NATIONAL NIGHT OUT HUGE SUCCESS Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Celata Real Estate Academy Become a Real next class November 3rd email
[email protected] to list your Jeff Bowen Estate Agent Ask for Maureen home, condo, or multi-family for sale with us Text/Call @ 781-289-7500 781-201-9488 BOOK YOUR POST IT Chelsea record Call Your YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1890 Advertising Rep (781)485-0588 VOLUME 117, No. 33 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2018 35 CENTS CHELSEA MEMORIAL VIGIL Condo owners say water Erik Swanson mourns his sister, Jennifer Eve Swanson, who was lost this past November to the opioid epidemic. Swan- and sewer discount unfair son and scores of others gathered for the Chelsea Memorial Vigil, a vigil only three years old, but one that has grown as By Adam Swift be that way, but that’s the way a necessity as so many family members and friends seek to it ended up.” make sense and mourn the deaths of loved ones that have The City Council passed Condominium owner Al- succumbed to opiate and drug overdoses. As part of the cer- District 6 City Councillor ison Cuneo circulated an on- emony, candles were lit for loved ones as their names were Giovanni Recupero’s measure line petition with more than read aloud to the audience. to provide a 10 percent water 130 signatures as of Monday and sewer percent discount night asking the Council to to Chelsea homeowners last overturn its water and sewer month. discount vote. Yet, since that vote, there “I would oppose this even has been a fair share of resi- if I were to benefit from (the dent dissatisfaction from con- discount),” Cuneo said.