The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa · Tuesday, September 9,1997. SA -' · Nation & World Alpha J(appa Psi The Professional Business Fraternity , trike snarls traffic for thousands Rush Week Actiylties: · -Tuesday, Sept. 9 -IDformatioD MeetlDI - 6pm 40 Schaeffer m in route into San Francisco from The striking train operators and Hall. Free pizza aDd pop to follow! tern luburbe. A backup of at least mechanics are demanding higher 15 mil was reported on Interstate pay and the end of a two· tier wage -WedDesday, Sept. 10 - Rush LUDcheon - 11:30-1:30 I, · SO. system, in which newer employees aD the patio outsIde Pat's Diller I ~ , Sharon Kidd of Berkeley aid her are paid less for the Bame job. Talks normal 16·minute commute on were to resume Monday afl.emoon. -Tbunday, Sept. 11 - DlnDer at Gringo's - 6pm. BART turned into a 3 lJ2·hour night­ BART's two largest unions voted -Friday, Sept. 12 - FAC at the AJrllDer - 4pm uDdl 11171 mare as bus afl.er packed bus paased last week to reject an offer that would - · her by. She finally had to take a bUB have raised their pay 3 percent a -S.turday, Sept. 13- Tailgater for tbe Tulsa game (bebind Slater) in th oppoeite direction to get one year for three years. , that had room to bring her into San BART workers are among the . Questf0lts? Coltfllcts? Cllfl: President Slim Norris 358-8094 Francl8co. highest paid in the industry. Mainte­ MlI$ter ofRltulIls Anitll Vos1r~/337-5813 Colin Jone8, a spokesperson for the nance workers earn a base wage of VP of Pledges III,. Klein 358-8094 Itate Transportation Department, $48,000, and train operators and sta­ 8aid the morning commute was one tion agents make $40,900, with over· of the worst ever. time boosting most checks far above SCIENCE MAJORS, ARE YOU INTERESTED Itt A "We were hoping it wouldn't be thia those levels. bad,· he id. "I understand that the employees LABORATORY SCIENCE PROFESSION WITH Th trip home was expected to be want a better wage, but there's not MULTIPLE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES? equally bad - e peciaJly with a Mon· that many people who make as much day night football game between the as they do," said Thmmy Andrews, The University of Iowa Clinic Laboratory Sciences an Oakland Raiders and Kansas City who carpooled to San Francisco from , th Chiefs. Oakland. Program is accepting applications for admission to the Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program until October 15. If you are a junior, senior or graduate with a science ue Council Family rejects return of royal title (Chemistry, Biology) b~ckground, you may qualify. There is a nationwide need for Clinical Laboratory tal,· Spencer said. DMO c , As the nation returned to work Scientists. For application forms and more information Monday on a perfect early autumn day, the crowds of mourners that about our baccalaureate program, contact us.4- lapp d around the gate8 of royal at: 160 Med Labs, University of 19wa, palace and Diana'8 ancestral home abated but did not cease. Iowa City, IA 52242. 3191335-8248 ' Reminders of grief were abun. dant: Rowers and candles, newspa· per headlines and everywhere, Oi n 'I expree ive face - images law Office of of a woman incessantly pho· tographed throughout her life. NATHANIEL HSIEH The government began dis­ cu ing a fitting public memorial Beth A. ~i_/Associated Press for th "people's princess.- And the Mourners look on at a heart creat· Spencer. rejected Buckingham ed by Rowers outside the front gate Palace', offer to consider restoring of A1thorp Hall, the family home of in death the honorary title "Her Practice primarily in Royal Highnes ," stripped in la8t Princess Diana, in Northampton­ year'. divorce. shire, England on Monday, , Immigration Law In Paris, th bodyguard who was Trevor Rees-Jones underwent the ole survivor of the Aug. 31 8urgery four days ago to recon· crllb that killed Diana, her struct his badly injured face ; his 354-2088 351-9888 Fax # boyfriend nodi Fayed and their dri· parents said Monday, adding that v r wu reported to be conaciou8, he would be unable to speak to 335 S. Clinton, Suite 200, Iowa City, IA 52240 but not yet able to aaeist police. police for "some time." SPRING BREAK I 20th Annu I HARKIN STEAK fRY 1..S'1n advancel$20 at the gate1$5 chlldre";:11~'" re information please contact Nick or ~at CItIzeus for Hartin 319 339.0861 GO HAWKS! Paid for by Citiuns for Hlrkin --- ----.-----" 'First Time at U I !t ,CJotbing W~,.ebo\1$e Sale !t '- ~a gh all the way I~~ the bank. OPE S9'8 TODAY!:!: . rat wa : ~~NS WO~E~S KillS I~~ I Your Fl yorite f tand your options iaJty Stores! ! to our n(3rtsl I Olrer7000 \Tt.1\fS I! Jean , Swe.teta, Ya\\ts, S61r\s, Ureases, Shorts, -:'lc\rtl, Jackets and 140RE t THING . lion For YRr JlOMY $2011 I ~~ Open Tueld.y to It'rl6ay SeptellIbet' 9tb '" 12tb . BlIp Needed II Apply I ........ I ~en 9 att' \0 7 \l~ ENery4a~! I ~~ . , '7!I1 Me, Vi a, Cath or Cbe~k. - ,.,... ....... JIt ...."" I,.. 6.' IJ ......... - -\ NHAPPY PACK: Green Bay 's Mike Holmgren (left) ponders Sunday's loss. Page 58 " • f. - "--,,'TT' ..... ~ , ., ''''I .i, 'IJ:': r.. " _' .'.', "Y; ,. •• hllp: '/w\\w.uiow.1 .l'du/ -dlyiow.1n ., \: \ >- .n.'"", ~'iI '1!aI., . ' .!.ii.. '" " .' New' A.D. looks to get Wolverines on track By Harry Atkins "I don't know Tom," Fisher said in Associated Press the hallway afterward. "But I know of him, and what I know excites me. I like ANN ARBOR, Mich. - AccountabiIi­ what he stands for and I think it will ~y, inwgrlty, excellence and tradition. be good to have him in charge:" 'Ibm 0011 b Ii ves in all of that and In addition to the basketball woM, mar , elpecially where the University Goss also may face pressure from of Michigan is concerned. alumni if the football program fails 'tO Hia great love for his alma mater, rebound from four consecutive four· coupl d with his va t busine s back­ loss seasons. The football team hasn't GOSS Ifl"ound, help d 0088 b come the uni­ played in a Rose Bowl game since the TIlt OIIlf18 v r \ty'. ninth athletic director Mon­ 1992 season, the longest drought silice MdII~ Jlhletlc day, Hi. ltifTresolve and fierce person­ the 1960s. • ~ dl ,/(J( al pricU mak him think he can restore Goss made it clear, however, thAt he an imag many once saw as squeaky admires football coach Lloyd Carr. ' ~ lie, cI an. "We like to win the Big Ten every "I'm pr tty clear on what I want," year," Goss said. "That's our goal. But Go id at a newl conference in the if you talk to Lloyd Carr, rn bet you he t Iy Michigan Union. "There is no wants to win the Big Ten, too. So, with fJ'ay. And once you know what I want, I a little support, maybe he will." :; ; hold you accountable.· Goss said he would not sacri1ice:the Go ,51, will inherit several proh­ integrity of the university in ord. to I mi. win games. He also said he woulcJ:see He il arriving about the same time Carlos Osorle/Associa ted Press that equity prevailed in the athletic th t • private law firm is expected to department. Yet he made it clear 'that conclud an internal inve tigation into Michigan named businessman Tom Goss as athletic director Monday in the minor sports would be held just as .11 ed wrongdoings in the basketball hopes of restoring the tarnished image of its sports programs, which long accountable as those that produce the program. He also will attempt to halt a had been seen as squeaky clean . bulk of the revenue for his $38-million • riel of embarrassing off-campus budget. • incid nll involving players and coach­ one of the rules, even if you were a star The men's basketball program has "All the ADs before me had integri­ player, you weren't there. You were been under investigation for more fl. ty," Ooss said. "One of the things we "Ev ryone should know the rules," gone." than a year as the NCAA and a will do is build upon that integrity. aid Go I, In all·Big Ten defensive As G08S spoke at a podium in the Kansas law firm - hired by the uni· front of the wood panelled room, Michi­ versity - dig into allegations that There is some confusion between win­ tackle for ~he Wolverines in 1968. gan basketball coach Steve Fisher players received money and other ning and success. "Tb y'r th re in black and white. "Winning is winning on the field and Wb n I." playing, if you llCl'ewed up leaned against a wall, listening intent­ improper benefits from a booster, who ly. now is banned. in the classroom as well." THE DASH FOR TIlE POSTSEASON An insight,: on. the world of sports ' Expert commentary on recent sports happenings: Things will get better for the C~ Bears once wide receiver Curtis Conway comes back from his broken collarbone. The only question is whether it wiU be too late. The Bears dug • themselves into a ,.------=---, deeper hole Sunday by losing to Min· nesota and moving to 0-2. Green Bay's season·opening vic­ tory over Chicago was a no-brainer, but the Bears' Week Two loss was demor­ alizing. Chicago plays Detroit at home next week followed by James road games at New England and Dallas.
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