Kindergarten Benchmarks Tempo, Loud/Soft, Style
Chelsea School District Curriculum INSTRUCTIONAL Elementary General Music Curriculum RESOURCES Kindergarten Benchmarks TEACHER RESOURCES Clark County School Strand: Expressive Qualities District Curriculum Kindergarten STUDENTS WILL... Game Plan with Recordings 1. Explore the space through creative movement. Music Connection & Making Music & CDs 2. Explore contrasts in tempo through moving, speaking/singing, listening, and creating. DeLelles/Kriske Books Music K-8 Publications 3. Explore contrasts in dynamics through moving, and CDs speaking/singing, listening, and creating. SOFTWARE 4. Explore contrasts in timbre through moving, Music Ace 1 speaking/singing, listening, playing, and creating. Music Ace 2 5. Explore the music of many cultures including style, WEB SITES instruments, and traditions through listening. EQUIPMENT Glockenspiel, xylophone, 6. Explore un-pitched percussion technique through Metallophone, Contra Bass Bar playing. Families; hand drums, log drums, 14”/16” Remo roto-toms, conga, bongo; 8”/10” tambourines, 4” triangles, finger cymbals, cowbell, gong with stand, guiro, KEY CONCEPTS & VOCABULARY woodblock, small/large cabasa, wind chimes, lummi sticks, resonator bells, suspended cymbal, temple blocks, flexitone, agogo bells, Tempo, Loud/Soft, castanets, tick tock, maracas, ratchet, vibraslap, claves, Style slapstick, brass table chime tree; Clavinova, guitar with case, autoharp, stereo system. INSTRUCTIONAL Chelsea School District Curriculum RESOURCES Elementary General Music Curriculum TEACHER RESOURCES Clark County School District Curriculum Kindergarten Benchmarks Game Plan with Recordings Music Connection Strand: Form Making Music DeLelles/Kriske Books Kindergarten STUDENTS WILL... Music K-8 Publications and CDs 1. Explore the feeling of phrase through moving, speaking/singing, listening, playing, reading/ SOFTWARE notating, and creating. Music Ace 1 Music Ace 2 2. Explore the difference between A and B section WEB SITES through moving, speaking/singing, listening, playing, reading/notating, and creating.
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