FREE JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 VOL. 18, NO. 04 FREE New hotel planned for in ... 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017

Niagara County Republican Chairman Seeking Candidates Ready To Run for Office?

This year there are numerous public of- GHUWKHEDQQHURIWKH3DUW\ ¿FHVXSIRUHOHFWLRQ Finding good candidates is not always In Niagara County, all 15 seats in the HDV\VLQFHWKHEHVWSHRSOHWR¿OOHOHFWHGR൶FHV County Legislature will be decided by voters DUHQRWWKHRQHVZKRZDQWLWPRVW2QHRIWKH WKLV\HDU problems with governing people is that those There will be elections for supervisor, ZKRZDQWWRUXOHDUHOHDVWVXLWHGWRGRLW mayor, alderman and council members, cor- The Republican Party County Chairman, oner, tax receiver, town justice, judge, and 0U 6FRWW .LHGURZVNL LV QRZ DFFHSWLQJ UH- more in various towns, villages and cities of sumes for people who want to express an in- WKLVFRXQW\ WHUHVWLQUXQQLQJIRUR൶FHZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRI Each election year, about nine months WKH5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ before the election, the Republican Party 6FRWW3.LHGURZVNL looks for good people who are independent, 1253 Bowen Ct intelligent, and honest, who would like to ex- North Tonawanda, NY 14120 SORUHWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIUXQQLQJIRUR൶FHXQ- QLDFRXQW\JRS#JPDLOFRP

Niagara County GOP Chairman Scott Kiedrowski with US Rep. Chris Collins

GOP Chair Scott Kiedrowski


“The Truth is Always Fair”


Managing Editor Senior Editor Dr. Chitra Selvaraj Tony Farina

phone: (716) 284-5595

PO Box 3083, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 email: [email protected]

. 3


The Republican Party preserves the &DOLIRUQLD 7KH $PHQGPHQW ZDV ¿QDOO\ freedom of America because its core value UDWL¿HGLQ LVIUHHGRP  )LUVWZRPDQHOHFWHGWR86+RXVH :LWK LWV VKLHOG DQG EDQQHU WKH 86 of Representatives (1916): "Jeannette Constitution, the Republican Party stands Rankin, Republican from Montana, be- for freedom, smaller government, the right FRPHVWKH¿UVWZRPDQHOHFWHGWRWKH86 of the people to gain from that which their +RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV If the whole world stands hands did make, the protection of the mi- against you sword in hand, nority against the tyranny of the majority, 4) Jackie Robinson becomes the and the creation of a government which would you still dare to do what ¿UVWEODFN$PHULFDQWRSOD\LQWKH0DMRU IHDUVWKHSHRSOH you think is right? Leagues (1947): Republican Jackie Robin-

son broke the color barrier in Major League With the fullest separation of the three Baseball when the owner of the Brook- branches of government – the executive, lyn Dodgers, Republican Branch Rickey, legislative, and judicial - and with an eter- “I am for doing good to the poor, EURXJKWKLPXSWRWKHPDMRUOHDJXHV QDOWHQVLRQEHWZHHQWKHPZLWKVX൵UDJH but...I think the best way of doing GHWHUPLQLQJWKH¿UVWWZREUDQFKHVDQGWKH good to the poor, is not making them 5) Desegregating schools (1957): jury in perpetual control of all three, as it easy in poverty, but leading or driving Dwight Eisenhower "deployed the 82nd was intended by the Constitution of the them out of it. I observed...that the Airborne Division to desegregate Little 5HSXEOLF RI WKH 86 DQG HQIRUFHG E\ WKH more public provisions were made for Rock’s government schools over the stren- LQYLRODEOH6HFRQG$PHQGPHQW the poor, the less they provided for XRXVUHVLVWDQFHRI*RYHUQRU2UYDO)DXEXV themselves, and of course became '$UN  The Republican Party poorer. And, on the contrary, the less 1) Emancipation Proclamation was done for them, the more they did   7KH )LUVW $VLDQ$PHULFDQ 86   7KH ¿UVW 5HSXEOLFDQ 3UHVLGHQW for themselves, and became richer.” 6HQDWRU  7KH¿UVW$VLDQ$PHULFDQ Abraham Lincoln, issued an order freeing ʊ%HQMDPLQ)UDQNOLQ VHQDWRU5HSXEOLFDQ+LUDP)RQJLVHOHFWHG DOOVODYHVLQWKHFRQIHGHUDF\ LQ+DZDLL 2) Women's right to vote (1872): 7) Civil Rights Act of 1960: "Eisen- 5HSXEOLFDQV 6XVDQ %$QWKRQ\ DQG (OL] KRZHUVLJQVWKH*23¶V&LYLO5LJKWV DEHWK &DG\ 6WDQWRQ ZULWH WKH WH[W RI WKH $FWDIWHULWVXUYLYHGD¿YHGD\¿YHKRXU 19th Amendment, which is introduced by ¿OLEXVWHUE\6HQDWH'HPRFUDWV 5HSXEOLFDQ 6HQDWRU$DURQ$ 6DUJHQW RI 4 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Ken Cosentino testifies: Cuomo has stolen Niagara Falls prosperity and birthright Grandinetti, Cosentino waited out a hand- James Hufnagel IXORILUUHOHYDQWTXHVWLRQVIURPWKHÀRRU before standing up and challenging the ,WWRRNDORWRIJXWV JRYHUQRU VKLUHOLQJ+R\WLQIURQWRIDQ Last week on Friday, Niagara Falls audience that largely consisted of Niag- UHVLGHQW .HQ &RVHQWLQR VWRRG XS DW WKH ara Falls elite who, directly or indirectly, HQGRIDSUHVHQWDWLRQJLYHQE\*RY$Q- depend on the status quo both here and in drew Cuomo's representative, Empire $OEDQ\IRUWKHLUSRVLWLRQVDQGLQÀXHQFH 6WDWH 'HYHORSPHQW V 6U 93 6DP +R\W Cosentino read a letter that he had in Council Chambers at Niagara Falls mailed to Governor Cuomo at an earlier &LW\+DOODQGVSHOOHGRXWLQQRXQFHUWDLQ date, excerpted as follows: WHUPVWKHGHHSGLVFRQWHQWRIWKHSHRSOH "Governor Cuomo, Lately, I have +R\W KDG MXVW GHOLYHUHG DQ KRXU seen in the news fragments of your plans ORQJ HQFDSVXODWHG YHUVLRQ RI WKH 6WDWH IRU1LDJDUD)DOOV1<$VDOLIHORQJUHVL- RIWKH6WDWHVSHHFKSHUIRUPHGE\&XR- dent of Niagara Falls, I feel that it is my mo a couple of weeks ago at the Univer- duty to address the concerns of myself VLW\ RI %X൵DOR V 1RUWK &DPSXV )LOOLQJ and fellow Niagarians regarding said LQIRU(6'3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2+RZDUG SODQV =HPVN\ ZKR ZDV LOO +R\W DSSHDUHG WR "The quality of life in Niagara Falls UHF\FOH PDQ\ RI WKH VDPH %X൵DORFHQ- LV VXESDU -REV ZLWK OLYDEOH ZDJHV DUH tric slides Cuomo used for the previous IHZDQGIDUEHWZHHQ0DQ\RIXVVWUXJ- VSHHFK7KHVOLGHVWKDWGLGWRXFKRQ1LDJ- gle and work multiple jobs just to get ara Falls mostly listed uninspiring bullet E\0HDQZKLOHWKH 1LDJDUD)DOOV VWDWH points about state spending that Cuomo SDUNÀRXULVKHVGXULQJWKHWRXULVWVHDVRQ had directed towards "improvements" to Film Director, Producer and Screenwriter Ken Cosentino of Niagara Falls is strongly critical with millions of visitors spending count- 1LDJDUD )DOOV 6WDWH 3DUN DQG WKH VRXWK RI*RY&XRPR VSROLFLHVDQGJDYH%XႇDOR V6DP+R\WDQHDUIXOODVWZHHNDW&LW\+DOO OHVVGROODUV1RQHRIWKLVLQFRPHLVVHHQ Robert Moses Parkway, and how this DURXQGRXUFUXPEOLQJFLW\ somehow will contribute to the renewed "Mayor Paul Dyster has done your SURVSHULW\RIWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD)DOOV bidding and fallen in line, creating a large 6HDWHGXSIURQWGLUHFWO\EHKLQG$V- disconnect between himself and the peo- semblyman Angelo Morinello, who has SOH7KH6WDWH3DUNLVOLNHDPRWKHUVRZ pledged to address the issue of the state's DQGVKHKDVWZRSLJOHWV2QHEHLQJ1<6 monopoly of the local tourist trade, and WKHRWKHUWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD)DOOV1<6 1LDJDUD )DOOV &RXQFLOZRPDQ .ULVWHQ

7KUHH6LVWHUV,VODQGVLVQRZIHQFHGRႇVHYHUDOPRQWKVRIWKH\HDUEHFDXVHYLVLWRUVZHUH slipping and falling on the slick paving stones which are slippery when wet.

A bulldozer on Three Sisters removes boulders that date to the Ice Age, pursuant to Cuomo's "Landscape Improvements" plan. 5


child he would take myself and my broth- HUVWR7KUHH6LVWHUV,VODQG+HZRXOGKLGH pennies in the large rocks and we'd spend KRXUVORRNLQJIRUWKHP 0\JUDQGIDWKHUSDVVHGDZD\2FWR- EHU WK 7KH IROORZLQJ VXPPHU , took comfort in going to the third of Three 6LVWHUVWRORRNIRUVRPHRIWKRVHSHQQLHV in those rocks, some that we might have PLVVHGDVFKLOGUHQ,Q,ZDQWHGWR VKRZP\¿DQFpHWKRVHURFNV7KH\ZHUH JRQH :KDW ULJKW KDYH \RX WR UHPRYH After almost 20 years in the NYS Assem- large thundering rocks which stood in EO\6DP+R\WQHDUO\ORVWUHHOHFWLRQ+H jumped at the chance to serve as Cuomo's that spot for thousands of years? Those waterboy, sticking it to Niagara Falls at VWRQHVDUHVDFUHG:KHUHDUHWKH\QRZ" every turn. Did you ask for permission from the NHHSHUV RI 1LDJDUD" 1R

:LWKNH\PHPEHUVRIKLVVWD൵XQGHULQ- GLFWPHQWDSRWHQWLDOELOOLRQEXGJHWGH¿- cit looming, various ill-considered initiatives like free college tuition and selling liquor in movie theaters going over like lead balloons, and being increasingly at odds with a state legislature scratching and clawing to maintain its own prerogatives in a declining and cor- UXSWVWDWH*RY$QGUHZ&XRPREURXJKWKLV road show to Niagara Falls this week, cutting WKHULEERQDWDKRWHORSHQLQJ Cuomo was in town to promote was what KHFDOOVKLV%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ6TXDUHGZKLFK being a $500 million reprise of a previous VWDWH DLG SURJUDP IRU %X൵DOR PLJKW PRUH DSWO\EHFDOOHG%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ+DOYHG 7KH RQO\ WKLQJ WKH %X൵DOR %LOOLRQ KDV paid for here in Niagara Falls, through a $10 million relative pittance, is the rebuilding 5LEERQFXWWLQJDW'RXEOHWUHHE\+LOWRQ+RWHORQ%XႇDOR$YHQXH0RQGD\&RQFHUQHGWKDW'\VWHUDQG=HPVN\DUHZLHOGLQJVKDUSREMHFWV of the south Robert Moses Parkway, which Gov. Cuomo (right) instructed them that "We're going to look up on three, and cut." While Dyster (left) seems confused as to whether the VSUDZOVDORQJDQGFXWVR൵DFFHVVWR1LDJDUD WDVNKDVEHHQVXFFHVVIXOO\FRPSOHWHG(PSLUH6WDWH'HYHORSPHQWF]DU+RZDUG=HPVN\ VHFRQGIURPOHIW DSSHDUVWREHPHDVXULQJVRPH- 5LYHUZDWHUIURQW,WDOVRSDLGIRUDQLVRODWHG WKLQJ$OVRSLFWXUHGLV)DLVDO0HUDQLRIWKH0HUDQL+RWHO*URXS XVHOHVV QHZ (XURSHDQVW\OH WUD൶F URXQG- GHFD\LQJ5DLQERZ&HQWUH0DOO PLOOLRQLVRQHSHUFHQWRIELOOLRQ HUWVRYHUWKHWZRSROLWLFLDQV DERXW DQG QHZ %X൵DOR %LOOLRQSDLG IRU VLJ- That project appears dead in the water, 7KDW VRQHIRU\RXIRUPH Cuomo's proposal to buy up city property nage encouraging tourists to bypass the city's possibly because developer Uniland was %XW *RY &XRPR VXUH JRW VRPH JUHDW brings full circle his bankrupt, failed policies business district and drive directly into Niag- EOLQGVLGHGE\FRPSHWLWRU+DPLVWHUDFURVVWKH press out of it over the past couple of years, WRUHMXYHQDWH1LDJDUD)DOOVDFLW\WKDWVX൵HUV DUD)DOO6WDWH3DUN street, but more likely because they came to didn't he? under the triple curse of having the highest PLOOLRQRI%X൵DOR%LOOLRQIXQGVZHUH WKHLU VHQVHV UHDOL]LQJ WKDW ZLWK HLJKW PLO- Monday, at the Doubletree ribbon cutting violent crime, poverty and per capita taxes in VXSSRVHGWRVXEVLGL]HWKH'RZQWRZQ1LDJD- lion tourists coming here annually, parking, ceremony on Rainbow Boulevard, Cuomo WKHHQWLUHVWDWH UD)DOOV'HYHORSPHQW&KDOOHQJHD¿YH\HDU dining, sightseeing and purchasing gifts and made more promises, reiterating plans to uti- Investing tens of millions of dollars in initiative to "transform the downtown Niagara VRXYHQLUVLQ1LDJDUD)DOOV6WDWH3DUNDQGWKHQ OL]H%X൵DOR%LOOLRQIXQGLQJWREX\XSSURSHU- 1LDJDUD)DOOV6WDWH3DUNDQGWKHVRXWKSDUN- Falls area into a premier destination that will leaving on a dedicated parkway, having little ties like the old Niagara Club building, the so- ZD\GLGQRWKLQJIRUGRZQWRZQ0D\EH&XR- attract tourists and fuel private investment", reason to enter or spend money in the city, called Turtle (formerly the Native American mo wants to add to the state's portfolio of providing "a real opportunity for champions :RQGHU)DOOVZRXOGSUREDEO\VX൵HUWKHVDPH &HQWHUIRUWKH/LYLQJ$UWV RWKHUXQVSHFL¿HG properties next to one of the most popular, in the development and investment industries IDWHDVWKH5DLQERZ&HQWUH0DOO ODQGRZQHGE\0DQKDWWDQGHYHORSHU+RZDUG lucrative parks in the world - from the Niaga- WR IDFH R൵ ULJKW KHUH LQ WKH )DOOV UHVXOWLQJ The Moses Parkway upgrade, the Down- 0LOVWHLQ DURXQG -RKQ 'DO\ %OYG DQG 2QH ra River, past the park and along the Niagara in "creative and innovative projects that will town Development Challenge and Wonder 1LDJDUD Gorge, the state already owns 80% of Niag- VSXUSULYDWHGHYHORSPHQW Falls have been the only three projects singled Long a thorn in the side of the Dyster ad- DUD)DOOVZDWHUIURQW,IWKHJRDOLVWRUHVHOOWR 6RIDUQRFRPSHWLWLRQKDVEHHQKHOGQR RXWIRU%X൵DOR%LOOLRQDLGSULRUWR&XRPR V PLQLVWUDWLRQ2QH1LDJDUDLVDUJXDEO\RQHRI private developers, it's incomprehensible why winners announced, and no transformational YLVLW WKLV ZHHN 2QH RI WKHP WKH SDUNZD\  the city's most successful downtown business Cuomo wants to assume the role of a real es- downtown projects begun, and it’s been more EHQH¿WV$OEDQ\DQGWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD)DOOV ventures over the past two decades, a thriving WDWHEURNHUQRWWRPHQWLRQXQSUHFHGHQWHG WKDQWKUHH\HDUV not at all, while the other two didn't get past venue that employs hundreds and has contrib- In the meantime, let's play a guessing Another project supposed to be funded WKHGUDZLQJERDUG XWHGPLOOLRQVWRWKHFLW\ VWD[FR൵HUV%HLQJ game: Two years from now, which local E\ %X൵DOR %LOOLRQ ZDV :RQGHU )DOOV WKH Therefore, it's obvious that when it comes in direct competition with James Glynn's newspaper will be reporting on the breaking $150 million hotel, dining and entertainment WR1LDJDUD)DOOV VKDUHRIWKH%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ Maid of the Mist monopoly in the Niagara RI*RY&XRPR VODWHVWURXQGRI%X൵DOR%LO- complex, including a waterpark and Wallenda LWLVQ W%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ6TXDUHGRUHYHQ%XI- )DOOV6WDWH3DUNKRZHYHULW VQRZRQGHUWKDW lion promises to the city of Niagara Falls? daredevil center, to be built on the site pres- IDOR%LOOLRQ+DOYHG Cuomo and Dyster have set their sights on the ently occupied by the empty, abandoned and ,W V%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ,Q¿QLWHVLPDO SODFHJLYHQWKHVSHFLDOLQÀXHQFH*O\QQH[- 7

NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Cuomo Promises No Sure Thing; Lewiston writer Kifer's on how Love and Hope City Must Help Itself triumph over cancer /HZLVWRQQRYHOLVW.DWK\.LIHUKDVSXE- lished her second novel, "Tessa: Portrait of Tony Farina D 6XUYLYRU WR FULWLFDO DFFODLP DQG D UHFHQW book signing that took place at the Lewiston *RY$QGUHZ&XRPRURGHLQWR1LDJDUD /LEUDU\&RPPXQLW\5RRP Falls this week full of promises about using ,Q7HVVD3RUWUDLWRID6XUYLYRU.LIHUKDV VWDWHIXQGVIURPKLV%X൵DOR%LOOLRQ6TXDUHG drawn on her own raw experiences as a long- Initiative in his proposed 2017 budget to re- term cancer patient and amputee to create a claim underused and vacant property near UHPDUNDEOHDQGLQVSLULQJORYHVWRU\ the state park, an investment he says that When Tessa Burke, a former model and ZLOOSD\GLYLGHQGVIRUWKHFLW\ ZLIH RI DQ D൷XHQW EXVLQHVV PDQ UHTXLUHV While it may sound great, the federal PRUHVXUJHU\DIWHUDORQJDQGGL൶FXOWUHFRY- FRUUXSWLRQSUREHLQWRKLV¿UVW%X൵DOR%LO- ery from breast cancer, she is devastated, and lion investment has many legislators taking as she tries to adjust to the shocking loss of an Kathy Kifer DVHFRQGORRNDWSKDVHWZR7KHUH VQRJXDU- DUP WR WKH GLVHDVH KHU KXVEDQG LQÀLFWV IXU- antee state lawmakers will give Cuomo ev- WKHUSDLQ7HVVDGLVFRYHUVWKDW0D[UHSHOOHG 7KHUHYLHZVRQ$PD]RQZKHUHWKHERRN Councilmember Andrew Touma erything he's looking for this time, and even by her appearance, has found another sexual LVDYDLODEOHKDYHEHHQJORZLQJ partner, and although he doesn't want a di- he admits his plan has only a 50-50 chance nomic development and get a bigger bang , DP QRW LQWR ORYH VWRULHV EXW .LIHU vorce she insists that the marriage is broken RIVXFFHVV for our buck with an eye toward the future, GUHZPHULJKWLQ,JRWQHZLQVLJKWVLQWRKRZ DQGWKH\VHSDUDWH But while hope springs eternal, and develop some long term plans that will help ZRPHQDUHFKDOOHQJHGZLWKFDQFHUVHWEDFNV, Yet, just when Tessa is losing hope, a Cuomo could be a winner politically either RXUFLW\IRU\HDUVWRFRPH IHOWDVWKRXJK.LIHUZDVVKDULQJKHURZQOLIH surprise from her past will transform all she Great writing with twists and turns to keep me way, the City of Niagara Falls shouldn't sit ---- believes about herself, the rest of her life and LQWHUHVWHG$VZLWKKHU¿UVWERRN ,ID7UHH back and wait to see how the power strug- In other council news this week, law- WKHSRZHURIXQFRQGLWLRQDOORYH )DOOV ± $ /RYH 6RQJ &RPHV 7UXH  LW GH- makers approved $500,000 for demolitions gle plays out between the governor and A gifted photographer, Luke James, VHUYHVD+DOOPDUNVPRYLH which haven't been done, except for emer- VWDWH ODZPDNHUV &RXQFLOPHPEHU $QGUHZ UHHQWHUVKHUOLIHDWDIXQGUDLVLQJOXQFKHRQ "An enchanting love story that wraps you Touma is pushing Mayor Dyster to present JHQFLHVVLQFH Years before, when he was a handsome but up in its world, making you regret leaving it lawmakers an economic development plan The council approved the demolition immature young man just beginning his ca- DIWHULWV¿QDOSDJHV%HDXWLIXOO\ZULWWHQ,ZDV IRUWKHVRRQHUWKHEHWWHU funds by unanimous vote, with $300,000 reer, he had been infatuated with her warmth drawn in by the characters and the choic- "I've asked the administration to give us earmarked for demolition of unsafe and DQGEHDXW\,QVSLWHRIKHUGLVDELOLW\KHLVVWLOO es they make, giving insight into those who a plan for using a portion of the more than unkept properties with another $200,000 DWWUDFWHG WR KHU +LUHG E\ WKH VXSSRUW JURXS battle health issues while navigating the real $5 million in discretionary casino funds still GHVLJQDWHGIRUHPHUJHQF\GHPROLWLRQV7KH women to produce a calendar to raise money ZRUOG7HVVDEUDYHO\FKDVHVKHURZQGUHDPV on the books to spur economic growth," city will also have another $100,000 avail- for the Foundation, he pursues a relationship, and does not give up on love when all seems said Touma this week in an interview with able from Community Development for but Tessa, nine years older than Luke and un- WREHORVWDOHVVRQIRUXVDOO WKH1LDJDUD)DOOV5HSRUWHU demolitions, and Touma said unsafe prop- DEOHWREHOLHYHWKDWDQ\RQHFRXOG¿QGKHUGH- .DWK\ .LIHU OLYHV LQ /HZLVWRQ ZLWK KHU Touma said he is not interested in HUWLHVVKRXOGEHSULRULWL]HG VLUDEOHVWUHQXRXVO\UHVLVWV KXVEDQG$O spending all of that discretionary casino "We need for people to be safe, and cash -some of it rolled over from last year - WKDW V WKH ¿UVW SULRULW\ VDLG 7RXPD %XW on new development initiatives, but he sees we also need to focus on properties that are an opportunity to do a lot of good for the nothing more than community blight, eye- city with some of that money and he's hope- sores that bring down entire neighborhoods ful to see something soon in the way of a EHFDXVHRIWKHLUFRQGLWLRQ7KDW VYHU\LP- SODQIURPWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ portant, and must be a part of what we are "We're keeping a close eye on the ca- GRLQJZLWKWKHGHPROLWLRQV sino funds," said Touma, adding he would While Touma gave way to Charles certainly want a substantial portion rolled Walker as council president this year, the RYHULQWRQH[W\HDU%XWKHEHOLHYHVWKHUH V educator/politician is still heavily engaged enough money available in that casino dis- in trying to move the city forward even as cretionary pot to really spur growth, and he contemplates possibly not running for that's what he wants to see from the Dyster re-election, although he says he has been WHDP receiving plenty of encouragement from "I've had talks with the city administra- residents to stay the course and continue tor, and I know they are looking at it," said WRVHUYHLQJRYHUQPHQW+HVDLGKHKDVQRW 7RXPD:HFDQXVHWKDWPRQH\IRUHFR- PDGHD¿QDOGHFLVLRQDV\HW 8 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Opposition mounts to new Soup Kitchen on Pine as Hunger, Poverty on Rise ZKLFKVDLG7RGD\P\R൶FHUHFHLYHGDOHWWHU IRUWVRI3$53WRUHYLWDOL]HWKLVFUXFLDOQHLJK- James Hufnagel from the Pine Avenue Redevelopment Proj- ERUKRRGEXVLQHVVGLVWULFW ect (PARP) informing my administration that :KLOHZHWKDQN)DWKHU0D]XUDQGHQ- A Roman Catholic priest who is propos- they had become aware of a proposal for the FRXUDJH KLV H൵RUWV WKH\ KDYH EHHQ FDUULHG LQJWRORFDWHZKDWKHWHUPVDQRWIRUSUR¿W creation of a soup kitchen meant to replace out without consultation and collaboration of restaurant," run by volunteers, serving low an existing restaurant on a prominent corner the administration, PARP and the many sim- cost meals to low income residents and free in the center of the city’s historic Little Italy LODURUJDQL]DWLRQVZLWKLQWKH&LW\RI1LDJDUD PHDOVWRYHWHUDQVLVUXQQLQJLQWRVWL൵UHVLV- UHVWDXUDQWDQGEXVLQHVVGLVWULFW Falls that have long provided similar services tance from Mayor Dyster and a self-appoint- "In a city where too often our residents WRDGGUHVVWKHQHHGVRIRXUFRPPXQLW\,WLV ed business group that calls itself Pine Avenue are in need of a helping hand, no one recog- my sincerest hope that all parties can work 5HGHYHORSPHQW3URMHFW 3$53  QL]HVWKHQHHGIRUVXFKDIDFLOLW\PRUH+RZ- together toward the use of an alternative lo- 6LQFH WKH  3LQH $YHQXH ORFDWLRQ ever, it is this administration’s position that FDWLRQWKDWZRXOGEHPXWXDOO\EHQH¿FLDOIRU upstairs from the popular Carmine's Restau- such a project at the proposed location is not DOOLQYROYHG UDQWLV]RQHGIRUVXFKDSXUSRVHLQWKH¿QDO conducive to the viability of the Pine Avenue $FFRUGLQJWRUHFHQW86&HQVXV¿JXUHV analysis, if the good Father decides to follow %XVLQHVVFRUULGRUDQGWKHH൵RUWVDOUHDG\XQ-  RI FKLOGUHQ LQ 1LDJDUD )DOOV OLYH EH- through with it, there's little those entities can derway by the Pine Avenue Redevelopment low the poverty level, nearly twice the state do to prevent what's been termed a new soup 3URMHFW 7KLV PHPEHU ERDUG FRPSRVHG DYHUDJHRI7KHPHGLDQLQFRPHIRUD kitchen from being established at that loca- largely of local small business people, has household in the city was $26,800 ( WLRQ worked diligently to promote and restore the 6WDWH DQGWKHPHGLDQLQFRPHIRUD &LW\ +DOO LVVXHG D 6WDWHPHQW )URP VDIHW\ EHDXWL¿FDWLRQ DQG PRVW LPSRUWDQWO\ IDPLO\RIIRXUZDV 1<6  0D\RU'\VWHURQ3LQH$YHQXH6RXS.LWFKHQ the economic redevelopment of Pine Avenue; RIWKHSRSXODWLRQRIWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD Proposal" soon after the issue became public, and the city has pledged its support of the ef- Falls were below the poverty line, compared WRDQDWLRQDODYHUDJHRI $SDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQWKH2LVKHL)RXQ- GDWLRQ DQG WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ DW %X൵DOR¶V 5H- The other three overburdened soup gional Institute determined the following kitchens of Niagara Falls, all of which are in 2013: Roughly 22,425, or nearly one out at least a half hour walk from the city's of every two residents, are “doing poorly or east end, are all located a good distance VWUXJJOLQJ¿QDQFLDOO\´DERXW1LDJDUD from the new low cost eatery strategically located on Pine Avenue. Falls residents, or more than 20 percent, live on incomes below federal poverty levels and of wealth to state agencies like NYPA and another 11,525 city residents do not fall under 6WDWH3DUNVZLWKRXWVRPXFKDVDPLOGSUR- the federal poverty threshold, but earn less test, in many cases in fact facilitating the theft, than 200 percent of that line, making them eli- DQGKLVSURÀLJDWHDQGZDVWHIXOVSHQGLQJSDW- JLEOHLQPDQ\FDVHVIRUPRVWSXEOLFEHQH¿WV terns, such as $585,000 for a worthless piece ,Q QRWLQJ WKDW )U 0D]XU QHJOHFWHG WR of "public art", contributed greatly to making engage in "consultation and collaboration" the city destitute and populated by undernour- with his administration, Dyster, who is enter- LVKHGIDPLOLHV LQJKLVWK\HDULQR൶FHDQGKROGVD3K' 8QWLO'\VWHUDQGRWKHUORFDOR൶FLDOVDUH in International Relations and Law, seems to replaced by real leaders who are willing to have a tenuous grasp of the meaning of the ¿JKWIRUWKHLUFLW\DQGDWOHDVWWU\WRUHFODLP )DWKHU-DFHN0D]XU ULJKW KDVEHHQHQWUXVWHGE\KLVELVKRSWRXQLWH¿YHHWKQLFDOO\GLYHUVH (VWDEOLVKPHQW&ODXVHRIWKH86&RQVWLWXWLRQ resources of tourism and hydropower that Al- GLVEDQGHGSDULVKHVLQWRWKHQHZ'LYLQH0HUF\3DULVKLQ1LDJDUD)DOOV1<+HFKRVH ZKLFKHQIRUFHVVHSDUDWLRQRIFKXUFKDQGVWDWH bany has commandeered, the need for soup to start a restaurant or if you prefer a soup kitchen, in the tradition of the founder of his In addition, Dyster's policies over the NLWFKHQVVXFKDV)DWKHU0D]XU VLVRQO\JRLQJ UHOLJLRQZKHUHQRRQHZLOOJRDZD\KXQJU\+HUHKHVKDUHVDODXJKZLWK)U.D]LPLHU] years, enabling the removal of vast amounts WRLQFUHDVH &KZDOHN0,&OHIWGXULQJDYLVLWWR(GHQ+LOO 9

NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 10 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Vicious Attack on Indian Man Prompts Bruce to Commit Obstruction of Justice

FDVHWRWZRFRQFXUUHQW*UDQG-XULHV+RZ- Frank Parlato ever, a third Grand Jury, which did not hear any direct testimony from actual witnesses, This week, instead of an in-depth story returned an indictment based solely upon of another case of prosecutorial misconduct WKHVXPPDU\SUHVHQWHGE\DQDJHQW committed by the notorious former Assis- %UXFHZRXOGQRWHYHQFRQ¿UPZKHWKHU WDQW 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $WWRUQH\ $QWKRQ\ 0 the Grand Jury had read, or even had access %UXFHDVOLJKWUHWURVSHFWLRQLVLQRUGHU to, the testimonies before voting on the in- 6LQFH , EHJDQ DGYHUWLVLQJ IRU SHRSOH GLFWPHQW who allege they were victims of Bruce, the +HFKDUJHG.DQGDU ZKRZDVLQ,QGLD  day does not pass when someone doesn't in a 31-count mail fraud and money laun- call and tell a story of how, they say, Antho- dering indictment and of defrauding the ny Bruce destroyed their life, or the life of 1HZ


7KH (PSLUH 6WDWH 'HYHORSPHQW &RUS will be issuing a request for proposals to build "greater outdoor activities" on Goat Island, DFFRUGLQJWR*RY$QGUHZ&XRPR %XLOGRQ*RDW,VODQG "[T]hat will boost tourism and give peo- SOHDQLQWHUQDWLRQDOGHVWLQDWLRQWRYLVLW*RY &XRPRVDLG Among the buildings Cuomo wants to EXLOGLVDORGJH DKRWHO  2Q*RDW,VODQGZHZLOOFUHDWHD\HDU The owner of the Maid of the Mist boat changed to a business enterprise, they entered round destination for tourism and build a ride, James Glynn, is said to have had a hand LQFUHDVLQJO\LQFRPSHWLWLRQZLWKWKHFLW\ world-class lodge with sweeping views of the LQSHUVXDGLQJSDUNR൶FLDOVWKDWLIWKH\PDGH Their plan was simple: Route all tourists 1LDJDUD5LYHUVDLG&XRPR an expansive parking lot near his attraction, along the state-owned parkway, ironically As he waxed poetic, invoking the name both he and the park would make more mon- named after the man who stole the local hy- RI2OPVWHGVSHDNLQJRIUHFODLPHGDFUHVDQG H\ GURSRZHU5REHUW0RVHV*HWWKHPLQWRWKH preserving rich ecology, and building a hotel From this point onward, the park went state lot, diverting them from parking in the RQ*RDW,VODQGDQGPD\EH]LS/LQHVDQGWUHH IURP 2OPVWHG WR D SDUNLQJ VRXYHQLU DQG FLW\ ,Q WKH SDUN WRXULVWV SD\  IRU SDUN- climbing attractions, and back to "the days of restaurant business - with a waterfall attrac- LQJ$OEDQ\ JHWV WKDW 7KHQ WR WKH 0DLG RI 2OPVWHGWKHJRYHUQRUEDVLFDOO\VDLG WLRQ±IRUWKHEHQH¿WRI$OEDQ\*O\QQDQGWKH WKH0LVWWKDWJRHVWR*O\QQ7KHQH[LW "When you look across the river, you see food and beverage concessionaire Delaware WKHERDWWRXUWKURXJK*O\QQ VVRXYHQLUVWRUH &DQDGDKDVPRUHDFWLYLWLHV:HQHHGWRFRU- 1RUWK *O\QQDJDLQ

Q: If you're driving in the city of Ni- %LOOVDQGDOVRVOLWVKLVRZQWKURDW7KHQ kers was working as a bellhop at the new boys were supposed to do your job," to agara Falls and somebody on a bicycle the Niagara Falls guy takes the knife, +DPLVWHU+RWHORQ5DLQERZ%OYG+H\ which the elderly gentleman replied, "I swerves in front of you, why should you pokes holes all over his body, and yells, said one of the guests, "I thought young ZDVDER\ZKHQWKH\JRWVWDUWHG try your best not to hit him? 7KHUH V\RXUI LQJFDQRH A: There's a good chance it's your ELNH ***


A Niagara Falls man arrested for vi- olently assaulting a librarian was sitting at the police station trying to explain his FULPH "All I wanted to do was apply for a li- brary card," he claimed, "and she told me that I have to prove that I'm a resident of 1LDJDUD)DOOV 6R,VWDEEHGKHU


Three buddies were about to try out the new canoe and kayak launch at Jayne 3DUNDW/D6DOOHLQ1LDJDUD)DOOV2QHZDV 0D\RU '\VWHU WROG FLWL]HQV DW WKH &DQDGLDQRQHZDVIURP%X൵DORDQGWKH Doubletree ribbon cutting ceremony the WKLUGDKRPHWRZQ1LDJDUD)DOOVER\$V other day that they should learn from the unlikely as it may seem, a roving band past and embrace their mistakes, so they RI ¿HUFH KHDGKXQWHUV KDSSHQV XSRQ WKH started forming a line to hug him and VFHQHDQGFDSWXUHVWKHP &XRPR The top headhunter says to them, "We are going to slaughter you, but you *** might take some comfort in the fact that we don't believe in waste here, and that It's a little known fact that Cuomo's therefore every part of your body will go 5HJLRQDO (FRQRPLF GLUHFWRU 6DP +R\W WRVRPHXVH:HZLOOZHDYHEDVNHWVRXW ZKRJDYHDSUHVHQWDWLRQDW&LW\+DOORQ of your hair, we will render your bones Monday, invented "Bring Your Daughter for glue, and we will tan your skin and WR:RUN'D\ VWUHWFKLWRYHUZRRGHQIUDPHVIRUFDQRHV The tradition began several years ago Now we are going to allow you an honor- LQ $OEDQ\ ZKHQ D TXLFNWKLQNLQJ +R\W able death, so I will give you a knife and was spotted one morning leaving his allow you to say some last words before DSDUWPHQWZLWKD\RXQJIHPDOHLQWHUQ NLOOLQJ\RXUVHOYHV 7KH &DQDGLDQ JX\ VD\V 2ND\ , *** guess it's the end, eh?" and slits his own WKURDW7KHIULHQGIURP%X൵DOR\HOOV*R An old man with long gray whis- 13



NQHZZKHUH\RXUVWRRG really want them, they just didn't want "Make America great again" was the 7UXPSWREHRQHYHU\EXWWRQ theme that put Donald J Trump, a real es- That's when I knew Donald Trump tate investor and developer, in the White ZRXOG ZLQ :KHQ KH SXW PRQH\ LQ P\ +RXVH7KDWVORJDQRQEXWWRQVDORQJZLWK SRFNHW,JUHZWRORYHKLP his picture, helped me get a new house, in 6R WR DQVZHU WKH RULJLQDO TXHVWLRQ $PKHUVWZKLFKLQFLGHQWDOO\LVZKLWH who needs a button? If you do, I'm here to Buttons have been the calling card PDNHWKHPIRU\RX)URPWRDPLOOLRQ of political campaigns going back a long I think all told I sold well over 10,000 WLPH , UHPHPEHU P\ ¿UVW SUHVLGHQWLDO EXWWRQVZLWK'RQDOG7UXPSRQWKHP%XW FDPSDLJQEXWWRQ,/LNH,NH,WVWDUWHG I can create any kind of button with any with a button made of metal with a mes- advertising or specialty product, just like VDJHRUSLFWXUH)RUPH,ZLOODOZD\VUH- Donald Trump did to win the biggest of- PHPEHU'RQDOG-7UXPSPXOWLSOLHGRQ ¿FH1RZZKHQ\RXUHDOL]HWKHQHHGIRU thousands of little round buttons which a button or special product, check out this By the way I can make someone a re- FDUULHGKLPDQG,WRDZKLWHKRXVH,GRQ W VLWH KWWSZZZUDOVWRQRQOLQHVHUYLFHV DOO\JUHDWGHDORQGR]HQ+LOODU\&OLQ- NQRZZK\QRRQHZDQWHG+LOODU\EXWWRQV com and select a button or any specialty WRQEXWWRQV ,PHDQ,VROGWRRQH$QGHYHQWKH product, or call 716-268-1754 or email Gerry Ralston SHRSOH ZKR ERXJKW +LOODU\ WKH\ GLGQ W EXGG\KROLGD\URFNV#WH[WQRZPH seller of exquisite custom made buttons

Who needs a button? ,PDNHEXWWRQVIRUDOLYLQJ1RWWKH buttons that keep your shirt on but lapel, message, specialty, fraternal, campaign, VORJDQFXVWRPDQGSURPRWLRQDOEXWWRQV ,W V QRW MXVW DERXW 'RQDOG 7UXPS 6XUH,PDGHDJRRGOLYLQJPDNLQJ'RQ- ald Trump buttons this past year (and a IHZ+LOODU\EXWWRQV %XWWKHHOHFWLRQLV RYHU7UXPSZRQ+HLVWKH3UHVLGHQWRI WKH8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFDDQG,PDGH a lot of money during his campaign mak- LQJEXWWRQVZLWKKLVSLFWXUHRQLW And his slogan "Make America Great $JDLQ What makes a wonderful button or a promotion using a button is that with a few great words in a small space you don't have to say much to deliver your PHVVDJH  ,I GXULQJ ODVW \HDU \RX SXW D button on with a picture of Donald Trump \RXGLGQ WKDYHWRVD\PXFKDWDOO3HRSOH

“Such was the will of the Father that his Son, blessed and glorious, whom he gave to us, and who was born for us, should by his own blood, VDFUL¿FHDQGREODWLRQRႇHU himself on the altar of the cross, not for himself, by whom “all things were made,” but for our sins, leaving us an example that we should follow his steps.”

St Francis of Assisi Obituaries & In Memoriams

LOUIS G. CHILELLI Entered into rest January 20, 2017

&+,/(//,  /RXLV VHYHUDO UHODWLYHV DQG IULHQGV 5HODWLYHV DQG * 2I 7RQDZDQGD HQ- IULHQGVPD\YLVLWWKH/20%$5'2)81(5- tered into rest January $/+20( 1RUWKWRZQV&KDSHO 1LDJ-   %HORYHG KXV- DUD )DOOV %OYG QHDU (JJHUW6KHULGDQ 'U RQ band of Ann (nee Trin- 0RQGD\ IURP  30$ 0DVV RI &KULVWLDQ gali) Chilelli; devoted %XULDOZLOOEHFHOHEUDWHGDW6W-RKQWKH%DS- father of Louis (Marina) WLVW&KXUFK(QJOHZRRG$YHRQ7XHV- Chilelli, Joseph (Mary) Chilelli and Roseann GD\PRUQLQJDWR FORFN 3OHDVHDVVHPEOH 6WHYHQ  /HEHUHU FKHULVKHG JUDQGIDWKHU RI DW FKXUFK  ,QWHUPHQW 0W 2OLYHW &HPHWHU\ Rachel, Rebecca, William, Michael, Jacob, 0U &KLOHOOL ZDV D 1DY\ YHWHUDQ RI:: ,, Melissa and the late Peter; loving son of the 2QOLQH FRQGROHQFHV PD\ EH PDGH DW ZZZ late Frank and Lena Chilelli; also survived by ORPEDUGRIXQHUDOKRPHFRP

Entered into rest January 20, 2017

*8162/86  of Marilyn and Andrea; fond sister-in-law of 0DUFHLD 9 QHH 5H\Q- 9HUD DOVR VXUYLYHG E\ QLHFHV DQG QHSKHZV ROGV  2I 7RQDZDQGD 5HODWLYHV DQG IULHQGV PD\ YLVLW WKH /20- entered into rest Janu- %$5'2 )81(5$/ +20( 1RUWKWRZQV ary 20, 2017, beloved &KDSHO 1LDJDUD)DOOV%OYGQHDU(JJHUW wife of 62 years of John 6KHULGDQ'URQ0RQGD\IURP30ZKHUH ( *XQVROXV GHYRWHG WKH )XQHUDO 6HUYLFH ZLOO EH KHOG 7XHVGD\ mother of Roy (Jody) PRUQLQJ DW  R FORFN ,QWHUPHQW (OPODZQ Gunsolus, Wade (Dee) &HPHWHU\0DUFHLD VOLIHORQJSDVVLRQVLQFOXG- Gunsolus and Beth (Michael) Doherty; cher- ed gardening, sewing, music and singing with ished grandmother of Matthew, Jonathan WKH&LW\RI/LJKWV6ZHHW$GHOLQH V&KRUXVLQ (Amanda), Michael John, Patrick (Erin), Col- 7RQDZDQGDIRURYHU\HDUV2QOLQHFRQGR- LQ %ULDQ DQG 6KDQQRQ DGRUHG JUHDWJUDQG- OHQFHVPD\EHPDGHDWZZZORPEDUGRIXQHU- mother of Ava Doherty; loving daughter of DOKRPHFRP WKHODWH-RKQDQG9HUD5H\QROGVGHDUVLVWHU

Entered into rest January 23, 2017

5,25'$1  -RKQ ORYLQJVRQRIWKHODWH-RKQ6UDQG(GQD5LRU- - -U 2I %X൵DOR HQ- dan; dear brother of Francis (Dianne) Riordan tered into rest January and the late Robert Riordan; also survived by %HORYHGKXV- UHODWLYHV DQG IULHQGV 5HODWLYHV DQG IULHQGV band of Patricia (nee PD\ YLVLW WKH /20%$5'2 )81(5$/ .RSDV]  5LRUGDQ GH- +20( 1RUWKWRZQV &KDSHO   1LDJDUD voted father of John )DOOV%OYGQHDU(JJHUW6KHULGDQ'URQ)UL- (Colleen) Riordan III, day from 2-8 PM where a funeral service will &ROOHHQ 7KRPDV  2V- EHKHOG6DWXUGD\PRUQLQJDWR FORFN2Q- ERUQ $LOHHQ 5LRUGDQ .DWKOHHQ WKH ODWH line condolences may be made at lombardo- 6WHYHQ 

Allentown District 675 Delaware Ave Buffalo Off-St-Parking / Prvt Roof Deck Stu, 1, 2, 3 Bdrm offered Fulltime maintenance staff No Dogs NOTICE OF FORMATION Please Call for Availability / Current Prices OF A DOMESTIC LIMITED (716) 884-9100 LIABILITY COMPANY PERSONALS [email protected] White Male, 36 years old, single, loves ...... Name of LLC: Perfect Seal strong coffee, smoker, loves giving back Elmwood Village/Lancaster 716, LLC rubs. 716 710-2545. Ashland Ave. - Large 2 bedroom, Avenue. Spacious 3 bdrm/4 bath 'DWH RI ¿OLQJ RI $UWLFOHV RI 2UJDQL- upper apartment. $975 includes utilities. house features natural woodwork, zation with the NY Department of State: ...... stainless steel appliances, finished 863-3058. September 2, 2016 WHITE Male, 64, 5'9", slim, brown hair, basement. $2300/month. Contact 2ႈFHRIWKH//&1LDJDUD&RXQW\ green eyes, desires female companion...... Marco Scapillato, licensed real estate The NY Secretary of State has been Enjoys reading, art, music, sports, salesperson with Teal Realty, for designated as the agent upon whom pro- walking, exercising, age unimportant. STUDENT ROOMS FOR RENT: Newly details. 716.901.3060. Equal Housing cess may be served. NYSS may mail a Call Michael at 895-4406. renovated, furnished, spacious, includes Opportunity. copy of any process to the LLC at: 1278 utilities, wi-fi, washer/dryer, parking. Two- ...... 95th Street, Niagara Falls, NY 14304...... tenths of a mile to UB South. $495 and Purpose of LLC: Any lawful purpose $595. (808) 342-2500. 1/12/17, 1/19/17, 1/26/17, 2/2/17, 2/9/16, 2/16/17 ......