Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 30, 2018 OUR 128th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 35-2018 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] ONE DOLLAR Kehler Stadium Work to Start In Spring After Bid Objection By SARAH McGRAIL later than planned, there would have Extensive work on the district’s Specially Written for The Westfield Leader been a risk of losing the stadium for 10 schools has been carried out over WESTFIELD — Work will start the spring season as well as the fall. the summer. in the spring of 2019 to replace the Ms. Sullivan said there were some Superintendent of Schools Mar- field and the athletic track at Kehler advantages to carrying out the work garet Dolan, Ed.D., said, “Mainte- Stadium as the weather allows. in the spring. nance workers and custodians It will be possible to do inside “That was a tight time frame and, worked throughout the summer work, such as the bathrooms, over to be honest, with the rain we had cleaning, repairing and updating the winter, Business Administrator this summer, I don’t think that over 900,000 square feet in our Dana Sullivan told board of educa- project would have been done,” she buildings.” tion members Tuesday night. said. Floors in the cafeterias at the high Ms. Sullivan reminded the board She added that Westfield High school and both middle schools were that the project to renovate Kehler School Athletic Director Sandy replaced and all classrooms in ev- was put out for bids in March 2017 Mamary “felt it was easier to move ery school now have air-condition- and was due to start when school and accommodate the spring sea- ing, Ms.