Women Are Twice As Likely As Men to Have PTSD. You Just Don't Hear
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Burden of War Women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD. You just don’t hear about it. BY ALEX HANNAFORD JUNE | 2014 IN THIS ISSUE ON THE COVER: ILLUSTRATION BY EDEL RODRIGUEZ Above: Crystal Bentley, who spent most of her childhood as a ward of the state, now advocates for improving foster care in Texas. PHOTO BY PATRICK MICHELS 18FOSTERING NEGLECT Foster care reforms are supposed to fix a flawed system. They could end up making things worse. by EMILY DEPRANG and BETH CORTEZ-NEAVEL Don’t CaLL THEM VICTIMS CULTURE Women veterans are twice as likely Building a better brick in Mason as men to experience PTSD. Nobody by Ian Dille OBSERVER 10 wants to talk about that. 26 by Alex Hannaford ONLINE Check out award-winning REGULARS 07 BIG BEAT 34 THE BOOK REPORT 42 POEM work by The 01 DIALOGUE Immigration reformers The compassionate Drift MOLLY National POLITICAL need to do it for imagination of by Christia 02 Journalism Prize INTELLIGENCE themselves Sarah Bird Madacsi Hoffman 06 STATE OF TEXAS by Cindy Casares by Robert Leleux winners—chosen 08 TYRANT’s FOE 43 STATE OF THE MEDIA by a distinguished 09 EdITORIAL 32 FILM 36 DIRECT QUOTE Rick Perry throws good panel of judges 09 BEN SARGENT’s Joe Lansdale’s genre- Buffalo soldiering in money after bad and announced at LOON STAR STATE bending novel Cold Balch Springs by Bill Minutaglio our annual prize in July jumps to the as told to Jen Reel dinner June 3—at big screen 44 FORREST FOR THE TREES texasobserver.org by Josh Rosenblatt 38 POSTCARDS Getting frivolous with The truth is out there? Greg Abbott by Patrick Michels by Forrest Wilder 45 EYE ON TEXAS by Sandy Carson A JOURNAL OF FREE VOICES since 1954 OBSERVER VOLUME 106, NO. 6 DIALOGUE FOUNDING EDITOR Ronnie Dugger Liberal Ploy Revealed EDITOR Dave Mann MANAGING EDITOR Brad Tyer So-called global warming is just a secret ploy by wacko tree-huggers to make ASSOCIATE EDITOR Forrest Wilder America energy-independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel effi- MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Jen Reel st WEB EDITOR Jonathan McNamara ciency of our vehicles, kick-start 21 -century industries, and make our cities POLITICS WRITER Christopher Hooks safer and more livable (“What Climate Change Means for Texas in 11 Charts,” STAFF WRITER Melissa del Bosque STAFF WRITER Emily DePrang May 8, texasobserver.org). Don’t let them get away with it, right-wingers! (For STAFF WRITER Patrick Michels the educationally impaired, you might want to do some research on the differ- PUBLISHER Emily Williams CONTROLLER Krissi Trumeter ence between weather and climate change.) Karey Cummins p o s t e d at texasobserver . o r g MEMBERSHIP MANAGER Jacqueline Galvan ART DIRECTION EmDash POETRY EDITOR Naomi Shihab Nye Who, Us Sue? A Good Rep COPY EDITOR David Duhr “Licensed to KiLL” (May 1, texasobserver.org) is a sad that Lon burnaM Won’t be bacK in the house CONTRIBUTING WRITERS cautionary tale about so-called tort reform and (“Lon Gone: An Ode to the Texas house’s Loneliest Lou Dubose, Saul Elbein, what happens in Republican-controlled states Liberal,” May 8, texasobserver.org). We need more Alex Hannaford, Carolyn where corporations have rights but citizens don’t. people like him to fight for the rest of us true believers. Jones, Steven G. Kellman, Robert Leleux, James Jack Hughes Lou Anne Savage McWilliams, Bill Minutaglio, p o s t e d at texasobserver . o r g p o s t e d at fa c e b o o K . c o M / texasobserver Priscila Mosqueda, Robyn Ross, Ellen Sweets CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRapHERS Alan Pogue, Matt Wright-Steel Bring Back the Bias Making the Scene the idea that a poLiticaL journaList couLd report his What an exceLLent story (“Laid to rest in CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS subject without becoming involved in it has always huntsville,” March issue). Last year I spent several Michael Krone, Ben Sargent struck me as a bit weird (“Reviewing The Watchdog hours at Peckerwood hill, trying to take it all in. INTERNS That Didn’t Bite: The Financial Crisis and the Disap- There are surreal sights just about everywhere you Mikaela Rodriguez, Krystal Carr, Beth Bond pearance of Investigative Journalism,” March 27, texa- go in huntsville, starting with the Walls Unit being sobserver.org). And anyway, even if one could, why right there in the heart of town, and Robyn Ross TEXAS DEMOCRACY FOUNDATION BOARD would anyone want to read the resulting drivel? Bet- captures it all: the frat house, the busy street, the Carlton Carl, Melissa Jones, ter to have a Glenn Greenwald-type who says, look, numbered crosses and collapsed graves. I guess it is Susan Longley, Jim Marston, here are my biases, read while understanding them. redundant to point out the irony of the dignity and Mary Nell Mathis, Ronald Rapoport, Peter Ravella, Katie Ronald Pires respect extended to the dead here in Texas, where Smith, Vince LoVoi, Ronnie p o s t e d at texasobserver . o r g far too many people are warehoused in prisons for Dugger (emeritus) drug offenses, and the state continues the medieval OUR MISSION practice of capital punishment. We will serve no group or party Jesse Sublett but will hew hard to the truth Dallas’ Charter as we find it and the right as p o s t e d at texasobserver . o r g we see it. We are dedicated Starter to the whole truth, to human hat happens in allas Will spread ot for har values above all interests, to W d (“h c - the rights of humankind as the ter: Inside the Radical Play to Reinvent Dallas foundation of democracy. We Schools,” March 19, texasobserver.org). It will kill will take orders from none but our own conscience, and never public education, placing it in the hands of an un- will we overlook or misrepresent elected few. It is in the interest of all Texans to help the truth to serve the interests us stop them. The Texas GOP has had over 20 years to of the powerful or cater to the ignoble in the human spirit. do something with schools. Now the powerful few say Sound Off they can’t live under the system they helped to create? CONTACT US 307 W. 7th St., Austin, Texas Diane Birdwell [email protected] 78701, (512) 477-0746 p o s t e d at texasobserver . o r g or comment on facebook.com/texasobserver and texasobserver.org JUNE 2014 ThE TE xAS OBSERvER | 1 POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE BORDER DISPatch In Search of Asylum on May 3, a group of 61 Men, WoMen and chiLdren the United States is the safer choice. walked across the hidalgo International Bridge near But many never reach their destination. In McAllen to seek political asylum. At least 48 of the Mexico, hondurans and other Central Americans immigrants were fleeing honduras, which has the are often beaten, raped, kidnapped or even highest murder rate in the world. killed by police and organized crime members, READ more about conditions in Honduras The men, women and children who arrived in the especially while riding on top of the north-bound at txlo.com/hon Rio Grande valley on that first Saturday in May had freight train known as “The Beast.” On April 15, been on an odyssey through Mexico that began in about 1,000 Central American migrants, Catholic mid-April. They were part of an exodus of Central priests, activists and reporters began a Viacrucis Americans, and hondurans in particular, many of del Migrante—via crucis is Latin for “stations of whom are robbed, extorted and persecuted on the the cross”—marching from Mexico’s southern journey through Mexico to the U.S. border to Mexico City to protest the mistreatment Since a 2009 coup ousted democratically elected of Central American migrants. Along the way the Hundreds of Central President Manuel Zelaya, honduras has unraveled. protest swelled to at least 1,500, with more Central American migrants walk through Chiapas, Mexico, The country of eight million now has the greatest American migrants joining after they had recently on their way to the U.S. income inequality in Latin America, and crime and been barred by the railway companies from riding on April 18. Many are now seeking asylum. violence have skyrocketed. An increasing number of The Beast north. The Mexican government also © PROMETEO LUCERO/ZUMA hondurans are fleeing; they believe the risky trip to began a massive roundup of Central American 2 | ThE TE xAS OBSERvER WWW.TExasobservER.org POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE migrants, many of whom were beaten, arrested and many other components, the law mandates that busi- TRIVIATEXAS deported, according to reports in the Mexican press. ness owners let people use bathrooms matching the Is Rick Perry But instead of stopping at the capital, a core group gender they identify with and express rather than running in 2016? of about 400 protesters kept marching north into the the gender assigned them at birth. Woodfill zeroes When asked on state of Tamaulipas, which borders Texas and is one of in on this exclusively, claiming, “[t]here are many Meet the Press the most dangerous regions of Mexico. On May 2, they examples of men who have gained access to women’s recently about arrived on the outskirts of Reynosa, where gun battles bathrooms and other facilities because of ordinances running for were raging between the military and splinter groups like the Mayor’s,” then gives an example of a person president, Perry of the Gulf Cartel. The city is suffering its worst episode who committed sexual assault in a women’s bath- said Americans of violence since 2010, when the Zetas split from the room, apparently conflating the two actions.