The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa · Tuesday, September 9,1997. SA -' · Nation & World Alpha J(appa Psi

The Professional Business Fraternity , trike snarls traffic for thousands Rush Week Actiylties: · -Tuesday, Sept. 9 -IDformatioD MeetlDI - 6pm 40 Schaeffer m in route into San Francisco from The striking train operators and Hall. Free pizza aDd pop to follow! tern luburbe. A backup of at least mechanics are demanding higher 15 mil was reported on Interstate pay and the end of a two· tier wage -WedDesday, Sept. 10 - Rush LUDcheon - 11:30-1:30 I, · SO. system, in which newer employees aD the patio outsIde Pat's Diller I ~ , Sharon Kidd of Berkeley aid her are paid less for the Bame job. Talks normal 16·minute commute on were to resume Monday afl.emoon. -Tbunday, Sept. 11 - DlnDer at Gringo's - 6pm. BART turned into a 3 lJ2·hour night­ BART's two largest unions voted -Friday, Sept. 12 - FAC at the AJrllDer - 4pm uDdl 11171 mare as bus packed bus paased last week to reject an offer that would - · her by. She finally had to take a bUB have raised their pay 3 percent a -S.turday, Sept. 13- Tailgater for tbe Tulsa game (bebind Slater) in th oppoeite direction to get one year for three years. , that had room to bring her into San BART workers are among the . Questf0lts? Coltfllcts? Cllfl: President Slim Norris 358-8094 Francl8co. highest paid in the industry. Mainte­ MlI$ter ofRltulIls Anitll Vos1r~/337-5813 Colin Jone8, a spokesperson for the nance workers earn a base wage of VP of Pledges III,. Klein 358-8094 Itate Transportation Department, $48,000, and train operators and sta­ 8aid the morning commute was one tion agents make $40,900, with over· of the worst ever. time boosting most checks far above SCIENCE MAJORS, ARE YOU INTERESTED Itt A "We were hoping it wouldn't be thia those levels. bad,· he id. "I understand that the employees LABORATORY SCIENCE PROFESSION WITH Th trip home was expected to be want a better wage, but there's not MULTIPLE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES? equally bad - e peciaJly with a Mon· that many people who make as much day night football game between the as they do," said Thmmy Andrews, The University of Iowa Clinic Laboratory Sciences an Oakland Raiders and Kansas City who carpooled to San Francisco from , th Chiefs. Oakland. Program is accepting applications for admission to the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program until October 15. If you are a junior, senior or graduate with a science ue Council Family rejects return of royal title (Chemistry, Biology) b~ckground, you may qualify. There is a nationwide need for Clinical Laboratory tal,· Spencer said. DMO c , As the nation returned to work Scientists. For application forms and more information Monday on a perfect early autumn day, the crowds of mourners that about our baccalaureate program, contact us.4- lapp d around the gate8 of royal at: 160 Med Labs, University of 19wa, palace and Diana'8 ancestral home abated but did not cease. Iowa City, IA 52242. 3191335-8248 ' Reminders of grief were abun. dant: Rowers and candles, newspa· per headlines and everywhere, Oi n 'I expree ive face - images law Office of of a woman incessantly pho· tographed throughout her life. NATHANIEL HSIEH The government began dis­ cu ing a fitting public memorial Beth A. ~i_/Associated Press for th "people's princess.- And the Mourners look on at a heart creat· Spencer. rejected Buckingham ed by Rowers outside the front gate Palace', offer to consider restoring of A1thorp Hall, the family home of in death the honorary title "Her Practice primarily in Royal Highnes ," stripped in la8t Princess Diana, in Northampton­ year'. divorce. shire, England on Monday, , Immigration Law In Paris, th bodyguard who was Trevor Rees-Jones underwent the ole survivor of the Aug. 31 8urgery four days ago to recon· crllb that killed Diana, her struct his badly injured face ; his 354-2088 351-9888 Fax # boyfriend nodi Fayed and their dri· parents said Monday, adding that v r wu reported to be conaciou8, he would be unable to speak to 335 S. Clinton, Suite 200, Iowa City, IA 52240 but not yet able to aaeist police. police for "some time."


1..S'1n advancel$20 at the gate1$5 chlldre";:11~'" re information please contact Nick or ~at CItIzeus for Hartin 319 339.0861 GO HAWKS! Paid for by Citiuns for Hlrkin ------.-----" 'First Time at U I !t ,CJotbing W~,.ebo\1$e Sale !t '- ~a gh all the way I~~ the bank. OPE S9'8 TODAY!:!:

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tand your options iaJty Stores! ! to our n(3rtsl I Olrer7000 \Tt.1\fS I! Jean , Swe.teta, Ya\\ts, S61r\s, Ureases, Shorts, -:'lc\rtl, Jackets and 140RE t

THING . lion For YRr JlOMY $2011 I ~~ Open Tueld.y to It'rl6ay SeptellIbet' 9tb '" 12tb . BlIp Needed II Apply I ...... I ~en 9 att' \0 7 \l~ ENery4a~! I ~~ . . , '7!I1 Me, Vi a, Cath or Cbe~k. - ,.,...... JIt ...."" I,.. 6.' IJ ...... - -\ NHAPPY PACK: Green Bay 's Mike Holmgren (left) ponders Sunday's loss. Page 58

" • f. - "--,,'TT' ..... ~ , ., ''''I .i, 'IJ:': r.. " _' .'.', "Y; ,. •• hllp: '/w\\w.uiow.1 .l'du/ -dlyiow.1n ., \: \ >- .n.'"", ~'iI '1!aI., . ' .!.ii.. '" " .' New' A.D. looks to get Wolverines on track

By Harry Atkins "I don't know Tom," Fisher said in Associated Press the hallway afterward. "But I know of him, and what I know excites me. I like ANN ARBOR, Mich. - AccountabiIi­ what he stands for and I think it will ~y, inwgrlty, excellence and tradition. be good to have him in charge:" 'Ibm 0011 b Ii ves in all of that and In addition to the basketball woM, mar , elpecially where the University Goss also may face pressure from of Michigan is concerned. alumni if the football program fails 'tO Hia great love for his alma mater, rebound from four consecutive four· coupl d with his va t busine s back­ loss seasons. The football team hasn't GOSS Ifl"ound, help d 0088 b come the uni­ played in a Rose Bowl game since the TIlt OIIlf18 v r \ty'. ninth athletic director Mon­ 1992 season, the longest drought silice MdII~ Jlhletlc day, Hi. ltifTresolve and fierce person­ the 1960s. • ~ dl ,/(J( al pricU mak him think he can restore Goss made it clear, however, thAt he an imag many once saw as squeaky admires football coach Lloyd Carr. ' ~ lie, cI an. "We like to win the Big Ten every "I'm pr tty clear on what I want," year," Goss said. "That's our goal. But Go id at a newl conference in the if you talk to Lloyd Carr, rn bet you he t Iy Michigan Union. "There is no wants to win the Big Ten, too. So, with fJ'ay. And once you know what I want, I a little support, maybe he will." :; ; hold you accountable.· Goss said he would not sacri1ice:the Go ,51, will inherit several proh­ integrity of the university in ord. to I mi. win games. He also said he woulcJ:see He il arriving about the same time Carlos Osorle/Associa ted Press that equity prevailed in the athletic th t • private law firm is expected to department. Yet he made it clear 'that conclud an internal inve tigation into Michigan named businessman Tom Goss as athletic director Monday in the minor sports would be held just as .11 ed wrongdoings in the basketball hopes of restoring the tarnished image of its sports programs, which long accountable as those that produce the program. He also will attempt to halt a had been seen as squeaky clean . bulk of the revenue for his $38-million • riel of embarrassing off-campus budget. • incid nll involving players and coach­ one of the rules, even if you were a star The men's basketball program has "All the ADs before me had integri­ player, you weren't there. You were been under investigation for more fl. ty," Ooss said. "One of the things we "Ev ryone should know the rules," gone." than a year as the NCAA and a will do is build upon that integrity. aid Go I, In all·Big Ten defensive As G08S spoke at a podium in the Kansas law firm - hired by the uni· front of the wood panelled room, Michi­ versity - dig into allegations that There is some confusion between win­ tackle for ~he Wolverines in 1968. gan basketball coach Steve Fisher players received money and other ning and success. "Tb y'r th re in black and white. "Winning is winning on the field and Wb n I." playing, if you llCl'ewed up leaned against a wall, listening intent­ improper benefits from a booster, who ly. now is banned. in the classroom as well." THE DASH FOR TIlE POSTSEASON An insight,:

on. the world of sports ' Expert commentary on recent sports happenings: Things will get better for the C~ Bears once wide receiver Curtis Conway comes back from his broken collarbone. The only question is whether it wiU be too late. The Bears dug • themselves into a ,.------=---, deeper hole Sunday by losing to Min· nesota and moving to 0-2. Green Bay's season·opening vic­ tory over Chicago was a no-brainer, but the Bears' Week Two loss was demor­ alizing. Chicago plays Detroit at home next week followed by James road games at New England and Dallas. Can you say 1·4? Kramer ' And that's only if Detroit's Barry Sanders sleeps in again like he did Sunday against Tampa Bay (10 carries, 20 yards). The Bears don't seem to be doing larry lilmbertlAssociated Press many things well. Erik Kramer is not going to return to his 1995 and b.lwm.n Tony Fernande-t ail over The win was the Indians 9th in 11 games, and gave the team a 6 fonn, running back Rashaan Salaam is not going to return to his Heisman form, ....MnO~ Oriol

play d In a tournament on Saturd ay -That WtlS a hard thing for 'us this .nd th n cam right nd played w kend. We also need to watch out on 'lU day. pr paring for It and for the tips. Non-conference teams bein r dy to play will be ~ough." tend to throw some more trash, like Watching ree nt vld o. of North tips and roll 8hots versus the hard Ea t llIlnol. game , Sonnicheen said hit.. We need to pick up on those. hi Hawkeyes will be facing a team Hopefully, we'll go in and get it over Imllar to cr m nto t te and Ten· with (BIt in tllree tonight. We'll be n Tech, both of whom they faced mor enthu iastic, because I think it .t tb Hawk. e Clanic. was kind of a bonus we won our tour­ They If not th rnO t physical nament this weekend ." l .m," onnlch.en .aid. °Th y ar While the Hawkeye Classic victo­ not lh bl t, most dominant team, ries were a positive addition to their a but th y play v ry w 11 together. pre.eason play, the Hawkeye. said Th play with. lol of prid and they dw Iling on it will only hold them k p ndllll th ball back onto the back. til ram' .Id , 0 from th t etand· ·We need to stay focused in the point, it will b a v ry diffar nt game on Tue£day," sophomore Jill nlatth from what w play d tlgalnat Schmidt said. We can't let this week· K ntucky: end Influence U8 . The weekend iI Vltn nOIl-conf., h e games to behind us now and we need to keep "The obvious advantage il that you Jonathon Meester/ pr par for th Big Te n, th team's prelslng·on.• have 80me athletes that are still very, The Daily Iowan mlln al i to It p im proving, gain With a large lophomore and frellh· very excited about collegiate athlet· Julie IWilliams Ics,· Sortnichsen said. "It's still rela· confidenc and build momentum to man elalS making early impacts in and the Iowa v0l­ .rry nto lh lou h con~ rent com· th program, the team i8 looking to tivelYllew to them. You maybe 10ee a petition it will b gin facing at the end mov on and add more wins lo its !lttIe experience, bul you gain on the leyball team will flbe month record. Sonnlchsen laid the youth on enthusiasm and effort. Theae kid, face NE illinois "I think w ne d to work on I rv hi li t am only adds bonuses for the are IItill very hungry to be IUCC8SS' tonight at CaIver· receivi ng ,' junior KaU O'Brien said. program and for the fans . ful." tm.ileye Arena. \ 28 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa' City, Iowa - Tuesday, September 9, 1997 Sports

QUIZ ANSWER E-WG.-o (IS). DP-Glndnl\lli 2. L08- ctoIoIgo 10. Clnl N.Y. Y.,.... 10. BoI1irnoIO 3 CoIor1do 7. SlL...... JMeOIdN 3 I 0 0 BIedort 5 2 4 2 _9._6 too AngoIt, 9. florida 6 TIltAS D£TAOIT Sj>IotIo2b4 I I 1-...... 00 I III, h 1>1 III, h 1>1 Olldlnd I . K.... ' Ci\y 4 Alan" ' . Son DIogo 0 TOdo*1d 3 I 0 0 eUWrd 3 I I I GIIew d 4 0 I 0 Slhviolc lb' 2 I I CtIYoIand 5. CNcIgo Wh". So. 2 Son 5. Hou.1On I Laherdh 4 0 0 0 c-3b5 I • 2 If\dovJC 4 I 2 2 E...... 2b 3 2 3 3 -,..Ga_ ~,- G/ImbIlb 4000 OOtII.dh 502 I IlIIroII 6. T.... 2 laIo ...... ,ncludId ~. 3 0 0 0 Haarot> rt • 0 I 0 Bllhm3b 3 0 0 0 _II 5 0 2 0 rt 4 0 0 0 TciCIn Ib 2 0 0 0 C11vt11nc12. Boll ...... I ChICogO Cube 8. CinII1. So. 2-3). (CJoude 2·2) It KWII CIty (_or ,2"2). 8:06 p.m. --,',-_ at CoIOrIdo, 3:111 pm. 2&-OCedeno (13). HlWn.on (2 7). Frymln IP H R ER BB SO (23). Hlmilin (15). HR-IRod~gu" (II). -.,.,0_ SL LouIs II Son FrondIoo, 3:36 p.m. 0IId1lld N.Y . V",_ .'80s100. 7:06 p,m. PInsburgh II Monlllll. 7'35 p.m. Eully (2O~ Cs-eLHunior (17). S-otru,. 3\ 3 0 91'--£...... Frymon. T~l.z.s MIIwouklo., ChlcaOO WhII. Sox. 8:05 p.m. ChIcogo Culllil CIncrlnId. 7:31 p .... PUT YOUR IWIlOlIIII 21, J J IP H R ERIIBSO Toronto II 0IIdand, 10:05 p.m. f'IIIIdoIIIhIa" N.Y. MIll. 1:40 p m. T._ Mohler 1 0 0 00IrdI., SOImo. 10:35 p.m, Alln" II too MgoIo •• 10:3& p." . ASmoil 1 0 0 FIorIdI .. Son DIogo. 10:311 p."" WIIIl."" O 6\ 6 5 3 VALUABLES GundInon 0 I 0 •I 0 SOfoIlni W.I.o ~ 5 2 , 2 4 \(11"1- 1\ 0 0 0 2 LOe-Ph11dolpll1l 7. _ Yo'" 5, 2B-KJor· BRE WERS I, WH ITE SOX 5, 10 IlMoIt --WP-TtIgIIedor, _I. PB--MoIIno. din (5). HUIIl .... T-2:32. A-9.363 (48,678). Vlnl2b 50\ 0 NMlm2b5 0 I 0 PhIl"""""". SAFE PUC II ~ I I 1 AIO>04," I I 0 MIG",," W.!H! 4 \ 5 JoVII", & - NIooonN 1 0 0 0 FTlwnslb 3 2 2 3 ROYALS e, MARINERS 2 KI'1> •0 0 I I SlAmE KANSAS CITY SprodIn 0 0 0 0 Dunn" 3 1 I 0 _Oft 3 0 , 0 OrJklnI I I I 0 MOdnlrt 5 I 0 0 Gomes 0 0 I , .,hbl .'hl>l JuFroo dh 5 2 2 I Vnblro 3b 3 I 0 0 ConI2II 3 I 0 0 0IfnIWI2b 4 0 1 0 Ry .. 0 0 0 0 Bumll,rt 5 I 3 I CmOfond 4 0 1 1 AAdrgtu 4 0 1 0 DImond 5 2 • 0 _Yor1l CkIik>3b 5 I 2 3 _. 2 0 0 0 GItyJId 2 1 I 0 JBioI3b 5 J J 0 Isrngho L,2., ~\ 6 7 7 6 9 lDrOIIlib 5 I I 0 _phO 0 0 0 INDIANS 2, ORIOLES 1 EMmzdh 4 0 2 I COIYIIdh 3 2 , 3 Ku_ \ 0 0 0 I I 'AL_ ClIVIUND WonCltI 0 2 Mlhlnyc 2 0 I 0 LMouInph 1 0 0 0 EUw\.,rt • 0 0 0 J~lb 5 I I 3 2 1 0 0 LovIsc 2 0 I I KIIMloc 0 0 0 0 lII'hl>l lII'hl>l SrrenIO lb. Q I 0 RIlMyJ' • I 2 3 RJordan ~ 0 0 0 0 0 evAdond 3 0 0 0 VIzquoI .. 4 0 I I \ I GeWmsd5 0 0 0 AJrvooph I 0 0 0 OtWlonc 4 0 I 0 Dy.d 5 0 2 0 3 3 2 0 F..,.. ... Oli IWmr2b 2 0 0 0 GIIeo. 3 0 0 0 2 2 1 I GllOI3b 3 0 0 0 McIrIno •• 0 I 0 CrowIOlll 1 2 :If Ii _2110 0 0 0 Rmi ..,rt 4 I I 0 DuceyK 2 0 0 0 FMrtnz .. 4 0 0 0 T.,.. ".,4 7 T_ 7 I Wohonph I 0 0 0 Thomelb 4 0 2 , Amoral I I 0 0 0 -WonCltM plld11d 10 2 Illtt."lrIfIo 71h. \ _..... 010 OIN 000 I ..... • 0bm02b 0 0 0 0 JUllletdh 3 0 I 0 T... , 11 2 liT.... ' ,.. 15 I WP-Ilringhouoon. SUmol," 3 0 I 0 MlWm3b • 0 I 0 Chic. 201 001 100 0 - 5 umpl,es-Hom •• Pul": FI"~ Bonin: Second. IIotroart 4 0 I 0 TFmdz2b 3 0 2 0 __ 100 001 000..... 2 00vIdS00: ThlIlI. Grogg. RPrrvo Ib 4 0 0 0 Bnle"c • 1 2 0 E..... VInI (5). KI~ (3). NMIrtIn (5). FonYIlo (I). kin... Chy iI04 000 02. - • T-3:17. A-I3,321 (65.176). ~",,",3b' 0 0 0 Gnoorftd 3 0 0 0 OP-Mllwauk. I, ChIcago I. LO_ Bio_dh • I 2 I 7. Chicago 9 , 211--Ounn (5). OrJlckton (3). DP-Klnlu CHy 2. Loe-s.1lII1 S. Kin... 0 0 0 0 12, 10 HR-,I,VII,nUn (,B). CIrillO (I). F1hom.. 2 DIuc:d pr City 10. 2lhlBeI (26). Dye (1'). BLUE JAYS ANGELS !joIIoo 2 0 0 0 Macfarton. ANAHE1Io1 TORONTo (33). SB-JuFronoo (10) . Bumftz (19). LoraftI c (12). HR--CDovi. (29). JKlng (22). RDMy ... III, h bI III, h bI (') . CS-&J"'Itl(I3).NMlrIIn(3) . ~ ~ .. 3020 (I). T_ SO I • I T_ 32 2 10 Z IP H R ER BB SO Hod",,1f 5 0 I 0 SleWIftel 5 3 3 0 0, ER BB SO Bio_ PNI~2b ~ 3 I 0 Ouneon2b4 2 2 I IP H R • 0'0 000 000 - _m... L.SIO 2'. 7 7 ' I EI1IId lb. 3 2 5 Cruz Jilt 3 2 1 I lIiIw..... CIoYOlIIId 000 001 IOx- OiIII .... 5 4 4 4 4 2\ 5oImoo dh 4 2 2 I Carte, dh 5 2 3 5 KIn ew ... 0 0 0 ,\ 2 I I 2 •I SpoIjOl1c 1~ 0 0 EdIMd d · 5 I 2 2 COIgdo Ib 5 2 2 2 FOIl ... 2 ~ 0 0 0 0 I CP--"'" 2. Cleveland 3. L08--I!IItmo.. Chllllon 1\ 2 I Hp 0 0 0 0 McRaed 1 0 I 0 Quontril ,.,. 2 1 t 0 _. OtoIgnlled RHP F_ SonoI",,1or So",oIo. 4 I I 2 JOIver. 3 0 0 O ' Rbr1snph I 0 0 0 _Iphl 0 0 0 PllsleW.I-31-3 I 2 2 I 0 IUlgr\mtr\I. • JHmdZ2b 5 2 3 2 LHl!\td 3 0 0 0 Spldllnp 0 0 0 0 Isfl1O/1sp 2 0 0 0 Esoollar S.12 1 I 0 0 0 I CLEVELAND INDIAN~ OF Ju.,., Abc""'" 3 I I I _2113 0 0 0 eslltllc 0 0 0 0 Kswdap 0 0 0 0 Crisafulli 10 • minOf'-teegu, contract Named Wndellp 0 0 0 0 D.Mly pIIChed 10 2 bin"" In \he 4th. Jam.. Fall Volleyball O SII.... N>Jwi 1101 acout IICIoJt _.01. SEAmE MARINERS-Agrwod 10 ..... will Stop by or caJl &sign ~..... ,.. 13 • Totol. 30 I 3 1 - Yorio 010 300 000 - 4 LHP Ryan 1IndIr1on. TrIdOd INF B

Chicago's Arlington to shut down " $150 Pitchera · id fa hut down prominent thoroughbred track due to competition from riyerboat casinos. r8 For Karaoke ~ < h.. dropp d d pit Duchouol' ·. ITII to upgrad it. 9-11 ,- 0~ - tri Wi - z , L mlnoi. I h v cnt lop -- --- Stelnlen hon I and trainert out of atate, parkIng lot · xp rh l ay. ABlening racing at i Pint Night Down5tair5 ~ " Arhnlfton In lh current sue of 21 " B ('II Ir lch maiuine, Oal181 Morninr New. writ r Gary W st 11 it · bout )Celtlni G r- 4 Pi'nt , ~~ . 75 Refills !~-, :,: lOw.< WI NEVER A COVER DOWNSTAIRS 2 AfllngtOlt T , ~ Height' ChlceQo 337·5314 ~ - :t" ______me . ILLINOIS • PORK CHOP · STEAK SANDW ICH- FRENCH DIP' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 01 1' ... ~- ~j ~.- ~ : ~~1 fREE DElJ"J:h_ ~ :; • ~"f#:. ;:T; 'A (') -, : ICI.-! I!:I:f;:J ! ~~.. t ~ I glJRIIIICmll I • 702 5. Gilbert St., W$ • '------",PIEd De Gasero • • a Photo by Mlchiel S. GreenlAP :O~N~~ ' · Shown above is the layout of : 7DAYS Arlington International Race­ cour e, a thoroughbred horse racing complex in Arlington : AWEEK Pi Heights, III. The track will dose : zza·~ at the end of the racing season_ Arlington employees (righ l) walk : www.gumbysP,zza·=MIDWEEK·: under the tunnel leading to the •• [iI]~ • -.,. ' track Monday. Racecour e owner Richard Ouchossois aid Monday that it will nol reopen in 1998 i due to competition from river­ BONUS BUYS boat gambling casino . W~lth any pu~chase CRISISi 12 Pokey stlX $3.99 Large One-Topping Pizza : been affected by casino competition • 4Pepperoni Rolls $3.99 .: . Include Santa Anita and Hollywood Park in 10 Angele • Del Mar near 10 Wings $3.99 : S n Diego, Monmouth Park in ;I~~? Oceanport, N.J ., and Oaklawn Park TheRestaurant Mill • Bar 2• 20 oz. soda $2.00 : in Hot Springs, Ark. I~ ~I Hollywood Park, however, has L...:.. J Music. ruree • (ou,ht back by installing gaming HOURS: •II d vice have the Fair Grounds in • New Orleall5 and Prairie Meadows SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY • U1 Altoona, Iowa, 11 AM-2:30 AM • Soon, Chalnblin said, Churchill • Downa will come under pressure THURS THRU SAT additional topping $1.oo/pizza : from ca mos along the Ohio River. .11 AM-3AM * valid Monday-Wednesday ONLY .: ~ ...... •...... • from Down Under .... 82.76 .... : ~AnIIIIAY ' • ..",PhIl world at u.s. Open All De"'e 11 AM-2U1

featuring: • Humidor, Cigar, & Martini menu 1/2 Priced Pizza ': • 24 Specialty Beers on Tap SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY • Single Malt Scotches Sunday All Day • Monday thru Wednesday 4 pm-Close & Bourbons • Cognacs $5.99 AlI·U.can Eat Buffet includes sou~ salad, entree & pizza • M-F 11·2 pm • Dessert Wines • Beer Patio Open! .,;.)~, " fijt. WEDNESDAY NIGHT TROPJCAL NIGHT • Litle Jazz & Blues every Thurs., FYi, & Sat. It" ICeIIIltdyI Idled Pr $10FISH Poltri k Rafter of Au tralia lei e 127 E. St. Iowa City'S Biggest Mixed Drink % oz. hi trophy after the U.S Open m n' Ing final. Rafter defeat­ ed Greg Rused ki of Great Brlt.lln in four se ' American .1Ic,arl A 50¢PIN1S~S match, I Roch y how .hould I t\~MIC"'IIC1n ·V TROPICAL DRINKS SERVED IN PlNEA~LES &COCONUTS ' .... tw'f1'lBMl# be ~ ling, piaY1DC l Grand Slain ...... ~, fioal And h laid, 'I'm not th riiht It II. CIIPS_ p r on to 8 k. I only won on of .iUU$i"+\'~ 83.00 BIll Beer th m. I've 10 La doz n oflhcDl. Alit TIred of throwing thursday 81.60 R8118 wk. ... your weight arolU1(1? night 83.00 Jack'n Coke Pint. I"'comb '8 word ? "Knu¢kle d wn lind ju be you Ir ." Exercise Karoake 9:30 .00 Coke Pmta That h did, controlling lh net nd lhu lh points with acrobatic volle I nd ph nom nal anticipa­ tion. TUESDAY is 80's NIGHT

IRI H PUB 2for1 1\ . Dubuque Sex on the Beach fUESPAY $300 . 4 -10 PM Pitchers WEDNESDAV $3.49 2for1 Pints CONGLOMERATION Sweet Tarts 5A5KET5 ~~\I 10 - ClOSE $2.50 DOMESTIC Ants PITCHERS ""~. .,. 48 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, September 9,1997 - Vizquel's single. lifts Indians Cowbo Indians win for ninth time in 11 games in battle of division leaders, The Associated Press d rtl CLEVELAND - Omar Vizquel's two-out single in the seventh drove in Pat Borders with the go-ahead r:un as the red-hot Cleveland Indi­ IlJlII beat the Baltimore Orioles, 2-1, in a battle of division leaders. After Orel Hershiser and Scott Kamieniecki dueled brilliantly for SUt-plus innings, Borders lined a one-out double off the wall in right against Alan Mills (2-2). Marquis Griuom struck out and Vizquel stroked a single that scored Bor­ ders easily, even though he stum­ bled around third. Paul Assenmacher (5-0) struck out Brady Anderson on three pitch­

ell with two on to end the seventh. SPC He combined with Mike Jackson and Alvin Morman on II scoreless Milwaukee's Jeff Cirillo (26) is forced out at secondFred jewell/Assoby Chicagociate Whited Press ~lIF~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:=€~~;;~~~~~~j eighth. Sox's second baseman Norberto Martin (7) in the second inning of the Jose Mesa pitched the ninth for his 13th save on the two-year Brewers' 8-5 victory Monday night. . anniversary of Cleveland clinching Blue Jays 12, Angels 10 twins 7, Athletics 2 DIS till G) HalMurd 8OII\d • its first division title in 41 years in TORONTO - Joe Carter had five RBis and MINNEAPOLIS - Rookie Brent Brede went MoU III 1I~lpllclty 15) 1PG-13) 1995. It was the 100th save of his scored Ihe go-ahead run on Gary DiSarcina's 4-for-5 with his second career home run and career. Hershiser got the win and error in afour-run eighth as Toronto beat 'Ana- Dan Serafini pitched afive-hiller as the Min- Doonesbury Mesa the save in that game, which heim. • nesota Twins defeated Ihe Oakland A's , 7-2. was also against the Orioles. Rich Deluciawalked the bases loaded with Ron Coomer added four hils for the Twins. The Indians won for the ninth one out. and Carter followed wilh atwo-run while Scott Stahoviak hil his 1Oth home run. time in 11 games and were poised single off Mike James (4-5). Carlos Delgado The game was Serafini's fwst start of the to extend their lead over Milwau­ added arun-scoring Single. and Carter was season. kee in the AL Central to a season­ high 6 1/2 games, depending on slruck in Ihe back by DiSarcina's Ihrow. Cubs 8~ Reds 1 the outcome of the Brewers' game Tigers 6, Range~ 2 Ch~~~I~~b:~ilch~ra{~ s~~a;~a~~~r~~ first with the third-place Chicago DETROIT - Damlon Easleys two-run back-to-back complete games, pitching a White Sox. homer powered Willie 81allto hiS 16th Win as three-hiller in an 8-1victory over the Cindn- Baltimore second baseman the Detroit Tigers handed Ihe Texas Rangers nati Reds. Roberto Alomar was 0-for-2 and was hit by a pitch in his first start their fourth s~raighl !oss, 6-2. The Cubs got their fifth victory in six games since Aug. 26. Ivan Rodnguez hll atwo -run homer for the and took abig step toward avoiding afranchise Rangers, who have dropped 14 of 22 overall record lor road losses. Chicago is'21-49 away and are 10-3 in their last 13 road games . from Wrigley Field; the 1956 Cubs went 21-56 Brewers 8, White Sox 5 on th: rO:d . the club record. CHICAGO - Jeromy Burnilz singled in the Royals 9, Mariners 2 go-ahead run in the 10th Inning and Milwau­ KANSAS CITY. Mo. - Seattle's Ken GriHey. Phlilies 13, Mets 4 DILBERT ® kee beal the , 8-5, keeping Jr. 11 homers from matching Roger Maris' NEW YORK - Pinch-hitter Kevin Jordan \he Btewels within 51{2 qames ot Cleveland. ~ior-league record of 61 , failed to go deep capped a15-pitch at-bat in the ~ixth in ning during a9-2 loss to Kansas City. With ~o-run double an~ rookie S?oft ROI~n Darrin Jackson doubled off Robin Ventura's a 1'1"\ iHtNKr~ Of glove at third. Julio Franco singled and Burnitz Griffey, who homered lour times during the drov~ In three runs , sending the Philadelphia followed with anolher hit off Mall Karchner (3- past weekend 's four-game series at Minnesota Phllll~s 10 a 1~~4 rout of Ihe Ne~ York Mets. GROWING '" BEARO 1). Franco scored the second run on Karchner's to become the 15th man to hit 50. reached base . Phrladelphlas third straight Win and seventh TO DISGUISE 1\-\E wild pitch and Jesse Levis hit an RBI single to his first three plate appearances with awalk , a I~ eight games Improved the Ph lllies to 33-22 f"'CT THJ.r I HAvt cap the three-run 10th. single and ahil-by-pitch . since the All-Star break. NO Cl-ltN. \ Fans speak out on realignment

Sixty.five percent of people surve-yed \n I\'P po\\ say they're not fans of Major league Baseball. Over half of all baseball fans feel geographic realignment is a good idea.

The Associated Press the leagues to group the teams geo­ graphically. Would that be a change An Associated Press poll on base­ for the better or a change for the ball was taken Aug. 22-31 among a worse? Change for the better: 54 Baseball realignment random sample of 686 adult Ameri­ percent. Change for the worse: 27 cans in all states except Alaska and percent. Neither better or worse: 6 r;'fI As you know, major league Hawaii. Interviewing was done by percent. Not familiar enough to lI:II baseball is conSidering telephone by ICR of Media, Pa. say: 5 percent. Don't know/no realigning the leagues to group the The results were weighted to rep­ teams geographically. Would Ihat be answer: 8 percent. a change for the better or a change resent the population by key demo­ 4a. I'm going to read some things graphic factors such as age, sex, people have said about the baseball for the worse? Not fll1lllllr region and education. realignment plan. Geographical enough to uy or No more than one time in 20 realignment would enhance region­ Neither don1 know or no should chance variations in the al rivalries, since there would be better or sample cause the results to vary by more games between the Mets and more than 3.7 percentage points Yankees in New York, the Cubs and from the answers that would be White Sox in Chicago, the Angels obtained if all Americans were and Dodgers in California, and so polled. on. Does that make you feel more This margin of sampling error is favorable or less favorable toward larger for responses of subgroups, realignment, or does it make no dif­ 07 such as age categories. ference? More favorable: 40 per­ Crossword EditcdbyWill There are other sources of poten­ cent. Less favorable: 17 percent. tial error in polls, including the Makes n6 difference: 42 percent. ACROSS wording and order of questions. Don't know-no answer: 1 percent. t Fret ticket Among the 2,010 people asked 4b. Realignment would end the Ii1I Realignment would end the I Watercress unil the first question, only those who traditional distinction between the ~ traditional distinction between to Throw on responded that they were baseball the American and National League, 14 NeighborhOOd American and National leagues, and league records would lose their tans or somewhat of a fan were and league records would lose their tlFr8lernlly ­ asked the remaining questions. meaning. Does that make you feel tlFast Ieline meaning. Does that make you ' feel more favorable or less favorable 1. Do you consider yourself a fan more favorable or less favorable IT Chetty lune toward realignment, or does It make II BewIldered of major league baseball, or not? toward realignment, or does it no difference? Yes, a baseball fan: 29 percent. t. Klnd 01 rain • Archoblld • make no difference? More favor­ Don't More 10 1980 Nell Somewhat of a fan (volunteered): 6 44 Pr ..A8VOIullOn able: 12 percent. Less favorable: 48 nolnknow __or flvorlblt Oiamondhll percent. No: 65 percent. percent. Makes no difference: 38 U Valle leaders DOWN 2. Starting this year, N",tional percent. Don't know/no answer: 2 2% 14 Barlcerend 41 Solo in BotIlOt' I Kettle,. g. 'Harold In 1WIy' I TIIImIr1< League and American teams all percent. play each other in 15 or 16 regular­ u 'SIddhat1he' 10 O'AmeID or I B.nlmort oIrc:t 4c. Teams would play fewer au100r Dodd.AIltlf a Ul'\jllOr season games. Would you like to see games in distant time zones that J7 - CAI II Forrr1el1y more of these interleague games in • TouIlappong have to be televised early in the 21 InJure III 1978 o.c.r­ I AIaIIIndtf. future years, fewer, or the same evening on the West Coast or late uNickneme winning prlton formIIIy 01 '10 number as this year? More inter­ at night on the East Coast. Does u Creature CAU9ht documentat'y Mo/1UIee' league games: 35 percent. Fewer ~~.WglO uPeMiml.fa that make you feel more favorable commentt " interleague games: 9 percent. Same or less favorable toward realign­ women' number as this year: 47 percent. ment, or does it make no differ­ , Hurty None: 4 percent. Don't knowlno ence? More favorable: 20 percent. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE . Wordtul answer: 4 percent. Source: N' ,..tIonII1eIeclhone pol oI6861du111 Ul'lCMrIlandlng LeS8 favorable: 22 percent. Makes taken Aug. 22-3\ by reF! 01 Meda, PI. Margin 01 3. As YO\l know, major league no difference: 57 percent. Don't ~ error: 3.7 percentlge points, flU (l( 11liIu. .Truck... · .~ baseball is considering realigning knowlno answer: 1 percent. I-:-t:~:; II Pan Of NASA F.-F.T.:-+~ ., Snake 01 MItIr1MWI I'~ II June honoIM S;::F-+:-E~ ;'++-+:~I!! E:F.f:H:n II SaudI ""ItIbor ~r.:+.:-ir.:1 II ~ Cltorg

YOU MUST HAVE DANCED IN THE MARATHON BEFORE TO QUALIFY A LITTLE MORALE GOES A LONG WAY' .Any questions please contact Matt Krambeck (338.2290) or Wile Fisher (466·1131) . . The Dally Iowan - Iowa City. Iowa - Tuesday, September 9, 1997· 58

Cowboys analyze Packers learning .d rt collapse about life at the top • The Green Bay Packers are finding the role as defend- . ing champions to be quite a bumpy one. By Arnie Stapleton Associated Press GREEN BAY, Wis. - Life at the. top has been downright painful for the Green Bay Packers. "We're going to get everybody's hest shot every Sunday," said two­ time MVP Brett Favre, who was knocked down 12 times in the defending Super Bowl champions' 10-9 loss at Philadelphia on Sun­ day. The game ended with rookie Ryan Longwell's missed chip shot field goal in the closing seconds. It's not just the Packers' pride that's hurting, either. Coach Mike Holmgren said Mon­ day that center Frank Winters could miss up to six weeks after breaking several small bones in his left foot when he was stepped on in the second quarter. George WidmartiAssociated Press Favre, who lost Pro Bowl tight end Mark Chmura for up to six Green Bay place kicker Ryan weeks to a knee injury in the open­ Longwell reacts after missing a er, calls Winters the true MVP of game winning field goal against Green Bay's offense. the Philadelphia Eagles at Vetere "It is a big blow," Favre said. "But ans Stadium, Sunday. the good thing about this team is we've responded well to injuries in listed as questionable for Sunday's , . the past." . game against Miami as the Packers They're coming at a quicker rate try to bounce back from their first and with costlier consequences, performance without a touchdown ~ric Drotter/Associated Press however. in 85 games. fans storm the field and tear down the goal post in Halfback Edgar Bennett was lost "This is the type ofinjury, accord­ celebration of the Cardinals' 25-22 overtime victory over the Dalla$ for the year with a torn Achilles' ing to the trainers, tha\ could be Cowboys in Tempe Sunday. tendon in the exhibition opener and anywhere from one week to even cornerback Craig Newsome was six weeks," Holmgren said. uled. Hi understudy, Sherman Smith was irritated that he got lost for the year with a torn anteri­ Twelve-year veteran Jeff Dellen­ William , lost II fumble that Ari­ called for an unsportsmanlike or cruciate ligament in his left knee bach would take Winters' place in the zona converted into the winning penalty for taking his helmet off in the season opener. starting lineup against the Dolphins, fi ld goal, X-rays taken of Smith's after a Dallas touchdown was The last thing the battered Pack­ for whom he played 10 seasons. ribs after the game were negative. called back for a holding penalty. ers needed was to lose the MVP's "I feel pretty comfortable with "My rib are bruised and we'll "I thought you had to be the indi­ MVP. • everything around here," said Del­ have to see how it goes the next few vidual who scored II touchdown for Winters remained in the game lenbach, who joined the Packers late last season to patch up their days," mith aid. that rule to count," Smith said. "It's and played until the end but is now on crutches and in a cast to prevent tattered offensive line. "It's just not crazy. That rule can be interpreted Smith said he felt fine about the the bones from moving around. second nature yet. But I'm comfort­ way he was able to run the ball. in so many ways. It's a ridiculous Holmgren said Winters would be able with the caUs. "It' been a long tim since we've rule." gotten ofTen ive chunks of yardage Dallas coach Barry Switzer said lik: thal,' Smith said. "We're going the 'Cowboys got what they KRAMER/Time, for · to hav a much better offense than deserved. last year. Last year is last year. All "We beat ourselves," ~witzer the mistake we made can be cor- said. "They tried to give the game to Bears to pull QB switch iected .~ us and we wouldn't take it." Continued {rom Page IB ing Iowa games at Kinnick or on TY, put on a headset and listen to the new coordinator Bob Slowik after allowing radio broadcasts (KXJC-AM in Iowa c finally arrived? Chris Walsh to score the game-win­ City). ning touchdown Sunday at Soldier Learfield Sports has assembled a Field. I'm sure he managed to find wlnning team for its exclusive broad­ Dungy find itself 2-0 after beating the other scapegoats for the remainder of .casts. Gary Dolphin and Ed Podolak his blown coverages. sound like they've been together for . Here's one pundit who advocates years, and Ron Gonder does a good touchdown against a Dallas the idea of inserting backup quarter­ job of keeping fans informed from the d fense under the influence of heat back Rick Mirer into the starting line­ sidelines. Instant injury reporting is troke. He also threw for a two­ up. A loss next week would effectively just one of many great ideas Learfield pointer and t up Kevin Butler's end any playoff hopes the Bears offers. winning fi Id goal might have. Mirer represents the Now if only affiliates could more Two things about the win: Bears' future, and an 0-3 (possibly 0- easily afford Learfield's costly rates. - Graham wa th eighth quare 5) start would force head coach Dave oDon't be surprised if the Los roark to open the II. on for the Wannstedt to think beyond 1997. Angeles Dodgers upset the Florida Carol in their 10 son in Tempe. Eric Drotter/Associaled Press That doesn 't mean I think team Marlins and the in president Mike McCaskey should be ( ail Lomax, Gary Hogeboom, Arizona kicker Kevin Butler (3) is the National League playoffs. The Timm Ro nbach twice, 10m Tupa, allowed to construct Chicago's depth Dodgers have been the hottest team v Beuerlein twice, hugged by teammates after kick­ charts. McCaskey said last week he in baseball over the last two months, and Boomer Esia on are the oth- ing the winning 20-yard field wants Mirer to see more game action. and they've done it with closer Todd Considering the team already has .) goal in overtime against Dallas Worrell blowing as many games as he - In typlCal Cardinal faahion, Sunday. plenty of distractions already (i.e. saves. n thing came ea y: Butler's game- Bryan Cox), the Bears' CEO was o speaking out of turn. Wannstedt I don't really care if my beloved 'nn r, f1'Omju 20 y rd ,clanked PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR· Dodgers make it to the World Series off the len upright and bounced should run the team on the field, FARE: Jimmy Johnson acknowl­ McCaskey off of it. - as long as Atlanta doesn't go. throu/!h. edges he isn't a great at Xs and Os. There's just something un-American " t've never had th t happen By the "Yay, wasn't it nice to see But nobody, nol even the Jets Bill Green Bay kicker Ryan Longwell about seeing Braves owner Ted 'fum­ fol' ," id Butler, who hos 16 Parcells, can outdo him when it miss Sunday's game-winning chip er and wife Jane Fonda sitting in box winnin ki in 14 NFL leason , come to pushing the right psycho­ shot against Philadelphla? seats at the Fall Classic. • utllly th y Just com right back logical buttons. oVenus Williams' performance at oSeattle's Ken.Griffey, Jr. may not am" So what was all the furor about the U.S. Tennis Open was fun to break Roger Maris' single·season Maybe irl a ign. Jimmy "benching" Dan Marino for watch. If only the 17 -year-old could home run record this year, but it's ? have beaten beat Martina Hingis in safe to say 4e will do it eventually. PARITY or PARODY?: After Probably just another example of the final . Instead of expanding with new two w le" only IX unbeaten teams button-pu. hlng. Marino was 24 of Is anybody besides me getting sick teams again next year - thus allow­ ar I ft in the NI"L . Not among 43 for 324 yards in the 16·13 over­ of Hingis' dominance? It's ridiculous ing more subpar pitching into the them r Grcen Bay, DaHos and time win over the Oilers, his first for Hingis, 16, or any other player to league - Major League Baseball an Ii ran isco. 300-yard performance in Johnson's be 63-2 on the year. How about a little should let Griffey hit against Seattle's But try this on for it • by the 18 games with Miami. competition,ladies? batting-practice pitchers. In and alw ya inaccurate net What J really want to know is how While they're at it, MLB big wigs or p rativ scores. m thad com CLANKI SHANKI Sometimes Venus cleans her hair. should let Mark McGwire stand at 'I'h Pack TI 101i. 10-9 to th ther Bcem to be 8() many automatic oJust a suggestion: If you're watch- second base when he bats. E 1 on u.nday. Th week hero , field goal kickers around that pep­ Philad Iphia lVas beaten 31-17 by ple named Richie Cunningham and lh Giants, who lost 40·13 to Jack- Ryan Longwell can just show up Last second pass lifts nvllle n unday (with former and start putting balls through the World Leaguer tev Matth w at uprights automatically. quart rb It for th Jaguars). Notthi w k. Chiefs past Raiders o lha male I the Packeu 15 - AI 0 IGreco, one of the NFL's PUinll w than th Giants, who most reliable veterans, missed a 43- IT 27 point. wor .. than th By Rob Gloster debut for the Raiders, had third­ yard r with five onds left in reg­ quarter scoring passes of 37 and 16 nd m nl ... ulation that would have given Ten· Associated Press J ek onvllie would b at Gr n yards to tight end Rickey Dudley as ne s a win in Miami. Instead, it OAKLAND, Calif. - Adding more Oakland built a 27-13 lead. But -, Ba b 42 poin ... ? wa Olindo Mare, one of those off· t. (uel to an old rivalry, Elvis Grbac George was intercepted twice late th ·.treat guy , who won it in over­ threw a 33·yard scoring pass to in the game, and one of them was tim for the Dolphins. Andre Rison with three seconds returned 55 yards for a touchdown - Longw II, a walk-on who beat remaining Monday night as the by Darren Anderson. out third-round draft choice Brett Kansas City Chiefs rallied for a 28- That pulled the Chiefs with 27- on way for the Packers' job, mls8ed 27 victory over the Oakland Raiders. 22. Oakland prevented the Chiefs' right. on a 28·yard r that would The Chiefs got the ball at their offense from moving effectively have givon Green Bay a win in own 20 following a punt with 61 after that - until the final dramat· Philad Iphia. It had just started to seconds left in the game. Grbac got ic drive. rain, but Longw S-for·8 before 11, the drive going with a 21-yaro com­ Qrbac, Rison and Perriman all that kick, ofTllr d no excuses. ,pletion to Lake Dawson and fol­ were free agents signed by the Chiefs unningham, who had hit lowed that with a 20-yard comple­ this offseason and know little of the eight .traight. in two games tion to Brett Peniman. bitter, decad8l-01d rivalry between r placing Chri8 Bonlol in Dallas, With 11 second. remaining on Kansas City and Oakland. They now wa wide right from 40 yards in the clock, Grbac faded back and have beoomll a part of that lore. the fourth quarter on a kick that found Rison in the end zone for the Grbac, who was 21-of-35 for 312 may have been d nected and touchdown. Rilon was mobbed by yards, allO threw a 5·yard scoring could hav given th Cowboys an his teammates after making the pass to KiJllble Anders. Pete Stoy. U .point lead. Arizona tied It and winning catch. anovich added field goals of 24, 23 won in ov rUm , on Butler's , making his horne lind 23 yaros for the Chiefs (1-1). clank. 68 - The Daily Iowan . Iowa tity, Iowa· Tuesday, September 9, 1997 Classifieds 111 Communications Center • 335·5784

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" f The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, September 9. 1997 • 78

TWO, BEDROOM DU HOUSE FOR RENT : , tHRi! bed,OO!n hOu ••. NW &iii: .. FALL SPEC IALIlIl ;;:.;;;,;;.;.~;....-~..,..,._ TWO a Inre. b.droam dupl..... R.plda. 30 mlnul. drl ••. No ptl.. eNORMOUS spac.: c,thedral eel~ WID. elo ... GrtlIJPS ""'carne, ,.210 5475. !!66-3134. ' IQW8 Chy ~ bedroom. IWO bathroom.; Iwo IIudl.,: 1.8 miltslrarn Pontecreal. 351-2952. THRI! bed two bIIh WID rel 2430 MUSCATINE AVE. HEAT PAlO. ON BUSLINE, ~t5 ut~~''''nc'uded: TWO bedroom duple" Iy. ba....,onl, f"gor.tar, ~~e. 808 Co'u,,; WATtR PAID ronl 'rH. $5251 month. 35,-685,. • FREE STORAGE ='~~:-;--;-;::==-:=I THRIE bedroom, unlqua hom. 0If BEDROOM BALCONY. campus. Two bathrooml, WID hook upo, must IH. Prk:. JUII rllduc:td: CAU D.P.I. '"~12 ~iir.iDFiOoiu:iOU~D8ii ~~~~~~~-:-7"'1 can Unca1n R&~ Ea_, 338-J70I . •

~~*~~~f:~ I '~I/\d'1SnngIhttI yo<.< dttlgft a.,11111g 'fOIJI 1IIaI-' r_ ~~~~~~-- ::=.::;;:::::.:.=:=:::=:=;::.= - ""U:":O""N:=I""'MO=-=NTH=:-'==R""I1""n""n- THREEtwo bathrooms bedroom.: calhlldr.' plu. t1eepIng etlHngl'. IaIIi 'W.... yo<.<.,.,.,. ""-" LIMITED TIME- CALL TODAY two "udl ..: ells wolooma: $915 utili- ~ lOb _ .trllegy CORALVILl.E 2 BeDROOMS lleslneluded: 337~7B5 . • TI IOUTH I1OIIMPOIIT CLaar TO EVfIlYTHfNG", ~MIIo'lbIt Pro'-ti AUTO ....VIC. 97050. FT. HUGf ===~-.=~-:-:-.-I HOUSE FOR SALE : AlIOCIIIiotI '" Rotum. WrilMa 80" Mtid.-1 Lana BUS STOP ON SITE ~ JUST IIstad. N•• t II • pin. Plu", "4. 7111 furapaanlJaptn... dlsh,I •• sh,.,. ~ffiiiiiF,fu'ii~~;;;;;:IGrove arM home for anly S&I .900l 1 ~~~ __""' __ I .._~ AtpaIf..._ SptcIoII__ ,al __ ""~~~~~~~~ E,ellleni eondltlan wllh mlny UP:' =;:::::::====;==;:;.:.:~ ==7."":':-::~;;:--;=-:--:;- :; dat ... Coil JonnHor ,.,..: d_ 35,1 VAN S 3355. tv.nlngs 338-9933. CoIdwo!) Bank. Rool Estate Pr.,...... , ....

ROOM FOR RENT Ina 14,70 mobile horne. Two tJed.. room. JuSI seven mil •• 1rom Iowa ADU'• • Room. tor ren" CO!lvonlont to Cllnpua. 120(). 13, o,catltor _ t3~~~~~!:"""'-c::= 1 City. Pallo and .to,ege shed. StO'lt: '" rttrio-a"", and WID slay. Call Dan lion, I/\d datIIIa. K..,." ..... P~' (dtys)l~ t 91: (1'ItningI):l3&- ==~ I_ 338--8288. 88,8. B

:-. '-::=--- Ct11354-2233.only. par IIIaI I\OuIIplue c.IItltctrk:. 331· ;==;::::=::::::====; ... '!!..:====::...:.:~_ ~ . ~ mont~ - l.r;~~;~~~~~~i1~~~~~;;~i;;;~i '.U"'-:-LIA,.-:::IIIIQ,C'7'"-NWlt/-"".IoIpi,.--.,1a/...,.,.-Jo. IAIT Iidt. Quiet. two bedroOm In 4- t.tlon. Room ••Iartlng II S2'01 pie •• WID on 11".. ,... . Corpet. oIr. _ . II _ pIicI. an... "*'*' p.. ldng. Augull. 33Hm. encI_ C11135'.e8g0. HIAT encl ..... paid.1.aIIldry tacIIi1y ;au LtAltllO: ~ttd one block '" bUIlding. FIw min"" w.. 10 p.". ~0111 ~ ~ Mdgt I/\d ... • Efficiencies laCteal. s&4oimanth plUi uti4i1i ... Call "'""~ sn.. bII/Voom. 8tat*'G 01 364-88t5. ms. .. .-.-flI!d: cal 364-4 tt 2, • One Bedrooms !lUQ! two bedroom. two bathroom 1987 MITSUIISHI VAN l -::iUi:;n;~:v---IIIOIPITAL, IIw around corner, F. apI~m_nl In hlalorle houn. On. 1992 NISSAN EXTRA CAB I I .... -. _'" ~ • 2 Bedrooms biock!roo> ~,. 10 mlnut .. ,rom All the charm of VW bus, but ...... -.UnI-' II ...... downtown. Uvlng, dining, fill kitchen 4.. cylinder, 5.. speed, $6800 . 1 -;;;;;~=7.;;m~II"' , - kllehtn. patl

L.ME qultt eutaldt. CIA. IICIJrity .ntroneo...... MOISIg. off-llrHI. p.rI

1990 SAAB 900 TURBO Classifieds SPORTS CONVERTIBLE 335-5784 by phone Fully loaded, leather, 17k, excellent VAN BUREN 335-6297 by fax condition . $11,500. 338·7015. VILLAGE

1996 NISSAN SENTRA GXE 1993 PONTIAC SUNBIRD Black, 5-speed, AlC, cruise, Convertible, AlC, cruise, PL, PB, 2 bdrm $610 + electric CD. 18,000 miles. pW, AMlFM stereo bassette, auto. 3 bdrm $660 + all $12,800/neg.358 .. 0426. 40,000 miles. 337·5156. 3 bdrm $710 + electric One year lease, Deposit same as rent. • Dishwasher, • Disposal • Free off.. trut puking • Laundry. 1994 FORD EXPLORER 1992 YAMAHA FZR 600 Low miles, cover, tank bra. • No pel4 Black, 4x4, 5.. spd, AlC, cruise, all power, 23,000 miles. Great shape. $3,100/0.b.0. $15,800/neg. (319) 339-0988 351·5717. 351-0322 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom. $«75 plus all utili­ ties. One year lease. Depoeit same as rent DIW, disposal, CiA, laundries. No pets. 351-0322, 1995 CHEVY CAVALIER 1987 NISSAN PATHFINDER Royal Blue, AlC, 5-speed, power 4x4. Runs great, looks great. steering. AMlFM radio, 48k. Must New tires,battery, exhaust. sell to settle estate. (319) 337·4040. $6,200.339·1177.

1988 VW JEnA CARAT 13,000 one·owner miles. Red. 5 spd. Almost perfect. 40 + mpglhw, 30 ely. No Alr;,. Nicely accessorized. Bed mat. Like new. $8150 o.b.o. Aecenllires, brakes, exhaust. water 354·3799. pump, major tune-up. $3.500. 621·0556. I I I I I I I • • I ; • I • • I I I • • I I A Photo is Worth A Thousand Words SELL YOUR CAR


R BEDROOM 1"3 IATURN IL1 ==~======I 4-dr. air. AMJFM r.dio. power locks. automatic. Runs well $0000 00. Call XXX·XXXX • Emerald Court Apartments We'Ucome out and take a photo of your car (Iowa CitytCoralville area only) SEPTEMBER RENT FREE! Your ad will run for 30 days -for '40 Bedroom., $630 I $650 inels. water. Deadline: 2 days prior to run date desired LAundry, pool, off- treel parking, For Rl

; 88 ·.:Ale Daily Iowan· Iowa City. Iowa· Tuesday. September 9. 1997





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