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TM officeinsight 4 1706 all ignorance toboggans into know e.e. cummings West Edge Emergent Solutions: Where IIDA/NY Pioneering Design Langdon Wilson: Tomorrow’s Design and Organization Series: The High Line Design Meet Classroom Today Team Six design firms. On Tuesday, An office’s physical space should take Six environments. April 11, IIDA/NY into account the type of workplace A 600 sq.-ft. space. presented The business owners envision. This is And a whole lot of High Line De- what Dave Ancel, Ed.D, Emergent manufacturers. sign team, its’ Solutions, Inc., discussed at NeoCon second install- West in a seminar called “The Future ment in its Pio- neering Design Series. of Workplace Design.” Full Story, page 3 Full Story, page 5 Full Story, page 8 NeoCon West: Allsteel Break- fast Pritzker Prize Winner: Who? The Calibre Awards On the second day of NeoCon West, In the 28-year The 18th an- a rainy Tuesday in LA, Allsteel invited existence of nual IIDA industry professionals to a breakfast the $100,000 Southern Cal- at its downtown LA showroom (444 S. Pritzker Prize ifornia Cali- Flower Blvd.). for architec- bre Awards ture, it has took place on never gone to March 28th anyone as lit- at the Beverly tle known in- Hilton. ternationally as this year’s winner. It is safe to say that 99% or more of U.S. architects have never be- fore heard of Paulo Mendes da Rocha from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Full Story, page 10 Full Story, page 12 Special Feature Departments Business/Tech Material of the Week 4th Quarter Financial Review Noteworthy Re-Sited Financial Affairs Projects Industry Stock Prices Events Job Site officeinsightTM 04.17.06 2 of 18 Tickets are selling out fast for Boston, New York & Dallas.
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