Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1979-07-11
Stille dime c 1979 Student Publications Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Wednesday, July 11, 1979 Document tells earlier Jensen murder plot By KEVIN WYMORE LATER, according to the document, know and shot twice with a .410 shotgun, S/s" Wrltsr Kern and the unknown accomplice at the exhibit states. tempted to rig the bomb. The night before, the man had forced Three persons cha rged in connection On April 9 the Iowa City police depart his way into the Jensen home, tied up the with Ady Jensen's Aprll14 murder plot ment received a report, reportedly from elder Jensens, and told them he was go ted to blow up Jensen's truck five days Ady Jensen, of the attempt to blow up ing to wait for their son. before the shotgun slaying, according to his 1!n9 Ford pickup truck. About 11 hours later, Ady Jensen ap Johnson County District Court records Iowa City police officers Steve Duffy peared, apparently prompted by a re released to The Dally Iowan Tuesday. and Dan Sellers responded to the call, quest from his wife to pick up lumber, An exhibit filed to get a search and observed that electrical wire had Cedar County court documents show . warrant June 29 states that on April 9, been run from the vehicle's coil wire to Through a system of telephone signals, Judy Kern, Robert Kern and an uniden its gas tanks, the exhibit shows. the intruder was reportedly notified of tified man - the man who later killed "It was a very amateurish effort," Ady's approach the next morning.
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