Le Stage Technique International D'archives: an Historical Overview and Future Prospects
356 American Archivist / Summer 1988 Le Stage Technique International d'Archives: An Historical Overview and Future Prospects PAULE RENE-BAZIN and MARIE-FRANgOISE TAMMARO On 5 November 1951 the first Stage Tech- tiator of this new direction, decided to or- Downloaded from http://meridian.allenpress.com/american-archivist/article-pdf/51/3/356/2747675/aarc_51_3_d5686353r7646105.pdf by guest on 28 September 2021 nique International d'Archives (Interna- ganize at the Archives Nationales a tional Program on Archives) opened its professional program open to foreign ar- doors. Its creator, Charles Braibant, then chivists and students. director-general of the French Archives Each participant would present the steps Nationales, had set two objectives- taken by his or her country's archives to strengthening the growing cooperation administer documents, arrange and de- among archivists around the world, and in- scribe them, and make them available. The troducing foreign professionals to the ap- possibility of a better harmonization of def- plied methods of the French archives. These initions, principles, and methods resulting goals reflect the personality of one man and from this work was anticipated.1 a particular time. Thirty-six years later, this During that year, six foreign stagiaires, program is a well-recognized international or participants, from Argentina, Greece, institution, in which almost eight hundred Haiti, Lebanon, England, and Brazil, were archivists from nearly ninety different met in Paris by a young conservator, Ro- countries have participated. As a brief re- bert-Henri Bautier. They joined fourteen view of the history of this international pro- Frenchmen, all students in their last year gram, this article intends to examine the at the Ecole des Chartes.
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