- 'from Ihetle GOOD MORNIN.G, IOWA CITY! n, as , Continued fair and warmer is the forecast for to­ day. However, tne weatherman sees scattered thun­ owaJil der showers in the offing-they may arrive tonight. r.tabllabad 1868 Vol. 78, No. 259-AP NewB and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. July 23-Five Cents • • • Ki e I I.ssing In' a e'stine ast ------~~--~--~.------* * * .. * Board Abandons Plans 'Jewish Terrorists' 'For City High' Stadium Blamed for Explosion JERUSALEl\{ tAP)-Tbe Palestine government annoUnced last night that 93 pel'SQl18, including 14 senior British and Pales­ Plans for construction of a and advertisement of bids would have been built at the City High tine officers, were killed outright or are missing under a "hug~ flO,OOO City High School footbaU be necessary before the money for schooi grounds. It had been pile of debris" jn t\le noon-time bombing of the palatial King stadium this year were aban- lights and seats could be spent. planned that new bleachers and David hotel. doned last night at a meeting of ~Iay estimated for fulfillment of bleachers moved to the site from The official announcement of the casualties was made shortly the school board. legal obligations was six weeks. Shrader field would accomodate after the Jewish agency e.x.pressed borror at the bombing and The board approved the $342,- Construction, which could not 3,400. '00' budget for 1946-47 submitted begin until requirements of law Plans for lighting included six called upon the .lewish community in Palestine "to l'ise up against at the last meeting, but cancelled were completed, would take an­ 80-foot metal towers mounted these abominable outl'ages." plans for the stadium when it lother estimated six weeks. with lights and reflectors. The Police attributed the attack to "Jewish terrorists." ·was learned that because of legal The board approved the pur­ towers were to be erccted behind Known casualties ,up to 9 :30 p. m., the Palestine government obligations and increased con- chase of bleachers seating 1,740 the ,bleachers so vision would not said, were 41 dead, including eight unidentified bodies, 52 miss· \ struction time, completion of the to supplement seatIng facilities at be impaired. Wiring would have iug in the wreckage and 53 injured. The missing include 12 lIeld would be delayed until near Shrader field at Longfellow been laid underground. senior British officers of the government secretariat and two then the end of the season. school, where games will be The $10,000 cost of the stadium senior Palestine officers of the attorney general's department. plc­ Investigation of state school played this fall as in past sea­ was included in the $352,700 bud­ The blast, which ripped through the secretariat and the head­ Indl- laws since the board meeting July sons. ·Bleachers now at the field get submitted July 10 by Iver quarters of the nrltlsh army, destroyed 25 rooms on five floors and 10, when the stadium was pro- will hold 2,000. A. Opstad, superintendent of. tore off a whole corner of the massive hotel. JIOsed, disclosed that a hearinB The proposed stadium was to schools, but was eliminated from A BOMB BLAST followed by fire wrecked the Britlsh Government secretariat and army headquarters • • • the budget last night when build· In the KIng David hotel in Palestine, Jerusalem. yesterday. Nlnety-Ihree persons were killed or misslnl". I_edlatel)' alter the ex,ploslon, the Jewish quarters of ing of the field was canceled. (AP WIREPHOTO) JerDIIlem were placed under a strict curfew. Fully-armed BrlUlh Applications of two teachers loldlers by the truckloads, accompauled by Bren cun carrlen, were accepted at the meeting. patrolled the cUy. May Cannot Appear The board hired Mrs. Almeda Reported Confessions Obtained by- Newman Peery to teach junior Responsible Jewish sources· ·promptly · blamed the attack on high school English. Mrs. Peery "either the Irgun Zval Leuml or the Stern gang" which they de­ taught English seven years at Iscribed as the more Irresponsible of tbe three underground JewiSh. At Today's Inquiry Ogden, Utah, and a year at Jack:­ Use ~ of Truth Serum on Heirens groups. sonvi lie, Florida. Witnesses to the explosion said a girl telephoned the hotel 15 minutes before the blast saying "your buildlng Is about to be WASHINGTON (AP) - Repre- "Due to press of constant legis­ Mrs. Melvin Heiler was accept­ ;.. , -May Revolutionize Criminology · • • 'W' l' ... bombed." .entative May (D., Ky.) declared lative duties, particularly those in ed as instructor in high school •• home economics. Shc taught The attack came just 23 days and eight hours after the British relation to the atomic control bill, army occupied the Jewish agency and arrested Jewish leaders in yesterday that because of the I will not be able to appear be­ from 1943 lo 19-16 at Amboy town­ CHICAGO-Use* '* o[ "*the amazing By JOHN*** F. 8EMBOWER The difference*** is that the aver­ "press of constant legislative ship high school. "truth serum " is compounding one Central Press Correspondent age person does not necessarily what was officiaUy described as an all-out campaign against terroris~ fore the committee on Tuesday, activities in Palestine. duties" he would be unable to ap- though there is no dispOSition on Francis A. Merten, former ath­ scnsational development upon an­ empioy scientific methods; he is ,Pear before. the senate war invest- my part to unduly delay my ap­ letics instructor, was granled an­ other in the eHorts to connect 17· in which it was used to pry se­ merely an amateur looking for a • • • other year's leave of absence. year-old William Heirens, the shifty glance, a tell-tale facial ex­ The blast, described by a British officer as equivalent to the lI&ting committee today In re- pearance pursuant to the comrrut­ ctets from captured enemy and to explosion of a 500-POUD4 bomb, broke windows tbroua-hout Now serving in the army, he will "splJt-personality kid," with thc loosen the tongues of psych 0- pression, or some other indication sponse to its subpoena. tee's subpoena and I feel I will Jerusalem and lnJureti a a~ber of personl some distance from He said In a statement to news-,I be able to make this appe lor Ib~ GENIlRAL NOTICBS '" ~ depo. Jted 'With tbe ea,ntpu, edltot' or Tb, PaUl' lewaD ... IDa, ~ ~J plau. ID U.e bOll: proY'.ed tor their d~posU In the .ftleu .f Tit :.:- nan, low ••• GENERAL NOTiCes mull. be at The n.u,. I •••• ~) _ • . . ,~ ":IQ P. m . 'he o.ay precedln, .irst 1)ubUc.t.lon: hoUua witt NOT ~ F1IJ!'D N. POWNIlLL, Publ_ 111. AJIIOclatftl Pre. III ueluatvelT en­ :'J aeeeple.d. by ttJtphone, abd bUill be TVPED 0& L£OIBLY wa,nttt \lilt When Peace-Makers ••• SIONED by • fuponllble periOD, 1.Drt'n L.. Hickerson. Assisbnl IQ JII' IIUft! to tor npublkatlon at au new. I Publish., d~_ eredhed to It IW ....t ocher­ Gene Coodwln. EIlUor wise credited In thlll paper ond also the ( VOL. xxn No. 259 Tuemay, July 23, 19te WaUl' Slrlnabam. BudneD ""' ...... loal new. herein. lIub Olson. Circulation ManDI.' Board of Trustees: WUbur Sdlramm. Convene af Paris UNIVERSITY CALENDAR TELEPRONFS KIrk H. Porter. A. CraJa Bollrd. Paul R. "- Editorial OUl takes into con­ with the Communists. If she h"d the River room of Iowa Union. Prof. Erich Funke, (room 106, signing-and lhe steps are import- claims are to be presented at sideration both her famous sis­ that In mind, she was taking a illcorpol'fltr its own ill-('on, idl>red (I lllm~es in the atomic l!.'gisla­ Dean Carlyle F. Jacobsen of the Schaeffer hall) , fOr an interview, ant, since out of them evolved the tel's, Mme. H. H. Kung and Mme. desperate la st resort to avoid the tion. ~arls. graduate college will be the inner circle which seems to be Romania; Over the next six Chiang Kai-Shek. Many Chinese chaos of civil war in her country. Whereas tltc McMahon bill, the I'csnlt or five montll's study by speaker. Members are requested REGISTRATION FOR THE FOUR drawing lines of Europe's future: years she is to pay Russia $300,- disagree with Mme. Sun's politics, WEEK SESSION a pecial committee, pass<'d t)Je s nate io short ord r 00 a non­ to leave reservations In the office 1. The victorious ally which 000,000 in oil, grain, timber, sea which always have been leftish, of the college ot education as soon partison ba~iR, the hOlls pt'odded by the strong oppositioQ put Registration for the tour week pushed into a conquered country and river craft, and machinery. but none publicly challengES her as possible. up by the military affairs committee-chose to make it a political first wrole the "armistice terms," Also Romania turned over to Rus- sincerity and honesty. session, Aug. 8 to Sept. 5, will be Judd Speech held July 22 to 27 inclusive. Stu­ i N, ue. nonimolls support of the senate bill by libcral groups con­ For example, the United Stales sia thE. area called Bessarabia. What lihe has done is to charge MEN and United Kingdom wrote the But she received, under Russian that the right wing of her brother­ dents should request registration vinrl'Cl hOllse ('Oil. rrvativps lhat if "mil. t be wron!!, JI and 111C ('011 If you will be available for full Italian armistice. Russia wrote dictation, an area called Transyl- in-law's one-party government at materials and a schedule at the call and voice vot . on nmrndm nt. to tl1e measure howed pa1'ty time employment [rom Aug. 7 to registrar's office. Registration armistice terms for Finland and vania, which had been part of Na"lking is inciting civil war in d i visions. • Postponed Sept. 21 please call room 9, Old directions wilt be found in the the Balkans. In each case all Hungary. the hope that "civil conflict in Capitol lOr details. schedule. 'l'he hon, tacked m l' than 50 am(lndment. onlo th 1 ~i la­ three signed what the others had Hun&,ary; BeSides losing Tran- China wiII incite war between tion. If the hOll (' yersion wrre to be 'om(' low, contl'ol of I1tomi ' en­ Postponement and possible can­ authored. Finland's terms were sylvania, she is also to pay $300,- America and the USSR and thus NEWMAN CLUb VETERANS (,J'gy fOt· peacetime Il es wOllld b only 11 meaningless phrase. signed only by Russia and the 000,000 In reparations. But her at I~ st crush the Chinese Com­ cellation of the lecture scheduled Regular meeting, Tuesday eve­ All veterans who are interrupt­ to be deli vered here Friday by fi'Ot·tll,natcly, experts in WaslLi!lgton are 11010 7)I'cdicting that United Kingdom since the United payments are split in recognition munists." ning 7:30 p. m. at the Catholic ing their training Aug, 7 must reo , Congressman Walter H. Judd of III e .~ena I e-lI Oll.~e conf e'/'el1ce will pl'Od1tce fI, bill which 'will be States was not at war with that of the lands on which her troo})s She also said Americans should Student center. A social hour port to room 17, southwest cor­ 1Jf'ociic(llly the same as lI,e 01';(1;11(11 sC1H1 lc vel'. ion, and fflal til e nation. And France, which wrote caused destruction, $200,000,000 be "warned" about continuing aid Minnesota was announced last win iollow the general discussion. ner Schaeffer hall basement, to night by Dr. M. WilLarcl Lampe, ''''/l ,~r tl'in ap}J),{J!Jc it. none of the armistice terms, was is to go to Russia within the next to the present government. All Catholic studenl.S arc invited fill out interruption form. Room With so much important legi lalion in the congrc siona! hop· nowever, invited in on the Ital- eight years; $30,000,000 is ear- Most signi(icanUy Mme. Sun directol' of the summer session to attend. open 1 to 5 p. m. Monday through ian dea\. marked for Czechoslovakia, and does not lambast Chiang Kai-Shek lecture series. I', it ,eem. llnjustifillbly stupid to us for the house to waste n Friday. P 2. When the war dust settled the $70,000,000 for Yugoslavia. Thcse personally as she has done in the week drafting and passing dangerous amendments which will Dr. Lampe said that Congress­ SCIENTIFIC RUS5rAN Big Four foreign ministers met to payments are also io kind: ma- past. She thus seems to leave man Judd, who called him irom n ret' be incol'pol'ated in the final J gi.lation. It app aI's that the A reading course in ScientiCic GRADUATE COLLEGE iron oul what they wanted. The chinery, river craCt, grain and the tioor wide opEn tor him to Washington last night, won't be Russian, 41 :101, 41:102, wllh a LECTURE II'cpresentnlivl's had but on' p1ll'p()~e in mind and that was to let meeting had been agreed on at livestock. effect a compromise and avoid able to come Friday- because ad­ total oi 8 s. h. credit win be of­ Prof. Richard Brauer, of /he the nnlion know lhat their pride wn. hurt when til Whitc HOlls{' PotsdalTl, when lhe Big Three Italy; The fate of her African civil war with lhe Communists journment of congress has been fEred during the academic year mathematics department at the unci the wal' cJeplll·tnHmt chose to support the sena,le ill Ihis mat­ leaderS- Truman, Atlee and Stalin colonies-Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, If he wants to, or if he can. delayed until next week. 19-16-47. Open to graduate stu­ University of Toronto, will presellt tpl'. -met there at the war's end. This Italian SomalUand and Erltrea- Few Chinese will question the Plans are being made to hold dents: a few under-graduates may a graduate college lecture "On council is quite outside the regu- was lhe subject of so much argu- gravity of the crisis from which the lecture Friday, Aug, 2, Dr. be admitted by specalpermlsSion. Some Developments ot Mod~n lal' United Nations machinery. ment among the Fig Four [oreign Mme, Sun speaks, Many, how- Lampe added. Graduate students may optionally Algebra" in room 301, physics 3. Now the Big Four ministers ministers that it has been put on ever, will note that what she take this course without credit. bUilding, Tuesday at 4:10 p. m. Your Chances of Living to -& 150 have agreed to submit their treaty ice lor a year, with the British says isn't very different from Total enrollment will be limitro Everyone is invited to attend. No texts to 17 other nations, chosen administering the area. It was what the Communists are saying. Cork oak trees grow to 30 feet to 25. Students with a satisfac­ special knowledge of algebra is A brief r('port, from Russia last week told of the death of Dr. by the United States, United King- IIgreed, however, that Italy must But Mme. SUD is something of in height, and their trunks reach tory language aptitude and i n- presupposed. Al xand r A. Dogomolet , dir etor of the Kiev 1n titute or Ex­ dom and Russia because they con- renounce sovere!gn.ty. a living saint in the eyes of Chi­ a diameter of three or more feet. perimental Biology Dnd Pathology. Doctol' Bogomolet!'l was also tributed most to defeating the ------=-:..:..------=:.-.------...:....------­ thc anthor of a startling new boole, "'r'lle Prolongation of IJue." Axis. This book explains bis worle with anti-r ecticular cytoxic serllDl Those that will attend in addi­ RADIO CALENDAR (known os AUS) and expl'e. ses his beli [ tbat human life mllY tion to the Big Four, are: China, WSUI (910) WHO (1040) WMT (600) KXEL (1540) Australia, Belgium, Byelo-Russia, What ,It Takes to Be aGood Newspaper Reporter be expanded to ]50 y('al'S or mOl'e. Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, 8 a. m. WSUI Farm PI. • S:S~ ". m . ':S" ]\ . m, Bogomolcts based his work at the Ki·v Institute on the dis­ Ethiopia, Greece, India, the Neth­ TeacLer* Finds * * Journalism Not at* All * Like* Hollywood or Radio * * *Versions WSUl Morn. Chap, WMT Bach. Chll. WSUI Union }lour WHO F. Warlnr WMT News WHO Buckaroos S:4~ p. m , WSUl Sports covcry that the connectivc ti~su es of the body have a restorati,'e I~' erlands, New Zealand, Norway, !.-______,I ---______...; WHO St. John 12 M. WMT Mrs. Burton WM'f Encore Th. and a l'cgcncrative facnlty. 'l'hl'otlgb thi. re, earch A , Wll, de­ Poland, tile Union or South Afri­ WHO Fatrell . KXEI. Daclo"," DID YOU ever wonder what it By KENNETH F. HEWINS ference between handling ordln- KXl:1:1~r:~~. . Cl . ~~~l ~ol~,,';;~lf:. KXEL 1540 Club 7:tI p. m. vcJoped [01' the cure of infections and degenerative discasps. And ca, Yugo~lavia and the Ukraine. takes to be a good newspaper re­ Written for Central Press and WMO 1-larkels 4 p. m. WSUI Eve. Music 4. But, as was said, only the ary narrative prose and news WSUl Mus. Mlnlst. KXEL Land O'Com WSUI Music WMT Oreen LI,hl thanks to ilr,; di covery, we may have to rel\djll t our whole con­ WMT Mary Mile. 12'U p IP WMT Song Shall KXEL B. Spewlck Big Four need sign the treaties to porter? Thl!\ Newspaper writing declared: WHO Mel. Madh. WMT News' ' cept of man's life 'lpan. For some time, I have felt that WHO Guiding L, 8 p. m. make them stick. "Ordinary prose writing beats 8:110 •• m, WHO VlslUnC KXEL Bride, Cr. WSUI ~{u •. U w""t Bogomol t's death !tas a1~ ironic twist, for he was 86, which, the main part of being a journal­ WSUI N..... KXEL New s . :15 p . m. WMT As Oth. S. U. 5. Arter the 21 nations fini~h good actor, a diplomat and a hard by his own admiss':o1t, should merely be middle age for htWUIn around the bush: goes into great WMT Mus. Clack 1'1:30 p. m. WMT A. Wool fries WHO MAN X the Paris talks, the Big Four will ist of the writing kind is simply worker with a certain degree at WHO Rd. of Llte WSUI News WHO Today's Ch , KXEL Baseball beings. l t econling 10 Oil'/' "epol't, dea l" tllas dlle to It em·t dis­ taking the 26 letters of the alpha­ d€sc ription, and then finaUy gets 8:4~ •. m. WMT Co... boys 4 :80 p. m , 8:lUl p . m. go off into another huddle and talent." WSUI Prog. Cal. - WHO News WSUI Tea Time WStTl Art.' Alb. case--a fact which voided the chance of p"olongin(J his own life write the final treaties. bet and arranging them in dif­ The windup of that answer, no down to business. Service Reports KXEL Mqrkels ,VMT Army WMT Open Rer. with AC• . He nevet· IJrescribed ACS when a heart a:ilment was ferent combinations. WHO J. Jordan 11l:4G p. tn, WHO Worn. While WHO Romber, It's likely there will be plenty doubt, will give almost anyone "News writing must you in I a. m. WSUI P. J>orter KXEL la, Centen. 8 : 4~ p, m. 7Jresent. of pressure from the other 17 na­ That, however, is not embodied nerve enough to apply tor a job WSUI Phil. of Life WMT Market. 4:13 p. m. WSUI News the face first thing," the student WMT .For Ladle. WHO Wllh a Sonr Fed. So a gr('at <;ci ntific pioneer is dead befor~ we COllld put hi~ tions at Paris. Dr. H. V. Evatt, in Hollywood's idea of a news- WMT News WMT Ler. as a reporter. added, WHO F, Warlnr XXEL RFD IMO WHO Masquerade 9 p. m. finding') to wide lise. Hi'! di, cove'ries may leave him on a plane the Australian foreign minister; paper man. Another student listed the qual­ KnL True Story I p. m. KXEL Horrl~.n WSU-r SI*n Off Discussing the reasons reporters 9: I~ •• m. WSUI M,'s. Chats 5 I'. Tn . WMT Mod. Rhythms with Pasteur, Ehrlich and the Curies. Time aloDe COD make au ae­ has already protested the "undem­ ifications of a good reporter in . t WMT New. WMT Pe~body. WSUl Child, Hour WHO SuP, Club try to put th e most Importan "::Ie •.•, WHO Woman of A. -curate evaluation of Ills work. ocratic" treaty methoa. this manner: WMT Crosby Time 8: 15 p. m. The Paris conterence will leave things first in a news story one WMT Tena, Tim KXEL Centennial WHO News WMT You & A. . Bince the first paper on AC was published in 1943 many pop· "(A) Good spelling; (b) ambi­ , . WHO B. Cameron J : 1$ p. m. KXEL Terry WHO H, V. Xal. untouched decisions on four world tion; (c) speed, and (d) diction­ E'xam paper read: KXEL Hymns WMT Happy SI. 5:U p. m, 8:N p. Ia. u1ltr writ rs have jumped lit the chance to catch the public's fancy areas for which no treaties are '''I'lle most important things are 9:4~ •• m. WHO M. Perkins WMT News WMT Amer. Mel. with wild clajm about ACS. But to one who read'! '''rhe Pro· ary .handy." . . WSUI MilS., New. lCXEL Home Time WHO Ne.... WHO '46 Frolics ;yet prepared: Germany, Japan, "Some of the qualifications of put iJrst for the purpose of Jettmg WHO D. Harum 1:S0 p. m. KXl:L 1~0 Club 10 p. m. the reader see what the story is EXl!:L Llslenlng WMT Surprise 5:30 p. m. WMT Dou, Granl longation or IJif('," t he scientific facts peak loudly for them· Korea and Austria. Here's what a good reporter," wrote one girl, WMT Morn. Mal. WHO pep. Young WSUl Muoic Moods WHO M. r.. Nelsqn selve, . seems ahead for them: "are that he can spell well, be a about. If a person had to read 10 a. m. XXEL Scientist WMT News KXl:L II. R. Or_ ACS i not the pnnacea for all man's ailments; nor is there any The United States has been eVHy bit of a newspaper he would WSUI H"re's Idea lj45 p, m. WHO CarOUSel 10:15 p. m. Furthermore, my idea of jour­ goo!! observer, and write mainly . . WI\IJT Xale Smith WM'D II. Wive. KXEL J, Armst,. WMT News basi, for saying that women over 90 can bear children with it pushing a plan to unify Germany's facts." spend a long time. This Will also WHO Judy, Jane WHO Happiness 5:45 p. m. WHO BIUb08M nalism does not conform entirely tell the reader what the story is I{XEL Breneman 2 p. m. WSUl News KXEL SP9rts aid. Thcre is also an unjustificd rumor story going the rounds economic life,\ and at the same Along with believing that a 10:'1 •. m. WSUI News WMT Sports 10:10 p .... with the radio version-which jbout and if he is not interested WSUI Alt. Br. Col. WMT Hou se Party 81m • that Bogomolets invented ACS exclusively to prolong the Hie of time, for a Big Four agreement new$]T1an should be able to arrange WHO News WMT Sin., to occupy the country 25 years. portrays the newsman as a stiff­ he can go on with something else" VMT Ilunt Jenny WHO Bkslge WII~ KXEL Modem. WHO Dem. Conv. Joseph, talin, words intelligently, I have also . rno News KXEL AI Pe ..ce G p. m . KXEL Orch. Russia has objected. Britain and arm angel who does no (vrltlng One ot the questions was 1< 10 :30 •• m. 2: 15 p . m. WSUI MUsic 10:11 , ••• Despitc these unfounded statements, ACS is 8 revolutionary at all but a lot of detective work adhered to the doctrine that a . d f ' ·t· f .. 'E SUI Bookahelf WSU! MUlic WMT 13lg Town WM'r Spivak France agree. gIVe a e 1111 Ion 0 news. x' MT Helen Trent WHO Stell. Dallos 8Llproach to the pl'oblem of giving n1al1 a "corrected" life span. while the cops, presumably, are reporter shOUld have a "nose for WHO Mel. Par. WHO Muole and N. Japan must wait until the na­ news." perts have tried that from th. HQ Lone Journey e:30 P. m. KXEL MUsic 11 p. •• The Ladies Home Journal for January carried the first ol·tiele down at the station playing dom- 6:" p. m. WM'r News tions bordering the Pacific get to­ Th\!re is nothing better than a time the early Romans poste.. U~.:~... :~ ... ~~l ~~e~IJ~o;:-.. WHO M. L. Nelson WHO Mu.'e 011 thi startling new erum and Ellcore magazine for June car­ gether. The date is not even talk­ inoes. SUI Music 2:•• P. m. KXl!:L H. R. Cro.. XXl!:L B... I",)! I stiJl hold to the origina1 no­ substantial nose, in good working M'r Cal Sunday WMT SPeak Up WMT Cr. Drama 11 :15 p, ... ried tbe first English translation. of "The Prolongation of Life." ed 0 yet, althougH there Is an condition, for successful news writ­ RO Lora Lawlon WliO Wid . Brown 6:110 P. ... IVY'r Slory Goes tion that newspaperln, involves lCJ:L C. Drake KXEL Ladle. WMT Thea. 01 R. Duell, loan and Pierce. Any or all of these ar recommended eleven-nation far eastern commis­ ing-especially if the editor is WIlO l\lullc sion now working In Washington brisk workouts on the typewriter, U •. m. 8 p. m. WHO Date Judy KXl!:L Rev. Pletoeh reading for those who want the latCRt scientifie word on thei bent upon stirring up some kind 'SUI News-L. A. WSUI Ad". iJl R. KXEL Old You K.? H:N p. IlL on occupation policy. putting words toa-ether; but my M.T Valiant Lady WMT P. Mason 6,4' p. m. WMl' Ort the l!ec. chancP" of living to he 150--{)r more. of a foul-smelling incident or is The United States is also push­ idea has been amplified somewhat 'HO Pe.I>odys WHO Olrl Marrle, KXEL CentennIal WHO C. Lenrnor! wan.~lIg to ' continue the search .xEL ol4rnor Man KXEL Jack Berch 8:M p. m. .. :45 p .... ing for an Austraian treaty. We recently, 11:15 • • m. S:U p, m. WSUI News WMl' Mullc I have just had the pleasure of for what ls rotten In Denmark, IMT World" Lllht WMT Women 7 p. Ill. WHO Muslo wanted it on the Paris program, So . tor many year a nose has rno Dr. Malone WHO Portl.'s 1.11. WSUI Fr.e For, KX1:L Ordlestr. put Russia balked. 50 Austria's lOOking over s6me examination n:,. a. m, KXEL la. Cenlto, WMT A. Oodfrey It m, Inquiry Set for '~rafion "Inder' papers In which beginning jour­ been standard equipment for good \?liT E. Wlnler. S:at p. m. WliO Marquee WM'r SlID Olf future hangs fire. reporters. mo E. Webber WSUI News KXEL Lum 'n Ab. WHO Mldnllht 1Ih7. nalism students discussed a few their 'Acta Diurna" news bulle­ OtEL Farm Hour WMT Roaemar), T: 15 p. m. KXEL Siln Oil ( t. LOItis Star-Times) Korea's future seems the furth­ U:.. •. ... WHO Plain Bill KXEL O'Nellls Brolld ontline. of a I;candal in the handling of war shipping­ est from settlement. State depart­ things in connection with the tins. The word "news," as yOl prest and its ladles and " Entle­ carl see, Is composed of 1etters ab­ what the New Republic has call d with devastating appropriate­ ment papers mention discussion "up to five years" off. breviating North, East, West anc IUt to tickle the linotype oper­ ncss "Operation Plunder"-have been obvions for some time men. • Iowa Women Voter,' Even when the five treaties are All of the questions on this test South-wh.lch covers considerablE ltor. DOW. signed some Allied troops will obviously were answered with a territory. , Another student, missing the Board to Hold Meet ' 'l'he m re citation of figures is enough to sbow that all was not still remain as occupation forces­ seriousness of purpose. I wish to So I lot a 11ft when I ran acroS! luestion, asserted: "A newspaper At Union Tomorrow well in the operation of the hastily commandeered government pass on to you a few ~cerpts Big Four troo,ps in Germany, Rus­ this answer to that question: morgue' is a cell in the news­ merchant marine: One group of 758 ships having a total book sians and Americans In Austria, from these papers. ·'News Is information about an lapel' plant." Members o! the state board of vallie of only $37,000,000 earned for tbeir owners a total of $199,- and Russans in Rumania and One of the questions on this ex­ But one of these journalist stu­ accident whicll has just happened the League of Women Voters of 700,000 during the war. Insurance of $477,000,000 was paid upon Hungary. art}fnation apparently was, "Will dents I am telling you about and no one- Knows about it." Probably this student had his Iowa will hold their summer board thc !linking of 690 old ships that bad a book value of only t87,- Five Axil 8atelUtes y

J. W. Dulin to Rejoin Medical College Staff Prof. Richard Brauer .Liberal Arts College Regulates , . As Clinical Professor To Speak on Modern Dr. J. W. Dulin, who resigned as professor of general surgery Algebra Methods July 1, will rejoin the college of Announce medicine faculty as clinical pro­ Prof. Richard Brauer of thIS of. Transfer Studenfs fessor of surgery at University Adm~ssion Engagement University of Toronto will spealC . ------~------~------~------hospital, he announced yesterday. on "Some Developments of Mod. As cli nical professor of sur­ ern Algebra" at 4:10 p. m. today Prof. Knoff Resumes gery, Dulln wlll continue teaching in room 301, physics building. Require 2.0 at the hospital hut will also enter His speech, open to the public, City Club"Meetings private practice as a general sur­ is another in the graduate coliege Hospital Work Here geon in Iowa City. lecture series. No specia I back­ Associated with the university ground in algebra is presupposed. Grade Point Prof. John R. Knott has re­ Old Gold Theta Rbo "Vbnce Orr and Mrs. MB;Tgaret since his graduation here in 1929, Professor Brauer has been ap­ The Old Gold Theta Rho girls ]v1iJler. Dr. Dulin had been professor of sumed his work in the psychiatry praised by leading mathematicians will hold their last meeting for general surgery since 1933. as one of the most distinguished department of the psychopathic College of Commerce this summer tonight at 7:30 out­ Zion Lutheran Ladles Dr. and Mrs. Dulin and their algebraists of the present time. To Institute Formal hospital here aIter a two-year Of-doors at the home of Mrs. Roy Members of the Zion Lutheran two sons live at 307 Beldon ave­ Born in Berlin, he received a military leave of absence as a Mackey, 222 E. Davenport street. ladies aid society will hold an ice nue in Iowa City. Ph.D. degree at the University of Admiss'on Procedure lieutenant in the navy, Dean Ewen Mary Jane Mackey will act as cream social on the church lawn Berlin in 1925. From 1925 to 1933 hostess for the social whi~h will tomorrow beginning at 6:30 p. m. M. MacEwen of the college of he was an assistant professor at As recorded in the minutes of a medicine announced yesterday_ follow the meeting. Mrs. Chris ~orensen is the gen­ Professors to Direct recent college of liberal arts exe­ etal chairman, assisted by Mrs. Konigsberg. Discharged from the navy early WSUI Chapel Series In 1933 he came to this country c~Uve committee meeting, new University Club Harland SprinkJe. regulatJons have been set-up gov­ this month, Professor Knott had The University club will have and for two years was visiting erning the transfer of students to been a research associate in psy­ its last party of the summer in • ViSiting professors will conduct professor at the University of the college of liberal arts from chology ana neurology from 1938 the University club rooms this the morning chapel series over Kentucky. He attended the Insti­ other undergraduate colleges of to 1941, when he received an ap­ evening at 7:30. It will be a part­ T.B. Drive Reports MR. AND MIlS. L. A. POWERS, 616 S. Cagltol street, announce the WSUI at 8 o'clock this week. tute of Advanced Study in 1934-35. the unl versi ty. pointment as assistant professor in ner bridge. ea,anment and approachln, August marrial"e or their daul"hter, V. Dr. Avery E. Lambert of the Since 1935 he has been professor clini~al psychiatry. anatomy department will speaK of mathematics at the University Such students will now be re­ 15 Need X-rays Here Evelyn, to Wilbur (Skeet) Powers, son of ]\fr. and Mrs. C. R. Powel"!! quired to: He taught courses in physiolog­ Women's Rtllef Corps 01 Tipton. Sbe Is a vaduate of Iowa City high school and Brown's this morning. Prof. O. D. Foster of Toronto. of the history department, tomor­ _ (1) Meet the same standards ical psychology and in 1939 began The Women's Relief corps will COllllhenle eoUe,e. For the past several years she has been employed Professor Brauer was awarded of admJss\on as are established work in clinical electro-encepha­ hold a picnic today at 12 noon at }(-rays for the Johnson county as seer.ry In the University Bapd and Concert coursc departments. row; Prof. John T. Horton of the a Guggenheim Fellowship for for Iowa students who appl)' for lography, recording the electrical City park. Members wili bring T.B. drive will be given at Mercy Mr. Powers 18 a Ifaduate of Tipton hl£"h school and has recently been history department, Thursday; 1941-42. He has pUblished about admission from other collegiate actiVity of the brain. sandwiches, covered dishes and hospital sometime betWeen the dlschal'l"ed from the United States na vy, Prof. B. Iden Payne of the dra­ forty papers on abstract algebra. Institutions and Professor Knott entered the table services. 5th and 10th of August, accord­ matic arts department, Friday, and He will arrive here from an al­ Prof. Thompson Stone of the 12) Present. to the dean of Jlb­ navy in 1944 and was stationed at There will be a special mecting ing to Miss Aggie Dall, county gebra conference at the University nurse. Wednesday Program Ala., and Lois Ban-igar, G of Iowa music department, Saturday. eral arts a letter frolll the col­ Davisville, R. I., the United States for officers. In case of rain the City. Professor Koelbel and Alice of Chicago. le,e of last attendance jndlcatln&' naval hospital in Philadelphia, picnic will be held at the Com­ To dale there are 75 persons who require X-rays. In September, To Feature Chamber Eversole, G of Iowa City, will bonorable dlsmJssal and the Pa., and the Great Lakes training munity building. Two Runways Closed The south end of the north­ conditions under which re-en­ center and naval hospital. 1944. when the lost survey was Music Over WSUI play the cellos. made, there were 50 persons lor Dick Shrader, local airport sta­ south runway, and the southeast rollment In the previous depart­ Commissioned as a psychologist Alt.ru a Club lion manager, closed the ends of end of the northwest-southeast lIIent would be permJtted. X-rays. and e I e c t r 'o-encephalographer, The Altrusa club will hold its Featuring chamber music, the It is believed that copper was two of the three runways Satur­ runway were involved. The bal­ Regarding the first of the two regular 12 noon luncheon tomor­ The conference at which the Wednesday eVening music hour Professor Knott applied the elec­ X-rays are to be taken is con­ first used about 3500 B.C. by the day morning be<:ause of heavy ance of the runways may be used decisions, the committee decided row at the Jefferson hotel. wlll be broadcast tomorrow night trical recording. process to head ducted by the Iowa State board Egyptians. equipment mo vi ng on the field. with extreme caution. there was no reason why such wound cases and epileptics at the at 8 o'clock in studio E, WSUI, in students shou ld be trea ted d ifler­ lola Counell No. S4 of health, and the state T.B. as­ Great Lakes hospital. sociation. the radio building. enlly than new applicants request­ Del"ree of Pocahontas Tn Brahms' "Trio" opus 114 ing entry into the university. I Commissioned as a ps.vchologist The lola Council No. 54 Degree Any person who has been ex­ a nld eleclro-encephalographer, Donald McGinnis, G ~f Barberton: This decision was made because of Pocahontas will meet at the posed to tuberculosis is asked to OhiO, will play the clarinet; Prof. Professor Knott applied Ithe elec­ the purpose of the college of lib­ K. P. hall tomortow night at 8 Hans Koelbel, the cello, and Na­ trical recording process to head have a skin test taken by his 8TRUB - "AR_AlI. IN'O.--Ownen eral arts is to "serve all those o·clock. Mrs. Carl Howell will be family doctor, if the doctor ad- dIne Knowlton, G of Decorah, the students who are interested in wound cases and eplipetics at the in charge of the business meeting piano. Great Lakes hospital. which will be followed by a so- vises he may have on X-ray takell studying liberal arts and who have Thomas Marrocco, visiting lec~ a reasonable chance of making a Graduated from the University cia! hour. at the conference. turer, will play the violin, Profes­ success of their study." of Iowa in 1935, Professor Knott "Most of the cases come frOln 118·124 outh cUntoo 8tree1 Pbooe ·9601 The requiremeqts are that the received an M.A. degree the next Ladles' AuxUlary Patriot our tiles on persons or famllies sor Koelbel, the cello and Miss student have a !.O (C) average on year and completed requirements Militant. IOOL who have been exposed," l\{iss Knowlton, the plano in Mendels­ I - Cempletely Air Conditioned - I J ,. all work attempted at the institu­ lor a Ph.D. degree in 1938. The Ladies' Auxiliary Patriot Dall added. These persons are giv­ sohn's "Trio in D Minor," opus tion previously attended. If a Professor and Mrs. Knolt have Militant IOOL will jhave its IIn­ en an X-ray without a skln test 40. transfer student has less Ulan a two children, Tommy, 4, and nual picnic supper ·· tomorrow at if they desire It. The thIrd number on the pro­ 2.0 average, he must demonstrate Margery, 3. They live at 911 Iowa 6:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Unless there Is knowledge of gram will be the se<:ond and third his competency on the college avenue. Samuel Whiting, 81t)' Whiting ave­ direct eXpOsure to the dlseasC$ a movements of Mendelssohn's "Oc­ level general educational develop­ nue, for members arid their fam­ skin test Is given prior to tne X­ tet in E Flat Major," opus 20. ment tests. Those applicants who ilies. They will bring covered ray. It he test Is positive or a dnc­ Paul Stoner, G of Lawrence, Kan.; rank at or above the 50th ver­ indicates that juniors and seniors dishes, sandwiches and table ser­ tor recommends, an X-ray is then Dallas Tjaden, G of Des Moines; may be classified as liberal arts or given. Lowell Adams, A2 of Moulton, Announcement ... centile on the tests are admitted vice. After supper there will be unconditionally. . commerce students by merely re­ a business meeting an'd social hour. In 1945 five persons died of T.B. and William Hoppe, G of El Do­ questing registration blanks at the The hostesses are ' Mrs. Samuel In Johnson county. At that time rado, Ill., will play the viOlins. , Applicants below the 50th per~ office of the registrar for either Whiting, Sr., Mrs. Estella Gilbert, there were 28 cases l'eported itl The violas will be played by centile on the tests are, at the college_ Mrs. Benjamin Kimmel, Mrs. the county. George Gauggel, G of Fairfield, discretion of the dean of the col­ lege of liberal arts, either denied As our alterations on the second floor front progress we are admission or admitted on proba~ ton for a stated length of lime compelled to give up more display and service space ... it during which a C average must bc earned. } Regarding the second recom­ means the re-setting of fitting rooms, the moving of cases, racks mendation, it was decided thai such a statement would be help­ and stock ... all this further restricts our activities, hence this ful by indicating that the school of last attendance was aware of greatest of all the student's intention to trans­ fer. Also. an honorable dismissal from the school of last attend­ ance would indicate that the stud­ ent's conduct and character were above reproach anti would define Pre-Inventory Sales ! ', the student's general academic possibilities by stating the con­ ditions unders which he could re­ enroll in the college of last atlend­ ance. are you, prospects lor 1raveUng ••"; seeing Tbe liberal 'arts executive WuAT Belated incoming shipments, remodeling together with inven­ 8igbla ana places you've lead about all1~W: liI~ _ yiaiting cities like committee also decided to re­ quest the college of commerce to Berlin, Tokyo, Manila, Honolulu?/ tory which stalks us this month-end mean that we must move institute formal admission pro­ If yon enlist today in the U. S. Xriny Ground Forcee for 3 years, they're ceduces for entrance in thai col­ excellent! For Regular Army Ground Forces troops are stationed all around our summer stocks NOW, QUICK, regardless of previous sacri­ le,e. the world. And that a-year enlistment gives you the right to cho08e any This wa s decided to be neces­ of the overeeaa theatera which ar!! atm !>peDall! !!ell M ah!! hranch p£ eervice sar)' beca we it is often difficult you want lo join. :: fices, hence to determine whether a stUdent is registered in liberal ro:ls Or in The life of • Ground (orces man is i life or out.of-doors adventure commerce. ... doing interesting jobs ••• learning skills and trades that will fit you , Alter completing the 50ph[l~ore for a fine career in tbe AIDIY or as a civilian. More thaq 200 different year in liberal arts, a student d - skills and trades are taught in Army training echoolt today. siring to transfer to the college of Remember, too, that if you enliet for 3 years on or before October 5, commerce would do so with an 1946, you may have up to 48 months of college, trade or businese !Chool admission statement prepared by education after your di!Cbarge. The Government will pay your tuition, "the university regislL·al". Alfter laboratory etc., to per ordinary month tiling the admission statement, fees, up 1500 ech0.91}CU. pJUt $65 • the student would be classified as }.iving allowance (190 if you have dependenla). a commerce studen!. If he wished Since Se.ptember, over three-quarters of a million lIlflnol1ue enlisted in Price later to transfer back to liberal the new RegularA!mJto take adv8l)tage of the IIplendid enliatment privileges arts, he would be required to fol­ now offered. MAKE IT A MILLION! Get aU the facti ~t 1.!tW': ~~~t low the conditions previously out­ Arm1~~P G.( ~0It, ~( Y. ~• .Armrllo!;a:uitins Stati~ ~ -'.- lined. .-.&-_---- p .- -~------' Up to this time, actual practice NEW PAY SCALE III ADDmON TO OLOTHUII, rOOD, LODIINI, MIDIOAL ••D DE"TAL Entire Summer Stock choice of 675 gar- . OAtI, .". U.IAL ImlEMEIT riMUla ~ ... -- -"_. "',...... , ....._11 ...... : .... , ..,,...... I ... ,., 2OY.... JOy...... ' . ments . . . all Summer Dresses, Summer Suits Maste, Se.,._n' " or Fin' Sere_nt • .•- .-....( ~ $165.00 $101.25 $115.63 Technical s.r._nt ••:...... 135.00 17.75 151.11 Staff Sergeant ...... "~ •• -.\ 115.00 74.75 129.31 and Spring and Summer Coats. SI.,.ean' •• ~-•••••-...... 100.00 65.00 112.50 ~ 9000 Corpora I ••••••••- ... ,...... 51.50 101.25 Private Flnt CI... .•.•.•. ••. t. . 10.00. 52.00 90.00 Private ...... - •••••~ .. 75.00 41.75 ( 14."31 SALE STARTS TODAY, JULY· 23rd _. - , I PLUS /~- """" - '''''' - I .. ADDnION TO COI.!IMN ONI 011 ntI AIOVI! " ~ __ ...... o-- DDT Be among the first to be 10% --f ...... , ~",.,., e,..,.;- Moth !'roofln, "' __ .. ,., ...... JY... ., ...... : '--.,... ~ hare for best selection! ,lain Dreee, Only U.m to "".r/on rJI " ...., .. "v...,. 01 tlte Ar".,.," "Proudly W. H.iI," Marie W""~' 8uU, or c ND1)' Show, "Sauttd 011," "Hert}' Wi_, S,.."t. R''Pi_,'' .,.., "5potli",' Blltldl" Coat 59 with 0.". Lombanlo, Hert}' J_, ..., X""i", Cu4-AfLYlbwAN, -Ib\ili CITY, "IOW A TUESDAY, fULY 23,1948

, plenty of nocturnal pacing in Chol­ of the season, into the liJlrup mid-July Borowy ha won only Iy's boudoir. whehever be can, in hopes the fOUl" gameSt league leader in home runs and Yet, the Cubs ~oomed by the As it is. veleran Claude Pns­ July Fourth midway point only runs-batted-in of 1943-44 will re­ gain his old form. seau, !'ookle Johnny Schmitz Rnd ejght games oCt the pace in third Hank Wyse are Grimm's only key lor Most of the momentum this st!a­ 10. By JERlLY (;JSKA place. Two and a half weeks later son has been provided by Cub pitchers, aided by Kush's bril­ I COl CHlCA,GQ-Manager Charley they are five games back of first newcomers, Including ex-servIce­ liant relief work. And Passeat.l has dropped his last five starts for 7e Gl"imm of the chameleon-like Chi­ place. man Clyde McCullough, hard-hit­ ting catcher; (irst sacker EddIe the Bruins. Of the other mound I COl cago Cubs hopes the National What. then, is holding the Na­ lie tional league champions within a Waitkus, who released Phil Cav­ workers, none had won more than league season ends before he runs arretta for outfield duty, and ace fo ur games midway In the ~ eason. I uu: respectable distance of the top 4e out 01 balling wire and adhesive rung? fireman EmU Klish. who entered Cavarretta, 1945 league batting the second half of the campaign champion, Handy Andy PaCko, re­ -FJ tape. Any analysis reverts to easy­ M Overlooked in the Bruin's dog­ going Grimm and his relaxed man­ with a 6-1 record. liable Stan Hack, versatile Harry ged fight to nip the heels 01 the Shortstop Bobby Sturgeon, an­ (Peanuts) Lowrey, steady Don ner of handling men. Charley IS other serviceman. and ou tflelder Johnson and fiery Mickey Livings­ Brooklyn Dodgers and St. Louis geUing the most out 01 a poorly­ Marv Rickert, former C 0 a s t ton, all regulars last season, have Cardinals is the amazing patch­ balanced pitching taff, a weak­ ( work job Grimm, perforce, pa­ Guardsman, also have stepped in­ been benched with ailments-Par­ hitting outfJeld and an uncertain to the breach with good perfor­ ka, Johnson and Livingston for tiently has wrought on the Na­ infield. mance, while Billy Jurges, making long terms. tiollal league champions. There probably isn't another a comeback at 38, breaks up a ball Also disabled. from time to lime. Cub followers have lost count Imanager In the majors as long RANK BOROWY game every once in a while. were aitkus, Sturgeon and Jur­ oC the switches Grimm has had on patience and forbeaflmce as when that heals, he'll-start win­ The collapse of Borowy, who ges. Even Grimm, him elt, Is nurs­ to make since the season opened, Grimm. ACter Borowy, the biggest ing an ailing back. ning." BILL NICHOLSON pitched the Cubs to the pennant but it suffices to say Grimm has­ MICKEY LIVINGSTON disappointment of the season, Jast year after he came to the club DON JOHNSON All in aU. evel' day is a (ield n't had a varsity lineup mtact failed to finish the 13th time in Grimm's patience received its victory. It was his second com­ changes, but the continued fl op in a mysterious deal with the where close to emulatlng his 1945 day for trainer Andy Lotshaw, 101' much more than one week ­ 14 starts, Charley declared: first reward Sunday when 'Ford­ plete .game of the sea on. New York Yankees, has been a form when he won 22 games in who keeps the Jine forming to n ing. of slugger Bill Nicholson and Pit­ "Hank still has plenty at stulf. ham Hank breezed past the Phil­ Grimm still shoves Nicholson, sharp blow to the champions. both leagues, the Bruins right now the. right at his clubhouse health Injuries required most of the cher Hank Borowy also caused He ha a bad finger blister and lies (or nine innings and a 3-0 batting just over .200 the first hall If Fordham Hank had come any- would be leading the league. At chamber. Ka eeting · Athletic Group Johnny tlopp Goes T~n 'P,oilrfs Ahead Opens Session Of Cards' 'Musial

Mem Representatives of 18 . NEW YORK (AP) - Adding Crush 'Odd Fellows eight points to his batling average Eastern College Conferences Nrne in Five Inning in!: 35 during the past week, Johnny letter Discuss Subsidization Hopp. of the Boston "Braves boosted City League Game E. Mar his figure to a lofty .379 to I' njoy IOWA CITY OFTBALL port In CHICAGO (AP)-Representn­ a ten point margin over Stan Learu. Standln.. approv ti ves of 18 college conferences yes­ Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals JlFW 2581 ';i ~ gy con terday appointed Prof. Karl Leib who replaced Brooklyn's Dixie :KeUy 01l0r' ·:::::::::::·::: :5 2 The ~ of the University of Iowa, Western Wilker as runner-up in the Na- Bremers ...... • 5 2 'Compl~ te Auto ....•••••.•. 5 2 Ware. conference athletic representative, tional league's individual batting I. C. Plummers ...... •. , 5 2 of the as chairman of the history-making tournament Vellow Cab ...... • 5 2 . Wagon Wheel ...... 4 II 50 me "meeting of minds," aimed at Hopp rapped out ten safeties in Odd Fellow•...... • . ... . •2 5 The checking a growing threat of com­ • •. Tl1!ln MerohOlHs . ....•.. .. 1 4 22 triPS to the plnte mcludmg Smith C~!e ...... 1 5 lowed mercialism in collegiate sports. games of Sunday while Musial VFW 3fH9 ••..•..••..•.. • •.• 0 6 Opening a two day session, some collt!Qted 13 hits in 27 tries to in- The CHy league Wagon Wheel commi 42 delegates, representing 200 uni­ lions a versities a nd colleges from coast­ 31'X ATHLETIC ligures who attended Ille national session In Chicago crease his .360 mark of a week ago sortbalJers rolled last night at to .389. Benton street diamond and de- itCl'Jet to-coast, cautiously approached pDlitic yesterday take time out for lunch. Left to right, they are Harold Walker traUs MusIal with feated (he Odd Fellows in a free the subject of "athlete shopping." standi Olsen, Ohio State basketball coach; H. O. (Fritz) Crisler. Mlcbiran .365 but tile veteran ou"'elder scoring, five inning game, 16-7. but som lormal stand was expec­ coach; Harry Stuhldreher. WIsconsin coach; Western Conference com­ to be ted be Core the National Collegiate of the Dodgers Is 37 points In the second inning the Wheels rul. un missioner K . L. Wilson; Prof. Frank Richart, 1IIill015, and Iowa's Prof. ahead of Johnny Mlze of the turned in four hits combined wito Athletic association's executive Karl Lelb. trying cou ncil I'eviews the discussions to­ New York Giants wbo Is "fourth lour Odd Fellow errOrs and a walk legislat morrow. wlth .328. Behind Mlze are to get of! to a seven run lead. F. LEE SCHINDLER, American legion catcher takes a healthy cut at the ball In the third InnIng or-yes. terday's twlllrht ,arne at the City hl,h diamond. Although the result of this errort was merely a loud MW,ton The group made the appOint· Sid Gordon, New York, .311; Langenberg singled and scored on ate. ment of Prof. Lelb as Big Nine Enos Slaughter, St. LouIs, .309; a homer by McAllister. Ewalt got roul, Schindler smacked out two hits in Iowa City's 17 to 1 win. Centerfielder Bob Beals pau~es on the basepath between third and home. uWe commissioner Kennet.b L. (Tur) Cardinals Head East Phil Cavarretta, Chlcaro•• 308; on by an error and Gus Helm tative, Wilson, N.C.A.A. secretary, ex­ Red Schoendlenst. S~. Louis, walked. T. Langeneberg th'en lined power plained why he had summoned .306; Pee Wee Reese, Brooklyn. out a for two runs. * * * * * * sage 0 the unprecedented gatherine-. Dodgers Return to Ebbetts Field to Oppose .305 and Del Ennls, Pblladel- The final runs came as Kriz ' Nine Bows Mahon Wilson recalled that although phla., .299. and Kasner got on by errors and "We First Place Drives of Cubst Cards PI ters West Liberty, the N.C.A.A. adopted in 1946 a Gordon is a new member of the Slemmons Hned out a double. reply "declaration of sound pr inciples first ten while Ennis and Sclloen- In the last of the third, the To Visiting Vets of the and practices for intercollgeiate NEW YORK (AP)-Brooklyn and SI. Louis, tied for the Na­ dienst are back after missl.ng a Odd Fellows scored when Ken­ of new athletics," it never has been as­ tional league lead, headed east yesterday for the sixth intersectional week. Frank Gustine of Pitts- ney Rogers kbt on by an error Showing little of the spark thaL ehind Two Hit Pitching gy by sured by members whether its role tests of the season, fully aware that the trend of the pennant race burgh, Pete Reiser of Brooklyn and Gene Rogers drove out a mittee. was that of a "recommending a­ may be determined in the next two weeks. enabled them to overwhelm the and Tommy 'Hohpes of Boston double. Iowa SeahaWks recently the ~~­ gency" 01' "a policeman." Although there WaS no activity scheduled in either league yes­ dropped out of the select group. Two more Wagon Wheel scores Iowa City's American Legion :n the second frame. The third Leib said the representatives terday, there was plenty of baseball conversation. The Dodgers dar Rapids VFW (Nb. 7.18) edged Slaughter drove in eight runs came in the following inning wMn out the Ibwa City M06Se lodge baseball team had a field day canto was II repetition of the fJrst TRU would be asked to "define" cam­ were riding home from PHtsburgh, buoyed by a four-game win to increase his league-leading (0- Kasner got on by way of an error pus amateurism and lhe extent to streak despite their disastrous road jaunt and conrident that their nine Sunday aftetnoon, 3-I. against West Liberty high school two with the locals ' taking best (C which it should be enforced by the tal to 76, four more than knocked and F . Langenberg and McAlIis- The Vets scored two runs in return to friendly Ebbets field would find them back in the high home by Walker. ter both smashed out doubles. yesterday evening a t the City high advantage of three singles and N.C.A.A. road to victory. the top half of the . s~cohd when The Odd Fellows got three tal­ Jim Tresnak reached first on an diamond, plastering the visitor.s POOl" fielding on the part of the Wilson admitted a dlverrence Eddie Dyer's St. Louis Cards, to the tune of 11-1. of opinions was likely In various leys in the fourth. Fountain tagged error, Al strum following with a visitors to garner three more runs. who had closed a five game gap ious business right away, opening Williams PasMs one l or a and the omer singre to leit. Both runners cross­ Every member of the victors Sangster's featured the sections of the country over had at least one hit except Cilek what. constituted proselytlnr or by copping 10 of 13 Sportsman's in Ebbets field with the Brooks Senators' Vernon (wo came in On Singles by Arn, ed the plate on a single into rlght­ two run firth inning betore Iowa field by Bern Fleagle. and Anderson and the pint-sized subsidization of .thleM. ''But field starts against eastern v isJt­ before shiUing around the loop Carson and K. Rogers. City exploded again in the sixth ors, were sure they had just hi t CHICAGO (AP)- Irrel'ressible Five more runs came aeross infielders worked Wilkerson, West we can't ride the rail any lona-­ to Philadelphia for five, New York The single Moose tally came in Liberty pitcher, for walks. The er," he declared, "Over a period their true stride and would open Ted WlJIiams of tile Boston Red the plate for tbe Waroo Wbeel the fifth when rightfielder J im for rive more. Once again errors for three and Boston lor three locals' three pitchers held the vis­ mine of 20 years there 'has been a tre­ up a lead in their next-to-Iast Sox with a boortiing .365 m rk In lhc fifth on four hits two Loving smashed a triple tar out and walks played a part in the and b finally has Washing­ itorS Lo tw9 hits and one un­ mendous Increase In the matter long trip. more. di ~ plaeed walks and an error. into his own territory and kept scoring. Dick Doran contributed suitor or the school tleeklna- the boy. Not overlookecl by either After the Cubs leave Flatbush, ton's Mickey Vernon as the pace­ In the last of the fifth; Foun­ right on going wben a bad throw eavned run. Starter Jim Stahle allowed one a three-baser and Hettl'lck a dou- ander rather than the boy seeklne- hJs Leo Durocher's crew will play milker in tlfe AmerICan league tain I1gaJn le,nd off 10r the Odd Fleagle went wide of the used school. We're headed for the batline race. Fellows-and .again he 'homered, ba9e11 .. hit while striking out five and ble to the uprising. TODAY'S PITCHERS host to the Pirates, Cardinals and allowing no walks in the four in­ presen semJ-pro business." NatioDu Lta,ue Vernon, leader virtually since his second in a row. Two more With two gone in the ninth, the West Liberty was impotent at Wit Wilson said that, assuming sen­ St. Loal•• t New York-Brnle (2-7, Reds In turn. The three-game the season started, last week was runs came jn on singles by Am, nings he work"eq. Jim Sangster the pl ate all the gnme. When or Barrett (3·2, vo. Koslo (10-91 Veteraru; came thl'ough again moved in !rom first to pitch the were d timent favored an enforced policy CIII.... ., Brooklyn (al.bI,­ set with St. Louis, July 30-Aug. lect eieht points behind the ram­ Jennings, Windman I\Ild Gene when Russ . Schamberger dllg a they threatened in the sixth and to hav (10-81 VI. Hl,be (8-31 next two inhings and gave up of amateurism, violators might be Wylie 1 should be one of the high spots paging Williams with a runrter­ scored in th seventh, it was more CI •• I .. n.U at BOllon (nleM)-Wal· Rogers. single -down the thltd base line, one hit and two walks and whif­ cal Ue punished by athletic schedule boy­ ters (8-2, VI. Lee (7-5) or Wrlebi of the season. up avel'age of .357. Tonight at Benton street the reac~ed third on an error and hit of a gift by the locals than a of th cotts. (8-71 fing three. Centerfielder Bob rally as they did not ga ther a hit PIli lIar.b ot Pbll.... I,bla (DI,hl)­ St. Louis has to tace Us jinx WWiams spurted 12 points lead league leading Veterah at the plflte on a single to right by Bellls came in to hurl the last tribes "It's either that, or something Strinevlch ~8' VI. Rowe (8·4) durllll' tbe week, 11 of

.. - .. THE. D AllY lOW AN, lOW A CIT Y, 10. W A _ PAGE rIVE The Daily HOUSES FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED MOTOR SERVICE CLASSIFIED TYPING - MIMEOGRAPHING FUBNlTURE MOVING RATE CARD F'OR SALE: Seven-room house CHRISTMAS CARD SALES- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Typ_ LOST: Gray raincoat with print I'B£VENT TIRB TROUBLE- JACKSON n.ECTRIC CO.~ n~ easily converted into 2 apart­ PEOPLEI headscarf in pocket. Call Ext. bave your 'tires diJmounted and trical wirina. appliancet and CASH RATE ments Financed by owner. Would EARN MORE-STARTING NOW! ing-Mimeographying. Co 11 e g e 8537. ~spected ' before going 'on that MAHER BROS, TRANSFER I1ldfo repa!rlni. 108 S. Dubuque lor 2 days- be good Investment for veteran in ExcllUive new 1946 Hnel Name­ Typewriter Serlvlce, 122 Iowa ------­ vacation trip. Linder Tire Service r .. Etflclen& Furniture Movtna Dial 54611. IOC per line per 411 school. Write Box L-12, Daily imprinted Christmas Cards at 50 Ave. Dial 2571. LOST; SheafCer Lifetime pen. Re- -21 E. College, U. S. Royal De­ Ask About Our Iowan. ward. Phone ext. 8519. Lun Tires. DEUVERY SERVICE • conaecutive cay.­ for $1, and up--4 different selec­ WARDROBE SERVICE 'Ic per line per 4l.7. FOR SALE: 2-bedroom hOlUe, t.ions. Fast-selling box assortments WANTED '1'0 BUY! LOST: Golden cocker spaniel, ANNOUNCEMENtS DELIVERY BERVlOB, b ....., 8 consecutive day_ completely modern, oak tloors, include Deluxe Matched Christ­ femple, 8 weeks old. Reward. DIAL - 9696 - DIAL light haulinl. Varsity-Hawby. IIc per line pc du newly furnished, Insulated, floored mas Gift Wrapping Ensemble, 21 WANTED TO BUY: Ironingboard, Dial 3430. Cab Co. Dial 31'1'1 or 2345. 1 DlOnth- cards, Feature many others. Albert'a Shoe Repair ShOI> aWc, full basement, coal furnace, ,1. floor lamp, table radio, cotfee --~W-ANTED----T-O-RENT----­ EXPERT WORKMANS.a:uJ 4c per !IDe per da7 excellent condition. Walking dis­ Big profits. Send 10r samples. II line­ table, kitchenware. Dial 7199. Under New Mana,ement of -Figure wordt to tance from campus, on bus line. Jane Art Studios, Inc., 1217 Clif­ Minimum Ad-2 lin. Dial 7199. GRADUATE student aild wiCe, no E. Black Close to school. August possession. ford, Rochester 5, New York. 226 E. WashinItoD Preler to sell bouse and furniture -----::-:-=-::--:-::::-:----- children, desire furnished apart- FOR SHOES OF MERIT HELP WANTED ment Lor month oC August. Phone ______CLASSIFIED DLC;PLAY together. Write Bolt ~-14, Daily FOR 8ALB 1i0e co Linch Iowan. WANTED: Coach (B.B., F.B. and Ext. 8639. Or $1i.00 per IDOIltia FOR. SALE: Very clean 1933. Track) who can teach some IN oua MODERN MOTO& AND STYLE BUIck Sedan. Good s hap e. .. WANTED TO RENT: Married CLINIO FLYING INSTRUCTION couple desires double room by All Want Ads Cash in Advance Phone University Ext. 8983 after other subjects. HIgh School Eng- we operate daily on all earl. Sept. 1. Laundry or minor kitchen PiJable at PetIT 10W1lll BUIl- 2 p. m. lish teacher, Attractive salaries. One Stop Service with Men, Vi,lt Strub', Mezzanine 11_ oWce dall,y unUl II p. In. Apply to Supt. John L. Calkins, prlvlleges it possible. Dial 4172. Methods and MerehandJM. FOR SALE: Dinette set, single bed West Chester, Iowa. W ANTED TO RENT: Married vet- HOME On. CO. 2nd Floor Cuee1laUoa. must be called in LEARN TO complete. Dial 2454. eran Dr. and wiCe desire fur­ Iowa Ave. Dial 33611. before II p. In. TYPING-MIMEOGRAPHING ReIPOnsible t( co one incorrect nlshed or unfurnished house or ------­ Air Conditioned FOR SALE: Ice box, apartment ------: apartment semi-permanently, be­ lDIerUoIl 01111. FLY slze washing machine, watches, NOTARY PUBLIC FlNEBAKEDGOODS alarm Clocks, golf balls, ceiling TYPING ginning September. Write Box Pies Brea4 Now you can learn to tty at the cat. a lans, 4 Olson rugs 9xl2. Hock- 1lIME00RAPHING K-ll, Daily Iowan. Rolls Pa.trt. DIAL 4191 Shaw Alrcratt Co. PuUl11 a Eye Loan Co. KARY V. BURNS SPECIAL ORDERS U you plan 10 move. may we auqqest llfetime's ambition NOW, do it WANTED TO RENT: Dental stu­ dent and wire desire furnished City Bakery You'll lind Thompson Service 10 be the beat. today, call '1881. Ground and LEAVING TOWN: WJU sell at 101 Iowa State B14 apartment by September 1st. for ';2 E. washington bial 66011 sacrifice a Lawson sofa, prac- ______Dial__ 2_65f1 ____ --: night classes are ltartinJ aU three years. Phone 4172. tically new, also other small items. --______Dial 2161 the time. Dual instruction b Call 7283. LOANS ROOMS FOR RENT given to .tudent. by experi­ , You are alwa1l weleom., Scien,Iisis Ask enced pilot.. • $ $ S , $ S , $ • • FOR RENT; Ro')ms. Veteran's and PRICES are low at the FOR SALE; Three all wool men's . speciol course. 1 vacant bed Thompson suits. Size 38, short. Practically And remember,' when you let LOANS now. Dial 3426. your license, you can always new. Call 6972 after 1:30 p. m. Completed in a few minutes DRUG SHOP Transfer & Storage Co. Marlin 10;Sign rent a trainln. plane from the INSTBUcnoR Shaw Aircraft Co. Conveni­ RADIOS and phonographs for Mississippi Edward S. ROI~Pharmaclat DIAL 2161 entl,y located at the Iowa City sale. Woodburn Sound Service. DANCING LESSONS: Ballroom. &09 South Gilbert SIrMI Di6I 6731. Investment Corp. Dial '1248. Mlml Youde Wurtu. Municipal Airport. (Owned and Operated by McMahon Bill TRANSPORTATION WANTED Veterans) POPEYE Shaw Aircraft Co. Michael D. Maher, Manager Appointments In the evening Members of the Association ot Dial '1831 TWO GIRLS desire ride to Colo­ Eastern Iowa SCientists, incl ud­ rado, a Iter summer school. on request IoWI City Municipal Airport ini 35 Iowa City residents, sent a Phone Ext. 731 or Ext. 362 from Phone /1662 114", E. College St. letter Saturday to Rep. Thomas 7-8 p. m. I 20-21 SchneIder Bldg. E. Martin (R., la.) urging his sup­ port In the passage of the senate- who used scopolamine, the drug WHO DOES IT approved McMahon atomic ener- often used to induce "twilight IMPROVE the looks and Increase gy control bill. sleep" in childbirth. The drug used the value of your car with a The letter was signed by ~ . A. in Heirens was sodium pentothal, new paint job lor just $15. Dia Ware, 311 Melrose court. preSIdent oeveloped by a Chicago laboratory Closing the first week's activi­ 5642, after 5 p. m. 317 S. Dodge. of the association. There are about as an anaesthetic, and ingeniously ties at Camp Cardinal tor the tirst 50 members in the association. adapted to war-time use by Dr. troup of girl scouts, an Indian The letter said; "We have fol- Roy R. Grinker of Chicago. WE REPAlR pow-wow was staged Saturday Auto Radios Home Radios lowed with interest and alarm the Results Are "Amadn," night. The show was planned by actions of lhe military aUeil's Heil'ens is said to have been Record Players Aerials the Indian unit. There were also WOODBURN SOUND commlttee. We believe the ac- given the drug as he pretended two olher camp units, Snow White tions are not supporled by highest that he was unconscious from a SERVICE and Seven Dwarfs and the Pretty 8 East ColleJe government officials, important blow on the head during his cap­ Pennies. political bodies, scientists nor out- lure. The psychiatrisls, doctors Dial 6731 The second group of campers 10: every t.h1ng in sound standing civilians. They appear and detectives apparently were will arrive at camp this evening, 10 be supported by a small, wit- amazed at what he unfolded under according to Mrs. Hugh Carson, ful, uniformed minority which is the influence of the drug. He may director. RADIO REPAIRING, H. M. Sut­ trying to block the constructive even have acted out some of his ton, 331 E. Mal·ket. Dial 2239. legislation represented by the Mc- experiences, for sometimes the MW;lon bill as passed by the sen- "truth drug" causes this. ate. Many legal questions are raised Case, Coan Meet CAMERA SUl'PLIES "We urge you, as our represen- from use of the drug. lls foes For Speed Crown and tallve, to do everything in your contend that, unlike the lie-detec­ Pboto.rraphlo Equipment power to obtain action of the pas- tor which is voluntary and which WASHINGTON (AP)-A purse SCHARF STUDIO sage of the senate-approved Me- Hell'ens thwarted by repeating of $1,000 and the title of "fastest Mahon bill before adjournment. parrot-like the questions directed man in " 9 S. Dubuque DIal 51411 "We would appreciate an early at him, the "truth serum" is an were planked down yesterday as reply and if possible a discussion invasion of one's rights in his per- prizes for a race between George of the reasons for the introduction son." Case of the and Iowa City Plumbing and of new legislation on atomic ener- Others contend that it violates Gil Coan, Washington speed king. gy by the military affairs com- the constitutional guarantees a- The cash money was put up by Heating miUee." ga~n s t self-incriminatio.n. ~hey club presidents Bill Veeck of Norge Appliances pomt out that since ancIent limes Cleveland and Clark Griffith of Plumbing Heating a person ?as been protected a.- Washington, after an argument 114 S. Linn Phone 5870 TRUTH DRUG- ~a~nst ~avmg ~o ~ell t~e truth If' arose over the relative speed of It Implicated hIm m CTlme. In. 900 Case, the American league's lead- (Continued From Page 1) S. C., for example, the ancIent . g base te 1 I' d 0 k' C · d h d . th t " 10 S a e ,an I' 0 Ie oan. HIn us a a maxim a men Th t it' ld '11 h' k one ot the first recorded instances may speak untruths when their e wo ~u Ie ers WI "'! ~s of what is known today as the lives depend thereon." over. a speCIal course at G~lfflLh Mueller psychological approach to lie-de­ But the "truth serum" apparent- st.adlum August 21, precedmg a Gas Heating tection. Iy unlocks the doors to the inner- flight game. The ancient historian, Plutarch, most corners of the mind, and ,.11 ---- Equipment wrote that a Greek doctor, Erasis­ your past may fly from it. Sci­ tratus, felt pulse beats to deter­ entists and criminologists agree Wells Appointed Dial 9681 mine truthfulness of statements, that this can be one of the most Sea hawk Coach nnd by so doing implicated the revolutionary developments in suitor of the wife of one of Alex­ mankind's age-old proving of the OTTUMWA (AP)- Lt. Comdr. LAREW CO. ander the Great's generllls. He mysteries of the mind. Linn Wells has been assigned to Plumbing & Heatin, - used a form of a basic feature of coach the Iowa Seahawks foot­ \lresent day lie-detectors. ball team next fall, Lt. Comdr. 227 East Washington St Without knowing what they James Roosevelt Heads Ray Donels, oi!icer in charge of were doing, primitive peoples seem California Democrats athletics at the Ottumwa Naval to have stumbled upon physiologi­ preflight school, announced yes­ cal lie-detection methods in some terday. of their ordeals. The Bengal LOS ANGELES (AP)-James Typewriten are Valuable tribes require suspects to tourh Roosevelt, eldest son of the la te Wells, from 1931 through 1942, keep them their tongues to red hot irons and president, yesterday assumed the served as assistant football and CLEAN and in REPAlR convict them if they are burnt, as chairmanship of the California head baseball coach at Bowdoin college. ' Frohwein Supply Co. a B might happen if the mouth were Democratic state central commit­ o 0 tee with the backing of both o 0 dry {rom feelings of guilt or fellf. 6 S. Clinton Phone 3474 o 0 The explorer, M. C. Hubbard, wings of the party. I I The Hollywood branch of the o 0 saw a tribe of African savages Lewandowski Gets Post o 0 identify a thief in their midst by Independent Committee of the LINCOLN, Neb. (AP)-A. J. o I Arts, Sciences and Professions de­ LewandOWSki, 41, former four­ LET US renew your old soiled o 0 requiring all the members to I 00 plunge their arms first into a clined to comment yesterday on sport star and more l'ecently coach and worn leather and leath­ o 0 vessel of cold water and then into his announCEment that he would and business manager at the UnI­ erette-covered furniture with a boiling bath. The culprit's arm sever all connections with it upon versity of Nebraska, yesterday the new PLASTIC LEATHER­ 1 ! was the only one burned and he acceptance of the state party was named athletic director for 1- I confessed. Perhaps some effect of chairmanship. the Corn huskers. COTE. It will cost you x-I? perspiration on the skin caused Roosevelt resigned his salaried much less than a re-uphol­ the phenomenon.. . position as national director of stered job. It is tough, beauti­ Lie-detectors, like the polygraph political organization for the com­ Kimbrell Grabs Lead used on Heirens, employ the most mittee a week ago when he be­ ful, and stain proof. Leather SEABRIGHT, N. J. (AP)-Bob Re-Nu Service, Jack Estelle, delicate modern instruments tu came a news commentator on a Kimbrell of Los Angeles led the SINCE NOBODY HERE measure blood pressure, perspira­ Los Angeles radio station, but re­ Prop., Dial 5682 2029 Musca­ HAS A~ VACATION PLANS, tield into the second round of the YOU AND I WILL PAPER tion and breathing. These are the quested that he remain a member tine avenue. 58th annual Seabright Invitation " THE HALl. AND UPPER. three involuntary or semi-Involun­ of its national council. tennis tournament yesterday as BEDROOMS!···I USED tary reactions which have llgured rain cal lea a halt to play. TO HANG PAPER AND I'LL mll6t in lie-detection experimenta­ TEACH lOU SOME TRiCKS tion stretching back to 1875 . so WE CAN WORK AS To Exh'bit Jap Plcine A TEAM! When Heirens, like hundreds ot DES MOINES (AP)-A Japa- Eagles Sign Neale NOTICE others given the lie-detector test nese Baka plane, one of the sui- PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The LOOK· each month throughout the coun­ cide weapoI1'.S used by the Nip- Philadelphia Eagles of the Na­ Due to numerous requesta from ry, was examined he had an air­ ponese in the last months of tional Football league gave Coach fllJed hose around his arm to re­ World War II, will be exhibited Earle (Greasy) Neale a new as­ our customers we are offerl... , to WANT ADS Cord heart beats, a tube around by the National Marine league at slstant yesterday with the sign­ for a JlmUed time only, the his chest to record his respiration, to and a galvanometer strapped to the Iowa Centennial State Fair ing of Charles D. Ewart, former special we oUeretl at the tlrst Reach Your Prospects ·hls hand to detect unusual per­ here Aug. 23-30. G-man and one time Yale quar- of Ute year .•• spiration. It is vital to ask the 'Captured on one of the Oklnpwa terback, as backfield coach. Dial 4191 SUSpect just the right questions airfields, the suicide plane will be one-8xlO Black and White to bring forth the tell-tale re­ shown for the first time in Iowa. VIJneUe and one-bllllell TODAY IIctions. Tulsa Golfers Lead sin portrait both for oDl1 Administering a "truth serum" DENVER, Colo. (AP) - Buck $1.50 can be much simpler. Injections Dr. Thurman to Speak Gann and Arthur St. John, both are made by hypodermic needle, Members of the Iowa City Ki­ of Tulsa, Okla., stroked 69's yes­ and the subject can be kept in his wanis club wlll hear Dr. Howard terday on the difficult WelJshire talkative stupor for hours. There Th urman, visi ting professor In the cour.e to seize the .lead for medal KRITZ STUDIO .e said to be no bad after effects. school of reli.ion, speak on honors in the first hall of the The first serum was developed "Apostles of Sensitiveness," today qualifying test for the National 3 S. Dubuque by Dr. F. ~. House of Ferris, Tex ., at noon in the Hotel Jefferson. Public Links gol! championship.

• PAGE SIX - THE DAILY IOWAN. IOWA CITY. IOWA TUESDAY. JULY 23. 1948 City to Buy $45,000 Worth' of Fire

- Robert.D. Schnur~ I. Veterans Write Congressmen Council Plans, Buller Sales To Direct Handling I I Of Statehood Stamps I To Extend Price Rent Control - To Add More In Iowa (it, Robert D. Schnurr of Washing- , , ton, D, C., assistant cashier phila­ telic agent, has been assigned to SeVEn of the eight Iowa City which did not sign the resolutiOlfl Men to Force Drop 400/0 Iowa City to assist in receiving and veteran groups united last night Carl Redenbaugh, who will talc, servicing first day covers in con­ in sending a resolution urging the office as commander at the nest continuance of OPA to three meeting of the American Leila!! The purchase of an estimated Butter sales in Iowa City have nection with the sale of Iowa cen­ United States senators, a United A.Ugl(st 12, indicated yesterdq dropped 40 percent since the in­ $45,000 in, new fire equipment for tennia 1 stamps August 3. States representative and the gov_ that the resolution will be ~ crease in the price of butter fol­ Iowa City was approved by the Postmaster Walter J . Barrows ernor 0 f Iowa. sented to Legion members at that lowing tbe end of OPA, local Those who will receive a copy time. city council last nigbt, creamery operators reported yes­ announced yesterday that Schnurr VI, will be in Iowa City July 29. Of the resolution are: Republican The equipment will include a terday, Senators George A, Wilson and 1,000 gallon pumper engine and an One creamery has reduced the Stamping and cancellation of the Bourke B, Hickenloopcr:, both of Iowa Citian Appointed purchase price of sweet cream first day covers wi IJ not start 85-loot aerial tadder truck, The Iowa; Senator Alvin A Barkley To Division Surgeon, cost 01 the pumper is estimated at from which butter is made from unUl he arrives to supervise the (Ky.), senate Democratic leader; 79c to 73c per pound because of process. l'tepresentative Thomas E. Martin $27 ,000. The ladder truck will cost Post at Seoul, Korecl the drop in consumer demand. The total number of requests fur (R., la.). and Gov. Robert .D. approximately $13,000, In one instance the whOlesale Blue. ice of butter declined yester- first day covers received by yes­ Lt. Col. Cyril E. McEnany, 406 The estimates mentioned, which pr The resolution follows: S. Clinton street, was appOinted includes necessary extras required day for the Iirst time since the terday was 72,000. "R e sol v e d: the hercinaftcr division surgeon for the seventh with the engine and truck, was lifting of price controls indicat- The 3-cent Iowa centennial nomed organizations agree to infantry dlvislon July 11, aceotd­ ing the effect of reduced butter stamps are expected to arrive at made at a meeting of the lire and sales. the Iowa City post of!ice some- whatever cooperative and united inll to a notice received from div­ water committee last week. ision headquarters at Seoul, Korea. ""t rolls, doughnuts and t·Ime thIS' wee.k Cance 11 'mg ma- action may be necessary to (ur- Delivery of the new fire equip­ Sw,,~ ther the attainment of e!fcctive McEnany has served in the other similar bakery products will chines are also to arrive the latter ment cannot be expected in less , price and rent control. army since gradUation from the be more expensive today in Iowa part of thiS week. than a year from date of pur­ R E T 1J f W "Let it be further understood University nf Iowa college of chases, City because of a rise in cost of .. a ers 0 ashington,· ·· D. that the undersigned veteran or- medicine in 1930, and had served J. R, BUTTLEMAN, OI~ar Lake ohlef of police found himself locked UP In his own jail the other day ingredients. One baker increased C "superi n.t en d ent 0.[ th e dIVlSlon Under discussion at last week's ganizations in Iowa City and a previous overseas tour U a whcn the lock br!)ke, so, after two hours of aweatln .. and hammerln .. on the door, he final1y was able prices yesterday afternoon. An- 0 f s t am,ps I~ th e th Ir d ,P0s.t master J meeting was a proposed increase to squeeze through a basement window wh.ere he was heard coming out. Here he Is re-enacting the other wili increase his price to- g:nerals of,flce! wlll arl1VC Iowa ohnson county are now and medical offiCer in North Africa. in fire department manpower. l':l scenes. After 'breaking" out, he had to kick the door down to ..e t back In. (AP WIREPHOTO) day. ClY to assIst m'the servicmg of henceforth oommitt.ed to close Before his Korean assignment, h! One committee suggestion was to On the average, sweet rolls will these cachets July 31. , scrutiny o( the past and subse- had been execlltive officer of the Increase the department by six Qllent record of you, ou.r elected medical training section at Fort men. A tentative plan was to add be three cents h.igher and cake I representatives who truly express Lewis, Wasb. two men during the current year doughnuts from three to six cents Lt C I C K R the wilr of their constituents." His wile, Mrs. Mildred S. Mc­ higher per dozen. The prl'ce of • T and the other men later. James 1. Farrell Expresses Views on Modern Literature o . , . eger he heads o[ each of the [01- Enany, lives at the S. Clinton Mayor Wilber J. Teeters said the bread rEmains the same. Wins Bronze Melfal lowing organizations signed the street address. cost of the purchas.e could be met * * *. * * * The cost of bread nour rose resolution: Veterans of Foreign by a bond issue to be paid of[ Creator of Studs Lonigan Easy to Talk With, Interviewer.,., * *Discovers * more than two weeks ago from Lt. Col. Charles KReger, 516 W!\rs post 3949; American Veter- over a 20 year period. $3 .51 to $5.26 per hundred pounds. Gr~nt street, Iowa City, has been ans of Worid War II post 22; Vet­ Bride-Elect Honored ' The mayor indicated that the By ELLIS 1(. McKAY There is a danger of a "best sel­ Bakers have not passed the price awarded the Bronze Medal for erans of Foreign Wars post 2581; At Shower Last Night university would be willing to sup­ The man who created the char­ ler" culture ~eveloping. jump on to consumers hoping his services as a military govern- Johnson county chapter of Amer­ , , port the purchase of new equip­ acter Studs Lonigan arrived in Literary standards are being set flour will decline in price. ment officer in the Philippines ican Veterans committee; Uni- Ava Marie Van Duzer was hQn­ ment. No defjnite arrangements Iowa City yesterday afternoon for by book clubs and movies, which Numerous other more expensive from Nov 21, 19H, to September, versity Veterans association; Dis­ ofed las t night at a prenuptial have yet been made. a two-week stay, I knocked on offer the new writer gtamor and Ingredients include lard, sugar, 1945. abled American Veterans, Old shower given by the office staft of The report made by the Iowa the door of his Joom in the J ef­ money Lor artificial writing. The salt, rye dust and cinnamon. Presentation of the award was Gold post 19, and Johnso n county the college of education. ;rhe Insurance Service bureau concern­ ferson hotel and began rehashing young writer must resist this. He . made by the commanding gen- chapter of the Reserve OfCicets party was at the home of I s~ bel ing recommendations for improve­ in my mind the questions I must make his writing meaning­ In Fiji, the hum\m head is Ieral, United States Army Forces, association. ' Davis, 9 West Davenport street. ment in local tire protection was planned to ask him, ful and significant, if he wishes sacred and it is an insult to reach Western Pacific, in a ceremony at I The American Legion was tlk Miss Van Duzer will be marmed read to the council iast night. above it. command headquarters. only local veteran organization F'riday to ArthUr Lambert. ' " Simuitaneously I was reviewing to gain more than financial suc­ Aeco l'di ng to the 1946 survey of cess. the insurance bureau, Iowa City is facts collected from Who's Who­ "James T. Farrell, author, born And it is a hard road fOr a· rated in class six in Iowa as u new writer to follow, The book lire protection risk. Chicago-" etc. Some 20 books to his credit, including the Loni­ business is booming. Publishing A resolution to make a no­ houses arc sending out talent parking zone on Burlington street gan trilogy. Guggenheim fellow­ ship in creative writing 1936-37. scouts just as is done in baseball. between Gilbert and Madison The book market is dictating what I was tryi ng to remember streets on the grounds of a dan­ a writer shall write. gerous traWc area was rejected. Studs Lonlgan more clearlY. It bad been at least five years Strike out on your own, is Mr. It was estimated that 34 to 40 Farrell's belief. Revolt against cars usually park in this area. since I'd eagerly fo llowed the The city budget for next yellr young South-Chicagoan throu!!,h the conventionalism too prevalent ~"KYS"KI was approved, and a hearing was his escapades. worried out his among current writers, Don't adapt your writing to what the set for August. 12. problems with him. I was be­ The city council voted to ob­ readers' poor taste demands. Me'lIlliile 16I(1e~(J ginning to wish I'd done. a little JAMES T. FARRELL Don't nurse your readers along, tain the permission of the state more reviewing tor this Inter­ comptroller to levy an emergency vIew. trying to improve their tastes In tax amounting to $12,781. This is war a situation of literary dead­ literature gradually, "Come In," said Mr. Farrell. ness existed. Now we are in a Doll ywood, says Mr. Farrell. to transfer the police radio equip­ I went in, introduced mysell, ment from AM to FM frequency, period of post-war disillusion­ Is a ty pical example. The mov­ ••• and in a Cigarette and got out a notebook and pen­ ment. Writers and the world in Ies have established set types and to meet expenditures from the cil for the encountel'. Consolidated lund due to rising general arc trying to evaluate the In everything. A woman must He was lounging on his bed. meaning and the consequences of have a set type of beauty. A costs. He looked a great deal more com­ A petition by Aage Christensen the war. picture must have a set b pe it's the Tobacco that'coun'ts to construct a coal pit on his park­ fortable than I was. lJe wtnt on to eXplain that for of attitU de. "U's inhuman, and way at 504 E. Burlington street I started by business and told many years In American literature It's unnatural." was rejected, The council ruled him something about The Daily there has been a definite lack of In discussing some of Amer­ such consruction should be con­ Iowan. He seemed interested. He serious thinking, a lack of clar­ ica's current writers, Mr. Farrell fined to the correct limits of the asked me what 1 wanted to know, i ty of expression. This makes it cited James M, Cain and John city building code. By this time we both WEl'e necessary for new writers to find Steinbeck as examples of typical The Iowa Service company was completely at cast, and I set about their own direction. "movie-tone" writers. They write the task of putting on paper what authorized to install a fire hydrant the sort of stuff thaI makes a the noted writer of American re­ Mr. Farrell o ld that In his I at the corner of Fourth street and movie plot. As Mr. Farrell ex­ ! alism thought about things in gen­ opinion there are probably sotoe Court avenue. . really 1"00d writers now In the pressed it, thEY over-simplify. A request by local plumbers to eral. Mr. Farrell Is extremely easy toakln &". They will catoe froto He liked Ernest Hemingway's appoint an assistant to the city the .young people who during "Tortilla Flat," but feels that now plumbing inspector was referred to talk with. We discussed wbt he would do during" bls two­ the war have been In the ser­ Hemingway has become stylized. to the sewage commitee for action. vice or in factories. It will It was agreed that a city ord­ week visit to the campus. ae I asked Mr. Farrell about his Q UA LlTY OF PRODUCT explained that most of bls time take tbem a few years to sbow future plans. He replied si mply nance alloting a $25 fi ne for in­ themselves, to , et tbelr feet on IS ESSE NTIAL TO stalling sewel'S without notifying would be spent with members that he would continue what he the city engineer should be en­ of tbe writers' workshop; an­ the ground and make theto­ has been doing during the past CONTINUING SUCCESS lorced. swering their questions, reading" selves beard. years-writing about people and The council has requested an­ their manuscripts and evaluating' But, as Mr. Farrell sees Lt, the about what he feels. , t .J:/MF.T. other company to send its parking and crlticlslnl tht ir work. chief problem the new young wri­ Mr. Farrell's latest volume, a meter to undergo tests by the uni­ In response to a leading ques­ ter faces is a serious one. At COllection of short sLo ries entitled versity engineering deparment. tion about the status and pros­ the presmt time in American lit­ "When Boyhood Dreams Come Four meters are now being consid­ pects of American literature, Mr. erature there Is a p~mium on True," will be published by Van­ ered. A definite answer on the Fa rrell smiled, paused and pro­ false, "watered down" WJ"iting, ~uard Press this fall. tests is to be presented at the next ceeded to say a great deal. meeUng. He pointed out that during the Casts, 'Crews An,nounc·ed for Two Plays To Be Presented by UHigh Drama Class Day Servic.e!

Casts and production crews for sisters; Alice Ferguson as the two Victorian plays to be pre­ Duch ess of Dlddlesex; Margaret sented at the univerSity theater Atherton as Lady Fanny, her Wednesday and Thursday by stu­ aaughter; Tom Brown as Lord Al­ dents of the un iversity high school gernon P enryhn, her son, and Varsity (leaners summer dramatics class h a v e Ralph Reeds as the buller. been announced by James L. Cas­ AU high school students attend­ aday, director. ing the five-week summer speech 23 B. W ••hlnlton - Faclnl the Campus "The Village With One GenUe­ course here, the cast members ( man," a parlor drama by Marion average 14 yea rs of age. Douglas, will be cast as follows: I -Now Open Under New Manllement- Ralpb Reeds as Mr, Brown, Direction assistants to Casaday are Barabara Hansen for "The Alice Ferguson a;s Mrs, Vane, Mary Lou Dean and Margaret Village With One Gentleman," Ann Heath as Mrs. Dix, Coralee and Verna Yarde for "The Vern­ Tallman and Patricia Tracy as eered Savage." Miss Matilda Dix, and Nancy Fisk The prodoctlon staff Inclodes, and Barabara Lewis as Miss Meredith Moyer, stKe manKer, Barnaby. assIstecl by Gus Cosman; ' Lucile Gloria Oberer will be cast as Onoiatoa, produetlon man.,er; Miss Francena Barnaby, Roberta Dorothy Hinde, property man­ Jenks as Miss Isabel Smith, Janie aaer. .... ted by Meredith Condon and Gwen Yenter 8S Miss Mo)'er. &lid Omar LeU, !leia; Hannah Staples, and Joy Jenks Casaday will riirect costuming, and Coralee Tallman 88 Miss assisted by K1!thryn Polyzou and Susan Lanes. Margaret Younge. Music for the "The Verneered 8 & V & If e," productions will be supervised by Grace Llvlnaatoo FaroJ.' larce Katherine Knight. of Ule ''''c, wID be .el III Lon­ Prof. Hunton D. Sellman of the daD &lid III & DlddJeaell caa&le dramatic arts department will be .... Eoalaod. The caM Is .. 101- In charie of lighting. His as­ Iowa: sistants include Axel Kleinsorg, Mary Beth Hogan and Patricia Laura Croncel, Mariaret Cottlnl­ Tracy as Lou Dayton. 8 Chicago ton and Frances Robbirm. belle; Nancy Fisk and Gwenn Scales as Madge Da:yton, her The White House in WlIlIllington. younger sister; Robert BallmtynefD. C., hal been p~ted white since U W~~ l!IaJen!!!e, cywW ~ U:lIIi .1.81j. __