- 'from Ihetle GOOD MORNIN.G, IOWA CITY! n, as , Continued fair and warmer is the forecast for to­ day. However, tne weatherman sees scattered thun­ owaJil der showers in the offing-they may arrive tonight. r.tabllabad 1868 Vol. 78, No. 259-AP NewB and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday. July 23-Five Cents • • • Ki e I I.ssing In' a e'stine ast --------------------~~--~--~.---------------------------------- * * * .. * Board Abandons Plans 'Jewish Terrorists' 'For City High' Stadium Blamed for Explosion JERUSALEl\{ tAP)-Tbe Palestine government annoUnced last night that 93 pel'SQl18, including 14 senior British and Pales­ Plans for construction of a and advertisement of bids would have been built at the City High tine officers, were killed outright or are missing under a "hug~ flO,OOO City High School footbaU be necessary before the money for schooi grounds. It had been pile of debris" jn t\le noon-time bombing of the palatial King stadium this year were aban- lights and seats could be spent. planned that new bleachers and David hotel. doned last night at a meeting of ~Iay estimated for fulfillment of bleachers moved to the site from The official announcement of the casualties was made shortly the school board. legal obligations was six weeks. Shrader field would accomodate after the Jewish agency e.x.pressed borror at the bombing and The board approved the $342,- Construction, which could not 3,400. '00' budget for 1946-47 submitted begin until requirements of law Plans for lighting included six called upon the .lewish community in Palestine "to l'ise up against at the last meeting, but cancelled were completed, would take an­ 80-foot metal towers mounted these abominable outl'ages." plans for the stadium when it lother estimated six weeks. with lights and reflectors. The Police attributed the attack to "Jewish terrorists." ·was learned that because of legal The board approved the pur­ towers were to be erccted behind Known casualties ,up to 9 :30 p. m., the Palestine government obligations and increased con- chase of bleachers seating 1,740 the ,bleachers so vision would not said, were 41 dead, including eight unidentified bodies, 52 miss· \ struction time, completion of the to supplement seatIng facilities at be impaired. Wiring would have iug in the wreckage and 53 injured. The missing include 12 lIeld would be delayed until near Shrader field at Longfellow been laid underground. senior British officers of the government secretariat and two then the end of the season. school, where games will be The $10,000 cost of the stadium senior Palestine officers of the attorney general's department. plc­ Investigation of state school played this fall as in past sea­ was included in the $352,700 bud­ The blast, which ripped through the secretariat and the head­ Indl- laws since the board meeting July sons. ·Bleachers now at the field get submitted July 10 by Iver quarters of the nrltlsh army, destroyed 25 rooms on five floors and 10, when the stadium was pro- will hold 2,000. A. Opstad, superintendent of. tore off a whole corner of the massive hotel. JIOsed, disclosed that a hearinB The proposed stadium was to schools, but was eliminated from A BOMB BLAST followed by fire wrecked the Britlsh Government secretariat and army headquarters • • • the budget last night when build· In the KIng David hotel in Palestine, Jerusalem. yesterday. Nlnety-Ihree persons were killed or misslnl". I_edlatel)' alter the ex,ploslon, the Jewish quarters of ing of the field was canceled. (AP WIREPHOTO) JerDIIlem were placed under a strict curfew. Fully-armed BrlUlh Applications of two teachers loldlers by the truckloads, accompauled by Bren cun carrlen, were accepted at the meeting. patrolled the cUy. May Cannot Appear The board hired Mrs. Almeda Reported Confessions Obtained by- Newman Peery to teach junior Responsible Jewish sources· ·promptly · blamed the attack on high school English. Mrs. Peery "either the Irgun Zval Leuml or the Stern gang" which they de­ taught English seven years at Iscribed as the more Irresponsible of tbe three underground JewiSh. At Today's Inquiry Ogden, Utah, and a year at Jack:­ Use ~ of Truth Serum on Heirens groups. sonvi lie, Florida. Witnesses to the explosion said a girl telephoned the hotel 15 minutes before the blast saying "your buildlng Is about to be WASHINGTON (AP) - Repre- "Due to press of constant legis­ Mrs. Melvin Heiler was accept­ ;.. , -May Revolutionize Criminology · • • 'W' l' ... bombed." .entative May (D., Ky.) declared lative duties, particularly those in ed as instructor in high school •• home economics. Shc taught The attack came just 23 days and eight hours after the British relation to the atomic control bill, army occupied the Jewish agency and arrested Jewish leaders in yesterday that because of the I will not be able to appear be­ from 1943 lo 19-16 at Amboy town­ CHICAGO-Use* '* o[ "*the amazing By JOHN*** F. 8EMBOWER The difference*** is that the aver­ "press of constant legislative ship high school. "truth serum " is compounding one Central Press Correspondent age person does not necessarily what was officiaUy described as an all-out campaign against terroris~ fore the committee on Tuesday, activities in Palestine. duties" he would be unable to ap- though there is no dispOSition on Francis A. Merten, former ath­ scnsational development upon an­ empioy scientific methods; he is ,Pear before. the senate war invest- my part to unduly delay my ap­ letics instructor, was granled an­ other in the eHorts to connect 17· in which it was used to pry se­ merely an amateur looking for a • • • other year's leave of absence. year-old William Heirens, the shifty glance, a tell-tale facial ex­ The blast, described by a British officer as equivalent to the lI&ting committee today In re- pearance pursuant to the comrrut­ ctets from captured enemy and to explosion of a 500-POUD4 bomb, broke windows tbroua-hout Now serving in the army, he will "splJt-personality kid," with thc loosen the tongues of psych 0- pression, or some other indication sponse to its subpoena. tee's subpoena and I feel I will Jerusalem and lnJureti a a~ber of personl some distance from He said In a statement to news-,I be able to make this appe<lrance not be discharged tor at least kidnaping and siayi ng last spring neurotics among the war wounded that wil1 cause him to discount another year, according to a let­ of little six-year-old Susan Deg­ what he hears. Now science makes the hotel wbich standi atop a _raduall,. slopln&, hut overlookina' men, however, that "I feel I will at an early date. so that doctors could heal their tbe buslnesa dlltrict. ter read to the board by Super­ nan . minds, the drug ha s such great a much colder and more penetrat­ be able to make this appearance There is not and never has been intendent Opstad. • • • at an early date." The statement an iota of doubt about my desir­ Far-reaching implications for potentialities that it challenges the ing appraisal. As word of the mysterious call spread, air raid sirens atop the The board disclosed that dty crime detection in the future may imagination. Because it is lSuch a revolution- hotel and throughout the city were touched off. While an excited, added that "arrangements" for Ing an opportunity to reply fully schools will open September 9. the appearance "are now under to innuendos, insinuations, deduc­ lie in the SCientific methods which The idea of a "truth serum," or sry device, the "truth serum" may crowd stood In the street outside the hotel I 18 young men, six of .dlscusslon." tions, and the like which have re- appear to have bl'en used to in­ some such means for exactly de­ face as stormy a career in itB way them dressed as Arabs appeared in a long corridor of 1he basement The chairman of the house mlll- suited from the hearings before duce the Chicago youth to babble termining the truth, has been one as that of the atomic bomb. It of the King David . ' ~r, committee, whose name has the Mead committee. My willing­ Miller's Death ,Opens semi-consciously about that "othel' of the quests of the ages. Since may have cracked wide open one One British oUicer said the young men spoke Hebrew. A British figured in nUmerous angles of the ness to appea r WII!S clearly stated self" which may have led him to many centuries before the birth of the most baffling crimes, much major, suspecting their objective, shouted at the group to halt and inquiry, reiterated that he feels In my letter of July 13, in which, become a one-man crime wave at of Christ and even in prjmitive as the bomb made its debut by reached for his automatic pistol. ,entltled to be represented by as in my letter of July 12, I asked Race I,or Nomination night after he put away his books ciVilizations, there has been a ron­ breaking the back of Japan, but The youths dressed as Arabs fired at him but missed. They rushed counsel and to have the right to to be granted an opportunity to as a capable student at the Uni­ stant search for some means of already there is talk of outlawing upon him, however, pinned him to the wall and produced tommy cross-examiQe witnesses and sub- cross.examine, present witnesses, DES MOINES (AP)-A wide­ versity of Chicago in the day­ sifting the true from the false In it. I ts use is considered too dras- guns. poena documents. and to have produced documents open race for the Republican time.
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