Monday 9 November  Phoned the three Academies, the Chiltern School and Weatherfield and Central College about a fund which I chair offering grants for adults (over 18) with learning and/or physical disabilities or a diagnosed mental health issue to help them into employment and/or training.  Grounds and Environmental Services Committee – comment on Plans sub Committee’s, up-date on Creasey Park, Cemetery, Recreation grounds, town centre gardens and the Ranger Services Tuesday 10 November  To Perfect Print to arrange printing of the Mayor’s Christmas card  Conversation with Signs of the Times in Tebworth about a possible project under the auspices of Historic to erect a signpost at the town centre crossroads illustrating Dunstable’s Roman history – destinations in Latin (with English interpretation) for the beginning and end of Watling Street and other destinations as well as destinations on the Icknield Way. There was once a signpost outside the Nag’s Head; the project would recognise this aspect of the town’s history as well as its Roman history. Wednesday 11 November  Attended at the War Memorial in Priory Gardens to take part in the Remembrance observance and lay a wreath on behalf of the Town Council. Manageable numbers of members of the public present, observing social distancing. Our thanks particularly to the bugler, Rachel Phillips (Rector) and the Police as well as others who took part.  Joined Pride of Dunstable Business Networking Group for up-date on the Government’s scheme for business support, self-employed support and the Job Retention Scheme with Susanne Spicer. Some 23 participants joined, chaired by Ed Harrison of Deakin White.  Joined virtual meeting of the Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway group of which I have been a member for many years – interested in the progress of joining Bedford and Milton Keynes with a new waterway. Thursday 12 November  Delivered leaflets to those mentioned on Monday re funding for training  Finalised project report for the Chairman of the Cultural Group for suggestion for the signpost mentioned above on Tuesday  Collected Christmas cards – now to sign them all!  Watched the Central Bedfordshire Council’s full Council meeting being especially interested in comments about the proposed Health Hub Friday 13 November  Participated in another Zoom Charity meeting working group  Originally had four days earmarked for a break and an Association Dinner in Pembrokeshire; another break cancelled by reason of the two lockdowns. Saturday 14 November  Zoom meeting with fellow councillors. Opportunity with a member of the public raising issues around the medical hub, to give some detail about the background to the decision, to correct much false information in the public domain, agreeing some of the concerns and how and why they need to be overcome.  Market cancelled to adhere to the lockdown – limited stallholders would be permitted, essential goods only, to make it viable. Look out for the next market, (after December 2nd, when the lockdown will hopefully be lifted), on Saturday 5th December. Markets will then be held on 11th, 12th and 13th December (Christmas Magic), then 18th and 19th December (Christmas market). Many stalls already booked – will be a full Middle Row and Ashton Square. Please support our markets! Sunday 15 November  Started signing Mayor’s Christmas cards  Drafted a piece for another Dunstable Family Business to be considered by that business  Drafted a ‘What Did You Want, What Have We Done’ piece for consideration by fellow councillors about the town centre and the medical Hub