Report 2019 ©Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes 2020
Report 2019 ©Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes 2020 Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes Annual Report 2019 The ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Exremes is financially supported via a grant from the Australian Research Council The Centre is financed and hosted by the University of New South Wales. Collaborating partners are Monash University, the University of Melbourne, the University of Tasmania and the Australian National University. They provide significant financial support. The Centre is also financially supported by the NSW Research Attraction and Acceleration Fund, Sydney Water, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and the Bureau of Meteorology. Photography CLEX Staff in italics Cover: Felix Mittermeier, Rae Don pg 4 Rae Don, Princes Pier Melbourne pg 6 Linden Ashcroft, Byron Sunrise Pg 34 Tony Rafter, HFCC, Elizabeth St Pier pg 36 Stephen Gray, Sunset over the Gulf of Thailand pg 38 Vicki Nunn, Wandal Rockhampton pg 45 Robert Waghorn, Magnetic Island off Townsville pg 46 Jan Le Mann, Rottnest Island Atlantic Ocean pg 54 Mike Roderick, Monaro Plains, drought pg 60 Mike Roderick, Canberra, drought pg 62 C Sharker, Coral Australia pg 64 かねのり 三浦, Indian Ocean pg 71 Stephen Gray, Meerufushi, Maldives pg 88 Sundid, Australian Sunrise pg 94 Mike Roderick, Corowa NSW, hay bales bathed in bushfire smoke pg 101 Ella Hogg, Bush boardwalk pg 105 Steven Sherwood, Central Otago Back Cover: Sunset by Bessi (Podujevë/Kosovo) Other photos: CLEX Staff including Alvin Stone. Document Report: Stephen Gray, Alvin Stone, Melissa Hart, Vilia Co, Claire Carouge and Chief Investigators Subeditor: Kathy Murfitt Design: Helena Brusic, The Imagination Agency Pty Ltd Contents Contents ...........................................................................................................................................
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