreal to the OF. TOUOBWOFT. "HOMK — Room in New York for seven (7) days $ 15.7.") Admission TiekeK lo enter tin- following plaees in CANADA Bflmont Midget's and the Approximate foml co t for seven i7i davs .. $ 15.00 I'ark. Wax .Mii-iiiiii. l'ala.e. Indian Reservation T.....I !_■-■-___«...... lotai r.xpeuses \**"— '."iiaieaii-ile-Ramesav. .... --J tam.n SAVOY Sp-niliiiir Money 'or Stud.'lit i11 11 --j) $ BQuOO A at th.- _____ I T fllMMiin Tiiket to att.n.l NIGHT IN BKBMUDA" 'I'I'I'i VI il li' I i |.\I. I i irs i ;i| iil, li 0-0j York City. {SkWBA- 1279.75 BA'.LRnoM in New Chilli-en nnili-r 12 yaati (Jtt- 7 (.) Invitation to attend a I-'oVinii sponsored by the Heimiiila I'.eii'-volcut mam Association and the Abyssinian ISatpist Clnin-li in N'.-w York City. Fgmmm ta Radio and TV Shows in New York City. tor runner ramcuiars uontict

KATJ_S 1UUK will cover iu^s. _/r..~ia xayior i.erhi'iey institute IfiAVIili Willi HOTEL Lillian .,..;_" P_m_____i ...i,,,..i Experienced Guides In Montreal and N.Y. City over Mrs. Peets r ram-is ration ocnooi approximately $3.00 daily 3000 Mies Miss Ve~onica Alban .(Jiris Arts and Crafts Scbool Mr. Albert Jackson ... Harriuifton Sound School BOOK INOH THKUlbH WALTER GREEN (Sponsor) Phone 1710 UK OR Donald Smith Iravel Agency

Iravel Agency ' Smith's _.__!.i.-_>_r_.\ Donald sni'.r. i ■ ] !_..__ i_ _ii: 11.--U.1--1''.\

FAKLlAMJ-iNT ____.__--- LUAi. sow HAMILTON

NOTE: Special Prices available tor persons not desiring noiei Accommodation. Office open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Thursdays closing is noon.