Birding with Jim and Cindy

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Birding with Jim and Cindy CHEEPERS SPRING 2014 TRIP REPORT BY COMMON NAME Tinamidae Cathartidae Little Tinamou Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Anatidae King Vulture Blue-winged Teal Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Pandionidae Masked Duck Osprey Cracidae Accipitridae Gray-headed Chachalaca Roadside Hawk Common Black-Hawk Phaethontidae Swainson´s Hawk Red-billed Tropicbird Broad-winged Hawk Double-toothed Kite Fregatidae Plumbeous Kite Magnificent Frigatebird Swallow-tailed Kite Ornate Hawk-Eagle Sulidae White-tailed Kite Brown Booby Falconidae Pelecanidae Laughing Falcon Brown Pelican Peregrine falcon Yellow-headed Caracara Ardeidae Crested Caracara Yellow-crowned Nigth-Heron Green Heron Rallidae Cattle Egret Gray-necked Wood-rail Little Blue Heron White-throated Crake Great Egret American Coot Great Blue Heron Purple Gallinule Tricolored Heron Common Moorhen Snowy Egret Boat-billed Heron Charadriidae Least Bittern Collared Plover Black-bellied Plover Threskiornithidae Semipalmated Plover Green Ibis Southern Lapwing Wilson's Plover Jacanidae Caprimulgidae Northern Jacana Lesser Nighthawk Recurvirostridae Nyctibiidae Black-necked Stilt Common Potoo Scolopacidae Apodidae Solitary Sandpiper White-collar Swift Spotted sandpiper Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Ruddy turnstone Gray-rumped Swift Sanderling Greater Yellowlegs Trochilidae Least Sandpiper Long-billed Hermit Pectoral Sandpiper Stripe-throated Hermit Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Laridae White-necked Jacobin Royal Tern Violet-crowned Woodnymph Sandwich Tern Band-tailed Barbthroat Laughing Gull Blue-chested Hummingbird Franklin´s Gull Purple-crowned Fairy Green-breasted Mango Stercorariidae Bronzy Hermit Parasitic Jaeger Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer Columbidae Trogonidae Short-billed Pigeon Gartered Trogon (Violaceous Trogon) Pale-vented Pigeon Orange-bellied Trogon Blue Ground-Dove Ruddy Ground-Dove Momotidae Rock Pigeon Rufous Motmot White-tipped Dove Alcedinidae Psittacidae Ringed Kingfisher Red-lored Parrot American Pygmy Kingfisher Blue-headed Parrot Green Kingfisher Mealy Parrot Amazon Kingfisher Olive-throated Parakeet Crimson-fronted Parakeet Semnornithidae Sulphur-winged Parakeet Prong-billed Barbet Cuculidae Ramphastidae Groove-billed Ani Keel-billed Toucan Squirrel Cuckoo Collared Aracari Picidae Cotingidae Black-cheeked Woodpecker Purple-throated Fruitcrow Lineated Wookpecker Snowy Cotinga Acorn Woodpecker Pipridae Furnariidae Red-capped Manakin Plain Xenops Golden-collared Manakin Streak-headed Woodcreeper White-collared Manakin Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Tityridae Thamnophilidae Black-crowned Tityra Western Slaty-Antshrike Masked Tityra Chestnut-backed Antbird Cinnamon Becard Dot-winged Antwren Vireonidae Tyrannidae Red-eye Vireo Great Kiskadee Yellow-throated Vireo Boat-billed Flycatcher Lesser Greenlet Tropical Kingbird Panama Flycatcher Corvidae Olive-sided Flycatcher Black-chested Jay Tropical Pewee Brown Jay Eastern Kingbird Great Creasted Flycatcher Hirundinidae Dusky-caped Flycatcher Barn Swallow Social Flycatcher Mangroove Swallow Bright-rumped Attila Gray-breasted Martin Common Tody-Flycatcher Blue-and-white Swallow Yellow-bellied Elaenia Southern Rough-winged Swallow Gray-capped Flycatcher Long-tailed Tyrant Troglodytidae Torrent Tyrannulet Bay Wren Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant House Wren Acadian or Willow Flycatcher Black-throated Wren Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher Plain Wren Streaked Flycatcher Paltry Tyrannulet Polioptilidae Stub-tailed Spadebill Tropical Gnatcatcher Black Phoebe Long-billed Gnatwren Golden-bellied Flycatcher Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Cinclidae American Dipper Turdidae Emberizidae Clay-colored Thrush Nicaraguan Seed-Finch Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Blue-black GrassQuit Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush Variable Seedeater White Collared Seedeater Mimidae Yellow-faced GrassQuit Gray Catbird Black-striped Sparrow Thick-billed Seed-Finch Parulidae Northern Waterthrush Cardinalidae Yellow Warbler Summer Tanager Tennessee Warbler Scarlet Tanager Chestnut-sided Warbler Red-throated Ant Tanager Canada Warbler Blue-black Grosbeak Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Dickcissel Blackburnian Warbler Black-faced Grosbeak Buff-rumped Warbler Flame-colored Tanager Tropical Parula Black-thighed Grosbeak Common Yellowthroat Icteridae Coerebidae Montezuma Oropendola Bananaquit Great-tailed Grackle Black-cowled Oriole Thraupidae Baltimore Oriole Blue-gray Tanager Red-Breasted Blackbird Palm Tanager Chestnut-headed Oropendola Tawny-crested Tanager Giant Cowbird Scarlet-thighed Dacnis Bronzed Cowbird Blue Dacnis Passerini´s Tanager Fringillidae (Formerly Scarlet-rumped Tanager) White-vented Euphonia Red-legged Honeycreeper Olive-backed Euphonia Green Honeycreeper Tawny-capped Euphonia Plain-colored Tanager Elegant Euphonia White-lined Tanager Thick-billed Euphonia Golden-hooded Tanager Buff-throated Saltator Passeridae Emerald Tanager House Sparrow Black-headed Saltator Blue-and-gold Tanager Silver-throated Tanager Dusky-faced Tanager Speckled Tanager Bay-headed Tanager .
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