New Hotel Planned for Goat Island in Niagara Falls State Park... 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017

New Hotel Planned for Goat Island in Niagara Falls State Park... 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017

FREE JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 VOL. 18, NO. 04 FREE New hotel planned for Goat Island in Niagara Falls State Park... 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Niagara County Republican Chairman Seeking Candidates Ready To Run for Office? This year there are numerous public of- GHUWKHEDQQHURIWKH3DUW\ ¿FHVXSIRUHOHFWLRQ Finding good candidates is not always In Niagara County, all 15 seats in the HDV\VLQFHWKHEHVWSHRSOHWR¿OOHOHFWHGR൶FHV County Legislature will be decided by voters DUHQRWWKHRQHVZKRZDQWLWPRVW2QHRIWKH WKLV\HDU problems with governing people is that those There will be elections for supervisor, ZKRZDQWWRUXOHDUHOHDVWVXLWHGWRGRLW mayor, alderman and council members, cor- The Republican Party County Chairman, oner, tax receiver, town justice, judge, and 0U 6FRWW .LHGURZVNL LV QRZ DFFHSWLQJ UH- more in various towns, villages and cities of sumes for people who want to express an in- WKLVFRXQW\ WHUHVWLQUXQQLQJIRUR൶FHZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRI Each election year, about nine months WKH5HSXEOLFDQ3DUW\ before the election, the Republican Party 6FRWW3.LHGURZVNL looks for good people who are independent, 1253 Bowen Ct intelligent, and honest, who would like to ex- North Tonawanda, NY 14120 SORUHWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIUXQQLQJIRUR൶FHXQ- QLDFRXQW\JRS#JPDLOFRP Niagara County GOP Chairman Scott Kiedrowski with US Rep. Chris Collins GOP Chair Scott Kiedrowski NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER “The Truth is Always Fair” CHAIRMAN & EDITOR IN CHIEF Frank Parlato Managing Editor Senior Editor Dr. Chitra Selvaraj Tony Farina phone: (716) 284-5595 PO Box 3083, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 email: [email protected] . 3 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 The Republican Party preserves the &DOLIRUQLD 7KH $PHQGPHQW ZDV ¿QDOO\ freedom of America because its core value UDWL¿HGLQ LVIUHHGRP )LUVWZRPDQHOHFWHGWR86+RXVH :LWK LWV VKLHOG DQG EDQQHU WKH 86 of Representatives (1916): "Jeannette Constitution, the Republican Party stands Rankin, Republican from Montana, be- for freedom, smaller government, the right FRPHVWKH¿UVWZRPDQHOHFWHGWRWKH86 of the people to gain from that which their +RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV If the whole world stands hands did make, the protection of the mi- against you sword in hand, nority against the tyranny of the majority, 4) Jackie Robinson becomes the and the creation of a government which would you still dare to do what ¿UVWEODFN$PHULFDQWRSOD\LQWKH0DMRU IHDUVWKHSHRSOH you think is right? Leagues (1947): Republican Jackie Robin- son broke the color barrier in Major League With the fullest separation of the three Baseball when the owner of the Brook- branches of government – the executive, lyn Dodgers, Republican Branch Rickey, legislative, and judicial - and with an eter- “I am for doing good to the poor, EURXJKWKLPXSWRWKHPDMRUOHDJXHV QDOWHQVLRQEHWZHHQWKHPZLWKVX൵UDJH but...I think the best way of doing GHWHUPLQLQJWKH¿UVWWZREUDQFKHVDQGWKH good to the poor, is not making them 5) Desegregating schools (1957): jury in perpetual control of all three, as it easy in poverty, but leading or driving Dwight Eisenhower "deployed the 82nd was intended by the Constitution of the them out of it. I observed...that the Airborne Division to desegregate Little 5HSXEOLF RI WKH 86 DQG HQIRUFHG E\ WKH more public provisions were made for Rock’s government schools over the stren- LQYLRODEOH6HFRQG$PHQGPHQW the poor, the less they provided for XRXVUHVLVWDQFHRI*RYHUQRU2UYDO)DXEXV themselves, and of course became '$UN The Republican Party poorer. And, on the contrary, the less 1) Emancipation Proclamation was done for them, the more they did 7KH )LUVW $VLDQ$PHULFDQ 86 7KH ¿UVW 5HSXEOLFDQ 3UHVLGHQW for themselves, and became richer.” 6HQDWRU 7KH¿UVW$VLDQ$PHULFDQ Abraham Lincoln, issued an order freeing ʊ%HQMDPLQ)UDQNOLQ VHQDWRU5HSXEOLFDQ+LUDP)RQJLVHOHFWHG DOOVODYHVLQWKHFRQIHGHUDF\ LQ+DZDLL 2) Women's right to vote (1872): 7) Civil Rights Act of 1960: "Eisen- 5HSXEOLFDQV 6XVDQ %$QWKRQ\ DQG (OL] KRZHUVLJQVWKH*23¶V&LYLO5LJKWV DEHWK &DG\ 6WDQWRQ ZULWH WKH WH[W RI WKH $FWDIWHULWVXUYLYHGD¿YHGD\¿YHKRXU 19th Amendment, which is introduced by ¿OLEXVWHUE\6HQDWH'HPRFUDWV 5HSXEOLFDQ 6HQDWRU$DURQ$ 6DUJHQW RI 4 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 Ken Cosentino testifies: Cuomo has stolen Niagara Falls prosperity and birthright Grandinetti, Cosentino waited out a hand- James Hufnagel IXORILUUHOHYDQWTXHVWLRQVIURPWKHÀRRU before standing up and challenging the ,WWRRNDORWRIJXWV JRYHUQRU VKLUHOLQJ+R\WLQIURQWRIDQ Last week on Friday, Niagara Falls audience that largely consisted of Niag- UHVLGHQW .HQ &RVHQWLQR VWRRG XS DW WKH ara Falls elite who, directly or indirectly, HQGRIDSUHVHQWDWLRQJLYHQE\*RY$Q- depend on the status quo both here and in drew Cuomo's representative, Empire $OEDQ\IRUWKHLUSRVLWLRQVDQGLQÀXHQFH 6WDWH 'HYHORSPHQW V 6U 93 6DP +R\W Cosentino read a letter that he had in Council Chambers at Niagara Falls mailed to Governor Cuomo at an earlier &LW\+DOODQGVSHOOHGRXWLQQRXQFHUWDLQ date, excerpted as follows: WHUPVWKHGHHSGLVFRQWHQWRIWKHSHRSOH "Governor Cuomo, Lately, I have +R\W KDG MXVW GHOLYHUHG DQ KRXU seen in the news fragments of your plans ORQJ HQFDSVXODWHG YHUVLRQ RI WKH 6WDWH IRU1LDJDUD)DOOV1<$VDOLIHORQJUHVL- RIWKH6WDWHVSHHFKSHUIRUPHGE\&XR- dent of Niagara Falls, I feel that it is my mo a couple of weeks ago at the Univer- duty to address the concerns of myself VLW\ RI %X൵DOR V 1RUWK &DPSXV )LOOLQJ and fellow Niagarians regarding said LQIRU(6'3UHVLGHQWDQG&(2+RZDUG SODQV =HPVN\ ZKR ZDV LOO +R\W DSSHDUHG WR "The quality of life in Niagara Falls UHF\FOH PDQ\ RI WKH VDPH %X൵DORFHQ- LV VXESDU -REV ZLWK OLYDEOH ZDJHV DUH tric slides Cuomo used for the previous IHZDQGIDUEHWZHHQ0DQ\RIXVVWUXJ- VSHHFK7KHVOLGHVWKDWGLGWRXFKRQ1LDJ- gle and work multiple jobs just to get ara Falls mostly listed uninspiring bullet E\0HDQZKLOHWKH 1LDJDUD)DOOV VWDWH points about state spending that Cuomo SDUNÀRXULVKHVGXULQJWKHWRXULVWVHDVRQ had directed towards "improvements" to Film Director, Producer and Screenwriter Ken Cosentino of Niagara Falls is strongly critical with millions of visitors spending count- 1LDJDUD )DOOV 6WDWH 3DUN DQG WKH VRXWK RI*RY&XRPR VSROLFLHVDQGJDYH%XႇDOR V6DP+R\WDQHDUIXOODVWZHHNDW&LW\+DOO OHVVGROODUV1RQHRIWKLVLQFRPHLVVHHQ Robert Moses Parkway, and how this DURXQGRXUFUXPEOLQJFLW\ somehow will contribute to the renewed "Mayor Paul Dyster has done your SURVSHULW\RIWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD)DOOV bidding and fallen in line, creating a large 6HDWHGXSIURQWGLUHFWO\EHKLQG$V- disconnect between himself and the peo- semblyman Angelo Morinello, who has SOH7KH6WDWH3DUNLVOLNHDPRWKHUVRZ pledged to address the issue of the state's DQGVKHKDVWZRSLJOHWV2QHEHLQJ1<6 monopoly of the local tourist trade, and WKHRWKHUWKHFLW\RI1LDJDUD)DOOV1<6 1LDJDUD )DOOV &RXQFLOZRPDQ .ULVWHQ 7KUHH6LVWHUV,VODQGVLVQRZIHQFHGRႇVHYHUDOPRQWKVRIWKH\HDUEHFDXVHYLVLWRUVZHUH slipping and falling on the slick paving stones which are slippery when wet. A bulldozer on Three Sisters removes boulders that date to the Ice Age, pursuant to Cuomo's "Landscape Improvements" plan. 5 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER JAN 26, 2017 - FEB 02, 2017 child he would take myself and my broth- HUVWR7KUHH6LVWHUV,VODQG+HZRXOGKLGH pennies in the large rocks and we'd spend KRXUVORRNLQJIRUWKHP 0\JUDQGIDWKHUSDVVHGDZD\2FWR- EHU WK 7KH IROORZLQJ VXPPHU , took comfort in going to the third of Three 6LVWHUVWRORRNIRUVRPHRIWKRVHSHQQLHV in those rocks, some that we might have PLVVHGDVFKLOGUHQ,Q,ZDQWHGWR VKRZP\¿DQFpHWKRVHURFNV7KH\ZHUH JRQH :KDW ULJKW KDYH \RX WR UHPRYH After almost 20 years in the NYS Assem- large thundering rocks which stood in EO\6DP+R\WQHDUO\ORVWUHHOHFWLRQ+H jumped at the chance to serve as Cuomo's that spot for thousands of years? Those waterboy, sticking it to Niagara Falls at VWRQHVDUHVDFUHG:KHUHDUHWKH\QRZ" every turn. Did you ask for permission from the NHHSHUV RI 1LDJDUD" 1R<RXKDG WKRVH you do not comply and begin to listen stones removed to open up a better view to the people, you will see these words of the waterfall, after having a railing in- WXUQHGLQWRDFWLRQV VWDOOHGZKLFKEORFNVR൵DPDMRULW\RIWKH 6LJQHG third island, and the spot I have been vis- .HQ&RVHQWLQR LWLQJVLQFH,ZDVDVPDOOFKLOG Indeed, as we've extensively docu- Wall to wall paving stones on Three Sisters and throughout Niagara Falls State Park - and PHQWHGLQWKLVQHZVSDSHU*RY&XRPR V many are exhibiting cracks a year or two after being laid. 7KDW GD\ ZLWK P\ ¿DQFpH D WRXU guide saw us beyond the railing and 1LDJDUD)DOOV6WDWH3DUN/DQGVFDSH,P- provements plan resulting in what most is like the large, greedy piglet that takes Where, as a result of neglect, heroin has WKUHDWHQHGWRKDYHXVDUUHVWHG FRQVLGHU WKH UXLQDWLRQ RI 7KUHH 6LVWHUV all of the milk for itself, pushing away it's UXQ UDPSDQW DQG PDQ\ RI RXU FLWL]HQV <RXDQG1<6KDYHUREEHGXVRIRXU Islands, not to mention the crass commer- VWDUYLQJZHDNHQHGVLEOLQJ KDYH GLHG IURP RYHUGRVHV ,QVWHDG \RX KHULWDJH RI RXU ELUWKULJKW<RXZLOO QRW FLDOL]DWLRQ RI ZKDW ZDV WR EH )UHGHULFN "I have read of your plans to build a ZLVKWRKDYH1<6RZQDQGFRQWUROPRUH FRQWLQXHWRGRWKLVDQ\ORQJHU,DPQRW /DZ2OPVWHG VQDWXUDOPDVWHUSLHFH "lodge" on Goat Island, and your plans SULPH UHDO HVWDWH IRU SUR¿W QRW IRU WKH asking for you to change your plans; I am A smattering of applause book-end- WRKDYH1<6SXUFKDVHSULPHUHDOHVWDWH JRRGRIWKHFLW\RULW VFLWL]HQVEXWIRUWKH RUGHULQJ \RX , SD\ P\ WD[HV 0DNH QR HG &RVHQWLQR V EULHI DGGUHVV +R\W WRRN surrounding Goat Island, including the JUHHGRIWKHVWDWH,FDQQRWVWDQGE\DQ\ PLVWDNH<RXZRUNIRUPH1LDJDUD)DOOV some questions from media, then the RQFH JUHDW 7XUWOH 3HUKDSV 1<6 VKRXOG ORQJHUDQGDOORZWKLVWRFRQWLQXH

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