Europ. Countrys. · Vol. 9 · 2017 · No. 3 · p. 458-472 DOI: 10.1515/euco-2017-0027 European Countryside MENDELU INFORMAL PLANNING IN DEPOPULATING RURAL AREAS A resource-based view on informal planning practices Josefina Syssner1, Marlies Meijer2 1 Josefina Syssner, PhD. Associate Professor, Centre for Municipality Studies, Linköping University, 581 83 Linköping Sveden; e-mail:
[email protected] 2 Marlies Meijer, MSc. Assistant Professor, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands;
[email protected] 458/616 Received 27 December 2016; Accepted 19 June 2017 Abstract: Planning research has increasingly recognised that planning in depopulating areas differs from planning in growth areas. Several studies have sought to identify planning theories and strategies that are capable of meeting the challenges presented by depopulating areas. However, most of these studies and strategies are based on dense urban environments. This paper seeks to add to planning theory and practice by focusing on informal planning practices in rural depopulating areas. Starting from a resource-based view, the paper introduces an analytical framework that allows a systematic examination of the resources that are generated through informal planning practices in such areas. Key words: Planning, informality, informal planning, resource-based approach, resource-based theory Sammanfattning: Planeringslitteraturen har nyligen börjat uppmärksamma att planering i områden med långvarig befolkningsminskning skiljer sig från den planering som äger rum i tillväxtområden. Flera studier har försökt utveckla planeringsteori och planeringsstrategier som kan möta de utmaningar som uppstår i områden med långvarig befolkningsminskning. De flesta av dessa studier, teorier och strategier utgår emellertid från täta, urbana miljöer.