storm file download permission in storm_ranger_policies. Each item of the permission list has the following attributes: Name req? Description users yes if groups is undefined A list of users this policy will apply on. May be empty if some groups are defined. groups yes if users is undefined A list of groups this policy will apply on. May be empty if some users are defined. accesses yes The list of rights granted by this policy. May include submitTopology , fileUpload , fileDownload , killTopology , rebalance , activate , deactivate , getTopologyConf , getTopology , getUserTopology , getTopologyInfo and uploadNewCredentials . delegate_admin no When a policy is assigned to a user or a group of users those users become the delegated admin. The delegated admin can update, delete the policies. Default: no. Examples. This example will: Grant the right to 'stormrunner' user to launch new topology. Grant all rights to 'stormrunner' on all topologies where name begin with 'storm'. Note the trick on the first definition: Adding a 'dummy1' prevent this rule to clash with another one applying on all topologies (Ranger does to allow two policies to apply on the same set of topologies). Permission Denied #2088. ranger version: ranger 1.9.3 Python version: 2.7.16 (default, Jun 5 2020, 22:59:21) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 11.0.3 (clang- 1103.0.29.20) (-macos10.15-objc- Locale: None.None Current file: '/Users/aleksandr.kabolov/.CFUserTextEncoding' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/core/", line 201, in main fm.loop() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/core/", line 377, in loop ui.redraw() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/", line 333, in redraw self.draw() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/", line 360, in draw DisplayableContainer.draw(self) File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/", line 260, in draw displayable.draw() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/widgets/", line 100, in draw DisplayableContainer.draw(self) File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/", line 260, in draw displayable.draw() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/widgets/", line 187, in draw self._draw_file() File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/gui/widgets/", line 206, in _draw_file path =, self.hei) File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/container/", line 96, in get_preview_source return, width, height) File "/usr/local/Cellar/ranger/1.9.3/libexec/ranger/core/", line 1123, in get_preview os.makedirs(ranger.args.cachedir) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 157, in makedirs mkdir(name, mode) OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/Users/aleksandr.kabolov/.cache/ranger' The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: We are unable to convert the task to an issue at this time. Please try again. The issue was successfully created but we are unable to update the comment at this time. How to Install Ranger Terminal on . Ranger is a lightweight and powerful file manager that works in a terminal window. It comes with the Vi key bindings. It offers a smooth way to move into directories, view files and content, or open an editor to make changes to files. Ranger has a minimalist interface that shows the directory hierarchy and allows you to explore the file system, search for specific files, switch directories, etc. It consists of a three-column layout. The left column lists the content of parent directory, middle column lists the contents of the current directory. The right column shows the preview of the selected file or folder. Its is available in the package repositories of nearly all main Linux distributions. In this article, we will learn how to install Ranger Terminal File Manager on Linux. Before moving towards installation, let’s take a look at some features of Ranger. Features of Ranger. Multi-column display Common file operations (create/chmod/copy/delete) Preview of the selected file/directory VIM-like console and hotkeys A quick way to switch directories and browse the file system Tabs, Bookmarks, Mouse support Video thumbnails previews. We will use Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for describing the procedure mentioned in this article. Installation of Ranger File Manager. Step 1: Installing Pre-requisites. Before proceeding towards installing Ranger, we will first install make, git, and vim. Make and git will be required for installation, while vim is required for Ranger to open as a text editor. Press Ctrl+Alt+T to launch the Terminal and then run the following command to update the repositories and install pre-requisites. All the pre-requisites have completed and now we are prepared for installing Ranger file terminal. Step 2: Downloading Ranger repository. For installing Ranger, we will download the latest Ranger repository from the Github. To do so, run the following command in Terminal: Step 3: Installing Ranger. After downloading the Ranger repository, navigate to the downloaded folder using the following command. Then run the following command to install Ranger. Wait for a while until the installation is completed. Step 4: Configuring Ranger. After installation, we will do some configuration. To do so, launch Ranger for a moment and then exit it. By doing so, it will enable the Ranger to create the directory structure for its configuration files: After the configuration directory has been created by the Ranger, you can now copy its configuration files by running the following commands in terminal: The output will look similar to this: To modify the Ranger configuration files later, you can find them at. /.config/ranger. To navigate to the configuration files folder, use the following command: Step 5: Using Ranger. Now launch the Ranger using the Terminal or from the start menu. you will see the interface similar to below. In the following screenshot, you can see that the interface is divided into three columns. Middle column displays the current working directory, the left column displays the current directory’s parent directory and the right column displays the preview of the file that we are currently interacting. Along with the columns, you can see some information on the top and bottom of the window. On top, you can see the name and hostname of your system just like your terminal along with the current working directory. In the bottom, you can see the file or directory permission, ownership, size, date and time information along with the total size of the file and free disk space. To change directories, you can use the arrow keys: Press Right to go into the currently selected directory, or Left to go into the parent directory. Similarly to select items in the middle panel, use the Up and Down arrow keys. There are number of commands you can use to perform different operations on the files but here are some of the most common commands. -f = Page down -b = Page up gg = Go to the top of the list G = Go to the bottom of the list H = Go back through navigation history h = Move to parent directory J = Page down 1/2 page J = Move down K = Page up 1/2 page k = Move up L = Go forward through navigation history Q = Quit. i … Display the file E|I … Edit the file r … Open file with the chosen program cw … Rename file / … Search for files (n|p jump to /previous match) dd .. Mark file for cut ud … Uncut p … Paste file yy .. Copy/yank file zh … Show hidden files = Select current file :delete = Delete selected file :mkdir … Create a directory :touch … Create a file :rename … Rename file. In this article, we have learned how to install Ranger terminal file manager on Linux. We have also covered some key shortcuts and combos but that is not enough. There is a lot more to explore in it. Ranger is designed to provide Vim like look and feel. So if you are a regular Vim user, you will find it extremely easier to learn and use it, otherwise spent some time using the combos and you will find yourself working with Ranger at a blistering pace. Karim Buzdar. About the Author: Karim Buzdar holds a degree in telecommunication engineering and holds several sysadmin certifications. As an IT engineer and technical author, he writes for various web sites. You can reach Karim on LinkedIn. How to Create HDFS policies in Ranger. Apache Ranger is an application that enables data architects to implement security policies on a big data ecosystem. The goal of this project is to provide a unified way for all Hadoop applications to adhere to the security guidelines that are defined. Here are some of the features of Apache Ranger: Centralized administration Fine grained authorization Standardized authorization Multiple authorization methods Centralized auditing. Enable Ranger HDFS plugin. 1. To enable Ranger Hive Plugin goto Services > Ranger > Configs > Ranger Plugin. Enable the Ranger HDFS Plugin on this page. 2. Save the config by providing an appropriate description note. 3. Ambari will prompt for some recommended changes to be done in order to enable the Ranger HDFS Plugin. Accept the changes and proceed. 4. We need to restart the few Services like HDFS, YARN for the changes to take effect. Overview of Ranger Admin UI and pre-configured policies for HDFS. You can log in to the Ranger Admin UI and check if the Ranger HDFS Plugin is enabled and you can create policies for HDFS users. To login to the Ranger Dashboard use the default username/password of admin/admin . You can also goto the Ranger Admin UI with below URL: When you log in to the Ranger UI, the home page lists the various menus and types of policies that can be created using Ranger. As we can see the Ranger HDFS Plugin is enabled and we can view the pre-configured policies for HDFS. You can edit the pre-configured policies as shown below. This particular policy provides ALL permissions (read, write, execute) to user “hdfs” and “ambari-qa” on all the filesystems under root ( /* ). You can add a new user/group and also modify the permissions on this page. Creating a new Ranger HDFS Policy. Let’s create a new Ranger HDFS Policy to allow access to a particular mount point (/user/test) to the user “sandeep”. The user will have all the permissions (rwx) on the mount point. 1. Click on the policy group name under HDFS. 2. Now click on Add New Policy to open a new page, similar to the one shown below: Provide the Policy Name, Resource Path (/user/test) and suitable description for the policy. We would also enable the recursive permission on the filesystem. 3. In the “Allow Conditions” section, we will assign all the permission (read, write and execute) to the user “sandeep” and save the policy. Verify the Ranger HDFS Policy. Let’s test the policy we have created. Before creating the policy I have already tried creating a directory in the /user/test directory with user “sandeep”. It failed by giving a permission denied error as shown below. Before creating of HDFS Ranger Policy. Now, after the creation of the policy, if I try to create the directory again, it went successfully. This verifies the functionality of the policy we just created. Installing and Using Ranger, a Terminal File Manager, on a Ubuntu VPS. Ranger is a terminal file manager with vim-like keybindings that uses the ncurses library to provide a powerful interface for your filesystem. Ranger uses conventions common to both text-based file managers, such as Midnight Commander, and graphical file managers, such as Mac OS X's . Installing Ranger. Ranger is in Ubuntu's default repositories. It can be installed easily with apt-get. We will also install some other applications that allow ranger to preview various file formats effectively. Start ranger for a moment and exit. This will allow ranger to create the directory structure for its configuration files: Now ranger has created its configuration directory and we can copy its configuration files with the following command: If you would like to modify the configuration files later, you can locate them in. Using Ranger. Before we begin exploring the features of ranger, it would be helpful to have some example files to look at. Let's acquire some files: Now start ranger: You should see a three column layout. This type of file tree representation is known as "Miller columns". It is a style that most people today would associate with Mac OS X's "Finder" file manager. The middle column is the current working directory. In this case, it should be showing your home directory. The left pane is the current directory's parent directory. The right pane shows a preview (if available) of the file you are currently interacting with in the middle column. Ranger showing a gzipped text file in its preview pane. If you move down the list of example files using the arrow keys, you will see how the preview pane changes depending on the file type you are viewing. Text files are displayed in a simple pager, usually with the "less" program. Zipped files are automatically uncompressed and viewed in the same way. Even the example pdf file is converted to text for our viewing. If you choose an image file, it is displayed using colored ascii art. The image clarity will depend a lot on your window size. If you expand the window, you should be able to see more detail. Ranger showing an ascii representation of an image file in its preview pane. Navigation. Ranger uses many of the same keybindings as "vim". For instance, the movement commands mirror vim closely: j = Move down k = Move up h = Move to parent directory gg = Go to the top of the list G = Go to the bottom of the list -f = Page down -b = Page up J = Page down 1/2 page K = Page up 1/2 page H = Go back through navigation history L = Go forward through navigation history. There are also some directory-specific shortcuts to move to common directories: Working with Files. Ranger allows you to perform many different operations on files from within its interface. Here are some of the most common: i = Display file (useful if you'd like to view a text file in a pager instead of editing it) l or E = Open file (opens file in default file-handler) r = Open file with… (allows you to choose program to use) o = Change sort order (follow by character in menu selection) z = Change settings (commonly used toggle settings) zh = View hidden files = Select current file t = Tag file (you can perform actions on tagged files) cw = Rename current file / = Search for files n = Jump to next match N = Jump to previous match yy = Yank (copy) file dd = Mark file for cut operation = Delete selected file. Tagged and selected files in ranger's current working directory. Tabbed Browsing. Ranger also incorporates tabbed functionality to allow multiple viewports into the filesystem. Here are the most common tab control keys: -n = Create new tab -w = Close current tab = Next tab = Previous tab. General Commands. These commands control ranger itself: ? = View ranger man page 1? = Keybindings help 2? = Command help 3? = Settings help R = Reload current directory Q = Quit. Command Interface. Like vim, ranger also includes a robust command interface. This allows you to manipulate files in more complex ways. The abilities are extensive, so we will only be covering a few: ! = Execute a command from the shell (non-ranger commands) : = Execute a ranger command du = Measure disk usage of current directory chmod = Change permissions of current file. There are a number of flags that you can pass to commands to modify the operation of the commands. They should be used with a dash "-" after typing "!" for shell commands or ":" for ranger commands: -s = Discard the output of the current command. -d = Detach the process and run in the background -p = Return the output in ranger's file pager - w = Do not return immediately after command execution. Hang until "Enter" is pressed -c = Perform command on current file, not the selected files. Ranger also allows you to target specific files by substituting groups of files for command operations. It accomplishes that by using placeholders that will be expanded with the correct files upon execution: %f = Substitute highlighted file %d = Substitute current directory %s = Substitute currently selected files %t = Substitute currently tagged files. For example, if we wanted to change the names of multiple files, we could select them all with the space bar. After that, we can type: This is a great way to rename multiple files. It gives you every file you'd like to change in a text editor. You simply modify as necessary and then exit out. The file manager will perform your changes when after you confirm. Renaming with ranger's bulkrename command. Ranger allows us to mark different groups of files at the same time. This gives us great flexibility if we want to perform multiple operations based on different criteria.