BRUNDISH, a Widely Scattered Village, Near the Source of The River Aide, Froru4 to 5 Miles N
S78 BEDINGFIELD PARISH. Cracknell Syer, oom miller , FARMERS. Creasy Lionel, parish clerk Andrews John ll Capon Robert Dearing Samuel, shoemaker Colthorp Charles, Church Fan" Fin Benj. bricklayer and parish clerk Coltborp Mary, Plash Fm.,. Moore Fenn, shopkeeper Cracknell Thomas, Red Htntae Patrick John, taoor Edwards George, Fl£ming6 Hall Peck Joseph, carpenter and beerhouse Freeman John, Esq. !I FreemanJane Self Charles, blacksmith Jobnson John, Bedingfield Hall Shulver, Samuel, vict. Lion Punchard J ames, Oak FarM Sbnlver J ames ~~ Shnlver J amee, jtm. • BRUNDISH, a widely scattered village, near the source of the river Aide, froru4 to 5 miles N. by W. of Framlingham, has in ita parish IHO souls, and 2077A. lR. lP. of freehold land, belonging to various owners, each having the manorial rights of their own estates. Here was a famous chantry, found-ed by Sir John Payshall, rector of Caston, and one of the executors of Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, in the 7th of Richard II., for six chaplains to pray for the soul of the said Earl. It was valued, at the dissolution, at £1 3. Os. 7ld. per annum, and granted to Richard Fulmerston. 'l'he Ohantrg Farm is now held of the Crown. Brundish Lodge belongs to Charles Austin, Esq., but is occupied by J ames Chaston, Esq., who .owns the house and most of the land in St. Edtnunils Farm. The rest of this farm belongs to Mr. Robert Edwards. Brundish HaU, now a farm house, belongs to the Gooch family. The Earl of Stradbroke, Sir R. S. Adair, and the Bloss, Chandler, Coote, and other families have estates here.
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