SCALDWELL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 17TH FEBRUARY 2021 MINUTES Chairman: Councillor Dudley Cross Clerk: Katrina Jones, 77 High Street, Naseby, Northants NN6 6DD Email:
[email protected] Website: Minutes of the Scaldwell Parish Council Meeting Held on Wednesday 17th February 2021 at 7.30pm Online via Zoom Present: Cllrs D Cross (Chairman), M Vinton, D Masterson Jones and J Monk. In attendance: Katrina Jones (Clerk), Kevin Parker (District Councillor) and four members of the public. 20/211 To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence: It was RESOLVED to approve apologies from Cllrs E Amirak and P Long. Cllr Jonathan Harris (District Councillor) also gave apologies. 20/212 To receive any dispensations or declarations of interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct related to business items on the agenda: None. 20/213 To resolve that the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings on 20th January and 27th January 2021 are a true and accurate record, and then signed by the Chairman: It was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 20th January 2021 and 27th January 2021 as a true and accurate record and they were duly signed by the Chairman. 20/214 Public address: District Cllr Kevin Parker reported that the planning application concerning the land west of Mercedes was being appealed. A member of the public who will be standing in the elections for the new unitary authority gave a report in place of District Cllr Jonathan Harris with updates regarding Daventry District Council and the shadow authority. It was noted that there will be a Zoom meeting for candidates for West Northamptonshire Council, Town Councils and Parish Councils on 3rd March 5.30 pm.