Abraham Lincoln papers

1 From John M. Frazier to [With Endorsement by Lincoln] , January 23, 1865

1 Regarding the matters detailed below, Senator Hicks died in February 1865 and John A. J. Creswell defeated Montgomery Blair in the election that was held to fill the vacancy. Lincoln did not remove Hoffman from office as collector of the Port of Baltimore, though there is evidence which suggests that he was planning to do so. See Collected Works, VIII, 411.

House of Delegates,

Annapolis, Jan. 23, 1865

Dear Sir:

2 Mr Blair informs me that you did not understand the committee of our Legislature that met you on 3 Thursday last, to desire the immediate removal of Mr Hoffman—

2 Montgomery Blair

3 Henry W. Hoffman

It is true that we did not indicate any time for your Excellency to carry out our object— But we thought that our representations of the sentiments of our people was all that was necessary on our part— We but express the wish of nineteen out of every twenty of our loyal people when we say that the sooner Mr Hoffman is removed the better— He is so objectionable in his present position that 4 his removal, and the appointment of Gov. Hicks in his place would be worth, at any moment, five thousand votes to the Union party of

4 Thomas H. Hicks

Again, — we think Gov. Hicks deserves the place; and, to speak plainly, he is so circumstanced pecuniarily that he needs its emoluments now—

Besides, Mr President, a majority of the Union members of our Legislature, backed by a very large majority of our loyal people, desire to see the Hon. Montgomery Blair elected as the successor

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.4016600 of Gov. Hicks without delay— As our session of the Legislature is limited by the Constitution, the election of a U. S. Senator must take place very soon, if it occur at all during the present session—

Gratify our wishes, in the manner indicated in our request on Thursday last, Mr President, and you will do more for the loyal people of Maryland than has yet been done by any one—

Very respectfully

Your obedient Servant—

Jno. M. Frazier

Chairman of Legislative Committee

[Endorsed on Envelope by Lincoln:]

Gov. Hicks

Abraham Lincoln papers http://www.loc.gov/resource/mal.4016600