1 Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic Second Quarter Lesson 1 By Wiccid ©Wiccid www.wiccid.com.au
[email protected] 2 Wiccid Academy of Witchcraft & Magic Lesson 4 Greetings Apprentice! We now move into the Second Quarter of our 12 month apprenticeship – How exciting! From now we begin to delve more deeply into everything In this lesson we learn about the Sabbat Lammas, We talk about the season Autumn and 2 new Moon phases. We will be adding to your altar set up and tap into the wisdom of some of the Celtic Gods/Goddesses – how can we call them in to assist our magical work? Tool of the month is the Wand, in your ritual for this month you will learn how to cast a full circle, we take a closer look at Faerie magic, we are introduced to Chakra’s, Crystal magic and Divination and there is a new self-care ritual. You also get your regular tasks - A new meditation, We start a new book, There is a new practical activity for you to try out and you will be adding to your Book of Shadows!! There is a lot to cover this month so just a reminder that this is self-paced and self-monitored learning, meaning I won’t be marking your work - how much or how little you participate and integrate these teachings into your life will be entirely up to you. I am simply here to provide you with the tools you need to bring magic into your everyday life. Have a beautiful month, Love, Light and Blessings to you, Bella x How to get the most out of your lessons: When you receive your lesson each month, I recommend you print and then skim through all the material to give you insight into what you will be doing for the month.