FINAL EIA/EMP REPORT For PROPOSED LIMESTONE MINING IN KARIGATTA LIMESTONE AREA OF 119.64 HECTARES WITH PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF 1.0 MTPA IN NEAR VILLAGE INJEPALLI & SEDAM, SEDAM TALUKA, KALBURAGI DISTRICT, KARNATAKA Project Proponent: Environment Consultant: INTERNATIONAL CEMENT CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED GMEC INTERNATIONAL (A Govt. of India Enterprise) (QCI-NABET Accredited EIA Consultant Organization & NABL Accredited Laboratory) Tandur Cement Factory, CCI Tandur, Saharan Tower, 308, Officers Campus RR District - 501158 Extension, Khatipura, Jaipur-302012 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] URL: URL: October, 2020 Final EIA/EMP for Limestone Mining in Karigatta Limestone Area of 119.64 Hectares with Production Capacity of 1.0 MTPA in Near Village Injepalli & Sedam, Sedam Taluka, Kalaburagi District, Karnataka EIA Coordinator Dr. Alok Kumar Pandey Prepared for: Cement Corporation of India Limited, Tandur, Telangana Prepared by: Global Management And Engineering Consultants International Saharan Tower, 308, Officers Campus Extension, Sirsi Road, Khatipura, Jaipur – 302012 October, 2020 FOREWORD Cement is the second most consumed material on earth after water. The world demand of cement is projected to rise 4.5% per year to 5.2 billion metric tonnes by 2019. Similarly, India’s Cement demand is expected to reach 550-600Million Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA) by the year 2025. The average consumption of cement worldwide is 513 Kgs vis a vis 191 Kgs for India. In line with their focus on cement manufacturing, CCI has proposed Limestone Mining in Karigatta Limestone Area of 119.64 Hectares with Production Capacity of 1.0 MTPA in Near Village Injepalli & Sedam, Sedam Taluka, Kalburagi District, Karnataka (India) This EIA report for proposed project Limestone mining is evaluated by M/s Global Management and Engineering Consultants International, Jaipur (GMEC), Jaipur as per the Terms of Reference (TOR) issued by the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change vide letter no.