i Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. LIBRARY CIW - S£^iAL RECORD DEC 3 1959 * U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD A FLORA OF NEVADA No. hi SCROPKDLARIACEAE OF NEVADA PART II THE GENERA EXCEPT MIMULDS AND PENSTEMON by Gabriel Edwin November 16, 1959 A series prepared through the cooperation of the National Arboretum and the New Crops Research Branch Crops Research Division Agricultural Research Service U. S. Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Station Beltsville, Md. This is a progress report of cooperative investigations containing data the interpretation of which may be modified with additional study. Therefore, publication, display, or distribution of any data or any statements herein should not be made without prior written approval of the Crops Research Division. Address all inquiries concerning this series to Herbarium, U. S. National Arboretum 2< Washington t D. C. CR-5U-59 . SCROPHULARIACEAE OF NEVADA PART II By Gabriel Edwin * Contributions Toward a Flora of Nevada, No. hi SCROPHULARIACEAE A. L. de Jussieu, Gen. PI. 117. 1789. Herbs, shrubs (rarely vines) with simple, alternate or opposite, ex- stipulate, petioled or sessile, entire, ciliate, toothed or pinnatifid leaves. Flowers perfect, paniculate, racemose or occasionally solitary. Inflorescences terminal or lateral. Sepals $ or i|, distinct or united. Corolla U-5-lobed, usually g-lipped or rarely nearly regular, tubular, rotate or campanulate. Stamens usually U, didynaraous, sometimes 2, (5 in Verbascum ) . Carpels 2, with wholly joined ovaries, placentation axile, styles almost always united, stigmas either distinct or united. Capsule variously dehiscent, either septicidally or loculicidally, some- times both, less often loculicidally by valves, ruptures or terminal porelike openings.
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