Vol. 25, No. 4 – April 2021 P.O. Box 70, Millstone, N.J. 08510 A Monthly Periodical Serving Greenbriar at Whittingham PRESENTED BY THE RESIDENTS CIVIC CLUB OF GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine By Kaytie Olshefski, BSN, RN-BC The Pfizer and Moderna other venues.. vaccines for COVID-19 were People who have received given emergency approval in the COVID vaccine, whether December 2020. Following a Pfizer or Moderna, have re- phased approach, the first ported varied side effects. doses of the vaccine were There are some people who administered to people with do not experience any symp- the highest level of patient toms from either the first and/ contact and residents of long or second dose and this in- -term care facilities. It ex- cludes not having a sore panded to all people over arm. Typically, the common age 65, and currently is of- side effects that many people fered to teachers and work- have encountered were sore- ers with constant personal ness or pain at the injection contacts. More public sites site, fatigue, headache, have been opened as more chills, fever, muscle and/or vaccine doses have been joint aches. Swollen lymph received by the state. At the nodes may occur on the time of this writing, Johnson same side of the injection & Johnson has received site. Symptoms may be in- emergency use authorization creased from the second for its COVID-19 vaccine and dose of either the Pfizer or is now being administered Moderna vaccine, meaning through drug stores and (Continued on page 2) March 15 WHOA Board Meeting: Our Community Begins to Open By Joan Hermelee cient to open the building. This Zoom meeting was The pool is scheduled to attended by 175 residents. open this summer. It is pro- Food deliveries from Lock, posed that 50 people at Stock, and Deli, Food Ar- one time come to the pool chitects, and Business Bis- for a 2 hour period. Reser- tro will continue. vations must be made be- Paving will be completed fore attending. There will on Whittingham Drive, the be a “COVID Ambassador”, upper parking lot, and the who will make sure all par- main gatehouse entrance. ticipants follow social dis- The Town Centre will re- tancing rules and wear main closed for the time masks (as regulated by the being. As of March 19, Governor). groups of 25 can meet in- Outdoor amenities will be side, but that is not suffi- (Continued on page 2) The Pond on Chichester, by Bob Joseph Photo of Thompson Park, by Ed Del Mage If you wish to submit a favorite photo, artwork, book/movie/tv review, please send to [email protected]. APRIL 2021 – PAGE 2 GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM VOICE causes by certain vaccines. Researchers are determining Nurses Notes Information can be obtained if the COVID-19 vaccine pre- Saint Peter's University Hospital Assistant Nursing by calling 1-800-338-2382 or vents you from spreading the Manager Adult Communities visiting hrsa.gov/vaccine- virus to other people, even if compensation/. you yourself do not get sick. Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine You should have received To keep you and the people a CDC vaccination card around you safe, continue to (Continued from page 1) when you received your first wear a mask, social dis- your temperature could be have said it was painful to the touch. It is not a common COVID-19 vaccine. The first tance, wash your hands higher than from what you adverse reaction, but a small and second COVID vaccines properly, and avoid crowds. experienced with the first trials. Research is showing number of people have ex- are recorded with the lot Saint Peter’s has devel- dose. Your symptoms of fa- women are developing perienced it. This is a reac- numbers and the site where oped a COVID-19 Recovery tigue and headache may lin- COVID arm more than men. tion on the skin typically oc- you received the vaccine, Program for people who still ger for longer as well. This discrepancy could be curring 5 to 9 days after the and possibly the name of the have lingering complications A noted side effect from because women are report- vaccine was given and person who administered the such as shortness of breath, the Moderna vaccine is ing this symptom more than shows how the body’s im- vaccine to you. The primary chest pain, digestive prob- “COVID arm,” which is when men. It could also be be- mune system is reacting to function of this card is to re- lems and fatigue after recov- a red rash develops around cause women constitute a the vaccine. It is noted that mind you to return for your ering from COVID-19. The the injection site. Some peo- large part of the phase 1A this phenomenon has oc- second vaccination. Keep program provides access to ple report they have had itch- healthcare workforce that curred in Moderna’s clinical this card with you if need to multi-specialty care for pa- ing at the site, and some has been vaccinated. show you were vaccinated. tients who have previously The Centers for Disease Options are being explored tested positive and were ei- Control and Prevention for documentation/ ther hospitalized or recov- Our Community Begins to Open (CDC) recommends not tak- certificates for proof of vacci- ered at home. If you or ing acetaminophen or ibupro- nation for travel and official someone you know is experi- (Continued from page 1) bers will not be accessible fen prior to being vaccinated purposes. encing complications due to open, but reservations to the general public. to ward off potential side ef- After receiving your COVID COVID-19, call the COVID- must be made so waivers Renovations on the club- fects. Only take acetamino- vaccine, you still need to fol- 19 Recovery Program at can be submitted to the house are almost complete; phen or ibuprofen if you ex- low CDC guidelines in public, (732) 745-8552 or email office. The bocce court all bathrooms that were perience symptoms. If you but may ease up with other COVID19recovery@saint needs some small improve- renovated will be touchless develop a temperature, take vaccinated individuals and petersuh.com to make an ments before opening this and ADA compliant. acetaminophen to bring it immediate family members. appointment. spring. The community gar- All new gate arms will be down. If you have general- den will be renovated, with breakaway arms, which are ized body aches, muscle and the goal of completion in gentler on cars and joint pain, and/or a head- April. A ping pong table will cheaper to replace. There ache, take the medication Around Town and Beyond be placed on the patio for have been many delays of that you would normally take By Ben Baum of a delay in the shipment players to enjoy. deliveries, especially from for a headache. If you are Monroe Township Agenda of equipment. The Ross- Policies will change as overseas. feeling fatigued, rest and and Regular Council moor/Forsgate Drive traffic State regulations and CDC Non-residents will not be take it easy until you start to Meeting-March 1, 2021 light reconfiguration may recommendations change. allowed to participate in feel like yourself again. Drink The Council approved two get started by late March or An awning will be installed any of GW’s amenities. fluids to stay hydrated. If ordinances for second early April. over the patio area to facili- There were many partici- your arm is sore or painful, reading; the first estab- Steve Dalina, Mayor, pre- tate gatherings in inclement pants who expressed their place ice over the injection lished an Advisory Board of sented a positivity theme. weather and provide shade thanks for the hard work site for 20 minutes and then Health and the second or- He pointed out that spring on hot, sunny days. done by our productive take it off for 20 minutes; re- dinance amended the is imminent, more vaccines The new phone book, WHOA Board. They look peat the process. Township Code by replac- are becoming available, found on the portal has a out for our safety while The side effects you may ing the Stormwater Man- Monroe residents step up glitch, but will be fixed finding ways for the com- experience, such as the agement section with the in a crisis, and the state shortly. The phone book munity to participate in the sore/painful arm, fatigue, new N.J. guidelines as re- has provided more money can only be found on the amenities for which GW is generalized body aches, indi- quired by the State. this year to our school dis- portal; private phone num- known. cate your body is producing The Council approved 16 trict. He indicated that the antibodies and creating a Resolutions. The following Master Plan Committee stronger immune system re- are the most relevant: serves as an advisory body sponse against COVID-19. to the Planning Board. The REENBRIAR at HITTINGHAM Extended the introduc- G W VOICE There are people who do not tion of the Monroe Town- following were some of the develop any side effects after Staff Members ship budget to April 5. comments from Council receiving the vaccine. Re- Opposed Comcast’s us- members via their monthly S. Alexander Banks, Editor-in-Chief searchers are studying this age-based data overage reports: phenomenon. You are pro- Elaine Alberts Joan Freeman Arlene Lazar charges for 2020. Betty Schneider com- Ruth Banks Mimi Gruber Harvey Lazar tected from COVID-19 Authorized budget ap- mented on the 5 new Lisa Baruch Zena Horvath Paul Rosenberg whether you do or do not propriation transfer.
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