Unix/Linux Command Reference

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Unix/Linux Command Reference Unix/Linux Command Reference .com File Commands System Info ls – directory listing date – show the current date and time ls -al – formatted listing with hidden files cal – show this month's calendar cd dir - change directory to dir uptime – show current uptime cd – change to home w – display who is online pwd – show current directory whoami – who you are logged in as mkdir dir – create a directory dir finger user – display information about user rm file – delete file uname -a – show kernel information rm -r dir – delete directory dir cat /proc/cpuinfo – cpu information rm -f file – force remove file cat /proc/meminfo – memory information rm -rf dir – force remove directory dir * man command – show the manual for command cp file1 file2 – copy file1 to file2 df – show disk usage cp -r dir1 dir2 – copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it du – show directory space usage doesn't exist free – show memory and swap usage mv file1 file2 – rename or move file1 to file2 whereis app – show possible locations of app if file2 is an existing directory, moves file1 into which app – show which app will be run by default directory file2 ln -s file link – create symbolic link link to file Compression touch file – create or update file tar cf file.tar files – create a tar named cat > file – places standard input into file file.tar containing files more file – output the contents of file tar xf file.tar – extract the files from file.tar head file – output the first 10 lines of file tar czf file.tar.gz files – create a tar with tail file – output the last 10 lines of file Gzip compression tail -f file – output the contents of file as it tar xzf file.tar.gz – extract a tar using Gzip grows, starting with the last 10 lines tar cjf file.tar.bz2 – create a tar with Bzip2 compression Process Management tar xjf file.tar.bz2 – extract a tar using Bzip2 ps – display your currently active processes gzip file – compresses file and renames it to top – display all running processes file.gz kill pid – kill process id pid gzip -d file.gz – decompresses file.gz back to killall proc – kill all processes named proc * file bg – lists stopped or background jobs; resume a stopped job in the background Network fg – brings the most recent job to foreground ping host – ping host and output results fg n – brings job n to the foreground whois domain – get whois information for domain File Permissions dig domain – get DNS information for domain dig -x host – reverse lookup host chmod octal file – change the permissions of file wget file – download file to octal, which can be found separately for user, wget -c file – continue a stopped download group, and world by adding: ● 4 – read (r) Installation ● 2 – write (w) Install from source: ● 1 – execute (x) ./configure Examples: make chmod 777 – read, write, execute for all make install chmod 755 – rwx for owner, rx for group and world dpkg -i pkg.deb – install a package (Debian) For more options, see man chmod. rpm -Uvh pkg.rpm – install a package (RPM) SSH ssh user@host – connect to host as user Shortcuts ssh -p port user@host – connect to host on port Ctrl+C – halts the current command port as user Ctrl+Z – stops the current command, resume with ssh-copy-id user@host – add your key to host for fg in the foreground or bg in the background user to enable a keyed or passwordless login Ctrl+D – log out of current session, similar to exit Ctrl+W – erases one word in the current line Searching Ctrl+U – erases the whole line grep pattern files – search for pattern in files Ctrl+R – type to bring up a recent command grep -r pattern dir – search recursively for !! - repeats the last command pattern in dir exit – log out of current session command | grep pattern – search for pattern in the output of command locate file – find all instances of file * use with extreme caution. Emacs Cheat Sheet Find (or Create) file: C-x C-f Save file: C-x C-s Exit Emacs: C-x C-c UNDO: C-_ ("control underscore") Quit (i.e. interrupt) command: C-g Cursor Operation Searching/Replacing Motion Move Delete Incremental search forward (C-s again searches C-s Amount forward backward forward backward for next instance) Characters C-f C-b C-d DEL C-r Incremental search backward String replace from here to end of buffer, Words M-f M-b M-d M-DEL M-% querying for each occurrence C-k (to C-SPC C-a Lines C-n C-p EOL) C-w Scrolling and Windows Sentences M-a M-e M-k C-x DEL C-v Scroll down (toward end of buffer) Expressions C-M-f C-M-b C-M-k C-M-DEL M-v Scroll up (toward beginning of buffer) (no standard bindings for C-l Center the screen on the cursor Paragraphs M-} M-{ delete cmds) C-x o Switch to other open buffer End/start of C-e C-a C-x 0 Close current buffer line C-x 1 Close everything except current buffer End/start of M-> M-< C-x 2 Split window vertically buffer C-x 3 Split window horizontally Jump to line # M-g or M-g g (depends on Emacs version) Command-related Stuff Cutting and Pasting ESC ESC Get me out of where I am now C-SPC Mark one end of region ESC C-w Cut (after you Mark and move to other end) C-u # Prefix numeric arg # to next cmd M-w Copy (after you Mark and move to other end) (e.g. C-u 7 C-n to move forward 7 lines) C-y Yank (paste) most recently killed (cut or copied); will C-g Stop a command in progress, or quit out of a also use text currently selected in another application. partially entered command M-y Next most recently killed (do C-y first, repeat M-y to Getting help cycle thru all) C-h a "Command apropos"; prompts for regexp and Files and Buffers shows all matching commands C-x C-f Find file (or create if not there); prompts for file name C-h c Show command name on message line; C-x C-s Save file prompts for keystrokes C-x C-w Write file; prompts for new name C-h f Describe function; prompts for command or function name, shows documentation C-x s Save modified buffers; asks about each C-h i Info browser; gives access to online C-x b Select buffer; prompts for buffer name documentation for emacs and more C-x C-b List buffers; shows in other window C-h t Emacs tutorial C-x Switch buffers (use right or left arrow key) Miscellaneous <arrow> C-_ Undo/redo (a series of these keeps Stuff to put in your .emacs file undoing; after doing something else, C-_ (setq inhibit-startup-screen t) to get rid of the will undo the undo's) startup screen C-x C-c Exit emacs (asks about unsaved buffers (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t) to make and running programs) kill/yank work as cut/paste for other applications C-x h Select entire file (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing- C-M-\ Re-indent selected region (use this in whitespace) to delete trailing whitespace on save conjunction with C-x h).
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