BROTHERHOOD OF ST LAURENCE 67 BRUNSWICK STREET, FITZROY 3065 UBfr6^ANtONS OF ST LAURENCE Address: 67 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. Telephone: 419 7055 Committee: The Revd P. Hollingworth (Chaplain), M. Rusden (Secretary) A. Bush, A. Heathfield, I. Helmore, W. Ford, S. Kirkegard, C. Smith. NEWSLETTER NO. 32. FEBRUARY, 1980, CSL NEWSLETTER - An apology is offered to Companions as this Newsletter is the first since June 1979. We are hoping to get the Newsletter established on a more regular basis, and any suggestions, contributions, or practical help would be welcomed. REPORT FROM COMMITTEE - It was with regret that the Committee, at its last meeting, received the resignation of Jean Herkes. She is retiring from her position with the Malvern City Council, and with her husband Hal, will be moving to Cowes to live. It is hoped that she can maintain her membership of CSL, and that we may be able to offer support in relation to her involvement in a new community. We are pleased to welcome two new members to the Committee - Irene Helmore has agreed to accept the vacancy left by Jean's resignation, and Bill Ford has agreed to be the third staff member, a position which has been vacant since Jim Barr resigned early in 1979. At the last meeting in January, the Committee agreed to call a meeting for February 21st to look at the program for 1980. A discussion of many aspects of the Companions took place and the following matters were suggested for the agenda for that meeting - a discussion paper on CSL; the possibility of quarterly meetings; the formation of Sub-committees for the Newsletter, and in relation to the 50th Anniversary of the Brotherhood; and the future of the cell and/or study groups.
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