Senator Edward

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Senator Edward _ _ 7 _g__ ! 1 i 3 4 February24¢, 1971 &#39;REG-#7-l5 7% HonorableC!. Mark Hateld W » United. States Senate Washington, D. C, 20510 M; My dear -Senator; » i I have receivedyogr letter of gebrllti1351 F be enclosingp11b1ished&#39;by material to s* sent_ Ib"/C an unidentified inélividualin Morro;Bay,; ¬&.1if011I.119i-I appreciate your"furnishing thisto me.and0an1te11Y°u&#39;th9~l? literatureof this publisher has our attention before. , Sincerely you1$, i s ~ J, EdgaliHoover NOTE: SenatorHatfield ison the Specia17Cor_respo,n_dents-His List.&#39; enclosure waspI1b1iSheClby !|:| of Memphis, Tennessee, with 106 V5-fh0m»have We had&#39;no_ *corresponden prior _:~e.have We had oitizeninquiries ibvc cvonceroningthe" literaturehe distributes. He is self-described asai printer of patrioticliterature. Qne was membergj;a the United K;{§~nSAmerica--Tenne_ssee"and of attendeda 1966meeting oftiiaetWhite t Party of America in Baltimeie-. /it &#39; 92 Tolson __.______ JBT:.jsr ! . I P» " Sullivan ,>.¬_l."/ Zllohr a l 4 Bisl92op.___.ri Brennan. C.D. Callahan i_.. CaSPCT i__.____ Conrad .?__._____ ~ 1* t : *1 l ~ nalb<§y§f_,Iz__t&#39;_I_t ,coMMFBI, 8T~2, it __~ _ at Felt " l , ......W_-»_-_-»_Qtg/<>i.l£Fa¥, .,¢ Gale Roseni___ Tavel _i___r Walters ____i__ Soyars &#39; Tole. Ronni l set 97l Holmes _ _ M Si andv ¬ * MAI_L~R0.01§/ll:_ TELETYPE UNII[:] 3* .7H, §M1&#39;. &#39;Icls&#39;>n.-_._.__ -K i»><&#39;:uRyM. JACKSON,WASH., CHAIRMAN~92 Q "1 MT Sullivan? c|_|rrro|&#39;uANDERSON, P.Mac. N. sermon m_|_o &#39;v_o. I r. MIGHT.. ._._.. , AI-AN FRANK¢l""-|R¢H.BIBLE. NEV- IDAHO PAUL LEN.1. JORDA FANNI B.z. 0 5 1- " :-.&#39; """ ., &#39;i °"E"&#39;I&#39;"*~"m""$_,,_M°$5-. sunmcx, UTAH5-CLIFFORD N. om. MARK 0. HATFIELD,P. HANSEN,wvo. om-:0. &#39;11! -. - . _ W GEORGEMC sovznu,s. max. us, "ranSTEVE " ALASKA £ f , P1.. C " .1; n:m.__ LEEGAYLORD NELSON,METCALF, MONT. ~&#39;*was. HENRY BELLMON,OKLA. Tl! 8 d 211% 2 ; 1-v. &#39; Cwnpr-~ &#39; &#39;*=- . MIKE GRAVEL, ALASKA COMMITTEE ON Q .11-, Q93 9,;1_______ pi INTERIORAND INSULAR AFFAIRS - , , , 1&#39; JERRYVERKLER, T. STAFF DIRECTOR &#39; . ._&#39;,_..i H WASHINGTON.D.C. 20510 -&#39;11&#39;. ;.y.1t ._. t92 x &#39;|92!&#39;- . I 4 .1-r os&#39;_n._____ &#39; sf . .. February 18>1971 _§nnJwmwm___#- 9235% . 1 :.__.__... 921 fr. Sc!&#39;su&#39;s__; Tele. I{oom.___ i The HonorableJ. Edgar Hoover ¥s§j§-- Director 3 1% ny__~ DepartmentJustice Department F.B. ofI. Washington, D. C. I Dear Mr. Director: " pzwwwh"* R we-/@"4i?f.§.7 fh The attached was received in my mail recently. Q » 2 92 3&#39; I have serious question about themotiyation of anyone #1 who would indulge in this type of publication. 1 Sincerely, ii Mark O. Hatfield MOH:L <:}Q"07iE;7///United States Senator D égg° Ms REC-"115ex-2%. pp/42*"&#39;7§72" % &#39;:--&#39;-dd e 1971 I &#39;92 wa=a_ Qt???NQ ;3/3&#39;j7/ M mm T, gwf CCRRESPOII I 5 3 y ~ K Ag J.B.F. Bay, Q4 ~> ¥_&#39;""-_~°n____,¢=I=I&#39;=*==- " 1 ,,,,::&#39;66 .,.. Cg!-ziff, 95442 ; ;, _r; A " __ -V-r;_____ _;;:»-.<______&#39;f,_f_ "" &#39;S <_é§|9Tl .¢===>&#39;-<-_v_:";:=:"___--=4»7g>_92 F§:i=,92s< ,,,,¢..Q__,,_,_ _,,m_ ,1-*"¢l__1;1§§ 7 .934g"3¢ - &#39; _» ~,_ &#39;_=&#39;»"&#39;W&#39; >_&#39; 1 924 The Hon,Mark Hatfield;0. R.Ore-3 ,v. U .5_ S¬I1B.teOffice 2 3-L-El;-52* X-Iashi11928F»°11> n.<~:i. 20515 WT? i-=---F-_~...~_,._.,_,____, 2&#39; a% siwa _m.4- >F-*~ ,___1_M &#39;1 lW1ED FOR 192;llInRi!ER 0rPRESIDENT? ¢L;;,§<§-Ww % Up U , cC" .., ~e >1! M . - _.____. __[ _ ,/ " 1 w _--I.-. _9292 - -.__.; 7*... ? S 7 t Z / Q i &#39;* ,.e __, ____¬_._-_= _ &#39; / --» P ,- ~ MR. TOLSON __-i- - v 00-6 * x .92 _ OFFICE OF DIRECTOR MR. FELT __-Z- 1 "UNITED - FEDERAL STATES BUREAU OFDEPARTMENT OFINVESTIGATION JUSTlCE MR. SULLIVANHR i July &#39;. BR NAN, c.c>. _ MR. CALLAHAN __._. TX MR. CASPER __-_ w , The attached was sent to the MR. CONRAD __Z_-_ - Director from an&#39;anon§zmous 1 MR DALBEY ____ 1% source in Miles City, Montana. " MR. PON GALEDER ____________- 1 . MR. R0 SEN MR. TAVEL .1 _ MR. vgA|_ &#39;r Rs &#39;/ MR. Y Rs &#39; Inn M_ _ J mas - _ ~92_92 3 TELE. ROOM .____-_- MISS HOLMES _______ s MRS. METCALF ___.._- 3 Ml5S GANDY .1-- 92 -$5 L - A¢¢*2wL . r . gm 92 ~ W % ~w%§§ #i%%M 92 REC BUn .7?"A -55&#39;y§a&#39;l yM/M! !/ &#39; "***=&a_ ~.._,_, ____&#39; 1 92. 13 E.1 s a~12,x~92@L@$*%-§§ lg is JUL 161971 1» u . 92 &#39; V1cam zéqéya 1 . n -.. G &#39; w»s..P Q o 0 &#39; ~ - I /, x, " I . " J M, Obviously, if the mere mention oi "Chappaquiddick", so shocks and par-a§.zes 1 Mr. Kennedy that he is unable to talk even, a point so great that he could have collapsed on the spot. .the Chappaquiddick is the key with which to decide i him to postpone his running for President in &#39;72, which he surely did so plan A judging from all the work he has put in on building up his and family&#39;s image, plus of course, his work on the Gallup Poll. Also, that word with it&#39;s terrible shocking effect on him, properly handled by his opposition, would also defeat him. .i&#39;or he would ever and always during the elections, stand in fear and horror awaiting it to happen..._this being in case he did run. 1 Whether or not his emotional response to that "word" is an indication of 4 Guilt. .Many millions will undoubtedly believe it to be so. 1 I do feel that Mr. Kennedy has been instrumental in causing much of the actions in the attacks on the F. B. I. , mostly through his political Congressional atthe time of friends the indictment operating of with the Rev. and im. andWhich others. attacks Justbegan think, How Nice it would be for him, to be able to control the F. B. I. T06 by having *"his""man in as Director, and to Thus control indictments. fnvc F Weare indeed fortunate in having the Wonderful, world-famous, 1 I J1. Edgar Hooyer,_ with his supreme loyalty and patriotism. jI_es...Indeed., vV 1.1 _» 92 s .__,1 92 .- » i ,__ A § ,92 44 7.1 92 1 %;92 . 3%, t @~" _9292!92- *9 W .. > i l nilusun: s 5&#39;7/.5:.,2~», * U r I §i92_92/ 1 1 11 1 , --~~11~ -~~-1 4t49292>< 1 ;,.......; -1 -_ 1;;-._..1-. 1 1 1 1 1;!1 92 1 1 1-. it 1 1.. ?1~1*§1112- /11 1 1 it 81111111;.-1......,-1-1. .,._ ...,_.,1.~. 92r<A 1 J 111111,.. ~._ »-» F 88.51 11 1,",&#39; -vi 92-.11; 111 A§_11tit1i111 11 t.---1:&#39; -. ,1-L; . _ 1:11,.-.1; 1 V11 11 , ,1»,1- 1 1 1 1.1 1 Y , t I .,..~ . f B11Y11R11M0LL1f111H0F1 "1111, 111,11111,111<111é111¢1111~ -1111111921111111,;1>1§11,1111111»,1,1;1_,,,s1, . 1 ;1 11 n92 1 . , I 101111111111-T11111111 1&#39;h1&#39;T"&#39;11.11e&#39;1e1r111"11<1_ 1111&#39;111g11i1§11111111;11P111- 5 1: 6,111 1, 1, &#39; 1 &#39;W1SI11NGT0N1&#39;*,.11_1_1t111 11111_111_11th11.1u.h1111"t @&#39;."tii11196&#39;11111111t11111ih1tS,1;11= t t , "&#39;1-~-&#39; . < 1 1 11111111111111gt&#39;1111l&#39;111"11111h1 th1=B1l11ti1I1111té1- ~&#39; I , - =e1111e ,s&#39;;r II-irTa&#39;11TI1Di1l{~&#39; -1: _ U v 2; 11a111111ed&#39;tl11to1rthhoh1h1_qh"9"11g,§ljrane "&#39; &#39;61h 1}?7Y0I11Ll$TENh1Dthi11t§1s1 1 1 1 .&#39; &#39; 1- 1 ,1 e11ned&#39;1&#39;h1d1hot? 1111111111 .1111_111111; ~&#39;11j11;sf11111i1 111111-1 t11.Z_.-.. .1 ,. 1» .1. &#39;_. &#39; t eo »enate10t1eBui1dih;t01 l .... .-. ;,_-.~m_&#39;q_r..__,. 1*F§T..1.;92;-Y&#39;."_1--."T:&#39;:,:7_7Tq,-,_,_. 1:.» 1 -5»?::&#39;1,"r1 c11Hhh1te"to1111esiée11t-111~I§§2;i 111111; 11151111111 51111111 1111111 1 . &#39;1 1» I V. ¢ear enator Edward Ke1111éd ~11 1 1 1.11: . K -39» __*_ /._p1..&#39;__1 --.1»: .,- .., -.1-. 1-7 -» >1, k -,,,,,_ , _ .1 _,. ~_.- 1» _ 1 1 , , 1 1 M § _ 1- 1 . I , k L """_ 1.»f&#39;1"&#39; &#39;1 1 &#39;1 - I &#39;;g1ve1s1oggig111t1§&#39;thg~&#39;p1h111;g=1 011 0111 111111111 -1fr111&#39;11&#39;the1111-J1h1111111i1&#39;1I111&#39;11tit11"with11 ;ft1111&#39;*sm ,"=Ee1thg&#39;611?=ga&#39;11érs1 *1 a11ttheVieti1amW11. &#39; "1 1111111111111111111111111 I 92 11-1 y1a111ht1senato11s 1-celebri in to1 Hethtogk 111111111111111 bltihh//t 1 1 Es u11n11§E§ now a&#39;nd1it&#39;I111i§,11111-1111111Ri111111N111111t1 ;o1ge1negessg11~to identity hjm».1. - 92<:-~ VIV1 1 asthe 11 t " 1M11111_I1éh-. @111 11»S,@11t111 _¢ &#39;1E11111111111_11g11111,11111_11: 11111111" 11111111111111.111111111111" 11111611111111. _1 1 , » , 1&#39;; 1, &#39;1&#39; * 1 Y1 f;[M_1 11111111111Y11¬ed-93%-L-_.!.:AP 1 1esien.&#39;o1"1 .§h§1h1f1th1e i92.1;1v192 I 1-W7 --1" &#39;:~11Q_ *1 .111&#39;192 111t92&#39;192 .
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    • July 28, 1973 RAW INTELtIGENCE DATA . n7oo,on of caP fends came from Hong Kong and Texas. t350,000 was KGB fends cut of Hong Kong and S350,000 was American international organized crime "matching funds" primarily collected in Texas. Mr. Allen, head of Gulf Resources, Inc. and Texas head of the CRP was solicitor or collector of the latter And. Gulf Resources is a legitimate business controlled by organized crime. Gulf.s Mexican attorney, Manuel Ogarrio Daguerre of Meeico City, is a high ranking YOB agent. 9a-ter-gate witnesses have testLfied to the Watergate Committee and the Committee has accepted a fisure of $1;00O3 G00 more or less that was in each left over from the 1968 primaries for Niecn. This is the beginning of the "ccverup behind the covernp" of the financial aspect of the Watergate case. This "supercoverup" as far as the financial aspect is concerned is primarily the .lork of Carmine Bellino. However, much of the actual cover up work has been done en!mowingly by other members of the'!latergate Committee's etaff who ob:eeved suggestions by or were assigned work by Carmine Bellino his reputation. He enjoyed the confidence of many senators, present and past. 3ellino has been working with organized crime within goverment investigatory • 'oodles as early as the investigation and prceecution of Dave Deck. However, it say be that his contacts with organized crime and his rapport .with them bore little- fruit for the latter until later in his double-agent career. Only the tip of the iceberg is now showing with the press release by George Bush, Republican National ' 3ommittee declaring that Eollino had hired surveillance placed upon both Republican!' and Denecrats including Richard Nixen's preparations for the 1960 television debate with John F.
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